1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Parcel Post.
2: Quebec (Canada) pre-adhesive postmark.
3: Quetzal; currency unit in Guatemala.

Qarku: inscription on stamps of Albania.
Qarku Postes I Korces: inscription/overprint Albania military forces, 1918.
Qatar: peninsula in eastern Arabia; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee, 100 dirhams = 1 riyal (1967) 1950-pre: stamps as Bahrain, 1950-57: used stamps of Muscat, 1956, Feb. 1: British postal agency opened, 1957, April 1: No.1, 1 naye paise on 5 pence light brown, “Qatar” overprint on stamps of Great Britain, surcharged with values in Indian currency, 1961, Sept. 2: stamps of Qatar, 1963, May 23: Qatar took over its own postal services, 1969, Jan. 31: joined the UPU 1971, Sept. 1: full independence.
Q. D. C. Quam / Quem Deus conservet: which (or whom) God preserve; used about middle of 17th century, died out about 1815; term for a manuscript endorsement on early ship letters; implying a prayer by the sender for the protection of the ship and her master.
QE: Scott Catalog number prefix for Special Handling (U.S., Austria, Bosnia).
Q.E.II: abbreviation for Queen Elizabeth II.
Qeverija Demokrat(ike) e Shqiperise 22-X-1944: overprint on stamps of Italy, issued for liberation of Albania from the Germans in 1944, issued in1945.
QI: Scott Catalog number prefix for Postal Insurance..
QIND, QINDAR, QINTAR: currency unit in Albania.
Qishu: Mahra Sultanate in Eastern Aden protectorate, became part of the People’s Republic of Yemen.
QNE: variety for ONE on the ninth stamp in the 15th row on the value tablet in stamp sheets
QO: Scott Catalog number prefix for Parcel Post Official (Guyana).
Quabrado: (Port.) broken.
Quadrado: (Port.) square.
Quadratausschnitt: (Ger.) cut square
Quadrato: (It.) square.
Quadriglia: (It.) quadrille.
Quadrille paper: 1: a page ruled in faint squares as guides for making a range of layout arrangements with stamps or covers. 2: Gegittert (Ger.); Quadrettato (It.); Cuadriculado (Sp.)
Quadrilliert: (Ger.) Quadrilled
Quadripartite labels: postal labels made up of four parts; divided by roulette or perforation.
Quadripartition: four stamps that together form a completed design.
Quadrisect stamps: term used for 1931 Nicaraguan stamps where stamp fragments were permitted when supplies of normal low-value stamps ran short.
Qu’aiti State in Hadhramaut: Arab sultanate on borders on the Gulf of Aden; 1891: forwarding agents in Aden handled mail, 1937, April 22: first stamps as Aden, 1939: postal union between Aden and protected states signed, 1942, July: first stamps issued, “Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla,” 1955: Protectorate State of Hadhramaut, 1963, Oct. 20: last issue; replaced by Federation of South Arabia; see Aden States.
Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla: Aden, East Aden Protectorate, 1955 1942: No.1, ½ anna blue green, first stamp, 1955: became Hadhramaut, 1963, Oct. 20: last issue; replaced by Federation of South Arabia; see Aden.
Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla: found in Scott Catalogue, Volume 1 after Aden-Kathiri State of Seiyun.
Quaker postmark: where the month is designated by a number and not name; The Society of Friends is opposed to the pagan naming of the months.
Quarnero Islands: see Carnaro, Fiume.
Quan Buu: military stamps of Viet Nam, 1960s.
Quantity Known (Reported to Exist): Unique: only one copy known. Very Rare: Fewer than 10 copies known. Rare: Fewer than 25 copies known. Very Scarce: Fewer than 50 copies known. Scarce: Fewer than 100 copies known.
Quarter: the fourth part of a divisible stamp; example is the 1857 issue of Brunswick with individual values of a quarter gutegroschen which prepaid the lowest postal rate.
Quartina: (It.) block of four.
Quartz lamp: a lamp with a quartz filament that shows repairs or tampering on stamps; used for observing phosphors.
Quatrefoil watermark: see Rosace.
Quattrino: unit of currency in the Italian state of Tuscany until 1860.
Queen Anne Act of 1710: provided for a chief or a General Post office in New York, subordinate to Her Majesty’s Postmaster General in London with rates fixed by the British Parliament in 1710.
Queen Elizabeth II, 60th Birthday: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1986.
Queen Elizabeth II, 65th Birthday: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1991.
Queen Elizabeth II, Accession to Throne: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1992.
Queen Elizabeth II, 70th Birthday: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1996.
Queen Maud Land: bogus, 1969.
Queen Mother 85th Birthday: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1985.
Queen Mother 90th Birthday: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1990.
Queen Mother’s Century: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1999.
Queen’s College: local, United Kingdom, Cambridge, 1883.
Queen’s head: term for stamps depicting Queen Victoria.
Queensland: northeastern part of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1851: stamps as New South Wales, 1859: became a separate colony, sunburst design as cancel, 1860, Jan. 26-Nov.1: used stamps of New South Wales, 1860, Nov.1: No.1, 1 penny deep rose, first stamp; used Chalon Head stamps, 1861: first registration stamp, 1866: first postal fiscal stamp, 1882: postal treaty with Hong Kong permitted stamps of both countries used when posted aboard ships, 1884-91: stamps of Queensland used in British New Guinea, 1891: joined the UPU, 1900, June 19: first semipostal stamp, 1901: part of the six British Colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913: stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia used; see Australia.
Queensland Railways: railway stamps promoted the “Golden Casket” a state lottery to used to frank letters and packages shipped via the railroad.
Queensland Railways: Australia railways local post.
Queens, Large, Small: large Queens of Canada ; size change to allow 200 small Queens to be printed in the same space as100 Large Queens (1868); small (1870-97).
Queen Victoria: the Penny Black, first postage stamp issued in 1840, as well as many other stamps, bears her image.
Quelimane: river port of Mozambique Province; Portuguese East Africa; currency: 100 centavos = 1 escudo 1894: Portuguese Colonies stamps overprinted Zambezia, 1898: King Carlos key type stamps issued, 1902: overprint “Provisoria,” 1913: No.1, 1/4 centavos on ½ avo blue-green, “Republica Quelimane” overprint on stamps of Macao, Portuguese Africa, Timor, 1914: “Quelimane” inscription on stamps of Portugal, 1922: replaced by stamps of Mozambique; see Tete.
Quelimane: overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies; Macao, Portuguese Africa, Timor, 1914: “Quelimane” inscription on stamps of Portugal, 1922: stamps of Mozambique; see Tete.
Quepol: one of the Sicmon Islands in the South Pacific created by Nick Bantock for his book, Griffin & Sabine.
Quer: (Ger.) diagonal.
Queretaro: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Quettan Republic: bogus African nation.
Quetzel: currency unit in Guatemala.
Quind(t)ar: currency unit in Albania.
Quinta de Goya: (Sp.) inscription for the centenary of the death of Goya, 1930, Spain.
Quito: city in Ecuador; Quito to Guayaquil Railway Company used a five-pointed star overprint in 1902.
Quittances: (Fr.) receipts; French Colonies revenue inscription
Quittances du Tresor: (Fr.) treasurer’s receipt; French Colonies revenue inscription
Quittung: (Ger.) receipt.
Quotazione: (It.) price.
QV: abbreviation for Queen Victoria
QY: Scott Catalog number prefix for Parcel Post Authorized Delivery (Italy).



1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Norway, such as N-1390 Vollen, Norway.
2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Regular Issues.
3: abbreviation for normal (price).
4: with eagle and United States of America: New Hampshire Custom House revenue seal.
5: Naira; currency unit in Nigeria; Ngultrum, (Bhutan).
6: pre-adhesive postmark for Nantes (France), Newport (England), Norfolk (England).

NAAFI: 1: Navy, Army and Air Forces Institutes, British equivalent of the American post exchange stores. 2: British forces in the Canal Zone used NAAFI (Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes) seals to send mail at reduced rates, 1932-36.
NA&NE: North American and North Europe (Sp.) 1830-63.
Nabha: India Convention State, southeastern Punjab; 1885: Nabha State overprint on stamps of India valid throughout Indian Empire, 1885: No.1, ½ anna green, first official stamp, 1950, Apr.1: Republic of India stamps used, 1950, Dec. 31: convention states stamps no longer valid, 1951, Jan. 1: overprint on stamps of British India for use to any point in British India.
Nacervenaly: (Czech.) reddish (color).
Nach Abgang der Post: (Ger.) after postal departure.
Nachart-Ghedid: city in Egypt, 1880, See Interpostal Seals.
Nachdruck: (Ger.) reprint.
Nachfrankatur: (Ger.) postage stamps added to cover postage due.
Nachgebühr: (Ger.) postage due handstamp, usually in red ink.
Nachgravierung: (Ger.) re-entry.
Nachgummiert: (Ger.) regummed.
Nachicevan: labels from part of Azerbaijan, political statement by then president Alier Chaw.
Nachläufer: (Ger.) stamp postally used after it ceased to be valid.
Nachmarke: (Ger.) with value, postage due overprint on stamps of Austria.
Nachnahme: (Ger.) cash on delivery, C.O.D.
Nach Porto:
 “After postage” inscription on postage due stamps of Liechtenstein.
Nachportomarke: (Ger.) postage due stamp.
Nachträglich entwertet: (Ger.) stamped letter not cancelled at post office of origin, but canceled at a postal facility afterwards.
Nachträglich zur beförderung freigegeben: (Ger.) released for delayed delivery.
Nachzahlungsgebühr: (Ger.) postage due.
Naciones Unidas: (Sp.) United Nations.
Nadelstich: (Ger.) pin hole.
Nådendal: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890-1900.
Nadorp: Donald Evans issue, Holland; See Evans, Donald.
Nádrazí: (Czech.) railroad station, railway station, train station.
Nadruck: “reprint” Netherlands, 1852. Nagaland: India propaganda label prepared for a seceding state that was unable to secede
Nagorno-Karabakh: cinderella local post for disputed enclave in Azerbaijan that declared independence in 1992.
Några: (Swed.) few.
Nagybritannia: (Hung.) Great Britain. Nagybritannia Gyarmatai: (Hung.) British Colonies.
Nagybritannia Terúletei: (Hung.) Great Britain post offices abroad.
Nai-Kiang: Southwest China local post, 1950.
Naira: currency unit in Nigeria.
Nakada: city in Egypt, 1884, See Interpostal Seals.
Nakfa: currency unit in Eritrea.
Nakhichevan: autonomous enclave in Azerbaijan.
Náklad: (Czech.) printing.
Nálepkou: (Czech.) stamp hinge
Nálepky: (Czech.) stamp hinges.
Nålestik: (Dan.) pin hole.
Nålestikk: (Nor.) pin hole.
Nålstick: (Swed.) pin hole.
Name block: U.S. Overrun Countries issues have names of each country in the selvage, blocks of stamps bearing those country names are known as name blocks.
Name Sale: auction catalog that features a person’s name or the topic of the sale.
Name tablet: part of the plate that prints the country name.
Namibia: southwestern Africa on Atlantic Ocean, formerly South West Africa; official name of postal administration: Namibia Post currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 rand (1961), 100 cents = 1 dollar (1993) 1923:, Jan. 2: “Zuid-West Afrika” overprint on stamps of South Africa, 1926: “South West Africa” and “Suidwes-Afrika” overprint on stamps of South Africa, 1990, Mar.21: first stamp issue for Namiba, 1992, April 30: joined the UPU, see South West Africa.
Namibie: (Fr.) Namibia. Namsos Bypost: city in Norway, local post, 1888-89.
Namodraly: (Czech.) bluish (color).
Namsos: Seaport in Nord-Trøndelag county, N central Norway, on the N shore at head of the Namsen Fjord ca.330 miles N of Oslo. Local Post established by W. B. Bogh, with set-of-4 2, 4, 8, and 10 øre “Namsos / Bypost” lithographed local stamps depicting a fish issued 5 July 1888, and with the 8 and 10 øre values of the set being surcharged with new values issued in March 1889. The stamps are cancelled with a double-ring violet “Namsos-Bypost” circular datestamps having a date. The local post ceased operations effective 30 June 1889.
N & C. (Newbauer & Co.): See Private die match proprietary stamps.
Nandgaon (Nandgam): India Feudatory State; 1892, Feb.: first local stamps, 1893: first official stamps, 1895, July: stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India.
Nanking: city on south bank of Yangtze River, about 200 miles above Shanghai; 1858: treaty port, 1896-97: local stamp, 1912: stamps of China overprinted “Republic of China” for Nanking, 1941, Dec. 23-1945: special stamps issued under Japanese occupation, 1944: stamps issued for government of Nanking, 1994: stamps surcharged for North China.
Nanumaga: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nanumaga.
Nanumea: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nanumea.
Na Oswiate: “For Public Instruction” inscription on stamps of Poland semi-postal.
Naoua: city in Egypt, 1879-80, See Interpostal Seals.
Nap, Napli: Naples (Italy) pre-adhesive postmark.
Naphthadag: a trade name for a composition of Naphtha and Deflocculated Acheson’s Graphite, used for graphite lines printed on the back of some British stamps used in connection with automatic sorting experiments, 1957.
Naples: coastal city in lower portion of Italy; currency: 200 tornesi = 100 grana = 1 ducat 1816: part of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, Italian States, 1858, Jan. 1: both parts, Naples and Sicily, issued their own stamps, 1860, Nov. 6: stamps issued for Naples and Sicily under control of Gen. Garibaldi, 1861, Feb. 15: stamps issued by the provinces of Naples and Sicily, 1862: stamps of Italy used, annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia. see Sicily
Napoli: (It.) Naples.
NAPT: National Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis of Great Britain, semi-postal.
Nära klippt: (Swed.) cut close, cut to design.
Narancs: (Hung.) orange (color).
Narancssárga: (Hung.) orange-yellow (color).
Narcotic tax stamps: “Narcotics” overprint on conventional U. S. revenue stamps used on shipments of opium, coca leaves, etc., denominated in currency, 1919-71.
Narod sobé: (Czech.) “Nation for Itself” label for Czech national theater, 1860s.
Narrow stamp: slightly small size perforated stamp caused by the action of multiple comb perforating machinery; found at intervals of eleven rows in the Union of South Africa rotogravure stamps.
Naruzovely: (Czech.) pinkish (color).
Nashville, Tenn.: See Confederate States of America, 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Nashville, T, Tenn. Paid 5: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Na Skarb Narodowy: (Pol.) “For National Funds” Poland semi-postal.
Na Slask: “For Silesia” surcharge/overprint on semi-postal stamps of Central Lithuania to finance plebiscite in Upper Silesia after WW I.
Natal: former British Crown Colony on southern coast of Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1844: annexed to the Cape Colony, private posts by the American Missionary Service, 1846: ship Natal Witness carried mail to Durban and Pietermaritzburg, 1849: overland post operated every two week to Colesburg and the Cape, 1850, Feb.1: inland horse post began, 1856: became a separate colony, 1857, May 26: No.1, 3 pence rose, first stamps, 1860s: regular monthly sailings to the Cape and England, 1864-68: route to Mauritius established, 1870s: link to Zanzibar and Aden, 1872: regular packet services began from the Cape to Durban, 1879: Zulu War, Zululand annexed to colony, 1880s: inland railways carried mail, 1881: Boer invasion, 1900: Boers expelled from colony, 1903: areas of Transvaal added to territory, 1904: first official stamp, 1910: united with Cape of Good Hope, Orange Free State and the Transvaal to form the Union of South Africa.
Natalizia: (It.) Christmas, used on semi-postals with Beneficenza.
National Air Mail Week: US Post Office campaign to promote use of air mail, May 15-21, 1938.
National Association of Letter Carriers: U.S. letter carriers union.
National Bank Note Company: U.S. security printers produced U.S. stamps from April 1870 to May 1, 1873, when Continental Bank Note Co. took it over.
National Cash Register Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1930-83, discontinued postage meters for commercial use in 1960.
National Circular Delivery Co.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
National Dog Week: cinderella showing dog with Red Cross pack, made during Korean conflict.
Nationaler Verwaltungs Ausschuss 10.XI.1943: {Ger.) “National Administration Committee”; overprint on stamps of Montenegro, German occupation of Montenegro, 1943.
National Express Company: private mail and parcel firm serviced northeastern states on the Canadian border and Montreal and Quebec, Canada; used corner cards, complimentary franks, passes, labels and stamps; 1854-1918.
National Firearms Act: overprint on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1917.
National Foreign Trade Council’s Convention: poster stamp, San Francisco, 1920 convention.
National Forest Recreation Fees: inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1985-88.
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam: South Vietnam fighters supporting North Vietnam; stamps inscribed Mat Tran Dan Toc Giai, 1963, Oct. 5: first stamps see Viet Nam, South.
National Government of Azerbaijan, 11th May 1945: overprint for Province of Iran, occupied by Russia May 1945 to March 1946.
National issue: stamps printed by the National Bank Note Co., 1870-71.
Nationalist: government of Spain during the Spanish civil war.
Nationalist China: See China, Republic of.
Nationalize Your Mail: postal slogan of the National Postal Meter Co.
National Label Co.: subcontractor to 3M for printing the 1994 Eagle stamp.
National Match Co.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
National One Cent Letter Postage Association: group that wanted the U.S. First Class letter rate lowered from 2¢ to 1¢, founded by Charles W. Burrows in 1912, closed in 1925.
National Overseas Bank: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1964.
National Postage Meter Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1932-44, changed name to Commercial Controls Corp. in 1944.
National Postal Museum: part of the Smithsonian Institutions, First Street and Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Washington, D. C.
National release: term for USPS new issue available throughout nation.
National Return-Letter Ass’n.: group issued serially numbered labels, sold to the public; labels placed on letters prior to mailing; when undeliverable mail was returned to the Association these letters were forwarded to the sender under separate cover.
Nationalozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Parte (NSDAP): {Ger.) “Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party”, inscription on stamps of Germany as a franchise issue, 1938.
National Stamp Collecting Month: (NSCM) U.S.P.S. activity program to promote stamp collecting in schools celebrated every October.
National Telephone Co.: stamp of British private telegraph company.
National Versammlung: {Ger.) “National Assembly” inscription on stamps of Germany 1919, to honor the Weimar Assembly.
National Wholesale Liquor Dealers Association of America: cinderella stamp used as dues payment receipt by the association.
Nation of Celestial Space (Celestia): outer space fantasy from Illinois, 1970s.
Nations Cup: a philatelic tournament between teams of different countries.
Nations Unies: (Fr.) United Nations, Offices in Geneva.
Nations Unies Helvetia: (Fr.) Switzerland, United Nations Offices, 1955 to Oct. 4, 1969; replaced by the U.N. Geneva Office issues.
Nations Unies Office Européen: (Fr.) “United Nations European Office”, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for United Nations officials, 1950.
Native paper: handmade paper produced locally, usually tough and fibrous, but naturally varies in texture and thickness.
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Naufragiat: (Rom.) shipwreck.
Naumberg/Saale: city in Germany, local post, 1945-48.
Naumburg (Saale): city in Germany, Courier local post, 1893.
Nauru: island in the west central Pacific Ocean, between Midway and Solomon Islands; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar (1966) 1905: first post office for stamps of Marshall Islands, 1915, Nov: occupied by Allied Forces, administrated by Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand, stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands,” 1916, Sep. 2: No.1, ½ penny green, mandated to the British, with British, Australian and New Zealand administration, British stamps overprinted “NAURU,” 1924: first stamps issued; Australia assumed mandate of island, 1942: occupied by Japan, 1947: placed under United Nations Trusteeship, administered by Australia, 1968, Jan. 31: became a republic within British Commonwealth, 1969, April 17: joined the UPU, 1995, Sept. 1: first semipostal; see North West Pacific Islands.
Nauru: Disappearing Island inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Navanagar: See Nowanugger.
Navarcles: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican,1937.
Navarre: 1: Spanish Basque province issued Carlist stamps, with Don Carlos’ portrait, 1873. 2: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Navas: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Navas de la Concepcion: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Navas de San Juan: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican,1937.
Nave: (It.) ship.
Navire: (Fr.) ship; used as a cancel for paquebot mail.
Navmis: handstamp; See U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil.
Návrh: (Czech.) design.
Návrh Známky: (Czech.) stamp design.
Navy Club: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1967.
Navy Dep’t.: U.S. Officials, specimen overprints from the Centennial exposition in Philadelphia.
Nawab: Indian States term for the Moslem ruler of an Indian State.
Nawabshah Jahanbecam: India, Bhopal State.
Nawanagar: India Feudatory State; 1877: first local stamps, 1895: stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India.
Naxcivan: inscription on illegal issue of Azerbaijan, reported to the UPU July 26, 1999; not valid for postage.
Naya Paisa: currency unit in Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Bahrain, India.
Nazali-Ganoub: city in Egypt, 1879-80, See Interpostal Seals.
Název Vydání: (Czech.) name of a stamp issue.
Nazioni Unite: (It.) United Nations.
Nazloutly: (Czech.) yellowish (color).
NB: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Semi-postal.
N.B.: 1794-96; New Brunswick (Canada) pre-adhesive postmark.
NC: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Airmail. 2: USPS abbreviation for North Carolina. 3: no cachet on cover.
NCB: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Airmail (Montenegro).
N.C.E.: 1: (Fr.) Nouvelle-Caledonie surcharge on stamps of French Colonies for New Caledonia, 1881-93. 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Airmail Special Delivery (Yugoslavia).
NCLWM: National Card and Letter Writing Month, USPS promotion for greeting cards, takes place every April, started in 1941.
ND: 1: USPS abbreviation for North Dakota. 2: (Fr.) non dentale; imperforate.
N.D. Hrvatska: Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska, inscription on private triangular labels often mistaken for a Croatian Government in Exile, 1952.
N.D. Hrvatska Ratni Doprinos: Nezavisna Drzava, inscription on postal tax stamps issued by Croatia, 1944.
NDL: See Norddeutscher Lloyd.
NE: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Special Delivery. 2: USPS abbreviation for Nebraska.
Neale, Thomas: appointed first American colonial Deputy Postmaster General in charge of all mails arriving from overseas, 1691.
Neapel: (Dan., Ger.) Naples.
Neapolitan Provinces: part of attempt to create a unified Italy; 19th century: formed from the Kingdom of Naples and parts of southern Italy, 1861, Feb.: stamps featured King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia, 1862: Mar.: stamps replaced by those of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Neath & Brecon Railway: Wales railway local post.
Neb.: abbreviation for Nebraska prior to Zip Code usage.
Neba, Nebb: (Resembles these letters) currency in Bulgaria.
Nebenstempel: (Ger.) auxiliary, secondary postmark.
Nebr.: United States protective overprint for use in Nebraska.
Nebraska: U.S. territory May 30, 1854, state Feb. 9, 1867 made from Pubic Domain territory.
Nedanför: (Swed.) below.
Ned. Antillen: (Dut.) Netherlands Antilles.
Nedantelat: (Rom.) imperforated.
Nedantelat pe o parte: (Rom.) imperforated on one side.
Nedele: (Czech.) Sunday.
Nederland: (Dut.) Netherlands.
Nederlända Antiller: (Swed.) the Netherlands Antilles.
Nederlända Ny Guinea: (Swed.) Dutch New Guinea.
Nederlandene: (Dan.) Netherlands, Holland
Nederlanderne: (Nor.) Netherlands, Holland.
Nederländerna: (Swed.) Netherlands, Holland.
Nederland Post Zegel: (Dut.) essay, or cinderella, produced by Francois Georges Oscar Berger-Levrault in the1864 of stamps of Holland.
Nederlandsch Indie: full name for Japanese occupation of Lesser Sunda Islands.
Nederlandsch Indie, Neder.Indie., Indie: inscription on stamps of Dutch East Indies for use outside of the islands of Java and Madura.
Nederländska Ostindien: (Swed.) Netherlands East Indies, Dutch East Indies.
Nederlandske Antiller: (Dan.) Netherlands Antilles, see Hollandske Antiller.
Nederlandske skeppspost: (Swed.) Netherlands (Dutch) ship mail (ship post).
Nederlandske skibspost: (Dan.) Netherlands (Dutch) ship mail (ship post).
Nederlandske skipspost: (Nor.) Netherlands (Dutch) ship mail (ship post).
Nederlandsk Indien: (Dan., Nor.) Dutch (East) Indies, see Hollandsk Indien.
Nederlandsk Ny Guinea: (Dan., Nor.) Dutch New Guinea, see Hollandsk Ny Guinea.
Ned(erlands) Nieuw Guinea: (Dut.) Netherlands New Guinea.
Nederlandse (Ned.) Antillen: (Dut.) Netherlands Antilles inscription replacing Curaçao after 1949.
Nederl-Indie: Netherlands Indies, 1864-1949.
Ned-Indie: overprint/surcharge, Netherlands Indies, July 1, 1900.
Nedre: (Dan.) bottom, lower (side).
Negara Repoeblik Indonesia: Sumatra local post, Indonesia.
Negative postmark: where the text is formed by the uninked portion of the postal marking.
Negerkysten: (Dan., Nor.) Niger Coast.
Négociant: (Fr.) dealer.
Neg(e)ri Sembilan: on west coast of Malay Peninsula; (located in Scott Catalogue after Malaya); 1874: under British protection, 1891: No.1, 2¢ rose, first issue; Negri Sembilan and N. Sembilan inscription on stamps of Straits Settlements; 1895: joined the Federated Malay States, 1900-35: used stamps of the Federated Malay states, 1935, Dec. 2-1936: name Malaya used on stamps; 1942: issued under Japanese occupation, Japanese characters and “Dai Nippon 2602 Malaya” (Japanese Postal Service 1942 Malaya), 1948, Dec. 1: first stamp, 1957: stamps of Malayan Federation used along with those of Negri Sembilan,, 1963, Sept.: became state of the Federation of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: used designs of Johore, inscribed Negri Sembilan, 1968, Apr. 8: stamps of Malaysia inscribed Negeri Sembilan..
Negerkysten: (Dan., Nor.) Niger Coast.
Negricios: (Rom.) blackish (color).
Negro: (Sp.) black (color).
Negru: (Rom.) black (color).
Negru de fum: (Rom.) smokey-black (color).
Negru-oliv: (Rom.) olive-black (color).
Negru-violet: (Rom.) violet-black (color).
Négy: (Hung.) four (number).
Negyven: (Hung.) forty (number).
N.E.I.: Netherlands East Indies.
Nejd: “high land” located in the central part of Asia; WW I-pre: kingdom under Turkish control, 1916: stamps issued, 1925, Mar. 23: No.1, 5 paras ocher, overprint on stamps of Turkey and Hejaz, 1925, Dec. 23: conquered Hejaz, 1926: stamps of the Kingdom of Hejaz-Nejd used, 1932: name changed to Saudi Arabia; see Hejaz-Nejd.
Nekleh: city in Egypt, 1880, See Interpostal Seals.
Nelson’s College: Cincinnati, Ohio; used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter.
Nemecko: (Czech.) Germany.
Nemecky: (Czech.) German.
Német: (Hung.) German.
Németország: (Hung.) Germany.
Nem Fogazott (also Vágott): (Hung.) imperforate.
Nem Fordul Elo: (Hung.) does not exist, non-existent.
Nemzeti Repulöalap: (Hung.) label for National Air Foundation fund raising.
Nene Valley Railway: British railway that printed stamps for mail carried on their trains to post offices.
Nennwert: (Ger.) denomination, face value.
Neobliterat: (Rom.) unused, mint.
Neostyle Patent: bogus label, unknown origin.
Néo-Zélandais: (Fr.) New Zealander.
Nepal: in Himalaya Mountains; currency: 4 pice = 1 anna, 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 paisa = 1 rupee (1958) 1816: British post office opened, 1854: used stamps of India, overseas mail sent via British legation or Indian embassy, 1878: runners carried mail from 40 post offices, 1881, May: No.1, 1 anna ultramarine, issued first stamps which were only valid for delivery within the country, 1889: postal cards issued, 1948: motor transport carried mail 1956, Oct. 11: joined the UPU, 1958, Oct. 16: first air mail stamp, 1959, Apr.: Nepal stamps valid to all parts of the world, Indian stamps no longer required, 1959, Nov. 1: first official stamp, put up exchange offices on the Indian border, 1966: British post office that opened in 1816, closed in 1966.
Ne Pas Affranchir: (Fr.) no stamp necessary; prepaid.
Ne Pas Livrer le Dimanche: “Do not deliver on Sunday” tab on Belgium stamps.
Nepouzitá s Nálepkou Nebo Stopou: (Czech.) mint, hinged.
Nepouzitá Svezí Bez Nálepky: (Czech.) mint, never hinged.
Nepouzitá Známka s Puvodním Lepem Bez Nálepky Nebo Stopy po Nálepce: (Czech.) mint, never hinged; stamp with original gum having no trace of hinging.
Nepriklausoma Lietuva 1941 VI 23: overprint on stamps of Russia, Lithuania, under German occupation.
Népszavazási: (Hung.) plebiscite territories.
Népszavazási Területek: (Hung.) plebiscite.
Neptune Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nerazítkovany: (Czech.) unused.
Nerja: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Nero: (It.) black (color).
Nerva: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Nesbitt envelopes: made by the George F. Nesbitt Co., New York, produced U.S. envelopes from 1853 to 1870.
Nesvos: See Lesbos.
Net: term used when buying stamps; no deductions or discounts of any kind are allowed when this word appears.
Netherlands: country on the North Sea on north-west Europe; official name of postal administration: PTT Post currency: 100 cents = 1 guilden (florin), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1852, Jan.1: No.1, 5¢ light blue, issued first stamps, without name of country, 1867: name (Nederland) first appeared, 1870, May 15: first postage due stamp, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, includes Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, 1906, Dec. 21: first semipostal stamp, 1913: first official stamp, 1919: Royal Dutch Airline (KLM) established with direct routes, 1921, May 1: first air mail stamp, 1934: overprinted stamps for International Court of Justice at the Hague released, withdrawn during WW II, re-released in 1947, 1940, May: Germany invaded; stamps inscribed “Nederland” issued without the Queen’s head, 1944: printed on back “Priss 15 cent Toeslag ten Bate Ned. Roode Kruis” sold at exhibition with surtax going to the Red Cross, 1944, June 15: Dutch government in exile issued stamp for use by Dutch nationals serving on Dutch ships, released May 1945 for homeland, not valid for postage until April 1, 1946. Netherlands Antilles: (Curaçao) two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea; consists of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and ½ of St. Martin; currency: 100 cents = 1 guilder 1807: British post office, 1825: first official Dutch government post office opened at Willemstad, 1825-34: Netherlands Royal packet operated between Hellevoetsluis and Willemstad, 1842-54: mail sent into the British packet system, 1854-85: Royal Mail Steam Packet Company operated a regular postal service, routed via Southampton, 1873, May 28: No.1, 2 ½¢ green, first stamps inscribed “Curacao” 1877: Curaçao joined the UPU, 1889: first postage due stamp, 1929, July 1: first air mail stamp, 1940s: stamps inscribed “Ned Antillen” or “Nederlandse Antillen,” 1947, Dec.1: first semipostal stamp, 1948: Ned(erlandse) Antillen appeared on all stamps, 1954: Constitution declared territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1986, Jan. 1: Aruba had separate status within Kingdom and issued own stamps.
Netherlands Antilles: (Curaçao) two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea; consists of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and ½ of St. Martin; 1807: British post office, 1825: first official Dutch government post office opened at Willemstad, 1825-34: Netherlands Royal packet operated between Hellevoetsluis and Willemstad, 1842-54: mail sent into the British packet system, 1854-85: Royal Mail Steam Packet Company operated a regular postal service, routed via Southampton, 1873, May 28: first stamps inscribed “Curacao” 1877: Curaçao joined the UPU, 1889: first postage due stamp, 1929, July 1: first air mail stamp, 1940s: stamps inscribed “Ned Antillen” or “Nederlandse Antillen,” 1947, Dec.1: first semi-postal stamp, 1948: Ned(erlandse) Antillen appeared on all stamps, 1954: Constitution declared it part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1986, Jan. 1: Aruba had separate status within Kingdom and issued own stamps.
Netherlands Colonies: 1877, May 1: became affiliated with the UPU, 1922, Jan. 1: added Curaçao, Surinam and Netherlands Indies to UPU affiliation.
Netherlands Indies: former Dutch colonial possessions in the East Indies; currency: 100 cents = 1 gulden, 100 sen = 1 rupiah (1949) 1786: Steam packets traveled between Amsterdam and Batavia via the Cape, 1811: handstamps known during British period, 1845: first postage due stamp issued, 1864, Apr. 1: No.1, 10¢ lake, first stamps issued, 1911, Oct. 1: first official stamp issued, 1915, June10: first semipostal stamp issued, 1921, Nov. 1: Marine Insurance stamps issued, 1928, Sept. 20.: first air mail stamp issued, KLM service started, 1941-45: Japanese occupation, 1943, Mar. 9 – 44: Japanese occupation stamps issued for Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaya, Malucca Archipelago, South Borneo, and Sumatra, 1945, Aug: Nationalists (Indonesian Republic) stamp issued, not recognized by the Dutch, 1945, Sept.: British troops accepted surrender from local republic, 1946: Dutch troops took over, 1947, March 27: Indonesian Republic established, 1948-49: changed name to Indonesia; inscription used on stamps, 1949, Dec. 28: became Republic of the United States of Indonesia, 1950, Jan. 17: first stamp as Republik Indonesia Serikat, (overprint RIS-United States of Indonesia), 1950, Aug. 15: became Republic of Indonesia, 1950, Aug. 17: first stamps as Republic of Indonesia, 1954, Aug. 10: dissolved as part of Netherlands-Indonesia Union; see Indonesia, Republic.
Netherland East Indies: also known as East Indies.
Netherlands Indies: See Japanese Naval Control Area.
Netherlands New Guinea: western half of New Guinea; currency: 100 cents = 1 gulden 1828: became Dutch possession, administered from the Moluccas, 1950-pre: stamps of Netherlands Indies used, 1950, Jan. 1: No.1, 1¢ slate-blue, stamps issued, 1953, Feb. 9: first semipostal stamp, 1957: first postage due stamp, 1962, Oct. 1: United Nations administration as West Irian, stamps overprinted “UNTEA,” 1963, May 1: became part of the Republic of Indonesia, see West Irian, West New Guinea.Net Price: used in sales book and literature by sellers when pricing stamps.
Net price: used in sales book and literature by sellers when pricing stamps.
NetStamps: Internet postage that permits customers to print sheets of individual “stamps” for use like regular postage.
Netteté: (Fr.) clearness (impression).
Netto: 1: specialized catalogue of Austria. 2: (Ger.) net (price).
Netto fouri e sporco dentro: {It.) “Clean outside and dirty inside,” Italian marking on disinfected mail.
Nettokatalog: (Ger.) stamp catalog at net prices.
Network Overprint / Underprint: design made up of wavy lines produced by a machine and printed on blank paper to produce “safety paper” as an additional measure to prevent counterfeiting; when printed on an already existing stamp it was called an “overprint.”
Netzschkau: city in Germany, Express-Packet-Verkehr, local post, 1891.
Netzschkau-Reichenbach: city in Germany, local post, 1945-48.
Netzunterdruck: (Ger.) burelage, a fine overall network of dots or lines printed on the surface of stamps in addition to the stamps design. This is usually done to discourage counterfeiting.
Neuauflage: (Ger.) new printing, reissue.
Neubrandenburg: city in Germany, Polish officers camp local post, 1944.
Neudorf: (Ger.) Wiener Neudorf, pre-adhesive postmark.
Neudruck (ND): (Ger.) reprint.
Neue Republik in Sudafrika: South African fantasy.
Neuf: (timbre) (Fr.) mint (stamp).
Neuf sans charnière: (Fr.) never hinged.
Neuf sans gomme: (Fr.) no gum, the stamp has no sign of gum.
Neu-Groschen: (Ger.) currency unit in Saxony.
Neuheiten: (Ger.) new issues
Neu-Kreuzer: currency unit in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Neupotrebeny: (Czech.) unobliterated.
NeuSchottland: (Ger.) Nova Scotia.
Neu Seeland: (Ger.) New Zealand.
Neutral: having a pH of 7.0, neither acidic or alkaline.
Neu Ulm: city in Germany, displaced person camp local post, 1949.
Nev.: abbreviation for Nevada prior to Zip Code usage.
Nevada: U.S. territory March 2, 1861, state Oct. 31, 1864; taken from Utah Territory.
Never hinged (NH): 1: term meaning that the stamp has never been hinged and has the original gum in post office condition. 2: Postfrisch (Ger.), Neuf sans Charnière (Fr.), Illinguellato (It.), Nuevo con Goma sin Señal de Charnela (Sp.).
Névérték: (Hung.) face value (of stamps).
Nevis: part of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla in the Leeward Islands, Caribbean; currency: 12 pence -= 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 euro dollar (2002) 1852: handstamp “Paid at Nevis” used, 1858: British stamps with cancel A 09, 1861: No.1, 1 penny lake rose, first stamps as Nevis, 1882: united to St. Kitts as one presidency of the Leeward Islands colony, 1890, Oct. 31: Nevis stamps discontinued, replaced by general issue of Leeward Islands, 1903: merged with St. Kitts, stamps of Leeward Islands also valid in Nevis, 1952: first stamps inscribed “St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla,” 1956: Leeward Islands issues discontinued, St. Kitts-Nevis stamps used, 1967: became federation with Anguilla, 1980, Mar.1: first stamps solely for Nevis, official stamps, 1980, June: Nevis, as a dependency of St. Christopher issued its own stamps, 1980, July 30: first official stamp, 1983: St. Kitts-Nevis became an independent state.
Nevydany: (Czech.) unissued.
Nevydaná Známka: (Czech.) unissued stamp.
Newark: New Jersey; See City Letter Express Mail, Mustang Express, Rogers’ Penny Post.
New Atlantis: bogus label for floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean, 1965.
New Britain: south Pacific Ocean, 1884: island of Neu-Pommern, part of former German New Guinea; WWI: captured by Australian troops and named New Britain; 1914, Oct. 17: No.1, 1 penny on 3 pfennings brown, G.R.I. surcharge on stamps of Deutsche Neu Guinea (German New Guinea), 1915: first official stamps with surcharge G.R.I. and O.S., 1920: mandated to Australia as part of the Mandated Territory of New Guinea, WW II: occupied by Japan, now part of Papua New Guinea, 1947: U.N. Trust territory under Australian administration; see New Guinea, German, New Guinea and North West Pacific Islands.
New Brooklyn Express Co.: private mail firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y.; used a label, 1889?
New Brunswick: Canadian province, Eastern Canada; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1860) 1784: formerly part of Nova Scotia, became separate province, 1785-1851: under control of London GPO, 39 numerals assigned, 1851, Sep.5: No.1, 3 pence red, first stamps issued, diamond shaped designs, 1851-67: used oval grid of lines as postmark, 1867, July 1: joined the Canadian Confederation, see Canada.
New Caledonia: island group located about 900 miles east of Australia; south Pacific Ocean; currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFP franc 1859: No.1, 10 centimes black, first local stamps, not valid for postage outside the island, 1862: followed by overprints on general issues for French colonies, 1876: stamp supply ran out and special cachets were applied to outgoing mail, 1882-83: regular mail service began when Messageries Maritimes extended to Noumea, 1892: Commerce and Navigation key type issues, used in the Loyalty Islands, Isle of Pines and Wallis and Futuna until 1920, 1903: first postage due stamp, 1915: first semipostal stamp, country had 54 post offices, 1942: Free French overprints, Allied forces post offices, 1938: first air mail stamp, 1959: first official stamp.
New Carlisle, Town of: located in the province of Quebec; 1851, Apr.7: postmaster’s provisional envelope considered first item of Canada.
New Cedi: currency unit in Ghana.
New Earth (Island): bogus Russian republic, not valid for postage.
New England Despatch Co.: parcel firm serviced New England and Canada; used a label; year unknown.
Newfoundland: island in Atlantic Ocean, off coast of Canada; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1866) 1840: regular packets to Halifax established for mail from Britain, 1855-1933: self-governing Dominion of British Empire, 1857, Jan. 1: No.1, 1 penny brown-violet, first stamps issued, 1919, April 12: first air mail stamp, many attempts to cross Atlantic by air, 1933: became a Crown Colony, 1939: first postage due stamp, 1949, April 1: Newfoundland joined Canada, used Canadian stamps, see Canada.
Newfoundland: Princess Elizabeth with a fez, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Newfoundland: Seal Cull inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Newfoundland Aerial Service: bogus; inscription on an unissued airmail stamp essay produced by A. C. Roessler in 1931.
New Granada: name of Colombia before 1862.
New Greece: name given to areas of Turkey occupied by Greece; included Macedonia, Epirus and some Aegean islands; 1912: “Greek Administration” overprint on stamps of Greece in Greek
New Guinea: located in the South Pacific Ocean, north of Australia; 1925: first stamps, first official stamps, inscribed “Territory of New Guinea,” 1931, June: first air mail stamp; See New Guinea, British; New Guinea, German; New Guinea, West; Netherlands New Guinea, North West Pacific Islands, and Papua and New Guinea.
New Guinea: Aerobatic Squadron inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
New Guinea, British: eastern half of island of New Guinea, former name for Papua; 1883, Apr. 4: annexed by Queensland, 1886: monthly steamer service carried mail and supplies to and from the protectorate, 1888, Sep. 4: made protectorate of British New Guinea, post offices opened at Port Moresby and Samarai, 1888: cancels were barred ovals with letters NG or BNG, along with a dated stamp, 1892: joined UPU, 1901, July 1: first stamps issued, 1902: Australia assumed responsibility of area, 1906, Sep. 1: name changed to Territory of Papua; see New Guinea, German; New Guinea, West; and Papua New Guinea.
New Guinea, German: eastern portion of the island of New Guinea; former German protectorate made up of part of New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago, 1884: Germany annexed northern area of island of New Guinea, used German stamps, 1885: German colonial stamps used, boundaries of Dutch, German and British spheres settled, 1897-1919: German colonial stamps used, overprinted or inscribed “Deutsch Neu-Guinea,” 1900: first stamps issued, 1906, Nov. 8: British New Guinea stamps overprinted, 1914: occupied by Allied Forces, placed under Australian administration, renamed New Britain 1914, Oct: overprint “GRI” with value, on German colonial stamps, 1914, Dec.: overprinted stamps of Marshall Islands used, 1915: first official stamps with surcharge G.R.I. and O.S., 1915, Mar.: stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands” for use in Nauru and German New Guinea, 1920: mandated to Australia by League of Nations, issued stamps as territory of New Guinea, currently part of Papua New Guinea. 1925: first stamps, first official stamps, inscribed “Territory of New Guinea,” 1931, June: first air mail stamp, 1942: Japanese invasion, Australia and New Zealand forces post offices used in New Guinea, 1945, Oct. 30: civil administration restored; trust territory combined Papua and New Guinea; See New Guinea, British; New Guinea, West; and Papua and New Guinea.
New Guinea, West: formerly Netherlands New Guinea 1962, Oct.1-May 1, 1963: under United Nations administration, first stamps.
New Hampshire: 1: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 2: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
New Haven & N.Y. Exp. Post: S. Allan Taylor label.
New Haven (Conn.) postmasters’ provisional: envelope issued by postmaster E. A. Mitchell to prepay postage, 1845.
New Hebrides: 1: Australasian New Hebrides Co., local post, 1897-99. 2: Syndicat Français, local post, may be bogus, 1903.
New Hebrides, British and French: group of islands in the South Pacific; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 centimes = 1 Hebrides franc (1971) 1888: first stamps of New South Wales, 1888: a feeder contact was established between the group and Sydney which connected to French and British services to Europe, stamps of New South Wales or France used, postmarked Sydney or Noumea, 1892: Australian New Hebrides Company and French firm took over postal deliveries, 1903-05: firms went bankrupt and New Caledonia postal administration took over, 1908, Oct.: British; first stamps, stamps of Fiji overprinted New Hebrides Condominium, issued by Great Britain, overprint “New Hebrides Condominium” in English, 1908, Oct.: French; first stamps, stamps of Nouvellees Caledonie overprinted New Hebrides Condominium, issued by France, overprint “Nouvelles Hebrides,” and “Nouvelles Hebrides Condominium” in French, 1908: French: No.1, 5 centimes green, 1909: British: No.1, ½ penny gray-green, 1911, July 25: joint issue had coats of arms of both countries, British stamps had value in British currency on the right, and the French currency value on the left; positions reversed on the French stamps, French issue watermarked R F in sheet, 1925, June: British; first postage due stamp, British issue with “Postage Due” overprint, 1925: French; first postage due stamp, “Chiffre Taxe” overprint, “Timbre-Taxe” used after 1953, 1941: “France Libre” overprint on Nouvelles Hebrides stamps, 1953, Apr. 30: British; inscription “Condominium New Hebrides,” 1953: French; inscription “Condominium des Nouvelles Hebrides,” 1980, June 30: became independent as the Republic of Vanuatu; see Vanuatu.
New Hebrides Condominum: See New Hebrides, British and French.
New Iceland: name given to Icelandic community in Canada, 1875-87.
New issue: the latest issue of stamps to come from a country.
New issue dealer: sells the newest stamps of one or more countries.
New issue poster: Post Office Department poster, started in 1959, where collector affixed new issue stamps to the poster and had them canceled on first day of issue.
New issue service: a dealer service to supply collectors with certain new issues with a standing order that defines quantity, and types of issues.
New Jersey: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801.
New Jersey Express Co.: 1854-56; operated between Newark, Philadelphia, Washington and New York.
New Jersey State Stamp Show, 1934: triangular label to promote their local show.
New Land: Antarctic fantasy.
New Land Island: bogus Russian Federation area; local overprint and stamps.
Newman Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
New Mexico: U.S. territory Dec. 13, 1850, state Jan. 6, 1912; area ceded by Mexico Feb. 2, 1848.
New Nausea: country created by an Oregon stamp club.
New Orleans: city in Louisianaa., U.S.; 1: City Dispatch Post Office, local post, 1847. 2: Mason’s New Orleans City Express, local post, 1850-57. 3: Menant & Co.s Express Post,, local post, 1853-55.
New Orleans, N O.P.O La. Paid 2, 5 Cents: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
New Orleans Stamp Money: 1861; postmaster Riddell issued Post Office money in twelve values.
New Pesewa: currency unit in Ghana.
Newport, Rhode Island: occupied by British Dec. 1776, held until end of American revolution.
New Republic: South Africa, Boer seceding state; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1884, Aug.16: created by adventurers from the Transvaal, former area of Zululand, 1886-pre: used stamps of Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) 1886, Jan.: first local stamps with handstamped value and date; manufactured by Pietermaritzburg (Natal) printers and P Davis & Son as local printer inscribed “Nieuwe Republiek Zuid-Afrika.” c1888: British stamps overprinted Zululand, c1888: Nepal revenue stamps overprinted Zululand, 1888, July 21: became part of the Transvaal, South African Republic, 1891, June 27: Nepal revenue issue proclaimed a postage stamp, c1894: first, and only, stamps issued inscribed Zululand, 1898, June 30: Zululand stamps discontinued, 1903, Jan.: transferred to Natal, part of the Union of South Africa; see Zululand.
New Smyrna, Fla. 10 c on 5c: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
New South Wales: British Crown Colony; southwest coast of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1803: postal service operated between Sydney and Parramatta, 1809: postal “collecting office” set up to receive and distribute mail from ships, 1825: an Act passed to expand the postal service, 1830: mail-coach started from Sydney; local twopenny post initiated, 1835: new Postage Act which set rates based on weight and distance traveled, 1838: issued prepaid embossed stamp on envelopes, public could also supply their own paper which could be stamped per 25 impressions, 1842: steamer service between Melbourne and Sydney, 1844: first contract mail packet arrived from Britain, 1850, Jan. 1: No.1, 1 penny red, first stamps, 1879: first official stamp, 1897: first semipostal stamp, 1891: first postage due, became member of the UPU, stamps of New South Wales also used in New Hebrides and New Caledonia, 1901: united with five other British colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913: stamps discontinued, stamps of Australia used; see Commonwealth of Australia.
New South Wales Government Railways: local post, Australia, 1891.
New South Zurk: spoof stamps created for the 1936 stamp exhibition.
Newspapers & Periodicals: 1: (Scott PR) used as evidence of prepayment of postage on bulk shipments of periodicals, first issued in 1865, used until July 1898. 2: Zeitung (Ger.), Journal (Fr.), Giornale (It.), Periódico (Sp.).
Newspaper stamp: 1: issued to prepay postage on printed matter, periodicals and newspapers; Austria issued the world’s first in 1851. 2: highest value US was the $100 newspapers stamp of 1896, smallest Australian states. 3: may be used to combine tax and postage.
Newspaper and Wrapper Stamps: issued for payment of postage, 1865-1869, affixed to wrappers on bundles, placed in a receipt book starting in 1869, discontinued in 1898.
Newspaper tax stamps: impressed or adhesive stamp for the payment of taxes on newspapers and periodicals to raise revenues.
Newton, F.P.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
Newton’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass to Bolton Centre, Quebec, Canada; used a label; year unknown.
New value: 1: a new and different denomination printed on a stamp. 2: a new stamp that bears a different denomination from all other stamps in that certain series.
New Yersey Express Co.: phantom local express label.
New York: 1: colonial embossed revenue tax stamp; 1757-60. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 3: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
New York, City, N.Y.: See Adams’ City Express Post, Bentley’s Dispatch, Blizzard Mail, Bouton’s Manhattan Express, Bouton’s City Dispatch Post, Boyd’s City Express, Brady & Co., Broadway Post Office, Brown’s City Post, Bury’s City Post, City Despatch Post, City Dispatch, City Mail Co., Clark & Co., Cornwall/P O Madison Square, Crosby’s City Post, Cumming’s City Post, Douglas’ City Despatch, Dupuy & Schenk Penny Post, East River Post Office(s), Eight Avenue Post office, Empire City Dispatch,, Essex Letter Express, Franklin City Despatch Post, Freeman & Co.’s Express, Gordon’s City Express, Hinkley’s Express Co., Homan’s Empire Express, Hussey’s Post, Jefferson Market Post Office(s), Kurtz Union Despatch Post, McIntire’s City Express Post, Mercantile Library Association, Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office(s), Metropolitan Errand & Carrier Express Company, Metropolitan Post Office(s), Mills’ Free Despatch post, New York City Express Post, Park Avenue Local Post, Pinkney’s Express Post, Price’s 8th Ave. Post Office, Price’s City Express Post, Russell 8th Ave. Post Office, Swart’s City Dispatch Post, Third Avenue Post, Union Post, Union Square P.O.
New York & Boston Despatch Express Company: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass to New York City; used complimentary franks, booklets, labels; 1873-1918.
New York & Boston Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass to New York City; used labels; 1870-72.
New York & Erie R.R. Company: parcel firm operated by the New York and Erie Railroad; used a label; 1857.
New York Central and Hudson River R.R. Express Company: parcel firm operated by the New York Central and Hudson River R.R.; used a label; years of use unknown.
New York City Express Post: U. S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1847.
New York Consolidated Card Co.: U.S. private die playing card stamp.
New York foreign mail cancellations: markings applied on outgoing, incoming and transit foreign mail in New York, there were many different fancy cancels applied in this period, about 1871-77.
New York Match Co.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
New York Penny Post: U.S. local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1840-41.
New York Pharmacal Association: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
New York Postmasters’ Provisional: stamp issued by postmaster Robert H. Morris, 1845.
New York World’s Fair: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1939.
New Zealand: British dominion located 1,600 miles east and south of Australia, official name of postal administration: New Zealand Post. currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1967) 1831: no official post office, but regular mail communication with Sydney, acted as forwarding office for mail to and from New Zealand, 1840: first post office opened in Kororarika, 1840s: overland routes established, but three month sea route from Auckland to Wellington to Sydney was more reliable, 1855, July 18: No.1, 1 penny dull carmine, first stamps, 1878: first railway link between Wellington and Auckland, 1892: first official stamps, 1899, Dec. 1: first postage due stamp, 1899-1902: New Zealand military served in the South African War, but used British Forces Postal Services, 1907, Oct. 1: joined the UPU; includes Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, 1919: first attempt to connect towns by air, 1929, Dec. 11: first semipostal stamp, famous for their annual Health Stamp series, 1931: first air mail stamp, 1934: Trans-Tasman service began. 1957, Jan. 11: first stamps for Ross Dependency, base in Antarctic, 1987, Apr. 1: New Zealand Post Ltd. too over operations of New Zealand postal service, ceasing operations as a government department.
New Zealand: Kiwi Fruit inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
New Zealand bus stamps: letters and packages carried by bus have stamps applied to cover costs; owned by New Zealand railways, who promised faster delivery than the railroad or plane transportation.
New Zealand Document Exchange: private postal service that specializes in business mail; see DX Mail.
New Zealand dollar: currency unit of Cook Islands.
New Zealand Express Company: local post, 1895-1932.
New Zealand Railways: local post, 1890-1920s.
Nez(avisna) Drz(ava) Hrvatska: 1: “Independent State of Croatia”, WW II, inscription on all stamps issued in Croatia since 1941 until Serbia occupation in 1945 2: inscription on stamps issued by the Governmnet in Exile, 1952-1972.
Nezoubkovaná: (Czech.) imperforate.
N.F.: “Nyasaland Force”, overprint on stamps of Nyasaland Protectorate, for British occupation of German East Africa, 1916.
NFF: Natal Field Force, on stamps of Great Britain, 1899-1902.
NFLSV: National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam; 1963-76.
N G: no gum (on stamp).
NGA-Huwabon Pahatanan: Philippine islands bogus issue.
N G A I: auction abbreviation term for No Gum As Issued.
N G C: auction abbreviation term for Natural Gum Crease.
NGR: Natal Government Railways, punch-perforated on stamps of Natal.
N G S: auction abbreviation term for Natural Gum Skip.
Ngultrum: currency unit in Bhutan.
Ngwee: currency unit in Zambia.
NH: 1: USPS abbreviation for New Hamshire. 2: abbreviation; See Never hinged.
Ni: (Dan., Nor.) nine (number).
Nibbed perforation: a short tooth or teeth, which came from uneven separation of perforated stamps, considered a minor fault.
Nibs: perforation teeth.
Nicaragua: Central America between Honduras and Costa Rica; official name of postal administration: Correos de Nicaragua currency: 100 centavos = 1 peso, 100 centavos = 1 cordoba (1913) 1838: became an independent republic, 1857: British post offices opened at Bluefields and Greytown, 1862, Dec. 2: No.1, 2 centavos dark-blue, first stamp, 1865: first stamps from Britain used, 1882: first postage stamp issued, 1882, May 1: joined the UPU, 1890: first official stamp, 1890-99: arrangement with Nicholas Seebeck permitted him to obtain remainders of old issues in exchange for supplying new stamps free of charge, 1896: first postage due stamp, 1904-12: separate stamps overprinted locally for Bluefields (Zelaya) and Cabo Gracias provinces; currency was on a silver basis, 1912, 1925-27, 1933: U.S. Marines land 1928: first semipostal stamp, 1929, May 15: first air mail stamp, 1935: “Valido 1935” overprint on air mail stamps not recognized as having postal validity, 1990, Mar. 4-Apr. 25, 1991: handstamp used on mail due to currency reform; stamp issued July 15,1990, but not valid for postage; see Zelaya, Cabo Gracias.
Nicaragua Line: See Accessory Transit Co. of Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Route: 1850, Dec. 26; ocean steamer, Prometheus, left New York for Havana, Nicaragua, and later, San Francisco in 1851.
Nice: (France) city in France, local provisional, 1944.
Nicht abgefordert: (Ger.) not claimed.
Nicht amtlich: (Ger.) unofficial.
Nicht ausgegeben: (Ger.) not issued.
Nicht numeriert: (Ger.) not numbered.
Nicht Vergiss unsere Kolonien: (Ger.) “Never Forget our Colonies” label
Nicolsk: city in Russia, local post, 1884-1915, See Zemstvo.
Nidaros: see Trondhjeim.
Niebla: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Niederlände: (Ger.) Netherlands.
Niederlandisch Indien: (Ger.) Netherlands Indies.
Niedrigstgebot: (Ger.) minimum bid.
Nie gefalzt: (Ger.) never hinged.
Niesky: city in Germany, local post, 1945.
Niet Bestellen op Zondag: (Flemish) “Do Not Deliver on Sunday, label on stamps of Belgium, 1893-1915.
Niet Opgeuraase: (Dut.) not claimed.
Nieuw Guinea: Netherlands New Guinea.
Nieuwe Republiek: (Afrikanese) See New Republic.
Niger: located in northern Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc 1894, Aug. 3-1921: used stamps of French Sudan, Senegambia and Niger, and Upper Senegal and Niger, 1900: France and Britain divided territory with military rule, 1904: was part of French West Africa, 1911: military territory of Niger, 1920, Dec. 4: became a separate territory, 1921, Dec.: No.1, 1 centime brown violet, first stamps were of Upper Senegal and Niger overprinted “Territoire du Niger,” 1921: first postage due stamp, 1922, Oct. 13: became a colony, 1926: first stamps inscribed Niger, 1938: first semipostal stamp, 1940: first air mail stamp, 1944-59: used stamps of French West Africa, 1955, Dec. 19: Republic of Niger proclaimed, 1958, Dec. 18: became an autonomous republic within the French community, 1959: became republic, stamps inscribed Republique du Niger, first postage due stamp, 1960, Aug. 3: became an independent republic, British area eventually became Nigeria, 1961, June 12: joined the UPU. 1962: first official stamp; see Senegal and Niger. Note: many stamps inscribed “Republique du Niger” were not authorized by Niger postal authorities, reported to the UPU, June 5, 2000.
Niger Coast Protectorate: located in West Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling 1892-98: controlled by the British Royal Niger Company; aka “Oil Rivers Protectorate,” 1892: No.1, ½ penny vermilion, 1892, Nov.: stamps of Great Britain overprinted “British Protectorate Oil River,” 1899: firm surrendered its charter to the Crown, 1900: formed the protectorates Northern and Southern Nigeria, 1914: Northern and Southern Nigeria formed the Crown Colony of Nigeria; see Lagos, Nigeria.
Nigeria: located in West coast of Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 kobo = 1 naira (1973) 1914, June 1: No.1, ½ penny green, first stamps, made up of Northern and Southern Nigeria plus the mandated territory of Cameroons (British) attached for administrative purposes, 1959, Jan. 4: first postage due stamp, 1960, Oct. 1: became independent as the Federation of Nigeria, 1961: Northern Cameroons joined Nigeria, 1961, July 10: joined the UPU, 1963, Oct. 1: became Republic of Nigeria, 1966, Dec.1: first semipostal, 1966: Eastern region seceded and became Republic of Biafra, 1970, Jan. 15: Biafra reunited with Nigeria; see Biafra, Lagos, Niger Coast Protectorate, Nigeria, Northern and Southern, Oil Rivers Protectorate.
Nigeria, Northern: western Africa; currency: 12 penec = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1900, Mar.: No.1, ½ penny lilac and green, first stamps issued, 1900-1914: British protectorate used British colonial key type issues, 1914: merged with Southern Nigeria to form Nigeria, later the Federal Republic of Nigeria, used stamps of Nigeria.
Nigeria, Southern: previously known as the Niger Coast Protectorate; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1900: Protectorate of Southern Nigeria formed from Niger Coast, absorbed Niger Coast Protectorate, 1901, Mar.: No.1, ½ penny yellow-green and black, first stamps issued, 1902: used stamps of Niger Coast Protectorate when stamp shortage occurred, 1906: united with Lagos to form Southern Nigeria, 1914: merged with Northern Nigeria to form Nigeria, later the Federal Republic of Nigeria, used stamps of Nigeria.
Nigerias, The: 1851 occupied by treaty, 1861: became a British Crown Colony, used stamps of Lagos, 1874, June 10: first stamps, 1906, Feb. 16: amalgamated with the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria.
Nigerie: (Fr.) Nigeria.
Niger Territories: area between the Forcados and Brass Rivers, administered by the Royal Niger Company; 1890-1900: used stamps of Britain, cancellations of company handstamps, 1900, Jan. 1: transferred to the British government.
Nightrider: inscription on label used on overnight parcel delivery service, London Postal Region of the British Post Office.
Nikolaevsk: on the Amur river in Siberia; 1921: stamps issued during post-Russian revolutionary period.
Nikolayev: city in the Ukraine, local provisional, dubious status, aka Mikolayv, 1993.
Niles & Co’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass., and Dover, N.H.; used labels, year unknown.
NIMH: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Great Britain and Northern Ireland Machins.
Ninas: secret mark on US 1991 comedian set of stamps; Nina is the daughter of Al Hirschfeld, designer of the stamps
Nine-Digit Zip Code: numerical sequence sorted to the individual route or carrier.
Nineria: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Ninetieth Birthday: overprint on stamps of Aitutaki, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday, 1990.
Ningsia, Ning-Hsia: city in Northwest China; 1945-49: local post as part of the Northwest China Liberation Area, 1954: merged with Kansu, 1956: placed within inner Mongolia.
Niort: city in France, local provisional, 1944.
Nipped perf.: a perforation tooth that is slightly shorter than the remaining teeth on a normal stamp.
Nippon: (Jap.) Japan; a 3-character overprint (land of the rising sun) may indicate stamps are “mihon” or specimen.
Nisiro(s): Dodecanese Island, Aegean Sea, aka Nisyros; 1912-pre: used stamps of Turkey, 1912: No.1, 2 centesimi orange-brown, overprint “Egeo” on stamps of Italy, followed by name of island, 1916: first stamps without overprints, 1920: Turkey ceded group to Italy, 1943, Sept.: became part of Greece, 1943: reoccupied by German forces, 1945: liberated by allied forces, 1945-47: stamps of Britain overprinted MEF (Middle East Forces), when islands transferred to Greece, 1947: stamps of Greece overprinted SDD (Dodecanese Military Occupation), 1947, summer: stamps of Greece used.
Nitten: (Dan., Nor.) nineteen (number).
Nitti: (Nor.) ninety (number).
Niuafo’ou: Tin Can Island, island that is part of Tonga; 1930s-40s: mail to island was picked up and delivered in sealed cans; at first swimmers used, but when one was killed by a shark, they switched to canoes, while ships parked offshore, 1983: own stamps.
Niue: island in the South Pacific Ocean, aka Savage Island; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 NZ dollar (1967) 1892: used stamps of the Cook Islands 1901: annexed to New Zealand with the Cook Islands, 1902: Jan. 4: No.1, 1 penny carmine, issued its first stamps, stamps of New Zealand or Cook Islands handstamped “Niue,” 1974, Oct. 19: first stamps as self-governing in association with New Zealand, 1978, Mar. 15:: first semipostal stamp, 1979: first air mail stamp, 1985: first official stamp.
Niutao: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Niutao.
Niviny: overprint of special delivery stamps of Czechoslovakia for newspapers.
N.I.W.I.N.: Indonesia relief society, overprint on stamps of Curaçao for semi-postal usage.
Nixie: piece of mail that is undeliverable due to incorrect, illegible or insufficient delivery address.
Nixie office: postal facility where undeliverable mail is verified for correct postage and address.
Nizozemsko: (Czech.) the Netherlands.
NJ: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Postage Due. 2: USPS abbreviation for New Jersey.
N’Jork: New York, pre-adhesive postmark.
Nkr: New Kroner; currency unit in Norway.
NL: 1: Nederland (Netherlands). 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix Occupation Rural Delivery (Poland). 3: precedes the European postal code on addresses the Netherlands, such as NL-3502 Netherlands.
NL: 1953 overprint on stamps of Denmark with surcharge.
Nlle. Caledonie: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of French Colonies, inscription for New Caledonia.
Nlle. Caledonie -Correspondce Mre: (Fr.) 1885 label for French troops at Noumea, for free postage.
NM: USPS abbreviation for New Mexico.
N.M.P.: (Transdinestra) bogus Russian issue.
N.M.S.: Norwegian Missionary Society; Madagascar local post, 1894-99.
NNM: auction abbreviation term for Normal Narrow Margin
NO: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Official. 2: abbreviation for number.
NOBATA: North Borneo Anti-Tuberculosis Association.
Nobody’s Land: North Pole Post fantasy issue.
No circulado: (Sp.) not put into circulation.
Nodfrimaerke Indenlandsk Brevporto: (Dan.) Denmark emergency postal stamps; are in red, text in white.
Nødpenge: (Dan.) emergency currency (Ger., Notgeld).
Noel 1941 / France Libre / F.N.F.L.: overprint on stamps of St. Pierre & Miquelon, 1941.
Noelandia: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate.
No emitido: (Sp.) not issued.
No entregable: (Sp.) undeliverable.
No gum (NG): term meaning that the stamp has no sign of gum.
No Hay Estampillas (Sellos): (Sp.) “There are no stamps,” used for various departments of Colombia receipt labels, during stamp shortage.
Noiembrie: (Rom.) November.
Noir: (Fr.) black (color).
Noisy Carriers: U.S. local post handstamp, San Francisco, Calif., 1853-56.
Noisy Carriers Publishing Hall “Express”: private mail delivery firm serviced San Francisco, Calif.; used a label; year unknown.
Nolinsk: city in Russia, local post, 1871-1917, See Zemstvo.
Nombre d’Catalogue: (Fr.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Nom de pays: (Fr.) name of country.
Nominale: (Ger.) denomination.
Nominalwet: (Ger.) face value.
Nominica: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Nona: (Rom.) nine (number).
Non affranchi: (Fr.) unpaid, not stamped
Non-cacheté (e): (Fr.) not sealed.
Non catalogato: (It.) not listed.
(Non) coté: (Fr.) not priced.
(Non) coupé: (Fr.) not cut.
Nondenominated stamp: stamp without a face value or denomination, may be issued during period of a rate change, and marked with a designated letter or service inscription.
Non dentelé: (Fr.) imperforate.
Non-dentellato: (It.) imperforate.
Non-emesso: (It.) not issued.
Non-émis: (Fr.) not issued.
Non-flown: 1: not carried on any aerial flight yet directly related to an aero or astro event or anniversary. 2: cover from a planned or projected flight that never took place. 3: cover planned to be flown but not flown due to various reasons.
Non-gommato: (It.) not gummed.
Non-linguellato: (It.) never hinged.
Non-livrable: (Fr.) non-deliverable.
Nonmachinable: USPS term for mail pieces that won’t go through its high speed facing and canceling devices.
Non numéroté: (Fr.) not numbered.
Non-pictorial permit stamps: state of Kansas and Indian reservation stamps issues for various game licenses; 1941 to date.
Nonpostal stamp: stamp that is sold by the USPS as an agent of other federal agencies; such as the conservation stamp.
Nonprofit mail: reduced-rate, third class bulk mail for specially qualified groups.
Nonprofit org: forest design, U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 5¢, June 5, 1998.
Nonprofit org: butte design, U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 5¢, Mar. 10, 1995.
Nonprofit org: mountain design, U. S. non-denominated stamp, value 5¢, Mar. 16, 1996.
Non-publié: (Fr.) not listed.
Nonreadable mail: mail whose address cannot be deciphered by an optical character reader.
Non-Réclamé: (Fr.) not claimed.
Nonstandard size: USPS handstamp for letters that are larger than permitted for first class mail and require additional postage.
Non-stated reserve: the minimum price the seller of the lot will accept, with bids received below this figure being deemed as unacceptable; aka Hidden reserve.
Non-Transmissible: postal marking on covers usually addressed to sellers of Irish sweepstake lottery tickets; mail is returned to sender with marking.
Non-UPU mail: mail originating in a country that doesn’t belong to the UPU.
No-Opinion: certificate in which experts that examined the philatelic item are unable to render an opinion.
Nopto Mapka: “Postage Due”, on stamps of Serbia.
Nopto Porto: “Postage Due”, on stamps of Yugoslavia.
No publicado: (Sp.) not listed.
NOR: Norwich; first postal code in Britain, 1959.
Norbair: no information available as to source or purpose.
Norbatt: Norwegian Battalion serving in Lebanon.
Nord: (Dan., Fr., Nor., Rom., Swed.) North.
Nordamerika: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) North America.
Nordborneo: (Swed.) North Borneo.
Norddeutsche(r): (Ger.) North German.
Norddeutscher Lloyd (NDL): North German Lloyd liners carried mail on trans-Atlantic voyages.
Norddeutscher Postbezirk: (Ger.) North German Postal District; cities for German unity with own stamps and postal stationary, Jan. 1, 1852 to Dec. 31, 1867.
Nordensamlingar: (Swed.) Nordic countries collections.
Nordingermanland: (Ger.) North Ingermanland.
Nordirland: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Ulster, Northern Ireland.
Nordiska Länder: (Swed.) Nordic countries.
Nordlignigeria: (Swed.) Northern Nigeria.
Nordligrhodesia: (Swed.) Northern Rhodesia.
Nordsjøen: (Nor.) North Sea.
Nordsjön: (Swed.) North Sea.
Nordtyskland: (Swed.) North Germany.
Nordtysk postområde: (Dan.) North German Confederation.
Noreg: ancient form of Norway, used on Garborg issue, 1951.
Norfolk Island: South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar (1966) 1840: first handstamps used, “Free/Norfolk Island” for official mail; Paid at/Norfolk Island” for general mail, 1853: first stamps as Van Diemens Land, New South Wales, 1896: stamps of New South Wales used, 1914, July 1: transferred to the Commonwealth of Australia; overprint on stamps of Australia; 1947, June 10: No.1, ½ penny deep orange, first stamps.
Norfolk’s, Robert: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Norfolk, Va. Paid 5: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Norfolk, Virginia: held by British until Dec. 1775.
Norge: 1: specialized Norway postage stamp catalog. 2: (Dan. Nor., Swed.) Norway.
Norges Rode Kors: (Nor.) Norway Red Cross label.
Norilsk: Russian area in Arctic, local overprint, 1994.
N.Orl.: New Orleans, Louisiana, pre-adhesive postmark.
Norma: (Sp.) regulation; method of procedure.
Norshuss & F. Schroeter Local Post: see Bergen – Norshuss & F. Schroeter Local Post.
Norsk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Norwegian.
Norske Øerne 1896: postmark for mail on Vesteraalen Dampskibsselskap tourist ship, Norway.
Norske skeppspost: (Swed.) Norwegian ship mail (ship post).
Norske skibspost: (Dan.) Norwegian ship mail (ship post).
Norske skipspost: (Nor.) Norwegian ship mail (ship post).
Norske Statsbaner(Nor.) (abbr. NSB) Norwegian State Railways.
Norsko: (Czech.) Norway.
Norsky: (Czech.) Norwegian.
Norte de Sander: city in Colombia, “Correo Rapido de Norte Sander”, local post, 1926-32.
North American Telegraph Company: U. S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1899-1907.
North Anoc: 1924 European cinderella used on private postcards that did not go through the mail; part of Cooland and West Refaim.
North Atlantic Express Company: parcel firm serviced Northeastern U.S.; used a stamp; year unknown.
North Borneo: located on the northern end of the island of Borneo, Malay Archipelago; currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar 1881: administered by the British North Borneo Company, used stamps of Straits Settlements with local stamps, 1883, June: No.1, 2¢ brown, first stamps issued, 1888: made a British protectorate, 1890-1906: Labuan attached to North Borneo, 1891: joined the UPU, 1892: sold C-T-Os in large quantities, 1895, Aug. 1: first postage due stamp, 1916: first semipostal stamp, 1942, Jan.- June10,1945: Japanese occupation, stamps of North Borneo,1942-44, stamps of Japan, 1944; Japanese overprint reads “North Borneo.” 1945, May: Australian forces retook island, 1945, Dec. 17: first stamps issued under British Military Administration, stamps of North Borneo and Sarawak overprinted “BMA,” sold in Brunei, Labuan, North Borneo and Sarawak, 1946, July 15: became a Crown Colony, Labuan became part of colony.
North Borneo: Wild Man inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
North Borneo Company, British: See North Borneo.
North British and Edinburgh & Glasgow Railways: British railways local post.
North British Railway: British railways local post.
North Carolina: 1: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 2: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
North Carolina Laundry: inscription on a state revenue stamps; officially known as North Carolina Cleaning (Laundering) and Pressing Stamp.
North Celebes: area of Japanese Naval Control, overprint, local post, 1942-45.
North China: 1: area under Japanese occupation, June 5, 1941-1945. 2: North China People’s Post, China People’s Republic 3L24-31, 37-99, 3LQ,1949. 3: North China Post & Telegraph Administration, China People’s Republic, 3L32-36, 1949
North Dakota: U.S. state Nov. 2, 1889; part of Dakota Territory; See Dakota.
North Devon Emergency: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North Devon Inter-Off: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North Eastern Provinces: (Nationalist Forces) Manchukuo (changed from Manchuria by Japanese forces; 1946, Feb.-Oct. 1948: stamps issued.
North Eastern Provinces: (Communist Forces) Manchukuo (changed from Manchuria by Japanese forces; 1946, Feb.-May,1951: stamps issued.
North Eastern railway: British railways local post.
North East People’s Post: area in Northeast China, China 1L, 1946-51.
Northerly Letter Carrier: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Northern Air Service: local post, Canada, 1925.
Northern Cyprus: Turkish Republic of Cyprus, 1983-,
Northern Desdesia: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Northern District, Germany: 1852-66: issued own stamps, replacing those of Thurn & Taxis.
Northern Express and Parcel Delivery: parcel firm serviced New York City and surroundings; used a label; year unknown.
Northern Express Company: parcel firm serviced northern states west of Chicago to Vancouver, Canada; used labels; year unknown.
Northern France: German occupation, 1940.
Northern Ireland: See Ireland, Northern.
Northern Liberties News Rooms: U.S. local post handstamp, Philadelphia, Pa., 1835-36.
Northern Mutual Telegraph Company: U.S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1883.
Northern New York Telegraph Company: U. S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1876.
Northern Nigeria: See Nigeria, Northern.
Northern Pacific Express Co.: parcel firm serviced northern U.S., west of Chicago to Washington and Oregon; used complimentary pass, labels and a stamp; 1895?
Northern Rhodesia: See Rhodesia, Northern.
Northern R.R. Express: parcel firm operated y the Northern Railroad in New York State; used labels; year unknown.
Northern Survey P.D.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Northern Syria: Turkish-style postmark adhered to glued paper; provisional stamp issued about Nov. 1918; used for about one month.
Northern Territory: See Australia, Northern Territory.
Northern Zone, Morocco: See Morocco, Northern Zone.
North Epirus: overprint on stamps of Greece, occupation of area of Albania, see Albania.
North German Confederation: comprised of Northern and Southern Districts; states included: Bergdorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lubeck, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holsten. currency: 30 groschen = 1 thaler, 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden, 16 schillings = 1 mark, 100 pennia = 1 markka 1867: created by Bismarck, the Prussian chancellor, 1868, Jan 1: No.1, 1/4 groschen red-lilac, first stamps issued for member nations, 1870: issued first official stamp, also used in Constantinople, 1871, May 4:stamps merged into the Imperial German service, 1872, Jan. 1: stamps replaced by those of German Empire, consisted of four kingdoms, five grand duchies, 13 duchies and principalities, and three free cities.
Northhampton & Banbury Junction Railway: British railway local post.
North Hurts Stamp Club: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North Ingermanland: located north of Leningrad; 1919-20: Volunteers for the Liberation of North Ingermanland took control and organized its own postal service; mail received and sent from Rautu, on the Finnish side of the border, stamps inscribed “Pohjois Inkeri,” and overprinted “Malli” (Specimen), 1920, Mar. 21: first stamps, 1920, Nov. 5: peace treaty returned area to Soviet control, 1921: second issue of stamps overprinted “For the Charity of Ingermanland” and sold to collectors.
North Korea: See Korea, North.
North London Railway: British railways local post.
North Pembrokeshire & Fishguard Railway: Wales railway local post.
North Staffordshire Railway: British railway local post.
North Ossetia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
North Pole: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate.
North Pole Post: labels inscribed “Peary Land,” “Cook Island,” and “Nobody’s Land.”
North Vietnam: See Vietnam, North.
Northwestern Express Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Northern Iowa and Minnesota; used a corner card, and labels; 1861?
North Wales & Liverpool Railway Committee: Wales railway local post.
North Wales & Liverpool Railway Committee (MS&LRy): British railway local post.
North West London E.P.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North West London P.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North West Pacific Islands: occupied German territories; part of New Guinea, islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, Admiralty Group, Bougainville, Buka and Nauru; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1915, Mar. 15: No.1, 2 pence gray, stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands” for use in Nauru, New Britain and German New Guinea, 1920: mandated to Australia by League of Nations, issued stamps as territory of New Guinea, currently part of Papua New Guinea, except for Nauru, which became an independent republic, 1922: stamps of the Australian mandate replaced individual stamps; see New Guinea, German.
North West People’s Post: See China People’s Republic.
North West Russia: 1919, May: Northern Army captured cities of Pskov, Gdov and Yaurburg, 1919, Aug. 1-Nov. 1919: overprint on stamps of Russia, 1919, Sept.: stamps issued for North West Army, which included all forces in Baltic area, 1919, Oct.: overprint on stamps of Latvia, 1919, Nov. overprint on stamps of Russia; see Russia.
Northwest Territory: U.S. territory July 13, 1787; ceased to exist March 1, 1803.
North Yorkshire Moors Railway: British railway that printed stamps for mail carried on their trains to post offices.
Norton Villiers: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Noruega: (Sp., Port.) Norway.
Norvège: (Fr.) Norway.
Norvég: (Hung.) Norway.
Norvegia: (It.) Norway.
Norvégia: (Hung.) Norwegian.
Norway: northern Europe; official name of postal administration: Posten currency: 120 skillings = 1 specie daler, 100 ore = 1 krone (1877) 1814: postal service reorganized so that it was independent of Denmark and Sweden with Christiana (Oslo) as the hub, 1845: postal markings introduced, about 383 numeral cancellations are recorded, 1855, Jan. 1: No.1, 4 skilling blue, first issue, when country was still united with Sweden, 1856-68: used three concentric circles as postmark, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1889: first postage due stamp, 1905, Oct.: Norway became independent from Sweden, c1905: prepayment of letters began by placing coins in a slot at Christiana, start of meter mail, 1926: first official stamp, 1927: first air mail stamp, 1930, June 28: first semipostal stamp, 1940, June: British and French force sent to Northern Norway, used Field PO, 1940, Oct. 4: first stamps issued during German occupation, 1942-45: government in exile issued stamps for use on Norwegian ships, 1945, Feb. government in exile stamps used at the Norwegian post office in Stockholm, 1945, May: German occupation issues demonetized, 1945, June: government in exile stamps released in Norway; see A Betaleportomaerke at Betale.
Norway: 1: Larvik, city, “Kingdom L” local post, 1904. 2: Norges Statsbaner; railway parcel local post. 3: Tyrvifjord Steam Ship Co., local post, 1887.
Norway – 1911 Dropped Mail Over Trondheim Flight: During a pioneer flight meet taking place at Trondheim, Baron Cederstrom, piloting a flight originating in Hoiskden, dropped copies of the Tidens Teg newspaper over the airfield. The newspapers were contained in addressed wrappers bearing notations designating them to be the first air mail postings in Norway, and requesting that those finding the items should deposit them in the nearest mail box. The flight is credited as being the first postal flight in Norway.
Norway-London E.M.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Norwegen: (Ger.) Norway.
Norwegian: (Rom) Norwegian (adj.).
Norwegian Missionary Service: See Madagascar, French.
Norwich A.M.S. Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Norwich Local Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nossi-Be: island in the Indian Ocean, off Madagascar; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1841: French colony, dependency of Mayotte, c1864: used French Colonies General issues, 1881: dependency of Diego Suarez, 1889, June: No.1, 25 centimes on 40¢ red, overprint/surcharge (locally done) on stamps of French Colonies; 1891: first postage due stamp, 1894: Navigation and Commerce stamps of French Colonies used, 1896: used stamps of Madagascar; 1901: part of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar.
Notaire: (Fr.) notary public; French Colonies revenue inscription.
Notausgabe: (Ger.) emergency issue.
Not Called For: postal marking used prior to residential delivery when a mailing piece was not picked up at the post office.
Nothilfe: (Ger.) “Help for the Needy” German semi-postal stamps and cards, 1924-1936.
Not For Use: overprint applied in 1910 to 1d booklet stamps of Natal; booklet contained thirty 1d stamps, but were sold for 2s5d, but the postal customer was charged 1d for the entire booklet; one of the booklet stamps has this overprint to make it invalid for postal use.
Not in Special Delivery Mail: US handstamp to indicate special delivery mail not paid for, handle as regular mail.
Not Opened by Censor: cover marking distinctive of Hong Kong air mail transit.
Notopfer/2 Berlin/Steuermarke: compulsory tax labels, Germany.
Notopfer Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society group focuses on the tax stamp issued Dec. 1, 1948.
Not Paid rate: General Postal Union regulations state that the postage due is “double the rate levied in the country of destination on prepaid letters”; See : G.P.U..”
Not regularly issued: stamps, intentionally allowed to leave the government, such as the 1869 pictorial inverts.
Not suitable for photographing: handstamp on V-Mail envelopes to indicate letter was written in pencil and could not be photographed.
Nottingham C. of Comm.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nottingham Letter Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nottingham Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nottingham Strike Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nouasprezece: (Rom) nineteen (number).
Nouazeci: (Rom) ninety (number).
Noufous: (Fr.) registration of identity card; French Colonies revenue inscription.
Nouveau Brunswick: (Fr.) New Brunswick.
Nouveauté: (Fr.) new issue.
Nouvelle Amsterdam and St. Paul: See French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Nouvelle Caledonie: (Fr.) New Caledonia.
Nouvelle Ecosse: (Fr.) Nova Scotia.
Nouvelle Galles du Sud: (Fr.) New South Wales.
Nouvelle Guinée Hollandaise: (Fr.) Netherlands New Guinea.
Nouvelle (Noulle.) Caledonie: (Fr.) New Caledonia.
Nouvelles Hebrides: 1: inscription for French administration of New Hebrides Islands. 2: overprint on stamps of New Caledonia for New Hebrides. 3: with “Syndicat Francais”; local post.
Nouvelle-Zélande: (Fr.) New Zealand.
Nouvelle Wazoo: Artistamp Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Nouzové novinové nálepky a razitka: (Czech.) emergency newspaper stickers and cancellations.
Nová Kaledonie: (Czech.) New Caledonia.
Nova Laurania: fantasies created by John de Treville with countries taken from Winston Churchill’s book, Savrola.
Nova Potuca: supposedly new African republic in 1893.
Nova Scotia: (New Scotland), Canadian province, eastern coast; 1754-1851: post office under control of London GPO, 1784: made a separate colony, 1820: reunited with other provinces, 1851, Sep.1.: first stamps issued, 1867, July 1 Canadian Confederation, See Canada.
Novava Ladoga: city in Russia, local post, 1867-1883, See Zemstvo.
Novaya Zemia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Novcic(a): currency unit in Bosnia and Montenegro.
Novedades: (Sp.) new issues.
Novelda: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Novelty: name given to a postcard that is made of unusual materials or a different shape than the standard rectangle.
November 21-24 1986 First Visit to South Pacific: 1986 Aitutaki surcharge for visit of Pope John Paul.
Novgorod: city in Russia, local post, 1868-1889, See Zemstvo.
Novice award: an award to the best exhibit by a first time exhibitor.
Novinové znamky: (Czech.) newspaper stamps.
Novinová Známká: (Czech.) newspaper stamp.
Noviny: (Czech.) newspaper.
Novisibirsk: city in Russia, cinderella local, c1998.
Novomoskofsk: city in Russia, local post, 1886-1898, See Zemstvo.
Novorzhef: city in Russia, local post, 1890-1893, See Zemstvo.
Novosibirsk Islands: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Novotisk: (Czech.) reimpression.
Novouzensk: city in Russia, local post, 1897, See Zemstvo.
Novy Brunsvil: (Czech.) New Brunswick.
Novy Foundland: (Czech.) Newfoundland.
Novy Guinea: (Czech.) New Guinea.
Novy Jizní Wales: (Czech.) New South Wales.
Novy Zéland: (Czech.) New Zealand.
Nowanagar: India Feudatory State; 1877: first stamp, only valid within the state, 1895, Dec. 31: stamps obsolete, stamps of India used.
nOWTA nAPA, nAPE: (Resembles these letters) Serbia money unit.
nOYnA, NOYTA: (Resembles these letters) Russia.
nOYTA: (Resembles these letters) Russia (means Postage).
nOYTA PYCCHON APMIN: (Resembles these letters) Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
nOYT MAPKA: (Resembles these letters) Azerbaijan.
n.P.: Naya Paise, overprint and surcharge for British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia,1957.
N P: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Occupation Newspaper. 2: Newport, Rhode Island, pre-adhesive postmark. 3: currency surcharge of stamps of Great Britain for Oman.
N.P.B.: News Paper Branch, cancel on early British stamps.
N P M: 1: National Philatelic Museum, USA. 2: National Postal Museum, London.
N P O: Navy Post Office. N P S: National Philatelic Society, Great Britain.
N.R.: marking for Northern Railway; North Western Railway.
N R A: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Postal Tax (Greece, Romania). 2: National Recovery Administration bill passed by Congress in 1933, voluntary usage on labels to indicate industrial self-regulation, codes of fair competition and consumer protection.
N R A J: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Postal Tax Due (Romania).
N R I: See not regularly issued. N.R. Indonesia: Indonesia, Sumatra local post.
N.S.B.: overprint on stamps of French Colonies for Nossi Be, 1890-93.
NSB: (Nor.) see Norske Statsbaner.
N S D A: National Stamp Dealers Association, founded 1995 by Edward G. Rosen.
N.S.D.A.P.: National Socialist Workers’ Party, German stamps issued in 1938 and 1942 for Nazi Party official use.
N.Sembilan: overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements, 1891.
N.S.W.: New South Wales.
N.T.: can refer to Nebraska or Nevada Territories in postmark.
N. T.: Northern Territory, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
$NT: dollar, currency unit in Republic of China.
N.W. Pacific Islands: overprint on stamps of Australia for North West Pacific Islands; 1914-25: used instead on German New Guinea during occupation by Australia, 1915-16: used for Nauru.
$NZ: dollar, currency unit in New Zealand.
N T A: National Tuberculosis Association, organized the Christmas seal program in the USA from 1919 to 1967.
N T R D A: National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, ran the Christmas seal program in the USA from 1968 to 1972.
N U: Scott Catalog Number prefix for U.S. Occupation Envelopes.
Nueva Gales del Sur: (Sp.) New South Wales.
Nueva Granada: (Sp.) Colombia.
Nueva Mensagerias Nacionales – Merlino y Comparella: mail coach, or diligence mail marking from Buenos Aires, 1857.
Neuva Orleans: (Sp.) now New Orleans, LA.
Nueva España: (Sp.) colonial name for present-day Mexico.
Nueva Zelanda: (Sp.) New Zealand.
Nuevo: (Sp.) unused, mint.
Nuevo con Goma sin Senal de Charnela: (Sp.) never hinged.
Nuevo sin goma: (Sp.) unused, but without gum.
Nugget Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Seattle, Wash. and the Yukon Territory; used a label; 1899.
Nui: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nui.
Nukufetau: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nukufetau.
Nukulaelae: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nukulaelae.
Nules: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Nulles: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Numbered: philatelic items with unique numbering system or scheme, such as a serial number.
Numbered stamps: stamps with serial numbers as part of their design or printed on the back of the stamp.
Numbering of homes: first numbering for postal purposes was in Paris in 1463-64.
Number in pane: the actual count of the number of stamps in a pane of stamps.
Number ones: refers to the very first stamp issued by an entity; the Number One Number One is considered the Penny Black of 1840 of Great Britain.
Number on number: USPS term for coils, when the back numbered stamp falls on the same stamp as the plate number.
Numerado reverso: (Sp.) numbered on the back.
Numeral cancellations: obliterations which use a number to identify the mailing office.
Numeral marking: cancels that use numbers to identify office of mailing, also known as rate marking.
Numerical Oblit.: obliterator cancel with number inserted.
Numeriert: (Ger.) numbered.
Numero Catalogo: (It.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Numero de Catálogo: (Sp.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Numero de plancha: (Sp.) plate number.
Numéroté: (Fr.) numbered.
Numerotarea: (Rom.) numbering system.
Nummerstempel: (Dan., Nor.) numerical oblit cancellation.
Nunhead Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nuovo: (It.) new (mint).
Nuovo senza gomma: (It.) no gum, the stamp has no sign of gum.
Nuova Zelanda: (It.) New Zealand.
Nürnberg: city in Germany, local post; 1: Nürnberg-Fürther-Packetfahrt-Ges. 1896-99. 2: Private Stadtpost Courier, 1895-1900. 3: also known as Nuremberg.
N U X: Scott Catalog number prefix for Occupation Postal Card.
N U Z: Scott Catalog number prefix for Occupation Official Card.
N V: USPS abbreviation for Nevada.
NVI: No Value Indicated stamps; British term for stamps used as a make-up rate during postage rate increases.
N V P H: Netherlands Stamp Dealers Association.
NWPI: North West Pacific Islands.
N.W.T.: Northwest Territories, when used in a postmark.
NY: 1: USPS abbreviation for New York. 2: New York, pre-adhesive postmark.
Nya Caledonien: (Swed.) New Caledonia.
Nya Guinea: (Swed.) New Guinea.
Nya Hebriderna: (Swed.) the New Hebrides Islands..
Ny Ålesund: mining town in mainland Norway contains the world’s most northerly permanent post office.
Nyanse(r): (Nor.) shade(s) (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Nyansere(r): (Nor.) shade variance(s) (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Nyanza: African stamp issue used for “Hart to Hart” TV program.
Nya Republiken: (Swed.) the New Republic (South Africa).
Nyasaland: 8th June 1946 inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Nyasa(land) Force: British overprint, 1915
Nyasaland Protectorate: southern Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1891: British South Africa Company (overprint B.C.A.); also used in North East Rhodesia, mail went by runner to Lake Nyasa, steam launch, runner to Shire River, boat to Quelimane or Chinde on the Indian Ocean, 1908-pre: known as British Central Africa, 1908, July 22: No.1, 1 shilling black, first stamps inscribed Nyasaland, 1950, July 1: first postage due stamp, 1953:part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1954: used stamps of Federation, 1963: Federation of Rhodesia dissolved, 1963, Nov. 1: own Nyasaland issues, 1964, July 6: became State of Malawi; see British Central Africa.
Nyassa: overprint on stamps of Mozambique, 1898.
Nyassa (Company): located in the northern part of Mozambique, southeast Africa; currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis, 100 centavos = 1 escudo (1919) 1894: Nyassa Company (Companhia do Nyassa) received charter to administer area, 1898: No.1, 5 reis yellow, first stamps, overprint “Nyassa” on stamps of Mozambique, 1924: first postage due stamp, 1925: first semipostal stamp, 1929: became part of People’s Republic of Mozambique.
Nyassaland: (Port.) bogus label, 1894.
Nya Sydwales: (Swed.) New South Wales.
Nya Zeeland: (Swed.) New Zealand.
Nyzeeländsk: (Swed.) New Zealandic.
Ny Caledonien: (Dan.,) New Caledonia.
N Y City Post: S. Allan Taylor label, 1865.
N Y F M: New York Foreign Mail.
Ny Foundland: (Dan., Nor.) Newfoundland.
Ny Foundlande skeppspost: (Swed.) Newfoundland ship mail (ship post).
Ny Foundlande skibspost: (Dan.,) Newfoundland ship mail (ship post).
Ny Foundlande skipspost: (Nor.) Newfoundland ship mail (ship post).
Ny Hebriderne: (Dan., Nor.) New Hebrides.
Ny Kaledonien: (Dan.,) New Caledonia.
Nyländska Skärgårds A.B.: (Fin.) used on steamships, carrying mail, serving Finland cities, late 1800s-early 1900s.
N.Y. Match Co.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
Nyolc: (Hung.) eight (number).
Nyolcvan: (Hung.) eighty (number).
Nyomtatv: (Hung.) printed matter overprint on hyper-inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment.
Nyomtatvány: (Hung.) printed matter.
N Y R B A: New York, Rio & Buenos Aires, Airlines, USA.
Ny Skotland: (Dan.,) Nova Scotia.
Ny Skotlande skibspost: (Dan.) Nova Scotian ship mail (ship post).
Ny Skottland: (Nor., Swed.) Nova Scotia.
Ny Skottlande skeppspost: (Swed.) Nova Scotian ship mail (ship post).
Ny Skottlande skipspost: (Nor.) Nova Scotian ship mail (ship post).
Ny Syd Wales: (Dan.,) New South Wales.
Nytryck: (Swed.) reprint.
Nytryk:(Dan., Nor.) reprint, see Eftertryk (Dan.).
Nytryk, privat: (Dan.,) private reprint.
Nyugat: (Hung.) West.
Nyugat-Magyarorszag Orszve: overprint on stamps of Hungary, Western Hungary.
Ny Zealand: (Dan., Nor.) New Zealand.
Ny Zealande skibspost: (Dan.,)) New Zealand ship mail (ship post).
Ny Zealande skipspost: (Nor.) New Zealand ship mail (ship post).
Nyzeeländske skeppspost: (Swed ) New Zealand ship mail (ship post). N.Z.: New Zealand.
N Z$: currency unit in Aitutaki.
NZ and Star: watermark seen on New Zealand wove paper made by Basted Paper Co.
N Z S D A: New Zealand Stamp Dealers Association



1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Military.
2: with eagle and United States of America: Massachusetts Custom House revenue seal.
3: within an oval of bars, Malta cancellation, mid 1800s.
4: Madrid (Spain), pre-adhesive postmark
5: Mail; mail specialist at Navy postal facilities.
6: Mecklenburg (Germany), pre-adhesive postmark
7: 3M Corporation prefix letter in front of the plate number on its stamp production.
8: currency unit Metical (Mozambique); Maloti (Lesotho); Manat (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan), Mark (Germany).
9: Menin, Milano (Italy), pre-adhesive postmark.
10: mint, auction abbreviation.
11: Military, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
12: Belgium Military Parcel Post overprint.
13: in oval, Allied military post inscription, first issue of stamps after World War II in Germany.

M, Ma: (Sp.) on postmarks, mañana, morning.
$M: pound, currency unit in Malta.
MA: international postal code for Morocco.
MA: 1: USPS abbreviation for Massachusetts. 2: Maryland, pre-adhesive postmark.
M A: Ministerio de Agricultura (Ministry of Agriculture), overprint on official stamps of Argentina.
Madagascar: overprint on stamps of France, or French Colonies, 1895; see Anjouan, Antananarivo, Madagascar, French.
MAC: international postal code for Macedonia.
Mac & Co’s Dispatch: U.S. local post, Fallsington-Morrisville, Pa.
Macao: Portuguese settlement located on China coast near mouth of the Canton River; 1557: Portuguese possession, 1883: used stamps of Hong Kong, 1884, Mar.1: first stamps, 1894: “Provisorio” surcharge on 2a and 10r values are unofficial and not authorized, 1904: first postage due stamp, 1911, Apr. 2: “Republica” overprint by Lisbon, 1919: first semi-postal stamp, 1999, Dec. 20.: reverted to Chinese rule, stamp overprinted to “Commemorate the Establishment of the Special Administrative Region of People’s Republic of China, Macao, China.”
Ma Catalog: Ma Ren Chuen’s Illustrated Catalogue of the Stamps of China.
Macchia: (It.) spot, stain.
Macclesfield Committee (MS&LRy): British railway local post
Macedonia: central portion of the Balkan Peninsula; 1913, July 1: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria in Greek, 1914:: reverted to Greece, Greek stamps used, 1942, Sept. 12: Bulgaria annexed Yugoslav Macedonia, 1944, Sept. 1-Nov. 13: German occupation established Macedonia, stamps of Bulgaria surcharged in Cyrillic, divided between Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia, authenticity dubious, 1944, Oct. 28: first stamps issued, 1991, Nov. 21: declared independence, 1992: “Makedonija” inscription for Macedonia, 1993, July 12: joined the UPU.
Mach: auction abbreviation term for machine.
Macharraviaga: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, (Malaga)1937.
Machin: British stamps with a design based on a plaster cast profile of Queen Elizabeth II from a plaster cast of the queen’s profile by Arnold Machin, first introduced on June 5, 1967.
Machine cancel: cancel applied by a machine vs handstamp and comprises slogan and plain version.
Macklin, John J. & Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Mack Postograph Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1922-28, acquired by Continental Postage Meter Co.
MacMillan Aerial Expedition: Donald B.MacMillan, noted Arctic explorer, pioneered use of airplanes and radios in Arctic exploration; postcard is a souvenir and has no relation by date to any of his expeditions.
Macon, Ga., Geo., Five cents, Two cents: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Macquires Express: baggage express firm serviced New York City to railroad and steamship lines; used a label; 1880s.
Mactan Island: bogus stamps and overprints for Philippine island south of Cebu.
Macula: (Sp.) stain, spot, blemish.
MAD: Marcus A. Davis, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Madagascar: see Malagasy Republic for later issues; 1875-1899: Norwegian Missionary Service operated parcel post service, 1880s: France claimed as protectorate, 1884-86: British consulate issued stamps for British subjects from Tananarive (Antananarivo) to where the mail could be placed into the French mail system; French colonial stamps had to be applied, 1885: French Colonies general issues, including overprinted provisionals, 1887: French system took over, 1889: French post offices opened, stamps were surcharges on French colonial issues, (French Offices in Madagascar), 1894: first stamps issued, 1895, Jan.-Sept.: during blockade of port by French Navy, mail taken to Vatamandry, where it was placed aboard British vessels, 1896, annexed by France, “Madagascar and Dependencies” inscription; first postage due stamp issued, 1898: Diego Suarez, Nossi Be and Ste. Marie attached to Madagascar, 1915, Feb.: first semi-postal stamp issued, 1935: first airmail stamp issued, 1942: British occupied island, Free French administration, when France fell to Germany, 1945: French rule restored.
Madagaskar: (Swed.) Madagascar.
Madagaszkár: (Hung.) Madagascar.
Madang: formerly Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Papua New Guinea.
Madeira: islands off north-east coast of Africa, 1868-pre: stamps of Portugal used, 1868-1929: overprint “Madeira” on stamps of Portugal, 1880: stamps of Funchal used, 1905-31: stamps of Azores used, 1925: first semi-postal, postage due stamps, 1929: stamps of Portugal used, 1980, Jan. 2: first use of islands name, used with issues of Portugal.
Maderanerthal: Switzerland hotel post, 1870-1884, Hotel Alpenklub.
Madison, Ga. 5 Paid: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Madison Court House, Fla. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Madison Court House, Fl.: see Confederate States of America, 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Madman State: India, parody of Wadwan State.
Madrid: 1: Spanish local post, 1853. 2: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, Republican, 1937. 3: 1907, Industrial Exhibition labels. 4. Spain, Universal Postal Union Congress, inscription, used on stamps of Spain, 1920-30.
Madrid issue: stamp of Spain overprinted “Republica” in Madrid, 1931. Has to be qualified “in Madrid” since there was a similar overprint in Barcelona (the Barcelona Issue).
Mælkeblå: (Dan.) milky-blue (color).
Mælkorange: (Dan.) milky-orange (color).
Mafeking: Bechuanaland, South African town; besieged Nov.12, 1899 to May 17, 1900, Boer War; issued own stamps ordered by Major General Baden Powell; 1900, Mar. 24-May 17:Cape of Good Hope and Bechuanaland stamps overprinted “Mafeking Besieged;” depicting Baden-Powell portrait and Goodyear cycle.
Mafia Island: East African coast on Rufiji River, Zanzibar; 1914-pre: part of German East Africa, 1914: Dec. occupied by British forces, used German East Africa stamps overprinted “G.R. / Post / Mafia,”and “G.R.I.-Mafia,” 1915, Jan.: overprint on I.E.F. overprinted stamps of India “G.R. Post / Mafia,” G.E.A., German East Africa overprinted stamps were used, 1916: N.F. overprint on stamps of Nyasaland used by the Nyasa-Rhodesia Field Force, ??YR: incorporated into Tanganyika.
Magaga: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1868-84.
Magyarorzag: (Hung,) Hungarian Republic; used on stamps of Hungary after 1947.
Magánposták: (Hung.) private posts.
Magdalena: Colombian State (Rio Hacha), with initials of authorizing agent, bogus issue, 1901.
Magdeburg: German local post (Courier), 1886-1906.
Magentarot: (Ger.) magenta (color).
Maghiar: (Rom.) Magyar, Hungarian (adj).
Magic Letter Express: U.S. local post, Evans, Porter & Co., Richmond, Va. 1865.
Magnifier: essential to a stamp collector in order to detect details of a stamp not seen with the naked eye.
Magyar: 1. inscription / overprint for name of country; Hungarian.
Magyar Kir. Hirlap Belyeg: inscription on stamps of Hungary for newspaper tax.
Magyar Kir(alyi) Posta: inscription for Hungarian Royal Post, 1874-1944.
Magyar Köztársaság: (Hung.) Republic of Hungary.
Magyar Nemzeti Kormány Szeged: (Hung.) “Hungarian People’s Government Szeged” overprint on stamps of Hungary, 1919, for the Komitat of Szegedin.
Magyar Nepkoztarsasag: (Hung.) inscription on stamps of Hungary for Peoples Popular Republic, showing full name, used only in 1919.
Magyarorszag: inscription on stamps of Hungary for Hungarian State, 1925-36, 1991-.
Magyarországi Szerb Megszállás: (Hung.) Serbian occupation of Hungary.
Magyar Posta: (Hung.) inscription/overprint “Hungarian Post,” 1945-91.
Magyar Tanács Köztársaság: (Hung.) “Hungarian Soviet Republic” overprint on stamps of Hungary, 1919.
Mahalla: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1864-84.
Mahalle-Kibir: Egypt, see Interpostal seals.
Mahallet-Abou-Ali: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1880-82.
Mahallet-Damana: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Mahallet-Malek: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1880.
Mahallet-Moussa: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1880-82.
Mahallet-Roh: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1867-84.
Mahdi Postes Soudan: bogus, label.
Mahon: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Mahra Sultanate of Qishn and Socotra: Eastern Aden protectorate, South Arabia; 1967, Mar. 12: first stamps, incorporated into People’s Republic of Southern Yemen.
Mahra State: part of South Arabia, Aden, issued local stamps in 1967.
Mähren: (Ger.) Moravia.
Mai: (Nor., Rom.) May (month).
Maiden flight: first flight of a new aircraft type; mail carried on board is unofficial.
Maidstone Overseas: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Maigre: (Fr.) thin.
Mai Gt.Pre. 1902: overprint on stamps of Haiti, (Gouvernmnet Provisoire) Provisional Government, 1902.
Mail: letters, parcels and other items delivered through the postal agency; word originated from French word “Maille” for traveling bag, wallet or trunk.
Mail art: hand made labels, sent on a cover, designed to simulate stamps.
Mail bid sale: all bidding is done by mail, phone or e-mail with a pre-set cut-off date and time when winning bids are tabulated.
Mail boats in the Pacific: 1864: French lines Messageries Maritimes started operations in Indian Ocean, 1867: American Pacific Steam Navigation Co. started operating from San Francisco to Hong Kong, 1868: American post offices opened in Shanghai and Japan, 1877: Oriental and Oceanic Steamship Co. began operating, 1886: German Norddeutsche Lloyd of Bremen started service to Australia, Singapore and China 1892: Canadian Pacific Railway started service Hong Kong to Vancouver, 1900: German line extended service to Japan, 1901: German Jaluit Company began services to Marshall, Mariana and Caroline Islands, 1914: all French and German lines shut down, 1920: French lines operated again, 1940: French lines discontinued operation.
Mailbox: any private receptacle or container used by postal customers to receive mail, either at their residence or at curbside.
Mail boxes, first: Florence, Italy established closed wooden boxes with an opening at the top in the 16th century, installed in churches for anonymous letters against wrong-doers.
Mailboxes Ltd.: private post operator in New Zealand who uses own postage stamps.
Mail boxes, oldest in use: Hauteville and Union Street, Guernsey erected in 1853 as part of Anthony Trollope’s experiment and still in use.
Mail boxes, public vehicles: put on tramcars in New York City in 1886.
Mail boxes, roads: first established in Paris in1653 and were emptied three times a day.
Mail card: inscription on privately printed postcards; UPU regulations required first class letter rate if mailed out of country of origin, since they did not have the official inscription.
Mail certs: 1941; British Embassy in the U.S. inaugurated this system of certification for U.S. senders of mail to some neutral countries.
Mail coaches: 1: introduced in England in 1784 for run between London and Bristol. 2: 1773; carried mail between Boston and Portsmouth. 3: U. S. March 3, 1807; replaced mounted mail carriers by Act of Congress.
Mail Delivery: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mail early (ME): an inscription found in the margins of U.S. stamps and booklet panes; started in 1965 to encourage people to Mail Early in the Day; these are usually collected in blocks of six.
Mail Early / in the Day: marginal inscription found on U.S. commemorative stamps since 1968.
Mailed on Rural Route: handstamp for parcel post delivered on rural routes at a lower rate than regular parcel post due to special rate given to rural route residents.
Mailer’s Permit Postmark: postmark applied to mail by the mailer, prior to submission to the USPS for normal mail distribution.
Mailer’s Permits: postmark on first class, pre-cancelled mail, supplied by permit holders.
Mailer’s postmark: U.S. system that permits mailers to create and use their own postmark; requires a special no cost permit from the USPS.
Mailer’s precancel postmark (MPP): authorized mailer use of a postal cancellation applied to stamps prior to mailing.
Mail for this Address Prohibited: postal marking on covers usually addressed to sellers of Irish sweepstake lottery tickets; mail is returned to sender with marking.
Mail fraud: a scheme to get money or other assets from a postal customer by offering a product, service or investment opportunity that does not live up to its claims; prosecutors must prove that the mails were used to carry out the scheme.
Mailgram: trademark of Western Union; a hard-copy message transmitted electronically by Western Union and delivered by the USPS.
Mailman: aka letter carrier or postal worker.
Mail moment: term devised by the USPS as the moment when household open the letters and packages received that day.
Mailomat: combination franking and mailing machine introduced by Pitney-Bowes in May 17, 1939.
Mail O-Meter Co: Detroit, Mich. manufacturer of stamp vending machines, 1906-17, distinct perforation; formerly Schermack Mailing Machine Co., Mail-om-eter Co., Mail-O-Meter Co.; U.S. postage meter firm acquired by Pitney-Bowes.
Mail receptacle: a privately owned mailbox or a USPS collection box used to receive or deposit mail.
Mail Route: coastal waterways ship mail handstamp, 1820s.
Mail sale: a private sale with no bidders present, bidding is done by phone, Internet or mail; winning bids are determined by a cutoff date and time, published in a printed catalog
Mail sorting, mechanical: sorter installed at Rotterdam, Holland Sept. 1935.
Mail stop order: an order that directs the post office of delivery to return to the sender any mail responding to a false representation or lottery scheme.
Mail Stream: movement of mail within the Postal Service.
Mail suspended: Civil War handstamp used on Northern U.S. mail addressed to postal addresses in the South.
Maine: U.S. state March 16, 1820; created from part of District of Maine, Massachusetts.
Main Post Office: primary post office in a city with secondary post offices; formerly called General Post Office.
Main stock: all postage stamps and other accountable inventory received by a post office, but not yet consigned to the window clerks.
Mainz: German local post, 1: (Drucckschriften-Expedition und Circulair-Post) 1888-89. 2: Express,Eilgut und Packet-verkehr) 1886. 3: (Privat-Brief-Beforderung) 1886-1900. 4: (Privat-Brief-Verkehr) 1886.
Maîtres de poste: (Fr.) postmasters whose job it was to house, feed and water the royal messenger and his horse when he stopped at the relay station.
Maj: (Dan., Swed.) May (month).
Máj: (Czech.) May (month).
Major Ted’s Stamp Talk: 2002 radio talk show by Ted Bahry via the Internet.
Majunga: Madagascar local post, Feb., 1895, issued by French expeditionary force as handstamped overprints on stamps of France.
Majus: (Hung.) May (month).
Makedonija: (Resembles these letters) Macedonia.
Makel: (Ger.) stain, fault.
Makeready: The process of setting up and adjusting a printing press for a particular ink, paper and set of printing conditions prior to a press run. Also, the paper used during these adjustments.
Makeshift booklets: U.S. stamp booklets containing stamps normally issued in panes; dispensed by postal vending machines.
Makeshift paper: refers to paper used in Europe for stamp production after World War 1.
Make-up: stamp booklet contents, usually in total number of stamps of each denomination.
Make-up rate stamps: nondenominated stamps issued for use with stamps of previously issued first-class letter rate stamps to make up the difference.
Makkah: aka Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Maklaturpapier: (Ger.) trial paper used for essays.
Maków: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Makulatur: (Den., Ger., Nor., Swed.) printer’s waste.
Ma-Kuta: currency used in Congo Democratic Republic.
MAL: international postal code for Malaysia.
M.A.L.: Military Authority Lira, currency surcharge on stamps of Great Britain, British Offices Abroad for North and East Africa (Tripotania).
Malaba: formerly Sta. Isabel, Equatorial Africa.
Malacca: aka Melaka; state, Malaya; on west side of Malay Peninsula; (located in Scott Catalogue after Malaya); 1842: became British; then one of the British Straits Settlements, Straits Settlements stamps used, 1942: Japanese occupation, overprints on stamps of the Straits Settlements, a single overprint covered four stamps, 1942: occupation postage due stamps, 1948, Dec. 1: first commemorative stamp, inscribed Malaya Malacca, 1949, March 1: first definitive, 1957: stamps of the Malayan Federation used with those of Malacca, 1965, Nov. 15: used designs of Johore, inscribed Malacca, stamps of Malaysia, name changed to Melaka.
Malaga: 1. local post, Spanish civil war Nationalist, Republican, 1936-37. 2. stamps of Spain overprinted “Malaga Liberada” (Free Malaga, 1937).
Malaga Arriba España: overprint on stamps of Spain, revenue issue, Malaga.
Malagache, Republique: Madagascar, 1958-60.
Malaga Liberada: overprint on stamps of Spain, Malaga.
Malagasy, Repoblika: Madagascar, 1961-76.
Malagasy, Repoblika Demokratika: Madagascar, 1976.
Malagasy Republic: see Madagascar for previous issues; 1958, Oct. 14: became Malagasy Republic, 1958, Dec. 10: first commemorative stamp as Malagasy Republic, 1959, Jan. 31: “Republique Malgache,” inscription, 1960, July 29: first semi-postal, air mail as Malagasy Republic, 1961, Nov. 2: joined UPU, 1962, May 7: first postage due as Malagasy Republic, 1975: became Democratic Republic of Malagasy.
Malaiske Stater: (Dan.) Malayan States.
Malaia: (Den., Nor.) Malaya.
Malaiske Stater: (Dan., Nor.) Malayan States.
Malaja: (Swed.) Malaya.
Malajisk: (Den., Nor.) Malayan.
Malajsk: (Swed.) Malayan.
Malajske Stater: (Swed.) Malayan States.
Malájzia: (Hung.) Malaysia.
Malaisie: (Fr.) Malaysia.
Malakote: German postal agency produced these labels in 1888 for use as inland postal service in Malakote; but a treaty took area away before labels could be used.
Malaria, Anti: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1962.
Malawi: formerly British Protectorate of, Nyasaland; 1907, July 6: named Nyasaland Protectorate, 1954: became part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1963: became independent state of Malawi, 1964, July 6: Malawi stamps inscribed “Ufulu,” (Independence), 1966, July 6: declared a republic, 1967, Sept. 1: first postage due stamp.
Malakote: German East Africa unissued stamps.
Malaku Selatan: South Moluccas, formerly Nyasaland; 1964: first commemorative stamp, 1966, Oct. 25: joined UPU. 1967: first postage due stamp, 1972: first air mail stamp.
Malawi Special U.K.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Malay, (Federated Malay States): Malaya; 1878-1900: individual states had their own stamps, see state name for data; 1896, July 1: Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, and Selangor joined as Federated Malay States, 1900: “Federated Malay States” overprint on stamps of Negri Sembilan, valid for all four states, 1922: “Federated Malay States” overprint on some stamps of Pahang; valid for all four states, 11924: first postage due, 1935: Malayan Postal Union formed, predecessor of the Malayan Federation, 1936-42: first stamps were postage dues used in Straits Settlements, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak and Selangor, 1945-63: postage dues used in Singapore and Federation of Malaya, 1963-Aug. 15, 1966: postage dues used in Singapore and the Federation of Malaysia (including Borneo), Aug. 15, 1966-Jan. 31, 1968: postage dues used in Singapore only. 1945, Oct. 19-1948: “B M A Malaya” overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements, 1948-post: states issued their own stamps, but B M A Malaya overprint was used to 1951.
Malaya: 1: with vignette of Sultan and Arabic: inscription Straits states; Selangor 1935, Negri Sembilan 1949, Pahang, Perak, Trengganu 1950, Kelantan, Perlis 1951. 2: with state name: Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak 1935, Straits 1936, Selangor 1941, Simgapore 1948, Johore, Malacca, Penang 1949, Kedah 1950. 3: Malacca with Malacca Cane, Jungle Phone, mobile hairdresser inscriptions; unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001. 4: first appeared on stamps in 1935-36 on issues of Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Selangor, and Straits Settlements.
Malaya, Federation of: 1946, April 1: see Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Selanger and Trengganu formed the Malay Union, 1946: Malayan Union stamp not issued, 1948, Feb. 1: group changed to the Federation of Malaya, 1948-63: each of the 11 territories issued their own stamps, valid in each other’s territories, see each territory for information, 1957, May 5: Federation of Malaya formed, issued own stamps, could be used with individual states’ stamps, 1957, Aug.1: member of the British Commonwealth, 1957, Aug. 31: became independent, 1963, Sept. 16: became part of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: stamps of Malaysia superseded all stamps.
Malaya, Japanese Occupation: 1942: “Dai Nippon 2602 Malaya” (Japanese Year equivalent to 1942) overprint on Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Selangor, Straits Settlements, and Trengganu, 1942: “Dai Nippon 2602” overprint on stamps of Kedah, 1942: “Dai Nippon 2602 Penang” overprint on stamps of the Straits Settlements, 1942: “Dai Nippon Yubin”(Japanese Postal Service) overprint on stamps of Perak, 1942: occupation stamps with boxed Japanese characters overprinted for postage due, 1943: occupation stamps with boxed Japanese characters overprinted on stamps of Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor, Straits Settlements, and Trengganu.
Malaya, Thai Occupation: included Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, and Tregganu; 1943, Dec: issued by Japanese for use in Thai-occupied areas, 1945, Sept.: reverted to British rule.
Malaysia: 1963, Sept. 16: first stamps for Malayan Federation, merger of Federation of Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak, Singapore, totaling 14 states; Sabah and Sarawak issued their own stamps; 1963: Oct. Perak issued its own stamps, 1965: Singapore seceded from the Federation, 1965, Nov. other states issued their own stamps, 1966-pre: used postage due stamps of the Malayan Postal Union, 1979, April 30: local definitives issued for the Federal District of Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia Johor: inscription on stamps of Malaysia for Johore State, 1965, 1971.
Malaysia Sarawak: see Sarawak.
Malaya Singapore: see Singapore.
Malaya Straits Settlements: see Straits Settlements.
Malayischer Bund: (Ger.) Federated Malay States.
Malaysia, Federation of: Malay Peninsula, North Borneo, with Sarawak and Sabah (North Borneo); for total of 14 Malaya states; 1963, Sept.16: first stamp issued, each territory used their own stamps up to 25 cent value, Sabah and Sarawak issued their own stamps due to having different rates, 1963, Oct.: Perak allowed to issue their own stamps, 1965: Singapore withdrew, 1965, Nov.: ten other members could issue their own stamps, 1966: first postage due stamp.
Malburin: occurs when the engraver’s burin tool slips when an intaglio or recessed printing plate is being touched up; leaving a obvious deviation.
Mal centré: (Fr.) badly centered.
Maldirige: (Sp.) missent or misdirected mail, to explain delay in arrival.
Maldive Islands: a group of 2,000 islands in the Indian Ocean, west of Ceylon; 1906, Sept. 9: “Maldives” overprint on stamps of Ceylon, 1909: issued own stamps, 1948: independent sultanate, 1953, Jan. 1: republic under British protection, 1954: became a Sultanate, 1965, July 26: became an independent sovereign state, 1967, Aug. 15: joined UPU, 1968, Nov. 11: became a republic.
Maldiverna: (Swed.) the Maldive Islands.
Maldiverne: (Dan., Nor.) the Maldive Islands.
Malert Budapest: Hungary semi-official air mail.
Malgache: Madagascar, 1959-61.
Malguzari: Indian States term for revenue.
Mali, Federation of: Federation of French Sudan and Senegal, West Africa; 1899: colony abolished and divided among various French colonies, 1921: “Sudan Francais” overprint on stamps of Niger and Upper Senegal, 1958: became the Sudanese Republic, 1959, Jan. 17: became Federation of Mali with Republic of Senegal and French Sudan, 1959, April 4: made up of Republic of Senegal and the Sudanese Republic, 1959, Nov. 7: first stamps issued, 1959, Dec. 11: first air mail stamp, 1960, June: Senegal seceded to become Republic of Senegal, formerly French Sudan, 1960, June 20: became Republic of Mali, 1960, Dec. 18: first air mail stamp, 1961, Jan. 15: first official stamp, 1961, Mar. 18: postage due stamps, 1961, April 21: joined UPU, 1962, Apr. 7, 1962 : first semi-postal stamp,
Maligayang Pasko: term meaning Happy Holiday on Philippine seals.
Mallawi: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Mallaz: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Malli: (Fin.) see Specimen.
Mallorca: Spanish civil war nationalist, 1936-38.
Malmédy: Belgian occupation of Germany; 1815: Prussian Rhine province; 1919: annexed by Belgium, 1920-21: overprints on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation of Malmedy, Germany.
Malmö: Seaport and seat of Malmöhus province in SW Sweden on the Øresund Strait Opposite Copenhagen, Denmark, ca. 345 miles SSW of Stockholm. Local posts established in 1888, with set-of-7 different values “Malmo Gamla Stadsbudsexpedition / Bud Utryres” local stamps issued in 1888, and a similar series in a smaller format issued 1889.
Malmo Gamla: Sweden local post, 1888-1926.
Malmö – G. Wisen Local Post: Local post established in 1926 by G. Wisen (followed, in 1927, by N. Rehnfalt), with typographed (Cronholms Litografiska Anstalt Co., Malmö) 4 ore violet “Malmö på Lokalpost” stamp depicting a Viking ship in full sail Issued 30 January 1926, and a second set-of-6 different values “Malmö / Privata / Lokalpost” stamps depicting a horse-mounted statue issued later in 1926.
Malmyzh: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1869-97.
Maloarkhanggelsk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-76.
Maloti: unit of currency in Lesotho.
Malta: British island colony in Mediterranean, off coast of Sicily; 1854: British stamps delivered for use on external mail. 1857-85: British stamps cancelled “M” or “A 25” used for international mail, 1860, Dec. 1: stamp issued inscribed Malta for use on internal mail, 1885, Jan. 1: first definitive series, 1922: “Self-government” overprint, 1925: first postage due stamp, 1928, Apr. 1: first air mail stamp, 1964, Sept. 21: independent nation within the British Commonwealth, 1965, May 21: joined UPU, 1969, Nov. 8: first semi-postal stamp, 1974: declared itself a republic.
Malta: Maltese Falcon inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Malta Keytype: nickname for King George V 1914 series that was used for several of the Crown Colonies.
Malta “Ticks”: Malta 1885 issue surcharged “One Penny in 1902; “One Pnney” occurred once on each pane; Valletta postmaster ticked all remaining unsurcharged sheets in upper left-hand corner.
Malte: (Fr.) Malta.
Maltese Cross (MC): first cancellation used on British stamps, 1840; name given by stamp collectors; design based on the Tudor rose and not the eight-pointed cross of the Knights of Malta; which was cross of four equal corners with wide notched ends.
Malteserkreuz: (Ger.) Maltese cross.
Maluku Selatan: overprint for proposed state of South Moluccas, Indonesia, but never issued.
Maluti: currency unit in Lesotho.
Malvinas: Argentine name for Falkland Islands.
Mamatius: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Mambia: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Man, Man.a, Mant.a, Man.va: (It.) Matova (Italy pre-adhesive postmark).
Manachi: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
Manama: Bahrain, also known as Al Manamah; 1964: first stamp, 1972: overprint, see Ajman.
Manat: currency unit in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan.
Mancha: (Sp.) spot, stain.
Mancha Real: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Manchester &Milford Railways: British railway local post.
Manchester Delivery: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Manchester Express: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Manchester Local Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway: British railway local post.
Manchester, South Junction & Atrincham Railway: British railway local post.
Manchieh: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Manchukuo, Manchuria; 1920-pre: China and Russia in their respective post offices, 1927, Mar. 18: stamps of China overprinted for use in districts of Kirin and Heilungkiang. 1932, July 26: name changed from Manchuria to Manchukuo by Japanese invaders, 1932, July 26-45: first stamps issued, note that the first 2,000 sheets of each value have a one-line imprint in Chinese “Manufactured by Japanese Imperial Government Printing Bureau,” 1933, Mar. 1: establishment of state, Jehol annexed, 1936: first air mail stamp, 1946: returned to China, known as Manchuria, 1946, Feb.-Oct. 1948: stamps issued for North Eastern provinces (Nationalist), 1946, Feb.-May 1951: stamps issued for North Eastern provinces (Communist). 1951, May: stamps of Chinese People’s Republic used.
Manchuriet: (Dan., Nor. Swed.) Manchuria.
Mancolista: (Sp.) collector’s checklist of wanted stamps.
Mancoliste: (Fr.) collector’s checklist of wanted stamps.
Mandag: (Dan., Nor.) Monday.
Måndag: (Swed.) Monday.
Mandal: Seaport town in extreme S of Vest-Agder county on the Skagerrak (also Skagerak) Strait, S Norway, ca. 185 miles SW of Oslo. Local post established by N. Herlofson, with set-of-5 “Bypost / Mandal / Bypost” lithographed local stamps depicting a tree issued 15 November 1886. The stamps are cancelled with a single-ring “Mandals-Bypost” circular datestamps having an 8-pointed star at the bottom, and the date and time in four lines at the center. The local post ceased operations effective 30 April 1886.
Mandal Bypost: Norway local post, 1886.
Mandare: (Sp.) forward.
Mandat: (Ger.) mandate.
Mandat: (Fr.) inscription for money order stamps, Netherlands, 1894.
Mandated Territory of Tanganyika: see Tanganyika.
Mandate stamp: stamps issued for certain mandated territories after WW I.
Mandchoukuo: (Fr.) Manchukuo.
Mandchourie: (Fr.) Manchuria.
M & I: Maurice et Indies (Fr.) Mauritius and the Indies.
M & M: Match and Medicine 19th century private die stamps used to pay federal taxes.
Mando: (Sp.) civil war marking for military or naval command.
M. Andresen Local Post: see Christianssund – M. Andresen Local Post.
Mandschurei: (Ger.) Manchuria.
Måned: (Nor.) month.
Manfalout: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1872-82.
Mangalia: Romania revenue issue that is regarded as bogus.
Mängel: (Ger.) defect, fault.
Mangelhaft: (Ger.) defective, faulty.
Mangiare, lo Stato di: Donald Evans issue, “The State of Eating,: see Donald Evans
Manhardt-Alexander: subcontractor to Ashton-Potter for printing of the 1994.
Manhattan Delivery Company: parcel delivery firm serviced New York City; used complimentary frank labels, stamps; 1880s.
Manhattan Express: U.S. local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1847.
Manhattan Medicine Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Manifestation (philatélique): (Fr.) (philatelic) event.
Manifiestos: inscription on a customs duty stamp of Cuba.
Manilaid: bogus Russian issue, not valid for postage.
Manila paper: a strong light coarse texture paper used for envelopes and wrappers; usually smooth on one side and rough on the other.
Manilva: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Manises: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Man, isle of: see Isle of Man.
Manizales: Antioquia, Colombia private local post, with labels, 1909.
Manland, Republic of: fantasy cinderella, not valid for postage.
Manlleu: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mannheim: German local post; 1: Hansa Privatpost fur Stadtbriefel) 1886-87. 2: Mannheimer Paketfahrt Gesellschaft, 1906. 3: Privat-Brief-Verkehr, 1886-87. 4: Privat-Brief-Verkehr.Stadt, 1894-1900.
Manoel Keytype: King Manoel portrait (Feb. 1908-Oct. 1910) used as a Portuguese colonial keytype.
Manresa: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mansfield & Higbee: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Mansfield, F. & Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Mansfield, S. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Mansiones: post stages, Roman imperial postal system, about 250 BC.
Manson & Co’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Boston, Amesbury and Salisbury, Mass.; used a label; 1868.
Mansoura: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1864-84.
Manubaland: bogus stamps created for newspaper columnist.
Manuel E. Jimenez: Colombia, Cauca Department, receipt label.
Manuscript (MS): term describing covers or stamps with handwritten postal markings.
Manuscript cancel: postmasters of small offices used pen cancellation since they did not have hand stamps, mostly used during 18th century but continued through the 19th.
Manuscript marks: 1847-55; postmasters ordered to cancel adhesive postage stamps in manuscript; also known as pen cancellations.
Manuscript provisionals: stamps with values altered by hand during shortage of stamps, Trinidad 1882, 1d and 6d.
Manuscript surcharge: in emergencies, stamps had their denominations changed by manuscript, usually accompanied by a postal official’s initials.
Manx: Isle of Man.
Manzala: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Manzanilla: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, Republican, 1937-38.
M A O: Mailing Address Only; an Army Post Office that received mail only.
Mapka: 1: (Cyrillic transliteration of “Marka”) currency unit in Azerbaijan, Finland, Russia, and Serbia. 2: (Cyrillic) stamp.
Maple Leaf: nickname for Canadian 1897-98 issue depicting Queen Victoria with a maple leaf design in each corner.
Maple Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Map stamps: stamps printed on reverse side of any abandoned maps available following World War I.; used in 1919-21 by Latvia; also known as “Map Backs.”
Maputo: formerly Lourenço Marques, Mozambique.
Maquette: (Fr.) preliminary design (essay).
Maragha: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Maravedi: (Sp.) currency unit in Spanish language countries.
Marbelized paper: distinct wavy-line or marbelized watermark on stamps of Brazil.
Marbella: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Marble’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Massachusetts towns; used a label; year unknown.
Marca: (Sp.) cachet, mark.
Marca da bollo: (It.) revenue issue of Italy.
Marca de control: (Sp.) control mark.
Marca pe fragment: (Rom.) postage stamp on piece of paper or envelope, or on a parcel clipping.
Marca pe plic: (Rom.) postage stamp on a cover.
Marca postala: (Rom.) postage stamp.
Marca Postal al Dorso: (Sp.): backstamp; postmark applied to back of incoming mail to show date and time of receipt at the receiving post office.
Marcas de abono: (Sp.) marks used on pre-philatelic letters and early stamped covers to indicate that postage was prepaid to destination.
Marcas secretas: (Sp.) secret marks placed into the stamp design to guard against forgery.
Marca taiata în jumatate: (Rom.) postage stamp cut in half, a bisect.
Marchand de timbres: (Fr.) stamp dealer.
Märchen: (Ger.) fairy tales (thematic).
Marchena: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Marches: market fees; French Colonies revenue inscription.
Marci bulgare: (Rom.) Bulgarian postage stamps (issued for Romanian Occupation).
Marci maghiare: (Rom.) Hungarian postage stamps (issued for Romanian Occupation).
Marcile Craciune: (Rom.) Christmas stamps.
Marcile pentru Fondol Aviatiei: (Rom.) Aviation Fund postage stamps.
Marcile postale: (Rom.) postage stamps.
Marcile porto: (Rom.) postage due stamps.
Marcile postale: (Rom.) postage stamps.
Marcile postale românesti: (Rom.) Romanian postage stamps.
Marcilor dantelate: (Rom.) perforated stamps.
Március: (Hung.) March (month).
Marco: (Sp.) frame, a border.
Marcofilia: (Sp.) collecting all types of postal markings and cachets
Marcophilately: study of postmarks; also known as Marcophily, Commatology
Mare: (Fr.) sea.
Mare Balticum: (Latin) Baltic Sea, exhibition name covering Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden.
Marfleet Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Marge: (Fr.) margin, the portion of unprinted paper that surrounds a stamp or a pane of stamps; Margine; (It.) margen, borde (Sp.).
Margenes plenos: (Sp.) full margins.
Margen de sello: (Sp.) stamp margin.
Marges de tous cotés: (Fr.) full margins.
Margin: the portion of unprinted paper that surrounds a stamp or a pane of stamps; rand (Ger.);
Margin Block: block of stamps with the margin selvage attached.
Marginal: (Swed.) margin.
Marginal advertising: commercial or postal announcements that are printed in the sheet margins.
Marginales: (Sp.) margins surrounding a sheet of stamps.
Marginal guide marks: lines, dots, arrows, etc. in the sheet margins that serve as a guide during the printing process.
Marginal inscriptions (M I): printing that appears in margin of a stamp pane; also called marginal markings.
Marginal rule: line in margins around British and commonwealth stamps. Also known as Jubilee Line.
Marginal watermark: a watermark designed so that it will appear only in the sheet margin.
Margin copy: a stamp that can be identified as originating from the edge of a sheet or pane with evidence of the margin or selvage.
Margine de Francobollo: (It.) stamp margin.
Margine pieno: (It.) full margins.
Margin line: a perforated mark printed on the web to control each plate impression while passing through the electric eye perforator.
Margin paper: another term for selvage.
Marginal: (Swed.) margin.
Mari, Mari-el: Bogus Russian local overprint.
Marianas Españolas: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Philippines, for Mariana Islands, Spanish administration, 1899.
Marianen: (Ger.) inscription / overprint on stamps of Germany for Mariana Islands, 1899-19.
Marianerna: (Swed.) the Marianna Islands.
Maria Anna, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built 1837, for middle and upper Danube lines.
Maria Dorothea, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built 1834, for Austrian post mail Trieste and Constantinople.
Mariana Islands: island chain between Guam and Japan; 1899-pre: Spanish control, 1899, Sept.: “Marianas Españolas” overprint on stamps of the Philippines, Spanish Dominion of the islands, 1899: Guam ceded to the U.S., northern islands sold to Germany, 1899, Nov. 18: Marianen overprint on stamps of Germany, German Dominion of the islands, 1914: occupied by Japan, 1944: occupied by the U.S., 1951: U.S. post offices established in the U. S. Trust Territories of the United Nations.
Marianerna: (Swed.) the Marianna Islands.
Marianne: (Fr.) symbol of France, depicted on post-war French issues.
Mariannen-Inseln: (Ger.) Marianas Islands.
Mariannerne: (Dan.) the Mariana Islands.
Mariannes (Iles): (Fr.) Marianne Islands.
Maribor: local post overprint, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, 1945.
Mariehamm: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Aland Is. Finland, 1890s.
Mari El: bogus Russian issue, not valid for postage.
Marienwerder: area known as East Prussia; 1920: overprint “Commission Interalliee Marienwerder,” inscription “Plebiscite Marienwerder-Kwidzyn” on stamps of Germany, East Prussia plebiscite issue, 1920, March 13: first stamps issued, 1945: occupied by Soviet forces and given to Poland, renamed Kwidzyn.
Marietta, Ga. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Marie Valerie, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1880s.
Marij El: local post, Russian cinderella, late 1990s.
Marijuana stamp: issued by some states to aid in the war against drugs; theoretically by drug dealers, who if arrested without the stamp, can face tax evasion in addition to other indictments.
Marinebrief / Abs. Marinedetachment: naval mail from Marine Detachment at Tientsin, China, 1900.
Marine insurance stamps: stamps issued by Netherlands and Netherlands Indies, for mail to be enclosed in a floating safe in case the boat sank,1921.
Marine Postamt: (Ger.) naval mail office.
Marineat: (Ger.) Sailors’ Council, German censor marking during Communist revolution, 1918.
Marineschiffspost: (Ger.) handstamp for mail posted aboard a German ship.
Marino: seceding state with typeset provisionals, Venezuela, 1903.
Marion, Va. Paid 5, P. Office: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Marion and Prince Edward Islands: Antarctic islands used by South Africa as weather reporting stations; in March 1958, temporary postal station established.
Mariposa: (Sp.) butterfly (thematic).
Maritimas: (Sp.) letters posted at sea and bearing some sort of maritime marking.
Maritime and Newfoundland Airways: 1931 label prepared for a flight to St. Pierre; prohibited by the French government.
Maritime mail: 1: any type of seaborne mail, usually with a special postmark. 2: term first used in 1939 by the Royal Navy as a security term to avoid using the ship name, port of departure or landing, or date.
Maritime postmark: indicates usage aboard a ship; can take many forms.
Maritime Provinces: Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
Maritime surcharge: original concept for additional fee, was for mail that had to travel by sea more than 600 nautical miles.
Mariupol: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-78.
Mariy-el: bogus Russian republic, not valid for postage.
Marj-el: bogus Russian issue.
Mark: currency unit in Allenstein, Bergedorf , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Germany, Hamburg, Lubeck, North German Confederation, Schleswig-Holstein, and Wurttemberg.
Marka: currency unit in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Estonia, and Poland.
Markaa, Markka: currency unit in Finland.
Markby, E.C. Ltd.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Marke: (Ger.) adhesive stamp.
Marke auf Brief: (Ger.) stamp on cover.
Marka Ukramy: stamp printing firm for Ukrainian stamps.
Markenblatt: (Ger.) commemorative stamp sheets.
Marken der Übergangszeit: (Ger.) provisional issues, interim period.
Markenfeld: (Ger.) position of stamp in a sheet.
Markenhandler: (Ger.) stamp dealer.
Markenheftchen: (Ger.) stamp booklet that contains one or more panes of stamps.
Markenrand: (Ger.) stamp margin.
Markenrolle: (Ger.) stamp coil, stamps gathered in a series of rings or spirals.
Markensammler: (Ger.) philatelist.
Market Value: price as quoted in advertisements or by stamp dealers.
Markierte briefmarke: (Ger.) tagged stamp.
Marking and rating stamps: P.O. Regulation, 1852; metal stamps furnished to offices that collect $300 a year in postage; wood stamps in post offices that collect $200 per year; any other stamps must be done at the expense of the postmaster.
Markka: currency unit in Finland.
Marmorizado: (Port.) see marbelized.
Maroc: (Fr.) overprint for Morocco; see French Morocco, Morocco.
Marocco: overprint on stamps of Germany, Offices in Morocco.
Marocko: (Swed.) Morocco.
Marockansk: (Swed.) Moroccan.
Maroc, Royaume de: Marocco.
Maroko: (Czech.) Morocco.
Marokko: 1. overprint on stamps of Germany, Offices in Morocco, 1911. 2. (Dan., Nor.) Morocco
Marokkansk: (Dan., Nor.) Moroccan.
Maroksky: (Czech.) Moroccan.
Maros, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1880s, for middle Danube lines.
Marotiri Island: Copper Mines Syndicate, New Zealand local post stamps, 1899.
Marque d’affranchissement: (Fr.) frank.
Marque d’contról: (It.) control mark (overprint).
Marque d’entree: (Fr.) handstamp indicating entry from another country.
Marquilla: (Sp.) authentication mark put on the backs of stamps by Spanish dealers as evidence of its genuineness; also used as the name of the instrument making the mark.
Marrakesh-Mazagan: inscription on local post of Morocco operating between two cities.
Married pairs: nickname used for the stamps from printing plates that produced two different stamps; the same plates were used to make the 1840 Penny Blacks and also the Penny Reds.
Marries: watermark seen on French-area artist’s die proofs.
Marrón: (Sp.) brown, coffee or chocolate (color).
Marrone: (It.) brown, coffee or chocolate (color).
Marruecos: overprint on stamps of Spain for Spanish Morocco, 1903-55; or Northern Zone 1956-58.
Marruecos Espanol: overprint on stamps of Spain for Spanish Morocco, Northern Zone.
MARS: Manuscript and Archives Reference System; used by State of North Carolina, contains postal history information.
Mars: (Nor, Swed.) March (month).
Marschell Inseln: Marshall Islands.
Marsden, T. W.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Marseilles: local provisional, France, 1944.
Marshall & Moulton’s Express: private mail and parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Beverly Farms, Mass., used labels, 1891-89.
Marshall, Henry H. Delivery: parcel delivery firm serviced Halifax; used a stamp, year unknown.
Marshall Inseln: 1: overprint on stamps of Germany for Marshall Islands as a German colony. 2: inscription for Marshall Islands.
Marshall Islands: north of Gilbert islands, West Pacific Ocean; 1885-1914: German colony, 1897: purchased from Spain, stamps of Germany overprinted “Marschall Inseln,” 1899: stamps of Germany overprinted “Marshall Inseln,” 1914: occupied by Japan, Japanese stamps used, 1914-15: stamps of Marshall islands overprinted “G.R.I.,” for British/New Zealand occupation of New Britain, 1945: under U.S. trusteeship, U.S. stamps used. 1947: U.S. post offices established in the U. S. Trust Territories of the Pacific Ocean, 1979: bogus stamps produced in Japan, 1984: U. S. Trust Territory, islands issued their own stamps with USPS carrying the mail, 1985, Feb. 15: first air mail stamps, 1986, Oct. 21: became a Federation as a Sovereign State in Compact of Free Association with the U.S., 1996, July 1: first semi-postal stamp.
Marshallöarna: (Swed.) the Marshall Islands.
Marshall øerne: (Dan.) Marshall Islands.
Marshall-Szigetek: (Hung.) the Marshall Islands.
Marsh’s Express: local delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass and Nashua, N.H.; used a circular label; year unknown.
Mars, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle or upper Danube lines.
Martapoera: Sumatra local post overprint, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
Marten’s City Express: private parcel firm serviced New York City; used a label, year unknown.
Marti: (Rom.) Tuesday.
Martie: (Rom.) March (month).
Martinique: island in lesser Antilles of West Indies; 1886: overprint and surcharge on stamps of French Colonies, 1892: Martinique inscription of stamps of French Colonies, 1915, May 15: first semi-postal stamp, 1927, Oct. 10: first postage due stamp, 1945: first air mail stamp, 1947, Jan. 1: became Department of France, French stamps used.
Martin Mills Local Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Martin’s City Post: 1858-60, Charleston, S.C.; see Carriers’ Stamps.
Martorell: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Martorelles de Baix: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Martos: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Marts: (Dan.) March (month).
Mary-El: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Maryland: 1: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 2: second federal revenue issue, May 1, 1818-March 7, 1819. 3: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
Maryland Match Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Maryport & Carlisle Railway Company: British railway local post.
Mary Rose Woolshops: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
M A S: (Latin) Memento Audere Semper (Remember Always to be Daring) motto used as overprint of stamps of Yugoslavia for Fiume, 1941.
Masakinannullering: (Dan.) machine cancellation.
Maschinenfrankatur: (Ger.) frank.
Mask: piece of paper or thin card with a hole cut out, used to hide portions of a die block which was not to be printed in the process of printing a die proof.
Maskinfrankostempel: (Dan.) postage meter tape (stamp).
Maskinprovtryck: (Swed.) machine proofs.
Mason-Dixon Line: boundary line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, extended to West Virginia, known as separating the North from the South.
Mason’s New Orleans City Express: U.S. local post, New Orleans, La., 1850-57.
Mason-Worley Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Masqat: also known as Muscat, Oman.
Mass.: abbreviation for Massachusetts prior to Zip Code usage.
Massa C.: (It.) Massa Carrara (Tuscany) pre-adhesive postmark.
Massachusetts: 1: colonial embossed revenue tax stamp; 1755-57. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 3: supervisors’ seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
Massaoua: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1868-82, Overseas Offices, Eritrea.
Massenware: (Ger.) large quantities of stamps; wholesale lots.
Master die: used in the embossing process and refers to original engraving in recess.
Master die proof: print made from the original produced die that is the master from which printing plates are created.
Master Item Numbers: (designated by the USPS); 1000 Series: definitive, Priority and Express Mail sheet stamps. 2000 Series: stationery items such as aerograms, stamped cards and envelopes, souvenir cards. 3000 Series: migratory bird stamps, international reply coupons, money orders. 4000 Series: commemorative stamps. 5000 Series: special issues such as Christmas, flag, love, airmail, ATM, penalty mail stamps. 6000 Series: booklets. 7000 series: regular and precanceled coils. 8000, 9000 Series: philatelic products.
Master plate: completed printing surface with multiple subjects from which a mold is made.
Mat: 1. a hard rubber printing plate that is used to apply precancels, surcharges, etc. on stamps. 2. (Dan., Rom.) pale, dull (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Matabeleland: local post, Rhodesia, 1894.
Matæblegrøn: (Dan.) pale light apple-green (color).
Matahne: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
Matai: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-84.
Matam: (Sp.) Matamoroa (Mexico) pre-adhesive postmark.
Mataria: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1882.
Matasellado: (Sp.) cancelled.
Matasello: (Sp.) cancellation, postmark, mark placed on a stamp by a postal authority to deface the stamp and prevent its reuse.
Matasello circular con fecha: (Sp.) circular date stamp.
Matasello de barras: (Sp.): barred cancel; with stripes.
Matasello de (complacencia) favor: (Sp.): canceled to order, stamps canceled by postal authorities without having been used for postage.
Matasello falso: (Sp.) forged cancel.
Matasello de fecha: (Sp.) postmark containing the date.
Matasello de mano: (Sp.) handstamp.
Matasello de manuscrito: (Sp.) manuscript cancel.
Matasello de primer dia: (Sp.) first day cancel.
Matasello especial: (Sp.) special cancellation.
Matasello falso: (Sp.) forged cancel.
Matasellos Franceses: (Sp.) French postmarks found on stamps issued 1860-75, including the Carlist issues.
Matasello numérico: (Sp.) numerical cancel.
Matasello parlante: (Sp.) slogan postmark.
Matasello perfectamente centrado: (Sp.) socked on the nose.
Matblå: (Dan.) pale blue, dull blue (color).
Matblågrøn: (Dan.) pale blue-green, dull blue-green (color).
Matbrun: (Dan.) pale brown, dull brown (color).
Match and Medicine Facsimiles: 1883; proprietary tax repealed and manufacturers continued the labels for publicity purposes; “U.S. Internal Revenue” inscription not used.
Match and Medicine stamps: see Private die proprietary stamps.
Matched pair: some of the plates used for the 1840 Penny Black stamps, were later used to print the Penny Red issues; known as a matched pair when collected each with same lettering and from the same plate.
Matched plate blocks: collected by plate number specialist who assembles a set of plate number blocks-of-four, with the same number, one from each corner of the original pane.
Matched Set: see Matched Plate Blocks.
Matches: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Match stamps: revenue stamps used for collecting a match tax; see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Matgrå: (Dan.) pale grey, dull grey (color).
Matgrågrøn: (Dan.) pale grey-green, dull grey-green (color).
Matgrøn: (Dan.) pale green, dull green (color).
Matgul: (Dan.) pale yellow, dull yellow (color).
Matgulbrun: (Dan.) pale yellow-brown, dull yellow-brown (color).
Matgulgrøn: (Dan.) pale yellow-green, dull yellow-green (color).
Matlilla: (Dan.) pale lilac, dull lilac (color).
Matlillarød: (Dan.) pale lilac-red, dull lilac-red (color).
Matmosgrøn: (Dan.) pale moss-green, dull moss-green (color).
Matorange: (Dan.) pale orange, dull orange (color).
Matorangerød: (Dan.) pale orange-red, dull orange-red (color).
Matpurpur: (Dan.) pale purple, dull purple (color).
Matpurpurrød: (Dan.) pale purple-red, dull purple-red (color).
Matrice: (Fr.) die; a block of metal that has been hand or machine engraved from which plates are prepared to print stamps.
Matrix: a die or mold used to duplicate an original die.
Matriz: (Sp.) see Matrix.
Matrød: (Dan.) pale red, dull red (color).
Matrødorange: (Dan.) pale red-orange, dull red-orange (color).
Matrosa: (Dan.) pale rose, pale pink; dull pink, dull pink (color).
Matrosarød: (Dan.) pale rose-red, dull rose-red (color).
Matt: (Nor., Swed.) pale, dull (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Matt äpplegrön: (Swed.) dull apple-green (color).
Matt blå: (Swed.) dull blue (color).
Matt blåakt grön: (Swed.) dull bluish-green (color).
Matt blågrön: (Swed.) dull blue-green (color).
Matt blålila: (Swed.) dull blue-lilac (color).
Matt blå-djust mattblå: (Swed.) dull blue-light dull blue (color).
Matt brun: (Swed.) dull brown (color).
Matt brunfiolett: (Nor.) dark brown-violet (color).
Matt brunrød: (Nor.) dark brown-red (color).
Matteblå: (Nor.) pale blue, dull blue (color)
Matteplegrønn: (Nor.) pale apple green, dull apple-green (color)
Mattfiolett: (Nor.) pale violet, dull violet (color). Mattfiolettblå: (Nor.) pale violet-blue, dull violet-blue (color).
Matt grå: (Swed.) dull grey (color).
Matt grågrön: (Swed.) dull grey-green (color).
Mattgrön: (Swed.) dull green (color).
Matt gul: (Swed.) dull yellow (color).
Matt gulbrun: (Swed.) dull yellow-brun (color).
Matt gulgrön: (Swed.) dull yellow-green (color).
Matt gulorange-mattgul: (Swed.) dull yellow-orange – dull yellow (color).
Matthews (H.) Express: private mail delivery firm serviced New York State and parts of Canada; used a label, 1845.
Mattkarmin (Nor., Swed.) pale carmine, dull carmine (color).
Mattlila: (Swed.) dull lilac (color).
Matt lilabrun: (Swed.) dull lilac-brown (color).
Matt lilabröd: (Swed.) dull lilac-red (color).
Mattlilla: (Nor.) pale lilac, dull lilac (color).
Mattlillabrun: (Nor.) pale lilac-brown, dull lilac-brown (color).
Mattlillarød: (Nor.) pale lilac-red, dull lilac-red (color).
Matt ljusröd: (Swed.) dull light red (color).
Matt olivakt gul: (Swed.) dull olivish-yellow (color).
Mattorange: (Swed.) dull orange (color).
Matt orangebrun: (Swed.) dull orange-brown (color).
Matt orangegul: (Swed.) dull orange-yellow (color).
Mat Tran Dan Toc Giai: National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam, inscription on stamps for North Viet Nam.
Mattrød: (Nor.) pale red, dull red (color).
Mattröd: (Swed.) dull red (color).
Mattrødfiolett: (Nor.) pale red-violet, dull red-violet (color).
Mattrosa: (Swed.) dull rose (color).
Matt ultramin: (Swed.) dull ultramarine (color).
Matt ultraminakt-blå: (Swed.) dull ultramarinish-blue (color).
Matt violett: (Swed.) dull violet (color).
Matt violettröd: (Swed.) dull violet-red (color).
Maturin: local provisional, Venezuela, 1903.
Matviolet: (Dan.) pale violet, dull violet (color).
Matvioletrød: (Dan.) pale violet-red, dull violet-red (color).
Matyas Kiraly, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle Danube lines.
Mauge: (Fr.) Maubeuge (France) pre-adhesive postmark.
Mauger, Victor E and Petrie: U.S. private die playing card stamp.
Mauretanien: (Swed.) Mauritania.
Mauriac: French local provisional post,1944.
Maurice: (Fr.) Mauritius.
Mauricio: (Sp.) Mauritius.
Mauritania: French protectorate in north-west Africa; 1903: French protectorate, stamps of Senegal used, 1906: first stamps, postage due stamp, 1915: first semi-postal stamp, 1920: French colony, 1940, Feb. 8: first air mail stamp, 1945-59: used stamps of French West Africa between being a colony and a republic, 1946: became on overseas Department of France, 1958, Nov. 28: Islamic Republic of Mauritania proclaimed, 1960, Nov. 28: issued own commemorative, 1961, June 30: air mail stamps, 1961, July 1: issued official stamp, 1962: issued semi-postal stamps, 1967, Mar.22: joined UPU, 1976: annexed part of Spanish Sahara, but gave it to Morocco.
Mauritanie: (Fr.) Mauritania, as a French colony and a republic.
Mauritius: Indian Ocean island; 1810: British control, first British colony to issue stamps, 1847, Sept. 21: first stamps, issued famous “Post Office ” error instead of “Post Paid,” 1849: used three concentric circles as cancel, 1850-68: used two concentric circles as cancel, 1874-77: used stamps of Great Britain, 1933: first postage due stamp, 1967: self-government, 1968, Mar. 12: first stamps as independent state, 1969, Aug. 29: joined UPU.
Mauritius: The Last Dodo, Mauritian Okapi, Rodrigues Leopard inscriptions; unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001.
Maurits Holmberg: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890s.
Maurituis: spelling error of Mauritius on position 8 of an engraving sheet.
Mauritus: spelling error of Mauritius on position 9 of an engraving sheet.
Maxikarten: (Ger.) maximum card.
Maximas: (Sp.) maximum cards.
Maximikort: (Swed.) maximum cards.
Maximaphilately: the study of maximum cards, see Maximum cards.
Maximum card: a picture post card that has an illustration, stamp and cancel all with a common theme.
Maximumkarte: (Ger.) maximum card.
Mayfield Milk Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mayflower mail: a 1957 replica of the Pilgrim’s Mayflower carried souvenir envelopes, postmarked on board.
Mayflower Post (GB to USA): United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
May.ne: (Fr.) Mayenne (France) pre-adhesive postmark.
Mayorista: (Sp.) wholesaler.
Mayotte: island between Madagascar and Africa; 1892, Nov.: issued own stamps as French colony, 1914: became dependency and used stamps of Madagascar, 1950: first issues of Comoro Archipelago, 1975: became an overseas department of France, had own issues, 1976, Feb: used stamps of Comoro Archipelago due to not having French stamps, 1997, Jan. 2: “Mayotte” overprint on stamps of France, 1997, Mar. 1: first air mail stamp.
Mayotte et Nossi-Be: unissued for Madagascar, 1943.
Mayreau Island: St. Vincent Grenadines; 1976: stamps first issued,
Mazagan: Morocco local post, 1897
Mazagan / Azemour / Marakech: Morocco local post, 1891-98.
Mazagan / Marrakech: 1: Moroccan local post, 1891-98. 2: Anglo-Italian Consular post, 1897-99.
Mazagon a Marakech: Sultanate of Morocco, Mazagan to Marakech, local issue, may be bogus, 1893.
Mazagon a Moroc: Sultanate of Morocco, Mazagan to Morocco, local issue, may be bogus, 1891.
Mazbata: passports (Turk.); French Colonies revenue inscription.
Mazedonien: (Ger.) Macedonia; German supported Bulgarian seceding state, unofficial, 1944.
M.B.: 1: see Minimum bid. 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Military Semi-postal (Austria, etc.) 3: movable box; see Boite mobile.
Mbala: formerly Abercorn, Zambia.
M.B.: Marine Board, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
MB: (Swed.) see Mottagningbevis.
M-Bag: bag used for mailing large amounts of printed matter to a single international address.
M B D: Military Border District; newspaper tax stamps in Croatian-Slovenian Military Border.
M B D: in oval, India Official overprint for Feudatory State, Nandgaon, initials of ruler, 1893-95.
Mbledhja(e) Kushtetuese 12-IV-1939 XVII: (It.) Constituent Assembly 12 IV 1939, overprint on 1939 stamps of Albania for the 17th year of Fascist rule in Italy, 1939.
Mbretnija Shqyptare: inscription on stamps of Italy for occupation of Albania.
M C: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Military Air Post. 2: auction abbreviation term for Machine Cancel; Maltese Cross.
M C A: watermarked: Multiple Crown CA.
M.C. College Stamp: business school, Montreal, c1866.
McCoy: fantasy issue for bogus island in the Pacific.
McCullough, J.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
McDonald Territory: labels produced for 11,000 residents of an area in Missouri that wanted to secede from the U. S. when they were left out of a Missouri vacation guide, May 1, 1961.
M C E: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Military Airmail Special Delivery (Italy).
McGreeley’s Express: U.S. local post, between Dyea and Skaguay, Alaska, 1898.
McIntire’s City Express Post: 1: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1859-61. 2: S. Allan Taylor label.
McKenzie’s Parcel Delivery and Express Co.: private parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a label simulating a stamp; year unknown.
McKinley postal card: the full-face card was ordered destroyed on April 29, 1902, but a box of 500 cards was shipped to the New York post office, who sold them to a firm, who, had them printed with their address for progress reports of their garbage scows’ daily dumping.
McLean, Dr. J. H.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
McMillan Aerial Expedition: 1931, inscription; “Boston to Iceland via Labrador and Greenland,” privately prepared for a proposed flight which did not take place.
McMillan’s City Dispatch Post: U.S. local post, Chicago, Ill. 1855.
McNeel, A. W.: postmaster issued Confederate Postmaster’s provisional.
McNish, W. D.: postmaster issued Confederate Postmaster’s provisional.
McRobish & Co.: fictitious steamship company label purported to have operated between Acapulco and San Francisco, 1860s.
M D: 1: USPS abbreviation for Maryland. 2: see Minor defects. 3: auction abbreviation for topical medical.
M.D.G.A.: Ministerium der Geistlichen Angelgenheiten (Prussian) disinfection mark on cholera letters.
MDI Booklets: booklets produced by Minnesota Diversified Industries with 15 stamps, blue cardboard covers.
ME: 1: see Mail early. 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix Military Special Delivery (Italy).3: USPS abbreviation for Maine.
Meadon and Company: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
MeadWestvaco: USPS printer for stamped envelopes.
Mearis’ City Despatch Post: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1846.
Measnes: French provisional local post, 1944.
Mecanofilia: (Sp.) collecting slogan postmarks.
Mécanophile: (Fr.) slogan postmark.
Mecanotelia: (Sp.) collecting meter marks.
Mecca: also known as Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Mecca, Sherifate of: Saudi Arabia, 1916-18.
Mechanical: name given to postcards that have moving parts.
Mechanical fiber or pulp: usually denotes any pulp containing lignin and other impurities, as opposed to freesheet or “woodfree” pulp.
Mechanical stampers: treadle operated devices that echo the action of a handstamp as used by a postal clerk; devised by Pearson Hill, son of Rowland Hill
Mechanick, Bernard: 1963; invented the concept of the gold foil stamps of Tonga.
Mecklenb Strelitz: Mecklenburg Strelitz, German State, 1864-67.
Mechanischen: (Ger.) machine cancel.
Mecklenburg-Schwerin: German State, located in northern Germany; 1856, July 1: first stamps; 1868, Jan.1: stamps of the German Confederation, 1871: stamps of the German Empire, 1945: stamps of the German Democratic Republic.
Mecklenburg-Strelitz: German State, located in northern Germany; 1856: stamps of Mecklenburg-Schwerin valid for postage, 1864: first stamps, 1868, Jan. 1: stamps of the German Confederation, 1871: stamps of the German Empire, 1945: stamps of the German Democratic Republic.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: also called Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania; 1945: issued local stamps and semi-postals under Russian occupation.
M.E.D.: Metro Emergency Dispatch; local, Canada postal strike, 1973-74.
Med: (Swed.) with.
Medallion: a design used as a decoration on commemorative envelopes, not a postmark.
Medallion portrait: when both a view and portrait are in the same design, the portrait is called a medallion portrait.
Medallions: nickname given to the 1850-65 issues of Belgium due to their medallion-style portrait of Leopold I.
Medelhav: (Swed.) Mediterranean Sea.
Medellin: town in Colombia; 1888, 1903-04, 1909-14: Colombia local issue, City of Medellin; known as the Medellin issue.
Med Enad Kraft Mot Yttre Våld: (Swed.) “With United Strength Against Outside Forces” on propaganda labels for Swedish volunteers serving with Finnish armed forces.
Media, Medio: (Sp.) half values on official of Spain, 1854-55, and other Spanish language nations.
Media luna: (Sp.) Crescent.
Media Mail: USPS term as of Jan. 7, 2001; formerly called Book Rate, then Special Standard Mail.
Medianil: (Sp.) gutter.
Media Onza: (Sp.) (one-half ounce) inscription on official stamps of Spain, 1854-63.
Medicamentos: (Sp.) found on fiscals used for payment of duty on medicines.
Medical Congress: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1952 for First National Congress of Tropical Medicine, Lisbon.
Medicine stamps: U.S. revenue stamps used for collecting a medicine tax.
Medina, Saudi Arabia: also known as Al Madinah; 1925: overprint on railway tax stamps of Hejaz for use in Medina.
Mediodia: (Sp.) Madrid railway station, used in postmarks.
Medio Real: currency unit in Dominican Republic.
Medis: French local provisional, 1944.
Meditisk: (Czech.) line engraving, intaglio, photo engraving, taile douce.
Medway Mail: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Meerane: (Courier) German local post, 1893.
Meerbeck: displaced persons camp, local post, 1945, 1947.
M.E.F.: Middle East Forces; 1942: overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Offices Abroad in Africa; Cyrenaica, Dodecanese, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, 1950: valid for use in Great Britain.
Meget godt eks: (Dan.) very fine copy.
Meghatalmazas: (Hung.) authorization overprint on obsolete stamps of Hungary.
Megsemmisittéssel Módosított Példányszám: (Hung.) the quantity of stamps reduced due to the destruction of excess stocks.
Megszállas, Albán: (Hung.) Albanian occupation.
Megszállas, Arad Francia: (Hung.) refers to the 1919 stamp issues during the French occupation of Arad (q.v.), Hungary.
Megszállas, Ausztráliai: (Hung.) Australian occupation.
Megszállas, Bánát-Bácska a Szerb és a Román Helycsere Között: (Hung.) refers to the Hungarian Bánát region (now within Romania and Yugoslavia, except for a small portion near Szeged) and Bácska county, Hungary. Issued postage stamps in 1919 by the Temesvár (q.v.) postal authorities during the Serbian occupation; the stamps were available for postage, but were used primarily to pay the postal employees salaries.
Megszállas, Baranya Szerb: (Hung.) Serbian occupation of Baranya (q.v.), Hungary, stamp issues.
Megszállas, Baranya Serb I: (Hung.) refers to the first 1919 stamp issues during the Serbian occupation of Baranya (q.v.), Hungary.
Megszállas, Baranya Szerb II: (Hung.) refers to the second 1919 stamp issues during the Serbian occupation of Baranya (q.v.), Hungary.
Megszállas, Belga: (Hung.) Belgian occupation.
Megszállas, Brit: (Hung.) British occupation.
Megszállas, Bulgár: (Hung.) Bulgarian occupation.
Megszállas, Csehszlovák: (Hung.) Czechoslovakian occupation.
Megszállas, Dán: (Hung.) Danish occupation.
Megszállas, Debrecen Román: (Hung.) refers to the Romanian occupation of Debrecen (q.v.), Hungary, stamp issues.
Megszállas, Debrecen Román I: (Hung.) refers to the first (1919) stamp issues during the Romanian occupation of Debrecen (q.v.), Hungary.
Megszállas, Debrecen Román II: (Hung.) refers to the second (1920) stamp issues during the Romanian occupation of Debrecen (q.v.), Hungary.
Megszállas, Délvidéki Szerb: (Hung.) Serbian occupation of South Hungary.
Megszállas, Észt: (Hung.) Estonian occupation.
Megszállas, Finn: (Hung.) Finnish occupation.
Megszállas, Francia: (Hung.) French occupation.
Megszállas, Horvát: (Hung.) Croatian occupation.
Megszállási Kiadások: (Hung.) occuption (stamp) issues.
Megszállas, Japán: (Hung.) Japanese occupation.
Megszállas, Jugoszláv: (Hung.) Jugoslavian occupation.
Megszállas, Kinai: (Hung.) Chinese occupation.
Megszállas, Lengyel: (Hung.) Polish occupation.
Megszállas, Lett: (Hung.) Latvian occupation.
Megszállas, Litván: (Hung.) Lithuanian occupation.
Megszállas, Magyarországi Román: (Hung.) Romanian Occupation of Hungary.
Megszállas, Magyarországi Szerb: (Hung.) Serbian Occupation of Hungary.
Megszállas, Mexikói: (Hung.) Mexican occupation.
Megszállas, Norvég: (Hung.) Norwegian occupation.
Megszállas, Olosz: (Hung.) Italian occupation.
Megszállas, Orosz: (Hung.) Russian occupation.
Megszállas, Osztrák: (Hung.) Austrian occupation.
Megszállas, Portugál: (Hung.) Portuguese occupation.
Megszállas, Spanyol: (Hung.) Spanish occupation.
Megszállas, Svéd: (Hung.) Swedish occupation.
Megszállas, Szerb: (Hung.) Serbian occupation.
Megszállas, Szlovák: (Hung.) Slovakian occupation.
Megszállas, Szovjet: (Hung.) Soviet (USSR) occupation.
Megszállas, Thaiföld: (Hung.) Thai occupation.
Megszállas, Török: (Hung.) Turkish occupation.
Megszállas, Ukrán: (Hung.) Ukrainian occupation.
Megszállt Terúletek: (Hung.) occupied territories.
Mehalek: currency unit in Ethiopia.
Mehrfach: (Ger.) multiple.
Mehrfarbig: (Ger.) multicolor.
Meissen: 1. (Druckschriften-und Circular-Beforderung) German local post, 1890-91. 2. local post, German Democratic Republic, 1945-46.
Méjico: (Sp.) inscription on stamps of Mexico 1856-64.
Mekeel’s: founded in 1891, the world’s oldest continuing stamp weekly (2004).
Mekinez: (Cherifen Posts) Morocco local frank, 1892.
Mekka: bogus issue for Mecca. Melaka: see Malacca.
Mektab Hekouk: Bureau of Justice; French Colonies revenue inscription
Melat-I-Kazerun 1335: National Committee of Kazerun, overprint on stamps of Persia (Iran), used for two weeks in January 1917, unofficial.
Melayi: Malaya.
Melbourne: Australian local post: 1: (City Express Messenger) 1894-1910. 2: (Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board) 1942-45. 3: (Melbourne Emergency Mailing Service) strike post, 1968.
Melgaard Local Post: see Horsens – Melgaard Local Post.
Melilla: 1: (Sp.) military label designating free postage for Spanish troops stationed in Morocco, 1893-94. 2: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, Republican, 1936-38.
Melitopol: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1867-78.
Melkeblå: (Nor.) milky-blue (color).
Melkoransje: (Nor.) milky-orange (color).
Melksham Free Mail: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mellan Kongo(Swed.) Middle Congo.
Mellaoui: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1872-82.
Mellemamerika: (Dan.) Central America.
Mellemcongo: (Dan.) Middle Congo.
Mellemlitauen: (Dan.) Central Lithuania.
Mellersta Congo: (Swed.) Middle Congo.
Mellom Amerika: (Nor.) Central America.
Mellom Litauen: (Nor.) Central Lithuania.
Mélynnyomás: (Hung.) photogravure.
Mélyvörös: (Hung.) deep red (color).
Mem: auction abbreviation term for Memorabilia
Memel: Lithuanian port on the Baltic Sea; 1867-pre: Prussia, 1868-71: North German Confederation, 1871-1918: German Empire, 1920-Feb. 23: overprint on stamps of occupying France,”Memel” overprint, 1920, Aug. 1: “Memel Gebiet” overprint on stamps of Germany; governed by the Commission of the Allied and Associated Powers, French and German stamps used concurrently, 1921, July 6: first air mail stamp, 1923, Jan. 10: invaded by Lithuania, renamed Klaipeda, “Klaipeda Memel” overprint provisionals issued, 1924: first commemorative stamp by Lithuania, 1939: restored to Germany, 1945: became part of the Soviet Union, Russian stamps used.
Memel Gebiet: overprint on stamps of Germany for Memel District.
Memel Klaipeda: overprint, Memel, Lithuanian occupation, 1923.
Memelland: German local post, Memel, 1939.
Memelområde: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Memel.
Memelområde: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Memel.
Memphis, Tenn Paid 2, Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Menant& Co.’s Express: 1: U.S. local post, New Orleans, La. c1853. 2: S. Allan Taylor label.
Menda: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 137.
Mendicidad: (Sp.) found on local and semi-postal stamps of Civil war era; funds raised for relief of vagrancy.
Mendocino, State of: proposed secessionist issue for Northern California.
Menge: currency unit in Outer Mongolia.
Mengibar: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mengkiang: aka Inner Mongolia; 1941-45: Japanese occupation.
Mengtsze: see Mongtze. Menorca: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mensajerias: (Sp.) overprint and inscription for Uruguay, special delivery.
Mensajerias Gaditanas: (Sp.) letter carriers of Cadiz during first half of the 19th century.
Menzel’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Brooklyn and New York City, N.Y; used a label, year unknown.
M E P S I: Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Society International, USA.
Mercado & Seully: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Mercantile Corp.: manufacturer of early 20th century stamped envelopes and wrappers.
Mercantile envelopes: 1907-15; manufactured by the Mercantile Corporation
Mercantile Library Association: U.S. local book post, New York, N. Y., 1870-75.
Merchant’s Delivery & Storage Company: private parcel and baggage firm serviced Cleveland, Ohio area; used a label, year unknown.
Merchant’s Delivery Co.: private parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a stamp; year unknown.
Merchant’s Express Company.: private parcel firm serviced St. Louis, Mo., used a circular label; year unknown.
Merchant’s 5¢ Parcel Delivery Co.: private parcel delivery firm serviced the Boston, Mass. area; used stamps, 1894-98.
Merchant’s Gargling Oil: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Merchant’s Parcel Delivery Co.: private parcel delivery firm serviced the Boston, Mass. area; used labels, 1899-1902.
Merchant’s Parcel Delivery Co. Incorporated: private parcel delivery firm serviced the Chicago, Ill. area; used stamps, 1882-1902.
Merchant’s Parcel Delivery Co.-MD: private parcel delivery firm serviced the Baltimore, Md. area; used stamps, year unknown.
Merchant’s Parcel Delivery Incorporated: private parcel delivery firm serviced the Seattle, Wash. area; used labels, year unknown.
Merchant’s Rapid Delivery: private parcel delivery firm serviced an unknown area; used labels, year unknown.
Merchant’s Special Delivery Co.: private parcel delivery firm serviced an unknown area; used a label, year unknown.
Merchant’s Union Express Co.: private parcel delivery firm serviced the northern states; used corner cards, labels and stamps, 1861-68.
Mercury: originated as a U.S. post office symbol in 1782 by PMG Ebenezer Hazard, design modified in1808 and again in 1824, changed in 1837; see : Eagle, Post rider.
Mercury and W. Herald: private parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a label; year unknown.
Mercury Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mercury Postal Birmingham: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mercury Postal London: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mercuries: term for the 1851 journal or newspaper stamps of Austria.
Merdeka Djojakarta 6 du Juli 1949: overprint used during the blockade of Indonesia by the Netherlands prior to Indonesia gaining independence.
Mereyside Mail Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Merida: 1: local post, Venezuela, 1881. 2: provisional issue, Yucatan, Mexico, 1916.
Merkur: (Ger.) Mercury, inscription on Aachen local stamps, 1895.
Merkur Privat-Stadt-Brief-und Packet-Beforderung: Flensburg; German local, 1897-1900.
Merlin: USPS term for Mailing Evaluation, Readability and Lookup Instrument; a mail verification system to verify customer letter and presort mailings.
Merritt & Co.: private parcel firm serviced Boston and Salem, Mass.; used labels; 1869?
Merry Christmas 1975: U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 10¢, 1975.
Merry Widow: nickname for the helmet of the 10¢ green Mercury Special Delivery stamp of 1908, since it resembled women’s hats of that era.
Merseburg: (Courier) German local post, 1893.
Mersina: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1871, Ottoman Empire.
Merson: term for the large 1900 high value stamps of France designed by Luc-Olivier Merson.
Mesa: (It.) Messina (Sicily) pre-adhesive postmark.
Mesagerie: (Rom.) parcel post.
Mesh: 1: the pattern of short, parallel, elongate depression lines that one can see microscopically on the back of a stamp. They are formed from the overlapping of warp and weft wires making up the mesh (support) on which machine-made paper is made. As a result, a stamp paper has either vertical or horizontal mesh, depending on the direction of the mesh lines. Mesh direction can have a profound effect on design dimensions, especially of recess printed stamps. 2: descriptive of a watermark
Mesick’s Express: private baggage firm serviced New York City; used a label, year unknown.
Mesopotamia: located in Western Asia; 1915: occupied by Great Britain, used India stamps overprinted “I.E.F.,” 1917: “Baghdad in British Occupation” overprint on stamps of Turkey, 1920, April 25, British mandate over Iraq, including Mesopotamia, 1920: “On State Service” overprint on stamps of Iraq for Official use, 1932: mandate terminated, became Kingdom of Iraq. see Iraq, Mosul.
Mesopotamien: (Swed.) Mesopotamia.
Messagerie Auto-Gérée: local, Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike, 1975.
Messageries Maritimes: see Pacific mailboats.
Messenger’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Boston and Chelsea, Mass., used a label; year unknown.
Messenkop’s Union Square Post Office: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1849.
Messico: (It.) Mexico.
Messinger, A.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Metal currency stamps: stamps that could only be bought for gold or silver; stamps of Peru overprinted “Plata” (silver in Spanish) in 1880 or Greek stamps overprinted AM (Axia Metallike) metal value, used on foreign parcels which had to be prepaid at the “gold” exchange rate.
Metalik, Metallik: currency unit in Crete, Russian Sphere of Administration Dist.of Rethymnon.
Metelin, Mitilini, Mytilene: City on Lesbos in the Aegean Sea; 1909-10: overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkey, for 50th anniversary of Russian post offices in Turkish Empire, 1912: occupied by Greece; stamps of Turkey overprinted, WW II: occupied by Italy, now part of Greece.
Metelino: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1868, Overseas Offices, Aegean Islands.
Metallic cachet: design printed on a very thin sheet of metal and then affixed to a cover.
Metallic ink: gold and silver inks, bronze-gold first used in Switzerland in 1867-82 and gold ink used in Holland in 1867-71; currently used in multicolor offset and photogravure printing.
Meter: machine of imprint of such machine that imprints evidence of payment of postage.
Meter cancellation: a postage fee and cancel applied by a machine to a piece of mail.
Meter cancellation, commemorative: postally valid imprint which features a pictorial, or non-pictorial, advertisement or announcement of sponsoring organization.
Metered mail: mail franked with an impression from an automatic machine which records payment of postage and requires no stamps.
Meter frank: an impression made by machinery on items to be mailed, which takes the place of stamps, usually includes origin, date, postage charge and meter number.
Meter machine: installed in Oslo, Norway Sept. 1900, however, after mailing, postal authorities affixed adhesive stamps over the impressions, regarding them as verification of postage paid.
Meter machines: Moss franking machines used in New Zealand, 1904.
Meter machines, approved: sanctioned for international use by the Universal Postal Union, Jan. 1, 1922.
Meter, postage: the mechanical or digital deice that creates a valid denominated postage imprint commonly known as a meter stamp.
Meter slogan: portion to the left of the meter stamp that advertises a product or service.
Meter stamp: postage meter frank that is licensed by a postal administration to print postage on envelopes.
Metical: currency unit in Mozambique.
Metropolitan & Great Central Joint Committee: British railway local post.
Metropolitan Circular Delivery Co.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Metropolitan City Express Co.: private parcel serviced Chicago, Ill., area; used a stamp; year unknown.
Metropolitan Errand & Carrier: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1855-59.
Metropolitan Post Office: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1852-53.
Metropolitan Railway: British railway local post.
Mette & Kanne: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Metternich I, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built 1839 for service in the Levant; renamed Wien.
Metternich II, S.S.: paddle ship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1840s for service in the lower Danube.
Metz: German local post: 1: (Privat-Brief-Verkehr), 1886-89. 2: (Stadt-Brief-Beförderung), 1896.
Metzger Post: Germany butchers guild, 12th century, carried the mail via horse; used a curved horn to announce arrival.
Mevu, Republic of: Antarctic fantasy, 1972.
Mex: (Sp.) Mexico, pre-adhesive postmark.
MEX: international postal code for Mexico.
Mexican Local Provisional Overprints: 1913-16: during the revolution, at least 36 cities made their own local overprints; see The Stamps of the Mexican Revolution 1913-1916 by Nicholas Follansbee, 1996. Mexican war provisionals: handstamps used by U.S. Army postal services, 1846-48.
Mexicky: (Czech.) Mexican.
Mexico: Central American republic; 1856, Aug. 1: first stamps were imperforates, local issue for Tlacotalpan, 1867-76: provisional issues for Campecehe, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Cuautia, Cuernavaca and Guadalajara, 1875-79: Porte de Mar “Carried by Sea” inscription for amount of money to be paid to mail steamer captains for outgoing foreign mail, 1879, April 1: joined UPU, 1884-pre: all stamps were overprinted with the name of the district in which they were distributed, these include issues from Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Cuautla, Cuernavaca, Guadalajara, etc. to prevent theft in transit to postmasters, 1884: first official stamp, 1908: first postage due stamp, 1913-15: civil war brought many provisional issues with handstamped overprints; Acambaro, Acaponeta, Aguascalientes, Allenda, Baja California, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Colima, Hermosillo, Leon, Mazatlan, Monterrey, Oaxac, Queretaro, Salamanca, San Luis Potosi, San Pedro de las Colonias, Sonora, Torreon, Viezca, and Zacatecas, 1914: U.S. occupation of Vera Cruz, April-November, 1915: general issues for country resumed, 1916: U.S. invervention in New Mexico, March 1916-January 1917, 1916: local issue for Merida, in Yucatan district, 1918, Dec. 25: first semi-postal stamp, Red Cross. 1922, Apr. 2: first air mail stamp, 1924: revolutionary local stamp issued in Yucatan, 1929: revolutionary local stamp issued in Sinaloa.
Mexiko: (Czech.) Mexico.
Mexikó: (Hung.) Mexico.
Mexikói: (Hung.) Mexican.
Mexique: (Fr.) Mexico.
Meziarsí: (Czech.) gutter, gutter pair.
Meziarsí Svislé: (Czech.) vertical gutter pair.
Meziarsí Vodorovné: (Czech.) horizontal gutter pair.
Mezinárodní Odpovedka: (Czech.) international reply card.
Mezclado (dentados): (Sp.) mixed (perforations).
Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga: (Russ.) state foreign trade firm that handles philatelic material.
Mezzaluna: (It.) crescent.
Mezzo: (It.) half.
M F: 1: auction abbreviation for mixed franking. 2: Franc; currency unit in Madagascar.
M.G.: Ministry of War, overprint on stamps of Argentina for official use.
Mgl. Mängel: (Ger.) defect, fault.
M H: 1: Great Britain Machine definitives. 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Machins (GB). Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 3: USPS abbreviation for Marshall islands. 4: Ministry of Finance, overprint on stamps of Argentina for official use. 5. Montserrat: post office opeated by the U.S. military.
M I: 1: USPS abbreviation for Michigan. 2: Marshall Islands, when used in a postmark. 3: early U.S. postmark; normally abbreviation for Mississippi. 4: see Margin inscription. 5: auction abbreviation term for Michel stamp Catalogue.
M I: Ministry of the Interior, overprint on stamps of Argentina for official use.
Miasta Przedborza: (Pol.) Poland local post, town of Przedborz.
Micanopy, Fla. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Mich.: abbreviation for Michigan prior to Zip Code usage.
Michalla: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1864-66.
Michel: German language world-wide stamp catalog.
Michel Catalogue Number: number assigned to a philatelic item by the German catalog publisher Michel, according to that publisher’s criteria for such assignment.
Michigan: U.S. territory July 1, 1805, state Jan. 26, 1837; cut from Indiana Territory.
Michigan Business and Normal College: Battle Creek, MI; used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter.
Micronesia: formerly Caroline Islands 1899: Caroline Islands bought by Germany from Spain, see Caroline Islands, 1914: occupied by Japan, WWII: captured by the U.S., 1947: became part of the U.S. Trust Territory under U.S. administration, 1983: gained independence, 1984, July 12: first air mail and regular stamps, 1986, Nov. 3: a Federation as a Sovereign State in Compact of Free Association with the U.S.
Microperf: usually contain hundreds of perforation holes per square inch.
Micropost Oxford Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Microprinting: initials USPS or other words incorporated into the design but printed so small that they are not visible to the naked eye; originated in 1992 as a security device by postal administrations.
Mic.T.: Michigan territory, pre-adhesive postmark.
Mircurea: (Rom.) Wednesday.
Middle Ages: A.D. 476 to approximately A.D. 1450.
Middle Congo: Western Africa; 1907: own stamps, inscribed “Moyen Congo,” 1910: became a separate French colony from Chad and Ubangi-Shari, 1916: first semi-postal stamp, 1924: “Afrique Equatoriale Francaise” overprint on French Moyen Congo stamps, 1928: first postage due stamp, 1934: colonies of Chad, Gabon, Middle Congo and Ubangi-Shari grouped as French Equatorial Africa, 1939: see Congo People’s Republic, Afrique Equatoriale Franciase, French Equatorial Africa.
Middle East: refers to Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
Middle East Forces (M.E.F.): 1942: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for forces stationed in Eritrea, Italian Somaliland, 1942: first postage due stamp, 1943: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for forces stationed in Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, 1945: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for forces stationed in the Dodecanese.
Middlefart: City on far NW portion of Fyn Island, Denmark, on the Little Belt strait ca. 105 miles W of Copenhagen. Site of the first postal flight in Northern Eusrope, see Denmark : Middlefart-Fredericia Flight, 1911.
Middlefart-Fredericia Flight: see Denmark – Middlefart-Fredericia Flight, 1911.
Middelhavet: (Nor.) Mediterranean Sea.
Middelkongo: (Nor.) Middle Congo.
Middlesbrough Mail: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Middlesbrough Relief P.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Middle West envelopes: manufactured by the Middle West Supply Co., 1915-28.
Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway: British railway local post.
Midland and South Western Junction Railway: British railway local post.
Midland Design & Bldg.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Midland Great Western Railway: British railway local post.
Midland Railway: British railway local post.
Midland Red Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Midland Rocket Association: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Midnight Mail: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Miehle Press: 1: flat plate press first used at the BEP in 1894. 2: offset press used at the BEP in the 1970s.
Mielec: city in former Austrian-occupied Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Mien-Chu: Southwest China local post (West Szechuen), 1949.
Mien Nam: (Vietnamese) short for Cong Hoa Mien Nam Viet Nam, Republic of South Vietnam.
Mien-Yang: Southwest China local post (West Szechuen), 1950.
Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp: a nonpostal stamp required by federal law for hunting ducks, geese, etc., sold on behalf of the Department of the Interior by selected post offices.
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp: Department of Agriculture; inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1934-38.
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp: Department of the Interior; inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1939-current.
Mihon: (Japan) overprint in three characters for the specimen stamps of Japan and the Ryukyu Islands.
Mijas: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1938.
Milan: Italian local post, 1897.
Milano: (Co. Nazionaldi Liberazione) Italian liberation local post, c1944.
Mildenhall Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mileage stamp: town handstamp indicating number of miles from London, Edinburgh or Dublin.
Milesima de Escudo: currency unit in Spain, 1867-72.
Milesima de Peso: currency unit in Spanish Colonies.
Milesimo: currency unit in Uruguay.
Milicia(s): (Sp.) militia, on stamps issued by the Republican government in1938 showing the militia in action.
Milikin’s Express: private mail firm serviced areas in Maine; used a label; year unknown.
Milit, Militar Post Portomarke: inscription on postage due stamps of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 1904-18.
Militærfrimærke: (also Militærmærke) (Dan., Nor.) military postage stamp.
Militærfrimerke: (
Militærmerke) (Nor.) military postage stamp.
Militærmærke: (Nor.) see Militærfrimærke.
Militærmærke: see Militærmærke.
Militærmerke: (Nor.) see Militærfrimerke.
Militaires Français Internés en Suisse-Gratis: (French Military Internees in Switzerland Free) Switzerland frank stamp 1871; applied to mail of French soldiers from the Bourbakis Army, interned in Switzerland during the Franco-Prussian war.
Militära helsaker: (Swed.) military postal stationery.
Militära tjänstebrevkort: (Swed.) military official postcards.
Militärbrev: (Nor.) postage free for military on active duty.
Militärbrevkort: (Swed.) Swedish military postcard, postage prepaid.
Militärbrevsamlingar: (Swed.) military mail collections.
Militärbrev utan svarsmärken: (Swed.) military letters without reply stamps.
Militärkortbrev: (Swed.) military letter-cards.
Militärpost: (Swed.) military mail, field post.
Militar K.u.K. Post: inscription on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austrian administration, 1912-1918.
Militärpostal: (Swed.) military post; system of envelopes with reply stamps for use on correspondence from and to Swedish troop in effect since 1929.
Militarpost Eilmarke: 1. (Ger.) Army Post, inscription on journal stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2. (Ger.) surcharge in Italian currency, Austrian occupation of Italy, special handling, 1918.
Militärpostmarke: (Ger.) military postage stamp.
Militärschmuckmarken: vignettes from former Austrian-Hungarian territory.
Military franchise stamps: stamps that permitted forces on active service to send mail free of postage.
Military mail: mail during wartime or military campaigns in addition to regular military postal markings as applied by APO’s and FPO’s onto mail to and from military personnel and peacekeeping United Nations missions.
Military Medal: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1952.
Military post: special postmark for troops on active service
Military Postal Express Service: (M.P.E.S.) 1917; original name for the U.S. Army element handling the mail to and from the troops.
Military postal history: date stamps and censorship markings of military post offices.
Military post office: a branch of a USPS civilian post office, which falls under the jurisdiction of the New York, San Francisco, or other postmaster; operated by the Department of Defense; may be either an army post office (APO) that serves the Army or Air Force, or a fleet post office (FPO) that serves the Coast Guard, Navy or Marine Corps.
Military post stamps: generally for use of active service troops, troops in the field.
Military reply stamp: a stamp sent by a member of the armed forces to a correspondent to be used frank a reply at the domestic postal rate; used in Sweden 1929-51.
Military stamps: stamps issued for use by a country’s military personnel.
Military telegraphs: stamps with inscription “Military telegraphs” used by British troops in Egypt, Bechuanaland and Suakim in 1884-87.
Mill, Milliemes: currency surcharge on stamps of France, Offices in Egypt, 1921-28.
Mill: inscription on Egyptian general revenue issue, set of ten, 1939-49.
Millbury postmasters’ provisional stamp: Asa H. Waters, postmaster, Millbury, Mass, 1846.
Milledgeville, Ga. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Millésime: (Fr.) date (of the year); usually appears in sheet margins of France and Colonies stamps.
Millieme: currency unit in Middle East countries.
Millieme Anniversaire de Boali Sinai Balki: 1952 Afghanistan surcharge for 1000th anniversary of birth of Avicenna.
Milligan: inventor of the flat-plate press used by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing until 1893, when it developed its own version.
Millimeter: the thousandth part of a meter, usually abbreviated as “mm.”
Mills’ Free Despatch Post: U. S. local post, 1847.
Milreis: currency unit in Angola, Angra, Azores, Brazil, and Portuguese colonies.
Mils: currency unit in Egypt, Malta.
Milton, N.C. paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Mina-el-Kamh: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1867-84.
Minau: Antarctic fantasy
Mince: (Fr.) thin.
Mincom: (Sp.) Ministry of Communications, Cuba.
Mindelheim: German local post, 1945-46.
Minderwertig: (Ger.) of lower value, inferior.
Mineing Auction: the successful bidder shouts “Mine” when the lot is purchased.
Mineral Wells, Texas: cinderella on stage coach trip to N.Y. World’s Fair; July 15, 1939.
Minerva, Republic of: reefs near Tonga.
Minglanilla: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Min-Hsien: Northwest China local post, 1949.
Minia: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1867-84.
Miniark: (Dan.) see Miniatureark.
Miniature: name given to postcards that are about half the size of a standard card.
Miniatureark: (also Miniark) (Dan.) miniature sheet.
Miniature sheet (M/S): a single stamp or block of stamps with a paper margin on all sides often bearing some special wording or design.
Miniature stamp: a small size stamp when compared with regular stamps.
Minicabs Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Mini Express Delivery: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Minimum bid (M B): 1: auction term the least amount the auction firm will accept. 2: starting bid.
Mini Post, Hitchin: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Ministerie van verkeer en waterstaadt: (Flemish) Belgian revenue stamps, Department of Transportation and Waterways.
Ministerio de Gobernacion: (Sp.) Home Office; government department.
Ministerio de Hacienda: (Sp.) Treasury, government department.
Minister proofs: stamp design has minor varieties from the actual stamp; in Belgium, given to high government officials; aka Black Proofs.
Minkus: Minkus stamp catalog, produced by Krause Publications.
Minn.: abbreviation for Minnesota prior to Zip Code usage.
Minnesota: U.S. territory March 3, 1849; state May 11, 1858; formerly public domain as Iowa Territory.
Minor varieties: a slight change in color, a break in the line of the design, or a speck on the stamp can be considered a “minor” variety.
Minouf: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1871-84.
Mint: a stamp as issued by the government printing office with full original gum, unhinged and uncanceled.
Mint, never hinged (MNH): stamp with undisturbed original gum.
Mint set: a complete mint set of all stamps in a specific issue.
Mint sheet (MS): a sheet of stamps in the original condition as issued by postal authorities.
Mint sheet albums / files: books / files designed to hold full sheets of stamps in a protective sleeve.
MINURSO: United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, Finland and Norway, 1991-1996, monitor conditions between Morocco and local Polisario forcees who want the territory.
Mir, Mira: (It.) Mirandola (Italy) pre-adhesive postmark.
Mirditës: cinderella, autonomous regime in Albania, but it issued no stamps.
Mirror image: a reverse impression.
Mirror print: complete or part of a stamp design reversed as if being viewed in a mirror.
Mis: early U.S. postmark; normally abbreviation for Mississippi.
Mischfrankatur: (Ger.) mixed franking.
Miscut: term used by some dealers to identify stamps that have been cut so that parts of adjoining designs or marginal markings, appear together in the space usually occupied by one design.
Mise: (Fr.) (auction) bid.
Mise-en-train: (Fr.) see Make-ready.
Mise suggérée: (Fr.) suggested bid.
Mishler Herb Bitters Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Mision Alba: (Alban.) military postmark used by Italian troops in Albania in 1997.
Misperforation: poorly aligned perforations with respect to the finished design.
Miss: early U.S. postmark; normally abbreviation for Mississippi.
Miss.: abbreviation for Mississippi prior to Zip Code usage.
Missent: marking explanation indicating that mailpiece was missent to the wrong town
Missent to Railway Post Office: first railroad postmark, Jan. 1838.
Missing color or tagging: to qualify as an error, every last dot or trace of an intended color must be missing.
Missing Virgin: nickname for the Virgin Islands issue of 1867-70 issue, found with the figure of the Virgin omitted.
Missing watermark: term used for a stamp that should have a watermark, but for some reason, appears on paper without the watermark.
Missionaries: term applied to the first typeset issues of Hawaii; named because they were found on letters sent by missionaries.
Mission Militaire Francaise Aeronautique en Siberia: (Fr.) 1918 French Military Air Mission in Siberia.
Mission mixture: an assortment of stamps on paper sold by the pound and usually collected by a charitable mission or institution; almost any form of bulk mixture.
Mississippi: U.S. territory May 7, 1798, state Dec. 10, 1817, originally owned by Spanish and British.
Missouri: U.S. Territory Dec. 7, 1812, state Aug. 10, 1821; created from Territory of Louisiana.
Misstrike: postal stationery stamps impressed in the wrong place, partially impressed or doubly printed.
Mit: (Ger.) via, with.
Mitau: stamps issued for occupation of Kurland by the West Russian Army, 1919.
Mit-Bera: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1879-84.
Mitchell, E. A.: postmaster, New Haven, Conn., 1844-52, issued provisional envelope in 1845, reprinted in 1871.
Mit falz: (Ger.) hinged.
Mit Flugpost: By Air, inscription on Belgium etiquettes, many other nations.
Mit-Gamr: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals.
Mit gummi: (Ger.) with gum.
Mitilini: formerly Lesbos, now Lesvos; see Lesbos, Metelin.
Mitläufer: (Ger.) stamps that are still valid for postage even though replaced by a new issue.
Mit Luftpost: By Air, inscription on Colombia, Switzerland etiquettes, many other nations.
Mittellitauen: (Ger.) Central Lithuania.
Mittelstück: (Ger.) center piece (single stamp, multiple or block) in a sheet or large block of stamps.
Mittigkeit: (Ger.) centering.
Mit übergehendem stempel: (Ger.) cancel that ties stamps to the cover.
Mixed fonts: use of different font types in overprints or typeset stamps.
Mixed franking: a properly used cover with stamps of two or more countries or regimes.
Mixed perforation: stamps that have different perforations on different sides, may be caused by re-perforation on one side due to bad perforation the first time.
Mixed postage: see Mixed franking.
Mixed printing: more than one printing process used in the production of stamps.
Mixture: a range of stamps, usually on original envelope clippings, containing duplicates; may contain varieties of shades, perforations and minor varieties.
Mixture, bank: expected to contain higher-denomination stamps taken from business mail of a bank or similar institution.
M.J.I.: Ministry of Justice and Instruction, overprint for Argentina officials.
MJK: Michael J. Kennedy, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Mjölklikblå: (Swed.) milky blue (color).
Mjölklikorange: (Swed.) milky orange (color).
M K: 1: Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News. 2: Markka, currency unit in Finland.
M. Kir.: Magyar Kirposta; Hungarian Post, 1916.
M. Kir. Postatakarer Penstar: postal savings stamp, Hungary, valid for postage.
M L: (Sp.) Malaga (Spain) pre-adhesive postage.
M’Lachlan’s Post: bogus, local, Canada, about 1800s.
M L H: Mint lightly hinged.
M L O: Manchurian local overprints, issued in China after the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II.
M.L.S.S.: Maple Leaf Strike Service, local, Canada postal strike, 1975.
MM: Michael Morgan, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
M M: 1: abbreviation for Modified Margin. 2: Milan (Lombardy) pre-adhesive postmark. 3: abbreviation for millimeter. 4: Ministry of Marine, overprint for Argentina officials. 5: abbreviation for mounted mint (collection).
M N: USPS abbreviation for Minnesota.
M N H: see Mint, never hinged.
M O: 1: USPS abbreviation for Missouri.2: Missouri Territory.
M.O.B.: Money Order Business USPS postal marking.
Mobelmesse: revenue stamp, Germany.
Mobile, Ala. Paid 2 Cents: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Mobile post office (MPO): a vehicular post office that can serve as a temporary postal station
Mocambique: (Port.) overprint / inscription for Mozambique, 1877.
Mocha: also known as Al Mukha, Yemen Arab Republic.
Mockba: (Cyrillic) Moscow.
M.O. College Stamp: imitation of M.C. College Stamp.
Mod, Moda: (It.) Modena (Italy) pre-adhesive postmark.
Modegebiet: (Ger.) topical collecting.
Model: photographs, artist’s sketches, and engraved prints that combine to mock up a proposed stamp design.
Modeler: the individual who takes a drawn, painted, photographic or computer image and puts it into a format that can be adapted to a stamp printing process.
Model Post Office, U.S.: display at San Francisco Expo 1915, with help on mailing techniques.
Modena: duchy in upper Italy; 1852, June 1: first stamps of Este duchy issued, inscribed “Poste Estensi,” 1859: newspaper tax stamp issued, 1859, Oct. 15: provisional government inscribed “Provincie Modenesi,” 1860, Feb.: stamps of Modena superceded by stamps of Sardinia, 1860, Mar.16: Modena became Kingdom of Sardinia, stamps of Sardinia used, 1861, Mar.17: became part of the Kingdom of Italy.
Modern First Day Cover: usually refers to the George Linn first cacheted envelope for the 2¢
Modern philately: refers to the current stamps being issued by the world’s postal administrations.
Modones: Modena, Italian States, 1859.
Modrá: (Czech.) blue (color).
Modrocerná: (Czech.) blue-black (color).
Modrofialová: (Czech.) blue-violet, bluish-purple (color).
Modrosedá: (Czech.) blue-grey (color).
Modrozelená: (Czech.) blue-green (color).
Modrost: (Czech.) blueness (color).
Modrozelená: (Czech.) blue-green (color).
Modrozeleny: (Czech.) bluish-green (color).
Modry: (Czech.) blue (color).
Modulo di offerta: (It.) bid sheet.
Moeara Enim: overprint on stamps of Sumatra, local Palembang district, 1942-45.
Moeara Klinggi: overprint on stamps of Sumatra, local Palembang district, 1942-45.
Mogador Marrakesch: local post, Morocco.
Mogadoro a Agadir: Sultanate of Morocco local post, Mogadoro to Agadir, questionable issue, 1895.
Mogadoro a Maroc: Sultanate of Morocco local post, Mogadoro to Morocco, questionable issue, 1900.
Mogadoro a Marrakesch: Sultanate of Morocco local post, Mogadoro to Marrakesch, questionable issue, 1892-1900.
Moguer: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Mogyoróbarna: (Hung.) hazel-brown (color).
Mohéli: island between Madagascar and Africa, Comoro group; 1896: first stamps issued, 1906: own stamps, French Commerce and Navigation type, 1912, July 26: declared a colony, stamps of Mohéli surcharged, 1914: stamps of Madagascar,
1950: first issue of Comoro Archipelago, see Comoro Islands. Mohlon: (Resembles these letters) Mongolia.
Moiré: wavy lines printed either on the face or back of a stamp to prevent cleaning and reuse.
Moldavia: see 1: Danubian principalities. 2: Moldova.
Moldova: former Turkish province of eastern Europe; 1856: gained autonomy, 1858: issued its first stamp, 1862: joint issue with Walachia, 1865, Jan. first issue of Romania, 1881: first postage due stamp, 1906: first semi-postal stamp, 1928: first air mail stamp, 1929: first official stamp, 1940: Romania ceded part of Moldavia called Bessarabia to the Soviet Union, became Moldavian Socialist republic, part of the USSR, 1991: Moldavian rebels issued own stamps, 1991, Dec.26: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States 1992: issued its own stamps as Moldavia, 1993: people voted for independence, 1994, Nov. 12: issued first postage due stamp, 1992, Nov. 16: joined UPU.
Moldova: (Fr.) Moldavia.
Moldavian bull: term for stamps of Moldavia, Romania showing an ox head, 1858-59.
Moldovei, moldovenesc: (Rom.) Moldavia, Moldavian (adj.).
Moldo-Wallachia: see Moldavia.
Molette: (Fr.) inking roller.
Molina de Segura: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mollerussa: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mollina: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Molly Pitcher: heroine of the Battle of Monmouth, N.J., General Washington gave her a sergeant’s commission as a half-pay officer; overprint on U.S. 2¢ stamp of Oct. 20, 1928.
Molti Colori: (It.) multicolored.
Moluccas: East Indies, aka Spice Islands, Dutch East Indies; 1943: stamps for use by Japan occupation forces, also used in Celebes, Lesser Sundas, and South Borneo. 1950: declared independence; overprint Republik Maluku Selatan.
Molvizar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Mominica: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Mon: currency unit in Japan, Korea.
Monachil: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist,1937.
Monaco: principality in south of France; 1815: placed under protection of Sardinia, 1851-60: used stamps of Sardinia, 1858: became enclave within French territory, 1860-65: French general issues, 1861, Feb. 2: became independent, 1885, July 1: first stamps, 1886, Mar. 1: French stamps no longer valid, 1905: first postage due stamp, 1914, Oct: first semi-postal stamp, 1933, Aug. 22: first air mail stamp, 1955, Oct. 12: joined UPU.
Monako: (Ger.) Monaco.
Monastic Posts: operated among the monasteries, abbeys and convents of religious orders, starting about the12th century.
Monastir: 1911, overprint on stamps of Turkey for Sultan’s visit to Macedonia.
Mon.B.: Maison Biçêtre (Fr.) prison.
Moncada: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Monchehof: West Germany, displaced persons camp local post, 1946.
Monchengladbach: German local post; 1: (Express-Packet-Verkehr) 1886-87. 2: (Gladbacher Courier) 1897-1900. 3: (Verkehrsanstalt Hansa) 1897.
Monda: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Mondbrief: (Ger.) mail carried to the moon.
Monde entier: (Fr.) whole world.
Mondragon: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1936.
Moneda: (Sp.) money, currency.
Moneta: (It.) money, currency.
Monetary Union: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1964.
Money Letter: Canada used term as inscription on ordinary folded letter; first official policy, 1827, for postmaster to record these letters and their contents; no charge for this service.
Money order service: some U.S. post offices used money order date stamps to cancel mail.
Money order system: U.S.: authorized May 17, 1864; went into effect Nov. 1, 1864; international 1867.
Money stamps: various nations used stamps as currency during critical shortage of coins or paper currency; 1860-65: during U.S. Civil War period, stamps were placed in circular transparent cases, some with advertising, 1898-1900: stamps of Rhodesia stuck on cards and circulated as money, 1914-18: stamps of Great Britain used as small change, 1915-17: back-printed cards of Russia.
Money unit: monetary denomination.
Monforte del Cid: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Mongolia: formerly Outer Mongolia, in Asia; 1858-1924: stamps of Russia, 1909: Chinese post offices established in Mongolia, 1911: Mongolian independence from China was declared, 1919: China reoccupied country, but Mongolia retained autonomy, 1921, Feb.: Russian anti-Bolshevik forces expelled the Chinese, 1921, July: Mongol and Soviet forces regained country, franks used, 1924-pre: Russia and Chinese operated post offices, 1924, Aug.: first stamps; denominated in Chinese currency; Living Buddha died, country declared a Soviet People’s Republic with first Mongolian stamps, 1924, Nov. 26: declared Mongolian People’s Republic, 1926, Feb.: fiscal stamps overprinted for regular postal use,1926: country introduced own currency, the Tugrik, 1932: pictorial definitive series started, 1939: Manchukuo and Japan attacked nation, 1945, Oct. 20: Sino-Soviet treat recognized independence of Mongolia, 1961, June 5: first air mail stamp, 1963, Aug. 24: joined UPU, 1967, Dec. 22: first semi-postal stamp, 1990: multi-party democracy declared.
Mongolia: inscription on stamps of Outer Mongolia, 1926-45.
Mongolie: (Fr.) Mongolia.
Mongoliet: (Dan., Swed.) Mongolia.
Mongolsko: (Czech.) Mongolian.
Mongolsky: (Czech.) Mongolia.
Mongtze (Mengtsze, Mong-Tseu): French concession post office; 1900, Jan.25: Indo-Chinese post office opened, overprint on stamps of Indo-China, denomination in Chinese characters, 1922, Dec. 31: post office closed; see China, Indo-Chinese Post Offices: French Post Offices in China.
Monnaire: (Fr.) money, currency.
Monocolored: stamp printed in a single color.
Monocromo: (Sp., It.) monochromatic (color).
Monovar: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Monrovia: city in Liberia, registration inscription, 1893-1924.
Monster: (Dut.) Dutch and Afrikaans term for specimen overprint on stamps of Netherlands and Transvaal; see Specimen.
Mont.: abbreviation for Montana prior to Zip Code usage.
Montado: (Sp.) mounted.
Montana: U.S. territory May 26, 1864, state Nov. 8, 1889; cut from Idaho territory.
Montar: (Sp.) to mount stamps.
Mont Atho: variety Russian Offices In the Turkish Empire, Mont Athos.
Mont Athos: Northern Greece; 1869-82: overprint on stamps of Turkey, 1909-10: Turkish cities overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkish Empire.
Montblanc: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Montbrio: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Montcada i Reixac: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Monte: (Fr.) mounted.
Monte Bello Island: labels, possibly from Western Australia, but source unknown, 1951-52.
Monte Cassino: overprint on stamps of Poland, Polish Government in Exile in Great Britain, to honor the capture of Monte Cassino by Polish units of the Allied Forces, 1944.
Monte de la Esperanza: (Sp.) 1938 Canary Islands commemorative issue; local semi-postals.
Montefrio: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-37.
Montejaque: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist (Malaga), 1937.
Montenegro, Crveni krst: Rred Cross overprint on stamps of Montenegro, German occupation, 1944.
Montenegro, Governatorato del: overprint on stamps of Montenegro, Italian occupation,1942.
Montenegro Government in Exile: bogus label made in Rome for revival of monarchy, 1920-21.
Montenegro, Kingdom of: formerly an Adriatic kingdom; 1874, May 1: first stamps, 1894: first postage due stamp, 1910: Montenegro declared a kingdom, 1913: Balkan War – Montenegrin forces invade Albania; postmark “Scutari Skador” used in northern Albania for city of Scutari, 1915, World War I – Montenegro occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1916: Montenegro government in exile issued stamps at Bordeaux, 1917, Mar.: Austria-Hungary occupation overprint on stamps of Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina 1918, Dec. 1: liberated by Servian forces, but King Nicholas not invited back, 1919: stamps of Servia issued for new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 1922, July 13: became part of Yugoslavia, 1929: country renamed Yugoslavia, 1941, June 16: first air mail stamp, overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia, (Italian occupation), 1941-43: overprint on stamps of Italy, Yugoslavia, Italian occupation, 1943, Nov. 22-1944: overprint on stamps of Germany, German occupation, 1943: Italian printed definitives, 1944: first semi-postal stamp, liberated by Russia, stamps replaced by Yugoslav issues.
Monterey: 1867: bogus inscription on provisional issue of Monterey, 1914: stamps overprinted for local use by rebels.
Montev., Mont:vo: (Sp.) Montevideo (Uruguay) pre-adhesive postmarks.
Montevideo: with sun, inscription for carrier and ordinary issues, Uruguay, 1859-66.
Montgat: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Montgomery, Ala. Paid 2, 5, 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Montmany de Figaro: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Montoro: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Montreal: 1: (Post Par Inc.) Canadian local illegal post, 1988. 2: U.N. Post office(s) Canada, 1967.
Montreal Messenger Service Reg’d: parcel delivery firm serviced Montreal; used labels; year unknown.
Montreal Parcel Delivery: parcel delivery firm serviced Montreal; used labels, year unknown.
Montreal Rapid Transit Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Montreal; used a stamp, 1879.
Montreuil-Bellay: French local provisional, 1944.
Montreux: Switzerland hotel post,1854, C. Langbein’s Hotel.
Montseny: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Montserrat: British colony in the Caribbean, a Leeward Island; 1858-60: British stamps used for overseas mail, 1876: first stamps, Montserrat overprint on stamps of Antiqua, 1890, Oct.: used general issues of Leeward Islands, 1903: Montserrat and Leeward Islands stamps used concurrently, 1917: first semi-postal stamp, 1956: Leeward Islands stamps no longer used, became a colony, 1976, Apr. 12: first official stamp,
Montserrat: The Cruel Sea inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Moody, J. A.: postmaster, Victoria, Texas issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional.
Moody, Michel & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
M.O.O.: Money Order Office postmark in British countries.
Moody’s City Dispatch: bogus of Moody’s Penny Dispatch.
Moody’s Penny Dispatch: U. S. local post, Chicago, IL., 1856.
Moody’s Penny Post: S. Allan Taylor label.
Moon Landing: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1989, 1999.
Moore, Dr. C.C.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Moore’s Express: private mail firm serviced are between Philadelphia, Pa. and Cape May, N.J.; used a label; 1849.
Moose Jaw Flying Club: local, Canada, 1928.
M.O.P.: Ministry of Public Works, overprint on stamps of Argentina officials.
Moquegua (Moquea): overprint on Arequipa provisional issues and Peru, used during occupation by Chile, 1881-85.
Mora: Ukraine.
Morac, Rep.: bogus issue, unknown origin.
Moral de Calatrava: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
Moravska Ostrava: German occupation “Mahrisch-Ostrau” local of Czechoslovakia, 1939.
Mordavia: bogus Russian local post.
Mordovia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Morehead’s: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Morelia: bogus; inscription on provisional local 19th century issue for state of Morelia, Mexico.
Moresnet, Commune libre de: eastern part of Belgium; 1867: neutral territory between Germany and Belgium, cinderellas issued by stamp dealer Moens, 1886, Oct. 5: (Kelmiser Verkehrs-Anstalt) Belgian/German local post, eight labels valid for two weeks, 1867-1920: if mail was addressed to Germany and the east, German Reichpost was used; if mail headed for Belgium and the west, the mail went through the Belgian mails; see Eupen.
Morgan Envelope Co.: manufacturer of 19th century stamped envelopes and wrappers.
Mørk: (Dan., Nor.) dark (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Mörk: (Swed.) dark (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Morkæblegrøn: (Dan.) dark apple-green (color).
Mörkäpplegrön: (Swed.) dark apple-green (color).
Mørkblå: (Nor.) dark blue (color).
Mörkblå: (Swed.) dark blue (color).
Mørkblåfiolett: (Nor.) dark blue-violet (color).
Mørkblågrønn: (Nor.) dark blue-green (color).
Mörkbrun: (Swed.) dark brown (color).
Mørkbrunkarmin: (Nor.) dark brown-carmine (color).
Mørkbrunligrå: (Nor.) dark brownish-gray (color).
Mørkbrunrød: (Nor.) dark brown-red (color).
Mørkeblå: (Dan.) dark blue (color).
Mørkeblågrøn: (Dan.) dark blue-green (color).
Mørkeblåliggrå: (Dan.) dark bluish-grey (color).
Mørkeblåliggrøn: (Dan.) dark bluish-green (color).
Mørkebrun: (Dan.) dark brown (color).
Mørkebrunkarmin: (Dan.) dark brown-carmine (color).
Mørkegrå: (Dan.) dark grey (color).
Mørkegrågrøn: (Dan.) dark grey-green (color).
Mørkegrøn: (Dan.) dark green (color).
Mørkegrønligblå: (Dan.) dark greenish-blue (color).
Mørkegrønliggrå: (Dan.) dark greenish-grey (color).
Mørkegul: (Dan.) dark grey (color).
Mørkekastanniebrun: (Dan.) dark chestnut brown (color).
Mørkemælkeblå: (Dan.) dark milky-blue (color).
Mørkemosgrøn: (Dan.) dark moss-green (color).
Mørkemyrtegrøn: (Dan.) dark myrtle-green (color).
Mørkeplegrønn: (Nor.) dark apple-green (color).
Mørkepurpur: (Dan.) dark purple (color).
Mørkepurpurbrun: (Dan.) dark purple-brown (color).
Mørkepurpurrød: (Dan.) dark purple-red (color).
Mørkerød: (Dan.) dark red (color).
Morkerosarød: (Dan.) dark rose-red (color).
Mørkfiolett: (Nor.) dark violet (color).
Mørkfiolettblå: (Nor.) dark violet-blue (color).
Mørkgrå: (Nor.) dark gray (color).
Mörkgrä: (Swed.) dark grey (color).
Mörkgrä-grä: (Swed.) dark grey-grey (color).
Mørkgråblå: (Nor.) dark gray-blue (color).
Mørkgråbrun: (Nor.) dark gray-brown (color).
Mörkgrön: (Swed.) dark green (color).
Mörkgrön-grön: (Swed.) dark green-green (color).
Mørkgrønn: (Nor.) dark green (color).
Mørkgrønnblå: (Nor.) dark green-blue (color).
Mørkgrønnligblå: (Nor.) dark greenish-blue (color).
Mørkgrønnoliven: (Nor.) dark green-olive (color).
Mørkkarmin: (Dan.) dark carmine (color).
Mörkkarmin: (Swed.) dark carmine (color).
Mörklila: (Swed.) dark lilac (color).
Mørklilla: (Dan.) dark lilac (color).
Mørklillabrun: (Dan.) dark lilac-brown (color).
Mørklillagrå: (Dan.) dark lilac-grey (color).
Mørklillarød: (Dan.) dark lilac-red (color).
Mørkoliven: (Dan., Nor.) dark olive (color).
Mørkolivengrå: (Dan.) dark olive-grey (color).
Mørkolivengrøn: (Dan.) dark olive-green (color).
Mørkolivengrønn: (Nor.) dark olive-green (color).
Mørkokker: (Dan.) dark ochre (color).
Mørkokkergul: (Dan.) dark ochre-yellow (color).
Mørkorangerød: (Dan.) dark orange-red (color).
Mørkorange: (Dan.) dark orange (color).
Mørkorangerød: (Dan.) dark orange-red (color).
Mørkoranjse: (Nor.) dark orange (color).
Mörkröd: (Swed.) dark red, cardinal red (color); see Kardinalröd.
Mörkröd-röd: (Swed.) dark red-red (color).
Mørkrødbrun: (Nor.) dark red-brown (color).
Mørkrosa: (Nor.) dark rose (color).
Mørksiennabrun: (Dan.) dark sienna-brown (color).
Mörk siennabrun: (Swed.) dark sienna-brown (color).
Mörk skiffergrå: (Swed.) dark slate-grey (color).
Mörkt blåakt grön: (Swed.) dark bluish-green (color).
Mörkt olivakt orangebrun: (Swed.) dark olivish orange-brown (color).
Mörkt orange: (Swed.) dark orange (color).
Mörkt orangebrun: (Swed.) dark orange-brown (color).
Mörkt orangeröd: (Swed.) dark orange-red (color).
Mörkt rödbrun: (Swed.) dark red-brown (color).
Mörk ultramarinakt blå: (Swed.) dark ultramarinish-blue (color).
Mørkviolet: (Dan.) dark violet (color).
Mørkvioletbrun: (Dan.) dark violet-brown (color).
Mørkvioletrød: (Dan.) dark violet-red (color).
Mörk violett: (Swed.) dark violet (color).
Mörk violettbrun: (Swed.) dark violet-brun (color).
Mörk violettkarmin: (Swed.) dark violet-carmine (color).
Mörk violettröd: (Swed.) dark violet-red (color).
Morman stamps: 1852; fraud of 5¢ blue stamps, depicting head of Brigham Young, “Utah” and “postage;” with forgeries of the fake stamps in 1906.
Mornant: French local provisional post; 1944.
Moroc: (Fr.) see Morocco.
Morocco: see Affranch.
Morocco: located on northwest coast of Africa; 1847: foreign post office opened in Tangier, 1857-86: stamps of Britain used (British P.O. in Morocco), 1860: used stamps from Spain, 1862: France operated post offices in Morocco using French stamps, 1886-98: stamps of Gibraltar used, 1891, Jan. 1: French stamp surcharged in Spanish currency used, (French P.O. in Morocco) 1898: stamps of Gibraltar overprinted for use in Morocco (British P.O. in Morocco), 1899, Dec.: first stamps (German P.O. in Morocco), 1890: private local posts widely used, 1902-56: “Maroc” inscription on stamps of France, 1903: stamps issued, “Correo Espanol Marruecos,” “Tetuan,” “Marruecos,” and “Protectorado Espanol en Marruecos,” overprint on stamps of Spain, Spanish P.O. in Morocco, 1907-56: used stamps of Britain, Spanish currency surcharge 1907-56; French currency surcharge (1917-Jan.8,1938), (British P.O. in Morocco), 1911-12: semi-official Sherifen (Cheriffien) Post, 1912: first stamps for Sherifan Post; three zones established; Tangier with European posts, the North had a Spanish protectorate, and a French protectorate was in the rest of the country, ended in Morocco in 1915; Tangier in 1919, 1914-pre: France, Great Britain, Germany, and Spain overprinted their stamps for use in Morocco, 1914, July 22: “Correo Espanol / Marruecos” overprint on stamps of Spain for the protectorate, withdrawn April 7, 1956, 1914, Aug. 1: first stamps issued; withdrawn Mar. 2, 1956 (French Morocco) 1917: French post offices used stamps of France and French Morocco inscribed “Tanger,” 1920, Oct.1: joined UPU, 1921: Tanger issued stamps of Spain overprinted “Tanger,” and “Cerreo Español Marruecos,” 1928-56: stamps inscribed “Marruecos,” 1935: first commemorative stamp, 1948: stamps inscribed “Tanger,” 1956 French (Mar. 2, 1956) and Spanish (Apr. 7, 1956) protectorates ended; all united to form Morocco, first stamps as “Maroc,” 1956-58: for currency reasons, used French denominationed stamps in the former French Protectorate, 1956-58: for currency reasons, used Spanish denominationed stamps in the former Spanish Protectorate, with values expressed in British, French and Spanish currency, 1956, May 19: first stamps, Southern Zone, 1956, Aug. 23: first issues for Northern Zone “Marruecos,” 1958: stamps in Spanish currency withdrawn, 1960, Mar.: first semi-postal stamp, 1965: first postage due stamp; see French Morocco, Spanish Morocco, British Post Offices in Morocco, French Post Offices in Morocco, German Post Offices in Morocco, Spanish Post Office In Morocco.
Morocco British offices in: British P.O. in Morocco: 1857-86: stamps of Britain used, 1898: stamps of Gibraltar overprinted “Morocco / Agencies” for British post offices, 1907-56: used stamps of Britain, Spanish currency surcharge 1907-56; French currency surcharge (1917-Jan.8,1938).
Morocco, German offices in: 1899, Dec.: first stamps.
Morocco, Spanish offices in: 1860: used stamps from Spain, 1903: “Correo Español Marruecos,” “Tetuan,” “Marruecos,” and “Protectorado Español en Marruecos,” overprint on stamps of Spain, 1914: used only in Tangier. 1938, Jan.: French currency overprint stamps withdrawn, offices in French Morocco closed, 1956: offices in Spanish Morocco closed, Morocco independent, 1957, April 30: Tangier foreign offices closed; see British Offices in Morocco, French Morocco, German Post Offices in Morocco, and Spanish Morocco.
Morocco local posts: 1880: about 20 private local posts authorized, 1912: semi-official local posts by the Sultan of Morocco.
Morocco, Northern Zone: 1956, Aug. 17: first stamps.
Morocco, Southern Zone: 1956, May 19: first stamps, 1958, April 20: for entire territory.
Morokulien: territory on border of Sweden and Norway; Moro means joy in Norwegian and Kul means joy in Swedish; children’s issue.
Morrill & Co’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston, Mass, and New Hampshire via Lowell railroad; used labels, year unknown.
Morris European and American Express: private parcel firm that serviced U.S. and European cities; used a corner card and label, year unknown.
Morris, Robert Postal Card: United States non-denominated postal card, value 13¢, 1981.
Morshansk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1875-1904.
Morte: inscription / overprint on C.L.N. issues of Italy; see C L N.
Morton’s Post: U. S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa.
Morvi: India Feudatory State; 1893: first official stamp, 1931, Apr. 1: first local stamps, 1948, Feb. 15: incorporated into Saurashtra, 1948: joined the United States of Sorouth; 1950: uses stamps of Republic of India.
Moschopolis: bogus issue printed for Epirus, source unknown.
Moscow: also known as Moskva, USSR.
Mosegrön: (Swed.) moss-green (color).
Mosegrønn: (Nor.) moss-green (color).
Mosgrøn: (Dan.) moss-green (color).
Moskva: also known as Moscow, USSR.
Mosquito Coast: label for seceding state in Nicaragua, 1893-1900.
Mostar: local for Bosnia Herzegovina, 1995.
Mostra: (It.) specimen.
Mosul: Vilayet and the town of Iraq; 1919: occupied by British forces, three stamps issued, known as the Mosul issue for use of the Indian forces, Turkish revenue stamps overprinted “Postage I.E.F. ‘D.'”
Mo.T.: Missouri territory, pre-adhesive postmark.
Mother Die: term applied to the original engraved die in line engraving.
Motiv: (Swed.) thematic, topical.
Motive, Motif: see Topical or Thematic.
Motivsamlinger: (Swed.) thematic collections, topical collections.
Motorcycle Parcel Transport Service: parcel delivery firm, Canada, used a stamp, city and year unknown.
Motor vehicle use stamps: U.S., issued during World War II to cut back on use of private vehicles, 1942-46.
Motril: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Mottagningbevis: (Swed.) (abbr. MB) return receipts.
Mot Yttre Våld Med Enad Kraft: (Nor.) “With United Strength Against Outside Forces” on propaganda labels for Norwegian volunteers serving with Finnish armed forces.
Mouchen Type: 1900; French stamp design with a seated female figure displaying a tablet “Droits de l’homme” (The Rights of Man) named after the artist, Eugene Louis Mouchen.
Moulin Balls: see Boule de Moulins.
Moulton’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Boston and Salem, Mass., used labels, 1878.
Mount: any device for attaching a philatelic item to an album page or other display piece, the most common is a hinge.
Mountain Badakhshan Autonomy: bogus Russian issue.
Mountainous Karabakh, Republic of: local for seceding state; Azeri or Nagorno-Karabakh, Artsakh, 1993.
Mountain Republic: local for Gorskaya SS Republic, 1921.
Mount Athos: 1: see Mont Athos. 2: Russian Post Offices in Turkey, 1909-14.
Mount Athos: Turkish stamps overprinted for use as local stamps, 1873.
Mount Brown Stamp Catalogue: 1863, one of the first in Great Britain.
Mount Currie Express: Griqualand East, Natal local post stamp, 1874-77.
Mounted: former term for a defective stamp that has had new margins added; used for an early stamp of unusual shape which was cut to shape.
Mount Everest Expedition: India local stamps, Tibet, 1924.
Mourning cover: cover with a black border to notify recipient of a death.
Mourning stamp: stamp issued for the death of a president, king or other important personage in a nation, to indicate national bereavement, may have a black edge.
Mourning stamp, US: depicting President Warren G. Harding, issued Sept. 1923.
Mov:(Rom.) red-lilac, mauve (color).
Movable box: see Boite mobile.
Movie prop mail: in the 1940s, U.S. federal law lprohibited the use of real stamps in movies. The movie industry designed its own “stamps” for use on moviel mail.
Moyen Congo: inscription on stamps of Middle Congo in French Equatorial Africa, 1907-33.
Moyen Congo A.E.F.: overprint on postage due stamps of France and Middle Congo in French Equatorial Africa.
Moyen Orient: (Fr.) Middle East (M E Forces)
Moyenne: (Fr.) a sound copy, not fine; if used, not too heavily postmarked.
Mozambique: southeastern Africa; 1876, July: first issues for Portuguese colony consisting of eight stamp-issuing districts, Inhabane, Lourenco Manica and Sofala region, Marques, Mozambique, Nyassa, Quelimane, Tete, Zambezia. 1877: first issue for Moçambique, 1904: first postage due stamp, 1920, Dec. 1: first semi-postal stamp, 1938, Aug.: first air mail stamp, 1946: first air mail stamp, 1975, June 25: People’s Republic of Mozambique, 1978, Oct. 11: joined UPU.
Mozambique Company: (Port. Companhia de Moçambique); 1892: first stamps for the territories of Manica and Sofala, 1906: first postage due stamp, 1917: first air mail, semi-postal stamps, 1941, July 18: charter ended.
M P: 1: USPS abbreviation for Northern Mariana Islands. 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Military Newspaper (Austria).
M P O: 1: see Mobile Post Office. 2: Military Post Office.
M P P: see Mailer’s precancel postmark.
MPS: Military Postal System, used for mail to be delivered within a military theater of operations.
M Q: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Military Parcel Post (Germany).
M.Q.E.: 1: overprint on stamps of French colonial stamps for Martinique, 1886-91. 2: Argentina official overprint for Martinique, 1913-39.
M R: 1: auction abbreviation for meters. 2:Scott Catalog Number prefix for War Tax.
M R: Manager of Railways, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
M.R.C.: Ministerio de Relaciones Culturales (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion). Argentina official overprint, 1913-39.
MRG: Morris R. George, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
M.R.G.: Main Roads, Gambierton, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Mrs. Stewart: series of cinderella (bogus) issues printed by Mrs. Stewart’s liquid bluing.
Mr. Zip: cartoon-like character used to promote the use of the Zip Code on US mail, 1964-1986.
M S: 1: see Matched set, Mint sheet, Miniature Sheet, or Manuscript. 2: USPS abbreviation for Mississippi. 3: early U.S. postmark; normally abbreviation for Massachusetts or District of Maine. 4: see Miniature or souvenir sheet.
M.S.A.G.: Marchese San Giacinto Amministratore Generale (It.), 1845-52.
M.S.G.A.: Marchese San Giacinto Amministratore (It.) verification of postage due, 1830-35.
Mss.: Massachusetts, pre-adhesive postmark
M.T.: 1: Michigan, Minnesota, or Mississippi Territory, when used in a postmark. 2: USPS abbreviation for Montana.
M T A: Matched Typed Address.
Mt. Lebanon, La. 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Mt. Pinatubo Fund: Philippine postal tax stamp issued Nov. 16, 1992.
M U: auction abbreviation for music topic.
Muck, Island of: bogus, source unknown.
Mudo: (Sp.) mute or killer cancellation, with no informational lettering.
Muestra: (Sp.) specimen; see Specimen.
Mufti: term for Canada’s King George VI definitive stamps of 1937; king attired in “civilian dress.”
M U H: Mint unhinged.
Muhlberg: local post of Germany, 1945-48.
Muhu: bogus Russian issue, not valid for postage.
Muk, Island of: bogus Scotland island stamp.
Mukalla: see Aden States.
Mulhausen: (Stadt-Brief & Packet-Beforderung) local post of Germany, 1895-1900.
Mulheim-Deutz-Cologne: (Packet-Verkehr) German local post, 1888.
Mulheim / Rheim: (Mulheimer Privatpoist) German local post, 1893-94.
Muller: Catalogue des Aerogrammes du Monde Entier, specialized worldwide aerogram catalog, 1950.
Mulligan letters: name given to letters implicating James G. Blaine in improper transactions at the nominating convention of 1876 and campaign of 1884; Blaine exonerated of any wrong-doing.
Mullsö Lokalpost: (Swed.) Swedish town local post.
Mulready: named for designer of Britain’s first postal envelope in 1839; the decorated postal stationery was so ridiculed that it had a very short life.
Mulready caricature: Mulready envelopes were printed in various designs ridiculed the official stationery; the caricatures did not prepay postage.
Mult.: abbreviation for Multiple.
Multa: (Sp.) overprint/inscription for postage due, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Portugal.
Multada: (Sp.) fined, inscription on stamps of Chile, postage due.
Multas: inscription on stamps of Ecuador for postage due.
Multi-ad postal card: U.S. card with multiple advertisements, 1873-75.
Multi cancel: cover that has two or more cancels on it.
Multicolor: stamp printed in three or more colors.
Multi-Color Corp.: subcontractor to American Bank Note Co. for printing U.S. booklets.
Multilingual postmarks, stamps: inscribed in two or more languages, commonly used in registration markings.
Multiple: an unseparated group of stamps that is less than the full sheet.
Multiple cancels: covers with several separate postmarks.
Multiple comb perforation: a machine that at one stroke perforates all four gutters surrounding each stamp in one or more rows.
Multiple flight: cover flown on two or more flights of the same basic means, each with postal directions, markings or cachets to show the different flights.
Multiple watermark: repetition of watermark design so that it is visible more than once.
Multipositive: see Diapositive.
Multa (da): (Sp.) postage due in Spanish language countries.
Multi-Color Corp.: subcontractor to American Banknote Co. for printing US booklets.
Multiplo: (It.) multiple.
Multipost: U.S. postage meter firm, 1933-41, acquired by National Postage Meter Co.
Multipost Commercial Controls: test stamp coils for postage affixer.
Munchen: also known as Munich, Germany.
Mung: currency unit in Mongolia.
Munich: German local post: 1: (Private-Stadtpost Courier) 1896-1900. 2. (R.O.N.D.D.) 1948-53. 3: (Verkehrsbureau München), 1896-1900.
Municipal service stamp: specially designed stamps used by municipalities for use on official mail.
Munnie’s Express: private freight, parcel and baggage firm serviced New York City, used a label, year unknown.
Munro’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced New York City and New Bedford, N.J., 1852-55
Münster / Westf.: German local post, (Stadtbriefbeförderung Courier), 1897-1900.
Muqdisho: inscription on stamps of Somalia.
Murcia: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican,1937.
M. Urdal Local Post: see Tromso – M. Urdal Local Post.
Murnau: Polish officers camp, local post, 1942-44.
Muro de Alcoy: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Murray S N Co: Murray Steam Navigation Company: Australia, for use on the Murray and Murrumbidgee rivers,local post, 1866-73.
Mürren: Switzerland hotel post, 1897.
Mursteinrød: (Nor.) brick red (color).
Muscat: on Gulf of Oman, Arabia; 1856: stamps of India used, 1944: overprints used; first commemorative stamp, 1948: used stamps of Britain surcharged in Indian currency, 1957-pre: Muscat stamps used in Indian/British post offices in the Persian gulf area, mainly Qatar, 1961-pre: Muscat stamps used in Indian/British post offices in the Persian gulf area, mainly Dubai, 1971, Jan. 16: became Oman under a new sultan.
Muscat and Oman: Oman; 1969: first commemorative stamp.
Musée philatelique: (Fr.) Switzerland overprint for philatelic museum.
Musée postal: (Fr.) postal museum.
Musgrove’s (National) Evening Business College: college stamp.
Mustang Express: 1870, local mail service by Jabez Fearey, Newark, N.J.
Müster: (Ger.) overprint for specimen usage, started 1950s; see Specimen.
Mustique Island: St. Vincent Grenadines island; not authorized; 1976: stamps first issued,
Mutationes: relay stations, Roman imperial postal system, about 250 BC.
Mutations Immobilieres: transfer of real estate; French Colonies revenue inscription
Mutations Mobilieres: transfer of personal property; French Colonies revenue inscription.
Mutawakelite Kingdom of Yemen: Yemen.
Mute cancel: made up of concentric rings or ovals; term applied to postage stamps or cancellations that do not indicate country or place of origin.
Mutual Union Telegraph Company: U.S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1882-83.
Muungano: Zanzibar.
M.V.i.R.: (Ger.) “Militar Verwaltung in Rumäien (Military Administration of Romania) overprint found on the German Germania and Romanian postage due and postal tax stamps issued during the 1917-1918 WWII German occupation of Romania: “Militär Verwaltung in Rumänien” (“Military Administration of Romania”).
Myanmar: formerly Burma
Mycket: (Swed.) very.
Mycket gott ex: (Swed.) very fine example.
Mycophilately: collecting and study of stamps depicting mushrooms, fungi, etc., thematic.
Myanmar: formerly Burma; 1949, Oct. 4: joined UPU.
My Bonnie: Donald Evans issue, New York.
Mycket: (Swed.) very.
Mycket gott ex: (Swed.) very fine example.
Mylar: DuPont registered trade name for polyethylene terephthalate film that is colorless, transparent, strong, chemically stable, and considered archival quality for mounting stamps.
Myrtegrøn: (Dan.) myrtle-green (color).
Myrtenrön: (Swed.) myrtle-green (color).
Myrtegrønn: (Nor.) myrtle-green (color).
Myrtengrön: (Swed.) myrtle-green (color).
Myslenice: city in former Austrian-occupied Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Mytilene: 1: see Metelin. 2: Russian Post Offices in Turkey, “Metelin” 1909. 3: formerly Lesbos, now Lesvos; see Lesbos.
M.Z.A.: (Sp.) Madrid-Zaragoza-Alicante railway, on semi-postal to raise funds for the evacuation of Madrid during the Civil War



K 60 K: 
Armenia overprint on stamps of Russia.
Far Eastern Republic surcharge, 1920.
1: Scott Catalogue prefix for U.S. Offices in China. 2: (Without country name) Bosnia and Herzegovina money unit. 3: auction catalog abbreviation for Kuna (Croatia); Koruna (Czech Republic), Kroon (Estonia), Kwanza (Angola), Kina (Papua New Guinea), Kip (Laos)Kyat (Myanmar). 4: watermark on sheets of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1890- 5: with eagle and United States of America: Connecticut Custom House revenue seal. 6: comb (perforation): if used as suffix to catalog number, it indicates tete-beche variation. 7: German abbreviation for carmine color overprint or surcharge. 8: Kissingen. 9: with crown Krakau. 10. international postal code for Cambodia.
Kaapstad (Cape Town): Republic of South Africa.
Kabard(ino)-Balkaria, Republic of: Jan.14, 2002: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Kabinettbriefstuck: (Ger.) very fine item, choice copy.
Kabul, Kingdom of: see Afghanistan.
Kabwe: formerly Broken Hill, Zambia.
Kachet: (Ger.) cachet.
Kadnikof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-1914.
Kaffebrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) coffee-brown (color).
Kafr-Ammar: Egypt, 1879-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Kafr-Cheik: Egypt, 1879-1884; see Interpostal seals.
Kafr-Daouar: Egypt, 1865-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Kafr-Daoude: Egypt, 1879-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Kafr-el-Chuar: Egypt, 1872-1874; see Interpostal seals.
Kafr-Zayat: Egypt, 1864-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Kahului Railroad Company: Hawaii railway that printed stamps for mail carried on their trains to post offices.
Kais. Deutsche Marine-Schiffpost: (Ger.) Imperial German Naval ships post.
Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur Shanghai: German postal agency marking from Shanghai, China, 1886.
Kaiserliche Koniglich: (Ger.) Imperial / Royal. Kalkal: Egypt, 1879-1880; see Interpostal seals.
Kaiserliche Konigliche Osterreichische Post: inscription on stamps of Austria, Austrian Offices in Turkey.
Kais. Koenigl. Oesterreichpost: inscription on stamps of Austria, Austrian Offices in Turkey.
Kais. Kon. Zeitungs Stample (Stemple): inscription on stamps of Austria for newspaper tax, Lombardy-Venetia; 1853-90.
Kajman Szigetek: (Hung.) the Cayman Islands.
Kajoeagoeng: (Japanese occupation) 1942-45, Palembang district Sumatra local overprint.
Kakaobrun (Dan., Nor., Swed.) cocoa-brown (color).
Kalaalit Nunaat: (Greenland) Greenland.
Kalayaan Nang Pilipinas: inscription on stamps of Japan for Philippines, “Independence” Japanese Occupation, 1943.
Kalimantan, republik: bogus overprints for supposed independence movement in Indonesia.
Kaliningrad: formerly Konigsberg, USSR.
Kalisz: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Kalman-Inseln: (Ger.) Cayman Islands.
Kalmar-Oland Island and Return Experimental Flight: see Sweden – 1914 Kalmar-Oland Island and Return Experimental Flight
Kalmykia: c1996; illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Kalymnos: (Ger.) Calino.
Kamaran Island: 1915-pre: Turkish post office, 1915: captured by British, 1924: sub-post office of Aden, 1967: became part of Southern Yemen, 1972: Yemen Arab Republic.
Kambodscha: (Ger.) Cambodia
Kambodzsa: (Hung.) Cambodia.
Kamchatka: c 1996; illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; Jan. 14, 2002, not valid for postage.
Kamdar: Indian States term for a princely state administrative officer Kamerun: (Ger.) Cameroun, 1900-18.
Kamenotisk: (Czech.) lithography.
Kamerun: 1. (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, 1897-1915; see Cameroon. 2. (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Cameroum, Cameroons,
Kammzähnung: (Ger.) see Comb perforation.
Kampuchea: see Cambodia.
Kamtakking: (Nor.) comb perforation.
Kamtakning: (Dan.) comb perforation, see Perforering – Kam.
Kamtandning: (Swed.) comb perforation.
Kamtshatka: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU, Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Kamyishlof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1903-1917.
Kan.: abbreviation for Kansas prior to Zip Code usage.
Kanada: (Dan., Ger., Nor. Swed.) Canada.
Kanadisk: (Dan., Nor.) Canadian.
Kanadensisk: (Swed.) Canadian.
Kanalinseln: (Ger.) Channel Islands.
Kanalsone: (Nor.) the Canal Zone.
Kanalzone: (Ger.) Canal Zone.
Kanalzonen: (Dan., Swed.) the Canal Zone.
Kanaløerne: (Dan.) the Channel Islands.
Kanarieöarna: (Swed.) Canary Islands.
Kanarische Inseln: (Ger.) Canary Islands.
K & Co. (Kennedy & Co.): U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Kanelbrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) cinnamon brown (color).
Kangaroo Island: Australian locals.
Kangaroos (Roos): name given to the 1913 map and kangaroo design of Australia.
Kanpur: also known as Cawnpore, India.
Kans.: United States protective overprint for use in Kansas to reduce post office robberies, 1920s.
Kansas: U.S. territory May 30, 1854, state Jan. 29, 1861; created from public domain areas.
Kansas and Nebraska overprints: an experiment to prevent resale of stolen stamps by overprinting current definitives “Kans.” for sale in Kansas and “Nebr.” for sale in Nebraska; the experiment failed since some postal employees refused to accept them and they were also extensively forged.
Kansas City roulettes: Dec. 1914; Kansas City, Mo. post office received imperforate 1¢ and 2¢ stamps in the Washington Head design; the Kansas City postmaster received permission to roulette the stamps and sell them.
Kansu-Ningsai-Tsinghai Area: 1949 People’s Post, Northwest China; People’s Republic of China.
Kansu Province: a single Chinese stamp was overprinted in Chinese characters for use in that province, Aug. 1949.
Kantara: Egypt, 1868-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Kanton: (Ger.) Canton.
Kanturk & Newmarket Railway Company: British railway local post.
Kap: currency unit of Latvia.
Kap der Guten Hoffnung: (Ger.) Cape of Good Hope.
Kap det Gode Håb: (Dan.) Cape of Good Hope.
Kapeikas: unit of currency in Latvia.
Kap Juby: (Ger.) Cape Juby.
Kapstaden: (Dan.) Cape Town (South Africa).
Kap Verdeöarna: (Swed.) Cape Verde Islands.
Kap Verdische Inseln: (Ger.) Cape Verde Islands.
Kap Verdiske øer: (Dan.) the Cape Verde Islands.
Kar: (Ger.) carmine (color).
Karabakh: bogus Russian issue, not valid for postage.
Karabino-Balkaria: bogus Russian issue.
Karachay-Cherkessia (Karachaevo-Cherksia): illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU, Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Karácsony Szigetek: (Hung.) Christmas Island.
Karakalpakia: c1995, bogus Uzbekistan, USSR, not valid for postage.
Karakalpaston: bogus Russian issue.
Karbardino-Balkaria: bogus Russian issue.
Karbovanetz: unit of currency in the Ukraine; also called the ruble.
Kardinalrød: (Dan., Nor.) cardinal red (color).
Kardinalröd: (Swed.) cardinal red (color), see Mörkröd.
Karelen: (Swed.) Karelia.
Karelia: northwestern Soviet Russia; currency: 100 pennia = 1 markka 1921, Nov. 21: independent state 1922: No. 1, 5 pennia dark gray, first stamp issue; rebellion of Karelians, 1941, Oct. 1: stamps of Finland overprinted for Russian territory of Eastern Karelia under Finnish administration, 1943: semipostal stamp issued for war victims in Eastern Karelia, 1945: Eastern Karelia regained by Russia; see Finland.
Karelia: c1997, illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; Jan.14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Karelia, Eastern: see Karelia.
Karelien: (Dan.) Karelia,
Karema: unauthorized overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo for German East Africa.
Karen State: bogus issue.
Karjala: bogus Russian local overprint for Karelia, 1922.
Karki: overprint on stamps of Italy-Aegean islands, 1912-22; see Calchi.
Karlfonds: (Emperor Karl’s Fund) military field post stamps with charity surcharge for Austria, 1918.
Karl Marx Stadt: formerly Chemnitz, German Democratic Republic.
Karlovy Vary: (German occupation) 1938, Sudentenland local post.
Karlsbad: (German occupation) 1938, Sudentenland local post.
Karlsruhe: Privat-Brief-Verkehr; German local: 1: Anselm / Kraut, 1886-1893. 2: Reichhardt, 1886-87. 3: Schmidt / Farrenkopf & Fritz, 1894-1900. 4: Herion.
Kármazinvörös: (Hung.) crimson red (color).
Karmesin: (Ger.) crimson (color).
Karmin: (Czech., Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) carmine (color).
Karminbrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) carmine-brown (color),
Karminfiolett (Dan.) carmine-violet (color).
Karminlilla: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) carmine-lilac (color),
Karminova: (Czech.) carmine (color).
Karminovocervená: (Czech.) carmine-red (color).
Karminovohnedá: (Czech.) carmine-brown (color).
Karminpurpur: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) carmine-purple (color),
Karminrød: (Dan., Nor.) carmine-red (color),
Karminrosa: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) carmine-rose (color),
Karmint påtryck: (Swed.) carmine surcharge.
Karminviolet: (Dan.) carmine-violet (color),
Karminviolett: (Swed.) carmine-violet (color).
Kärnten: (Ger.) Carinthia.
Kärnten Abstimmung: (Ger.) overprint and surcharge on stamps of Austria for a plebiscite to determine after WW I, if residents of the Province of Carinthia (Kärnten) wanted to remain with Austria (plebiscite decision) or become part of Yugoslavia, June 6, 1919.
Karolinen: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany for Caroline Islands, 1900.
Karolinerne: (Dan.) the Caroline Islands.
Karolinöarna: (Swed.) the Caroline Islands.
Karo Naslaiclams: Feb. 1924 overprint/surcharge on stamps of Lithuania semi-postal for War Invalids.
Karoris: Indian States term for collectors of revenue.
Karpaten Ukraine: (Ger.) Carpatho Ukraine.
Karpathen-Ukraine: (Dan.) Carpatho-Ukraine.
Karpát-Ukrajna: (Hung.) Carpatho-Ukraine, see Cárpátalja.
Karten-Carinthia: Austrian plebesite labels.
Kartoe Pos: (Malaya) post card
Kartografie: (Ger.) cartography.
Kartonpapier: (Ger.) thick paper.
Kasai, South Kasai: Congo non-recognized state, 1961, June 20: first stamps issued, 1961, Oct.: stamps withdrawn.
Kaschmir: (Ger.) Indian States, Jammu and Kashmir, 1866-70.
Kashira: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1907.
Kashmir: (Ger.) Indian States, Jammu and Kashmir, 1866-70.
Kasos: (Ger.) Caso.
Kassala: Egypt, 1879-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Kassel: Courier post, German local, 1893-1900.
Kassimof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1869-1875.
Kastanhnedavy: (Czech.) chestnut brown (color).
Kastanjebrun: (Nor., Swed.) chestnut brown, maroon (color).
Kastanniebrun: em>(Dan.) chestnut brown, maroon (color).
Kastenzähnung: (Ger.) harrow perforation.
Katalog: (Ger.) catalog(ue), a list of certain philtelic items arranged in a certain order..
Katalognummer: (Ger.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Katalogové Císlo: (Czech.) catalog number.
Katalogschlager: (Ger.) price list discounted from catalogue listing.
Katalogwert: (Ger.) catalog value.
Katanga: Central Africa, Congo nonrecognized state, currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1960-pre: used stamps of Belgian Congo, 1960, July 11: seceded from Congo Democratic Republic, 1960, Sept.12: No. 1, 50 centimes multicolor, first stamps, stamps of Belgian Congo with overprint “Katanga,” 1960, Dec. 30: postage due stamps, Belgian Congo issue handstamped “Katanga,” 1961, July 11: first semipostal, 1961, Sept.: UN declared secession ended, 1961, Dec.-March 1962: used stamps of Katanga overprinted Congo, 1963: Democratic Republic of Congo.
Katastrofepost: (Dan.) catastrophy mail, disaster mail, wreck mail, crash covers (interrupted flight covers).
Katapultpost: (Dan.) ship catapult mail.
Katar: (Hung.) Qatar.
Katastrophenpost: (Ger.) mail from a disaster, usually marked with a rubber stamped cachet.
Katchak Posta: (Turkish characters) “Smuggled Letter,” Turkey, used for smuggled private letters into Greece that were caught, paid double postage and fine.
Kathiawar: see Jasden. Kathiri State of Seiyun: 1937-42: used stamps of Aden, post office opened May 25, 1937, 1942, Aug.: first stamps, 1964, July 1, 1964: last issue, replaced by Federation of South Arabia, currently Yemen; see Aden States.
Kathiri State of Seiyun: Eastern Aden Protectorate; 1937-42: used stamps of Aden, post office opened May 25, 1937, 1942, Aug.: No.1, 1/2 anna dark green, first stamps valid throughout Aden, 1964, July 1, 1964: last issue, replaced by Federation of South Arabia, currently Yemen; see Aden States.
Katibo: Donald Evans issue, Surinam.
Katie: one of the Sicmon Islands in the South Pacific created by Nick Bantock for his book, “Griffin & Sabine.”
Katin: one of the Sicmon Islands in the South Pacific created by Nick Bantock for his book, “Griffin & Sabine.”
Katona Posta: (Hung.) military posts.
Katonai Posta : (Hung.) military post.
Katze: (Ger.) cats (thematic).
Kaufen: (Ger.) to buy.
Kauft Wohlfahrtsbriefmarken: (Ger.) “Buy charity stamps for the Winter Relief,” Germany machine cancel, 1931-37.
Kaulbach Island: Canada local post; island off the coast of Nova Scotia with local post stamp to frank mail to the nearest Canadian post office on the mainland; 1971-84.
Kaunas: formerly Kovno, city in Lithuania; 1923-25: known as Kaunas printing, Klaipeda: inscription, Memel, Lithuanian occupation.
Kavalla: see Cavalla.
Kavárna; (Czech.) coffee house.
Kawala: (Ger.) Cavalle.
Kawthulay: Burmese related fantasy.
Kazakhstan: independent republic in southern Russia; currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 tyyn = 1 tenge 1991, Dec.26: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1992, March 23: No.1, 50 kopecks multicolor, first stamps, 1992, Aug. 27: joined the UPU, 1994, Nov. 3: first semipostal stamp.
Kazan: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1895.
Kazovy: (Czech.) faulty, imperfect.
K B: Scott Catalogue prefix for exile government semi-postal.
K.C.-Nouita: resembles these letters; Princely Serbian Post, Serbia, 1866.
K. CPbCKA nOMTA: (Resembles these letters) Serbia.
Kcs: (Czech.) Czechoslovakian crown.
K.D.: Kaiserliche Deutsche (Ger.) Imperial Germany.
K.D.P.A.: Königlich Dansk Post Amt. (Dan.) Royal Danish Post Office.
“K” die: the 3rd die of the 3-cent stamp of the first series of U.S. stamped envelopes; named after the label ends which resemble the letter “K.”
KE: abbreviation for King Edward VII issues.
Kedah: Malaya, Malaysia; upper west side of Malay Peninsula; 1909-pre: sultanate under Thai control, stamps of Siam, 1909: British took over area, stamps of Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements used, 1912, July 1: No.1, 1¢ green and black, first stamps, 1942, May 13: Japanese occupation, Kedah stamps overprinted “Dai Nippon,” 1943, Oct. 19: ceded to Thailand by Japan, named Syburi, 1945, Sept.: restored to Malaya; B.M.A. Malaya issue used, 1950: Malaya-Kedah inscription, 1957: stamps of Malayan Federation used along with those of Kedah, 1963, Sept.: became part of Federation of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: Kedah used designs of Johore inscribed Kedah on stamps of Malaysia.
Kedd: (Hung.) Tuesday.
Keeling Islands: see Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
Kegelmugel: bogus issue.
Kehrdruck: (Ger.) see Tête-bêche. Kekantan: Malaya, Malaysia.
Keine Postsendung: (Ger.) “Not for mailing” printed across area where address normally goes to signify that the postal item is a hand-back piece to be given to the collector and not valid for postal use.
Keizyo Tyosen: (Kor.) Seoul, Korea.
Kék: (Hung.) blue (color).
Kékesszürke: (Hung.) blue (bluish)-grey (color).
Kékeszöld: (Hung.) blue(ish)-green (color).
Kékeszöld: (Hung.) aquamarine (color).
Kékis: (Hung.) bluish (color).
Kelantan: state, Malaya; on east side of Malay Peninsula; (located in Scott Catalogue after Malaya); 1909-pre: stamps of Siam, 1909: Federated Malay States, ceded to British protection by Siam, 1911, Jan.: No.1, 1¢ gray-green, first stamps, 1942: Japanese occupation, stamps of Kelantan overprinted in Japanese, 1943, Oct. 19: ceded to Thailand by Japan, 1943, Nov. 15: Thailand issued occupation stamps, 1945, Sept.: restored to Malaya; B.M.A. Malaya issue used, 1948: Federation of Malaya established, first commemorative stamp, 1951, July 11: first definitive stamp, 1957: stamps of the Malayan Federation used along with those of Kelantan, 1965, Nov. 15: used designs of Johore, inscribed Kelatan, stamps of Malaysia.
Kelet: (Hung.) East.
Kellogg’s Penny Post & City Despatch: 1853; U.S. local post, Cleveland, Ohio.
Kelly, J. B. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Kelvin Penney Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Kemahkotaan: overprint on stamps of Malaya – Johore for Coronation of new Sultan, 1896.
Kemp Land: Antarctic fantasy.
Kempten: displaced persons camp, local post, 1948.
Kendall, B.J. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Kene: Egypt, see Interpostal seals,1872-84.
Keneta: cents, on stamps of Hawaii.
Kennebec & Boston Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass. and the Kennebec area of Maine; used a label, year unknown.
Kennebec Express: mail delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass. and the Kennebec area of Maine; used a label, year unknown.
Kennedy & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Kennedy, Dr.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Kenner: (Ger.) expert.
Kenn-Nr.: (Ger.) identification number.
Kensett, T. & Co.: U.S. private die canned fruit proprietary stamp.
Kent Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Kenttäpostia: (Fin.) fieldpost, inscription for free mail for Finnish troops in 1941-44 as well as civilian mail addressed to the armed forces.
Kentucky: 1: U.S. state June 1, 1792; part of Virginia until statehood. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801.
Kenya: East Africa, on Indian Ocean; currency: 100 cents = 1 East African shilling. 1895: joined the UPU as a British colony as British East Africa, 1906: became a Crown Colony, 1935: Tanganyika grouped with Kenya and Uganda under the East African Postal and Telecommunications Administration, 1935-63: stamps inscribed “Kenya Uganda Tanganyika” valid in all three areas, 1961: became independent, 1963, Dec. 12: No.1, 5¢ blue, buff and dark brown, became independent as a republic, issued first stamp as Kenya, 1963: Uhuru (independence) issue first to use name of Kenya alone, 1964: merged with Zanzibar, and Zanzibar was added to the stamp inscriptions, 1964, Oct. 1: first official stamp, 1964, Oct. 27: joined the UPU, 1965: Tanzania added making it Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, 1967: first postage due stamp; 1968, Jan. 1: Zanzibar withdrew its stamps, leaving it as Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania in various arrangement in the order of the names; see British East Africa, East Africa, Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika Tanzania.
Kenya: Mau Mau and unofficial overprints; unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001.
Kenya Tanganyika Uganda: hippos mating; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar: October 25, 1964, inscriptionon stamps issued by the East African Common Services Organization, not used in Zanzibar.
Kenya-Uganda-Tanzania: East Africa on the Indian Ocean; currency: 100 cents = 1 rupee, 100 cents = 1 shilling (1922), 20 shillings = 1 pound 1894: Uganda Protectorate declared a British protectorate, 1920, July 23: East Africa Protectorate renamed Kenya and became a colony, 1921: No.1, 1¢ black, inscription for East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, 1922, Nov. 1: first stamps inscribed Kenya and Uganda, 1928: first postage due; Kenya and Uganda, 1930: joint East African Postal Administration, 1935, May1: first stamps issued with joint inscription, 1935: Tanganyika grouped with Kenya and Uganda under the East African Postal and Telecommunications Administration, 1959: official overprint, 1961: Tanganyika became independent, 1962: Uganda became independent, 1964: Tanganyika merged with Zanzibar, and Zanzibar was added to the stamp inscriptions, 1964, Oct. 25: stamps inscribed Kenya Uganda Tanganyika Zanzibar, in various orders, 1965, April 15: first issue without Tanganyika, 1965: Tanzania added making it Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, 1968, Jan. 1: Zanzibar withdrew its stamps, leaving it as Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania in various arrangement in the order of the names. 1976: independent issues for three countries were valid; see Kenya.
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: see Tanganyika: trust territory;
Kenya Uganda Tanganyika: 1: see Tanganyika: trust territory. 2: the Oomagoolie legless bird; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Kenya Tanganyika Uganda: hippos mating; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Kenyon & Co.’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced the New York City area; used a label, year unknown.
Kenyon’s Letter Office: U.S. local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1846-60.
Képeslap: (Hung.) picture postcard.
Képes Levelezolap: (Hung.) postcard.
Kerassunde: 1909-10, name of city as overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkish Empire.
Keretfogazat: (Hung.) harrow perforation.
Kerguelen archipelago: see French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Kerguelen Land: Antarctic, also known as Desolation Island, 1892.
Kerkira: formerly Corfu, Greece.
Kermadec Islands: local stamp of a New Zealand, Pacific Island, 1937.
Kernow: Great Britain Cornwall local post, 1978.
Kerr, Dr. Jas. C.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Ker’s City Post: local, bogus, Canada, in 1800s.
Kestrel Aviation: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Kerttu: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890s.
Kerület: (Hung.) (political) district.
Keswick & Penrith Railway: British railway local post.
Ketahkotaan: Johore.
K.E.VII: King Edward Seventh of Great Britain, who reigned from Jan. 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910.
K.E.VIII: King Edward Eighth of Great Britain, who reigned from Jan. 20, 1936 to Dec. 11, 1936.
Kewkiang: China treaty port local stamp, 1894-97.
Key: the design outline defining all areas of color.
Key plate: the printing plate that prints the stamp’s design and used in conjunction with a duty plate.
Key stone: the stone where transfers of the key are arranged as needed.
Key type: issues of two or more postal administrations using the same stamp design.
K.G.C.A.: (Koruska Glasoona Cona A) Carinthian Plebescite Zone A; Karen Government Commission, Zone A,1920; see Carinthia.
Kgl: (Ger.) Königlich; under the powers of the King.
Kgl. Bayer. Staatseisenb.: Royal Bavarian State Railway stamp used to pay freight charges on parcels shipped via the railroad.
K.G.L. (with cents): Danish West Indies or (with skillings) Denmark.
Kgl. Baver Statseisenb: Bavaria Railway stamps.
Kgl. Post Frm: (Dan.) Kongeligt Post-Frimaerke (Royal Post Free Stamp) inscription on Danish stamps, 1853-68.
K.G.V.: King George Fifth of Great Britain, who reigned from May 6, 1910 to Jan. 20, 1936.
K.G.VI.: King George Sixth of Great Britain, who reigned from Dec. 11, 1936 to Feb. 6, 1952.
Khafji: disputed neutral zone in Arabia between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Khakasia: Jan.14, 2002: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Kharkof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1870-1902.
Kharkov: Russian local provisional, overprint on Ukraine, 1920-22.
Khartoum: Egypt, 1872-1882; see Interpostal seals (for overseas offices).
Khatatbe: Egypt, 1879-1884; see Interpostal seals.
Khemis Mil: formerly Affreville, Algeria.
Kherson: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1867-1914.
Khios: occupied by Greece Nov. 11, 1912, overprinted Greek stamps issued May 1913; see Chios.
Khmere: Cambodia, 1971-75.
Khmer Republic: Cambodia; 1971: first commemorative stamp, 1972: first semi-postal stamp, 1973: first air mail stamp, 1974: first postage due stamp.
Kholm: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1906-1911.
Khor Fakkan: Sharjah Dependency; now part of the United Arab Emirates; 1965-69: first commemorative stamps favor inscribed or overprinted, valid throughout Sharjah.
Khoresm: local post, capital at Khiva, 1922.
Khor Fakkan: Sharjah Dependency; now part of the United Arab Emirates; 1965: first commemorative stamps favor inscribed or overprinted, no postal usage.
KHTAH: (Cyrillic) Russian Post Offices in China; 1899: surcharge on stamps of Russia.
Khvalynsk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1901-1914.
Ki-An: (Kiangsi) central China local post, 1949.
Kiang-hwai: east China local post, 1949.
Kiangsu-Anhwei: border area, local post, east China, 1938.
Kiangsu Province: central China, People’s Post; 1949: local post as surcharges on Chinese stamps, also used regional issues of China, local issues include air mail, special delivery and registration stamps.
Kiaochow (Kiautschou): see China, German Post Offices.
Kiao-Tcheou: Kiauchau.
Kiautschau (ou): (Ger.) German colony on Chinese mainland, south of Shantung Peninsula; currency: 100 pfennig = 1 mark, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1905) 1897: leased to Germany, 1900: No.1, 5 pfennigs carmine, stamps of Germany overprinted “China” for post offices in China, inscribed “Kiautschou,” 1914, Sep.2: Japanese troops captured colony; stamps of Japan used, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1922: Japanese left; returned to China; see China, German Post Offices.
Kibo: secessionist province of Tanzania marketed as matchbox labels.
Kibris Cumhuriyeti: (Turk.) Cyprus Rrepublic.
Kibris Turk Federe Devleti: (Turk.) Cyprus, Turkish occupation.
Ki-Chung: north Chinese local,1946.
Kicking Mule cancellation: fancy cancel depicting a mule kicking used in Port Townsend, Wash, (1877-86), and Goleta, Ca. (1884),
Kidder & Laird: U.S. private die perfumery proprietary stamp.
Kidder’s City Express Post: U.S. local post, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1847.
Kidder’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Rockport, Mass., used a label, year unknown.
Kiel: 1: German local post, 1945-48. 2: Courier local, 1895-1900. 3: Hammonia local, 1896. 4: Kieler Paketfahrt, German local 1909-13.
Kielce szkol na tysiac lecie: (Pol.) fund raising label to build schools.
Kiev: Ukraine local provisional issue, 1920-22.
Kigoma: unauthorized overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo for German East Africa.
Ki Kiang: (Kiren-Heilung Kiang) Northeast China, local, 1946.
Kilenc: (Hung.) nine (number).
Kilencven: (Hung.) ninety (number).
Kilis: town in Turkey; 1921: single stamp released, one piastre, native language inscription.
Killer: 1: any obliterating postmark that will render re-use of a stamp impossible. 2: a barred portion of a dual canceler.
Killer bars: horizontal lines which are typically used to cancel a stamp, typically to the right of the cancel.
Kilmer, Dr. & Co: Binghamton, N.Y. manufacturer of Proprietary Medicines converted 1¢, 2¢ and 3¢ postage stamps of the 1895 issue into provisional revenue stamps.
Kilometro 83: Egypt, 1868-1871; see Interpostal seals.
Kiloware: term used by dealers or countries to sell mixtures of stamps on paper; a kilo is approximately 2 1/3 pounds.
Kina: 1. currency unit in Papua New Guinea. 2. (Dan., Hung., Nor., Swed.) China
Kinai: (Hung.) Chinese.
Kina (Császáság): (Hung.) Chinese Empire (existant until January 1912).
Kina (Köztársaság): (Hung.) Republic of China.
Kina, Folkerepbulik: (Dan.) see Folkerepbulik Kina.
Kina (Formosa): (Hung.) Republic of China (Taiwan).
Kina (Népköztársaság): (Hung.) People’s Republic of China.
Kinai: (Hung.) Chinese.
Kinarød: (Nor.) Chinese red (color).
Kinderpost; Kinderstempel: (Ger.) children’s stamps; see Toy stamps.
Kinderzegels: children’s charity semi-postal stamps used in Holland since 1924.
Kinderzeichnungen: children’s contest moon post labels printed in Germany, year unknown.
Kinesisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Chinese (adj.).
Kinesisk Post i Manchuriet: (Dan.) Chinese Post Offices in Manchuria.
Kinesisk Post i Tibet: (Dan.) Chinese Post Offices in Tibet.
King Bomba: Ferdinand II, ruler of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, got the name of King Bomba because he shelled villages that he felt deserved punishment.
Kingdom of Libia: Feb. 10, 1966 United Kingdom of Libya special delivery inscription.
Kingdom of Two Sicilies: Italian State made up of the island of Sicily, and part of the Apennine Peninsula; 1815: union between Kingdom of Naples and Kingdom of Sicily, 1858, Jan 1: No.1, 1/2 grana pale lake, separate first stamps, issues for Naples, 1859, Jan 1: separate issue for Sicily, 1860, July 17: both issues replaced by provisional government stamps of Sardinia; annexed to Sardinia, 1861, March 17: Kingdom of Sardinia changed its name to Kingdom of Italy,stamps for Neapolitan Provinces 1862: replaced by stamps of Italy.
King Edward VII Land: overprint on stamps of New Zealand for Sir Ernest Shackleton’s antarctic expedition, 1908; possibly created to prove territorial claims in the area; Shackleton appointed postmaster prior to departure, and supplied with stamps and a cancellation.
King George V Medallion stamps: Canada’s set of six stamps was issued Dec. 1, 1932; they show a medallion portrait of King George V thought to have been taken from the obverse of British coins.
Kingman’s City Post: about 1850s, Charleston, S. C.; see Carriers’ Stamps.
King’s Arm Hotel: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
King’s Delivery: parcel delivery firm serviced Montreal, Canada, used labels; year unknown.
King’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Montreal, Canada, used labels; year unknown.
King’s Road: 13th century post road to and from Finland, Sweden, Russia and the Baltics.
King’s Road SW3 Strike: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Kingston, Ga. Paid 5 cents: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Kingston Relief Fund: overprint on Barbados for semipostal, Kingston, Jamaica earthquake relief fund, 1906.
Kingston Young Conserv.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Kingsway Stamps: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Kinshasa: capital city, The Congo Democratic Republic.
Kinsley & Co’s Express: mail and parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass, New York City and Philadelphia, Pa.; used a corner card and labels; 1857.
Kinsley’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston and Fall River, Mass and Newport, R.I.; used a label, year unknown.
Kionga: southeast Africa on Indian River; currency: 100 centavos = 1 escudo. 1916, May 29: No.1, 1/2 centavo blue, occupied by Portugal, overprint “Republica Kionga”on stamps of Lourenco Marques, WWI-post: incorporated into Mozambique.
Kip: currency unit in Laos.
Kir: (Hung.) abbreviation for királyi, royal.
Királykék: (Hung.) royal blue (color).
Kirby & Sons: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Kirche: (Ger.) church.
Kirchenstaat: (Ger.) Vatican State in Rome
Kiribati: islands in the Pacific Ocean northeast of Australia; formerly British colony of Gilbert Islands; islands in the South Pacific; consists of Gilbert, Phoenix, Ocean and Line Islands, currency: 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar 1976: Ellice Islands divided into two parts, Tuvalu and Gilberts, 1979, July 11: Gilberts became Republic of Kiribati, 1979, July 12: No.1, 10¢ multicolor, 1981, May: first official stamp, 1981, Aug. 27: first postage due stamp, 1984, Aug. 14: joined the UPU.
Kirighizistan: (Fr.) Kyrgyzstan.
Kirillof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-1910.
Kirin and Heilungchange: province; part of Northeast China Liberation Area; known as Manchuria by Japan; 1927: China overprinted stamps for use in her postal agencies, see Manchuria. 1946: Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs established, 1947, June 1: Harbin General Post office in charge, extended to Manchuria.
Kirkestat(en): (Dan.) Roman State(s)
Kirobo: Madagascar local issue.
Kirschrot: (Ger.) cerise (color).
Kirshbaum Special Delivery: delivery firm serviced Philadelphia, Pa., used a label, year unknown.
Kisangani: formerly Stanleyville, Zaire.
Kishangarh: India Feudatory State; 1899: No.1, 1 anna green, first local stamps, 1918: first official stamps, 1948: joined Bundi and Jaipur to form Rajasthan, official stamps overprinted “ON/K S/D,” 1949: separate stamps discontinued, 1950: uses stamps of Republic of India.
Kisív: (Hung.) miniature sheet.
Kiss printing: type of printing where the paper is lightly pressed on the printing plate causing it to come into contact a second time.
Kiss stamp: a blank rectangle in a sheet or book of stamps filled in with a large X or St. Andrews’s Cross; see St. Andrew’s Cross.
Kite messages: recorded usage in China, during a siege in AD 549.
Kitty Hawk: overprint on U.S. International Civil Aeronautics stamps, privately made by A.C. Roessler.
Kiung-Lai: southwest Chinese local, 1950.
Kivágás: (Hung.) postage stamp(s) on piece of paper or envelope, see levéldarab.
Kjobenhavns by og Hus Telegraf By Post: see Copenhagen – Lauritzen & Thaulow Local Post.
Kjobenhavn’s Pakke Expedition: local, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1901.
Kjobenhavns Telefon-Kiosker: local, Copenhagen, Denmark.
K.K., K.u.K.: (Ger.) Kaiserlich und Königliches (Imperial and Royal) on stamps of Austria and possessions.
K.K. (Brief Marken): Imperial Royal Letter Stamp, Austria.
K.K.G.A.P.: Kaiserl. Königl. Grenz-Amts-Post (Dan.) Royal Danish Post Office.
K.K.H.M.: watermark for Kaiserlich Königliches Handels-Ministerium (Imperial and Royal Ministry of Commerce), watermark in script letters on first issue of Austria.
K K K: Kataas-taasan Kagalanggalang Katiopunan, inscription on Aguinaldo, Philippine stamps, a political secret society.
K K Post Stemple: 1: (Imperial Royal Postage Stamp) (Kreuzer denominations) Austria. 2: (cents denominations) Austria, Lombardy Venetia. 3: labels produced at international stamp exhibitions, 1881 and 1890, with date on bottom of label.
K K Post Stemple Zeitung: Austria newspaper stamps.
Klaallit Nunaat (Kaladlit Nunat): Greenland.
Klaipeda: inscription, Memel, Lithuanian occupation, 1923-25; formerly Memel, USSR.
Klar: 1. (Nor.) deep (as referencing the color of a postage stamp), 2. (Swed.) bright (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Klarblå: (Swed.) bright blue (color).
Klar karmin: (Swed.) bright carmine (color).
Klargul: (Swed.) bright yellow (color).
Klargulorange: (Swed.) bright yellow-orange (color).
Klar mörk karmin: (Swed.) bright dark carmine (color).
Klart tryck(Swed.) clear print.
Klarultramarin: (Swed.) bright ultramarine (color).
Klassifizieren: (Ger.) to classify.
Klebefalz: (Ger.) gummed hinge.
Klebezettel, philatelistischer: (Ger.) philatelic label.
Klein: (Ger.) small.
Kleinbogen: (Ger.) sheet of a stamp or stamps, surrounded with a paper margin issued for a specific event or purpose, sheetlet, souvenir sheet.
Kleinbogensatz: (Ger.) set of sheetlets.
Kleinformat: (Ger.) small size or format.
Klemmbinder: (Ger.) spring-back binder.
Klipp: (Swed.) postage stamp(s) on paper clipping.
Klischee: (Ger.) printing block.
Klisjé: (Nor.) cliché.
Klondike Airways: local, Canada, 1928.
K.N.: (Resembles these letters) postal tax overprint of Greece.
Knapp: (Ger.) cut close.
Knappenålshull: (Nor.) pin-hole.
K N.C P N. n OnT A: (Resembles these letters) Serbia.
Knife: 1: the cutting edge of the machine which cuts the envelope blank. 2: the size and shape of the die-cut papers from which the envelopes are folded.
Knight’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced the Boston, Mass. area; used labels, year unknown.
Knihovna: (Czech.) library.
Knihtisk: (Czech.) typography, letterpress printing.
Knochen: (Ger.) stamps in very poor condition.
Knockdown price: see Hammer price.
Knott End Railway (G&KERy): British railway local post.
Knoxville, Tenn Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
K.N.S.M.: Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Mij. (Dutch) Royal Netherlands Steamship Company.
Kobalt: (Ger.) cobalt.
Koban: Japan’s first typographed stamps, 1876.
Kobber: (Dan.) copper (metallic color).
Kobberrød: (Dan.) copper-red (color).
Kobberstik: (Dan.) copper plate engraving.
Kobbertryk: (Dan.) copper plate.
Kobelaky: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1903-1908.
København: (Dan.) Copenhagen.
Koblenz: 1: Eildienst des Coblenzer General-Anzeiger, German local post, 1924-25. 2: Stadt-Brief& Packet-Verkehr, German local, 1895-1900.
Kobo: unit of currency in Nigeria.
Koboltblå: (Dan., Nor.) cobalt blue (color),
Kocher stamps: A. Kocher et Fils, Switzerland, had impressions of the “Tell’s Son” definitives in 1909 printed on the firm’s adhesive labels; the stamps frames by advertising matter; the Swiss postal authorities withdrew the privilege.
Koeniglich Ungarish: (Ger.) Royal Hungarian.
K O H: Russia, South Russia, Far Eastern Republic, Finalnd, Latvia or Batum.
Kokos-Inseln: (Ger.) Cocos islands.
Kolchak Issues: 1918: Adm. Aleksandr Kolchak controlled Siberia from Lake Baikal to the River Volga; executed by the Bolsheviks in 1920.
Kolding: Seaport in Vejle county, SE Jutland, Denmark, on the inlet of the Little Belt River ca. 120 miles WSW of Copenhagen. Local post opened in October 1887, with “Kolding Bypost” local stamps being issued at the same time. The service closed 30 April 1900.
Kolding Bypost: local, Denmark railway parcel, 1887-1900.
Koletni pratki: inscription for parcel stamps of Bulgaria.
Kolguev Island: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Kolmy: (Czech.) vertical.
Koln / Rhein: local, Cologne / Rhine, Germany, 1945-48.
Kolo: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Kologrif: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1888-1891.
Kolomna: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-1916.
Kolomyya: Western Ukraine, Russian local post, 1918, 1922: stamps of Austria overprinted “Ykp. H.P” and a surcharge, 1919: registration stamp issued with same inscription.
Køloni: (Nor.) colony.
Kolonie(r): (Dan.) colony(ies).
Kolonie Curacao: (Colony of Curacao) Netherlands Antilles, 1903-08.
Kolonie Suriname: (Colony of Suriname) Suriname, 1903-08.
Kolumbien: (Ger.) Colombia.
Komb: (Ger.) combined.
Komi: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Komis: bogus issue, not valid for postage.
Komitetitte Qindreses: cinderella, Albania Government in Exile.
Kommune: (Nor.) municipality, used on litter disposal fee stamps.
Komoren: (Ger.) Comoro islands.
Komori Sziget: (Hung.) the Comoro Islands.
Komplett: (Ger., Swed.) complete.
Kompletter satz: (Ger.) complete set.
Komponisten: (Ger.) composers.
Komsomolsk: bogus Russian local overprint.
K.O.M.W., Groszy: 1915, Municipal Council of Warsaw, local stamps, used within 30 miles of the radius of the city of Warsaw.
Kon: Batum, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia, Russia, White Russia money unit.
Koncentracní Tabory: see Celistvosti – Koncentracní Tabory
Koncentrationsläger: (Swed.) concentration camp.
Koncentrationslägerpost: (Swed.) concentration camp mail.
Koncentrationslejr: (Dan.) concentration camp.
Koncentrationslejrpost: (Dan.) concentration camp mail.
Koneuwe, Rep.: bogus label.
Konfedererad Stater: (Swed.) Confederate States.
Konfødererede Stater: (Dan.) Confederate States.
Konföderierte Staaten: (Ger.) Confederate States of America.
Konge: (Dan., Nor.) king.
Kongeblå: (Dan., Nor.) royal blue (color).
Kongedømme: (Nor.) kingdom.
Kongelict Post Frimaerke: (Royal Post Free Stamp) inscription on stamps of Denmark, 1851.
Kongelig: (Dan., Nor.) royal.
Kongelight: Danish West India or Denmark.
Kongerige: (Dan.) kingdom.
Kongerike: (Nor.) kingdom.
Kongeriket Storbritannia og Nordirland: (Nor.) the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.
Kongo: (Ger.) Congo.
Kongó: (Hung.) the Congo.
Kongresi K.K.F.S.: with red cross, date and value; overprint for postal tax, semipostal, Albania.
König: (Ger.) king.
Königin: (Ger.) queen.
Koniglich: (Ger.) royal.
Königliche Cantzley Bote: (Swed.) royal official messenger service operated in1692 in Sweden.
Königliche Schwedisches & Norwegisches Post Comptiore (K.S.&N.P.C.): (Swed.) used Jan. 1, 1823 when Sweden was combined with Norway.
Konigreich: (Ger.) kingdom.
Konigsberg: Hansa, German local post, 1894-1900.
Konin: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Koninkrijk Der Nederlanden / Interneeringskampen: (Dut.) Kingdom of the Netherlands / Internment Camps, Dutch inscription for stamp labels for internees in Belgium, Feb. 1916.
Koninkrijk Nederlanden: (Dutch) inscription on stamps of the Netherlands for use by foreign military personnel interned by the Dutch government during WW 1.
Konsentrasjonsleir: (Nor.) concentration camp.
Konsentrasjonsleirpost: (Nor.) concentration camp mail.
Konstantinograd: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1913.
Konstantinsbad (Konstantinovy): German occupation, Sudentenland local post, 1938.
Konstanz: formerly Constance, Germany.
Konstruktér: (Czech.) designer.
Kontoret for Behandling af Ubesorgede Postsager: inscription on official seals, Denmark.
Kontrollzeichen: (Ger.) control mark.
Könyomat: (Hung.) typography.
Kookaburra bird: 1913, 1932, bird known as the “laughing Jackass” on stamps of Australia. Kop: arms in oval, Finland.
Kopec (k): currency unit in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Batum, Belarus, Finland, Russia.
Köpenhamn: (Swed.) Copenhagen.
Kopfstehend: (Ger.) inverted.
Kopftype: (Ger.) head type.
Koppar: (Swed.) copper (metallic color).
Kopparröd: (Swed.) copper-red (metallic color).
Kopper: (Nor.) copper (metallic color).
Kopperrød: (Nor.) copper-red (metallic color).
Koppartyck: (Swed.) copper plate recess printing.
Korachieh: Egypt, 1880-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Korca, Korce, Korces: inscription for Albania, 1914-18; formerly Koritsa.
Korcheva: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1876-1911.
Korcula: island off Dalmatian coast; 1944, May: charity stamps overprinted when occupied by Germany, never issued.
Korea: (Ger.) peninsula between Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan, aka Corea, South Korea; official name of postal administration: Ministry of Information and Communication currency: 100 mon = 1 poon, 5 poon = 1 cheun, 1,000 re =100 cheun, 100 weun = 1 hwan (1953), 100 chun = 1 won 1962) 1877: Chinese stamps used, 1884, Nov. 18: stamps issued by the Japanese, 1897: declared an empire, 1900, Jan. 1: joined the UPU, 1905-46: Japan Administrative Control, used stamps of Japan, 1910: formerly annexed to Japan, stamps of Japan used, 1945, Aug.: divided at 38th parallel between Soviet and US administrations, Japan possession of Korea taken away, 1947: first air mail stamp, 1948: republic established in South Korea, 1953, Aug.1: first semipostal stamp.
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic (North Korea): currency: 100 won = 100 hwan, chon 1875: Chinese and Japanese stamps used, 1884, Nov. 18: No.1, 5 mon rose, stamps issued by the Japanese, 1900, Jan. 1: joined the UPU, 1905-46: used stamps of Japan, 1910: formerly annexed to Japan, stamps of Japan used, 1945, Aug. 10: divided at 38th parallel between Soviet and US administrations, North Korea allocated to the USSR, Japan possessions taken away, 1946, March 12: first stamps, 1948, Sept. 9: formally named the People’s Democratic Republic, (North Korea), 1950, June 25: North Korea conquered Seoul; stamps of South Korea overprinted in name of North Korea, 1950, Sept. 15: United Nations forces pushed North Korea forces back, 1958: first air mail stamp.Korea, Indian Custodial Force; 1953: 1953: stamps of the Republic of India overprinted “Indian Custodian Unit, Korea” in the Hindu language.
Korea (Dél): (Hung.) Republic of Korea (South Korea).
Korea (Észak): (Hung.) People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea).
Korea, Indian Custodial Force: 1953: stamps of the Republic of India overprinted “Indian Custodian Unit, Korea” in teh Hindi language.
Korea, Japanese Post Offices; 1900: Japan; Office in Korea stamps of Japan overprinted.
Korea, North Occupation of South Korea: 1950: three stamps issued overprinted with a double circle enclosing Korean characters.
Koreansk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Korean.
Korea, Republic (South Korea) 1875: Chinese and Japanese stamps used, 1884, Nov. 18: No.1, 5 mon rose, stamps issued by the Japanese, 1900, Jan. 1: joined the UPU, 1905-45: used stamps of Japan, 1910: formerly annexed to Japan, stamps of Japan used, 1945, Aug.: divided at 38th parallel between Soviet and US administrations, Japan possession of Korea taken away, 1945, Sept. 8: came under US military government rule, 1946, Feb. 1: first stamps commemorated liberation from Japanese occupation, issued under US military rule, 1947: first air mail stamp, 1948, Aug. 15: Republic of Korea established (South Korea), 1949, June 29: US forces withdrawn. 1953, Aug. 1: first semipostal,
Korekia: bogus Russian local overprint.
Korespondencní Lístek: (Czech.) post card.
Korfu: (Ger.) Corfu.
Koriakia: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Koritsa: provisional Epirus issue, 1914-16 issues during Greek occupation.
Koromfekete: (Hung.) jet-black (color).
Korona: (Crown) currency unit in Hungary.
Korosco: Egypt, 1872-1882; see Interpostal seals.
Korral: (Dan., Nor.) coral (color).
Korralrosa: (Dan., Nor.) coral-pink (color).
Korrektur: (Dan., Nor.) proof.
Korsband: (Swed.) wrapper.
Korsbånd: (Dan.) wrapper.
Kort: (Dan., Nor.) short.
Kortbrev: (Swed.) letter card (postal stationery).
Kort takk: (Dan., Nor.) short perforation.
Kort tand, korta tänder: (Swed.) short perforation, short perforations.
Koruna: currency unit in Czechoslovakia, Slovakia.
Korytsa: (Republic): Korce, Albania seceding state under French protection, 1914: provisional government of Epirus overprinted for use in Korytza, 1917-18: stamps issued “Korce.”
Kos: (Ger.) one of the Dodecanese island group; see Ægean Islands .
Kosoves, Republica e, Kosovo: Jugoslavia.
Kosovo: 1: March 14, 2001; stamps issued by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), for internal use only. 2: (Republic) Yugoslav local overprint “Kosoves”, Yugoslavia.
Kostüm: (Ger.) costume (thematic).
Kota Kinabalu: fomerly Jesselton, Malaysia.
Kotelnich: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1869-1916.
Kotor: (German occupation) “Boka Kotorska” Yugoslavia, 1944; formerly Cattaro.
Kouang-Tcheou (Kwangchowan): French Offices in China 1898, April: Chinese territory leased to France; France had stamps of Indo-China overprinted “Kouang Tcheou-Wan” and surcharged in Chinese characters, 1906: overprints on stamps of Indo-China, 1939: first semipostal stamps; also known as Kwangchowan, WW II: occupied by Japan, 1946: area reverted to China.
Koweit: (Fr.) 1: Kuwait. 2: trial setting of “Koweit,” Kuwait overprint on stamps of India.
Köztársaság: (Hung.) “Republic” overprint on stamps of Hungary, Nov. 16, 1918; first issue of the republic made from the Hungarian part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Kozelets: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1867-1874.
Közép-Afrikal Köztársaság: (Hung.) Central African Republic.
Köztársaság: (Hung.) republic.
K.P.: Kagamitang Pampamahalaan, (official business), Japanese inscription on stamps of Philippines for Japanese occupation.
Kpaiha: (resembles these letters) Ukraine.
KPAJbEBCTBO C.X.C. (resembles these letters) Jugoslavia.
KPAJbEBNHA: (resembles these letters) Jugoslavia.
K P C: Korean Specialized Postage Stamp Catalog.
K P C T.A: (resembles these letters) Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps.
K P H T H: (resembles these letters) Crete.
Kpk: (Finn.) Fieldpost Office Number.
Kpl., Komplett: (Ger.) complete.
Kr.: auction catalog abbreviation for Krona; Iceland unit of currency.
K R: Kronen (crown) currency unit in Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary and Wurttemberg.
Kr., Kreuzer: currency of Austria, Baden, Bavaria, German States, Hungary, Wurttemberg.
Kr 1.98, Kr 2.12: overprint on stamps of Sweden for parcel post.
Kragerø: Seaport town in Telemark county, S Norway, ca. 40 miles W of Arendal. Local post established by C. Solberg and F. Juell, with set-of-4 “Kragerö Bypost” lithographed on tinted papers local stamps issued 1 May 1886. Imperforate proofs in many colors exist. The post ceased operations effective 8 October 1886.
Krageroe: Norway local post.
Krajczar: unit of currency in Hungary.
Krajina: (Republic) Croatia, under control of Serbs, 1992-95.
Krajovy: (Czech.) regional.
Krakow: formerly Cracow, Poland.
Král: (Czech.) king.
Kral b. Uphatopa: (resembles these letters) Montenegro.
Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata I Slovenaca: Yugoslavia, Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.
Královna: (Czech.) queen.
Královsky: (Czech.) royal.
Království: (Czech.) kingdom.
Kran: currency unit of Persia (Iran).
Krans: currency unit in Afghanistan.
Krapivna: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1870-1871.
Krasnodar: formerly Ekaterinodar, USSR.
Krasnoufimsk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1893-1916.
Krasny: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1890-1912.
Krátké zuby: (Czech.) short perforations.
Krefeld: German local posts 1: Courier des Verkehrsvereins; 1906. 2: Crefelder Express-Brief-Beforderung, 1892-1900. 3: Express-Brief- Beforderung, 1886. 4: Express-Compagnie,1886-87. 5: Express-Pacxket-Verkehr, 1886. 6: Hansa Einziehungsamt und Verkehrsannnstalt G.M.b.H., c1909.
Kreidepapier: (Ger.) chalk paper.
Kreigsmarke: (Ger.) war stamp, stamp issued during war conditions.
Kreis: 1: Russia Wenden (Livonia) money unit. 2: (Ger.) circle.
Kreisstempel: (Ger.) circular postmark.
Kremenchug: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1875-1915.
Kresba: (Czech.) drawing, design.
Kreta: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Crete.
Kreuzer: currency unit in Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary, North German Confederation, Prussia, Thurn and Taxis, Wurtemberg.
Kridblå: (Dan.) chalky-blue (color).
Kriechtier: (Ger.) reptiles (thematic).
Kriegsbilder: (Ger.) label for package of war pictures.
Kriegsdruck: (Ger.) wartime printing.
Kriegsgefangenenpost: (Ger.) prisoner of war mail.
Kriegsmarke: (Ger.) war stamp.
Kriegssteuermarke: (Ger.) war tax stamp.
Krigsfange: (Dan., Nor.) prisoner of war (P.O.W.), see Fangelejr.
Krigsfånge: (Swed.) prisoner-of-war (P.O.W.).
Krigsfångebrevkort: (Swed.) prisoner-of-war (P.O.W.) postcards.
Krigsfangepost: (Dan., Nor.) prisoner of war (P.O.W.) mail, see Fangelejrpost (Dan.).
Krigsfångepost: (Swed.) prisoner-of-war (P.O.W.) mail.
Krigsfångelägerpost: (Swed.) prisoner-of-war (P.O.W.) camp mail.
Krigsmærke: (Dan.) war stamp.
Krigsmärke: (Swed.) war stamp.
Krigsmerke: (Nor.) war stamp.
Krigspost: (Nor.) war period mails.
Krigsskattemærke: (Dan.) war tax stamp.
Krim: local overprint on USSR cinderella for Crimea.
Kristiania: also known as Oslo, Norway. see Christiania
Kristiansund: see Christiansund.
Kristianssunds Bypost: Norway local post.
Kritigblå: (Swed.) chalky blue (color).
Krittblå: (Nor.) chalky-blue (color).
Krk: formerly Veglia, island occupied by Fiume; 1920, Nov.: stamps issued for Veglia, now Krk, 1920, Dec. 24: stamps withdrawn.
K.R.N.: Krajowa Rada Narodowa (Polish) National Federal Council.
Kroatien: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Croatia.
Kroatiensk: (Dan.) Croatia.
Kroatisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Croatian.
Kromgult: (Swed.) chrome yellow (color).
Krona: currency unit in Iceland, Sweden.
Krone(n): 1. currency unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Bosnia, Denmark, Flume, Norway, Western Ukraine. 2, (Nor.) crown.
Krone: (Ger.) crown; a (stamp) with a figure of a crown or crowned head.
Kronprins: (Nor.) crown prince.
Kronprinz Rudolf, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1870s, for middle or upper Danube lines.
Kronstadt, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for lower Danube lines.
Kronur: currency unit in Iceland.
Kroon(i): currency unit in Estonia.
Kruna: currency unit in Montenegro.
Krung Thep: also known as Bangkok, Thailand.
KS: 1: USPS abbreviation for Kansas. 2: (Ger.) harrow (perforation).
K S A: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
K.S. & N.P.C: see Königliche Schwedisches & Norwegisches Post Comptiore.
K S C: Kennedy Space Center.
KSS: Korea Stamp Society, Inc.
K.T.: Kansas Territory.
Ktmmenen Penniä: (Fin.) inscription on color-trial stamps to be used on steamship mail, Finland, 1880s.
Ku, Kupfer: (Ger.) copper overprint of surcharge.
Kuang-Chou: also known as Canton, China.
Kuba: (Ger., Swed.) Cuba.
Kuban: Ekaterinodar Issues; 1917, Oct.: Republic proclaimed, 1918: Russia “arms” types surcharged at Ekaterinodar, inscription “United Russia,” 1920, March 27: overprinted stamps discontinued.
Kuban Territory Government: 1918-19, used surcharged Russian stamps at Ekaterinodar; South Russia, and Postal Savings Stamps; see Russia, South.
Kubisk: (Swed.) Cuban.
Kugel Census: attempt to convey the relative scarcity of a cover based on the scarcity of the registered label affixed.
K.u.K.: (Ger.) Kaiserlich und Koeniglich (Imperial and Royal).
K.U.K. Feldpost: 1: stamps with this inscription or overprint were used by Austrian forces in 1915, and in the occupation of parts of Italy, Montenegro, Rumania and Serbia. 2: issues for Bosnia and Herzegovina had this inscription from 1912-1918; see Austrian Levant. 3: (with Bani or Lei) Romania, Austrian Occupation.
K.u.K.I.R.: (Ger.) long series of labels depicting battles for the Royal & Imperial Infantry regiment.
K.U.K. Militär Post: 1: “Royal and Imperial Military Post” inscription; Austrian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 1879. 2: inscription on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1912-18; see Austrian Levant.
K.U.K. Milit.Verwaltung: overprint on stamps of Austria for occupation of Montenegro.
Küldemény: (Hung.) cover, a stamp on a cover, see levélen.
Külföldi: (Hung.) foreign.
Kulpa, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle Danube lines.
Kume Shima: U.S. occupation, Ryukyu Islands provisional stamps, 1945.
Kuna: currency unit in Croatia.
Kunashir Island: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; Jan. 14, 2002; not valid for postage.
Kundendienst service: (Ger.) found in postmark, client service, a department of Swiss Post. K. und K. Feldpost: Austria fieldpost.
K. und K. Militarpost: Bosnia and Herzegovina fieldpost.
Kungariket Danmark: (Swed.) Kingdom of Denmark.
Kungligblå: (Swed.) royal blue (color).
Kungl-Telegraf Verket: (Swed.) Swedish telegraph seal.
Kungörelse: (Swed.) announcement
Kung-Tsing: southwest China local post, 1949.
Kungur: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1890-1896.
Kunming: 1903-19: stamps issued for a French post office; see Yunnanfu. Kunst: (Ger.) art.
Kunstland, East & West: Donald Evans issue.
Kupa: 1941-42: “Zone/Occupata/Fiumano/Kupa” overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Italian Occupation; see Fiume.
Kupel (H.L.) Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced an unknown area; used a stamp, year unknown.
Kupón: (Czech.) tab, coupon.
Kupón Dolní: (Czech.) tab down.
Kupón Horní: (Czech.) tab up.
Kupón Levy: (Czech.) tab left.
Kupón Pravy: (Czech.) tab right.
Kuraszo: (Hung.) Curaçao.
Kurdistan: Iraqi seceding state, at least three different issues produced at varying times; 1923.
Kurhaus auf der Hohen Rinne: Hungarian / Romanian hotel local post, 1895-1926.
Kurier: (Ger.) courier.
Kuril Islands: four islands northeast of the Japanese island of Hokkaido; known as Southern Kurils to Russia, Northern Territories to Japan, 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Kurir Post: (Swed.) courier mail service for Swedish troops from Petrograd to Stockholm,1918.
Kurka & Osicous Islands: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, “Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.”
Kurland: 1916: stamps of Germany overprinted for occupation of Kurland, 1919: stamps issued at Mitau by West Russian Army; Z.A. are the initials of “Zapadnaya Armiya,” Western Army, 1940: part of Latvia, became part of the USSR, 1945, April: “Postgebiet / Ob. Ost” overprint on stamps of Germany during occupation; renamed Latvia; also known as Courland or Kurzeme, 1945, May 8: stamps of the USSR replaced those of Germany.
Kurort Stoos: Switzerland hotel post.
Kursivskrift: (Nor.) italics.
Kurszeit: (Ger.) period during which stamp is current.
Kurtz Union Despatch Post: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1851-53.
Kuruman: overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope, bogus, Nov., 1899.
Kurus: Turkey.
Kurush: unit of currency used in Turkey.
Kurzer zahn: (Ger.) one short perforation.
Kurzsatz: (Ger.) short set with high values missing.
Kustendje: city that connected Constantinople to the Danube; French post office opened Nov. 1857, closed Aug. 1876.
Kustendje & Czernawoda: Danube & Black Sea Ry Co. / Kustendje Harbour Co.; Romania local stamp; 1867.
Kuvert: (Ger.) cover, an envelope or a postally used envelope or one with a postal cancellation
Kuwait: northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf, official name of postal administration: Administration des postes currency: 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 naye paise = 1 rupee (1957), 1,000 fils = 1 dinar (1961) 1775-95: East India Postal Service used, camel express service, 1897: under British protection, 1914; stamps of India used overprinted Kuwait, 1915-Nov. 1947: postal service run by India, 1923, April 1: No.1, 1/2 anna green, stamps of India overprinted “Kuwait Service” as first official stamp, 1933: first air mail stamp, stamps of India overprinted “Kuwait,” 1941, May-1945: used stamps of India without overprint, 1947-48, April: postal service run by Pakistan, 1948, April 1: British postal agency opened, British stamps overprinted “KUWAIT,” 1958: local issues, 1959, Jan. 31: British postal agency closed, 1959, Feb. 1: Kuwait took over postal service, 1960, Feb. 16: joined the UPU, 1961, June 19: gained independence, 1963, Oct. 19: first postage due stamp.
Kuwait: 1: overprint on stamps of Great Britain, 1948-58. 2: overprint on stamps of India, 1923-45. 3: also known as Al Kuwait.
Kuwait Service: overprint on stamps of India for Kuwait officials.
Kuzey Kibris Turk Cumhuriyeti: (Turk.) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Kuznetsk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1880-1904.
Kvarter: (Nor., Swed.) one quarter.
Kvartpenny: (Nor.) farthing.
Kw: auction catalog abbreviation for Kwacha (Zambia) currency unit.
Kwacha: currency unit in Malawi, Zambia.
Kwang Chow: 1898, April: territory leased to France by China, 1906, Oct. first stamps issued, 1943, Feb.: returned to China by France, 1943: occupied by Japanese, 1948, Aug. 18: returned to China.
Kwangchowan: see Kouang-Tcheu.
Kwang-Han: southwest China local post, 1949.
Kwang-shui: central Chinese local post, 1949.
Kwangtung: South China Post, 1949-50 1942, June 14-Sept. 9, 1945: special stamps issued, first postage due stamp, 1949-50: South China Post.
Kwang-Yuan: southwest Chinese local post, 1949.
Kwantung: 1: Japanese occupation, 1942-45 China 1N. 2: Kwantung Post, Port Arthur & darien, 1947-49. China 2L29-2L55
Kwanza: currency unit in Angola.
Kwei-Chow People’s Post: southwest china, 1949-50, China 8L12-16
Kwidzyn: formerly Marienwerder, Poland.
Kwo-yang: east Chinese local post, 1946.
K. Wurtt: Wurttemberg official inscription.
K. Wurtt. Post: (Konigliche Wurtembergische Post) Royal Wurttemberg post, German States-Wurttemberg, 1875-1900.
KY: 1: USPS abbreviation for Kentucky. 2: auction abbreviation for topical Kennedy.
Kyat: currency unit in Myanmar (Burma).
Kyiv: Ukraine, local provisional, 1992.
Kyle, W.S.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Kypros: (Greek) Cyprus.
Kyrenaika: (Ger.) Cirenaica.
Kyrgyzstan: Russia, on border of China; formerly part of USSR, now independent; currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 tyyn = 1 som several bogus issues, reported to the UPU in many letters; 1991, Dec.26: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States when the Soviet Union broke up, 1992, Feb. 4: No.1, 15 kopecks multicolor, first stamp, 1993, Jan. 26: joined the UPU, 1995, June 16: first semipostal.
Kyst: (Dan., Nor.) (sea) coast.



1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Italy, San Marino and Vatican City, such as I-39100 Bolzano, Italy.
2: with eagle and United States of America: New York Custom House revenue seal.
3: Peruvian monetary unit symbol, started in 1985.
4: Scott Catalogue prefix for Late Fee (Panama, Denmark, etc.).
5. Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Italy.

IA: 1: USPS abbreviation for Iowa. 2: address written in ink.
Ia.: early territorial postmark refers to Indiana, not Iowa..
I. A.: Immigration Agent, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Ianuarie: (Rom.) January.
Iasi: formerly Jassy, Romania.
I.B.: 1: West Irian, 1970; on stamps inscribed “Republik Indonesia..” 2: Republik Indonesia. 3: Inland Branch.
I. Balear: (Sp.) Islas Baleares, Balearic Islands pre-adhesive postmark, located in Mediterranean Sea.
I B B: postmark indicting Industrial Building Branch, New York City; used in late 1800s.
IBC: Irving B. Cohen, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Iberia: Iberian Peninsula; Spain and Portugal.
Ibero-Amerika: (Ger.) Latin America.
Ibi: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937.
IBIP: Information Based Indicia Program, printed designs indicating prepayment of postage, tested in the U.S. starting in1999; with the franking indicia containing information that is encrypted to make each imprint a unique postage frank that cannot be duplicated.
Ibiza: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937.
Ibiza y Formentera: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1936-37.
Ibolya: (Hung.) violet (color).
Ibros: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937.
I C: Iron Curtain.
ICAO: United Nations inscription for International Civil Aviation Organization.
Icaria (Ikaria, Nicaria): Aegean Island captured by Greece from Turkey; 1912, July: independent from Turkey and declared a free state, 1912, Oct. 8: provisional government issued stamps under a Greek military administration, 1912, Nov. 4: occupied and annexed by Greece, 1913: overprint on stamps of Greece, 1913, June: Greek stamps used.
ICC: Indo China, Laos, Vietnam overprint on stamps of India for International Control Commission; for Indian forces stationed in Laos and Vietnam beginning in 1965 until 1968.
ICCR: label; International Council of City Republics.
Iceland: island in the North Atlantic Ocean; official name of postal administration: Íslandspóstur hf currency: 96 skillings = 1 rigsdaler, 100 aurar = 1 krona (1876) 1776: postal system declared by royal decree, 1778: mail-boat service between Reykjavik and Copenhagen started, 1870, March: first stamps from Denmark, 1873, Jan. 1: No. 1, 2 skillings ultramarine, official stamp issued, 1875: joined UPU as a Danish possession, 1918, Nov. 30: independent constitutional monarchy under the Danish crown, 1919, Nov. 15: joined the UPU, 1928, May 31: first air mail stamp issued, 1933, April 28: first semipostal stamp issued, 1940, May: British forces used Field Post Offices, 1941, July 7: U.S. takes over military bases, 1944, June 17: declared a republic, independent from Denmark.
Ichang: China Treaty Port local stamp, 1895-97.
Ichkeria: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps.
I-Chun: Central Chinese local post; 1949.
I.C.O.N.U.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
ICY: United Nations inscription for International Cooperation Year.
ID: USPS abbreviation for Idaho.
Idaho: U.S. Territory March 3, 1863; state July 3, 1890; cut from Dakota, Nebraska and Washington territories.
Idar: India Feudatory State; 1939, Feb. 21: first local stamps as booklet panes, called Idar State, 1948: local stamps discontinued, 1950, Apr.30: separate stamps discontinued, uses stamps of Republic of India.
IDC: Interrupted Die Cut
Ideal Stamp: British Post Office contest held in conjunction with the Jubilee International Stamp exhibition in 1912, but winning design was not accepted by post office.
I de Cuba: (Sp.) Isla de Cuba, pre-adhesive postmark.
I del Carmen: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Idem: This word, when printed on top of a stamp issue indicates that it has all the indications of the previous issue.
Identique: (Fr.) identical.
Ideogram: pictures or symbols used to represent a word or a concept in Chinese, but which are not pictures of the things in questions.
Idrovolante: (It.) (by Hydroplane) overprint on stamps of Italy for air mail, 1917.
I. E.: Intestate Estates, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
I.E.F.: 1: “Indian Expeditionary Forces” overprint on stamps of India for British occupation of German East Africa, 1914-22. 2: Troops in Iraq in WW I used stamps of India overprinted I.E.F.
I.E.F. ‘D’: overprint on stamps of Turkey during British occupation of Mosul (Iraq); 1919; used by Indian troops pf the Mesopotamia Force.
Ierusalem: 1909-10 overprint on stamps of Russia for Offices in Turkish Empire; commemorated the 50th anniversary of Russian post offices in the Turkish Empire.
I Fiera di Tripoli: overprint on stamps of Libya for 11th Sample Fair, April 24, 1937.
I. Filips: (Sp.) Islas Filipinas; pre-adhesive postmark used in the Philippines.
Ifni: located on southern coast of Morocco; currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta 1860: ceded by Morocco, Spain obtained title to area but did not take possession until 1934, 1934: Spanish settlement established, 1941: No.1, 1 centimo green, first stamps were Spanish issue overprinted “Territorio de Ifni,” 1943: first air mail (C 30), definitive issue, Note: C-1-29 were privately overprinted, 1950, Oct. 19: first semipostal issue, 1958, Jan. 12: became a maritime province of Spain, 1969, June 30: ceded to the Kingdom of Morocco.
Ifor-Bosnia: Ukraine Forces in Bosnia, unofficial.
IFSDA: International Federation of Stamp Dealers Association.
I.G.: inconnu, inspection garde (Fr.) unknown, on undelivered, retained letters, 1790.
I Gildi ’02-’03: (Ice.) (Valid ’02-’03) overprint on stamps of Iceland.
Iglesia: (It.) church.
IGPC: Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation
Igualada: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937.
Igualeja: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937.
1914 Iguirnne Aiséirge 1916: (Gaelic) in memory of the rebellion of 1916.
I.G.Y.: International Geophysical Year, July 1, 1957, to December 31, 1958.
I. J. P. O.: Imperial Japanese Post Office, Japanese Offices Abroad, postmark used in China and Manchuria mail.
Ikapiae: Greece-Icaria (Nicaria).
Ikaria: see Icaria.
Ikke Udgivet: (Dan.) unissued, not issued .
IL: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Israel, such as IL-68021 Tel Aviv. 2: USPS abbreviation for Illinois.
Ilaka: Indian States term for a territory, a subdivision.
Ilavoamena: Madagascar local issue.
Ile: (Fr.) island, isle.
Ile Barbe: fantasy stamps of France by A. Bourdi.
Ile de la Reunion: (Fr.) Reunion, early issues.
Ile de Man: (Fr.) Isle of Man.
Ile Maurice: (Fr.) Mauritius.
Ile Prince Edouard: (Fr.) Prince Edward Island.
Ile Rouad: located off the coast of Syria, 1916, Jan. 12: first stamps issued as military post office, overprint on officials of France in the Levant for Rouad.
Ile Roy: French restaurant fantasy.
Iles Anglo-Normandes: (Fr.) Channel islands.
Iles Cook: (Fr.) Cook Islands.
Iles de Comoro: (Fr.) Comoro Islands.
Iles de la Manche: (Fr.) Channel Islands, mainly Jersey and Guernsey.
Iles de Manu’a et de Tutuila: (Fr.) Samoa.
Iles de la Mer Egee: (Fr.) Aegean Islands.
Iles des Sourds: (Islands of the Deaf) Donald Evans issue, tropical archipelago.
Iles Feroe: (Fr.) Faroes.
Iles Ioniennes: (Fr.) Ionian Islands.
Iles Salomon: (Fr.) British Solomon Islands.
Iles sous le Vent: (Fr.) Leeward Islands.
Iles Vier(t)ges: (Fr.) Virgin Islands.
Iles Wallis et Futuna: (Fr.) overprint / inscription on stamps of New Caledonia for Wallis and Futuna Islands, 1920-40.
Illetékbélyeg: (Hung.) revenue stamp.
Ilha de Trinidade: (Port.) inscription on stamp of Brazil for Trindade; see Trindade.
ILHAS: islands (Port.) applied to mail from the Azores at Lisbon,1845.
Ili Republic: located in Ili valley, north-west of Sinkiang, China; 1945: declared independence, issued stamps. 1949: rejoined China.
Ili-Taching-Altal Area: Northwest China (Sinkiang) local, 1949.
Ill.: abbreviation for Illinois prior to Zip Code usage.
Illegal stamp: according to the UPU, an illegal stamp is one that carries the name of a legitimate country or territory, but was not produced or printed by the postal administration of that country, and is not valid for postage anywhere in the world.
Illegal Use: an improper use of a postage stamp or other adhesive; may be intentional or unintentional.
Illetékbélyeg: (Hung.)revenue stamp.
Illinguellato: (It.) never hinged.
Illinois: U.S. territory March 2, 1809; state Dec. 3, 1818; cut from Indiana Territory.
Illinois Express Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Illinois; used stamps; year unknown.
ILO: United Nations inscription for International Labor Organization.
Illustrated covers: a cachet with an illustration, not just words.
Illustrated Mail Division: APS term for exhibition classification to include advertising covers, patriotic covers, corner cards, first day covers (with focus on cachet) and maximum cards; note that post cards are not included.
Ilmaposti: (Finnish) air post.
IIoptp Ckpncopn: (looks like) first stamps of Moldavia, listed under Romania.
Ilustrata maxima: (Rom.) maximum card.
Illustrations de Timbre-Poste: (Fr.) first attempt to show illustrations of postage stamps, Belgian stamp dealer J.B. Moens, 1862.
I M: India Mail; used as a pre-adhesive postmark.
Imadi: currency unit of Yemen Arab Republic.
Image tagging: term used when only the design portion of a stamp is tagged.
I. Man: Isle of Man; used as a pre-adhesive postmark.
Imbros: fantasy military label sold during WW I.
IMCO: United Nations inscription for Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization.
Im Fuerstentum Liechtenstein: inscription on stamps of Liechtenstein for Austrian administration.
Imitation perforation: simulated perforation; used on the first issue of Simoor, reprinted and copied with perforations from a dealer’s catalog.
Imitation watermark: mark pressed or printed on finished paper to imitate a watermark.
Immediata: misspelling of Inmediata on special delivery stamps of Cuba under U.S. military occupation.
Imp., Imperf.: abbreviation for imperforate.
Imp: 1: (It.) impostazione, posting site. 2: (Fr.) imprimés, printed matter.
Impeccabile: (It.) perfect.
Imperfecto: (Sp.) defective, imperfect.
Imperforate: stamps without separating holes; they are usually separated by scissors and are collected in pairs or strips.
Imperforate between: refers to two attached stamps without perforations between the stamps, but with full perforations on all four sides.
Imperforate Horizontally: two stamps, on one top of the other, without perforations between two stamps, leaving horizontal straight edges at top and bottom.
Imperforate margin: edge without separation of a stamp from the outer margin, sometimes called “fantail.”
Imperforate printings: French-area, and other countries produce limited-edition of commemorative issues for sale to collectors.
Imperforate Vertically: two stamps, side by side horizontally, without perforations between stamps and with vertical straight edges.
Imperial British East Africa Company: inscription on stamps of British East Africa during 1890-91.
Imperial Chinese Post: inscription used on stamps of China, 1897-1910.
Imperial crown watermark: used on stamps of Great Britain in 1880, wider and flatter in shape with a prominent circular orb under the cross.
Imperial Japanese Post: inscription used on stamps of Japan, 1876-1945.
Imperial Korean Post: inscription used on stamps of Korea, 1900-01.
Imperial reply coupons: see: International Reply Coupons.
Imperio Colonial Portugues: inscription for Portuguese India postage due labels, 1945.
Imperio do Brasil: inscription for Empire of Brazil, 1887-88.
Imperio Mexicano: The Mexican Empire, 1866.
Imperium proofs: special prints of the Q.V. and K.E. VII British colonial designs made by the printing firm of De La Rue from plates which were engraved “Imperium” at the head, exist in colors, imperforate and/or perforated and on paper with/without watermark.
Imper. reg posta austr: inscription for Austrian Offices in Turkey, 1883-86.
Imporeson en relieve: (Sp.) embossed.
Imposta sull’entrata: (It.) income tax; inscription on Italian revenue stamps.
Impôt Compre: (Fr.) tax included; French Colony revenue inscription.
Impôt de Capitation: (Fr.) poll or head tax; French Colony revenue inscription.
Impôt du Timbre: (Fr.) general stamp duty; French Colony revenue inscription.
Impôt Personnel: (Fr.) personal tax; French Colony revenue inscription.
Impôt Sur le Revenue: (Fr.) income tax; French Colony revenue inscription.
Imprenta: (Sp.) imprint.
Imprentilla: (Sp.) handstamp.
Impresión doble: (Sp.) double impression.
Impresión en relieve: (Sp.) embossed.
Impresión offset: (Sp.) offset printing.
Impresión rotativa: (Sp.) rotary printing.
Impreso a mano: (Sp.) handstamped.
Impresos: (Sp.) inscription for printed matter on stamps of the Philippines and Cuba, 1886.
Impressed duty stamps: British term for revenue or fiscal stamps, evidence that a government fee has been paid; used in Great Britain as early as 1694.
Impressed printing flaw: a constant variety with color missing.
Impressed stamp: a stamp applied to any form of postal stationery by ordinary printing methods, usually excludes embossing.
Impressed watermark: applied by a die or roller after the paper is made.
Impression: 1: printing produced by one complete revolution of a rotary printing base; also known as the actual printed design of a stamp. 2: (Fr.) printing. 3: an imprint of stamp(s) taken from a die, plate or other printing base. 4: any stamped or embossed printing.
Impressione a rilievo: (It.) embossed.
Impression en offset: (Fr.) offset printing.
Impression en relief: (Fr.) embossed.
Impression par cylindre: (Fr.) rotary printing.
Imprimatur: (Latin) “let it be printed” term for the first pane of a stamp produced after a printing plate was approved.
Imprime:(Fr.) printed
Imprime: overprint on stamps of Iran, Turkey as newspaper stamps.
Imprime en relief: (Fr.) embossed
Imprimer: (Fr.) to print, stamp or impress.
Imprimerie des Timbres-Poste: (Fr.) printer’s inscription on deluxe presentation sheets by French-area countries.
Imprimés: printed matter.
Imprimés: overprint on stamps of Iran for newspapers.
Imprimeur: (Fr.) printer.
Imprimatur printing: (Latin) produced in some countries after the printing plate is finished and may or may not differ from the final issued stamps; usually have an imprint on the back to designate them, as imprimatur tests.
Imprint: 1: any part of a stamp’s design printed at the time of the original stamp’s production; vs an overprint, which is added at a later time. 2: inscription with name, initials, etc., usually of the producers of the stamps; found in the margins of the sheets of the stamps.
Imprint-Authority: Australian printing on bottom left hand corner of the sheet selvage preceded by name of printing firm. For example “Ash Imprint-Authority (of the Government) “In Dienst R.D.M. O.V.S.”: stamps issued to 1896 Orange Free State mounted police force for use in franking official correspondence.
Imprint block: a block of stamps taken from a portion of the sheet where the printer’s name or imprint is located on the margin.
Imprinted envelope: an envelope that has a printed stamp applied to it; also known as postal stationery.
Imprints: U.S. stamps issued from 1851 until 1917 bore imprints in the margin of the panes to identify the manufacturer; the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing stopped putting imprints on panes in 1911, but they have appeared in later years when old plates with imprints were used to produce additional stamps.
Impronta: (It.) imprint.
Improperly returned: USPS term for mail erroneously returned to the sender.
Improved perforations: where several perforations have been changed to enhance the appearance, such as punching out of previously unpunched perforations.
Impto. de Guerra: (Sp.) Puerto Rico, Spain (1874-98) war tax stamp.
Impuest de Encomiendas: parcel post stamps of Uruguay.
Impuesto: (Sp.) tax, Chile revenues used as postage.
Impuesto de la Deuda (de Cuba): (Sp.) tax on items relating to the Cuban debt.
Impuesto de Encomiendas: overprint / inscription on stamps of Uruguay for parcel post.
Impuesto de Guerra: (Sp.) 1: inscription/overprint on stamps of Spain to raise money to fight a war, 1874-98; known as war tax stamps. 2: Overprint on stamps of Puerto Rico for war tax, U. S. military administration.
Impuesto de Timbre: (Sp.) general revenue stamp.
Impuesto Patriotico: (Sp.) non-postage.
Impuesto Sardinero-Murcia 1900: (Sp.) sardine tax, Murcia, Spanish town.
Impuesto Sobre la Deuda del Estado: (Sp.) tax on the National Debt items.
Impuesto Sobre Naipes: (Sp.) tax on playing cards.
Impuesto Sobre Titulos de la Deuda de Ultramar: (Sp.) tax on bonds, certificates of the Overseas Debt.
Impuesto Sobre Titulos de la Deuda Exterior: (Sp.) tax on bonds, certificates of the External Debt.
Imputation: (Fr.) the identification of a philatelic item.
IMS / Hasler / LEO Hasler / ACSOM Hasler: U.S. postage meter firm, 1981-to date.
IN: USPS abbreviation for Indiana.
Inaugural flight: initial flight of airline, route or aircraft with airmail aboard.
Inauguration covers: covers postmarked on the day a new U.S. president is inaugurated and sworn into office; since 1957, the words “Inauguration Day” have been incorporated into the cancel.
Închis: (Rom.) dark (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Închisoare: (Rom.) prison.
Inchi ya Etat du Katanga: Katanga, rebellion against the Belgian Congo.
Incisione: (It.) steel engraving.
Inciso: (It.) engraved.
iN Ci Yil Donumyu: Turkey, postal tax.
Incl.: including, auction catalog abbreviation.
Inclinados: (Port.) oblique numeral issues of Brazil of 1844-50.
Inclus: (Fr.) included.
Inclusions: any substances incorporated in the paper web during the manufacturing process and normally different in color from the stamp.
Incollato: (It.) mounted.
Inconnu: (Fr.) unknown.
In corso: (It.) current.
Ind.: abbreviation for Indiana prior to Zip Code usage.
IND: international postal code for India.
Inde: (Fr.) French India; 1859-92: used French Colonies General issue.
Inde Française, Inde F’Çaise: (Fr.) inscription for French India, 1929.
Indelebile: (Fr.) indelible, non-fugitive (ink).
Indemnity claim: USPS term for request for reimbursement filed for loss or damage to an item mailed by insured mail, collect of delivery, registered or Express Mail.
Inde Néerlandaise: (Fr.) Dutch Indies.
Indenlandsk Brevporto: (Dan.) inland postage.
Independence, Tex. 10, Pd: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Independence / 11th November /1965: overprint on stamps of Southern Rhodesia to commemorate its independence.
Independence / 3rd November /1978: overprint on stamps of Dominica to commemorate its independence.
Independent Express: local parcel firm serviced New York City; used stamps; year unknown.
Independent mail routes: private express companies in 1844-45 that initiated mail service along railroad and water routes between cities in the northeast and also to and from the Great Lakes region, in competition with the Post Office Department.
Independent Messenger and Delivery Service: parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a stamp; year unknown.
Indes: (Fr.) India.
India: sub-continent of southern Asia; official name of postal administration: India Post currency: 12 pies = 1 anna, 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 naye paise = 1 rupee (1957), 100 paise = 1 rupee (1984) 1688: Company Dawk, exchange of mail established at Bombay/Madras by the East India Company, 1774: system opened to the public, with meal tickets or tokens issued to pay postal charges, 1837, Oct. 1: Indian Post Office Act provided for uniform rates, routes and apparel; declared all private posts illegal, 1852, July 1: adhesive stamps introduced in Sind Province (Scinde Dawk), now Pakistan, 1854, Oct. 1: No. 1, 1/2 anna red, adhesive definitive stamps were introduced, 1854-67: stamps used in Malacca, Penang and Singapore, 1854-76: used bar in diamond as cancel, stamps of East India Company used, 1855: inscribed East India Postage, but valid throughout India, 1858, Nov. 1: became a Crown Colony, 1860: government issues, 1866, Aug.1: “Service” overprinted on ordinary stamps for official government mail, 1876, July 1: joined the UPU, 1877: stamp inscription changed from East India Postage to India when Queen became Empress of India, 1882: stamps inscribed “India Postage,” 1888: mail passed through Suez Canal, 1900: stamps overprinted “C.E.F.” China Expeditionary Force, for use in China, 1911: experimental air mail flights started, 1914: stamps overprinted “I.E.F.” Indian Expeditionary Force, for use in Mesopotamia and German East Afrida, 1929: first air mail stamp issued, 1931, Feb. 9: commemorative stamp issued, 1947, Aug. 15: divided into India and Pakistan, 1950, Jan. 26: independent Republic of India within the British commonwealth, 1953: stamps overprinted “Indian / Korea Custodial Unit.” for use in China and Korea, 1954: stamps overprinted “International Commission Cambodia / Laos / Viet Nam,” 1965: stamps overprinted “UNEF.” United Nations Emergency Force, or use in Gaza, 1965, Jan.15: stamps overprinted “ICC” International Control Commission for use in Laos and Viet Nam, 1971: semipostal stamp issued.
India: Jalopy inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
India 1931: inscription with “Comemorativo da Exposicao de S. Francisco Xavier” on stamps of Portuguese India issued in1931 for exhibition held in Goa.
India, British: British East India Company acquisition of territory; 1887: areas of India not under direct British rule, were protected states under native rulers; known as convention and feudatory states, which issued their own stamps.
India, Correio: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese India, 1898-1943.
India, Crown Colony of: stamps of India overprinted with crown; 1867, Sept. 1: first issue of the Straits Settlement.
India, East India Company: see India.
India, Estado da: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese India, 1946-60.
Indiai: (Hung.) Indian.
Indiai Óceáni: (Hung.) Indian Ocean.
India Letter: a ship letter handstamp applied to letters arriving in England from parts of Africa and India.
Indiana: U.S. territory July 5, 1800; state Dec. 11, 1816; cut from territory north-west of the Ohio River.
Indian Classics: made up of the Scinde Dawks, the East India Company, and the Crown Colony stamps.
Indian Convention States: Chamba, Faridkot, Gwalior, Jind, Nabha, Patiala; stamps valid to prepay postage to any part of India.
Indian Expeditionary Forces: stamps of India of the 1911-13 issue overprinted “I.E.F.” in 1914 for use by Indian military forces during World War I.
Indian Feudatory States: Alwar, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhor, Bijawar, Bundi, Bussahir, Charkhari, Cochin, Dhar, Duttia, Faridkot, Hyderabad, Idar, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu and Kashmir, Jasdan, Jhalawar, Jind, Kishangarh, Las Bela, Morvi, Nandgaon, Nowanuggur, Orchha, Poonch, Rajpipla, Sirmoor, Soruth, Travancore, Wadhwan; stamps valid for postage only within respective states. 1949, July 1: states of Travancore and Cochin formed a united state, 1950, April 1: all Feudatory States stamps replaced by issues of the Republic of India.
Indian Forces in Congo: 1962, Jan. 15: stamps of the Republic of India overprinted “U.N. Force (India) Congo” for use of Indian troops making up the United nations forces in the Congo.
Indian Forces in Gaza: India Children’s Day stamp overprinted “UNEF” for use by the Indian forces with the United Nations in Gaza.
Indian Forces in Indo-China: 1: India stamps overprinted “ICC” (International Control Commission) for use by the Indian forces in Indo-China in1954. 2: Indian stamps overprinted with three different sets of Hindu characters for use by Indian forces in Indo-China, in 1954. 3: issued commemorative stamps.
Indian Forces in Korea: stamps of India overprinted for use by Indian forces in Korea, 1953.
Indian telegraph stamps: inscribed “Electric Telegraph and “Govt. of India Telegraph Department,” issued in 1860.
Indian Territory: U.S., never formally recognized as a territory.
Indian U.N. Forces in Congo: 1962, Jan. 15: stamps of the Republic of India overprinted “U.N. Force (India) Congo” for use of Indian troops making up the United nations forces in the Congo.
Indian U.N. Forces in Gaza: India Children’s Day stamp overprinted “UNEF” for use by the Indian forces with the United Nations in Gaza.
Indian Forces in Korea: stamps of India overprinted for use by Indian forces in Korea, 1953.
India paper: a strong paper that is soft, thin and silk-like usually used for proof impressions; formerly called China paper.
India, Port: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese India, 1871-83.
India, Porteado: inscription used on Postage Due stamps of Portuguese India, 1904-14.
India Portugueza: (Port.) inscription on stamps of Portuguese India, 1887-95.
India Route: Via Brindisi; UPU permitted a surcharge on mail traveling this route in 1881-2.
Indicia: stamped impression of the denomination indicating prepayment of postage.
Indicium: plural is indicia:1: imprinted postage stamp on postal stationery. 2: description of meter stamp impression.
Indicky: (Czech.) Indian.
Indie: 1. French India. 2. (Czech.) India.
Indien: (Dan., Ger.) India.
Indigo: (Rom.) indigo-blue (color).
Indigoblå: (Dan., Swed.) indigo blue (color).
Indigofarvet: (Dan.) indigo (color).
Indirekter Druck: (Ger.) offset printing.
Indirizzo: (It.) address; place to which mail can be sent.
Indisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Indian.
Indiske Stater: (Dan., Nor.) Indian States.
Indklæbning: (Dan.) (stamp) mounting.
Inklippt: (Swed.) cut into.
Indleverer: (Dan.) consignor, owner, vendor.
Indo-China: see: A&T, A and T.
Indo-China: 1896, Oct. 1: joined the UPU with Cambodian and part of Indo-China, Laos and part of Indo-China, and Viet Nam, 1951, Oct. 20: UPU affiliation of Viet Nam changed to Republic of Viet Nam. 1951, Dec. 21: UPU affiliation of Cambodia changed to Khmere Republic, 1952, May 2: UPU affiliation of Laos changed to independent Laos. Iraq in Coalition Occupation: overprint / surcharge on stamps of Iraq; authenticity is unknown.
Indo-China, French: south-eastern Asia; made up of Annam, Cambodia, Cochin China, Laos, Tonkin, Vietnam, and area of China leased to France as Kwangchown; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 cents = 1 piaster (1918) 1889: No.1, 5 centimes deep violet on orange-lilac, first stamps issued, issued of French Colonies overprinted and surcharged for use in Indo-China, 1904, June 26: first postage due stamp issued, 1914: first semipostal stamp issued, 1933: first air mail, official stamps issued, 1940: occupied by Japan, 1945-49: China, France, and Great Britain occupied most of area, 1949, June 14: Vietnam established from Cochin China, Annam and Tonkin, 1950: divided into Viet-Nam (North and South), Cambodia and Laos. 1954: stamps of India overprinted “International Commission Cambodia” for use in Indo-China.
Indo-Chine: overprint on French Colonies for Indo-China; with surtax on French semipostal, 1892-1946.
Indochinese peninsula: consists of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.
Indokina: (Dan., Hung., Swed.) Indochina.
Indomalaysia: Punch magazine cover parody.
Indonesia: East Indies, located between Australia, Singapore and Papua, formerly Netherlands Indies; official name of postal administration: PT Pos Indonesia currency: 100 sen = 1 rupiah 1864: first stamps were those of the Dutch East Indies, 1874: first postage due stamp issued, 1877, May 1: joined the UPU, 1911, Oct. 11: first official stamp issued, 1915, June10: first semipostal stamp issued,1928, Sept. 20.: first air mail stamp issued, 1943-44: Japanese occupation stamps issued for Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaya, Malucca Archipelago, South Borneo, and Sumatra, 1945: issued pictorial, semipostal stamps, 1945, Sept.: British troops accepted surrender from local republic, 1946: Dutch troops took over, 1947, March 27: Indonesian Republic established, 1947: issued air mail stamps, 1948-50: inscription used on stamps of Indonesia, 1949, Dec. 27: former Netherlands East Indies, except New Guinea, became independent, named “United States of Indonesia,” 1950, Jan. 17: first stamp as Republik Indonesia Serikat, (overprint RIS-United States of Indonesia), 1950, Aug. 17: first stamps as Republic of Indonesia, 1950: issued postage due stamps, 1950: South Moluccas revolted, issued own stamps with overprint “Republik Maluku Selatan,” cinderellas, 1950: first postage due stamps issued, 1950, Aug. 15-Aug. 10, 1954: Republic of Indonesia formed until dissolved in 1954, 1951, Jan. 2: first semipostal issued, 1954, Jan. 1: Riau-Lingga Archipelago stamps issued, Indonesia overprint, withdrawn Dec. 1965.
Indonesia: 1: preceded by “N.R.” Indonesia, Sumatra local. 2: preceded by “Republik,” Indonesia. 3: (not preceded by Republik) Netherlands Indies.
Indonesia: (with Republik)1950, Aug. 17: overprint on stamps of Dutch East Indies for Indonesia, 1954, Aug. 10: dissolved as part of Netherlands-Indonesia Union.
Indonesia: (without Republik) Netherlands Indies overprint on stamps of Dutch Indies.
Indonesie: (Fr.) Indonesia.
Indore: India Feudatory State, known as Holkar; 1886: first local stamps, 1950, Apr.30: separate stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India.
Indore State: inscription used on stamps of Indore, India, 1904-47.
Indorsement: inscription on the back of a postage stamp.
Indstiksalbum: (Dan.) stockbook.
Ind. T: Indian Territory, when used in a postmark.
Industrielle Kriegswirtschaft: Switzerland overprint on 1918 issue as official stamps for War Board of Trade.
Infantes: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937.
Inflation issue: stamps issued during periods of highfinancial instability.
Inflationsmarke: (Ger.) inflation stamp.
Inflation Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society group focused on inflation caused by reparations paid after World War I, caused mail rates to increase from 12 Mk. to 100,000,000,000 Mk. in one year.
Information-based Indicia: a postage imprint that features a two-dimensional bar code containing data necessary for revenue protection.
Information sheetlet: Documents Philatelique Oficiel Official Philatelic Document; issued by France, include a copy of the issued stamp cancelled on the first day, a monocolor engraving of the stamp, descriptive text and a larger topical engraving with an embossed control seal.
Inforum Private Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Ingermanland, North: Russian territory (Ingria) adjoining Finland declared its independence, 1920: issued stamps, part of Russia.
Ingham, H. A. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Inglaterra: (Sp., Port.) England.
Ingles: (It.) English.
Ingleton Delivery Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Ingolf: overprints on U.S. stamps somewhere in the Atlantic, may be a ship marking.
Ingrie: (Fr.) North Ingermanland.
Ingushetia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Îngust: (Rom.) narrow.
Inhanbane: Portuguese colonial unit in Mozambique; currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis, 100 centavos = 1 escudo (1913) 1895, July 1: No.1, 5 reis black, overprint on stamps of Mozambique, Portuguese colonial keytype, 1920: replaced by stamps of Mozambique.
Inini, Arrondissement of: region in interior of French Guiana; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1930: separated from French Guiana, 1932, April 7: No.1,1 centime gray-lilac and green-blue, first postage due stamp issued, 1932: stamps of French Guiana overprinted “Territoire de L’Inini” 1939, July 5: first semipostal stamps issued, 1946: reunited with French Guiana as division of Overseas Department of France; French stamps used
Initials: used in sheet margins as identification of individuals working at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing who participated in the production of plates.
I.N.K.E.R.I., Inkeri: see Ingermanland, North.
Ink fountain: a trough which holds ink and then supplies it to the press.
Inkjet: postmark sprayed on envelopes during canceling process with postal code, date, time and various canceling symbols.
Inklippt: (Swed.) cut into.
Ink starvation: occurs when the printing press in underinked and parts of the stamp design may be printed faintly.
Inlämnare: (Swed.) consignor, owner, vendor.
Inland 3 Cents: inscription on Liberia 3-cent stamp, 1881.
Inländisch: (Ger.) domestic.
Inland Letter Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Inland mail stamps: stamps intended specifically for domestic use; used in Madagascar (1895) and Liberia (1897).
Inland Revenue: 1889; overprint and surcharge on stamps of British Guiana.
Inlandsbrief: (Ger.) domestic letter.
Innehåll: (Swed.) contents.
Inner Mongolia: (Meng Chiang) currently an autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China; 1941, July 1-1945: issued own stamps.
In Punkten Durchstochen: (Ger.) pin perforation.
Inrikes Post: Sweden, discount postage.
Innskrift: (Nor.) inscription.
Inrikes försändelser: (Swed.) domestic covers, mail carried within the country.
Inschrift: (Ger.) inscription.
Inscriptie: (Rom.) inscription.
Inscription: any letters, words or numbers on a postage stamp.
Inscriptional pair: bi-lingual pair of stamps from the Union of South Africa with attached margin bearing printer’s inscription or imprint.
Inscription block: a block of four or more stamps, with selvage attached, that carries an inscription.
Insel: (Ger.) island.
Inselngruppe: (Ger.) group of islands.
Inseln unter dem Winde: (Ger.) Leeward Islands.
Inselpost: (Ger.) “island post” overprint for mail by air or submarine, from the Hela peninsula, Crete, the Aegean Islands and Rhodes, March-May, 1945.
Inselzähnung: (Ger.) perforations around a single stamps; such as in a souvenir sheet.
Insert: an item placed in an envelope or mailpiece; usually used with a window envelope.
Inspection Service: USPS law enforcement agency that investigates criminal acts for misuse of the postal system in all aspects.
Inspector General: investigates and evaluates programs and operations of the USPS to ensure the efficiency and integrity of the postal system.
Inspector of Dead Letters: postal position created by Congress in 1777 for head of Dead Letter Office.
Instances Judiciares: court fees; French Colony revenue inscription.
Instanta: perforation gauge invented by C.P. Rang for Stanley Gibbons Ltd.
Institutos: (Sp.) fiscals for matriculation and degrees fees; 1878.
Instrucao D.L. No.7 de 3-2-1934: overprint on Portugal India for Timor war tax semi-postal, 1934-35.
Instrucción: (Sp.) (Education) Venezuela revenue inscription, 1879-82,1887, used for postage during shortage of regular stamps.
Instructional Markings: see Auxiliary Markings.
Insufficiently Prepaid: Zanzibar postage due, 1931-33.
Insula: (Rom.) island.
Insurance cancellations: cancelled revenue stamps by insurance firms, 1862-71.
Insurance Courier Services: local post, private by ICS Air, Canada, about 1980.
Insurance stamps: stamps issued for use by a government’s life insurance department.
Insured letter stamps: stamps issued to pay the insurance fee on a letter.
Insured mail: any mail piece that has been inured against loss or damage (in some cases) upon payment of an extra fee by the sender.
Intaglio: any type of printing in which the inked image is below the surface of the plate, used for the “Penny Black.”.
Intaglio printing: method by which a print is made from a design of recessed lines engraved in a die or plate; Italian for “in recess.”
Intaille: (Fr.) intaglio, engraving.
Intangible Value: price that cannot be quoted due to sentimenral value or personal reasons.
Integrated Retail Terminals: post offices computers that weigh mailing pieces, calculate postage, print receipts and maintain records.
Intelligent Mail: USPS term for a barcode that captures data about the individual mailpiece.
Intelpost: electronic facsimile system for transmission of documents used between Toronto, Canada and Washington, D.C., postal administrations, 1980.
Interazionale: (It.) international.
Interessenten-Sonderpostamt: (Ger.) special post offices which only postmark stamps on request.
Interinsular postage: inscription on first stamps of Bahamas indicating internal use only since external mails were under control of Great Britain; in effect June 10, 1859-May 1860.
Interior: (Sp.) 1: inland mail, as opposed to foreign mail. 2: mail to be delivered to a city or local district in which it was posted.
Interior: (Sp.) inscription of parcel post stamps of Uruguay, mercury design.
Interior, Dep’t. of: inscription on U. S. Officials.
Interior Service: stamps not valid for UPU service but may be the first stamps of several nations such as Cape of Good Hope, Reunion, Switzerland; also all the stamps of some other nations such as Shanghai and the small Indian states.
Interleaves: translucent tissue placed between the pages of an album to prevent stamps from rubbing against each other.
Intermediate flaw: lithographic flaw due to the transfer from the matrix stone to the intermediate stone or stones and therefore appears on the intermediate stone.
Internal Postage: revenue stamps used as postage; see: British Central Africa.
Internal Revenue: the revenue tax collected within the country.
Internasjonal: (Nor.) international.
International and Colonial Postage Association: formed in London in 1851, planted the concept of international postal reform.
International Business Reply Service (IBRS): a service that permits mail pieces to be distributed in certain nations for return without postage prepayment to the original sender.
International canceling Machine: can be identified on U.S. mail with the year date on the bottom of the circle.
International Colonial Exposition: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1931.
International Commission in Indo-China: 1954, Dec. 1: stamps of India overprinted for use by Indian forces serving with the commission, with separate overprints for Cambodia, Laos and Viet-Nam.
International Cooperation Year: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1965.
International Court of Justice: 1934; overprint on Dutch stamps; located in The Hague; officially only available as used copies, 1947: stamps re-introduced.
International Educational Office: 1944, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations, 1958: special issues.
International Envelope Co.: manufacturer of U.S. stamped envelopes, started 1929.
Internationaler Antwortschein: (Ger.) International Rely Coupon (IRC).
Internationale Seepoststation: (Ger.) international sea (mail) station post.
Internationales Postzentrum: (Ger.) international postal center.
International Exchange Office: a mail facility authorized to exchange international mail with another country.
International Express: parcel delivery firm serviced New York City, New England and eastern Canada; used labels and stamps; late 1880s, bogus stamps exist.
International Fair Brussels: triangular label for non-philatelic trade fair, year unknown.
International Labour Office: Bureau International du Travail, 1923: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations, 1932: first commemorative stamp issued, 1950, Feb.: special issues.
International (Letter) Express: bogus label, 1864.
International mail: mail originating in one country and addressed to another.
International Parcel Post: U.S. Post Office label for 5 cents fee, in addition to the postage, for the delivery of a parcel post item from a foreign country, 1913-31.
International Philatelic Exhibition: seal to promote a stamp exhibition, looks like a stamp, considered a cinderella.
International Postal Convention: 12 European nations met in Paris, 1863, to discuss the foreign mail confusion; became the Universal Postal Union in 1878.
International Postal Supply Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1922-59, acquired by Friden Inc.
International Postal Union: formerly the German-Austrian Postal Union which was formed in 1850; individual states were permitted to print their own stamps, with the fees being equal for all.
International Refugee Organization: 1950, Feb. 1: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations.
International Reply Coupon (IRC): a coupon that can be purchased from a post office and may be exchanged in any member country of the Universal Postal Union for the minimum postage payable on international unregistered letters.
International Stamp Exhibition: see: Ideal Stamp.
International Telecommunications Union: 1958: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations.
International Vending Machine Co.: Baltimore, Md. manufacturer of stamp vending machines, 1906-09. Internee mail: mail from persons interned during time of war.
Interneeringskampen: (Dutch) inscription on stamps of the Netherlands for use by foreign military personnel interned by the Dutch government during World War I.
Internet dealer: a dealer who buys material at stamp shows in the expectation of selling it via the Internet.
Internet-stamps: not stamps, but a postage paid indications with a bar-code.
Intero: (It.) see Entire.
Intero Postale: (It.) postal stationery.
Interpanel: (Sp.) gutter, space between stamps on full sheets.
Interpanneau: (Fr.) gutter.
Interphil ‘76: international stamp show held in Philadelphia, 1976.
Interplanetary Essays-Created and Designed in Great Britain: 8 of the 32 designs from Interplanetary Postage by H.E. MacIntosh, Springfield, Mass., 1958.
Interplanetary Postage: labels in 32 designs created by Lever Brothers. Soap Co. for subscribers to the British boy’s magazine, Eagle.
Interplanetary Postal Essays-1962: labels made by Modern Publications, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada.
Interpostal seals: circular adhesive labels used in Egypt to seal bundles of mail destined for one destination, may be considered a cinderella or label, 1864-90; also used in German states, Austria and the Netherlands.
Inter-Provincials: stamps issued by provinces which later became federated; permitting the use of each territory’s stamps in other territories of the federation.
Interrompu: (Fr.) broken
Interrotto: (It.) broken.
Interrupted Die Cut: a die cut in which the continuous series of small peaks and valleys is interrupted by a wide valley or straight edge. This usually occurs on the shorter side of a rectangular stamp. Interrupted flight: in-flight problem resulting in unplanned landing; flight continued later by same aircraft or another aircraft to destination.
Interrupted flight covers: crash covers.
Interrupted mail: any form of mail that was not delivered as planned.
Interrupted perforation: some of the perforated punched holes intentionally omitted; used on Dutch stamps and U.S. privately perforated coil stamps.
Intersol, Kingdom of: stamps created to advertise book “Musrum.”
Interspazio: (It.) gutter.
Intervalle: (Fr.) space, gap between two stamps.
Intervalo: (Sp.) space, gap between two stamps.
Intervencion: (Sp.) censorship (of mail).
Intervencion-Reembolsos: (Sp.) postmark for supervision of C.O.D. mail.
Intl: abbreviation for international.
Intra-city posts: served the local community by taking mail to and from the post office and delivering letters between correspondents in the same area; same as local posts.
Introductory commission: British term for finders fee; a fee paid to an individual for referring philatelic material for direct sale to a philatelic dealer, or for consignment to a philatelic auctioneer.
Intruccion: Venezuela.
Intyg: (Swed.) certificate.
Inutilizado a Pluma: (Sp.) pen cancelled.
Inv.: auction catalog abbreviation for inverted.
Invalidated: no longer valid for postal use.
Invalidated stamps: stamp which is not longer valid for the prepayment of postage; in 1861 Congress declared all U.S. postage stamps obsolete to prevent them from being used by the Confederacy.
Inventaire restant: (Fr.) remainder.
Inverrgarry & Fort Augustus Railway: Scotland railway local post.
Inversé: (Fr.) inverted.
Invert: usually a multicolored stamp in which one of the colors or the design has been printed upside down; for example, the 24 cents air mail issue of 1918 in which the airplane, printed in blue, is upside down.
Inverted center: stamp in which the central design is upside down in relation to the frame of the stamp.
Inverted frame: a stamp in which the frame is upside down in relation to the rest of the design or the watermark.
Inverted Jenny: U.S. 1918 24-cent air mail error, Scott C3a.
Inverted overprint: an overprint that, when looking at a stamp in its normal position, the overprinted letters are upside down.
Inverted surcharge: a surcharge that, when looking at a stamp in its normal position, the overprinted letters are upside down.
Inverted Swan: Australia stamp with frame inverted issued in 1855.
Inverted watermark: since the watermark is the first marking the paper receives, the watermark can not be inverted, only the printing can be inverted or sideways.
Invertido: (Sp.) inverted.
Invertito: (It.) tete-beche pair.
Invio a scelta: (It.) on approval.
Invisible gum: colorless and tasteless gum on the reverse of a stamp.
Involute postmark: a flag cancel where the flag has three pronounced folds rather than the ordinary type.
Invtd: auction abbreviation for Inverted.
Ionian Islands: off the west coast of Greece, consists of Cephalonia, Corfu, Ithaca, Kythera, Lefkas, Paxos, and Zante; currency: 100 oboli – 1 penny, 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 lepta = 1 drachma, 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1800: known as the Republic of Seven Islands, 1807-14: French control, French postal service used various handstamps, 1809: protection of Great Britain, 1815: became the United States of Ionia, under British control 1859, May 15: No.1, 1/2 penny orange, set of three stamps issued; orange for letters, blue for inter-island mail, and lake for mail to the mainland Greece, 1864, June 28: ceded to Greece, Greek stamps used, 1923: Italy occupied Corfu, issued Italian stamps overprinted Corfu, 1941: Italians occupied Cephalonia and Ithaca; had Greek stamps overprinted “Italia/Occupazione Militare/Intaliana isole Celfalonia e Itaca,,” 1941: Greek stamps overprinted “Corfu,” 1941-43: Italian stamps overprinted “Isole Jonie” for other islands, 1943: Germans took over islands and used Greek stamps except for handstamp overprint for island of Zante, 1945: islands restored to Greece.
Ioniennes (Iles): (Fr.) Ionian Islands.
Ionikon Kpatoe: 1859; inscription for Ionian Islands under British administration.
Ionische Inseln: (Ger.) Ionian Islands.
Ioniske Øerne: (Dan.) the Ionian Islands.
Ion. Pie.: inspection postale (Fr.) applied to undelivered letter opened to find sender’s name and address, 1790.
I.O.V.R.: inscription/overprint Romania postal tax, 1948.
Iowa: U.S. territory July 4, 1838, state Dec. 28, 1846; cut from Wisconsin Territory.
IPM: International Postcard Market; postcard catalogue
I.P.N.: Indian Postal Note, fiscal commission on due notes.
I.P.O.: Chinese post office security marking applied to the corner of foreign postage.
I Polska Wystawa Marek: overprint on stamps of Poland for White Cross Society, semipostal.
I P S A: Independent Postal System of America, founded on February 14, 1968, as an alternate to the USPS.
I.P.S. Special Delivery: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
IPSJSIC: International Philatelic Society of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors.
IPX International: local, strike post, Canada, 1979-83.:
Iquique: Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation.
Ír: (Hung.) Irish.
I.R.: 1: Inland Revenue, Great Britain, 1882-1904. 2: Imperiale Reales, Imperial Royal, pre-adhesive postmark. 3: U.S. for Internal Revenue, 1898.
I.R.A.: Irish Republican Army.
Irak: (Sp., Swed.) Iraq.
Irakisk: (Swed.) Iraqi.
Iraklion: formerly Candia, Crete.
Iran: western Asia on Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, formerly called Persia, aka Islamic Republic; currency: 20 shahis = 1 kran, 10 krans = 1 toman, 100 centimes = 1 franc = 1 kran (1881), 100 dinars = 1 rial (1933), 100 rials = 1 pahlavi, 100 rials = 1 toman 1867-1923: Indian post offices in Iran used Indian stamps, 1868: No.1, 1 shahi dull violet, first stamps issued, 1877, Sept. 1: joined the UPU, 1902: first official stamp issued, 1909-18: Russian post offices operated in northern Persia, 1927: first air mail stamp issued, 1935, March 21: became known officially as Iran, 1948, Jan. 30: first semipostal stamp issued, 1980, April 18-Feb. 24, 1981: U. S. embargo on Iranian imports, including stamps of Iran.
Iraniennes: inscription used on stamps of Iran (Persia); 1935-37.
Iraq: western Asia, former Turkish provinces of Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, known as Mesopotamia; currency: 16 annas = 1 rupee, 1,000 fils = 1 dinar (1932) 8th and 9th centuries BC: Assyrian royal post operated, 1863: Turkish stamps used, 1868: British Indian post offices opened. 1917-18: stamps of India overprinted I.E.F. during British mandate, 1917: September 1, Stamps of Turkey overprinted “Baghdad / in British Occupation,” 1918, Sept. 1: stamps of Turkey overprinted “Iraq / in British Occupation” replacing previous overprints, 1919, February, fiscal stamps of Turkey overprinted “Postage / I.E.F. ‘D'” for joint British /Indian forces, 1920: mandated to Great Britain, mandate ended in 1932, first official stamp, 1921, August 23: became a kingdom under British mandate, but not fully independent, 1923: No.1, 1/2 anna olive-green, first official stamp under British mandate, 1929, April 22; joined the UPU with Kuwait, 1932: became independent from League of Nations mandate under British administration, named a kingdom, 1933: issued “Air Mail Letter Card,” 1949, Feb.1: first air mail, and semipostal stamps issued. 1958, July 14: “Republic of Iraq” overprint, monarchy overthrown, 1993: postal savings bank stamps used as regular stamps, 1993: first local post stamps issued in Kurdistan, 1997, June: “We Say Yes Saddam” overprint for referendum, 2003, March 19: U.S. invasion of Iraq, 2004, June 28: named Republic of Iraq.
Iraq in British Occupation: 1918, overprint on stamps of Turkey, British occupation of Mesopotamia, Iraq issue.
Iraq Railway Stamps: Baghdad-Basra Railway opened Jan. 15, 1920and is known to have used inscriptions “Label” which was changed to “Stamp.”
Irbit: local post, Russian Zemstvo,1874-1914.
IRC: International Reply Coupon.
Ir. du Nord: (Fr.) Northern Ireland.
Ireland: island in North Atlantic ocean, west of Great Britain; Official name of postal administration: AN Post Currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 pence= 1 pound (1971), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1670: Dublin dated mark introduced, 1773-74: Dublin Penny Post started, 1784: Irish Post office separated from the British Post Office, 1831: combined with British Post office, 1840, 6 May: British first adhesive stamps used, 1921, 6 December: Irish Free State proclaimed, 1922-prior: used overprinted British stamps, 1922, 17 February: No. 1, 1/2 penny green, named Irish Free State (Eire), first stamps issues with “Rialtas Sealdac na Héireann 1922”, (Gaelic) Provisional Government of Ireland, 1922, December: first definitives appeared inscribed Eire, and overprint “Saorstat Éireann 1922” (Free State of Ireland 1922), 1923, 6 September: joined the UPU, 1924, May: first air mail service to Great Britain began as an experiment, 1925: first postage due stamp issued, 1948: withdrew from British Commonwealth, first air mail stamp issued, 1949: became Republic of Ireland, 2002: stamps in Irish pounds valid through 31 December 2002, then reverted to Euro.
Ireland: see: Aer-Phost, Northern Ireland.
Ireland: (Sinn Fein) bogus propaganda label, 1907.
Ireland, Free: propaganda labels for a united Ireland produced by Price & Co. of Ireland.
Ireland, Northern: 1840: used British adhesive postage stamps, 1875, 1 July: joined the UPU as a Great Britain Overseas Territory, 1921: six counties known as Ulster remained part of the United Kingdom, rest of Ireland became a Republic, 1958, 18 August-1969: No. 1, 3 pence dark purple, Great Britain regional stamps inscribed “Postage Revenue” except for Machin issues, 1971: Machin regional issues.
Irian Barat: West Irian, Irian Barat, (West New Guinea); 1962, Oct. 1: former Netherlands New Guinea became a territory under UN Temporary Executive Authority, stamps of Netherlands New Guinea overprinted “UNTEA,” 1963, May 1: overprint and inscription on stamps of Indonesia, 1973: used stamps of Indonesia.
Irian Jaya: also known as West New Guinea. see Netherlands East Indies.
Irlirsk: (Dan.) Irish.
I.R. Iran: Iran.
Irish Connection (Icon): United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Irish Republican Army (I.R.A.): 1922, July: three values issued for use in Cork.
Irish Republic P.O.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Iris, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle or upper Danube lines.
Irland: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Ireland.
Irlanda: (It., Sp.) Ireland.
Irlande: (Fr.) Ireland.
Irländsk: (Swed.) Irish.
IranQ: supposed federation of Iran and Iraq, spoof issue.
I.R. Official: (Inland Revenue) 1882-1904; overprint on stamps of Great Britain for official use.
Iron Curtain countries: nations considered by the military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe between 1945-1990.
Iroquois Federation: parody or spoof from Punch magazine.
Irország: (Hung.) Ireland.
Irradiated: radiation process used in 2001 to sanitize mail due to possible contamination from anthrax spores.
Irregolar: (It.) irregular.
Irregular block: block, not square, but description must contain number of stamps in block.
Irregular perforations: perforations where the holes are not aligned, are different sizes, are misplaced or are in any manner, abnormal.
Irréprochable: (Fr.) perfect.
Irsk: (Dan., Nor.) Irish.
Irské more: (Czech.) Irish Sea.
Irsko, irsky: (Czech.) Ireland, Irish (adj.).
I.S.: 1: Inspector of Sheep, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 2: Inland Section. 3: precedes the country code such as IS-128, Iceland
Isabella, Geo. 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Iscrizione: (It.) inscription.
Ishkeria, Republic of: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
I.S.J.P.: International Society for Japanese Philately.
Iskenderun: also known as Alexandretta, Turkey.
Irské More: (Czech.) Irish Sea.
Irsko: (Czech.) Ireland.
Irsky: (Czech.) Irish.
Isla Cristina: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Isla de Cuba: Cuba under Spanish administration.
Isla de mas Afuera: (Sp.) Farther Away Island, Chile overprints for an island housing prisoners, 1909.
Isla de Pascua: Chile, Easter Island.
Islamique: (Fr.) Islamic.
Islamique de Mauretanie: Mauritania. 1960: issued commemorative, air mail stamps, 1961: issued official, postage due stamps, 1962: issued semi-postal stamps.
Islam Republic Chechnia: overprint on stamps of Russia for an unrecognized breakaway area.
Island: Iceland.
Islandia: (It., Sp.) Iceland
Islande: (Fr.) Iceland.
Islandsk: (Dan, Nor.) Icelandic.
Islas de Juan Fernandez: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Chile for Juan Fernandez Islands, 1910.
Islas del Atlántico: (Sp.) Azores.
Islas Galapagos: (Sp.) Ecuador; Galapagos Islands.
Islas Malvinas: (Sp.) Argentine name for Falkland Islands.
Islas Virgenes: (Sp.) Virgin Islands.
Isle of Man: in Irish Sea, off Northwest coast of England; 1840, May 6: used stamps of Britain, 1958, Aug. 18: British Regional issues, 1973, July 5: Isle of Man (Bailiwick) Dependency issues, semi-autonomous, 1973: first commemorative, postage due issue.
Isle of Man: (Poste Manninagh) British local, 1971.
Isle of Man Authorized: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Isle of Wight: United Kingdom local for rocket mail, 1934.
Isle of Wight Central Railway: British local post.
Isle of Wight Railway: British local post.
Isles of Shoals: Atlantic Ocean, off Portsmouth, N.H.; had a summer post office operating 1914-1917.
Islington Emergency: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Ismailia: Egypt, see Interpostal Seals, 1867-84.
ISÖ: Sweden bogus local post for island in Baltic Sea, 1980?
ISO: International Standards Organization.
Isola di Man: (It.) Isle of Man.
Isola Italiana di Paxo Anno XIX: privately applied overprint on stamps of Greece, WW II.
Isolé: 1: (It.) island. 2: (Fr.) single..
Isole Italiane dell’Egeo: (It.) overprint on stamp of Italy for use in the Aegean Islands, 1930-40; see Aegean islands.
Isole Jonie: 1941-43; overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation for Ionian islands, 1943: occupied by Germany, used Italian overprints with additional marking “Ellas” (Greece).
I.S.P.P.: Italia Servizio Publico (It.) Italian Public Service.
Israel: see: Agorot.
Israel: western Asia, borders on Lebanon and Syria; official name of postal administration: Israel Postal Authority currency: 100 mils = 1 pound (1949), 1,000 prutot = 1 pound (1960), 100 agorot = 1 shekel (1980) 1948, May 14: nation established, 1948, May 16: No.1, 3 mils orange, first stamp issued, 1948, May 28: first postage due stamp issued, 1948, June 1-June 1967: stamps of Egypt overprinted Palestine, 1949, Dec. 24: joined the UPU, 1950, June 25: issued air mail stamps, 1951, Feb. 1: issued official stamps, 1965: Jan. 15: special stamp used by Indian contingent of UN forces in Gaza.
Israël: (Fr.) Israel.
Israele: (It.) Israel
Issue: 1: act of a new stamp, or series of stamps, being released by a postal authority. 2: (Fr.) commemorative (stamp). 3: term for a related group of stamps. 4: a released stamp. 5: the number of stamps in an “edition” may be called an issue of “x” amount.
Issued (Non): a catalog term for a prepared stamp that has not been issued for various reasons.
Istan: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937.
Istanbul: formerly Constantinople, Turkey.
Isthmus of Panama: UPU permitted a surcharge on mail traveling this route in 1881-2.
Istra: Yugoslavia Croatia local overprint; c 1993.
Istra Slovensko Primorje (Slov.) and Istria Littorale Sloveno (It.): bilingual inscription of stamps for the Istria and the Slovene Coast (It. Venezia Giulia) Occupation Zone “B,” 1945 – 47.
Istria: at head of the Adriatic Sea; 1813 – 1918: Austria, 1918 – 20: Italian occupation, 1921 – 43: annexed to Italy, 1943 – 45: R.S.I., Repubblica di San Marino (It.) Italian Social Republic, 1945, June: occupied by Yugoslavia, stamps of Italy (RSI) overprinted by “ISTRA,” 1945, July 15: first stamps Ljubljana Printing, second Zagreb Printing, third Belgrade Printing, 1945 – 47: overprint on stamps of Italy “Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije” for the Slovene Coast and Istria, part of Zone B occupied by Yugoslavia, see Istra Slovensko Primorje, 1945: AMG stamps used in Poland only, other stamps withdrawn, stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Porto” for postage due, 1945: became part of Yugoslavia.
Istria Littorale Sloveno: Yugoslavia occupation, issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast, 1945-47.
Istrien: (Dan.) Istria.
Istriensk: (Dan.) Istrian.
ISWSC: International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors.
I.T.: Idaho, Indian, Indiana or Iowa territory.
Ita Karjala: “East Karelia Military Occupation” Eastern Karelia overprint on stamps of Finland, 1941-43.
Italia: (It., Nor., Sp.) Italy.
Italiana, Repubblica Sociale (RSI): inscription on stamps of the Italian Social Republic, 1944 – 45.inscription on stamps of the Italian Social Republic, 1944.
Italian Austria: part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire taken by Italy during WW I; included Trentino (Venezia Tridentina), city of Trieste, Slovene Coast, the Istrian Peninsula, and part of Dalmatia (Italian name: Venezia Giulia); 1918-19: occupation stamps issued by Italy, 1918: stamps of Austria overprinted “Regno d’Italia Venezia Giulia 3.XI.18” for use in Venezia Giulia (including Trieste), 1919: stamps of Italy overprinted “Venezia Giulia,” 1919: stamps of Italy surcharged for general use.
Italian Colonies: currency: 100 centesimi – 1 lira 1932, July 11: No.1, 10 centesimi gray-black, issued regular, air mail, semipostal stamps for general use in their colonies, stamps of Italy, but in different colors and overprinted “Poste Coloniali Italiane” and “Coloniali Italiane.” 1934: specialized stamps ceased.
Italian East Africa: eastern Africa on Red Sea and Indian Ocean, Italian occupied territories, 1936: colony formed; included Ethiopia, former colonies of Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, 1938-42: consisted of Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Italian Somaliland; replaced issues of three separate territories, 1938, Feb. 7: No.1, 2 centesimi red-orange, issued first stamps, air mail stamps,1940: issued semipostal stamps, 1941: issued postage due stamps, 1942; Ethiopia issued own stamps when British forces retook area; placed Eritrea and Italian Somaliland under military administration and restored Ethiopia, retook British protectorate of Somaliland; see Afars and Issas, Benadir, Djibouti, Obock, Oltre Giuba, Italian Somaliland
Italiane dell’Egeo: (It.) Italian Aegean Islands.
Italian lira: currency unit of San Marino and Vatican.
Italian Occupation of Aegean Islands (Dodecanese); 1912: stamps of Italy overprinted “Egeo,” 1930: stamps of Italy overprinted “Isole Italiane Dell’Egeo.”
Italian Occupation of Austria: 1918-19: stamps of Austria, issued in Trieste, overprinted for use in Trentino; Austrian and Italian stamps for use in Calchi, Calino, Coo, Lero, Lisso, Nisiro, Patmo, Miscopi, Rhodes, Scarpanto, Simi, Stampalia and Venezia Giulia, 1919, Jan. 1: first postage due stamp issued, 1919-20: stamps of Italy surcharged for use in all areas, 1921-22: stamps of Italy surcharged for use in the Zara region of Dalmatia, which became an Italian enclave in Yugoslavia.
Italian Occupation of Corfu: 1923, Sep. 30: stamps of Italy overprinted “Corfu,” 1941, June 5: stamps of Greece overprinted “Corfu,” also air mail, postage due.
Italian Occupation of Dalmatia: 1919, May 1: stamps of Italy surcharged for occupation; later Zara annexed to Italy.
Italian Occupation of Ethiopia: 1936: stamps issued inscribed “Etiopia,” see Italian East Africa.
Italian Occupation of Fiume – Kupa Zone: 1944: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Zona Occupata Fiumano Kupa” and “Zofk,” surcharged “Memento Audere Semper.”
Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands: 1941: stamps of Greece overprinted “Italia Occupazione Militare Italiana Isole Celefonia e Itaca” and “Isole Jonie.”
Italian Occupation of Ljubljana (Lubiana, Laibach); 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “CO.Ci” Commissariato Civile , Civil Commission, for western half of Slovenia.
Italian Occupation of Montenegro: 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Montenegro 17-IV-4-XIX.”
Italian Occupation of Saseno: island off the coast of Albania; 1923: “Saseno” overprint on stamps of Italy.
Italian Occupation of Slovenia: 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni Occupati Lubiana.”
Italian Occupation of Trans-Jubaland: 1925, July 29: stamps of Italy overprinted “Oltre Giuba” (Italian Trans-Jubaland).
Italia/Occupazione Militare/Intaliana isole Celfalonia e Itaca: 1941: overprint on stamps of Greece by Italians who occupied lonian Islands of Cephalonia and Ithaca.
Italian Offices in Africa: currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster, 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1910) 1901-11: first stamps issued at Italian post office, Ottoman Empire, 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Tripoli di Barberia,” 1910: stamps of Italy with surcharge “Bengasi” and 1 Piastra, 1912: Libyan issues used, now spelled Banghazi, Libya. 1912, Oct.: ceded by Turkey; known as Colony of Libia; later Libya.
Italian Offices in Albania: 1902: stamps of Italy overprinted / surcharged “Albania.”
Italian Offices in China: currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar 1901: Italian stamps used by legation protection troops after the Boxer Rebellion, 1917, Sept. 1: “Pechino” overprint on stamps of Italy for Peking, postage due stamp, 1917, Sept.: “Tientsin” overprint on stamps of Italy for Tien-Tsin, first postage due stamp issued, 1920, March 11: post offices officially opened for civilians; stamps of Italy used, 1922, Dec. 31: post offices closed.
Italian Offices in Constantinople: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Constantinopoli,” 1922: stamps of Italy overprinted for postage due.
Italian Offices in Crete: currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster, 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1906) 1900: stamps of Italy with surcharge “La Canea.”
Italian Offices in Durazzo: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Durazzo.”
Italian Offices in Janina: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Janina.”
Italian Offices in Jerusalem: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Gerusalemme.”
Italian Offices in Salonika: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Salonicco.”
Italian Offices in Scutan: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Scutari di Albania.”
Italian Offices in Smyrno: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Smirne.”
Italian Offices in Turkish Empire: (Italian Levant); currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster 1869: Tripoli post office opened 1874: first general issue stamps from Italy used in Tripoli, Estero overprints, 1901, March 15: Benghazi post office opened, 1901: July: first stamps for Benghazi issued, 1901-14, 1921-23: stamps of Italy overprinted for Ottoman Empire: Bengasi, Albania, Constantinopli (Constantinople), Durazzo, Janina, Gerusalemme (Jerusalem), Salonicco (Salonika), Scutari di Albania, Smirne (Smyrna), Valona. Tripoli de Barberia (Tripolitania), and Levant, 1902: stamps of Italy surcharged “Albania,” 1908, June 1: used stamps of Italian Post at Constantinople with surcharge, 1909, Dec. first stamps issued for Tripoli, 1912, Dec.: first stamps issued for Italian colony of Libya, 1922: first postage due stamp issued, 1923: Treaty of Lausanne ended post offices in Turkish Empire, 1923, Oct. 27: foreign post offices closed, 1923, Oct. 24: first stamps issued for Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.
Italian Post Offices Abroad: currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1874-89: Italian stamps overprinted “Estero” (Foreign) for use in Italian offices in Egypt, Eritrea, Tripolitania, Tunisia, Argentina, and Uruguay, 1924: Italian Offices in Crete, first postage due stamp issued.
Italian Offices in Valona: 1909: stamps of Italy overprinted “Valona.”
Italian Social Republic: 1943, Sep.15: formed new government for Northern area of Italy occupied by Germans; 1944: No.1, 25 centesimi deep green, stamps of Italy overprinted “Repubblica Sociale Italiana,” 1944: issued special delivery, postage due, and parcel post stamps.
Italian Somaliland (Somalia Democratic Republic): former Italian colony in eastern Africa; currency: 4 besas = 1 anna, 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 besas = 1 rupee (1922), 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1905, 1922), 100 centesimi = 1 somalo (1950), 100 centesimi – 1 somali shilling (1961), 1903, Oct. 12: first stamps of Italian protectorate issued named ‘Benadir’, issued by Benadir Company; also stamps of Italy overprinted ‘Somalia’ and ‘Somalia Italiana’, 1915: first semipostal issued, 1922: Benadir became Italian Somalia, 1926: Oltre Giuba added to Italian Somalia, 1934: first air mail stamp issued, 1936, June 1-1941: Ethiopia and Eritrea added to form Italian East Africa, 1938: stamps of Italian East Africa used, 1941: British control, administered by British until Nov. 21, 1949, 1942: M.E.F. (Middle East Forces) overprint on stamps of Great Britain, 1943: E.A.F.: (East Africa Forces) overprint on stamps of Great Britain, 1944: taken by British forces, 1945: placed under Italian administration as a United Nations Trust Territory, 1948, May 27: B.M.A. Somalia (British Military Administration Somalia), 1950, Jan.2: B.M.A. changed to B.A. 1950, April 1: U.N. Trust territory administered by Italy as the Trust Territory of Somalia, 1960, June 26: full independence, created independent Republic of Somalia; later became Somali Democratic Republic. 1960, July 1: former Italian colony merged with Somaliland Protectorate to form Republic of Somalia, 1969: after army coup, became Somali Democratic Republic.
Italianske Kolonier: (Dan.) Italian Colonies.
Italienske skibspost: (Dan.) Italian ship mail (ship post).
Italian States: issued their own stamps prior to unification in 1861; see Modena, Parma, Romagna, Roman States (Papal States), Sardinia, Tuscany, and Two Sicilies (Naples and Sicily). Rome was originally part of the Roman States and was incorporated into Italy in 1870.
Italian States-Lombardy-Venetia: see: Austrian Italy.
Italia/Occupazione Militare/Intaliana isole Celfalonia e Itaca: 1941: overprint on stamps of Greece by Italians who occupied lonian Islands of Cephalonia and Ithaca.
Italia Repubblicana Fascista Base Atlantica: overprint on stamps of Italy for use in Bordeaux, France from June 1940 to 1944.
Italic type: sloping type.
Italie: (Czech., Fr.) Italy.
Italien: (Dan., Ger., Swed.) Italy.
Italienische Kolonien: (Ger.) Italian Colonies.
Italienische Somaliland: (Ger.) Italian Somaliland.
Italiensk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Italian.
Italienske Kolonier: (Dan.) Italian Colonies.
Italiensk Post i Ægæ Øerne: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in the Aegean Islands.
Italiensk Post i Afrika: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in Africa.
Italiensk Post i Kina: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in China.
Italiensk Post i Tyrkiet: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire ( Levant).
Italiensk Post i Udlandet: (Dan.) Italian Post Offices Abroad.
Italiensk Stater: (Dan.) Italian States.
Italii: with “Poczta Polakich”, for use by Polish Corps and refugees in Italy, WW II.
Italskie: (Czech.) Italian.
Italy: southern Europe; official name of postal administration: Poste Italiane currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira (plural lire) (1861), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1st century AD: oldest postal guide engraved on four silver goblets with names of relay stations between Cadiz and Rome, 4th century AD: oldest postal map shows postal routes from the Indus Valley to Britain, earliest postal regulation of the Roman Imperial postal network, 1850, June 1: provinces issued own stamps on same day as Austrian Empire, two different currencies, 1851, Jan.1: first stamps from Sardinia and Tuscany, 1852, Jan. 1: first stamps from Papal States, 1852, June 1: first stamps by Modena, Papal States, and Parma, 1858, Jan. 1: first stamps issued by Naples, and Sicily 1859, June 1: first stamps from Romagna, 1860, March 6: Modena joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, March 18: Parma joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, March 22: Tuscany joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, March 25: Romagna joined unified Italy, used stamps of Sardinia, 1860, Sept. 7: stamps issued for Naples by the Garibaldi regime, 1861, Feb. 15: stamps issued for Neapolitan provinces of Naples and Sicily, 1862, Feb. 24: first stamps for all Italy, 1863: issued postage due stamp, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1875: issued official stamp, 1915: issued semipostal stamp, 1917, May: issued air mail stamp. 1917: special delivery stamps overprinted for air mail flights on two air mail routes; Turin and Rome and between Naples and Palermo, 1918: stamps of Austria with surcharge as occupation issue, 1943, Sept. 17: stamps for Allied Military Government issued for Sicily, 1943, Sept. 23: stamps for Allied Military Government issued for Naples, 1943, Sept. 23: Mussolini proclaimed the Italian Social Republic at Salo on Lake Garda, 1943: “A.M.G.” “Governo Militare Alleato” overprint on stamps of Italy for U.S. and G.B. military government, 1944-45: Italian Social Republic (Repubblica Sociale Italiana) stamps for German-occupied north Italy, issued stamps, special delivery, parcel post and postage due stamps, 1944-52: stamps for territory of Campione used, 1946: named a republic; see A.M.G. F.T.T, A.M.G., B.L.P.
Italy: (c. Nazionaldi Liberazione) liberation local post, c1944.
Italy: “Cor Allt” (Corrieri Alta Italia) local post, 1944-45.
Italy: “GNR” (Guardia Nazional Repubblicana) overprint, local post, 1943-44.
Italy-Greece-Turkey-Rhodes: (Aerospresso Co) Greek air semi-official, 1926.
Ithaca: Ionian island occupied by Italians; 1941: overprint on stamps of Greece, 1943: German occupation “Zante” stamp issue.
Itrabo: local post, Spanish Civil War Republican, 1937.
ITU: United Nations inscription for International Telecommunications Union; common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1965; common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1965.
I-u-ka, Miss paid 5 cts: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Iulie: (Rom.) July.
Iuni: (Rom.) Monday.
Iunie: (Rom.) June.
IUTS: local, Ontario, Canada, Inter-University Transit System, Canada, late 1970s.
Ivano Frankovsk: formerly Stanislav, USSR.
Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post: see Göteborg – Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post.
Iver Bucks: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Ives & Judd Match Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Ives Matches: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Ives, P. T.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Ivigtut: bogus local post from Greenland.
Ivory Coast: (Côte d’Ivoire); formerly part of French West Africa, west coast of Africa. currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc 1862-71: French Colonies General issue as Assinie, 1892: No.1, 1 centime black on lilac-blue, 1904: stamps inscribed “Afrique Occidentale Francaise,” 1906: first postage due stamp issued, 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1931: “Cote d’Ivoire” overprint, 1940: first air mail stamp, 1945-59: stamps of French West Africa used, 1958, Dec. 4: became an autonomous republic, 1959, Mar. 26: proclamation of independence, 1959, Oct. 1: inscription “Republique de Cote d’Ivoire,” 1961, May 23: joined the UPU, 1974, Jan. 1: first official stamp issued. Many new issues supposedly issued by the republic’s post office are illegal as reported by the UPU.
Ivory Head: term for the 2-pence blue British stamps of 1847-1857where chemical action blued the paper under lightly inked portions. see: Blued, Blue safety paper.
Ivory paper: glazed white paper.
IWOG: auction catalog abbreviation for issued without gum.
IWY: United Nations inscription for International Women’s Year.
Ixtlahuaca: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Izbica: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Izmail: local overprint, Ukraine, 1993.
Izmir: formerly Smyrna, Turkey.
Izmir Enternasyonal Fuari: (Turk.) inscription for Izmir International Fair.
Izmir Himayei Etfal Cemiyeti: Turkey, tax stamps, 1933.
Ixnate: local post, Spanish Civil War Nationalist, 1937.



1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Hungary, such as H-1031 Budapest.
2: Acknowledgment of Receipt; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
3: Flat plate imperf. coil; Scott Catalogue suffix to identify stamps other than standard postage; also called “V.”
4: auction abbreviation for heavy (cancel).
5: auction abbreviation for hinged.
6: Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Netherlands and Curacao.
7: Hospital, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
8: German abbreviation for hell, pale, light color.
9: inscription, weather vane, US nondenominated stamp, valued 1¢, placed on sale Nov. 9, 1998.
10: inscription, flag hat, US nondenominated stamp, valued 33¢, placed on sale Nov. 9, 1998.

H.A.: 1: House of Assembly, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 2: overprint on stamps of Russia for Siberia.
Haag: (Den., Nor., Swed.) the Hague.
Habana: Havana, Cuba.
H & B Penny Post: Atlantic City, US, local mail service by Hackney & Bolte, 1886.
H & G: Higgins and Gage, worldwide postal stationery catalog.
H & K Packet: 1860 postmark for Holyhead and Kingstown Packet, for mail sorted on board.
Habilitado: (Sp.) 1: “Made good again” overprint confirming that a previous issue of the stamp has been re-authorized for current postal use. 2: overprint on stamps of Cuba for U.S. Administration, 1898-99.
Habilitado Aero, Aereo: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Mexico for air mail.
Habilitado Correos: (Sp.) overprint on Philippines, Revenue and Telegraph stamps, Spanish
Habilitado para el Servicio Publico: (Sp.) 1: overprint on stamps of Honduras officials, making them valid for regular usage, 1941. 2: overprint on air mail officials of Honduras, making them valid for regular air mail usage, 1941.
Habilitado para Franqueo: (Sp.) made valid for postage.
Habilitado por la Junta Revolucionaria: (Sp.) overprint used only in Llanes (Oviedo) under the provisional government of 1868.
Habilitado por la Nation (H.P.N.): (Sp.) “Validated for the Nation”overprint on stamps of Cuba, Porto Rico and Spain, Sept. 29, 1868, to mark a change of government, late 1860s to early 1870s.
Habilitado Servicio Oficial Aereo: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Mexico for air mail official.
Habsbrug, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1890s, for upper or middle Danube lines.
Hacienda: (Sp.) used on fiscal stamps to indicate The Treasury.
Hackett’s City Post: label, possibly by Hugh W. Becket.
Hackney & Bolte (H & B): U.S. local post, Atlantic City, N. J.,1886-87.
Hadhramaut: southern Arabia, now part of Yemen; 1886: under British protection, as part of the crown colony of Aden; included Qu’aiti State in Hadhramaut, Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla, the Mahra Sultanate of Qishn and Socotra, and the Kathiri State of Seiyun, 1891: mails passed through forwarding agents in Aden, 1937, April 22: Post office opened at Mukalla, dependent on Aden, 1937-42: stamps of Aden used, 1939: postal union for protected states made any stamps valid in any of the countries, 1942, July: first stamps issued, Qu’aiti State of Shihr and Mukalla, 1955: inscription on the Aden protective state of Qu’Aiti, 1955; became Hadramaut.
Hadi Segéli Özvegyeknek és árváknak két (2) fillér: (War subscription for the Widows and Orphans of Fallen Fighters) overprint on stamps of Hungary making it a semi-postal, 1914.
Hadifogoly Posta: (Hung.) prisoner-of-war mail.
Haditengerészeti Posta: (Hung.) marine fieldpost mail.
Hadlow-Tonbridge Area: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hadra: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
Hadtap Postahivatal: (Hung.) Hungarian Base Post Office.
Hæfte(r): (Dan.) unexploded booklet(s).
Hængsel: (Dan.) (stamp) hinge.
Hængselrest: (Dan.) hinge remnant.
Hængsel – Uden: (Dan.) without a (stamp) hinge.
Haerhpin: formerly Harbin, People’s Republic of China.
Hafnia: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Häfte: (Swed.) unexploded booklet.
Häftessamlingar: (Swed.) unexploded booklet collections.
Haga Patria: inscription on stamps of Mexico for postal tax.
Hagen:Hagen Local Post: see Drammen – I. B. Hagen Local Post.
Hagert, Md: Hagerstown, Md pre-adhesive postmark.
Hague, The: now known as Gravenhage, The Netherlands.
Hahamas: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Haiderabad: (Fr., Ger.) Hyderabad.
Haik’ou: People’s Republic of China, formerly Hoihow; see: China, Indo-China Post offices.
Hainan Island: island 15 miles off the southern coast of China, part of the South China Liberation Area, 1858: opened to foreign trade, 1939-45: occupied by Japan, 1950, April: came under Communist control.
Hair lines: fine colorless scratches found on the 4, 6, and 9 pence British stamps of 1862-64 to identify certain plates.
Hait Dahomey: postmark on stamps of Dahomey, 1899-1945.
Haiti: West Indies; western part of island of Santo Domingo (Hispaniola) currency: 100 centimes = 1 piaster (1906), 100 centimes = 1 gourde 1804: Republic of Haiti founded, 1808-09: public mail service started, 1844: Dominican Republic became independent, and Haiti separated, 1869-81: British stamps cancelled “C 59” at Jacmel and “E 53” at Port-au-Prince, 1870-81: French stamps cancelled “C 59” at Jacmel and “E 53” at Port-au-Prince, 1881, July 1: No.1, 1 centime vermilion, stamps first issued, 1881, July 1: joined the UPU, 1898, May: first postage due stamp, 1915, July 9 -July 15, 1934: occupied by US, Marine post offices used American stamps in Cap Haitien and Port-au-Prince, 1929: first air mail stamps, 1939, Oct. 3: first semipostal stamp.
Haïti: (Fr.) Haiti.
Haiti, Republique d’: inscription, used on stamps of Haiti, 1881-
H.A.K.: (H. A. Killikelley) initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guinea, 1850-51 issue.
Hakasia: bogus Russian local overprint, cinderella, 1997.
Halb: (Ger.) half.
Halbamtich: (Ger.) semi-official.
Halberstadt: Brief-Beforderung Courier, German local, 1896-1900.
Halbiert: (Ger.) bisect; stamp cut in half which has been used to pay the postage at half the face value of the original stamp; the bisect is collected on the original cover with the postmark or cancellation covering the cut.
Halbmond: (Ger.) crescent.
Hale & Co:. U.S. local post, New York, N.Y. 1844, earliest mechanical separation of stamp by die cut adhesive in the U.S., first use of precanceled stamps
Haleb: see: Aleppo, Syria.
Hale, Charles S.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps. Halfpenny tax: hand-struck marking; 1813-1839, mail from England to or from Scotland indicating that an extra 1/2d postage was chargeable as a levy paid to the Scottish Turnpike Trusts.
Halfpenny: St. Christopher overprint.
Halftone block: a printing surface for relief printing made by etching a zinc or copper plate through a halftone screen to light reflected from an original; ends with a grid of opaque lines crossing at right angles with the effect of being produced in dots.
Halifax Detective Agency: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Halifax Stamp Shop: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hall & Mills Despatch Post: 1: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1847. 2: S. Allan Taylor label.
Hall & Ruckel: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Halle a.d. Saale: German local, post WW I.
Halle/Salle: 1: Privatstadtbriefbeförderung Courier, German local, 1891-1900. 2: Stadtbrief-Beförderung Express, German local 1896-1900.
Hallettsville, Tex Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Hall, J.V.: postmaster, Demopolis, Ala., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional envelope.
Hall, Reuben P. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Halsingborg: 1. Swedish local, 1926-47. 2. (also Helsingborg) seaport in Malmöhus province in SW Sweden on the Øresund Strait opposite of Helsingør, Denmark, ca. 340 miles SSW of Stockholm. Several local posts established in the 1920s-1940s, to include Budcentralens Expresspost, Häsingborg Lokalposten, and Lokala Expressposte (q.v. individual Göteborg Local Post entries).
Hälsingborg – A. Bergqvist Lokala Expressposten: Local post established by A. Bergqvist, with individual 3 øre scarlet, dark red, and red, and 6 öre blue “Lokala Expressposten Hälsingborg” local stamps depicting the head of Mercury issued during 1937-1939, and additional stamps depicting a stylized Viking ship issued during 1946-1947.
Hälsingborg – A. Thene Budcentralens Expresspost: Local post established by A. Thene, with lithographed (Hälsingborg Lithographic Co,) 4 öre red-lilac “Budcentr. Expresspost – Hälsingborg” local Stamp depicting a merchant ship at dock issued 21 June1926. The company was re-named, with a lithographed 4 øre dark blue “Budcentralens Expresspost Hälsingborg” local stamp depicting Mercury running issued later in 1926.
Hälsingborg – E. S. Wester Local Post: Local post established by E. S. Wester, with lithographed (Sydsvenska Biljettryckeriet Landskrona Co.) 4 öre brown “Lokalposten / Hälsingborg” local stamp issued in 1929, an a modified design 4 öre deep purple issued in 1930. A second stamp series (Schmiths Boktryckeri Co., Hälsingborg) depicting a stylized Viking ship was issued in various colors with different 2 øre, 4 øre and 6 øre values during 1935-1947. From 1935-onwards, the service was managed by the office of the A. Bergqvist Lokala Expressposten (q.v.).
Halvány: (Hung.) pale, light (color).
Halványbarna: (Hung.) light brown (color).
Halványibola: (Hung.) pale violet (color).
Halványkék: (Hung.) pale blue (color).
Halványnarancs: (Hung.) pale orange (color).
Halványrózsa: (Hung.) pale rose (color).
Halványsárga: (Hung.) pale yellow (color).
Halverat: (Swed.) bisected.
Halveret: (Dan.) bisected.
Halvering: (Dan., Swed) bisect.
Halvert: (Nor.) bisect, bisected.
Halvfems: (Dan.) ninety (number).
Halvfjerds: (Dan.) seventy (number).
Halvtreds: (Dan.) fifty (number).
Ham (W.A.) & Co.’s Express: baggage firm serviced Boston & Maine Railroad; used labels, year unknown.
Hamburg: German State, located in northern Germany; currency: 16 schillings = 1 mark 1615: had postal service via Thurn and Taxis, 1651-1806: several foreign post offices in Hamburg, 1806: foreign post offices closed during French occupation, 1811: France annexed Hamburg, gave it department number 128, 1859, Jan.1: No.1, 1/2 schilling black, first stamps; Free City, 1867, Aug. 8: stamps of Hamburg used in Bergedorf, 1868, Jan.1: stamps of the North German Confederation, 1870: became part of the German Empire, 1871: stamps of the German Empire.
Hamburg: German locals: 1: Hamburg,1945-48. 2: Boten-Marken, 1861-64. 3: Brief & Circulair-Beförderung Cito; 1896-1900. 4: Brief & Packetbeförderung H. Maack; 1872-74. 5: Brief, Packet & Guter-Expedition Charles van Diemen,186?. 6: Briefbeförderung Express; 1895-1900. 7: Circulairbeförderung von M. Laschick, 1889-1890. 8: Hamburg-Altonaer-Packetfahrt von Grell & Co., 1896-1925. 9: Hamburger Orts-Paket-Postgesellschaft, 1908-17. 10: Hamburger Packetfahrt F.W. Neukirch, 1912-17. 11: Hammonia/Stadtbriefbeförderung, 1886-89. 12: Privat-Beförderung Hammonia (II) 1888-1900.
Hamburg/A: Hamburg – Amsterdam railway stamp, 1848.
Hamburg American Packet Compay: Hamburg American Packet Company: Hapag, West Indies local postal issues, 1875-81, four reprints1897, 1938, 1955 and 1975.
Hamburg, Free City of: on Elbe River in Northern Germany; 1806-1815: under French rule, became a member of the North German Confederation, later the German Empire.
Hamburg Packet: marking on steamer mail from Hamburg to the U.S. that passed through the Hamburg Exchange Office, per postal convention effective July 1, 1857.
Hamburgh, S.C. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Hamilton: Bermuda 1848-61.
Hamilton Bank Note Co.: a stamp engraving firm known for its connection with the Seebeck issues, 1890-98; see Seebeck.
Hamilton counterfeit: postal forgery of the US 2-cent 1894 Washington stamp offered at a discount by a Canadian firm who had bought them from a printer in Hamilton, Ontario without knowing their being counterfeit.
Hamilton Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hamisitvány(Hung.) forgery.
Hammarskjold invert: 1962 United Nations secretary U.S. stamp with the yellow color inverted, error reprinted by the USPS.
Hammerfest: City in Finnmark county, N Norway, located on Kvaløy Island ca. 740 miles NNE of Oslo. Local post established by W. B, Bogh (see Stenkjær), and facilitated by the local postmaster of the Norwegian post office, with first “Hammerdest / Bypost” local issue set-of-4 depicting the North Cape rock formation being issued on 3 Jul 1888, and with overpint surcharges on these stamps being issued in December 1888. The local post closed in June 1895.
Hammerfest Bypost: Norway local post, 1888-95.
Hammer price: auction term for 1: final bid acknowledged and accepted by the auctioneer as the winning high bid. 2: knockdown price.
Hammerstempel: (Ger.) hand cancel.
Hampton, T. A. City Despatch: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa.1847.
Hanau: displaced persons camp, 1947-48.
Hanau: Privat-Brief-Verkehr, German Local, 1893-1900.
Hancock, John postal card: United States non-denominated postal card, value 10¢, 1978
Hancock’s Express: local freight serviced Boston and North Bridgewater, Mass.; used a label, 1846?
Handback service: a canceled cover or other item returned directly to the postal customer instead of being processed through the mail.
Handbat: USPS term for circle-date stamper (CDS), named that because handle is shaped like a baseball bat.
Hand cancel: cancellation applied by hand to stamps or covers.
Hand chop: overprint in Japanese characters applied to the stamps of nations occupied by Japan during WW II.
Hand colored: a hand drawn or printed cachet to which hand coloring or painting has been applied.
Hand drawn cachet: a cachet applied by hand by any media such as pen, pencil, brush, etc.
Handelswert: (Ger.) net price.
Hand engraving: printing plates produced entirely by handwork.
H&G: Higgins & Gage, worldwide postal stationery catalog.
Handgravyr: (Swed.) hand engraving.
Hand gummed: gum manually applied with brush or roller, used until about 1880.
H. & K. Pkt.: Holyhead & Kingston Packet, Britain.
Händler: (Ger.) dealer.
Hand made cachet: an original, individually made cachet.
Hand made cover: folding a sheet of paper to act as an envelope.
Handoverprint Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society focuses on one set of stamps issued in 1948 in East Germany.
Hand painted: any stamp where coloring has been applied by hand; Russian Zemstvo in Tikhvin, 1878 had centers hand painted.
Handschriftlich: (Ger.) manuscript.
Handsiegel, handstempel: (Ger.) hand cancel.
Håndskrevet: (Nor.) manuscript (cancellation).
Handstamp: 1: a hand-held device for printing that is struck on an ink pad, and then applied to paper. 2: to print with that type of device. 3: name given to the impression or postmark imprinted. 3: postmarked or canceled by hand, usually by a rubber stamp, may also be a steel device.
Handstempel: (Dut., Ger.) handstamp.
Håndstempel: (Dan.) handstamp, manual cancellation device.
Handstempelüberdruck: (Ger.) (HOP) hand stamped overprint.
Handstruck: 1: term for postal marking indicating postage had been prepaid or was due. 2: stamps printed by striking the printing base by hand upon paper. 3: term used in England referring to hand stamps for town and/or rate mark.
Hanford’s Pony Express: inscription on local stamps for John Hanforth’s Williamsburgh Express, operating between New York City and Brooklyn, N.Y.
Hang-Khong: Vietnam, airmail.
Hangö-Hyv.Jernyag: (Fin.) inscription on stamps of Finland, Hangö-Hyvinge railway stamp.
Hankow (L.P.O.): China, treaty port local, 1893-97; now known as Wuhan.
Hanley’s City Express Post: S. Allan Taylor label.
Hannover: see: Hanover, German State.
Hannover: displaced persons camp local, 1949.
Hannover: 1: Hannoversche Verkehrsanstalt, German local, 1906. 2: Privat-Stadtbrief-Expedition Merkur, German local, 1886-1900. 3: German States, 1850-66.
Hanover: German State: located in northern Germany; 1814: became a kingdom, King of England was also King of Hanover, the Royal Great Britain Hanoverian Post Office was independent of any British involvement, 1850, Dec. 1: first stamps as a kingdom, 1866, Oct. 1: province of Prussia, Prussian stamps placed on sale, 1866, Oct. 31: Hanover stamps could no longer be used, 1868, Jan. 1: stamps of the North German Confederation.
Hansa Danziger Privat-Stadtpost und Verkehrs-Anstalt: local, Danzig, Germany, 1886-87.
Hansa Danziger Stadt-Brief Spedition: local, Danzig, Germany, 1890-97.
Hansa Spedition Strucken & Co.: local, Dusseldorf, Germany, 1898-1900.
Hanseatic League: operated municipal post in German cities about 12th century.
Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern: see Göteborg – H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern.
Hanukkah stamp: joint issue between the USPS and the Israeli Postal Administration featured the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights.
Hapag: “Hanburg-Amerikanische Paketfahrt-Aktien-Gesellschaft” The Hamburg American Line local stamp used to prepay charges on mail carried by their ships, 1870s.
Harare: Zimbabwe; formerly Salisbury.
Hardening: process of taking a soft die such asa transfer roller plate, and making it hard through a metallurgical process.
Hardy’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced between Boston and Lawrence, Mass.; used a label, 1868?
Hareskov Demonstration Flight: see Denmark – Hareskov Demonstration Flight, 1912..
Harkara: Indian States (Hindi) term for postal runner
Harlem Express: baggage firm that serviced New York City, used a label, year unknown.
Harling Group: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hármaslyukasztás: (Hung.) (stamp) with three holes.
Härmed ett pakete: (Swed.) phrase denoting “herewith a parcel” noted on letters and postcards attached packages in Sweden, see Adressbrev.
Harmer’s Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Harminc: (Hung.) thirty (number).
Harnden Express Co.: private mail and parcel firm serviced eastern states; used corner cards and labels; 1839-54.
Három: (Hung.) three (number).
Harper: Harper, seaport in Liberia, registration inscription “R” and names of postal center, 1893-1924.
Harper, G.W.F.: postmaster, Lenoir, N.C., issued Confederate provisional adhesive and envelope.
Härpil: (Swed.) carved wooden sticks with messages, carried by relays, stuck in posts for next man to pick up, 9th century.
Harris Auto Parcel Delivery: parcel delivery firm, area unknown, used labels; year unknown.
Harrisburgh, Tex Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.Harris, George S. City Despatch Post: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa. about 1847.
Harris (S.J.) Express: baggage firm serviced New York City, used a label; year unknown.
Harris’ Globe Delivery: parcel delivery serviced unknown area; issued a label; year unknown.
Harris index: research index of British Commonwealth books and journals; available from APRL; see: APRL.
Harrison and Sons: British stamp printers since 1911. known for the George V issues.
Harrison & Sons Ltd.: watermark seen on Maldive Islands.
Harrowgate and District: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Harrow perforation: method by which the entire sheet or pane of stamps was perforated at one time.
Harter, Dr.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Harter, Dr. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp. Hartford Mail Route: U.S. local post, Hartford, Conn. 1844.
Hartford Daily Mail: S. Allan Taylor label.
Hartford Manufacturing Co.: maker of early 20th century stamped envelopes.
Hartford Penny Post: U. S. local post handstamp, Hartford, Conn., 1852-61.
Hartford Steamboat Express: private baggage firm serviced New York City; used a label; year unknown.
Hârtie: (Rom.) paper.
Hartman Parcel Delivery Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Cincinnati, Ohio, area; used stamps; year unknown.
Hartman, S.B. (Dr.) & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hart, Samuel & Co.: U.S. private die playing card stamp.
Harvesters: name used for reaper designs of Hungary, 1916.
Harvey’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Gloucester, Mass., used a label, 1883.
Hashemite Kingdom: see: Jordan, 1949 to date.
Haskins’ Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Pigeon Cove and Rockport, Mass.; used labels, 1870s?
Hassel: (Den., Nor.) hazel (color).
Hasselnøttbrun: (Den., Nor.) hazelnut-brown (color).
Haste, post Haste: written on envelopes in American Colonial period and England.
Használatlan: (Hung.) unused, no gum.
Használatlan Falcos: (Hung.) mint, hinged, see ragasztönyommal.
Használt (also bélyegzett): (Hung.) used, canceled.
Hat: (Hung.) six (number).
Hatay: territory of northern Syria, on Mediterranean Sea; currency: 100 santims = 1 kurush, 40 paras = 1 kurish (1939) 1918: used stamps of Syria, 1938, April 16: first separate stamps, named Hatay, 1939: transferred to Turkey, first postage due stamps, included surcharge / overprint on stamps of Turkey “Hatay Devleti,” 1939: No. 1, 10 santims deep orange, Hatay formed; then annexed by Turkey from France; used stamps of Turkey; Turks renamed city Iskenderun; see Alexandretta.
Hatay-Devleti: overprint on stamps of Turkey for Hatay, 1939.
Hatayin Anavatana Kavuginasi: (Turk.) overprint for annexation of Hatay by Turkey.
Hat Cancel: obliteration, fancy cancel, 1865-70.
Hatch & Company’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced towns in Mass., used labels, year unknown.
Hatch, Gray & Co.’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and New Bedford, Mass., used labels, 1880s.
Hatching: close, fine lines for shading a stamp design.
Hatch’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Brant Rock and Marshfield, Mass.; used a label, 1886.
Hattyu, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1880s, for middle Danube lines.
Hatvan: (Hung.)sixty (number).
Hauptfeldpostamt: (Ger.) Austrian Head Field Post Office.
Haut: (Fr.) upper, top, high.
Haute: (Fr.) top.
Haute Silesie: Upper Silesia, 1920-22.
Haute Silesie Commission de Gouvernment: inscription for plebiscite of Upper Silesia.
Haute-Volta, Republique de: overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger for Burkino Faso, 1920-84.
Haute Volte: (Fr.) Upper Volta.
Haut-Oubangui: African local, 1888.
Haut Sénégal-Niger: inscription for Upper Senegal and Niger, 1914-17.
Hatvan: (Hung.) sixty (number).
HAVAS: L’Agence Hava (Fr.) first French meter firm to produce a commercial postage meter machine, 1924.
Hawaii: group of islands in the Pacific; 1819, Dec.: first letter from Hawaii recorded, written by Lucy G. Thurston, 1850: postal system created, 1851, Oct. 1: No.1, 2 cents blue, “missionary” stamps used, Kingdom, 1855: U.S. stamps supplied by San Francisco post office to Honolulu P.O., could be used alone or in conjunction with the stamps of Hawaii, 1870: U.S. and Hawaii signed a postal treaty with basic rate, 1893: Hawaiian stamps picturing royalty overprinted “Provisional Govt. 1893,” Kingdom ended, 1894: became a republic, 1896: first official stamp issued, 1898, Aug.12: formal transfer to the U.S., annexed by the U.S., 1899: provisional government ended, 1900, Apr. 30: became a territory, 1900, June 13: stamps no longer valid, 1900, June 14: admitted as a territory, began to use general stamps of USA, 1928: overprint on US stamps “Hawaii 1778-1928” marking the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the islands by Capt. James Cook, 1959, Aug. 21: became state, transferred to the United States; see Hawaiian Missionaries.
Hawaii: Pineapple Post, local, 1970s.
Hawaiian Is.: inscription used on stamps of Hawaii, 1853-68.
Hawaiian Missionaries: primitive early issues of Hawaii, 1851-52; name came from the fact that many were used by missionaries writing home, printed Oct. 1851 by Henry W. Whitney.
Hawaiian Postage: inscription on Missionary stamps of Hawaii, 1851-52.
Hawaiian remainders: Hawaiian postage stamps, postal cards, and stamped envelopes surcharged “Prov. Govt” destroyed March 28, 1896.
Hawaiian Steam Service: handstamp on mail from Hawaii carried by the California, Oregon and Mexico Steam Ship Co., COMSS, 1867.
Hawaii’s Post: an express mail delivery firm on the island of Oahu that requires stamps to prepay postage.
Hawaii, Republic of: inscription used on stamps of Hawaii, 1894.
Hawid: manufacturer of Hawid Mounts, Hans Widmaier.
Hawker: overprint on stamps of Newfoundland “First Trans-Atlantic Air Post” to carry mail by H. G. Hawker on his ill-fated flight attempt in April 1919.
Hayti: Haiti.
Hazeltine, E.T.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
HB: auction abbreviation for hardbound
H.B.: (Ger.) “Herzogtum Braunschweig,” Germany, pre-adhesive postmark.
H.B.A.: overprint on stamps of Russia for Siberia, 1921.
H-Blatt (Hbl.): (Ger.) booklet pane.
H.B. Sanitats Stempel: health sanitary pre-adhesive marking.
H C: auction abbreviation for hand cancel.
H C B P: Hamilton’s Continental Balloon Post; Hamilton’s Excursions, carried between 1870-75; between Marseilles and Paris, stamp printed on cover.
HCL: Herbert C. Leach, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Head cancellations: name given to fancy cancels, 1860-80.
Head-out: USPS term for the starting point of a mail run or trip.
Head plate: plate that prints the stamp’s central design; named for the monarch’s head..
Heads of wheat: name given to pictorial overprints on 1919 stamps of Hungary.
Health: inscription for semi-postal, New Zealand.
Health stamp: stamps issued with a charity premium to raise funds for children health camps.
Healthy India: India charity label.
Heath, Charles: engraver commissioned in 1840 to engrave the original die for Great Britain’s Penny Black.
Heaton stamps: the 50¢ stamp of the Columbian series and the 10¢ stamp of the Trans Mississippi series, named after paintings by A. G. Heaton.
Heat sensitive stamps: use of a thermochromic ink permits color to change when it is touched; first stamp using this process was the 27-pence British issue of March 13, 2001.
Heavy cancel: obliteration which spoils the appearance of the stamp by covering most its surface.
Hebe, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle Danube lines.
Hebraisk: (Nor.) Hebrew).
Hebré: (Swed.) Hebrew
Hebreer: (Nor.) Hebrew
Hebreisk: (Swed.) Hebrew
Hectograph: print made from a special ink held on a gelatine printing base which contains ink transferred from a drawing on special paper.
Hedjaz & Nedje, Hejaz & Nejd: Nejd (Saudi Arabia), 1929-33.
Heft: (Ger.) booklet (of stamps).
Heftchen: (Ger.) stamp booklet.
Heftchenblatt: (Ger.) booklet pane; uncut block of stamps especially printed and cut for use in a booklet.
Heftchenmarke: (Ger.) a stamp from a booklet.
Hefte: (Dan., Nor.) unexploded booklet
Héfto: (Hung.) Monday.
H.E.H. the Nizam’s Government: inscription for India, Feudatory State of Hyderabad, 1927-37.
Hehza: Egypt, 1879-1880; see Interpostal seals.
Heidelberg: German locals; 1: Privatbriefbeförderungsanstalt Merkur, 1886-87. 2: Privat-Brief-Verkehr (Arnold), 1886-1900.
Heidelberg-Neunheim: Brief & Packetverkehr, German local, 1887.
Heijtz: specialized catalogue for Falkland Islands, dependencies and British Antarctic Territory.
Heilbronn: Privat-Stadt-Brief-Verkehr, German local, 1896-1900.
Heilungkiang: see Kirin and Heilungchange.
Heimatphilatelie: (Ger.) hometown philately; collecting philatelic materials only from your hometown and its environs.
Heimbold’s: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Heimbold’s, A.L.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Heimreise Angetreten: (Ger.) return home has commenced, marking for German troops returning from China.
Hejaz-Nejd: see Saudi Arabia; c1865- Oct. 30, 1881: Egyptian post office operated at Jeddah, 1881: first stamps from Turkey, 1916, Aug. 20: became kingdom, first stamps issued, 1917: first postage due stamp, 1920, Aug. 10: Hejaz independence, 1923, Apr.: stamps of Hejaz overprinted, 1925, March 23: replaced stamps of Hejaz, 1926, Jan. 8: Nejd conquers Hejaz, 1926, Feb. 1926: became part of the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd, 1932, Sept. 22: name changed to Saudi Arabia.
Hela Peninsula: German local for military, 1945 inscribed “Deutsche durch Feldpost U-boot.”.
Helark: (Dan., Swed) sheet (of stamps).
Hela Verden: (Dan.) all world.
Hela Världen-Samlinger: (Swed.) worldwide collections.
Helder: (Dut.) Bright color.
Held for Postage: marking on early 1900 postcards with a divided line sent from overseas to the US. assessed for additional postage.
Helena, Tex, 5 Postage: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Helera: currency unit in Montenegro.
Helft den Ärmsten der Armen Spendet der Mainzer Winterhilfe: (Ger.) “Help the poorest of the poor, Donate to the Mainz Winter relief,” Germany machine cancel, 1933.
Helicopter mail: first flight with mail took place in July 1946 in Los Angeles, CA. operated by the Air Transport Command and Air Rescue Service.
Heligoland: island in the North Sea, near the northern coast of Germany; currency: 16 schillings = 1 mark, 100 pfennig = 1 mark = 1 schilling 1807: captured by Britain from Denmark, 1814-90: under British control, mails carried by steam vessels from Cuxhaven, 1859-June: stamps of the free city of Hamburg used, 1867, April 15: No. 1, 1/2 schilling blue-green and rose, stamps of Heligoland issued, 1868: joined the North German Confederation, 1879, July 1: joined the UPU, 1890, Aug. 9: ceded to Germany, became part of Schleswig-Holstein Province, stamps of German Empire used, 1945-52: British occupation, 1952: returned to Germany, stamps of Germany used.
Heligoland 8th June 1946: inscription; same scene for Aden, Gozo, Hong Kong, Malayan Union, Northern Ireland, Sarawak, Scotland, Singapore, Zanzibar; unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001.
Heliograbado: (Sp.) an early type of photogravure printing of postage stamps.
Heliogravør(Dan.) heliogravure printing, see Tryk – Heliogravør.
Héliogravure (Helio): (Fr.) an early type of photogravure printing of postage stamps.
Helipot Corp.: division of Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, Calif., 1950s fantasy issue using firm’s products as subjects.
Hell: (Ger.) pale, light, thin (spot).
Hellas: Greece, 1966 to date.
Hellblau: (Ger.) light blue (color).
Heller: currency unit in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Carinthia, German East Africa, Liechtenstein.
Hellin: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Hellouan: Egypt, 1879-1884; see Interpostal seals.
Helmstedt: Displaced camp local post, 1945.
Helpost: (Nor.) postal stationery.
Helsag: (Dan.) postal stationery.
Helsagbrevkort: (Dan.) postal card postal stationery.
Helsak: (Swed.) postal stationery.
Helsakssamlingar: (Swed.) postal stationery collections.
Helsingfors A.A.: Finland local post, 1866-91; now known as Helsinki.
Helsinki: capital of Finland; first Finnish stamp, 1917, is known as the Helsinki issue.
Helvetia: (Ger.) Switzerland; Latin name used since nation has four official languages.
Helyi Kiadások: (Hung.) local issues.
Helyi Kidás: (Hung.) local issue.
Helyi levél, Hl: (Hun.) local letter overprint on hyper inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment.
Helyi lev.-lap, Hlp: (Hun.) local postcard overprint on hyper inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment.
Henderson Island, Dependency of: bogus overprint of Pitcairn Island.
Henkelspur: (Ger.) hinge mark on gum.
Henning & Bonhack: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Henry, John F.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Henry’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced upstate New York, used a label, year unknown.
Henry, W. E. & Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Heraklion: Crete; British Post Offices, 1898-99; also known as Iraklion, Candia..
Herald & Weekly Times: local, Australia,1920.
Herausgeben: (Ger.) to issue (stamps, etc.).
Herbertshohe: now known as Rabaul, Papua New Guinea.
Herceg Bosnia: Lipa and Kuna inscription on early Bosnia and Herzegovina (Croatian Administration), 1993.
Herceg Bosnia: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, as per Sept. 7, 1998 letter by Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UPU, not valid for postage; see Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croat Administration in Mostar.
Hercegovina: (Czech.) Herzegovina.
Hercock Simpson Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Herefordshire, etc.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Herisau: Switzerland, local airmail, 1913.
Herm Island: island off the coast of Guernsey with local labels using its name; 1938: closed as a Guernsey sub-office,
1945: owner issued series of carriage labels for payment on letters carried from the island to Guernsey, 1949: pigeon post operated, 1949: Guernsey became postally independent, and sub-post office opened on island.
Hermes Head: Greek stamps, first issued in 1861, featuring Hermes, the messenger of the Greek gods; there are small Hermes and large Hermes portraits.
Hermosillo: (Sp.) district in Mexico applied as an overprint on revenue stamps as authentication.
Herrera Line: Cuban packet company carried closed British mails, 1860s.
Herrick’s Pills: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Herrick’s Pills & Plasters: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Herringbone cancellation: a cut, sometimes inked, in the repeating pattern of a herringbone that ties the stamp to the document to prevent illegal reuse of the stamp.
Herrmann, Dr. Emanuel: (1839-1902) credited with making a suggestion in 1869 that became known as the postal card.
Herrnhut: German Democratic Republic local post, 1945.
Hertugdømme: (Nor.) duchy.
Herzegoliche Pose Fremarke: German States-Holstein.
Herzogth Holstein: German States, Schleswig-Holstein, 1856-66
Herzogth Schleswig: German States, Schleswig-Holstein, 1864-65.
Hesperio, Estado: bogus, State of Hesperio.
Hess’sche Stadt-Brief-Beforderung: local, Darmstadt, Germany, 1895-96.
Heston: island off the coast of Scotland with local labels using its name.
Hét: (Hung.) seven (number).
Hetherington, J. E.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hetven: (Hung.) seventy (number).
Heychelles: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern: see Göteborg – H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern.
H H: auction term for “Heavily Hinged.”
H.H. Nawab Shah Jahanbegam: inscription, on Feudatory State of Bhopal. India, 1876-1901, name and title of native ruler.
H H R: auction term for heavily hinged with hinge remnant(s) affixed.
H.H.W. & Co. (H.H. Warner & Co.): U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp
HI: USPS abbreviation for Hawaii, 1875-91.
H.I. & U.S. Postage: inscription on 13-cent stamp of Hawaii, 1851.
Hi-bright paper: paper that is impregnated with brighteners, that glow under longwave ultraviolet light.
Hi-Brite: term used for papers that contain optical fluorescent material that causes the stamp to glow under longwave ultraviolet light.
Hibernia: (Latin) Ireland.
Hidalgos: early issues of Mexico featuring portrait of Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, first leader of Mexican independence movement.
Hidden dates: the date of stamp manufacture hidden in the stamp design. Used in Canadian stamps since 1935.
Hidden imagery: name given to encoded imagery used on U. S. stamps; see Decoder, Encoded Designs; Stamp decoder.
Hidden reserve: auction term for 1: non-stated minimum price the seller of the lot will accept, bids received below this figure will be ignored. 2: non-stated reserve.
Hierspiel’s Express Co.: parcel firm serviced Jersey City, Lafayette, N. J., and New York City; used a label, year unknown.
Higgins & Gage: catalog of global postal stationery.
High-etch offset: offset printing from letterpress or typography, used for centers of the U.S. 1943-44 flag stamps.
Highland Railway: Scotland local post.
Highly reactive: enclosure made with a vinyl compound will interact with the other material it contacts; this interaction will, over time, permanently damage material; from: Preservation and Storage Library of Victoria.
Highway Contract Route: (HCR) USPS term for postal contractor route to carry mail by highway between designated points.
Highway Post Office (HPO): motor vehicles used for collection, sorting and distribution of
mail operated by U.S. Post office between Washington, DC and Harrisburg, Va in 1941.
Hiiumaa: bogus issue, not valid for postage.
Hilbre: bogus, located in River Dee, British island local, 1961.
Hildasay: tiny island in the Shetlands.
Hildegarde, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle or upper Danube lines.
Hildreth’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Brooklyn and New York City, N.Y.; used a label, year unknown.
Hilera: (Sp.) row of stamps.
Hill & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel serviced Boston and Manchester, Mass.; used a corner card and labels; 1860s.
Hill, Clayton Courier: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hill, Pearson: father of the cancelling machine produced in 1857; operated by steam or foot treadle to automatically apply a duplex cancellation.
Hillsboro, N.C.: see: Confederate States of America, 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Hillsboro, N. C. Paid: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Hill, Sir Rowland: the man who instituted the penny postage system in England, 1840, and is considered the “Father of the Postage Stamp.”
Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms: written by Thomas E. Hill in 1873 to help teach students to properly address, frank and post a letter.
Hill’s Post: Oliver B. Hill, U.S. local post, Boston, Mass.,1849.
Hilo de seda: (Sp.) silk thread.
Hilos de trapo: (Sp.) cloth or rag threads found in poor quality granite paper used by the Spanish Republican government for its numeral issue of 1938-39.
Hil’s Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hilton & Sons’ Express: freight firm serviced Boston and Lynn, Mass., used a label, year unknown.
Hilton’s Express: railroad parcel firm serviced between Boston and Lynn, Mass.; used a label, 1858.
Himare: formerly Chimarra, Khimara, Chimara, Albania.
Himera: see: Chimarra.
Himmelblå: (Dan., Nor.) sky blue (color).
Himmelblau: (Ger.) blue.
Himriyya: stamps for a village in the Trucial State of Sharjah, 1965, repudiated by the government.
Hinckley & Co’s. Express, Denver City: handstamp for independent mail route.
Hinckley and District: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hinge: small piece of gummed glassine or parchment paper used by collectors for mounting stamps on album pages.
Hinged: an unused postage stamp to which a hinge or stamp mount has been applied; described as “lightly hinged” or “heavily hinged” depending on degree of gum disturbance.
Hinkley’s Express Co.: Abraham M. Hinkley, U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1855.
Hintergrund: (Ger.) background.
Hinton: tourist mail, local post of Canada, 1978-81.
H.I. Postage: inscription on stamps of Hawaii Islands.
Hirlap Belyeg: inscription on stamps of Hungary as a newspaper tax, 1900-22.
Hirlapjegy: inscription on stamps of Hungary for newspaper stamps, 1900-22.
Hiscox & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
His Majesty’s Jubilee, 1910-1935: overprint on stamps of New Guinea, June 27, 1935.
Historical cover: postmarked and cacheted for a historical event, e.g., the inauguration of a president.
Hit: informal USPS term to postmark mail with a hand-stamped cancellation.
Hitler Skull: parody, designed by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, of the basic letter rate German 12p Hitler Head definitive.
Hivastlos: inscription on stamps of Norway and Hungary for official use.
Hjalp Oss Att Hjalpa!: (Swed.) Red Cross cinderella.
H.J.J. Godsfrimaerke: Danish railway parcel stamp.
Hjørne: (Dan.) corner.
Hjørnefold: (Dan.) corner crease.
Hjørne: (Dan., Nor.) corner.
Hjornetakk: (Nor.) corner perforation.
H.J.Z.: overprint on stamps of Palestine for use on the Hedjaz Railway, 1919.
HK: Honk Kong; country code as used by UPU.
$HK: dollar, currency used in Hong Kong.
HKJ: international postal code for Jordan.
HLC: Harvey L. Cote, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Hlp: Magyar, Helyi lev lap local postcard, overprint on stamps of Hungary, 1946.
Hlubotisk: (Czech.) photo engraving.
HMA Ship: His Majesty’s Australian Ship, Australia hand stamp.
HMC: Harold M. Clarvoe, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
HM / OW: Her Majesty’s Office of Works / Official.
H.M.S: Her/His Majesty’s Ship, also used as a pre-adhesive postmark.
H.M.S. Graham: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
HMW: 1: Herbert M. Williams 2: Harry W. Wolstenholme, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
HN: Honduras (Rep.); country code as used by the UPU.
Hnedá: (Czech.) brown (color).
Hnedy: (Czech.) brown (color).
Hnedavy: (Czech.) brownish (color).
Hnedocerná: (Czech.) brown-black (color).
Hnedocervená: (Czech.) brown-red (color).
Hnedofialová: (Czech.) brown-violet, brownish-purple (color).
Hnedokarminínová: (Czech.) brown-carmine (color).
Hnedoranzová: (Czech.) brown-orange (color).
Hnedosedá: (Czech.) brown-grey (color).
Hngr: USPS abbreviation in address for hanger.
Hobe & Bro.: Special Delivery firm serviced New York City; used a label, year unknown.
Hoby: Montenegro, 1874-96.
Hochdruck: (Ger.) engraving, leaving a raised impression.
Ho Chi Minh City: formerly Saigon, Vietnam.
Hochwasser 1920: (Ger.) (high water), overprint on stamps of Austria for semi-postal use, 1920.
Hockaday & Co.: transported mail from St. Joseph, Mo. to Salt Lake City, 1858.
Hodgman & Co’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass, to Bangor, Maine; used a label, 1849.
Hod (N.) Company: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hogar-Escuela de correos: (Sp.) Orphanage School of the Postal Authorities; on semi-postal.
Hogar Telegrafico: (Sp.) Orphanage School of the Telegraph Service; on semi-postal.
Högröd: (Swed.) “high red” (color), seeDjupt klarröd.
Högtryck: (Swed.) typography.
Hohensalza: Rote Radler, German local post, pre 1900.
Hohenstein-Ernstthal: Express-Packet-Verkehr; German local post, 1891.
Hohenzollern: Imperial Germany rulers, name of Yacht of Kaiser Wilhelm on stamps of German colonies, 1900, known as “Yacht” or “ship” issues.
Hohe-Rinne: Inscription found on local tourist stamps issued by the Kurhaus (Eng., Spa Hotel) built in 1894, and located at Hohe Rinne on the Meeresspiegel River on the Siebenburgen (Hung. Erdély, Rom. Transilvania) plateau. The territory orginally was in Hungary, but was ceded to Romania after WWI. The hotel proprietor issued various local stamps during 1895-1924 for prepayment of mail carried from the hotel to and from the post office at Keresztenysziget (Ger. Grossau), and later to and from the post office at Nagy Szeban (Ger. Hermannstadt).
Hoi Hao: Chinese treaty port, overprint on stamps of Indo-China for French Offices in Hoi Hai, China, 1902-22. Hoihow: (Chungking) 1902, Feb. 7-Dec. 31, 1922, overprint Tchongking; now known as
Hoihow: 1900, May 15- Dec. 31, 1922., first issue 1901 overprinted Hoi Hau, see: China, Indo-China Post offices.
Hoi Hau: China overprint on stamps of Indo-China, French Offices in China, 1901-22.
Hoja: (Sp.) sheet (of stamps).
Hoja a elegir: (Sp.) approval sheets or booklets.
Hoja bloque: (Sp.) sheet of a stamp or stamps, surrounded with a paper margin issued for a specific event or purpose; souvenir sheet.
Hojas de albumes: (Sp.) album pages.
Hoja de licitación: (Fr.) bid sheet.
Hoja de Muestra: (Sp.) specimen sheet with one stamp of each new issue affixed sent to all postmasters to acquaint them with the new issues.
Hoja de oferta: (Sp.) bid sheet.
Hoja entera: (Sp.) complete sheet (of stamps).
Hoja recuerdo: (Sp.) souvenir sheet.
Hojita: (Sp.) small sheet (of stamps) local semi-postal issues printed during the Civil War.
Højre: (Dan.) right (side).
Holanda: (Sp. Port.) Holland, the Netherlands.
Holandské Antily: (Czech.) Netherlands Antilles, Dutch Antilles.
Holandsko: (Czech.) Dutch.
Holandsky: (Czech.) Holland (the Netherlands).
Holbaek: Seaport in Vestsjælland county, Denmark, ca. 33 miles W of Copenhagen. Local post established pre-1880 by Holbaek Steamship Company with “Dampbaaden Holbæk” local stamps used both for postal packets and parcels issued the same year (possibly earlier).
Holbaek Steamship Co.: local, Denmark, 1880.
Hold-to-light card: postcard that creates a different image if held to the light.
Hole in stamp: may indicate a form of cancellation, or used on telegrams, or for official correspondence, etc.
Holkar: inscription Indore State, 1886-1904, India; 1904: first postage due stamp, now known as Indore, see: Indore.
Holland: see Netherlands.
Hollandais: (Fr.) Dutch.
Hollandale, Tex. 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals. Hollandia: now known as Jayapura, Indonesia.
Hollandia: (Hung.) Holland.
Holland India: (Hung.) the Dutch Indies.
Holland’s Express: baggage firm serviced New York City; used a label, year unknown.
“Hollandshjalp”: “Help for Holland” overprint on stamps of Iceland semi-postal for flood victims, 1953.
Hollandsk: (Dan.) see Dutch
Hollandske Antiller: (Dan.) Netherlands Antilles, see Nederlandske Antiller.
Hollandsk Indien: (Dan.) Dutch (East) Indies, see Nederlandsk Indies.
Hollandsk Ny Guinea: (Dan.) Dutch New Guinea, see Nederlandsk Ny Guinea.
Hollandul: (Hung.) Dutch.
Hollows: irregularities in stamp paper that caused plate “hollows” which, in turn, caused white spots after printing.
Holloway’s Pills and Ointment: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Holman Liver Pad Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Holmestrand: Seaport city in Vestfold county in SW Norway ca. 30 miles SW of Oslo. Local Post established by M. Borrese, with first “Bypost / Holmestrand / Bypost” handstamped on horizonatally laid black on pale green (3 øre) or gold on cream (5 øre) papers local stamps issued 1 June 1888, with further local stamps issued through 1 December 1888.
Holmestrand Bypost: Norway local post, 1888.
Hologram: added to stamp to give illustration an added dimension.
Hologram Omitted: holograms are affiixed with an adehesive, which can be removed with a solvent; the absence of a hologram may not an error.
Holograph: a letter entirely in the handwriting of the person whose signature is on the document. Holstein: former duchy, south of Denmark; pre-1864: under Danish crown, 1864, March: occupied by Prussia and Austria, issued stamps, 1866: Prussia took over, defeating Austria, German States Schleswig-Holstein, 1868: North German Confederation.
Holsteinsborg: formerly Sisimiut, Greenland.
Holte: a small railroad center located in the area of Holte, Denmark. Local post established by a Mr. Jessen under lease from the government on 1 July 1866, being transferred to a Lt. Baumann in June 1869, with a first “Holte / Landpost” 2-Skilling red-brown local stamp being issued 2 March 1870, and with a second similar-design 2-skilling green local stamp being issued 15 September 1872 The Holte local post was the first Danish local post to issue stamps, The post delivered the mails from the railroad station to the surrounding villages, and used the regular government-issued “206” numerical obliterator to cancel the stamps. The service was taken over by the Danish Post Office on 25 May 1873.
Holte Land Post: Denmark local post, 1870-72.
Holub: (Czech.) carrier pigeon.
Holubice: (Czech.) carrier pigeons.
Holyhead and Kingstown Packet (H & K Packet): sorted mail on board ship, first trip, Oct. 1, 1860.
Holzhausen: German local post, 1945-48.
Holzstempel: (Ger.) wooden hand stamp.
Homan’s Empire Express: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1852.
Homan’s Express: local parcel serviced Bangor and Bucksport, Maine; used labels, 1883.
Home Bitters Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Homeland state: term used for South Africa territorial areas prior to their being granted autonomous authority.
Homenaje: (Sp.) homage.
Honah Lee: Puff the Magic Dragons kingdom.
Honan: province in east-central China; 1940s: regional overprints used, 1949: stamps issued for People’s Post, Central China see scott 6L63-87.
Honan: Japanese occupation, 1941-45, also known as Che-Nan. China 3N.
Honda: Colombia provisional overprint, Tolima, 1896; known as the Honda issue.
Hondon de las Nievas: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Honduras: former Spanish colony in Central America; between Guatemala and Nicaragua; official name of postal administration: Honducor currency: 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centavos = 1 peso (1878), 100 centavos = 1 lempira (1933) 1865, Dec.: first stamps issued “Correos de Honduras” before postal service organized, 1877, April-78: 2 reales stamps surcharged “Media Real” and re-issued 1878: new series of stamps issued inscribed “Republica de Honduras,” 1879, April 1: joined the UPU, 1890: first official stamp, 1912: U.S. Marines land, 1925: first airmail stamp, 2000, April 7: first semipostal stamp, see British Honduras.
Honduras Britannique: (Fr.) British Honduras.
Hong Kong: British Crown Colony, a peninsula in southeast China; official name of postal administration: Hong Kong Post Office currency: 100 cents = 1 Hong Kong dollar 1841, Jan. 26: made a British colony, local handstamps used, 1860, May 1: service passed from London P.O. to the colony, 1862, Dec. 8: No.1, 2 cents pale brown, first stamp issued, but use not compulsory, 1864, Oct. 15: use made compulsory, 1905: stamps of Hong Kong overprinted “China” for British Offices in China, 1914, Mar. 1: joined the UPU included with China, People’s Republic 1923, Dec.: first postage due stamp issued. 1945, April: surcharged stamps of Japan for occupation, 1945, Aug. 14: Japanese occupation ended. 1988, Nov. 30: first semipostal issued. 1997, July 1: reverted to Chinese rule, Special Administrative Region, stamps inscribed, “Hong Kong, China.”
Hong Kong: The Hen House Kowloon inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Hongrie: (Fr.) Hungary.
Honiton Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Honolulu Advertiser: collection of Hawaii items auctioned by the Robert A. Siegel firm on Nov. 7-11, 1995.
Honour’s City Express: 1849-58, Charleston, S.C.; see: Carriers” Stamps.
Honour envelope: British manila envelope with a large cross and inscription in green meaning that the writer on active service , certified that on their honour that the contents did not discuss military matters.
Honvéd: (Hun.) Defender of the Country, i.e., soldier.
Hooded datestamp: circular datestamp with a concentric oval around the top in the shape of a hood with a description such as “registered.”
Hooper’s Emergency: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
HOP: see Handoverprint Study Group.
Hop Bitters Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hopedale Penny Post: U.S. local post, Milford, Mass., 1849.
Hopeh-Shantung-Honan Border Area: northeast China; 1940s: regional overprints issued, 1946: stamps issued for the North China Liberation area.
Hopei: Japanese occupation, 1941-45. China 4N
Hope Express Co.: private mail and parcel serviced New Jersey and eastern Pa.; used corner cards and labels; year unknown.
Hopflug: overprint on Iceland’s stamps to commemorate Italian Marshall Balbo’s 1933 flight. Hopflug Itala: overprint on stamps of Iceland, Balbo airmail flight, 1933.
Hop Isles: 1924 European cinderella used on private postcards that did not go through the mail.
Hop-po: South Chinese local post in Kwangtung, 1949.
Horario: (Sp.) time-table (of mail departures).
Horisontal: (Swed.) horizontal, see Vågrätt.
Horizontal bars: USPS term for the uniform, wide bars parallel to the length of the mailpiece, printed immediately below the no postage necessary endorsement.
Horizontal coil: stamps that are perforated vertically and arranged in rolls.
Horizontal comb perforation: perforation where the lines appear horizontally and the legs vertically.
Horizontal gum: appearance of a pattern visible in the adhesive.
Hörntand: (Swed.) corner perforation.
Hörn: (Swed.) corner.
Hornchurch Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Horní: (Czech.) up (side).
Hörntand: (Swed.) corner perforation.
Hors d’usage: (Fr.) obsolete.
Horsens Bypost: Denmark local post, 1883-89.
Horsens – Horsens Local Post: Seaport in Vejle county, E Jutland, Denmark, ca. 110 miles WNW of Copenhagen. Local post established by a Mr. Bagger in 1883, with a first “Horsens Bypost / Brevmærke” local stamp being issued on 3 October, and with a second “Express / Express” handstamp on gummed paper local stamp being issued later in the year. The local post was disontinued in May 1884 through insolvency.
Horsens – Melgaard Local Post: The Horsens local post (q.v.) was reopened as the “Horsens Telefon og Bypost” by S. Melgaard on 16 September 1886 using the original company’s remaining stamp stock, and overprinting nmerous varieties of same (when purchased, the original stock was stuck together, and was separated by soaking, so that the 1886 surcharged issues are always without gum). Other Melgaard-specific local stamps depicting a horse in front of a tree and inscribed “Horsens Telefon og Bypodst” were issued in April and August 1889. The local post ceased operations on 29 May 1890.
Horseshoe Route: British commercial air mail route flown to various destinations in a large arc, which gave the route its name, 1940.
Horta: Portuguese district in the Azores; 1892: stamps issued inscribed “Horta,” 1905: replaced by stamps of Portugal.
Horten: Seaport in Vestfold county, SE Norway, on W side of Oslo Fjord ca. 24 miles SSW of Oslo. Local post established by L. K. Hiorth, with 5 øre “Hortens / Bypost” lithographed dark blue local stamps depicting an anchor issued 1 July 1882, with additional redrawn issues of the same design issued through 1885. Hiorth employed Norwegian government mail boxes, with his mails being delivered by government mail carriers. The government objected to the use of government mail boxes, and the local post was forced to close effective 31 December 1888.
Hortens: Norway, local bypost, 1882-85.
Horvát: (Hung.) Croatian.
Horvátország: (Hung.) Croatia.
Hospitalet de Llobregat: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Hostetter & Smith: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hot case: USPS term for case used for last minute sorting of mail.
Hotchkiss, J. G. Match CO.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Hotelpost: (Nor.) hotel mail.
Hotel Posts: issued by hotels in remote areas to carry guest’s mail to the nearest post office, started since the Swiss post office did not provide pick up or delivery service in the late 1800s.
Hot stamp: USPS term for stamp ink that contains a substance that becomes luminescent when passed through a facer-canceler.
Houghton & Co’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Hudson, Mass.; used a label, year unknown.
Hounslow Local post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Householder: printed matter address and words “postage paid” with or without place of delivery.
Houston: NASA local post, 1970.
Houston, Txs. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Hovedpart: (Nor.) the main part, mainly.
Hovedsag: (Dan.) mainly.
Hovedsakelig: (Nor.) mainly.
Hovercraft mail: first mail carried by hovercraft took place on July 20, 1962 between N. Wales and Merseyside.
Hovercraft Mail: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Howard & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel delivery serviced eastern Pensylvania; used corner cards and labels; 1855-68.
Howard & Jones London: papermaker’s watermark
Howard, B & H.D.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Howe, S. D.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Howell’s Letter Express: U.S. local post, Rochester, N. Y., about 1840s.
Hoyle’s Local Mail: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Høyre: (Nor.) right (side).
Hoyt, E.W. & Co.: U.S. private die perfumery proprietary stamp.
Hoyt’s Letter Express: U.S. local post, Rochester, N. Y., 1844.
H.P.: 1: (Followed by Cyrillic letters) Bulgaria. 2: Hamburg, Germany, pre-adhesive postmark.
3: “Hagagan Post” (Armenia Post) Armenia. 4: inscription on Austrian stamp for use in Western Ukraine during WW I period.
H P O: Highway Post Office cancel used on portable mail handling equipment usually located on buses.
H.P.N.: (Sp.) “Habilitado por la Nación” Validated for the Nation; overprint on provisional (Teruel) issues of Spain in 1868.
Hr: Hryvnia; currency of Ukraine.
HR: 1: hinge remnant. 2: Croatia; country code as used by UPU.
H.R.: Helvetische Republik (Swiss) Swiss Republic.
Hrad: (Czech.) castle.
Hradcany: (Czech.) refers to the Czechoslovakia 1918-1920 definitive series depicting the “Hradcany” castle in Prague.
Hranice: (Czech.) border, boundary, frontier.
H rate US Stamp: United States non-denominated make-up rate, value 1¢, 1999.
Hreben: (Czech.) refers to comb perforation.
Hrebenové Zoubkování: (Czech.) comb perforation.
H.R.R.: Housatonic Rail Road handstamp, 1847.
H.R.S.: Hudson River Steamer, pre-adhesive postmark.
Hrvatska: 1: inscription on stamps of the Republic of Croatia. 2: inscription on Croatian patriotic labels issued in Austria-Hungary, 1900-1914.
Hrvatska: lipa and kuna inscriptions on stamps of National government issues, Croat Administration. Croatia, Jugoslavia.
Hrvatska, Republika: Croatia 1992- .
Hrvatska SHS: (Hung.) overprint for “Serbs, Croats, Slovenes”, 1929 when renamed Yugoslavia.
Hrzgl Post F.R.M. (Frmrk): German States, Schleswig Holstein, 1864.
H/S, Hndstmp: auction abbreviation for hand stamp.
Hsai-Men: China; see: Amoy.
HSB: Herman S. Batch, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
HT. Senegal & Niger: 1: Upper Senegal and Niger, 1906-14. 2: Haiti; country code as used by the UPU.
HU: Honduras (Republic); country code as used by the UPU.
Huacho: seaport on coast of Peru; 1884: provisional stamp issued due to stamp shortage caused by occupation of Lima and Callao by Chile during 1879-84 war. Hub: the circular portion of a postmark that indicates place, date, Zip code, etc.
Huck-Cottrell Press: single-color intaglio press, forerunner of Cottrell presses, operational in 1969, used to print coil stamps using curved plates.
Huck Multicolor Press: a nine-color, webfed, intaglio press used by the BEP from 1968-76.
Hudson Riv. Mail N.Y.: in a dated circular date stamp, with separate rate marking, route agent’s stamp, used on mail carried by contract steamboats via the Hudson river, New York-Troy route, 1840s-1851.
Hudson Street Post Office: U.S. local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1850.
Huecograbado: (Sp.) photogravure, intaglio.
Huejutla: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Huella de charnela: (Sp.) hinge mark.
Huelva: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Huerfanos de correos: (Sp.) Orphans of the Post; charity seals.
Huerfanos de telegrafos: (Sp.) Orphans of Employees of the Telegraph Service; found on semi-postal issues.
Huesca: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Huetor Tajar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Huevar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist and Republican, 1937.
Huger, Alfred: postmaster, Chapel Hill, N.C. issued Confederate postmaster’s provisional adhesive and envelope.
Huile Lourde: heavy oils, petroleum distillates; French Colony revenue inscription
Huile Nocives: noxious oils; French Colony revenue inscription.
Hull & Barnsley Company: British local post.
Hull, C. E. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hull Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hultschiner-Landchen: 1920s: mourning label for territory annexed by Czechoslovakia in 1919 issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig.
Humanity, Kingdom of: bogus South China Seas, located between Philippines and Indonesia, 1955.
Human Rights: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1958, 1963, 1968.
Humboldt Express: U.S. local post, Nevada, 1863, branch of Langton’s Pioneer Express.
Humilladero: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Hunan: province in south-central China; 1940s: regional overprints issued 1949: stamps issued for Central Chinese Liberation Area.
Hunan-Kiangsi Border Province: (Chinese Red Post),1929-30.
Hunan-West Hupeh: (Chinese Red Post), 1930.
Hund: (Ger.) dog (thematic).
Hundertiahrfeier: (Ger.) centenary.
Hundi: (Ind.) in India, stamp affixed to a commercial paper for payment of money to the bearer.
Hundre: (Nor.) one-hundred (number).
Hundrede: (Dan.) one-hundred (number).
Hundredeogti: (Dan.) one-hundred-ten (number).
Hungarian-American Messenger Service: bogus, 1919.
Hungary: Bistra, hotel, local post,1909-1912.
Hungary: central Europe; between Romania and Austria; Official name of postal administration: Hungarian Post Office Limited Currency: 100 kreuzer = 1 forint, 100 filer = 1 koruna (1900), 100 filer = 1 pengo (1926), 100 filler =1 forint (1946) 1850, June 1: used stamps of Austria, 1867, May 1: independent postal administration created, 1867, June 1: dual stamps issued for Hungary and Austria, Austrian-Hungarian Empire, 1868, April 1: Hungarian postal service took control of Croatia posts and Slovenia Prekomurje posts, 1868, June 20: first stamps for Hungary, 1871, May 1: No.1, 2 kreuzer orange, first stamps of the Monarchy in arrangement with Austria, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1900, Jan. 25: joined UPU as Hungary, 1903: first postage due stamp, 1913, Nov. 20: first semipostal stamp, 1918, July 4: first air mail stamp, 1918, Nov. 16: People’s Republic formed, 1918, Nov. 23: overprinted stamps issued, 1919. May: overprinted occupation stamps of Hungary for Arad region, Debrecen, Temesvar, Transylvania, 1919, June 14: stamps issued for regime of Bela Kun, Serbian occupation (Baranya, Temesvar, Banat), 1919, June 28: overprinted stamps issued for new republic, 1919, Nov. 16: overprinted stamps issued for Admiral Horthy regime, Szeged. 1921: first official stamp, 1945, May: republic proclaimed, 1949, Aug. 20: People’s Republic of Hungary proclaimed, 1989: People’s Republic abolished.
Hungary, Romanian Occupation: 1919: semi-postal, postage due on stamps of Hungary.
Hungary, Serbian Occupation: 1919: semi-postal, postage due on stamps of Hungary.
Hungerhilfe: (Ger.) in aid of starving people.
Hungria: (Sp.) Hungary.
Hunter’s Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post, 1971.
Hunting Permit stamp: also known as duck stamp; initiated 1934; see: Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp, State Hunting Permit Stamps.
Hungria: (Sp.) Hungary.
Hunt, L. G.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Huntsville, Tex. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Huo-shan: East Chinese local post, 1949, west south west of Hoi-fei.
Hupeh Province: east-central China; 1940s: regional overprints issued, 1941: overprinted “Domestic Ordinary Letter Surcharge Paid” 1949, May: stamps surcharged for Central Chinese Liberation Area, 1949, June 4: stamps surcharged for Hupeh Postal and Telegraph Administration.
Hunter & Co’s Express: private mail firm serviced Amador, El Dorado and Placer Coubnties, Calif., used a corner card; year unknown.
Hunt’s Despatch: local post.
Hurricane Hattie: overprint on stamps of British Honduras, semi-postal for hurricane of Oct. 31, 1961.
“Hurricane Relief”: 1: 1987 Aitutaki surcharge.2: overprint of Bahamas semi-postals 1992.
Husband, J. T.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hussey’s Post: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1854-83.
Husty: (Czech.) thick.
Húsz: (Hung.) twenty (number).
Huszonegy: (Hung.) twenty-one (number).
Huszonketto: (Hung.) twenty-two (number).
Hutchings & Hillyer: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Hutchinson, D. F. Jr.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Hutt River Province: Australia local stamps of secessionist state.
Ht. (Haute) Senegal Niger: Upper Senegal and Niger.
Hvar: island off Dalmatian coast; 1944, May: charity stamps printed when occupied by Germany.
Hvid: (Dan.) white (color).
Hviderusland: (Dan.) White Russia (Belarus).
Hvit: (Nor.) white (color).
Hviterussland: (Nor.) White Russia (Belarus).
Hwa-Chung Area: Anhwei Kiangsu; East China “Xuazhunbg” 1946-48.
Hwa-Chung, first sub.district: East China, 1949.
Hwai-Nan Area: (Anhwei, Kiangsu Border area, East China “Xuai-Nan” East China, 1942-44.
Hwa-Ting: Northwest Chinese local post; 1949. ESE of Lan-Chow.
HWW: Harry W. Wolstennholme, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Hybrid mail: a presort mail service run by the Taiwan postal administration.
Hybrid proof: a large die proof made with various plate proofs cut close and mounted upon a card or proof paper, may be found die-sunk on the card..
Hyderabad: India Feudatory State; 1869: first local stamps, inscribed H.E.H. The Nizam’s Government, 1873: first official stamp, 1937: first commemorative stamp, 1950, Apr.30: stamps of Republic of India.
Hydro-Aeroplane Mail Service: marking for mail carried via seaplane across the Mississippi River at St. Louis, 1911.
Hyhya: Egypt, 1880-1884; see Interpostal seals.
Hyphen hole perforation: Rectangular-shaped perforation such as used on some U.S. revenue stamps.



1: Auction term for “good” condition.
2: Insured Letter; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
3: Symbol for Guilford Gravure, which appears before the plate number on coil stamps.
4: German catalogue abbreviation for gold overprint or surcharge.
5: with eagle and United States of America; Pennsylvania Custom House revenue seal.
6: Gourde, currency unit of Haiti.
7: Guarani, currency unit of Paraguay.
8: Gum Disturbance.
9: Grenada; country code as used by the UPU.
10: overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope for Griqualand West, 1877-80.
11: “Gouvernement”; overprint on official stamps of Canada, replaced the previous “official” overprint O.H.M.S. as the result of complaints from French Canadians.
12: inscription, yellow background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 20¢, placed on sale Dec. 13, 1994.
13: inscription, white background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 32¢, placed on sale Dec. 13, 1994.
14: blue background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 25¢, placed on sale Dec. 13,1994.
15: inscription, green background, US non-denominated stamp, valued 5¢, placed on sale Dec.13,1994.

GA: 1: USPS abbreviation for Georgia. 2: abbreviation for Ganzsache: (Ger.) postal stationery. 3: Gabon, country code as used by the UPU.
Ga.: (Sp.) pre-adhesive postmark from Galacia, Spain.
GAB, Gabon: handstamp overprint on stamps of French Colonies for Gabon, 1886-89; see Afrique Equatoriale Francaise.
Gabon: inscription on stamps of Gabon, 1904-07
Gabon Afrique Equatoriale: inscription used on stamps of Gabon, 1910-22.
Gabon, Congo Francaise: inscription used on stamps of Gabon, 1910.
Gabon A.E.F.: postage due stamps, 1928, “Afrique Equatorial Francais.”
Gabon Timbre: (Fr.) handstamps on postage due stamps of French Colonies.
Gabonaise Republique: Republic of Gabon; former French Equatorial Africa -west coast of Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc 1862: earliest office in Libreville, routed mail via British PO at Fernando Po, used French Colonies General issues, 1886, July 31: No.1, 5 centimes red on green, stamps of French Colonies handstamped “GAB” and surcharged, 1889-1904: combined with, and used stamps of French Congo, then became part of French Equatorial Africa, 1904, Oct. 15: stamps of Navigation and Commerce inscribed “Gabon,” 1910: “Congo Française Gabon” inscription, followed by “Afrique Equatorial Gabon,” 1915: first semipostal issued, 1928: first postage due issued, P.D. stamps of France overprinted “Gabon,” 1936-59: used stamps of French Equatorial Africa, 1946: became an Overseas Territory of France, 1958: became autonomous within French community, 1959: inscription used on stamps of Gabon, 1960: full independence with “Republique Gabonaise” inscription, 1960: first air mail, depicting Dr. Schweitzer, issued, 1961, July 17: joined the UPU, 1968: first official with map of Gabon, issued; see Chad, French Congo, French Equatorial Africa.
Gabun: (Ger.) Gabon.
Gadiach: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1884-1913; also known as Gadyach.
Gagauzia: bogus issue from Moldova, not valid for postage.
Gaguzia: Moldova, cinderella local, mid 1960s.
Gahagan & Howe (G & H): U.S. local post, San Francisco, Ca.. 1849-70.
Gainsville, Al. Paid 5, Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Gairsay: Scottish local post in Orkney Islands, 1970’s.
Gaither’s City & Suburban Express Company: parcel firm serviced an unknown area; used a stamp; year unknown.
Galama: advertisement of German origin.
Galapagos Islands: Pacific Ocean, 500 miles west of Ecuador; 1957, July 15: Ecuador issued set inscribed “Islas Galapagos,” 1959: triangular stamp issued by Ecuador, 1959: first commemorative issued, 1973: a province of Ecuador; see Barrel mail.
Galaroza: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937.
Galata: city in Turkey, overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkish Empire, 1909-10.
Galathea, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for lower Danube lines.
Galati: formerly Galatz, Romania.
Galben: (Rom.) yellow (color).
Galben-lamîie: (Rom.) lemon-yellow (color).
Galben-oliv: (Rom.) olive-yellow (color).
Galbui: (Rom.) yellowish (color).
Gal Courier Mail Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Galdames: (Sp.) overprint on Republican stamps issued in Burgos in 1937 for air mail; never used, city and stamps captured by Nationalists.
Gales: (Sp.) Wales.
Galicia, Eastern: part of Austro-Hungarian Empire; 1918: stamps of Austria overprinted “Ykp. H.P,” 1919: various stamps issued for short-lived independent state, 1920: came under control of Poland.
Galioub: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1864-84.
Galipoli: Ottoman Empire, Egyptian seals for overseas offices, see Interpostal seals, 1868.
Gallaway, M. C.: postmaster, Memphis, Tenn., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provincial stamp and envelope.
Gallin: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1880.
Galvano: (Fr.) electrotyped plate.
Galveston, Tex. Paid 5, Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Galvinisk fälling: (Swed.) electroplating.
Gambia: polar bear; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Gambia: former British colony, west coast of Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 bututs = 1 dalasy (1971) 1821: part of Sierra Leone, 1843: separate colony, 1869, Jan: No.1, 4 pence pale brown, first stamps, picturing Queen Victoria, 1888: British Crown Colony, 1963: became self-governing, 1965, Feb. 18: independent within the Commonwealth, name changed to The Gambia, 1970, April 24: named a republic, 1974, Oct. 9: joined the UPU, 1981, Dec.: agreed to merge with Republic of Senegal, 1982, Feb. 1: new name is Senegambia.
Gambie: (Fr.) Gambia.
Gambiers: ocean island group, bogus overprints, 1877.
Gambilla: French bicycle fantasy.
G&D;: overprint on stamps of French Colonies, Guadeloupe, 1903-04.
Gandershe: inscription on stamps of Somalia.
Gandia: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937.
G and R: mark on prisoner of war mail sent by Americans captured during the War of 1812-14, while imprisoned in England.
Ganzbrief: (Ger.) entire cover..
Ganzsache (GA, GS): (Ger.) postal stationery, entire.
Ganzachenalbum: (Ger.) cover album.
Ganzsachen, postamtliche: (Ger.) official postal stationery.
Ganzsachen, private: (Ger.) private postal stationery.
Ganzstück: (Ger.) entire piece.
GAOR: British Army on the Rhine, WWII.
Gap: unprinted space between the ends of two printed precanceling lines, indicating the seam between the mat; if the gap falls on the joint line, it is known as a ‘line gap.’ plates.
GAPA: Guichets d’Affranchissement Postal Automatique (Fr.) French all-digital postage meter machine, 1993.
GAPO: Base Army Post Depot, British military cancel for Indian Army.
Garage Hudson: local post, Barranquilla, Colombia, 1924.
Garanti: (Dan., Fr.) guaranteed.
Garantie: (Ger.) guarantee.
Garantieschein: (Ger.) marking applied to stamps by the issuing agency indicting that the stamp is genuine and valid for postal use; also “expert’s mark.”
Garantistempel: (Dan.) guarantee mark.
Garbage card: nickname given to the full-face portrait of the McKinley postal card (1902) that was supposedly destroyed; one box of 500 was sold by post office imprinted with name of a garbage firm.
Garch: Nejd, currency unit of Saudi Arabia.
Garder: (Fr.) to keep, to save.
Gardiner, Charles K.: postmaster, Washington, D. C. 1845-49, issued provisional stamped envelopes in 5 and 10 cent values.
Gardner, Beer & Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Gare: (Fr.) station (railway).
Gargoyle Motor Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Detroit, Mich area; used stamps, booklets; year unknown.
Garrucha: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, Republican, 1937.
Garstang & Knot End Railway: British local post.
Garzon: Tolima, Colombia provisional label,1894.
Gastado: (Sp.) worn.
Gaston, N. C. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Gates’, William Sons: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Gates, Wm.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Gata, Gato: (Sp.) cat (thematic).
Gatto: (It.) cat (thematic).
Gauche: (Fr.) left.
Gaucin: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937.
Gaufré (papier): (Fr.) embossed paper.
Gauge: number of perforation holes in a length of 20 mm.
Gauthier Freres & Cie.: (Fr.) Trans-Atlantic local, 1857.
Gaveradiobrev (GOL): (Dan.) radio letter combined with a gift, started in Denmark in 1932.
Gayalonga: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937.
Gay & Co’s Express: private mail and parcel firm that serviced eastern cities; used labels, 1847-48.
Gay, Kinsley & Co.: U. S. local post handstamp, serviced Boston, Mass., and other major eastern cities; used labels, 1848.
Gay’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and New York City, used labels, 1845-46.
Gaza, Territory of: located on shore of Mediterranean Sea around town of Gaza, in Gaza Strip; 1917-48: Great Britain’s Palestine Mandate from the League of Nations, 1948, May 15: controlled by Egypt, 1948: first postage due, air mail issued, 1948, June 1-June 1967: “Palestine”overprint on stamps of Egypt, 1956, Oct. 29-March 7, 1957: occupied by Israel, used stamps of Israel, 1965, Jan. 15: UNEF, United Nations Emergency Force, 1967, June-Jan. 1980: occupied by Israel, used stamps of Israel.
Gazeta: (Rom.) newspaper.
Gazetei: Romania.
Gazette Moldov: cinderella used in movie “The Truth About Charlie” a remake of “Charade.”
GB: 1: universal abbreviation for Great Britain. 2: international postal code for the United Kingdom..
GB: Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Great Britain.
Gb: German catalogue abbreviation for yellow overprint or surcharge.
G.B. Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
G.B.S.: (G. B. Smith) initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guinea, 1850-51 issue.
GB used: stamps of Great Britain used abroad (mainly Jamaica).
G.C.: Gobierno Constitutionalista (Constitutional Government); overprint on Mexican revolutionary provisionals, 1913-15.
G.C.M.: 1: Gobierno Constitucionalista Mexico, Constitutional Government overprint on federal stamps of Mexico during the 1913-16 civil war, and also used on many of the local provisional overprints. 2: overprint for Oaxaca and Sonora revenue issues, Mexico.
G D: “Grand Duchy” inscription on stamps of Luxembourg 1859-82.
Gdansk: (Pol.) Polish name for Danzig; see Danzig.
GD Liban: overprint on stamps of France, Lebanon, during French Mandate.
Gdof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1874-1912.
GD-OT: (Ger., Czech.) overprint on the Bohemia and Moravia newspaper stamp in German and Czech language for commercial printed matter, 1939.
GDR: German Democratic Republic, East Germany
GE: Georgia; country code as used by the UPU.
G.E.A.: 1: overprint on stamps of East Africa and Uganda Protectorates for German East Africa, 1917-1922.
Gebet: (Dan.) territory, see Område.
Gebiet: (Ger.) district.
Gebot: (Ger.) bid, bid sheet.
Gebraucht: (Ger.) used.
Gebrochen: (Ger.) broken.
Gebrüenfreiheitsmarke: (Ger.) free frank handstamp, or label.
Gebt fur die Winterhilfe der freienWohlfahrtspflege Wir Wollen helfen: (Ger.) “Give for Winter Relief Welfare Care. We want to help,” Germany cancel, 1932.
Gebühr: (Ger.) tax, a compulsory payment, such as a postage due tax..
Gebühr bezahlt: (Ger.) postage paid.
Gebührenfrei : (Ger.) free of charge.
Gebürhrenmarke: (Ger.) fiscal stamp.
Gebürhrenmarke für briefzutellung: (Ger.) authorized delivery stamp, correspondence.
Gebürhrenmarke für paketzustellung: (Ger.) authorized delivery stamp, parcel post.
Gebyr: (Dan.) late fee.
Gebyrmærke: (Dan.) Late fee stamp.
Gebyrmärken: (Swed.) late fee postage stamp, special services postage stamp.
Gebyrmærke: (Dan.) late fee stamp.
Gedda: Hejaz, Egyptian seals for overseas office; see Interpostal seals, 1867.
Gedenkausgabe: (Ger.) commemorative.
Gedenkblatt: (Ger.) souvenir page.
Gedenkbogen: (Ger.) souvenir sheet.
Gedenkmarke: (Ger.) commemorative stamp.
Gedruckt: (Ger.) printed.
Gefälligkeits-gestempelt: (Ger.) cancelled to order.
Gefälscht: (Ger.) forged, counterfeit.
Gefalzt: (Ger.) hinged.
Geffälligkeitsstempelung: (Ger.) canceled to order, stamps canceled by postal authorities without having been used for postage.
Gegittert: (Ger.) quadrille.
Gehalveers: (Dut.) bisected stamp.
Geislingen: German, displaced persons camp local post, 1947.
GEJ: George E. Jacobs, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Geknickt: (Ger.) folded, creased.
Gelatin: a varnish coating on a postcard that produces a glossy surface.
Gel./A: gelesen Abwehr (Ger.) read by military security, appears as a boxed square on outgoing military mail.
Gelb: (Ger.) yellow (color).
Gelblich: (Ger.) yellowish when used in combination with other colors.
Gelegenheits-ausgabe: (Ger.) special or commemorative issue.
Gelibolu: formerly Gallipoli, Turkey.
Gelida: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937.
Gelochte marke: (Ger.) perfin.
Gelsenkirchen: German local post, 1897-98.
Gemeinnutziger Verein Stadtbrefbeforderung: local, Dresden, Germany about 1908.
Gemini News Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Genalguacil: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937.
General collection: a collection of the entire world rather than a specialized collection of one or more countries or topics.
General delivery: USPS term that allows customers with identification to pick up mail at post offices.
General Government of Poland: area of Poland occupied by Germany in both World Wars; 1915, May 12: occupied by Germany, 1939, Dec.1: overprint “Deutsche Post Osten” on stamps of Germany, then special stamps for area. 1940: overprint “General Gouvernment” on stamps of Germany.
General Gouvernement: overprint on stamps of Poland for German Occupation, 1940-44.
General Gouvernement Deutsches Reich/Grossdeutsches Reich: inscription on stamps of Germany for German Occupation of Poland.
Gen Gouv. Warschau: overprint on stamps of Germany, Warsaw, Poland, German occupation 1916-17.
General Grant Expedition: inscription on local/phantom post of Auckland Islands; used to raise money to retrieve gold from sunken ship General Grant, 1866.
General issue: 1: stamps that are issued for ordinary postage use, rather than for air mail, postage due, etc. 2: British revenue stamps for use in America, 1765-66
General Postal Union (GPU): forerunner of the Universal Postal Union; 1863: U.S. Postmaster General Montgomery Blair organized the Paris Postal Conference, 1873: Heinrich von Stephan renewed concept, 1874: convened in Switzerland, 1878: renamed Universal Postal Union.
Generalsammler: (Ger.) general collector.
Geneva: in southwestern part of Switzerland, 1843-48: Switzerland local canton inscription, 1850: Swiss federal stamps issued.
Geneva: United Nations Post Office(s) 1950-63, 1969-
Gennemsnit: (Dan.) average quality.
Gennemstiking, gennemstukket: (Dan.) roulette perforation, rouletted perforation.
Gennemstukken i kors: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of diamonds.
Gennemstukken i linier: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of lines.
Gennemstukken i punkter: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of pin holes.
Gennemstukken i rombisk: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in the shape of lozenges.
Gennemstukken i savtakket: (Dan.) rouletted perforation in saw tooth shape.
Genoa: also known as Genova, Italy.
Genomstick: (Swed.) roulette perforation.
Geöffnet: (Ger.) censor mark from German language countries.
George’s Post (Lutton): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Georgetown, S.C. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Georg Butow: stamp dealer’s overprint on stamps of Germany.
Georgia: south of Russia on the Black Sea;. currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 kopecks = 1 coupon (1993), 100 tetri = 1 lari (1995) 1918, May 22: declared independence, formerly province of the Russian Empire, 1919-1920: British occupation forces issued stamps for city of Batum, 1921, Feb. 27: occupied by the Red Army, proclaimed Soviet Republic, 1922: stamps of the Soviet Socialist Republic, 1922: first semipostal stamp issued, 1922, Mar. 12: joined Transcaucasion Federation of Soviet Republics 1924: stamps of Georgia replaced by stamps of the Transcaucasion Federation of Soviet Republics, 1993, April 1: joined the UPU, 1993, July 31: first stamp as Republic of Georgia, 1994, Mar.1: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Georgia: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801.
Georgia e Sandwich del Sud: (It.) Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.
Georgian: stamp pertaining to King George V, VI of Great Britain.
Géorgie: (Fr.) Georgia.
Géorgie, La: inscription used on stamps of Georgia, 1919.
Georgien: (Ger., Swed.) Georgia.
Georgienne, Republique: inscription used on stamps of Georgia, 1919.
Georgisk: (Swed.) Georgian.
Gepr.: (Ger.) expertized.
Geprüft: (Ger.) see Expertize.
Geprüft Abwh: (Ger.) checked by military security marking.
Gera: 1: Germany local, courier mail, 1893. 2: German private courier local, 1897-1900. 3: Dick & Stutz local courier service, 1890-91. 4: Hausler Express package, local,1886-92.
Gerard’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gerauchert: (Ger.) disinfected (mail).
Gereiniget: (Ger.) disinfected (mail).
Gerichtskostenmarke: (Ger.) Austrian court fee revenue stamp.
Geriffelt: (Ger.) ribbed.
German Administration of Albania: 1943; see Albania
German Administration of Danzig: 1939, see Danzig
German Administration of Marianas: May 1900; see Mariana Islands.
German Administration of Marhsall Islands: 1899; see Marshall Islands.
German Administration of Samoa: 1900; see Samoa.
German air labels: pre-WW I, portraits of early German airmen and the royal family; privately printed for forces personnel to apply to their mail, which was post free.
German-American Seapost: international sea post on North German Lloyd ships, 1890.
German-Austrian Postal Union: Wurttemberg joined in 1851.
German Cameroons (Kamerun): see Cameroon.
German Colonies Study Group: collectors of postal history and stamps of the former German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad,1870 to 1917, and WWI occupations thereof.
German Democratic Republic: aka East Germany, former Soviet occupied zone; currency: 100 pfennigs = 1 deutschemark, 100 pfennigs = 1 mark of the Deutsche Notenbank (MDN) (1965), 100 pfennigs = 1 mark of the National Bank (1969), 100 pfennigs = 1 Deutsche mark (West) (1990) 1946: Allied Occupation issues, but Soviet Zone stamp issued inscribed”Deutsche Post,” 1948, July 3: Soviets had stamps handstamped with district names and numbers, followed by provisional overprint “Sowjetische / Besatzubnngs / Zone,” 1948, Aug. 29: German semipostal used in Russian Zone, 1949, Oct. 1: established inscription “Deutsche Demokratische Republic,” first used Mar. 2, 1950, 1949, Oct. 30: first semipostal “Deutsche Post” issued, 1954: first official issued, originally sold used only, 1957, Dec. 13: first airmail issued, 1990, Oct. 3: reunited with (West) Germany.
German East Africa: German colony in East Africa bordering on the Indian Ocean; currency: 64 pesa = 1 rupee, 100 heller = 1 rupee (1905), 100 centimes = 1 franc (1916), 12 pence = 1 shilling (1919), 100 cents = 1 rupee (1917), 12 pence = 1 shilling = 100 cents = 1 rupee (1917) 1858: Arabian caravan route carried letters, 1876: Church and London missionary Societies had regular runners, 1887: German East Africa Co. received charter to the area, 1890, Oct. 4-Oct. 20, 1917: German stamps used, 1891: named German East Africa by Germany, 1893, July 1: No. 1, 2 pesa brown, first stamps issued by Germans, with surcharge “Deutsche Ostafrika,” 1900: inscription “Deutsche Ostafrika” used, 1914, Oct. 1-July 31, 1915: German East Africa stamps used for FPO’s, 1914-18: Allied occupation stamps of India used with overprint “I.E.F” .(Indian Expeditionary Forces); East Africa and Uganda issues overprinted “G.E.A.” 1916: stamps of Germany salvaged from cruiser Königsberg, 1916: British ceded to Belgium provinces of Ruanda and Urundi (Belgian East Africa); stamps of Belgian Congo handstamped “Ruanda,” and “Est Africain Allemand Occupation Belge,” and Kionga area to Portugal which became part of the Mozambique Colony, 1916: stamps of Nyasaland Protectorate overprinted “N.F.,” 1917: stamps of East Africa and Uganda overprint for British mandate, “G.E.A.” 1918: stamps of Belgian Congo overprinted “A.O.” Afrique Orientale (East Africa) as semipostals, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1920: mandated to Great Britain as Mandated Territory of Tanganyika, now part of the Republic of Tanzania.
German Empire: 1. Australasia (Bismarck Archipelago, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Marhsall Islands, Palau, Samoa); Cameroon, German East Africa, German New Guinea, German South West Africa (Namibia), Kiauchau, Mariana Islands, Marhsall Islands, Togo. 2. just south of Denmark, on Baltic Sea; 1871: German Empire formed, 1872: first German Empire issue, 1903: first semipostal issued, 1919: first air mail stamps issued, 1919: Empire ceased to exist, then became an Empire again with the proclamation of the Third Reich in 1933. (The 1st Reigh was the Holy Roman Empire, the 2nd was in 1871.)
German Empire States that issued stamps: Baden, Bavaria, Bergedorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lubeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, and Württemburg.
German Federal Republic: see Germany.
Germania: 1: symbolic figure of the German Empire from a portrait of Anna von Stratz-Fuhring, a Wagnerian opera star. 2: (It.) Germany.
Germania Occidentale: (It.) Germany
Germania Orientale: (It.) German Democratic Republic.
Germania, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1840s, for lower Danube lines.
German Inflation Period: after World War I; due to the Versailles Treaty reparations, inflation and economic depression, value of the currency fell sharply, stamps were produced and surcharged but were obsolete by the time they reached the post offices with the peak a 50-billion-mark stamp late in 1923.
German Kamerun: see Kamerun.
German Mailboats: see Mailboats.
German New Guinea: eastern portion of the island of New Guinea; former German protectorate made up of part of New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago, currency: 100 pfennigs = 1 mark 1884: Germany annexed northern area of island of New Guinea, used German stamps, 1897: German colonial stamps, boundaries of Dutch, German and British spheres settled, 1897: No.1, 3 pfennigs brown, German colonial stamps used, overprinted or inscribed “Deutsch Neu-Guinea,” 1900: first stamps issued, 1906, Nov. 8: British New Guinea stamps overprinted, 1914: occupied by Allied Forces, placed under Australian administration, renamed New Britain 1914, Oct: overprint “GRI” with value, on German colonial stamps, 1914, Dec.: overprinted stamps of Marshall Islands used, 1915: first official stamps with surcharge G.R.I. and O.S., 1915, Mar.: stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands” for use in Nauru and German New Guinea, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1920: mandated to Australia by League of Nations, issued stamps as territory of New Guinea, currently part of Papua New Guinea. 1925: first stamps, first official stamps, inscribed “Territory of New Guinea,” 1931, June: first air mail stamp, 1942: Japanese invasion, Australia and New Zealand forces post offices used in New Guinea, 1945, Oct. 30: civil administration restored; trust territory combined Papua and New Guinea; see New Guinea, British; New Guinea, West; and Papua and New Guinea.
German Occupation of Belgium: 1914: stamps of Germany overprinted Belgien, WW II: Belgium used own stamps, see Belgium.
German Occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: 1916-18: stamps of Germany overprinted “Postgebiet Ob.Ost,” 1918: stamps of Russia surcharged for use in Tartu (Dorpat), 1941, Sept. 29- April 30, 1942: Germans stamps inscribed “Eastland Eesti” with swastika, for use in Tartu district of Estonia, 1941, Sep. 29: first semipostal issued inscribed “Eastland Eesti,” 1941-43: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ostland,” then stamps of USSR used.
German Occupation of France: (Alsace and Lorraine); 1870: stamps inscribed “Postes Centime,” 1916: stamps of Germany surcharged, 1940: stamps of Germany overprinted “Elsas” and “Lothringen” (Lorraine).
German Occupation of Guernsey: “Guernsey Postage” stamps issued, 1941.
German Occupation of the Ionian Islands: 1943: used stamps of Greece except for the handstamp overprint “Isole Joine” for island of Zante.
German Occupation of Latvia: 1919: stamps of Germany overprinted “Libau.”
German Occupation of Lithuania: 1916-17: overprint on stamps of Germany.
German Occupation of Ljubljana: 1944: stamps of Italy overprinted / surcharged “Provinz Ljublianska Laibach”
German Occupation of Luxembourg: 1940: stamps of Germany overprinted and surcharged in German currency, 1942-44: German stamps used.
German Occupation of Montenegro: 1943: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted / surcharged “Deutsche Miltaer Verwaltung Montenegro” 1944: stamps of Yugoslavia and Montenegro overprinted for semipostal use.
German Occupation of Poland: 1915, May 12: stamps of Germany overprinted “Russisch Polen” or “Gen.-Gouv. Warschau” 1939, Dec.: stamps of Germany overprinted “Deutsche Post Osten,” 1940-44: “General Gouvernement” issues, 1940, April: first official stamps, 1940, Aug.17: first semipostal issued.
German Occupation of Romania: 1917-18: stamps of Germany overprinted “M.V.i.R., (Military Administration of Romania) or “Rumanien,” 1918: first postage due issued.
German Occupation of Russia: 1941: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ostland.”
German Occupation of Serbia: 1941: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Serbien.”
German Occupation of Ukraine: 1919: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ukraine,” 1941-43: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ukraine.”
German Occupation of Zante: an Ionian Island; 1943: overprint on stamps of Italy, used 8 days, then used stamps of Greece.
German Offices in China: currency: 100 pfennings = 1 mark, 100 cents – 1 dollar (1905) 1886, Aug.16: Shanghai postal agency opened, German stamps used, 1898: stamps of Germany overprinted “China” used, 1900: issues for Foochow and Tientsin, 1917, March 17: all offices closed because China broke relations with Germany.
German Post offices in Morocco: currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta 1899, Dec.: stamps of Germany overprinted / surcharged “Marocco” or “Marokko” 1911: last German stamps issued, 1914, Aug. 3: French zone office closed, 1919, June 16: Spanish zone office closed, stamps became obsolete, see Morocco.
German Post Offices in Turkish Empire: 1870, March 1-1872: Pera office opened, used stamps of North German Confederation 1872-84: used stamps of Germany, 1884: German issues surcharged in Turkish currency 1914, Sept. 30: all offices closed.
German Post Office in Zanzibar: 1890, Aug. 27: opened with arrival of German mail boat, used stamps of Germany, 1891, July 31: post office closed.
German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: 1939, July 15: stamps of Czechoslovakia overprinted / inscribed “Böhmen u Mãhren, Cechy a Morava,” 1939: postage due stamps issued, 1940, June 29: semipostal stamps issued, 1941, Jan, 1: official stamps issued.
German Protectorates: 1887, June 1: joined the UPU, 1902, feb. 24: changed UPU affiliation to include Africa, Asia and Australia.
German Samoa: islands northeast of New Zealand, eastern half of island group; 1899, pre: administered jointly by Britain, Germany and the U.S., 1899: Britain withdrew, used overprinted stamps of Germany, 1900: first stamps without overprints issued, followed by German colonial stamps 1914, Aug. 29: occupied by New Zealand, German stamps overprinted with value in sterling, overprint “Samoa” on stamps of New Zealand, 1920: mandated to New Zealand by the League of Nations; currently Samoa; see Samoa.
German SouthWest Africa: north of South Africa on south Atlantic; currency: 100 pfennig = 1 mark 1884, April 24: proclaimed a German protectorate, 1888, July 8: used stamps of Germany, 1897, March: No.1, 3 pfennigs dark brown, German colonial stamps used overprinted “Deutsch Sudwest Afrika,” 1914-15: occupied by South Africa and their stamps used, 1920: country mandated to Union of South Africa by the United Nations, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1923: named South West Africa with own stamps, currently Namibia.
German States: Germany consisted of large number of states prior to the formation of the German Empire; each issued their own stamps; Baden, Bavaria, Bergedorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lübeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Württemberg; other states used stamps of Thurn and Taxis postal administration. 1868: North German Confederation formed, 1871: German Empire formed, all states except Bavaria and Württemberg stopped issuing stamps, 1918: Bavaria and Württemberg stopped issuing their own stamps, 1945: Baden and Württemberg issued their own stamps as part of the French zone of occupation.
German Togo: 1897: stamps of Germany overprinted “Togo.”
German type: a form of printer’s type seen with elaborate lettering used mainly on German stamp overprints; also called Gothic.
Germany: German Federal Republic; located in north-central Europe; official name of postal administration: Deutsche Post AG currency: 30 silbergroschen = 1 thaler, 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden, 100 pfennigs = 1 deutschemark (1948), 100 cents = 1 Euro (2002) 1867: North German Confederation formed, 1871: German Empire formed, 1872: No.1, 1/4 groschen violet, first German Empire issue, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1903: first local official stamp issued for Prussia, 1918, Nov. 8: Emperor Wilhelm II abdicates, became Republic, renamed Deutsches Reich, 1919, June 1: Empire ceased to exist, Republic National Assembly issues, 1919, May 1: first semipostal issued, 1919, Nov. 10: first air mail stamp issued, 1919-21: Belgian occupation of Eupen & Malmedy portion, overprint “Allemagne Duitschland, Eupen, Malmedy”on Belgian stamps, 1920: first official stamp issued, 1923: inflation issues, 1931, Jan. 12: Allied Control Commission dissolved, 1939, Nov. 1: first newspaper stamps issued, 1942: military stamps issued for Allied occupation, 1945-46: French occupation, 1945-46: A.M.G. occupation issues for civilian use in American, British and Russian zones, 1945-46: “Zone Francaise” issues for civilian use in French zone of occupation, 1948: separate stamps for Berlin issued, see Berlin Germany, 1949: Russian occupation, first commemorative, semipostal stamps, 1949: Russian occupied areas became separate country, German Democratic Republic, 1949, Sept. 7: first stamps of Bundes Republic; semipostal issued, 1949, Sept. 21: country formally divided into West Germany (German Federal Republic) and East Germany (German Democratic Republic). 1949: Republic of West Germany with Allied zones of occupation, 1950: Deutsche Bundespost inscription first seen on stamps of West Germany. 1990, Oct. 3: German Democratic Republic (East Germany) reunited with Germany (West Germany); see Baden, Berlin, Rhine Palatinate, Württemberg.
Germany: Zeitungs-Bucher-Spedition (Z.B.S.), local, 1896-97.
Germany, Eastern Command: comprised of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania; 1916: overprint on stamps of Germany “Postebit Ob Ost.”
Germany, French Zone of: 1945: general stamps valid throughout zone, then stamps for Baden, Rhineland Palatinate, Saar and Wurttemberg.1949: replaced by Federal Republic of Germany.
Germany, Postal Code Districts: see Postal Codes, Germany.
Germany Scadta: Colombian airline postal service, 1921-23.
Germany, Soviet Zone: eastern portion of occupied Germany; 1945: see Berlin-Brandenberg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 1946-48: occupation issues for American, British and Russian zones, 1948: separate stamps for Berlin issued, 1949: country divided into West Germany (German Federal Republic) and East Germany (German Democratic Republic) former Soviet Zone, each with own stamps.
Germany, West Berlin: WW II end – Sept. 19, 1948: stamps of Anglo-American Zones of Germany valid, 1948: occupation issue of 1947 overprinted “Berlin” for Anglo-American areas, 1950, Jan. 20: stamps of West Berlin valid in Federal Republic of Germany.
Gerusalemme: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices in Turkey, Jerusalem, 1909, Feb.-1911.
Gescheidle stamps: (Ger.) see Blue Mauritius.
Geschenk-päckchen: (Ger.) presentation pack.
Geschnitten: (Ger.) imperforate.
Gesellschaftsstempel: (Ger.) company postmark.
Gesenk: (Ger.) die.
Gessata carta: (It.) chalky paper.
Gestempelt: (Ger.) canceled, postmarked.
Gestörengummi: (Ger.) disturbed gum.
Gestrich: (Ger.) coated.
Gestrichenes papier: (Ger.) laid paper.
Gesundheitshelfer: (Ger.) East Germany Red Cross label.
G et D: Guadeloupe et Dépendencies) overprint on stamps of French Colonies, Guadeloupe, 1903-04.
Geteilt, Halbiert: (Ger.) bisected stamp cut in half, which has been used to pay the postage at half the face value of the original stamp; the bisect is collected on the original cover with the postmark or cancellation covering the cut.
Getönt: (Ger.) toned.
Gewerkschafts Bewegung 60 Jahre: Austria overprint.
Gewöhnlich: (Ger.) common.
GEX: French local, 1944
Gezähnt (Gez.): (Ger.) perforated.
GF: 1: Gold Fields, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 2: French Guiana; country code as used by the UPU.
G.F.B.: Gaue Faka Buleaga (On Government Service), overprint on stamps of Tonga officials.
GFH: George F. Henlock, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Gfr: Franc, currency of Guinea-Conarky.
G First-Class: Presorts United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¢, October 13, 1994.
GH: Ghana; country code as used by the UPU.
Ghadames: town in Libya; 1946: stamps of Italy and Libya overprinted “Fezzan Occupation Français,” 1949, April 12: occupied by Free French forces, stamps issued under French administration, 1951, Dec. 24: became part of independent Libya; see Fezzan-Ghadames, Libya. Ghadames Territoires Militaire: inscription on stamps of Libya, French Occupation, 1949.
Ghadames Territoires Militaire: inscription on stamps of Libya, French Occupation, 1949.
Ghana: west Africa between Benin and the Ivory Coast; former British West Africa colony of Gold Coast; official name of postal administration: Ghana Postal Services Corporation currency: 12 pence = 1 shillling, 20 shillings = 1 pouni, 100 pesewas = 1 cedi (1965, 1972), 100 new pesewas = 1 new cedi (1967) 1875-1928: first stamps issued in British colonial keytype, 1957, March 6: No.1, 2 pence rose/red, renamed Ghana as independent dominion, includes British Togoland, 1957, Oct. 10: joined the UPU, 1959, Oct. 5: first air mail issued, 1958, June 25: first postage due issued, 1960, July 1: named republic within British Commonwealth. 1961: postal authorities sold remainders of their stamps canceled-to-order, 1997, Aug. 12: first semipostal.
Ghana Independence: overprint on stamps of Gold Coast, Ghana, 1961.
GHD: George H. Davis, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Ghent: also known as Gand, Gent; Belgium
Ghetou: (Rom.) ghetto.
Ghirga: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1872-80.
Ghirlandaio Christmas 1975: U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 10¢, 1975.
Ghiseh: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1872-80.
Ghorush: Turkey currency unit.
Ghost: a light double printing apart from the normal inked stamp impression caused by mis-registration and incorrect printing procedures, may also be caused by phosphor inking picking up a design.
Ghost bidder: auction term for bidding against a ghost.
Ghost stamps: a portrait or scene shown in some detail of original design.
Ghost towns: towns that were formerly post offices.
Ghudamis: formerly Ghadames, Libya.
Ghurush: unit of currency in Turkey from 1926.
GI: Gibraltar; country code as used by the UPU.
Giallo: (It.) yellow (color).
Giamaica: (It.) Jamaica
Giapiks: currency unit in Azerbaijan.
Giappone: (It.) Japan.
Gibbons Catalogue Number: number assigned to a philatelic item by British Stanley Gibbons editors according to that publisher’s criteria for such assignment.
Gibbons (Stanley) Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gibilterra: (It.) Gibraltar.
Gibraleon: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1936-38.
Gibraltar: located on southern tip of Spain, as British colony; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 centimos = 1 peseta (1889), 100 pence = 1 pound (1971) 1857: British stamps used with ‘G’ and ‘A 26’ cancels, 1886, Jan.1: No.1, 1/2 penny green, overprint on stamps of Bermuda for Gibraltar, 1886, Dec.: first own definitives, 1886-98: stamps used by the British post offices in Morocco, overprinted “Morocco Agencies,” 1907: British stamps used in Morocco, 1918, April: first War Tax stamp issued, 1956, Dec. 1: first postage due issued.
Gibraltar: rock of Gibraltar, four rocks, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Gibuti: (It.) Djibouti
Gjennomstukken: (Nor.) rouletted perforation.
Giessen: German local post, 1887-1900, 1923.
Gilbber & Glico Islands: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Gilbert and Elise Islands: see Christmas island, Tuvalu.
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: British protectorate in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1966) 1892: annexed as British Protectorate, 1901: used stamps of New South Wales, 1911, Jan.1: No.1, 1/2 penny green, overprint on stamps of Fiji “Gilbert & Ellice Protectorate”as first issue, 1912: stamps of the British Colonial keytype inscribed “Gilbert & Ellice Islands” issued, 1915: became Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, 1916: Fanning and Washington Islands added to group, 1918: first War Tax stamp issued, 1919: Christmas Island added to group, 1940, Aug.: first postage due issued, 1976, Jan. 1: the two groups separated; Gilbert stayed with the original name, Ellice became Tuvalu, 1979, July 11: Gilbert became Kiribati.
Gilbert & Elliceöarna: (Swed.) Gilbert & Ellice Islands.
Gilbert and Ellice Protectorate: overprint on stamps of Fiji for Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Jan. 1, 1911.
Gilbert & Sullivan Islands: North Mikado Island inscription, eight designs; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Gilbert és Ellice Szigetek: (Hung.)Gilbert and Ellice Islands.
Gilbert et Ellice: (Fr.) Gilbert and Ellice Islands.
Gilbert Islands: broke away from Gilbert and Ellice Islands; 1976, Jan. 2: issued commemorative stamps and became a Crown Colony, 1979: stamps replaced by stamps of Kiribati.
Gilchrist’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gillett & Co’s Express: private mail firm, serviced Boston and Newburyport, Mass., used labels, 1861-67.
Gilligans Island: issued for supposed uncharted isle in Pacific created for popular television program.
Gillpatrick’s Express: private mail firm serviced San Francisco and Antioch, Calif. via the steamboat Parthenius; used labels, 1874-78.
Gill’s Postal Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gilman’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass., and Bangor, Maine; used labels; 1844-48.
Gilpin: name in oval handstamps “Forwarded Through Gilpin’s Exchange Reading Room and Foreign letter Office N. York” 1839-41, Gilpin received outgoing foreign mail for delivery to the post office.
Gingin Islands: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Giordania: (It.) Jordan
Giori: ink delivery system allowing a single plate to print up to three colors.
Giori Press: sheetfed, multiolor, intaglio rotary presses used at the BEP to print in three colors.
Giornali Stampe: inscription on newspaper stamps of Sardinia and Italy, Italian States, 1861.
Giresun: also known as Kerassunde or Kerason, Turkey.
Girl with cap: full face, numerals in lower corners; imperforate are newspaper stamps of B & H under Austria; perforated issues are regular postage for B & H in Jugoslavia.
Giro: 1: national banking group operated through post offices in several European countries. 2: on stamps of Spain; money order, fiscal use.
Girona: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937.
Giro postal: (Sp.) used on fiscal stamps.
Gisela, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1870s.
Giumulzina: in province of Thrace in Turkish Empire, now Greek town of Komotini; 1913: stamps issued by Greece after occupation.
Giurgevo, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1860/70s, for lower Danube lines or delta of the river.
Gjennomstukken: (Nor.) rouletted perforation.
Gjirokaster: formerly known as Argyrokkastron, Albania.
Glacé: (Fr.) glossy, glazed, enameled (paper).
Glaceton: Antarctic fantasy issue.
Gladstone: form of roulette separation, containing approximately 4 “waves” along the length of the stamp; tested in 1852-54, devised anonymously, named after Gladstone, then Chancellor of the Exchequer.”
Glanzpapier: (Ger.) glossy paper.
Glascow & South Western Railway: Scotland local post.
Glascow, Barrhead & Kilmarnock Railway: Scotland local post.
Glasgow: 1: local for United Kingdom strike post, 1971. 2: Circular delivery Co., local, 1867.
Glasgow City Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Glasgow Parks P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Glassine: a semi-transparent paper used to make envelopes for stamp and cover storage, also used for album interleaving.
Glass, James B.: postmaster, Columbia, S.C., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisional.
Glass, R.H.: postmaster, Lynchburg, Va., issued Confederate Provisional stamp and envelope.
Glatt: (Ger.) smooth, shiny.
Glauchau: German local, 1945.
Glazed gum: result when stamps are stored under too much heat or pressure, melting the gum into a smooth, shiny condition that may reduce the value.
Glazed paper: paper that has been given a glossy finish by glazing with friction of applied heat, instead of by coating.
Glazof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1868-1914.
Glb: (Ger.) abbreviation for yellow (color).
G.L.C. Courier: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
GLD: 1. Guilder, currency of Netherlands. 2. George L. Dant, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Gleiwitz: Stadtbrief-Beforderung- Flora; German local, 1896-97.
Glen Ellen Star: star cancel on stamps, used at Glen Allen, Va., 1870-80.
Glen Haven Daily Mail: U.S. local post, Glen Haven. N. Y., 1854-58.
Glenveagh: Donald Evans issue, Ireland.
Glest bottentryck: (Swed.) thin background.
GLH: George L. Huber, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Glider flight: flight by unpowered aircraft; a glider or sailplane.
Glider mail: mail carried by glider; first carried Aug. 1923 in Rhineland, Germany using overprints on obsolete stamps of the 1919 series.
Glion-Sur-Montreux: Switzerland hotel post, 1897, Hotel Bellevue.
GL. O.A. 7 Fev. 1914: overprint on stamps of Haiti, General Oreste Zamor, future president, 1914.
Global Priority Mail: an international USPS service that features a 4-business-day delivery to selected countries in Europe, the Pacific Rim and Canada.
Globo de correos: (Sp.) balloon mail.
Glossy gum: adhesive with a hard, shiny surface.
Gloucester Emergency: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gloucester Philatelic Society, 1934: triangular label to promote their local show.
Glow-Bar tagging: vertical bar of tagging on some postal stationery issues.
“GLOWING $5”: U. S. $5 Hamilton stamp variation printed on experimental luminescent paper.
GL O.Z.: Haiti provisional overprint.
Glutinous wash: term used by Roland Hill for the sticky liquid to be applied to the back of his adhesive postage so that it would affix to the envelope.
Glyphography: 1842 patented process to produce printing surfaces in relief or recess.
GM: Gambia; country code as used by the UPU.
GMAI: Greg Manning Auctions, Inc. (USA).
GMF: general mail facility, a USPS mail processing hub.
GN: Guinea; country code as used by the UPU.
G.N.: (Sp.) Gobierno National, National (Official Government), perforation on stamps of Venezuela, since 1915.
Gnadeloupe: spelling error of Guadeloupe overprint.
Gnostis: mystical symbols, Donald Evans issue.
G.N.R.: (It.) Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana, (Republican National Guard), 1943, Dec. 20: overprint on local stamps of North Italy, printing stopped Dec. 23; authorities ordered more printed in 1944 due to speculation in original stamps, 1944, Aug. 30: overprints became invalid.
G NSW: perforated initials in stamps of Australia for the Government of New South Wales.
G.O.: Philippines official overprint.
Goat Island: Irish bogus stamps printed on water soluble paper.
Goat’s eye: Brazil general issue of 1850 because they resemble eyes of a goat.
Gob. Cons(t.): Gobierno Constitucionalista (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Mexico, Cuanajuanta-Neuva Leon, 1914.
Gobierno: (Sp.) (government), overprint on stamps of Peru, making them “official” for departmental use.
Gobierno Constitucionalista: overprint, see Aguascalientes.
Gobierno Constitucionalista Aguascalientes: Mexican overprint on five stamps and one postage due label by revolutionary forces, 1914.
Gobierno Constitucionalista Mexico: 1: 1914 overprint on stamps of Mexico, Oaxaca revenue issue. 2: inscription for Mexico, Sonora revenue issue.
Gobierno Revolucionario: overprint on stamps of Mexico for Yucatan revenue issues.
God eks: (Dan.) good example, fine copy.
Godahoppsudden: (Swed.) Cape of Good Hope.
Goddaba: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1872-82.
Goddard, Robert H.: U. S. rocket scientist who pioneered liquid-filled rocket; launched first international mail flight, carrying 1,072 covers from McAllen, Texas to Reynosa, Mexico where they were stamped and postmarked, 1926.
Goddess of Liberty: first U.S. postal cards depicted a bust of the Goddess of Liberty.
God eks: (Dan.) good example, fine copy.
Godella: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937.
Godfrey & Munros’ Express: private parcel firm serviced New Bedford, Mass., and New York City; used a label, year unknown.
G Official mail: USA United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¢, 1992.
Goffratura: (It.) embossing.
Goffrea: bogus issue, on information available.
Gogo Island: stamp designs from Editions Pen, Swiss origin.
Golaleey: inscription on stamps of Somalia.
Gold, G: (Ger.) used as overprint or surcharge.
Goldback, A.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Goldback, A & Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Goldbeater’s paper (skin): a thin, fragile transparent “onionskin” security paper, made by rubbing it with resin, used on the 1866 Prussian parcel stamps; not sold to the public, affixed to heavy packages only.
Gold Coast: west Africa between Dahomey and Ivory Coast; British colony and protectorate in West Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1875-pre: mail handled by Sierra Leone, 1875, July 1: No.1, 1 penny blue, issued stamps, 1880: overprinted post cards, 1888: overprinted “Gold Coast Colony” registered letters, 1899: Gold Coast envelope stationery, 1918, June: first War Tax stamp issued, 1923: first postage due issued, 1957: became independent, 1957, March: renamed Ghana as independent dominion, issued first stamps, 1960: named republic within British Commonwealth.
Golden Casket: inscription on Queensland Railways stamps promoted the “Golden Casket,” a state lottery, to frank letters and packages shipped via the railroad.
Golden Eagle National Park Service: issued stamp-like labels to be affixed to Golden Eagle passes, 1988.
Gold foil: 1: artificial gold foil bonded to paper. 2: actual gold leaf, or very thin, fine gold bonded to paper.
Goldküste: (Ger.) Gold Coast.
Golfe de Benin: (Fr.) inscription, see Benin.
Golfing Bears: nickname for 1922 issue of Karelia Coat of Arms stamps depicting a bear holding a long slender weapon in what appears to be a golfing stance.
Golfo de Guinea: (Sp.) Spanish Guinea, 1907-49.
Goliad, Tex. Postage 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Goma: (Port., Sp.) gum.
Goma Molestarada: (Sp.) disturbed gum.
GOMAP: Good Offices Mission to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Gomma: (It.) gum.
Gomma Disturbita: (It.) original gum on an unused stamp which has been altered, usually by application of a hinge.
Gomme: (Fr.) gum, the coating of glue on the reverse of an unused or mint postage stamp; see never hinged, lightly hinged, original gum, partial original gum, ungummed, unused gum.
Gonzales, Tex., Colman & Law: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Good: a standard of grade.
Goodall proofs: proofs ordered printed by A. G. Goodall, president of the American Bank Note Co. in 1847 and 1879 of official and newspaper stamps.
Goodwin & Co’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and South Berwick, Mass.; used a label, year unknown.
Goodyear Cycle: Mar. 24, 1900; Cadet Sgt. Major Goodyear on the bicycle he used as a messenger during the Mafeking siege Oct. 12, 1899 to May 17, 1900; see Mafeking.
Goodall (London, New York): U.S. private die playing card stamp.
Goosewell Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gopshe: Donald Evans issue, a friend’s dog.
Gordonia: possible Jewish colony labels.
Gordon stamps: commemoratives issued by the Sudan, Jan. 1, 1935, 50th anniversary of death of General Gordon.
Gordon’s City Express: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1848-52.
Gorkiy: formerly known as Novgorod, Russia.
Görlitz: 1: Briefbeforderung Courier, German local, 1895-1900. 2: Express-Packet-Verkehr, 1886-1916. 3: German local, 1945.
Gorman, T. & Bro.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Gorman, Thomas: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Gorno-Badakhshan: Tajikstan, cinderella, 1997.
Gorny Slask: (Pol.) inscription on Upper Silesia private labels issued by Polish plebiscite official in 1920, some found used on mail in Poland.
Gorochow: German Hilfpost, Ukraine local, 1944.
Gorodskaya Uprava: (in Cyrillic) St. Petersburg City Office, fiscal, no postal validity, 1865.
Görögoszág: (Hung.)Greece.
Gösnitz: 1: Dick & Stutz Express-Packet, German local, 1891. 2: German local courier, 1893.
Gosport Strike Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Goteborg: formerly known as Gothenburg, Sweden.
Göteborg: (also Gothenburg) seaport and seat of Göteborg and Bohus province in SW Sweden, at mouth of Göta River on the Kattegat arm of the North Sea ca. 290 miles WSW of Stockholm. First local post (Göteborgs Stadpost) established by Maria Ellen Wilbergin in 1888. Several other local posts operated through the 1920s, to include Göteborg Privata Lokalpost, Göteberg Enskilda Local Post, and Privata Lokalpostem Ferm (q.v. individual Göteborg Local Post entries).
Göteborg – Göteborg Privata Local Post: Local post established by a merchant, R. W. Lindhe, who formed it into a limited compant in 1889. A lithographed triangular 5 øre blue “Lokal / Post / Göteborg” local stamp depicting a heroic figure was issued in 1888, with a similar design 3 øre dark ultramarine being issued 29 December 1889, and a similar design (no value indication) yellow being issued 22 February 1889. The yellow issues were surcharged 1 øre, 2 øre, and 10 øre in violet or blue on 17 February 1889. Remainders were overprinted “Stockholm” for the Stockholms Privata Lokalpost (q.v.).
Göteborg – Göteborg Stadspost Local Post: Local post established by Maria Ellen Willberg, with 1 øre blue, 2 øre green, and 3 øre red “Göteborgs / Stadspost” lithographed local stamps depicting King Gustav II issued on 24 April 1868. The rates were 3 øre for letters, postcards, or wrappers, and 10 øre for packages, but the rates were reduced dut to competition from Göteborgs Privata Lokalpost (q.v.). One type of local cancellation was used, usually in black, and rarely in blue; government post office cancellations are recorded, but are rare. The local post ceased operations on 23 March 1889.
Göteborg – H. G. Hansson Privata Lokalposten Fern: Local post established by H.G. Hanson, with lithographed 3 öre violet and 5 øre blue “Privata Lokalposten Ferm” (Ferm = Färm = “prompt”) issued on 5 March 1926
Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post: Local post established by Ivan R. A. Engstrom, with typographed 3 øre red and 5 øre yellow “Ensk. Lokalpost” (“Ensk.” = Enskilda [“private”]) local stamps depicting a castle being issued in 1926.
Goteborgs Stadspost: Sweden local post.
Gothenburg: Swedish locals 1: Goteborgs Stadspost, 1888. 2: Goteborgs Privata,1888-90 3: Goteborgs Enskilda, 1926. 4: Privata Lokalposten Ferm, 1926.
Gothic type: an angular letter type used as old English or German.
Gotour: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
Gott ex: (Swed.) good example, fine copy.
Gottleuba: German local, post WW II.
Gott’s Park School: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Gott strafe England-Er strafe es: “God punish England-may he punish it” inscription on German propaganda labels.
Gouda P.: Gouda Post, pre-adhesive postmark used 1757-93.
G. O. Ulleberg Local Post: see Drammen – G. O. Ulleberg Local Post.
Gourde: unit of currency in Haiti.
Gourieh: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-84.
Gouss: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
Gouyave manuscript: post office in Granada where the postmaster wrote “Postage” (unauthorized action) on revenue stamps due to definitive stamp shortage.
Governatorato del Montenegro: overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Italian Administration, Montenegro, 1941.
Government City Dispatch: 1857, Baltimore, Md.; see Carriers’ stamps.
Government coil: coil stamps produced by a post service contractor.
Government flight: air mail flight on which the pilot was a federal employee.
Government imitation: official imitations when original plates were no longer available; such as U.S. reproductions of the 1847 stamps.
Government imprinted envelope: postal stationery issued by a government postal administration whereby the postage stamp is printed directly on the envelope.
Government in exile: officials that are driven in exile issue postage stamps to show their legitimacy; some stamps have postal validity, sometimes issued to raise money.
Government issue: stamps issued by an established government or its agency.
Government of South Russia: General Wrangel, 1918-19 issued surcharged Russian stamps; see Russia, South.
Government Printing Office: federal agency that has printed postal cards and aerograms since 1910.
Governo Militare Alleato: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Allied Military Government, 1943.
Govie’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Govt Parcels: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for official use, 1883-1902.
Goya: famous nude stamp of Spain, 1930.
GP: Government Printer, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
G.P.: Guadeloupe; country code as used by the UPU.
GPCI: Grand Prix Club International.
G.P. de M.: (Sp.) Gobierno Provisional de Mexico (Provisional Government of Mexico) overprint on stamps of Mexico, 1916-18.
G.P.E.: overprint on stamps of French Colonies, Guadeloupe, 1884-91.
G.P.M.: overprint on stamps of Mexico, for Oaxaca revenue issues.
GPO: General Post Office.
G.P.O. Authorized Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
G Postcard Rate: United States non-denominated yellow postage stamp, value 20¢, October 13, 1994.
G.P.P.: General Post Paid, Britain, 1799-1829.
G P S: Germany Philatelic Society.
GPU: see General Postal Union.
GQ: Equatorial Guinea; country code as used by the UPU.
G. R.: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Greece, such as GR-1172 Athens.
GR: Greece; country code as used by the UPU.
Gr: (Ger.) catalog abbreviation for green overprint or surcharge.
Gr.: Grenze, pre-adhesive postmark.
gr.: (Ger.) catalog abbreviation for gray, grau (color).
Gra: 1. (Ger.) catalogue abbreviation for gray overprint or surcharge. 2. (Dan., Nor., Swed.) grey (color).
Gråakt: (Swed.) greyish (color).
Gråakt blå: (Swed.) greyish-blue [dull blue] (color).
Gråakt brun: (Swed.) greyish brown (color).
Gråakt gul: (Swed.) greyish yellow (color).
Gråakt gulbrun: (Swed.) greyish yellow-brown (color).
Gråaktig: (also Grålig) (Nor.) greyish (color).
Gråaktig blå: (Nor.) greyish-blue (color).
Gråaktig mørkblå: (Nor.) greyish-dark blue (color).
Gråakt orangebrun: (Swed.) greyish orange-brown (color).
Grabado: (Sp.) see Engraved.
Gråblå: (Dan., Nor.) grey-blue (color).
Gråbrun: (Dan.) grey-brown (color).
Gråblå: (Dan.) grey-blue (color).
Gråbrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) grey-brown (color).
Gradazione de colore: (It.) shade (color).
Grade: an expression that indicates whether a stamp is perfect or imperfect and the range of imperfections; catalogues usually address only centering and degree of cancellations on used stamps.
Grado de conservación: (Fr.) grade, condition.
Graduación: (Sp.) grade, condition.
Grækenland: (Dan.) Greece.
Græsgrøn: (Dan.) grass-green (color).
Græsk: (Dan.) Greek (adj.).
Græsk Post I Udlandet: (Dan.) Greek Post Offices Abroad.
Graffin’s Baltimore Despatch: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1856.
Gråfiolett: (Nor.) grey-violet (color).
Grafting: adding of margins to an imperforate stamp; paper added to a stamp.
Graf Zeppelins (Zepps): three US stamps picturing the Zeppelins issued in 1930.
Grågrøn: (Dan., Swed.) grey-green (color).
Grågrønn: (Nor.) grey-green (color).
Graham Land: overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands for Graham Land, Falkland Islands dependency in the Antarctic, 1944, Feb. 12-46; now part of British Antarctic Territory.
Graham Memorial City: Antarctic fantasy issue.
Grain direction: direction in which most of the paper fibers are aligned; paper tears more readily with the grain than against it; cutting a small rectangle piece from a page and wetting it will cause the paper to curl in the grain direction.
Grålig: (also Gråaktig) (Nor.) greyish (color).
Grålilla: (Dan., Nor.) grey-lilac (color).
Gråoliven: (Dan., Nor.) grey-olive (color).
Grå-olivgrå: (Dan., Nor.) grey – olive-grey (color).
Gramenet del Besos: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937.
Grana: 1: Two Sicilies, Italian States unit of currency, 1861. 2: Granada, pre-adhesive postmark.
Granada: Colombia-Granada, 1861.
Granada: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist and Republican,1936-38.
Granadina: Colombia-Granadina, 1859-60.
Granadine Confederation: original name for South American republic of Colombia, 1859-60: ‘Confed. Granadina” was on first issues, 1861: renamed United States of New Granada, 1862: renamed United States of Colombia.
Gran Bretagna: (It.) Great Britain.
Gran Bretaña: (Sp.) Great Britain.
Grand Comoro: Comoro islands, off Madagascar; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1897: No.1, 1 centime lilac/blue, stamps of French colonial period inscribed “Grand Comoro,” 1850: stamps of Comoro Archipelago; see Comoro Islands. 1912: first issue surcharged with new denomination, also used in Madagascar, 1914: stamps of Madagascar used. 1923: became part of the Republic of Comoros, 1950: stamps of Comoro Islands issued, now Republic of Comoros.
Grand Consommation: (Fr.) newsprint stock paper used to print stamps, 1917-20, called “papier de Grande Consommation” or paper of extraordinary emergency; printing plates were marked “GC”. during World War I
Grande Bretagne: (Fr.) Great Britain.
Grande margenes: (Sp.) wide margins.
Grand Fenwick, Duchy of: advertising fantasies produced for the movie, “The Mouse That Roared.”
Grand format: (Fr.) large size.
Grand Liban: overprint/inscription used on stamps of France for Syria and Lebanon.
Granite paper: paper containing tiny, visible colored fibers to deter forgery.
Granö Ångslups Aktiebolag: (Fin.) steamship line serving Granö islands, Finland local, 1895.
Grant’s Post Office: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Gråoliven: (Dan.) grey-olive (color).
Graphite-lined: contains printed lines of graphite which acts as an electrical conductor to signal scanning equipment.
Gråpurpur: (Dan., Swed.) grey-purple (color).
Gråskifer: (Dan.) grey-slate (color).
Gråskiffer: (Swed.) grey-slate (color).
Gräsgrön: (Swed.) grass-green (color).
Gråsort: (Dan.) grey-black (color).
Gråsvart: (Nor., Swed.) grey-black (color).
G Rate Make-up: United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 3¢, 1992.
Gratis: free label used in Jan. 1871, provided by Switzerland for correspondence by French prisoners of war..
Gratis Frimärke: (Nor.) free stamp.
Gratuit: (Fr.) free.
Grau: (Ger.) gray.
Gråultramarin: (Dan., Swed.) grey-blue (color).
Gravé: (Fr.) engraved.
Graver: a tool with a sharp hardened point used by an engraver to cut lines into a steel block.
Gravering: (Nor.) engraving.
Graves & Co., Express: private mail firm serviced Boston, Mass., and Portland, Maine; used a label, 1857.
Gravesend Postal Strike: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971
Graviert: (Ger.) engraved.
Gråviolet: (Dan.) grey-violet (color).
Gråviolett: (Swed.) grey-violet (color).
Grav.na: pre-adhesive postmark form Gravedona, Lombardy, 1835-40.
Gravor: (Rom.) engraver.
Gravørdybtryk: (Dan.) seeTryk – Gravørdyk.
Gravura: (Rom.) engraving.
Gravure: multicolor printing process with the design below the surface; formerly called photogravure.
Gravure en creux: (Fr.) intaglio.
Gravure sur acier: (Fr.) steel engraving.
Gravyrtryck: (Swed.) recess printing.
Gray & Co. “Express”: private mail firm serviced Boston, Mass. area; used a label, 1848.
Graz: formerly known as Gratz, Austria.
Great Americans: US series of stamps, formerly know as the Distinguished Americans; began in 1980, ended in 1999.
Great Barrier Island: located north-east of Auckland, NewZealand; 1898-99, 1948: known for the New Zealand Pigeongram Service/Agency; local stamps.
Great Bitter Lake Association (GBLA): stamps issued by ships trapped in Suez Canal after the seven days war, June 1967.
Great Britain: northwest of Europe, includes England, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Scotland, Wales; official name of postal administration: Royal Mail currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 pence = 1 pound 1652: Council of State decreed that letters from members of Parliament and some public officials be carried free; led to British postal reform, 1840, May 6: No.1, 1 penny black, world’s first stamp issued, never printed the name of the country on its stamps, used head of its sovereign, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, includes Overseas Territories Anguilla, Ascension, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltor, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Henderson Ducie and Oeno (Islands), South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Tristan da Cunha, Turks and Caicos Islands, 1882: first official stamp, overprinted “I.R. Official” (Inland Revenue) issued, 1914: first postage due stamp issued, 1918, Dec. 1: British forces enter Germany, 1940-45: Channel Islands issued their own stamps during German occupation, 1958: regional stamps issued for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, 1975: first semipostal issued. Great Britain: see Akassa, Army Official, Bahrain.
Great Britain: E.A.F.: East Africa Forces; overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Italian Somaliland, 1943-48.
Great Britain; Offices in Africa: Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Dodecanese and Somalia; 1942: overprinted “M.E.F.” (Middle East Forces), 1943, June: for use in Somalia, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “E.A.F.”, 1948, June: for use in Eritrea, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “B.M.A.”, 1948, July 1: for use in Tripolitania, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “B.M.A. Tripolitnia.”
Great Britain; Offices in China: stamps of Hong Kong overprinted “China,” 1917. Great Britain; Offices in Morocco: 1898: stamps of Gibraltar overprinted “Morocco Agencies,” 1928: stamps of Great Britain overprinted “Tangier,” Great Britain; Offices in Turkish Empire: 1885, April 1: surcharges on stamps of Great Britain. Great Britain Regional Issues: see Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey. Great Britain Telegraph Stamps: first recorded example, 1851; a 1-shilling inscription on the message form, issued in Great Britain by the Electric Telegraph Co.; private telegraph firms were absorbed into the British Post Office in 1869-69, first issue of Post office telegraph stamps was in 1876.
Great Britain; Offices in Turkish Empire: 1832: first office only handled diplomatic and military mail, 1857: office opened to the public, 1885, April 1: surcharges on stamps of Great Britain to prevent currency speculation, 1905: British stamps overprinted “Levant” to prevent resale in Great Britain.
Great Britain Regional Issues: see Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.
Great Britain Telegraph Stamps: first recorded example, 1851; a 1-shilling inscription on the message form, issued in Great Britain by the Electric Telegraph Co.; private telegraph firms were absorbed into the British Post Office in 1869-69, first issue of Post office telegraph stamps was in 1876.
Great Central & Midland Joint Committee: British local post.
Great Central Railway Company: British local post.
Great Comoro: see Comoro Islands.
Great Eastern Railway: British newspaper local post.
Great Island: Donald Evans definitive issue of 1940.
Great Mail Route: eastern mail (1852) from New Orleans via water to Mobile, then by river, stage and rail to Charleston, then by sea to Wilmington, and finally by rail to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.
Great Northern Express Company: parcel firm operated on the Great Northern , ailway lines stations; used labels, year unknown.
Great North of Scotland Railway: Scotland local post.
Great Northern & Great Central Railway Company: British local post.
Great Northern Railway: British local post.
Great Northern Railway: Ireland local post.
Great Post Route: In 1836, from Portland, Maine to New Orleans, La.
Great Salt Lake Trail: from Omaha to Salt Lake via the Platte River via Echo Canyon.
Great Southern & Western Railway: British local post.
Great Western & Great Central Joint Committee: British local post.
Great Western Railway: British local post.
Grec: (Rom) Greek (adj.).
Grèce: (Fr.) Greece.
Grecia: (It., Sp.) Greece.
Greece: independent nation located in southeast Europe; currency: 100 lepta = 1 drachma, 100 cents = 1 Euro (2002) 1861, Oct. 1: No.1, 1 lepta chocolate, first stamps issued, printed in Paris, classic Hermes heads, used dot design as cancel, 1875: first postage due issued, 1875, July 1; joined the UPU, 1889: variation in original design issued, printed in Athens, 1896: first Olympic Games commemorative issue, 1912: stamps of Greece overprinted for use in parts of Turkey occupied by Greeece (New Greece); overprint reads “Greek Administration,” 1913, July 1: stamps of Bulgaria overprinted in Greek for occupied areas 1917: Venizelist Provisional Government, 1923: King abdicated, revolutionary Administration, 1924, April 16: became republic, 1926, Oct. 20: first air mail issued, 1935: monarchy restored. 1940, Dec. 10: overprinted stamps issued for occupation of southern Albania, 1944, Nov. 11: Greek stamps with new currency issued, 1944: first semipostal issued, 1973, June: second republic formed; see A M, Aegean Islands, Astypalaia, Calchi, Carchi, Calimno, Calino, Chios, Icaria, Mytilene, Samos.
Greek Occupation of Aegean Islands: 1912-13: stamps of Greece overprinted for use in occupation of Chios, Icaria (Nicaria), Lemnos, Mytilene (Lesbos) and Samos,
Greek Occupation of Albania: North Epirus; 1940: overprinted stamps for postage due, air mail issued.
Greek Occupation of Cavalla: 1913: stamps of Bulgaria surcharged.
Greek Occupation of Dedeagatch (Alexandroupolis): 1913: stamps of Bulgaria overprinted.
Greek Occupation of Dodecanese Islands: 1947: overprint on stamps of Greece.
Greek Occupation of Epirus (Albania): 1912-13: provisional government established, 1914: occupied by Greece, occupation issue, 1940-41: overprint on stamps of Greece.
Greek Occupation of North Epirus (Albania): 1940-41: overprint on stamps of Greece
Greek Occupation of Thrace: 1920: stamps of Greece overprinted, in Greek, Administration Western Thrace.
Greek Occupation of Turkey: Balkan Wars, 1912-13; 1912: “Greek Administration” overprint on stamps of Greece.
Greek offices in Turkey: 1834-81: Greece operated a number of post offices in Ottoman Empire, 1861,Oct. 13-April 25, 1881: used stamps of Greece, stamps used in both areas are known only by their cancellations (Toypkia) in brackets.
Greek Use in Dodecanese Islands: 1947: additional overprint on stamps of Greece.
Greeley Bros. Co.: package and baggage firm serviced the Cleveland, Ohio, area; used a label and a stamp; year unknown.
Greenbacks: U.S. paper money.
Green, G.G.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Green goods: postal scam, see Official Notice.
Greenhood & Newbauer’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Weaverville and Shasta, Calif., used a label; year unknown.
Green label: white oblong label printed in green use as identification on mail from Great Britain to Malta for service personnel during 1941-42 siege.
Greenland: Danish territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, world’s largest island, official name of postal administration: Greenland Postal Service currency: 100 ore = 1 Danish krone 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, included with Denmark, 1905: parcel post issues of the Royal Greenland Trading Company were first stamps, 1935: Thule, a colony in north-west Greenland, issued its own stamps, 1938, Dec. 1: No.1, 1 ore olive/black, first government issued stamps, previously all letters from Greenland were carried free; WW II: U.S. protectorate when Denmark was under German occupation; 1945: issued overprint “Danmark Befriet 5 Maj 1945” for liberation of Denmark from German occupation, 1953, June 9: Greenland is considered as part of Danish kingdom, but issues its own stamps, 1958: inland letters were free up to this date, 1958, May 22: first semipostal issued, 1963: became part of the Kingdom of Denmark, 1979, May 1: achieved home rule.
Greenland: Royal Greenland Trading Company; local 1905-38.
Greenleaf & Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Green Mountain Principality: overprints on bogus State of Oman stamps.
Greenock Delivery: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971.
Green paper air mail stamps: regular stamps dipped into a chemical producing green-toned paper, 16-cent Air Mail Special Delivery issue, 1938.
Green Post Express: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971.
Greensboro, Ala. Paid 5, Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Greensboro, N.C. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Greenslade’s Delivery Co.: parcel firm serviced Los Angeles, Calif. area; used stamps, 1885-95.
Greenville: city in Liberia, registration inscription, 1893-1924.
Greenville, Ala. Paid Five, Paid Ten: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals. Greenville C. (Court) H. (House), S. C. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Greenwich-London Strike: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971.
Greenwood Depot, Va. Paid: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Gregori: Louis Gregori painted Return of Columbus and Reception at Court, adopted for Ten cents Columbian stamp.
Gregory’s California Express: pioneer express company handling mail to and from California.
Greifenstein, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1890s, for upper Danube lines.
Greig’ City Despatch: New York City post started by Alex H. Greig and Henry L. Winsor, Feb. 15, 1842; used first adhesive stamp 3¢ black on gray.
Greiz: German locals 1: Express-Packet-Verkehrn Oskar Hopf; 1889-1904. 2: Courier, 1893.
Grekenland: (Nor.) Greece
Grekisk: (Nor., Swed.) Greek
Grekisk Post på Udlandsk: (Nor.) Greek Post Offices Abroad.
Grekisk Post på Utländsk: (Swed.) Greek Post Offices Abroad.
Grekland: (Swed.) Greece
Grenada: British colony, island in the Caribbean; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1949) 1858-60: British stamps used with ‘A 15’ cancel, 1861: No. 1, 1 penny green, first issue appeared, Chalon portrait design, 1892: first postage due issued, 1916: first War Tax stamp issued, 1967: associated statehood with Great Britain, 1972, Feb. 3: first air mail issued, 1974, Feb. 7: own stamps used, independence state overprint, 1978, Jan. 30: joined the UPU, 1981, Nov. 30: first semipostal issued.
Grenada: Roosevelt’s Head & Disneyville inscription; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Grenada Carriacou & Petit Martinque: changed name from Grenada, 1999.
Grenada Grenadines: islands to the north of Grenada, islands of Carriacou and Ronde; 1973 – pre: used stamps of Grenada, 1973, Dec. 23: No.1, 25 cents multicolor, first own stamp (Grenadines overprint), 1982, June: first official stamps issued, 1986, Dec.1: first semipostal issued, see Grenada Carriacou & Petit Martinque.
Grenada Red Cross Society: inscription on label or sealing stamp authorized for use as a 1/2d stamp on one day only, Sept. 18, 1914.
Grenadines of St. Vincent: see Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Grenade: (Fr.) Grenada.
Grenat: (Fr.) claret (color).
Greseala: (Rom.) error.
Gressgrønn: (Nor.) grass-green (color).
Grève: (Fr.) strike.
Gr., Gronland: Greenland.
G.R.I.: Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King & Emperor) 1: New Britain overprint on stamps of German New Guinea, Marshall Islands, 1914. 2: overprint on stamps of German Samoa, for Samoa under Britain, 1914.
Gri: (Rom.) grey (color).
Gri-albastrui: (Rom.) bluish-grey (color).
Griazovets: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1878-1918.
Gridiron cancellation: a early U.S. cancel consisting of circles enclosing parallel lines; also known as grid markings.
Griechenland: (Ger.) Greece.
Griffin, Ga. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Griggs & Goodwill: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Griggs & Scott: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Grigio: (It.) gray.
Grill: an impression or embossing made on a stamp in order to break the paper fibers so that the ink from the cancel will soak into the stamp paper and make washing for reuse impossible.
Grilled gum: indentations in the adhesive caused by passing the gummed paper through a roller with a pattern to counteract paper curl.
Grilled Nationals: refers to the U.S. National Bank Note grilled issue of 1870-71.
Grill in relief: light engraving applied in dry relief on some U.S. and Peru stamps in order to prevent fading.
Grill Z: see Z Grill.
GRI Long Island: inscribed local issue for island of Long Island, Gulf of Smyrna.
Grimma: German courier local, 1893.
Grimstad: Norwegian seaport on the Skagerrak (also Skagerak) arm of the E central North Sea in Aust-Agder county ca. 140 miles SSW of Oslo. Local post established by N. Herlofson, with a set-of-5 “Grimstad Bypost” local stamps depicting a 3-masted ship being issued 15 January 1887. The stamps are cancelled with a single-ring “Grimstad-Bypost” circular datestamp having an 8-pointed star at the bottom, and the date and time in four lines at the center. The local post closed later in the year 1887.
Grimstad Bypost: Norway local post, 1887.
Gri-olv:(Rom.) olive-grey (color).
GRI Postage: inscribed local issue for island of Long Island, Gulf of Smyrna.
Gripper cracks: formed over slots cut in the edges of the plates curved to fit rotary press cylinders; associated with introduction of the rotary press printer.
Griqualand West: district of Cape Province, South Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling 1871: annexed to Great Britain, used stamps of Cape of Good Hope, 1873: made a Crown Colony, 1874: No. 1, 1 penny blue, manuscript surcharge, 1877, March: overprinted ‘G’ on stamps of Cape of Good Hope, 1880: Cape stamps with “G”overprint withdrawn and reissued to post offices in Cape Colony; Griqualand West annexed to the Cape Colony.
Gris: (Sp.) gray.
Gri-verzui: (Rom.) greenish-grey (color).
G.R. Mafia, G.R. Post Mafia: British occupation Mafia Island; off German East Africa.
Grn: (Ger.) grün, catalogue abbreviation for green.
GRN: international postal code for Greenland.
Grodno District: overprint on stamps of Russia, Lithuania, 1919.
Grodzisk: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Groenekrus: (Green Cross) inscription on semi-postals, Surinam.
Groenlandia: (It.) Greenland.
Groß: (Ger.) large, big.
Großbritannien: (Ger.) Great Britain.
Grobe-Altdeutschland-Katalog: (Ger.) Grobe Old Germany Catalogue.
Grodno, District of: town and district in Russia, then became part of Poland; 1916-17: German occupation stamps issued, 1919: stamps of Russia with overprint “Lietuva,” 1940: overprint “LTSR” on stamps of Russia, now part of Russia.
Groenekruis: Green Cross semi-postal of Surinam.
Groenland: (Fr.) Greenland.
Groenlandia: (Sp.) Greenland.
Grön: (Swed.) green (color).
Grøn: (Dan.) green (color).
Grönakt blå: (Swed.) greenish-blue (color).
Grönakt brun: (Swed.) greenish-brown (color).
Grönakt grå: (Swed.) greenish-grey (color).
Grönakt gul: (Swed.) greenish-yellow (color).
Grönakt ljust gråblå (turkos): (Swed.) greenish – light grey- blue [turquoise] (color).
Grönakt ljust mattblå: (Swed.) greenish – light dull blue (color).
Grönakt mörkblå: (Swed.) greenish-dark blue (color).
Grönaktig: (Swed.) greenish (color).
Grönaktig blå: (Swed.) greenish-blue (color).
Grönblå: (Swed.) green-blue (color).
Grønblå: (Dan.) green-blue (color).
Gröngrå: (Swed.) green-grey (color).
Grøngrå: (Dan.) green-grey (color).
Gröngul: (Swed.) green-yellow (color).
Grøngul: (Dan.) green-yellow (color).
Grønland: (Dan., Ger., Nor.) Greenland.
Grönland: (Swed.) Greenland.
Grønligblå: (Dan.) greenish-blue (color).
Grønligbrun: (Dan.) greenish-brown (color).
Grønliggrå: (Dan.) greenish-grey (color).
Grønliggul: (Dan.) greenish-yellow (color).
Grønn: (Nor.) green (color).
Grønnaktig: (also Grønnlig) (Nor.) greenish (color).
Grønnaktig blå : (Nor.) greenish-blue, seeGrønnligblå (color).
Grønnblå: (Nor.) green-blue (color).
Grønngrå: (Nor.) green-grey (color).
Grønngul: (Nor.) green-yellow (color).
Grønnligblå: (Nor.) greenish-blue, seeGrønnaktig blå (color).
Grønnligoliven: (Nor.) greenish-olive (color).
Grønnoliven: (Nor.) green-olive (color).
Grönolive: (Swed.) green-olive (color).
Grønoliven: (Dan.) green-olive (color).
Grønoskifer: (Dan.) green-slate (color).
Grönskiffer: (Swed.) green-slate (color).
Grónsko: Greenland.
Grønsort: (Dan.) green-black (color).
Grönsvart: (Swed.) green-black (color).
Gros: (Fr.) big, large.
Groschen: unit of currency used in the North German Confederation.
Grosion: Crete money unit.
Grossbritannien: (Ger.) Great Britain.
Grossdeutsches Reich: 1: semi-postals of Germany, 1943-45. 2: inscription on some issues of Germany and German-occupied Bohemia and Poland, 1943-45; see Bohemia and Moravia.
Grossdeutsches Reich Bohmen and Mahren: Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia.
Grossdeutsches Reich General Gouvernment: semi-postals of Poland, German occupation, 1943-44.
Grossecomoro: (Ger.) Grand Comoro.
Grossformat: (Ger.) very large size.
Grossion: currency unit in Albania.
Grossräschen: German Democratic Republic local, 1945-46.
Groszy: surcharge on stamps of Poland, revalidation after currency reform, 1950.
Grote: currency unit in Bremen
Grouch: (Ghurush) currency unit in Turkey.
Ground perforation: perforations are created by grinding up those areas of the paper that are pressed upward by passing the paper against a “pin tool.”
Groundwood: paper pulp produced by mechanically grinding wood logs making a weak, acidic paper that discolors upon exposure to light.
Groundwork: background of a stamp design with the primary stamp subject shown.
Groupage: bulking or combining of cargo loads; French Colony revenue inscription.
Grove Hill, Ala. Paid 5 cents: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Grove Postal Service: United Kingdom Strike local post, 1971.
Grupe: (Ger.) pane.
Grupo: (Sp.) pane of stamps.
Gruppo: (It.) pane.
Grün: (Ger.) green.
Grunay Island: Scotland local post in Skeoris, Shetland Island, 1970?
Grüne Karte: (Ger.) United Nations green card.
Grünlich: (Ger.) greenish, when used in combination with other colors.
G.R.V., Geo. V., G.V.: King George Fifth.
G.R.VI., Geo. VI., G.VI.: King George Sixth.
GS: 1: Ganzsache: (Ger.) postal stationery, entire. 2: South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands; country code as used by the UPU. 3. Gabriel Swart, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
G.S.: Government Storekeeper, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Gscheidle stamp: (Ger.) the 1980 German 60 pfennig+30 semi-postal Olympic Flag semi-postal that was printed, but not issued during boycott of the Moscow Olympics, 1980.
GSM: Gibbons Stamp Monthly, Great Britain.
GSW: Gibbons Stamp Weekly, Great Britain.
GT: Guatemala; country code as used by the UPU.
GT: Goolwa Tramway, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
GT. Pre: Gouvernement Provisiore (Provisional Government) overprint on provisional stamps of Haiti, 1902.
GTT: George T. Tyser, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Gtr: gutter.
GU: USPS abbreviation for Guam.
Guadalajara: No.1, 1/2 real black white, overprint used on lengthy series of provisional stamps of Mexico for this district, 1867.
Guadeloupe: French islands in the West Indies; currency: 100 centimes =1 franc 1851: used stamps of France, 1859: used French Colonies general issues, 1876, Nov. 20: locally printed postage dues, 1884: No.1, 20 centimes brown, first regular issue with overprint “G.P.E.” on French Colonial stamps, 1889: Guadeloupe overprint on stamps of French Colonies, 1892: issued own stamps, 1915: first semipostal issued, 1940-44: used Free French stamps during war years, 1945: first air mail issued, 1946: became an overseas Department of France, 1947, Jan.1: became part of French Republic, used stamps of France.
Guadur: dependency of Muscat; 1868: used stamps of India, 1947: used stamps of Pakistan, 1958, Sept. 8: sold to Pakistan.
Guam: south portion of the Ladrine group in the Pacific Ocean; currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar used stamps of Spanish Philippines, postmarked “Marianas,” 1898, June 20: ceded to the US by Spain, after Spanish-American War, considered a territory of the U.S., 1899, July 7: No.1, 1 cent deep green, first stamps were overprint “Guam” on US stamps, 1901: U.S. Post Office Department ran postal affairs with U.S. stamps used, 1930: local post to carry mail between small towns, see Guam Guard Mail, 1941-44: occupied by Japan, 1950: administered by US Department of Interior.
Guam Guard Mail: overprint on stamps of Philippines for local post of the army, 1930, April 8-April 8, 1931: local post; private local post exists with same name.
Guanacaste: province in northwest Costa Rica; 1885, Aug: overprint “Guanacaste” on stamps of Costa Rica, sold at a discount. 1889: used stamps of Costa Rica.
Guarani: Paraguay unit of currency.
Guarantee mark: marking applied to stamps by the issuing agency indicting that the stamp is genuine and valid for postal use.
Guardamar del Segura: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican,1937.
Guaro: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist,1937.
Guardia Nazionale Repubblica: see G. N. R.
Guatemala: see Aereo Exterior.
Guatemala: Central American Republic; currency: 100 centavos = 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centavos de quetzal = 1 quetzal (1927) 1847, March: full independence declared, 1867: bogus stamp produced by S. Allan Taylor, 1871, March 1: No.1, 1 centavo ocher, first stamps, quetzal bird featured on many stamps, 1881, Aug. 1: joined the UPU, 1902, Dec. 18: first official issued, 1929, May 20: first air mail, surcharged, issued, 1937, Mar. 15: first semipostal, 1971: issued a stamp with map showing Belize within its borders.
Guatemala C.A.: Centro America (Central America) Guatemala.
Guayana: North-East district of Venezuela; 1903, March: typeset provisionals by revolutionaries issued during Civil War.
Guayas: province of Ecuador; 1899-1901: script overprint on stamps of Ecuador as control.
Gubulawayo Bechuanaland: cancel on stamps of British Bechuanaland used from British South Africa, 1888-92.
Guerche: Ethiopia, Nejd, Saudi Arabia unit of currency.
Guerga: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Guernavaca: handstamp for Cuernavaca.
Guernsey: islands in the English Channel, northwest of France; official name of postal administration: Guernsey Post, Ltd. currency: 100 pence = 1 pound sterling 1925: post office opened on Sark, used British stamps, 1940, June 30: invaded by Germany, issued local post “Guernsey Postage” during occupation, 1940, Dec.-Feb. 22, 1941: officially permitted bisected British stamps during stamp shortage, 1945, May 10: islands liberated, local issues valid for one year, 1948: pair of stamps for Channel islands and GB, commemorating third anniversary of liberation from Germany, 1958: GB regional series issued for Guernsey, 1964, Oct.1: No.1, 1 penny rose-red, 1969: first postage due issued.
Guernsey-Alderney: Commodore Shipping Co., local, 1962-68.
Guernsey-Bailiwick: includes islands of Alderney, Guernsey, Herm, Jethou, Lithou and Sark.
Guernsey-Sark: island in English Channel, local 1962?-1971.
Guerra Civil Espanola: (Sp.) Spanish civil war, 1936-39.
Guerre: (Fr.) war.
Guerrilla stamps: stamps issued by guerrilla forces such as those printed in 1895 when the underground fighters of Taiwan issued stamps for their Black Flag Republic to fight Japanese occupying forces.
Gugh Island: Great Britain local carriage label, 1972.
Guiana, British: see British Guiana.
Guiana, Dutch: see Surinam.
Guiana, French: see French Guiana.
Guichet d’Affranchissement Postal Automatique: (Fr.) automatic postage stamp window, used for vending machines.
Guide dots: dots placed on stamp plates to help in the alignment of rows of stamps.
Guide line: horizontal or vertical colored lines between the stamps used as a guide for operators of perforating machines or to indicate the point of separation of the sheet into panes; also known as guide mark.
Guide line pair: attached pair of coil stamps with printed line between.
Guide plate: an adjustable ruler used in the perforating process to make certain that the perforations were in the gutters.
Guilder: unit of currency in the Netherlands and associated areas.
Guilford Gravure Inc.: private printer of postage stamps, started in 1970.
Guilloche: (Fr.) delicate engraving formed by an engraved interlacing network.
Guillochis: (Fr.) selvedge.
Guillotine perforation: single-line perforation made by a machine resembling a guillotine.
Guinea: country located on coast of West Africa on the Atlantic Ocean; official name of postal administration: Office de la Post Guinéenne currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 caury = 1 syli (1973), 100 centimes = 1 franc (1986) 1880: was under French protection known as Rivieres du Sud, 1890: became colony named French Guinea, 1892: first stamps on French colonial issues inscribed “Guinee Francaise,” 1944: became part of the French African Union, 1958, Oct. 2: Republique de Guinee established from French Guinea, 1959, July 13: first stamps overprinted “Republique de Guinee,” air mail, postage due issued, 1959, May 6: joined the UPU, 1960: first semipostal issued; see Spanish Guinea.
Guinea-Bissau: republic of Guinea – Bissau – former Portuiguese Guinea, west coast of Africa; currency: 100 centavos = 1 escudo, 100 centimes = 1 peso 1881: first stamps were Portuguese colonial of Cape Verde overprinted “Guine,” followed by “Guine Portugueza” and “Guine.” 1974, May 30: joined the UPU, 1974, Sept. 10: gained independence from Portugal, first stamps issued, 1976, Oct. 4: first air mail stamp issued.
Guinea Contial Espanola, Guinea Espanola: inscription on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1902-09.
Guinea Continental: overprint on stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corsico for Spanish Guinea, 1906.
Guinea Correos: fake overprint on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1914.
Guinea Ecuatorial: inscription used on stamps of Equatorial Guinea, 1968 to date; see Equatorial Guinea.
Guinea Espanola: inscription used on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1902, 1949-59.
Guinea, New: see New Guinea.
Guinea, Portuguese: 1862-71: French Colonies General issues as Assinie, 1892, Nov.: stamps first issued, 1904: stamps inscribed “Afrique Occidentale Francaise, Cote D’Ivoire, 1906: first postage due stamp issued, 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1931: “Cote d’ Ivoire” overprint, 1940: first air mail stamp issued, 1945-59: stamps of French West Africa used, 1958, Dec. 4: an autonomous republic, 1959, March 26: proclamation of independence, 1959, Oct. 1: Republique de Cote d’Ivoire, inscription used, 1961, May 23: joined the UPU, 1974, Jan. 1: first official stamp issued.
Guinea, Republic of: see French Guinea.
Guinea, Territorios Espanoles del Golfo: inscription used on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1902-29.
Guinee: see French Guinea, 1906-42.
Guinée Équatoriale: (Fr.) Equatorial Guinea.
Guinée Francais: (Fr.) see French Guinea.
Guinee, Republique de: see Guinea, 1959.
Guine Portueza: overprint on stamps of Cape Verde, Portuguese Guinea.
Guiné Portuguesa: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese Guinea, 1881-1973.
Guine Portuguese: inscription used on stamps of Portuguese Guinea, 1948-67.
Guine, Portugues(z)a: overprint on stamps of Cape Verde.
Guipuzcoa: Spanish Basque province; 1937: issued Carlist stamps during Spanish Civil War.
Guiza: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Gul: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) yellow (color).
Gulakt: (Swed.) yellowish (color).
Gulakt brun: (Swed.) yellowish-brown (color).
Gulakt grön: (Swed.) yellowish-green (color).
Gulakt ljusbrun: (Swed.) yellowish-light brown (color).
Gulaktig: (Nor.) yellowish (color).
Gulakt orangebrun: (Swed.) yellowish orange-brown (color).
Gulakt orange: (Swed.) yellowish-orange (color).
Gulbrun: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) yellow-brown (color).
Guld: (Swed.) gold (metallic color).
Gulden: currency unit in Netherlands and Dutch colonial area.
Guldfarve: (Dan.) gold (metallic color), see Gylden.
Guldgul: (Swed.) golden yellow.
Guldkusten: (Swed.) the Gold Coast
Guldkysten: (Dan., Nor.) the Gold Coast.
Gulf of Kotor: part of Dalmatian coast; 1943: occupied by Germany after Italy surrendered, 1944, Feb. 10: first stamps issued, 1945: part of Yugoslavia.
Gulgrön: (Swed.) yellow-green (color).
Gulgrøn: (Dan.) yellow-green (color).
Gulgrønn: (Nor.) yellow-green (color).
Gull: (Nor.) gold (metallic color).
Gullig: (Dan., Nor.) yellowish (color).
Gulligbrun: (Dan.) yellowish-brown (color).
Gulligrød: (Dan., Nor.) yellowish-red (color).
Gulliggrøn: (Dan.) yellowish-green (color).
Gulligorange: (Dan.) yellowish-orange (color).
Gulligrød: (Dan.) yellowish-red (color).
Gulockra: (Swed.) yellow-ochre (color).
Gulokker: (Dan.) yellow-ochre (color).
Gulolive: (Swed.) yellow-olive (color).
Guloliven: (Dan.) yellow-olive (color).
Gulorange: (Dan., Swed.) yellow-orange (color).
Guloransje: (Nor.) yellow-orange (color).
Gulröd: (Swed.) yellow-red (color).
Gulrød: (Dan.) yellow-red (color).
Gultig: (Ger.) valid.
Gultig 9. Armee: overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation of Romania, 1918.
Gum: the coating of an adhesive substance on the reverse of an unused or mint postage stamp; see never hinged, lightly hinged, original gum, partial original gum, ungummed, unused gum.
Guma: (Pol.) gum.
Gumaca, State of: bogus Philippine Island issue.
Gum bend: The gum has caused the paper to bend or crease.
Gum blister: happens when adhesive is dried by too much heat leaving patches of ungummed paper.
Gum breaker: colorless impressions across the backs of some stamps made during manufacture to prevent curling.
Gum crease: crack in the gum usually due to age and atmospheric conditions.
Gum damage: could be creasing, cracking, staining or chemical reaction.
Gum device: an imitation watermark on the gummed side of stamps; such as the wavy lines in the gum of German stamps of 1921.
Gum flaw: variety caused by paper covered unintentionally with gum and prohibits the printing ink to reach the surfaces of the paper.
Gummering: (Swed.) gum.
Gummi: (Dan., Ger., Nor.) gum.
Gummierung: (Ger.) gumming.
Gummifejl: (Dan.) gum disturbance.
Gum Ridges: vertical ridges of gum on the rotary sheet stamps, intended to make the stamps adhere better.
Gums: obtained from plants, animals, trees and shrubs, can also be synthesized chemically by altering starches found in rice, wheat, potatoes and cassava (tapioca), or synthesized in the laboratory using basic chemical building blocks; see Arabic gum, British gum, Chemical gum, Dextrine gum, Self adhesive gum, Water soluble gums.
Gum shine: term used by collectors to differentiate three categories, the degree of reflectivity of light on the gum; dull gum, low gloss gum and shiny gum.
Gum skip: area of a stamp where no gum has been applied; usually happens on selvedges.
Gum Soak: Stamp with stains from the gum getting damp and staining the stamp by soaking into the paper; most often seen on perf. tips. It also usually decreases the value of the stamp as being damaged.
Gum stain: a discoloring of the gum usually caused by tropical humidity, salt air, etc.
Gunn’s Despatch: S. Allan Taylor label, 1864.
G US: Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¢, 1991.
Gut: (Ger.) good.
Gutegroschen: currency unit in Brunswick, Hanover.
Gutigua: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal and Unreal Stickers.”
Gutter: the blank space between the panes of a sheet of stamps; gutters can be found on many of the “Farley’s Follies” stamp issue of 1935.
Gutter ornaments: ornamentation in the colors of the stamps, printed in the pane gutters to use unprinted official paper.
Gutter pair: two stamps with the selvage or gutter remaining between the pair.
Gutter snipe: miscut of the pane leaving the entire gutter and occasionally a portion of the adjoining stamp.
Guyana: former crown colony of British Guiana, northeast coast of South America; currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar 1831:named British Guiana, 1856: issued famous 1-cent magenta, 1941: first official stamp, 1966, May 26: No.1, 2 cents dark green, became independent as Guyana, 1967: first postage due issued, 1967, March 22: joined the UPU, 1969: remainders of stamps sold as canceled-to-order, 1970, Feb. 23: Republic of Guyana formed, 1981, Nov. 14: first air mail stamps issued,
Guyana: overprint on stamps of British Guiana, Guyana, 1966-68.
Guyane: (Fr.) inscription used on stamps of French Guiana, 1892-1904.
Guyane Anglaise: (Fr.) British Guiana.
Guyane Francais(e): (Fr.) inscription used on stamps of French Colonies, French Guiana, 1912-47.
Guy. Franc.: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of French Colonies, French Guiana, 1886-92.
Guyland, Republic of: Artistamp.
Guy’s City Despatch: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa. 1879.
GW: Gus. Willie, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
G.W.: Guinea-Bissau; country code as used by the UPU.
G.W:.overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope for Griqualand West.
Gwalior: India Convention State; central province; 1885: No.1, 1/2 anna green, stamps of India with “Gwalior” overprint valid throughout Indian Empire, 1895: first official stamp issued, 1950, Apr.1: Republic of India stamps used, 1950, Dec. 31: convention states stamps no longer valid, 1951, Jan. 1: overprint on stamps of British India for use to any point in British India, replaced by stamps of the Republic of India.
GWB: George W. Barber, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
G. Wisen Local Post: see Malmö – G. Wisen Local Post.
G.W.R. Air Mail: Great Western Railway semiofficial air mail stamp for service between Cardiff, Wales and Plymouth, started May 15, 1933, discontinued Sept. 30, 1933.
G.W.S.T.: Great Western Station, Britain.
GY: 1: Marine Insurance; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: Guyana; country code as used by the UPU.
Gyarmatai: (Hung.)colonies.
Gylden: (Dan.) golden (metallic color), see Guldfarve.
Gyldengul: (Dan.) golden-yellow (color).

Gyllen: (Dan., Nor.) golden (metallic color).
Gyöngszürke: (Hung.)pearl-grey (color).
Gyüjtemények: (Hung.)collections.



4-Sidig perforeing: (Nor.) perforations on 4 sides.
4 Skilling Våpen 1855: (Nor.) refers to the 1855 4 Skilling blue Norwegian Coat-of-Arms issue.
“40th Anniversary of the Royal Wedding 1947-1987”: 1987 Aitutaki overprint.
5-Dollar Prexie: nickname for the U.S. 1938 Calvin Coolidge issue.
F: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in France, such as F-75009 Paris. 2: Auction term meaning “Fine” quality. 3: Scott catalog number prefix for Registration. 4: “F” add-on rate., US nondenominated stamp, valued 4¢, placed on sale Jan. 22, 1991. 5: used to indicate that the plate was hardened and ready for use. 6: add-on rate., US nondenominated stamp, valued 4¢, placed on sale Jan. 22, 1991. 7: used to indicate that the plate was hardened and ready for use. 8: overprint on a French 1932-39 Peace with Olive Branch design to be used by soldiers and refugees escaping the Spanish Civil War to France. 9: Finland, applied in Helsinki between Dec. 1941 and July 1942. 10: Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for France. 11: “F” inscription, with flower, U.S. nondenominated stamp, valued 29¢, placed on sale Jan. 22, 1991. 12: overprint on a French 1932-39 Peace with Olive Branch design to be used by soldiers and refugees escaping the Spanish Civil War to France.
$F: catalog abbreviation for currency in Fiji (Dollar).
FA: Scott catalog number prefix for Certified Mail.
Få: (Nor.) few.
Fabian’s Phantom Post: United States local post, cinderella by George Fabian, Illinois, established Nov. 22, 1975.
Fabrica de Timbre: printer of postage stamps for Romania.
Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre: (Sp.) Spanish Mint and Printing Works; prints all Spanish stamps.
Fabrikwasserzeichen: (Ger.) papermaker’s watermark.
F A C: auction abbreviation for Forwarding Agent Cachet.
Face: Face: 1: see Face value. 2: side of mail piece with the delivery address. 3: lettering of a certain style (i.e. Times Roman face, Helvetica bold face, etc.).
Facer canceler: postal equipment that “faces” the envelope to be read easily and then cancels the item.
Face value: the monetary value of a postage stamp as printed, or surcharged in its design.
Fach: (Ger.) specialty.
Fachausstellung: (Ger.) commercial exhibit (stamp show).
Fachn: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1884.
Fachouda: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Faciale valeur: (Fr.) face value.
Facing: USPS placing of envelopes for sorting and mail processing operations.
Facing identification mark (FIM): series of vertical bars used by automated postal equipment that identifies, orients and separates various classes of mail.
Facing slip: U.S. post office term for slip placed on top of individual bundles of mail to indicate their destination.
Facit: specialized Scandinavian postage stamp catalog.
Facous: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-84.
Facsimile: a reproduction of a genuine postage stamp, intended for souvenir value and not meant to defraud.
Facsimile Mail Service: USPS service that permitted customers to send fax messages and have them delivered by the post office, 1971.
Factaj: (Rom.) Romania parcel post overprint, 1928.
Facteur: (Fr.) postman.
Facturas: (Sp.) inscription found on Spanish fiscal stamps used on invoices.
Fading: a lightening of ink or paper due to natural or non-natural (i.e. bleaching) physical causes.
Færge: (Dan.) ferry.
FaerOer: (It.) Faroe Islands.
Færøerne: (Dan.) the Faroe Islands, Faroes.
Faeroerne Franco Betalt: (Dan.) handstamp on stamps of Denmark for Faroe Islands.
Fabriksvandmærke: (Dan.) paper manufacturer’s watermark.
F.A.F.L.: Syria military overprint, Free French Administration.
FAG: Frank A. Green, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Fahl: (Ger.) faded.
Fahnenstempel: (Ger.) any cancel with dater dial and obliterator.
Fahnestock, B. A.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Fahrbares postamt: (Ger.) mobile post office.
Faidherbe: (Fr.) French colonial issued in 1906, depicting portrait of Gen. Faidherbe.
Fairbanks, Richard: postmaster of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, approved the receipt of all foreign letters to the American colonies, appointed Nov. 5, 1639.
Faire offre: (Fr.) make an offer.
Faire suivre: (Fr.) to be forwarded.
Fair warning: auction phrase to denote that a lot will be hammered down soon to alert bidders who may miss a lot of possible interest.
Fairy Tales: slang for false entries included in published or verbal Prices Realized.
Faja postal: (Sp.) wrapper, used in South America for mailing newspapers and magazines.
Fake: a genuine stamp altered as to color, design, value, etc. to increase its monetary value for sale to collectors; these can include imperforate singles, blind perforations, omitted colors and inverts.
Fälachung: (Ger.) cinderella.
Falkensee: “Falkensee, Gemeinde”(Falkensee Township) area in former Soviet-occupied East Germany, local post, 1945.
Falkenstein: German local post, 1887-1900.
Falkland Islands: British island group south of South America; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 pence = 1 pound (1971) 1878, June 19: No.1, 1 penny claret, first stamps issued, 1880-90: mail contracted to German steamships of Kosmos Line, 1900-14: mail contracted to Pacific Steam Navigation Co., 1918: first War Tax stamp issued, 1936: Argentina issued a stamp with map design showing Falklands as part of Argentina, 1982, Sep. 13: first semipostal stamp issued, 1985: dependencies of South Georgia and South Sandwich became a separate colony, 1991, Jan. 7: first postage due stamp issued.
Falkland Islands: 1: inscription White Out; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 2: King Smoking Pipe, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Falkland Island Dependencies: Islands of South Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans and British portion of Antarctica, all formed dependencies of the Falkland Islands; 1918: first War Tax stamp issued, 1944: first stamp issue, overprints on Falkland Island issue, 1944, Feb. 12: first stamp for Graham Land, 1944, April 3: first stamps for South Georgia, 1944, Feb. 21: first stamps for South Orkneys, 1944: first stamps for South Shetlands, 1946, Feb. 1: first stamps issued for four territories, 1963, July 16: reconstituted as the British Antarctic Territory, 1963, July 17: stamps resumed for South Georgia, see South Georgia, 1985, Oct.: South Georgia and Sandwich Islands issued their own stamps.
Falklandsöarna: (Swed.) the Falkland Islands.
Falklandsøerne: (Dan.) the Falkland Islands.
Fällige postgebühr: (Ger.) postage due.
Fals: (Rom.) counterfeit, fake, forgery; see Falsuri.
Falsch: (Ger.) forged, counterfeit.
Falschstempel: (Ger.) forged postmark.
Fälschung: (Ger.) bogus, counterfeit; labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors. False franking: postage on a mail piece from a mass mailing where the face value of the stamp underpays the actual rate; the difference is paid directly to the USPS when the item enters the mail stream.
False perforations: printed perforations on self-adhesive stamps, also known as “serpentine die cuts” and phony perforations.
False watermark: made by applying the gum using a patterned roller.
Falsificación: (Sp.) bogus, counterfeit; labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors.
Falsificazione: (It.) bogus, counterfeit; labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors.
Falsifié(e): (Fr.) falsified, forged, faked, counterfeited.
Falsk stempel: (Dan.) forged cancellation, forged postmark.counterfeit cancel.
Falso: (Sp.) false, bogus.
Falso per posta: (It.) postal forgery.
Falsuri: (Rom.) forgery.
Falta de Porte: 1892, unofficial inscription on stamps of Mexico.
Fältpost: (Swed.) fieldpost, inscription for free mail for Swedish troops in World War II as well as civilian mail addressed to the armed forces.
Fältpostmärken: (Swed.) field post stamps.
Fältpostpaket: (Swed.) field post parcels.
Falz: (Ger.) stamp hinge.
Falzlos: (Ger.) hingeless.
Falzpur: (Ger.) hinged.
Falzrest: (Ger.) hinge remnant.
FAM: Frank A. Martie, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
F A M: see Foreign air mail.
FAMcG: Felix McGuire, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Famous Americans: series of postage stamps honoring authors, poets, educators, scientists, composers and artists, 1940.
Famracia belgrand: (Sp.) advertising label from Argentina.
Fancy cancel: postmark with a pictorial design.
Fancy cancel, oddest: the Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan province in Quebec, 1895, commemorated the Nicaraguan coat of arms in detail.
Fancy registry cancels: the Post Office ruled, prior to Nov. 15, 1928, that the name and date of town not appear on registered mail so several local postmasters made or used a “fancy” cancel such as Fairfield, Iowa-Ear of Corn.
Fancy type: ornamental type overprint.
Fånge: (Swed.) prisoner, see Krigsfange.
Fangelejr: (Dan.) prisoner of war (P.O.W.) camp, Krigsfange.
Fangelejrpost: (Dan.) prisoner of war (P.O.W.) camp mail, see Krigsfangepost.
Fångepost: (Swed.) prisoner mail, see Krigsfange.
Fanning Island: bogus issue using frame of St. Vincent stamp.
Fanon: currency used in French Colonies.
Fantail margin: missing marginal perforations from edge of the stamp to the end of the sheet.
Fantan: U.S. Navy code name during WW II for Fiji Islands.
Fantan-1: U.S. Navy code name during WW II for Suva, Fiji Islands. 2: U.S. Navy code name during WW II for Nandi, Fiji Islands.
Fantasias: (Sp.) bogus issues, cinderella, fantasy.
Fantasimerke: (Nor.) fantasy stamp
Fantasifrimärke: (Swed.) fantasy stamp
Fantasimærke: (Dan.) fantasy stamp
Fantasy stamps: make-believe stamps from make-believe entities, usually made to delight or defraud; see Bogus stamps, Cinderellas.
Fantippo: stamp-like label used in Dr. Doolittle books.
F A O: United Nations inscription for Food and Agriculture Organization.
F A R: (Sp.) Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, Cuba telecommunications corps that established a postal system for personnel in Angola, 1985.
Farajan: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Farbabart: (Ger.) color variety.
Farbampeln: (Ger.) traffic lights.
Farbänderung: (Ger.) change of color.
Farbe: (Ger.) see Color.
Farbeprobe: (Ger.) trial color.
Farbwechsel: (Ger.) change of color.
Farchout: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1882.
Fardos Postales: (Sp.) 1: inscription for parcel post, El Salvador. 2: overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Socialist republic, parcel posts.
Far Eastern Republic: currently part of Russia, formerly part of Siberia, east of Lake Baikal; currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble 1918, July 10: provisional government established, 1920, Sept.: first issues were overprints and surcharges on stamps of Russia, 1921: stamps called the Blagoveshchensk Issue, 1921: stamps called the Chita Issue, 1922-23: stamps called the Vladivostok Issue, 1922, Nov.19: first stamp issued as part of Soviet Russia, 1923: final issue overprint on stamps of Russia with surcharge; see Siberia.
Fare un’offerta: (It.) to bid (at an auction).
Farfalla: (It.) butterfly (thematic).
Färg: (Swed.) color.
Farge: (Nor.) color.
Faridkot: India Feudatory State located in the central Punjab: currency:4 folus = 4 paisas = 1 anna 1879: No.1, 1 folus ultramarine, first local post stamps, 1886: first official stamps issued, 1887-93: first official stamp issued, 1887, Jan.1: signed as Convention State, stamps of British India overprinted “Faridkot State,” 1901, Mar.31: separate stamps discontinued, used stamps of Republic of India.
Färja: (Swed.) ferry.
Farley’s Follies: U.S. printing made on order of Postmaster General James A. Farley for the imperforate stamps of 1934-37.
Färm: (Swed.) see Ferm.
Färöarna: (Swed.) Faroes
Faroe Islands: autonomous postal authority, North Atlantic Ocean, part of Denmark. official name of postal administration: Postverk Føroya currency: 100 ore = 1 Danish krone 1870: Danish stamps used, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, included with Denmark, 1914-18: bisected stamps authorized, 1919, Jan. 3-23: No. 1, 2 ore green, surcharge on stamp of Denmark, 1940: British occupation values surcharged on stamps of Denmark, 1945: Danish stamps used again, 1948: islands were given self-government, 1975, Jan. 30: own stamps issued.
Färöer Inseln: (Ger.) Faroe Islands.
Farr, G. & Co.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Farrie Strike PS.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Farthings: currency unit in Malta.
Farve: (Dan.) color.
Farveafart: (Dan.) color error, see Farvefejltryk, Tryk – Farvefejl.
Farvefejltryk: (Dan.) color error, see Farveafart, Tryk – Farvefejl.
Farveprøve: (Dan.) trial color proof.
Farvefoto: (Dan.) color photo.
Farwell Company: Chicago, Ill. manufacturer of stamp vending machines, 1910-12, distinct perforation.
Faserpapier: (Ger.) granite paper; containing tiny, visible fibers to deter forgery.
Fast color: stamp ink that can be soaked in various liquids without the color running.
Fast, F: postmarks applied on mail carried on fast mail trains.
Fast mail: authorized in 1874 for rail service between New York and Chicago via Central R.R.; started Sept. 16, 1875 and discontinued July 22, 1876, other railroads also had a similar service.
Fast mail trains: trains that consisted almost entirely of mail cars, introduced in Sept. 1875.
Fast Pony Express Service: package firm service the Chicago, Ill. area; used stamps, year unknown.
Fastsättare: (Swed.) (stamp) hinge.
Fastway Post New Zealand Ltd.: private post operator in New Zealand who uses own postage stamps.
Fåtal: (Swed.) few.
Father Mathew Temperance & Manufacturing Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Fauconniere: Great Britain local post carriage label for Jethou, 1960.
Fault: missing piece, tear, clipped perforation, hole, scuff, thin spot, crease, toning, oxidation, stain, short perforation, etc. on a stamp; can decrease the value of the item.
Fauna & Flora: Donald Evans bogus issue, 1960-70.
Faunce’s Penny Post: U.S. local post, Atlantic City, N.J., 1885.
Faune: (Fr.) fauna (thematic).
Faute: (Fr.) fault, defect.
Faux de toute piece: (Fr.) completely faked.
Faux, Fausse: (Fr.) a forgery, counterfeit.
Faux perforations: simulated perforations, used on Pitney-Bowes meter stamps,1932.
Faux pour servir: (Fr.) forgeries which have been accepted by the post, or have been made with intent to defraud the postal system.
Favola: (It.) fairy tales (thematic).
Favor cancel: a hand cancel that is applied in a special manner as a favor to the mailer.
Favor’s Eastport & Boston Express: Boston to various cities in Maine via steamer Admiral, 1853-57, applied marking to mail.
Fayence: French local post parachute mail, (L’Aero-club Populaire de Nice et de la Riviera), 1946.
Fayoum: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1872-84.
Fazoglu: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
FB: Franklin Butler, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
FBB: Frank Brahler, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
F.B.O.: Foreign Branch Office.
F.B.S.: Friend’s Boarding School, U.S. local post for mail carried to the post office, Barnesville, Ohio, 1877-84. F/C: auction abbreviation for fiscal cancel
F C: auction abbreviation for fancy cancel.
Fco: (It.) abbreviation for Franco, a pre-adhesive postmark.
F C F A: see Reunion.
FCM: first class mail.
F C P: see Fluorescent coated paper.
F D: “fausse direction” (Fr.) misdirected.
FDAY: First Days; journal of the American First Day Cover Society.
F D C: see First Day Cover. F D I: see First Day of Issue.
Fdo. Poo: Fernando Poo.
F D O I: see First day of issue.
Fearey, Jabez & Co.’s Mustang Express: U.S. local post, Newark, N.J., 1870.
Fears & Bray’s Express: private mail serviced Boston, Pigeon Cove and Rockport, Mass., used a label; c1880.
Feary & Co.’s Mustang Express: private mail firm serviced Newark, N.J. area; used labels, 1887.
Február: (Hung.) February.
Februar: (Dan., Nor.) February.
Februari: (Swed.) February.
Februarie: (Rom.) February.
F.E.C. (Frank E. Clark): see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Fecha: (Sp.) date; statement on a stamp of when made.
Fecha de llegada: (Sp.) date of arrival or receipt.
Fecha de salida: (Sp.) date of departure or dispatch.
Fechador: (Sp.) dated postmark, canceller.
Fechne: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1868-82.
Fecske, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1880’s for middle Danube lines.
Federacion Española de Sociedades Filatelicas: (Sp.) Spanish Federation of Philatelic Societies.
Federacion Venezolana: (Sp.) Venezuela.
Federal Boating Stamp: inscription on U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1960.
Federal eagle envelopes: stamped envelope picturing the eagle in blue and gray design.
Federal Register: publication in which rules and proposed rules issued by the USPS and other federal agencies are published.
Federal Use Tax on Motor Vehicles: inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1942-48.
Federated Malay States: see Malaya. Federation of Malaya: see Malaya.
Federated Republic of Soviets in Russia: in Russian, used as an overprint for Imperial Russian consular tax stamps in 1922 applied to mail sent from Russia to Germany; see Deruluft.
Federation of Malaysia: see Malaysia, Federation of.
Federation of South Arabia: see South Arabian Federation.
Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP): (Fr.) International Federation of Philately.
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aérophilatéliques (FISA): International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies.
Federation of Ethnic Minorities: located in Burma, labels used to draw attention to human rights violations.
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland: see Rhodesia.
Federation of South Arabia: see South Arabia.
Federation of the West Indies: formed of ten British West Indies territories in 1958, dissolved in May 1962.
Federstrichentweetung: (Ger.) pen cancellation.
Feeder flight: an airmail connection flight at a specified mid-route point.
Feed Lines: name given to lines on flat plates to help in the correct placement of paper on the plate.
Féher: (Hung.) white (color), also becsületes.
Fehldruck: (Ger.) printing error.
Fehlend: (Ger.) missing or omitted.
Fehler: (Ger.) see Error, Fault.
Fehlerhaft: (Ger.) defective
Fehlfarbe: (Ger.) color error.
Fehlliste: (Ger.) want list.
Feil: (Nor.) error, flaw.
Feiltakking: (Nor.) perforation error.
Feiltrykk: (Nor.) printing error.
Fein: (Ger.) fine, a state of excellence.
Fejl: (Dan.) fault, faulty.
Fejlagtig: (Dan.) fault, faulty
Fejltryk: 1. (Dan.) see Tryk – Fejl . 2. (Nor.) printing error.

Fejlperforeret: (Dan.) misplaced perforartions.
Fejltakning: (Dan.) perforation error.
Feltpost: (Dan.) fieldpost.
Feltpostmærke: (Dan.) fieldpost stamp.
Feltpoststempel: (Dan.) fieldpost cancel, fieldpost postmark.
Fekete: (Hung.) black (color).
Feketésbarna: (Hung.) blackish-brown (color).
Fel: (Swed.) error.
Feldpost: (Ger.) 1: field or army post. 2: Austria, Germany overprint for field or Army post.
Feldpost 2kg: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, military parcel post (maximum 2 kg in weight).
Feldpostamt: (Ger.) Austrian Field Post Office.
Feldpostbrief: (Ger.) field mail letter.
Feldpostmærker: (Ger.) military mail.
Feldpostmarke: (Ger.) field post stamp.
Felso Szenegál és Niger: (Hung.) Upper-Senegal and Niger.
Felso-Volta: (Hung.) Upper Volta.
Feltpost: (Dan., Nor.) fieldpost.
Feltpostmærke: (Dan.) fieldpost stamp.
Feltpostmerke: (Nor.) fieldpost stamp.
Feltpoststempel: (Dan., Nor.) fieldpost cancel, fieldpost postmark.
Feltryck: (Swed.) printing error.
Felülnyomat: (Hung.) overprint.
Fem: (Dan., Nor.) five (number).
Femfärgstryck: (Swed.) see Tryck – Femfärgs.
Femstripe: (Nor.) strip-of-5.
Femten: (Dan., Nor.) fifteen (number).
Femti: (Nor.) fifty (number).
Fen: “Fenigy” Poland currency overprint with Poctzta Polska, 1918.
Fendu(e): (Fr.) split, cracked, slashed.
Feng (F.): (Chin.) cover.
Fengselpost: (Nor.) prison mail.
Feng-tai: East China local post, SW of Pengpu, 1949.
Fennig: currency unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Fenster: (Ger.) (window) thin spot on a stamp.
Fente: (Fr.) slit, cut, small tear.
F E P A: Federation of European Philatelic Associations.
Ferdinand I, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built at Trieste in 1839 for Levant lines.
Ferdinand Maximilian, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built in1850’s.
Fergusson & Sons (J.W.): Stamp venturers subcontractor for printing US stamps.
Feria Muestrario: (Sp.) fair, found in handstamps, cancels.
Feribot: (Rom.) ferry boat.
Ferie-maerke: (Dan.) non-postal holiday stamp, savings to pay for annual holidays.
Ferien: (Ger.) vacation.
Ferje: (Nor.) ferry.
Ferjebåt: (Nor.) ferry boat.
Ferjebåtmerke: (Nor.) ferry boat stamp.
Ferjebåtpost: (Nor.) ferry boat mail.
Ferjebåtstempel: (Nor.) ferry boat cancellation.
Ferm: (Swed.) (also Färm) prompt.
Fermé(e): (Fr.) closed.
Fermented Fruit Juice: tax paid revenue stamp denominated in barrels and fractions of barrels, 1933.
Fermented Liquor: overprint on U.S. Internal Revenue stamps, 1933.
Fernando Po: Spanish colony, island off Gulf of Guinea, west African coast; currency: 100 centimos = 1 escudo = 2.50 pesetas, 100 centimos = 1 peseta, 1,000 milesimas = 100 centavos = 1 peso (1882) 1858-77: stamps of Britain used, 1868, July 1: No.1, 20 centimos brown, first stamp issued as Spanish colony, 1867-79: stamps of Spanish Cuba used inscribed Ultramar, 1879-1909: own stamps used, 1909-60: stamps of Spanish Guinea used, 1960: first semipostal stamp issued, 1968, Oct. 12: united with Rio Muni to form Republic of Equatorial Guinea, 1972: renamed Bioko.
Fernigow: currency unit in North Poland, 1919-1923
Fern-Ost-Republik: (Ger.) Far Eastern Republic.
Ferrarities: someone who owns a number of fakes; named after Baron Philipp La Renotiere Von Ferrary, a great collector who also owned a number of fakes and forgeries.
Ferrary, Philip L.R. von, Count: (1850-1917) considered one the world’s greatest collectors, who by the 1880s, was considered to have the world’s greatest stamp collection known, died of a heart attack while trying to buy a Swiss stamp; his collection was confiscated by France and sold to pay the German War Reparations Account.
Ferrocarriles: (Sp.) railways.
Ferrocarriles Andaluces: (Sp.) Andalusian Railways, inscription on railway’s own stamps.
Ferrol del Caudillo: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Ferrovia: (It.) train
Fervente: (Port.) bright color.
Festad de Ciudade Lisboa: (Port.) Lisbon City Festival, Portugal and Azores postal tax stamps.
Festiniog Railway: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Festoon-edged: edges of stamps, usually labels, with rows of semicircular cuts.
Festpostkarte: (Ger.) commemorative post card.
Fésusfogazat: (Hung.) comb perforation.
F.E.T. (Falange Española Tradicionalista): (Sp.) found on civil war tax and charity stamps, Spanish right wing political party in 1933-34.
Fetejh: city in Russia, local post aka Koursk.
Fetridge & Co.: U.S. private die perfumery proprietary stamp.
Feuchtwanger Strip: Civil War era encased postage stamps, but may be a fantasy item created in the 1890’s.
Feudatory States: states in India established their own postal systems which carried mail within the state; see individual states for additional information; Alwar, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhor Bijawar, Bundi, Bussahir, Charkhari, Cochin, Dhar, Duttia (Datia), Faridkot, Hyderabad, Idar, Indore (Holkar), Jaipur, Jammu and Kashmir, Jasden, Jhalawar, Jind, Kishangarh, Las bela, Morvi, Morvi, Nandgaon, Nawanagar, Orchha, Poonch, Rajasthan, Rajpipla, Sirmoor, Sorouth, Travancore, Travancore-Cochin, Wadhwan.
Feuille: (Fr.) sheet, page (album).
Feuille de timbres: (Fr.) sheet (of stamps).
Feuille-témoin: (Fr.) imprimatur sheet.
Fez Mequinez: Morocco local post, 1897.
Fez Sefrou: Morocco local post, 1894.
Fezzan-Ghadmes: see Libya.
Fezzan Occupation Francaise: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of Italy and Libya for French occupation, 1943, see Libya.
Fezzan, Territoire du: see Libya.
FF: abbreviation for foreign flights.
F F, F fr: catalog abbreviation for currency in Andorra, France and Monaco, (Franc).
F F C: see First Flight Cover.
FFUS: abbreviation for first flights by US airlines.
F G: auction abbreviation for flag cancel.
F.G.N: Nigeria unissued official overprint.
F Grill: grill design used on US stamps in the 19th century.
F I: Finland, including the Åland Islands, country code as used by UPU.
FI: fiscals; a philatelic discipline recognized for FIP exhibitions.
F I A F: (Sp.) “Federación Interamericana de Filatelia,” InterAmerican Federation of Philately.
Fialovocerná: (Czech.) violet-black, purple-black (color)
Fialovocervená: (Czech.) violet-red, purple-red (color)
Fialovohnedá: (Czech.) violet-brown, purple-brown (color)
Fialovomodrá: (Czech.) violet-blue, purple-blue (color)
Fialovosedá: (Czech.) violet-grey, purple-grey (color).
Fialovy: (Czech.) violet, purple (color).
FIAP: Far East Philatelic Federation.
FICC: First Issues Collectors Club.
Ficha: (Sp.) small stock cards for mounting stamps.
FIDES: Economic and Development Fund; common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1956.
Fidji: (Fr., Swed.) the Fiji Islands.
Fidschi-Inseln: (Ger.) Fiji Islands.
Fidzsi Szigetek: (Hung.) the Fiji Islands.
Fieldmail Supplies: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Field Post Office: a post office established for servicemen on active service.
Fiera di Trieste: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Trieste, 1950-53.
Fiesta de la Hispanidad: (Sp.) national holiday celebrated on Oct. 12 to commemorate explorers of America.
Fifi: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book “Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.”
Fifth Clause Post: British handstamp pertaining to the 5th Clause of an Act of Parliament regarding village posts.
Fifth International Philatelic Exhibition: international stamps show held in New York City, 1956.
Figaro: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Figure: 1: name given to 1914 French colonies postage dues with value in bold panel in center. 2: Name given to 1894 King Carlos portrait on Portuguese colonials.
Fijasellos: (Sp.) stamp mounts.
Fiji: member of British Commonwealth; group of 844 Pacific islands; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1872, 1969) 1870, Nov. 1: No.1, 1 penny pink, first stamps were locally typeset, by Fiji Times newspaper, paper ran a letter and parcel service, 1871: stamps with cipher of native king, CR (Cakobau Rex), Fiji started own mail service, 1872, May 8: Fiji Times closed its mail service, 1874: overprinted V.R., “Victoria Regina” to mark change by King Cakobau to Crown Colony, 1916: first War Tax stamp issued, 1917: first postage due stamp issued, 1951, Sep. 17: first semipostal, 1970, Oct. 10: first stamps issued as independent territory, 1971, June 18: joined the UPU.
Fiji: 1: hurricane relief inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 2: empty boat, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 3: coxed fours, or four men in a boat; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 4: man overboard; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 5: two men in a boat; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Fiji øerne: (Dan.) the Fiji Islands.
Fila: (Sp.) row of stamps.
Filamentos de seda: (Sp.) silk threads found in stamp paper.
Filateli: (Nor.) philately.
Filatelia: (It., Sp.) philately, also a stamp shop.
Filatelica: (It.) philatelic; pertaining to stamp collecting.
Filalistisk frankering!: “Philatelic handling label” for careful canceling and handling of mail, supplied by postal authority, Austria.
Filatelista: (Sp.) philatelist.
Filatelistamplat Brev: (Swed.) philatelically canceled cover.
Fil de soie: (Fr.) silk thread.
File crease, file: postal item that has been kept folded over for a long period of time.
File proof: proofs taken from the finished master die to be kept in archival files of the printing firm.
Filet: (Fr.) frame line.
Filigrana: (Sp., It.) watermark.
Filigrana acostada: (Sp.) sideways watermark.
Filigrana de panales: (Sp.) honeycomb watermark.
Filigrana lazos: (Sp.) horizontal watermark, used in 1855 issue of Spain.
Filigrane: (Fr.) watermark.
Filigrane de fabricant de papier: (Fr.) paper maker’s watermark.
Filigranoscopio: (Sp.) watermark detector.
Filigranul, filigrane (filigranele): (Rom.) watermark, watermarks.
Filing crease: creases folded on a postal piece by recipient so that the mail item will fit into a folder.
Filing holes: holes punched by the recipient so that the postal piece can be filed.
Filipas Impresos: (Sp.) newspaper stamps of Philippines.
Filipperne: (also Philippinerne) (Dan.) Philippines.
Filipinas, Filip’as: (Sp.) Philippines.
Filippine: (It.) Philippines.
Filippinerna: (also Philippinerna, Philippinernsk) (Nor., Swed.) the Philippines, Philippine (adj.).
Filippinerne: (also Philippinerne, Philippinernsk) (Dan.) the Philippines.
Filippinernsk: (also Philippinerna, Philippinernsk) (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Philippine (adj.).
Filler: stiff piece of paper or cardboard used inside a cover to provided stiffness for a clear cancellation and provide protection against bending of the cover while in the mail stream.
Filo di seta: (It.) silk thread.
Fils: Abu Dhabi, Bahrain currency unit.
Final bid price: see Hammer price.
Fina marginaler: (Swed.) full margins, cmplete margins.
Final master proof: combination of all separations to produce the complete design in photogravure or offset printing.
Finanzstempel: (Ger.) revenue cancel. Fincastle, Va. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Finbatt-UNDOF: Finnish Battalion, United Nations Disengagement Force serving in the Golan Heights, 1979-93.
Finchley Local delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Finder’s fee: a fee paid to a broker or agent referring philatelic material for direct sale to a philatelic dealer, or for consignment to a philatelic auctioneer. The “Finder’s Fee” for this third party normally is a standard 5% of the purchase price or, in the case of the material being sold at public auction, 5% of the total “hammer price.”
Fine: design may be off center but will not touch any edge, imperforates may have small margins, very early perforated issues may have the perforations cutting into the design, used stamps wil have heavier than usual cancellations; ref.: Scott Catalogue.
Fine perforation: perforation with small holes and teeth close together.
Fine-Very Fine: stamps may be slightly off center on two sides, perfs are noticeably off center, imperforate stamp design will not touch any edge, some non-US stamps may be printed so that the design is naturally very close to the edges, used stamps will not have a cancellation that detracts fom the design; ref.: Scott Catalogue.
Fingerbølstempel: (Dan.) thimble-type cancellation, small diameter circular datestamp.
Fingerbøllstempel: (Nor.) thimble-type cancellation., small diameter circular datestamp.
Finger Lakes Steamboating: organized Dec. 15, 1819, stopped 1870, had a monopoly in carrying the mail on Cayuga Lake, N.Y.
Fingerbølstempel: (Dan.) thimble-type cancellation.
Finland: northern Europe on Gulfs of Bothia and Finland, official name of postal administration: Suomen Posti Oy currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 pennis = 1 markka, 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1809- Dec. 1917: former grand duchy of Imperial Russia, 1856, March 3: No.1, 5 kopecks blue, first stamps issued under Russian Empire, 1889: name on stamps in Russian instead of Finnish, 1891: Russian czar Alexander III decreed that all mail from Finland had to be franked with the dot-in-circle issue, (in four corners of the stamps), 1901: Nicholas II, of Russia, son of Alexander III decreed that all mail out of Finland had to bear Russian stamps, 1917, Mar. 21:independent state within Russian federation, 1917, Dec. 6: Finland declared independence from Russia, first stamps for independent country, 1918, Feb. 12: joined the UPU, 1922, May 15: first semipostal issued, 1930, Sep 24: first airmail stamp issued, 1941, Nov. 1: military stamps issued, 1941-45: occupied Russian territory of Eastern Karelia, “Karjala” overprint on stamps of Finland, 2002: stamps in markka denominations issued in 1963 or afterwards valid through end of 2011, then change to euros; see Aereo O/Y, Äland Islands, Aunus, Autopaketti, Ingermanland, North; Karelia, Eastern, Kenttäpostia.
Finlande: (Fr.) Finland.
Finlandez: (Rom) Finnish (adj.).
Finlandia: (It., Sp.) Finland
Finn: (Hung.) Finn
Finnland: (Ger., Ice.) Finland.
Finnorszag: (Hung.) Finland
Finn Valley & West Donegal Railway: Ireland local post.
Finn Valley Railway Company: Ireland local post.
Fino: (It., Sp.) fine quality, a state of excellence.
Finsk: (Dan, Nor., Swed.) Finnish (adj.).
Finska Jernvägens Post Kupéexped: (Swed.) “Finnish Railway Postoffice coach” postmark
Finske skeppspost: (Swed.) Finnish ship mail (ship post).
Finske skibspost: (Dan.) Finnish ship mail (ship post).
Finske skipspost: (Nor.) Finnish ship mail (ship post).
Finsko: (Czech.) Finland.
Finsky: (Czech.) Finnish.
Finsterwalde: (Ger.) Germany 1945-46 local post, town or area in former Soviet-occupied East Germany.
Finwell Despatch Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Fiolavá: (Czech.) violet, purple (color).
Fioletowy: (Pol.) violet (color).
Fiolett: (Nor.) violet (color).
Fiolettblå: (Nor.) violet-blue (color).
Fiolettbrun: (Nor.) violet-brown (color).
Fiore: (It.) flower (thematic).
F I P: Federation Internationale de Philatelie; International Federation of Philately, the group that sets rules and standards for international exhibitions, founded in Paris, 1926.
FIPCO: Federation Internationale de la Philatelie Constructive as a topical group, founded in 1950, merged with the FIP in 1964.
F I P E X: Fifth International Philatelic Exhibition, held in New York City, April 28-May 6, 1956.
F I P O: Federation of Olympic Philately.
Fire: (Dan.) four (number).
Firearms Transfer Tax: inscription and overprint on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps for special classes of firearms, such as machine guns; 1917 to date.
Fireblokk: (Dan.) block-of-4
Fire Hundre: (Nor.) four-hundred (number).
Firenze: Florence, Italy, allied occupation, local post, 1944.
Firestripe: (Nor.) strip-of-4.
Firma: (Sp.) signature, marks of genuineness on backs of stamps.
Firmato: (It.) see Expertise.
Firmenfreistempel: (Ger.) company meter marking.
Firs: (Dan.) eighty (number).
First acceptance: first airmail dispatch from a specified origin on an existing route ro service.
First aerial Post/1911/U.P. Exhibition Allhabad: see Aeroplane mail, first.
First Bureau Issue: first set of definitive stamps to be printed by the BEP, 1894.
First cachet: the very first cachet commercially produced by a cachetmaker.
First Class Card, Presorted: US nondenominated stamp, valued 15¢, placed on sale Mar. 17, 1995.
First Class Mail: a class of mail including letters, postcards and postal cards with all matter sealed or otherwise closed against inspection.
First-class USA: 1: flower; U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 34¢, issued Dec. 15, 2000. 2: flag and farm; U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 34¢, issued Dec. 15, 2000.
First day: the day on which a stamp is first officially sold by the Post Office.
First day ceremony program: special items created for distribution to guests at first-day ceremonies
First day cover: a newly issued stamp affixed to an envelope and postmarked on the first day of sale at a city designated by the Postal Service.
First Day Objects (FDO): various non-philatelic objects to which a stamp and first day cancel was applied.
First day of issue (FDOI): the day on which a stamp is initially placed on sale by postal authorities.
First day of issue office: a post office authorized to sell a new postage item on the first day of sale.
First day of rate: postmark denoting the first day of usage of a new postal rate.
First direct flight: first flight without an intermediate landing.
First flight: initial flight of airline, route, or aircraft carrying official mail for the first time.
First flight cover (FFC): an envelope bearing a cancellation and usually having a special descriptive cachet affixed which has been at the point of origin and carried on a first flight opening a new air mail route.
First Foreign Trade Week: overprint on stamps of Philippines.
First international rocket flight USA-Mexico: triangular label to commemorate the 1936 event.
First issued: date when a philatelic item was first released to the public.
First Issue of Revenue Stamps: US issues 1862-1871 to help pay for the Civil War.
First Trans-Atlantic Air Post April, 1919:
 overprint on stamps of Newfoundland for transport on H.G. Hawker’s unsuccessful attempt to be the first crew to fly across the Atlantic Ocean; the crew and mail were rescued.
F I S A: Fédération International des Sociétés Aérophilateliques (International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies).
Fiscal: non-postal revenue or tax stamp.
Fiscal cancellation: a cancellation applied to a stamp by pen, indelible pencil or rubber stamp, and used for revenue, rather than postal purposes. This usually reduces the market value of the stamp considerably.
Fiscally cancelled: a stamp available for both postal and revenue purposes which has been used in connection with the fiscal charge, is known as fiscally used or cancelled, to distinguish it from similar stamps being postally used.
Fiscal-postal stamp: a stamp valid for prepayment of postage and for revenue purposes.
Fiscal stamps: stamps intended to collect taxes, fees and duties for the revenue as opposed to prepay postage; see Revenue stamps.
Fiscal year: U.S. 12-month period uses for bookkeeping purposes; starts three months ahead of the calendar year.
Fiscaux-postaux: (Fr.) “fiscal post” stamps intended to collect taxes, fees and duties for the revenue as opposed to prepay postage.
Fisch: (Ger.) fish (thematic).
Fisher’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Boston and Stoughton, Mass., used a label; year unknown.
Fishing stamps: state revenue stamps that show prepayment of fees for fishing; may be all inclusive or limited only to certain types of fish.
Fiskal annullering: (Dan.) fiscal cancellation, revenue cancellation.
Fiskalmarke: (Ger.) revenue stamp.
Fiske & Co’s Express: private mail firm serviced eastern U.S. and Canadian towns; used a corner card; 1854?
Fiske & Rice’s Express: U.S. local express label,1851-54.
Fitch’s Express: private parcel firm serviced Chicago, Ill area; used a label, 1896-99?
Fitz & Choate’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and Ipswich, Mass., used a label, year unknown.
Fitz’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston and Ipswich, Mass., used labels, year unknown.
Fiume: city and area on the Adriatic Sea; now called Rijeka; currency: 100 filler = 1 korona, 100 centesimi = 1 corona (1919), 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1870: stamps of Hungary used, 1871: Austrian stamps used, then stamps of Hungary used again 1915: stamps of Hungary overprinted Fiume for Italian annexation, 1918-19: Allied occupation, 1918, Dec.2: No.1, 10 filler rose, stamps of Hungary overprinted Fiume; first postage due stamp, 1919: first semipostal stamp issued, issued by Italian Free Corps, 1919-24: part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1920, Nov. 12: independent state, 1921: first overprinted stamp as a free state, separate overprints for the Carnero, Arbe and Veglia islands, 1924, Jan. 27 – 45: Fiume annexed to Italy, Italian stamps used, 1941, May: Fiume -Kupa, stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “Zofk-Zona Occupata Fiumano Kupa” Fiume Kupa Occupied Zone, then Italian stamps used, 1943, Sept. 8: Repubblica Sociale Italiana, Italian Social Republic stamps of Italy used, 1945, May: Yugoslav occupation “Fiume/Rijeka,” 1945-46, July: provisional overprint on stamps of Italy for Fiume, 1947: annexed to Yugoslavia.
Fiume: now known as Rijeka, Yugoslavia.
Five and ten: referred to the 1847 five and ten cent U.S. stamps.
Five Cent Parcel Delivery Co.: private parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass., area; used stamps, 1890-91?
Five Cent Parcel Despatch Co.: private parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass., area; used stamps, 1893?
Five-digit presort: bulk mail presorted to five Zip Code digits and bundled.
F J: Fiji, country code as used by UPU.
Fjorten: (Dan.) fourteen (number).
FJV: Ferdinand J. Voight, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
F K: Falkland Islands (Malvinas), country code as used by the UPU.
F.K.S. Emergency P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
F L: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Liechtenstein, such as FL-9490 Vaduz. 2: auction abbreviation for topical flowers. 3: USPS abbreviation for Florida. 4: USPS abbreviation in address for number of floor in building.
FLA: Frank L. Adrian, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Fla.: abbreviation for Florida prior to Zip Code usage.
Flachdruck: (Ger.) flat plate printing.
Fläck: (Swed.) blemish, blot, spot.
Fladtryk: (Dan.) see Tryk – Flad
Flag cancel: cancellation with a flag as the obliterator.
Flaggenstempel: (Ger.) flag cancel.
Flag of Truce mail: postal route between the North and South during the American Civil War in operation from Sept. 1861 to Feb. 1862.
Flags: refers to the series of 13 U.S. stamps issued in 1943-44 picturing the flags of the overrun countries.
Flamme(s): (Fr.) duplex cancel, slogan cancel.
Flanders, A. H M.D.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Flap seal: the design on the flap of an envelope, usually an embossed design.
Flashline Postal Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Flat: 1: USPS term for large size mail that is sorted without bending. 2: format in which finished coil stamps of 100 are shipped to the Post Office.
Flat-bed printing: printing process done be pressure applied to the paper on a plate held flat on the bed of a press.
Flat plate: a stamp printed on a flat-plate or flat-bed press; this process is slower than the rotary press method of printing from curved plates.
Flat plate imperforate coil stamps: U.S. stamps issued in coils of 500 or 1,000, made for imperforate sheets of the regular issues, saved in strips of four or longer to authenticate.
Flat Plate Press: a printing press that prints from a flat plate vs a curved plate; used up to 1915 to print stamps.
Flavell’s Express: private parcel firm serviced firms in Mass., used a label; year unknown.
Flaw: a blemish in the stamp design that occurred during manufacture and may also be considered a variety.
Flèche: (Fr.) arrow, point, dash.
Fleck: (Ger.) spot, stain.
Fleet Mail Office (FMO): Canadian office in either Halifax or Victoria that handles mail for Canadian naval personnel.
Fleet post office: military postal facilities for serving men and women in the naval forces, staffed by military personnel.
Fleet ship letter: British term for letters posted on board ships and bearing a censor cancellation; may be stamped “Received from H.M. Ships.”
Fleet Street Strike: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Flekk: (Nor.) (a) blemish, blot, spot.
Fleming Bros.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Flemish and Walloon Legions: Belgium, German occupation 1941-42. (Scott not listed).
Flensburg: German local post, 1945-48.
Flera: (Swed.) several.
Flere: (Dan., Nor.) several.
Flerfarget: (Nor.) multicolored.
Flerfärgstryck: (Swed.) see Tryck – Flerfärgs
Fleur: (Fr.) flower (thematic).
Fleuron: (Fr.) a circular date handstamp with a floral design element.
Flexography: a type off letter press or relief printing that utilizes rubber or plastic plates that are molded around a printing cylinder; used mainly for stamped envelopes and precancels.
Flier: US canceling machine by International Postal Supply Company, introduced in 1888, since in service during 2000.
Flight cover: an envelope actually flown in the vehicle being commemorated.
Flight leg: a point-to-point dispatch or segment of a longer route.
Flix: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Floating off: term used when stamps are placed on top of water, face up, to remove any dirt, old hinges, etc, on back side.
Floating plate numbers: plate block numbers whose positions vary from pane to pane creating a large number of combinations.
Floating safe stamp: special stamp issued by the Netherlands and Colonies in connection with specially constructed safes, installed on deck, which were designed to slide to slide into the sea and float in the event of the ship sinking, 1921.
Flocculate: particles of pigment flocculate, or join together when inks dry.
Flocked: powdered cloth adhered to the cachet on an envelope in the desired design.
Flødefarvet: (Dan.) cream (color).
Flood relief: surcharge on stamps of Bhutan, 1964, 1968.
Flor: (Sp.) flower (thematic).
Flora and Fauna stamps: series of stamps started in 1990.
Flor de Lis: (Sp.) fleur-de-lis, used as an overprint on French stamps in 1872.
Florence: also known as Firenze, Italy.
Florida: 1: Uruguay air mail issue for flights between Montevideo and Florida, Aug. 25, 1925. 2: U.S. territory March 30, 1822; state March 3, 1845; ceded by Spain, Feb. 22, 1819. 3: see Republic of West Florida, Territory of East Florida.
Florida Express: 1: possible local post or express company label. 2: S. Allan Taylor label.
Florin: currency unit in Austria offices in Lombardy-Venetia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Aruba, and the Netherlands Antilles..
Flota Argentina de Navegacion de Ultramar: (Sp.) Argentine Overseas Fleet, handstamp used on ship covers.
Fløtefarget: (Nor.) cream (color).
Flower: common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1958-9.
Flown: carried on air flight and bearing evidence of being flown.
Flown cover: cover that has been carried by air, also known as flight cover.
Flown cover, official: cover that has been carried by air with postal authorization, bearing governmental agency markings or official overprinted/issued stamps.
Floyd’s Penny Post: U.S. local post, Chicago, Ill. 1860.
auction abbreviation for Folded Letter Sheet (with no contents).
 auction abbreviation for fault.
Fluchtlingshilfe Montenegro: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia for Montenegro, German occupation semipostal; 1944.
Flüechtlines hiles-aktion: (Ger.) label for donations to refugee aid station.
Flugblatt: (Ger.) propaganda leaflet
Flugfrimerki: (Ice.) Iceland, airmail.
Flugpost: (Ger.) airmails.
Flugpost Ausgabe: (Ger.) airmail issue.
Flugpostbrief: (Ger.) cover carried by air and postmarked at point of origin, departure or intermediate points on the route.
Flugpostmarke: (Ger.) stamp issued primarily for airmail use.
Fluorescent: an optical brightener that emits a distinctive, intense glow when viewed with either a long or short wave ultra-violet light; fluorescent tubes in fixtures can emit damaging quantities of UV light that can discolor stamps and covers.
Fluorescent coated paper (FCP): paper with material that causes the paper to fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light.
Fluorescent ink: ink that glows brightly when its luminescent ingredients are activated by ultraviolet light, and which ceases to glow when the light is extinguished.
Fluorescerende: (Nor.) (with) fluorescence.
Fluoreszierend: (Ger.) see Fluorescent.
Flushing & North Side Railroad Express Co.: express mail and parcel service on the Flushing and North Side Railroad in New York City; issued labels, 1870-74?
Flygbolag(Swed.) airline.
Flygpaketmärken: (Swed.) air mail parcel post stamps
Flygplat: (Swed.) airport.
Flygpost: (Swed.) air mail.
Flygpostkuvert: (Swed.) airmail envelope.
Flying mail car: Fairchild plane designed to carry mail from New York to San Francisco, made first trip Oct. 1, 1946, sorting mail while in flight.
Flyktingläger: (Swed.) refugee camp..
Flyktinglägerpost: (Swed.) refugee camp mail
Flyktningpost: (Nor.) refugee camp.
Flyktningleirpost: (Nor.) refugee camp mail.
Flynn’s Penny Post: unknown origin label.
Flypost: (Nor.) airmail, see Luftpost.
Flyselskap: (Nor.) airline.
Flyspeck philately: term used for the microscopic study of stamps such as extra dots in the design, or a slight break in the frame line, etc.
Flyttebrev: (Swed.) Swedish term for redirected or forwarded mail to a new address.
Flyveselskab: (Dan.) airline.
Flyvemaskine: (Dan.) airplane.
F M: 1: USPS abbreviation for Federated States of Micronesia. 2: Micronesia (Federated States of); country code as used by the UPU.
F.M: (Fr.) see “Franchise Militaire.” France military overprint/inscription, permits free franking, 1901.
F M O: see Fleet Mail Office.
F.N.: watermark, Federation of Nigeria on Nigerian issues after independence.
FNC: Fairfax N. Coackley, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
F.N.F.L: (Fr.) “Forces Navales Francaises Libres,” Free French Naval Forces, French colonies overprint.
F.N.M.T. -B: (Sp.) Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, “National Printer of Money and Stamps,”inscription on stamps commemorating the Barcelona Philatelic Exhibition in 1960.
FO: Scott Catalogue listing for foldover, where a foldover of the stamp sheet during printing may block ink from appearing on the
F O: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Faröe Islands, such as FO-159, Torshavn. 2: Faröe Islands, country code as used by the UPU. 3: catalog abbreviation for currency in Hungary (Forint).
Fogazatt: (Hung.) perforated, perforation.
Fogg’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston and Newburyport, Mass.; issued a label; 1888.
Foglietto: (It.) sheet of a stamp or stamps, surrounded with a paper margin issued for a specific event or purpose, souvenir sheet.
Foglio: (It.) sheet (of stamps).
Foil stamps: stamps printed on paper with a facing of metal foil.
Fold: 1. printing variety caused by the paper being folded when the ink was applied during the printing process. 2. em>(Dan.) crease (in a stamp or cover).
Folded business postcard: aka Commercial Correspondence Postcard and / or Self-Sticking Postcards (Ger.); Hygienic Postcards (UK); the desired address is typed above a fold mark, then the message is entered permitting the sender to seal the one to three strips of adhesive on the back of the card, fold it to show the address on the front and mail it; used mainly in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Approved for international use at the UPU 1910 meeting in Spain and officially discontinued in 1984, although known to have been manufactured as late as 2002 in Germany. Folded letter: one piece of paper with the message written on both sides, folded with a blank space to the outside, which is used for the address.
Folded transfer: in lithography, when a transfer, used in building up the design on the printing base, becomes folded and part of the stamp’s design show signs of the fold.
Foldover: accidental folds made at some point in the production of the material.
Foldvar, SS: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for Middle Danube lines, also served on lower Danube in the 1860s.
Folkerepbulik Kina: (Dan.) Peoples Republic of China.
Folkstone Letter Deliv.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Folus: India Faridkot currency unit.
Fomento-Aero-Comunicaciones: (Sp.) surcharge on air post postal tax stamps of Ecuador.
Foncé(e): (Fr.) deep, dark (color).
Fond: (Fr.) background.
Fonden’s Letter Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Fondo: (Sp.) bottom margin.
Fondon: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Fondo unido: (Sp.) background same color as design;1854 issue.
Fondul Aviatei: (Rom.) Aviation Fund, Romania semi-postal inscription.
Fonopost: recording of a voice transmitted by mail; shown at UPU Congress at Buenos Aires April 1, 1937, sender had voice recorded on an unbreakable record which was mailed in a sealed envelope.
Font: a certain style and size of type.
Foochow, German: China diagonally overprinted on a stamp of Germany, surcharged “5 pf” for use in the German post office at Foochow, June 1, 1900.
Food Orders: stamps issued by U.S. Department of Agriculture, for welfare recipients.
Food stamp: U.S. Dep’t. of Agriculture certificate used for purchase of food items; also known as food coupon.
Forato: (It.) rouletted.
Förband: (Swed.) joined.
Forbin: Catalogue de Timbres-Fiscaux, 1915 (worldwide revenue stamp catalog).
Forbundet: (Dan.) joined.
Forbundsrepublik: (Dan., Nor.) federal republic.
Forbundsrepublik Tyskland: (Dan.) Federal Republic of Germany.
Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland: (Nor.) Federal Republic of Germany.
Forcados River: rubber stamp cancel on stamp of Great Britain for Royal Niger Company, 1894.
Force majeure: (Fr.) causes beyond control.
Forces Francaise Libres / Levant: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of Syria, Free French Forces, 1942-43.
Forces’ Postal Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Foreign: term used by collectors to describe stamps of all nations except their own.
Foreign Affairs, Dept. of: inscription on officials of Hawaii.
Foreign air mail (FAM): international contract airmail route flown by a U. S. airline under contract with the US Post Office to carry mail from a point in the USA to a foreign country and vice versa.
Foreign entry: when original transfers are erased incompletely from a plate, they can appear with new transfers of a different design which are then entered on the plate.
Foreign mail marking: designs used to indicate mail sent from New York City to foreign countries during 1871-77; about 200 different handstamps were used during that period.
Foreign mail stamps: stamps issued by some countries especially for use on mail addressed to other nations.
Foreign stamp: when used by an American, a description of stamp issued by a postal administration other than that of the U. S.
Foreign transfer: plate variety where bits of the design elements are visible on the finished stamp are those of a different stamp design.
Forente Nasjoner: (Nor.) United Nations.
Forente Stater: (Nor.) United States.
Forerunner: a stamp from one nation used in another area before the new nation had stamps of its own.
Fores: (Sp.) local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Forfalskning: (Dan., Nor.) forgery, counterfeit, see Uægte.
Förfalskning: (Swed.) counterfeit, fake, forgery.
Førfilateli: (Nor.) pre-philatelic.
Förfilateli: (Swed.) pre-philatelic.
Forgalmi Idotartam: (Hung.) period of time of postal validity.
Forgery: reproduction of a genuine postage stamp made to defraud the stamp collector and/or the postal administration.
Forgery, autograph: someone other than the person signing that person’s name; in stamp collecting, it does not matter if it was done with or without permission, since it is not the original of the signer’s name.
Forgery busting: term applied to the ability to spot and identify the forger’s “signature” or trade mark.
Forgery, propaganda: made for air-dropped leaflets during a war, hopefully to be considered as normal mail in the country where mail was dropped.
Forgery signature: identification of the work of a forger as detected from certain characteristics of his previous forgeries.
Forgottonia: overprinted U.S. stamps for proposed republic in Western Illinois.
Forjadores de America: (Sp.) “Explorers of America,” on stamps issued Oct. 12, Spain’s National Day.
Förkortningar: (Swed.) abbreviations.
Førkrigspost: (Nor.) pre-war post, pre-war mails.
Formalities, Administrative: public services; French Colony revenue inscription.
Format: general physical characteristics of a stamp such as size, shape, dimensions, etc.
Formato: (It.) size.
Formosa: see China, Republic of, Taiwan, Nationalist China. Formosa, China: Formosa local post, 1887-88.
Formosa: Japanese occupation, 1945 (Scott- Japan Taiwan).
Formose: (Fr.) Formosa.
Fornede Arabiske Republic: (Dan.) United Arab Republic.
Forneden: (Dan.) below.
Fornede Nationer: (Dan.) United Nations.
Fornede Stater: (Dan.) United States.
Foro di Spillo: (It.) pin-hole.
Føroyar: (Dan.) Faroe Islands.
Foroven: (Dan.) above.
Førr: (Nor.) forty (number).
Førstedagsbrev: (Dan., Nor.) first day cover, FDC.
Förstadagsbrev: (Swed.) first day cover, FDC.
Førstedagsstempeletebrev: (Dan., Nor.) first day of issue cancellation cover.
Forsyth, Ga. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Fort cancellations: markings originating in Army forts.
For Testing Purposes Only: inscription on self-adhesive dummy stamp used in Automated Teller Machines.
Fondul Aviatei: (Rom.) Aviation Fund, Romania semi-postal inscription.
Foochow, German: China diagonally overprinted on a stamp of Germany, surcharged “5 pf” for use in the German post office at Foochow, June 1, 1900.
Formula Cards: postal cards issued by the Post offices of several countries before the issuance of regular postal cards and without an imprinted stamp.
Forside: (Dan.) front (side).
Førstedagsbrev: (Dan.) first day cover.
Førstedagsstempel: (Nor.) first day of issue cancel.
Førsteflyvning: (Dan.) first flight.
Førstetryk: (Dan.) see Tryk – Første.
Forte valeur: (Fr.) high denomination.
Fort Jameson: now known as Chipata, Zambia.
Fort Lamy: now known as N’Djamene, Chad.
Fort Meyers: bogus, Florida, U.S. local post, mid-1990s.
Forty-sevens: the U.S. 5-cent and 10-cent stamps issued in 1847.
Forward: redirection of mail to recipient’s new address.
Forwarder’s handstamp: a postal marking indicating passage to and from one country to another, used in the Venetian Republic by Austria in1797, may be first usage.
Forwarding: the sending of a mail piece to an address other than the one on the cover.
Forwarding agents: collecting and routing agents for international mails; many added their own markings to mail they handled.
Forwarding markings: handstamps with words “Forwarded by” and name of firm, indicating forwarding to or from a post office or ship, usually found on covers prior to international mail agreements.
Fosforescente: (Sp.) phosphorescent.
Fósforos: (Sp.) matches, revenue inscription.
Fotocalcografia: (It.) photogravure.
Foua: Egypt, see Interpostal seals, 1880-82.
Four Bar Cancel: handstamp made up of a circular postmark and four bars.
Four pence: surcharge on Bahamas 1883 issue.
Four State Bar Code: each bar in the 31-digit code cane be in one of the four different shapes or sizes.
Fourth Bureau Issue: series of stamps issued in 1922, includes sheets, coils and booklets.
Fourth Class Mail: includes U.S. domestic parcel post, including bound printed matter and films.
Fowle, Seth W. & Son, J.P. Dinsmore: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Foxing: type of mildew damage which appears as tan or brown spots on surface of old paper; often insect or bacteria waste.
F P: 1: auction abbreviation for topical famous people. 2: Fiscal Philatelist (Great Britain).
“F.P.” handstamp: see Copenhagen Foot Post.
FPA: Filatelia Pan-American.
F P O: 1: Fleet Post Office postmark used for America’s servicemen attached to the U.S. Navy. 2: on a British origin cover, it indicates Field Post Office.
F Press: BEP webfed offset-intaglio press that produces four color offset, three color intaglio, 1991.
FR: international postal code for Faeroe Islands.
F R: French West Africa overprint on stamps of Mauritania and Senegal, 1943-44.
F.R.: France, country code as used by the UPU.
Fra: (Ice., Swed. ) “from” postal marking indicates country of mail origin.
Frachtstempelmarke: (Ger.) bill of lading tax stamp.
Fractional control: key letter separated by a rule or bar from the year numerals, found on stamps of Great Britain.
Fractional currency: paper money issued by the U. S. Treasury during the Civil War, due to shortage of currency, reproducing postage stamps; see Postage currency.
Fractional rates: early U.S. stampless covers had rates of 6 1/4, 18 3/4, which is old Spanish and Mexican reales, etc., which were considered as legal tender due to shortage of U.S. fractional currency.
Fractional stamps: stamps cut into halves, thirds, quarters, etc to mark a corresponding fraction of the original face value.
Fractured FDC: covers with additional markings that proved they passed through the mail.
Fragment d’enveloppe: (Fr.) cut square.
Fragmento: (Sp.) cut square, fragment, piece.
Fragtbrev: (Dan.) baggage tag for use on Postfærge “Postal ferry”; see Postfærge.
Frama: 1: adhesive postage label dispensed by an electric coin-operated machine producing postally valid labels of any denomination. 2: name of machine manufactured by Frama firm of Switzerland.
Frame: the outer printed border of a stamp design.
Frame bars: the tall bars at the beginning and end of the bar code that alert the bar code machine that a bar code is passing through and ending.
Framed mark: box or octagonal frame around “Ship Letter” or other instructional marking on mail.
Frame-only essay: a print of the frame portion of the stamp, without the design or vignette section; classified as an essay because it is not complete or approved.
Frammento: (It.) cut square, piece, fragment.
Framsida: (Swed.) front (side).
Från: (Dan.) “from” postal marking indicates country of mail origin.
Franc: Austria overprint, offices in Crete.
Franca: (Sp.) 1: overprint on stamps of Peru, used in postal district of Hairez, Peru in 1884. 2: marking on internal mail in Brazil and Mexico to indicate prepaid postage. 3: used in Ecuador, 1866, complicated diamond pattern to prevent washing of stamp for reuse, see Ancachs.
Franca Alta: (Sp.) now Monterey, California.
Francaise: (Fr.) France.
Franchaise stamps: : issued to nongovernmental organizations and some private citizens to permit their mail to be delivered without paying postage.
Franc de droits: (Fr.) “free of dues” label used on overseas packages meaning that customs duties have been prepaid.
France d’Outre-Mer: 1943; French Colonies semi-postal issue.
France: western Europe; official name of postal administration: La Poste currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc , 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1627: Cardinal Richelieu established postal service between Paris, Dijon, Toulouse, Lyons and Bordeaux, 1849, Jan. 1: No.1, 10 centimes bister, first stamp issued, features Ceres, goddess of the harvest, 1850-71: cancels in diamonds or circles, 1850-76: cancels in dots containing a number for office of dispatch, 1859: first postage due stamp issued, 1870: occupation stamps for Alsace and Lorraine occupation by Germany, replaced by stamps of the German Empire on Jan. 1, 1872, 1876, Jan. 1: joined the UPU, French Overseas Departments included: French Guinea, Guadeloupe, Martinque, Reunion, Mayotte, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Territories included: Bassas da India, Clipperton Island, Crozet Islands, Europa, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Glorieuses, Juan de Nova, Kerguelen Islands, New Caledonia, St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands, Terre Adelie, Tromelin, Wallis and Futuna Islands, 1901: military stamps issued, 1914: first semipostal issued, 1916: German stamps surcharged for their Western Military Command, 1916, 1927, June 25: first airmail stamp issued, 1940: occupation stamps for Alsace occupation by Germany, overprint on stamps of Germany, 1940: occupation stamps for Lorraine occupation by Germany, overprinted Lothringen on stamps of Germany, 1944: Allied Military Government of the U.S. and G.B. for civilian use, 1958, Jan.14: official stamps for European Council issued.
France: see: Affranch, Alsace, Alsace and Lorraine, Ambulante, Andorre, Anna, Benin.
France and Algeria: 1888: joined the UPU, 1907, Oct. 1: changed UPU affiliation to France.
France d’Outre-Mer: (Fr.) French overseas colonies, semi-postals, 1943.
France libre: (Fr.) “Free France” French Colonies overprint. France Libre
France, Offices in Palestine-Consular Post office in Jerusalem: 1948, Apr. 25: Due to the disruptions caused by the first Arab-Israeli War, the Mandate postal service ceased to function in Jerusalem, 1948, May 5: The French Consulate created a courier service to carry mail to Paris for the benefit of French civilians and businesses; overprints on consular revenues. 1948: Followed by overprints on french definitive stamps, 1949, Jan. 1: service ceased operations.
France, Offices in the Turkish Empire: 1885: first stamps for offices in the Levant, Cavalle, Dedeagh, Port Lagos and Vathy.
Franchise de Corps Épeditionnaire: (Fr.) label for fund raising for French Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism; sold to raise funds for volunteers to fight with the Germans on the Eastern Front.
Franchise militaire (FM): (Fr.) France military overprint/inscription, permits free franking, 1901.
Franchise stamps: issued by some governments for private charitable groups entitled to send mail free of postage; see Control number.
Francia: 1. (It., Sp.) France, stamped on mail from France, about 1870. 2. (Hung.) French.
Francia Antarktisz: (Hung.) French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Francia Egyenlitoi Afrika: (Hung.) French Equatorial Africa.
Francia Guyana: (Hung.) French Guiana.
Francia India : (Hung.) French India.
Francia Indokina: (Hung.) French Indochina.
Francia Nyugat-Africa: (Hung.) French West Africa.
Francia Oceána: (Hung.) French Oceana.
Franciaország: (Hung.) France.
Francia Polinézia: (Hung.) French Polynesia.
Francia Posta: (Hung.) French post.
Francia Szomálipart: (Hung.) French Somali Coast.
Franciaország Gyarmatai: (Hung.) French colonies.
Franciaország Területei: (Hung.) French territories.
Francia Posta: (Hung.) French post.
Francie: (Czech.) France.
Francisco Bertrand: Honduras.
Franco: (Sp.) free frank, postpaid.
Franco: overprint on stamps of Hungary postage dues for regular use.
Franco betalt-stämplar: (Swed.) postage paid cancellations.
Francobollo: (It.) postage stamp, free frank.
Franco bollo: (Without country name) perforated stamps of Italy, imperforated stamps of Sardinia.
Francobollo au francobollo: (It.) stamps on stamps (thematic).
Francobollo di stato: (It.) inscription for official stamps.
Francobollo per expresso: (It.) special delivery stamp.
Francobolli loo anno: (It.) jubilee (century).
Francobollo commemorativo: (It.) commemorative stamp.
Francobollo d’Cenno di Ricevuta: (It.) stamp issued as a prepayment fee as an acknowledgment of receipt of a registered package.
Francobollo de governo in esilio: (It.) government in exile.
Francobollo di admissione: (It.) admission stamp.
Francobollo di franco bollo postale: (It.) (on stamps with crossed keys) Roman States.
Francobollo di guerra: (It.) war stamp, stamp issued during war conditions.
Francobollo di Posta Aerea: (It.) stamp issued primarily for airmail use.
Francobollo di Posta Aerea, semi-officiale: (It.) air mail stamp issued privately, but accepted by the postal agency; the U.S. “Buffalo Balloon” stamp is an example.
Francobollo di Posta Militare: (It.) field post stamp.
Francobollo di recapito autorizzato per pacco posali: (It.) authorized delivery stamp for parcel post, Italy.
Franco Bollo di Stato: (It.) Italy, official.
Francobollo di Toscano: (It.) Tuscany.
Franco Bollo Giornali Stampe: (It.) newspaper stamps of Italy and Sardinia.
Francobollo per lettere in ritardo: (It.) too late stamp.
Franco bollo postale: inscription on stamps of Roman States.
Franco Bollo Postale per Giornali: (It.) newspaper stamps, Fiume.
Franco Bollo Postale Romagne: (It.) Italian States-Romagne.
Franco Bollo Postale Toscano: (It.) Italian States-Tuscany.
Franco Bollo Provincie Modones: (It.) Italian States-Modena.
Francobollo recapito autorizzato per lettera: (It.) authorized delivery stamp for correspondence, Italy.
Francobollo ricordo: (It.) commemorative stamp.
Franco de Porte: (Sp.) free of charge.
Franco Marke: (Ger.) German States-Bremen 1856-60, official free frank.
Franco Poste Bollo: (It.) Italian States-Naples, Two Sicilies.
Franco Scrisorei: (Rom.) Romania-Moldovia-Walachia, 1862-63, free frank for letter.
Franco marke: Bremen, German States.
Francophonie: group of nations in which French is a first, official or culturally significant language.
Francouzská Guyana: (Czech.) French Guiana.
Francouzská Polynézie: (Czech.) French Polynesia.
Francouzsky: (Czech.) French (adj.).
Francouzsky Maroko: (Czech.) French Morocco.
Franco vignettes: Switzerland, used by postal authorities for official notification and forms, 1911-1970.
Frandia: Donald Evans bogus issue, 1960-70.
Frank: 1: a stamp, mark or signature that indicates payment of postage on a piece of mail. 2: mark on a cover which is authorized to be carried without postage charge due to position of sender; see Free frank. 3. currency unit of Albania.
Frankatura: 1. (Pol.) machine cancel. 2. (Czech.) franking (of postage stamp[s]).
Frankaturgültig: (Ger.) valid for postage.
Franked mail: 1: mail sent without postage prepayment by various officials. 2: a type of prepayment as in “folded letter franked with pair of 5¢ Franklin 1847.”
Frankeer Zegel Cent: 1: currency overprint on marine insurance stamps of Netherlands, Curacao, postally valid. 2: currency overprint on fiscal issue, Surinam, postally valid.
Frankenau: German local post, World War II.
Frankenberg: German Democratic Republic local post, 1946.
Franking: any postal payment with or without stamps.
Franking privilege: right of government officials to send letters and packages free of postage.
Frank, L.: see Private die match proprietary stamps.
Frankfurter Packetfahrt-Gesellschaft: Frankfurt, Germany local post, 1890-96.
Frankierung: (Ger.) franking.
Franklin; also known as Frankland: a “state” formed in August 1784 in the northwest corner of what is currently Tennessee; stopped its existence in 1788; never officially recognized.
Franklin, Benjamin: 1737: British crown appointed him Postmaster of Philadelphia, 1753: Franklin and William Hunter became co-Postmasters General for the American Colonies, 1774: British Crown dismissed Franklin due to his revolutionary activities, 1775: named Postmaster General of the United Colonies by the Continental Congress.
Franklin City Despatch Post: see Bouton’s Manhattan Express.
Franklin, N.C. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Frankreich: (Ger.) France.
Frankeerzegel: Netherlands Antilles, Surinam overprint.
Frankokuvert: (Swed.) stamped envelope (postal stationery).
Frankovany: (Czech.) franked (with).
Frankreich: (Ger.) France.
Frankrig: (Dan.) France (adj.).
Frankrike: (Nor., Swed.) France
Franquedo S. Buenava: receiving handstamp authenticated delivery of a registered letter used by missions in California and Mexico City.
Franqueo: Arequipa provisional issue of Peru.
Franqueo deficiente: Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Salvador postage due inscription.
Franqueo oficial: Ecuador, Guatemala official postage.
Franqueo pagado: (Sp.) postage paid, used by Ministry of Communications.
Franquicia: (Sp.) Spanish franchise stamps.
Franquicia Postal, Espana Correos Ejercito Expeditionary Melilla 1893: (Sp.) “Postal Franchise, Spanish Posts Expeditionary Army Melilla 1893” labels, produced for each regiment and fleet.
Fraser & Co.: 1848-49; see Carriers’ Stamps.
Franqueo: (Sp.) postage, franking of a letter.
Franqueo Deficiente: (Sp.) postage dues.
Franqueo insuficiente: (Sp.) insufficient postage.
Franqueo Espana: (Sp.) Carlist issues of Spain, 1874-50.
Franqueo impresos: (Sp.) Spain, newspaper stamps.
Franqueo mecanico: (Sp.) meter frank.
Franqueo mixto: (Sp.) mixed franking.
Franqueo Oficial: (Sp.) official postage.
Franquicia Postal: (Sp.) mark, label or stamp indicating exempt from postage, 1881.
Fransk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French (adj.).
Fransk Ækvatorial Afrika: (Dan.) French Equatorial Africa.
Franska Ekvatorialafrika: (Swed.) French Equatorial Africa.
Franska Guiana: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Guiana.
Franska Guinea: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Guinea.
Franska Indien: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French India.
Franska Indokina: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Indochina.
Franska Kongo: (Swed.) French Congo.
Franska Nigerområde: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Niger Territory.
Fransk Antarktis: (Dan.) French Southern and Antarctic Territiories.
Franska Oceanien: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Oceana.
Franska Polynesien: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Polynesia.
Franska Sudan: (Swed.) French Sudan.
Fransk Congo: (Dan.) French Congo.
Franske kolonier: (Dan.) French Colonies.
Franske zone: (Dan.) French Zone.
Franske skeppspost: (Swed.) French ship mail (ship post).
Franske skibspost: (Dan.) French ship mail (ship post).
Franske skipspost: (Nor.) French ship mail (ship post).
Franske Sone: (Nor.) French Zone.
Franske Zon: (Swed.) French Zone
Franske Zone: (Dan.) French Zone.
Fransk Guiana: (Dan.) French Guiana.
Fransk Indien: (Dan.) French India.
Fransk Indokina: (Dan.) French Indochina.
Fransk Nigerområde: (Dan.) French Niger Territory.
Fransk Oceanien: (Dan.) French Oceana.
Fransk Polynesien: (Dan.) French Polynesia.
Fransk Post av Egypten: (Nor., Swed.) French Post Offices in Egypt.
Fransk Post av Kina: (Nor., Swed.) French Post Offices in China.
Fransk Post av Kreta: (Nor., Swed.) French Post Offices in Crete.
Fransk Post av Tyrkiet: (Nor., Swed.) French Post Offices in the Turkish Empire (Levant).
Fransk Post av Utländsk: (Swed.) French Post Offices Abroad.
Fransk Post av Udlandsk: (Nor.) French Post Offices Abroad.
Fransk Post av Zanzibar: (Swed.) French PostOffices in Zanzibar.
Fransk Post i Egypten: (Dan.) French Post Offices in Egypt.
Fransk Post i Kina: (Dan.) French Post Offices in China.
Fransk Post i Kreta: (Dan.) French Post Offices in Crete.
Fransk Post i Tyrkiet: (Dan.) French Post Offices in the Turkish Empire ( Levant).
Fransk Post i Udlandet: (Dan.) French Post Offices Abroad.
Fransk Post i Zanzibar: (Dan.) French Post Offices in Zanzibar.
Fransk Somalikust: (Swed.) French Somali Coast..
Fransk Somalikyst: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) French Somali Coast.
Fransk Sudan: (Dan.) French Sudan.
Fransk Västafrika: (Swed.) French West Africa.
Fransk Västindien: (Swed.) French West Indies.
Fransk Vestafrika: (Dan., Nor.) French West Africa.
Fransk Vestindien: (Dan., Nor.) French West Indies.
Frantuzesc: (Rom) French (adj.).
Från utlandet: (Swed.) Swedish registration lab; used until the 1970s.
Franz Ferdinand, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built in the 1840s for middle and upper Danube lines.
Franz Joseph Land: bogus Russian area Republic; local post overprint and stamps; 1872: labels for a North Pole Expedition.
Franz Josef, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for Levant lines.
Französisch Aquatorial Afrika: (Ger.) French Equatorial Africa.
Französisch-Geblete in der Antarktis: (Ger.) French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Französisch Guiana: (Ger.) French Guiana.
Französisch Guinea: (Ger.) French Guinea.
Französisch Kongo: (Ger.) French Congo.
Französisch-Polynesien: (Ger.) French Polynesia.
Französisch Somaliküste: (Ger.) French Somali Coast.
Französisch Sudan: (Ger.) French Sudan.
Frappé (e): (Fr.) strike, struck.
Fraudulent: rubber stamp on covers for mail returned to sender because the receiving address was involved in illegal operation, such as a lottery.
Frazer & Co.: U.S. local post, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1845-51.
Frazionato: (It.) bisected parcel post stamp that is cut in half; postage half goes on the package, the other half is the receipt and shows the amount of postage paid.
Franz-Joseph Land: 1: North Pole bogus issue for Fiala-Ziegler Polar Expedition, 1903-05. 2: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Französisch Aquatorial Afrika: (Ger.) French Equatorial Africa.
Französische Besetzungsgebiet: (Ger.) French occupation.
Französisch Hinterindien: (Ger.) Indo-China.
Französische Kolonien: (Ger.) French Colonies.
Französisch Kongo: (Ger.) French Congo.
Frazer & Co. City Despatch: local mail service, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1845-51.
Fraziersville, S.C. Paid 5:
 see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Frazionato: (It.) bisected stamp.Frank: an indication on the front of an envelope that it is to be carried free of postage; In the U.S., usually limited to official correspondence such as Members of Congress or the President; also applies to servicemen’s mail while serving in war zones.
Freak: partial while error is total; an irregularity in a stamp that makes it different from a normal stamp such as albino, color shift, color smear, double print, foldover, inking smear, miscut, misperforation, paper crease, partial perforation, partial ink, streak, under and overinked stamp, etc.
Fredag: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Friday.
Frederica bypost: Denmark local post, 1888-91.
Fredericia: Seaport, in Vejle county, Denmark, ca. 110 WSW of Copenhagen. Local post established August 1886, with first “Fredericia Bypost og Pakke Expedition” local stamps issued August 1888, and with several others issued through 1890. More than 80 different proofs and trial color proofs exist for the issues. The local post service closed 14 May 1891. See Denmark: Middlefart-Fredericia Flight, 1911 .
Fredericksb’g, Va. 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Frederikshab: formerly known as Pamiut, Greenland.
Fredersdorf: town in former Soviet-occupied East Germany, local post, 1945.
Free: 1: permitted members of our armed forces to endorse the word “free” and their first-class mail would be accepted for delivery, Public Law 507, March 27, 1942. 2: inscription on World War II era labels , supposedly used by military personnel to indicate that their mail was being sent free of postage; postal regulations prohibited the use of such labels.
Free Derry: 1. fantasy from magazine, National Lampoon. 2. United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Freedman’s Bureau: envelope imprint denotes society organized after the Civil War to help liberated slaves in the war zone.
Freedom From Hunger: 1: common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1963, 2: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1963.
Freedom Island: fantasy labels.
Free Ethiopia: charity labels made to look like postage stamps.
Free form: a stamp with an irregular shape.
Free frank: mail permitted to be used without payment of postage; by government officials as authorized; used by armed forces; also known as Soldiers Mail.
Free franking, earliest: The British Council of State, in 1652, permitted letters to pass free between Members of Parliament of some government officials; a wax seal was used to designate this class of mail.
Free franking, U.S.: mail sent free of charge as authorized by Congress in 1755 for its members, high ranking government officials and military commanders.
Free French Forces, Levant: see Levant; Free French Forces.
Free Ireland: triangular label issued in 1956 to protest the British presence in Northern Ireland.
Free mail: mail transmitted free of charge due to natural disasters, franking privilege, and troops on active service; granted to soldiers in the Continental Army, providing that mail was initialed by an officer, 1776.
Free matter: USPS term for mail sent to or by the blind and other disabled persons; must be marked “Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped.
“Freeman & Co.’s Express: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., about 1855.
Freepost: British term for envelopes, postcards and labels permitting recipients to reply without paying postage; also known as Reply Paid
Free postage: 1: envelopes sent by military personnel where no postage is required. 2:internal mail of Andorra is free; internal and mail from Greenland to Denmark was free before Dec. 1938, except for parcels.
Free Postal Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Free State of Obsession Stampalia: label, known as mail art.
Free Vinland: independent West Vinland.
Frei Durch Ablosung Nr. 16 (21): (Ger.) “Free Through Redemption” Prussia official use stamps, 1903, Baden,1905, (Prussia).
Freie Stadt Danzig: (Ger.) free town or city, Danzig.
Freimachung im Fenster: (Ger.) postage in window, vending machine labels.
Freim.-Ah.-Ausg.: (Ger.) provisional issue.
Freiman: (Ger.) German displaced persons camp local post, near Munich, 1945.
Freimarke: (Without country name) (Ger.) position where postage is to be placed (when indicated on stamp).
Freimarke: (Ger.) definitive stamp.
Freistaat Bayern: (Ger.) ‘Free State of Bavaria” Bavaria, Germany overprint.
Frei Stadt Danzig: (Ger.) Free State of Danzig.
Freistempel: (Ger.) printed meter marking.
Frejus: France semipostal overprint.
Fremdarbeiter Lager: (Ger.) Immigrant Worker Camps.
Fremont, Republic of: label for house boat on the left bank of the ship canal in Oregon.
French Colonies: currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1859-1906, 1943-44: stamps issued for French colonies which did not have their own stamps, inscribed “Colonies Empire Française,” “Repub Franc” or “Republique Française,” note that similar French stamps were perforated, stamps of French Colonies were imperforated, 1862: No.1, 1 centime pale blue, 1884: first postage due stamp issued in an imperforated version, 1885: stamps of French Colonies surcharged for St.Pierre & Miquelon, 1886: Cochin, China surcharge on stamps of French Colonies, also overprinted for use in Martinque, 1887: surcharged for Senegal, 1889: overprinted for use in Madagascar, Nossi-Be, 1890: surcharged for Diego Suarez, 1894: stamp issued for use in Ste.-Marie de Madagascar, 1943: first semipostal stamp issued, 1944; first airmail stamp issued. .
French Congo: central Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1881: used French Colonies general issues, 1888, Dec. 11: made a colony incorporating Gabon, Ubangi-Shari and Chad, 1888, Dec. 11-Apr. 20, 1891: name changed to Gabon-Congo, 1891, Mar. 24: No.1, 5 centimes lilac blue, first provisional issues, Congo Français, overprint on stamps of French Colonies, 1894: Ubangi military bases attached to French Congo, 1900: Chad military bases attached to French Congo, 1904, July 1: colony redefined; central portion renamed Moyen (Middle) Congo and administered together with Ubangi, Shari and Chad, 1906: Gabon separated, French Congo did not exist, Chad and Ubangi stayed with Middle Congo and was renamed Ubangi-Chari-Chad, 1907: first stamps inscribed “Moyen (Middle) Congo,” 1910, Jan. 15: renamed French Equatorial Africa, but component colonies had its own postal administration, 1915: Ubangi-Chari-Chad made an autonomous civilian colony, 1920: Chad made a civil colony, 1937-59: used stamps of French Equatorial Africa, 1958, Nov. 28: became the Congo Republic.
French Equatorial Africa: north of Belgian Congo, south of Libya; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1862-88: first Gabon regime, 1889-91: Gabon-Congo regime, 1891-1904: first French Congo regime, administered Gabon, Middle Congo, Ubangi-Shari and Chad, 1904-10: second French Congo regime, administered Middle Congo, Ubangi-Shari and Chad all together, 1907: Middle Congo governed separately, 1910: Gabon and Middle Congo united as French Equatorial Africa, 1910-36: first A.E.F. Regime; Afrique Equatoriale Française, umbrella regime administered four colonies: Ubangi-Shari, Chad (from 1920), Middle Congo and Gabon; Chad was a military territory until civilian status was achieved in 1920, 1924: all current stamp issues were given A.E.F. overprints to indicate overall governing regime, Gabon governed separately until 1910, 1936, March 16-1940: No.1, 1 centime brown-violet, second A.E.F. Regime: name made first appearance on stamps as overprint “Afrique Equatoriale Française” on stamps of former colonies of Gabon and Middle Congo, postal services unified, 1937: first airmail, postage due stamps issued, 1938, Oct. 24: first semipostal stamp issued, 1940-59: third A.E.F. regime; return of administrative responsibilities to the various territories after 1947 in preparation for their autonomy in 1959, 1959: four territories became autonomous republics within the French community; two took new names; Middle Congo became People’s Republic of Congo, Ubangi-Shari became Central African Republic.
French Guiana: north-east coast of South America; currently Guinea Republic; home of Devil’s Island; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1860: French Colonies general issues used, 1886, Dec.: No.1, 5 centimes green, own stamps, French Colonial General issue overprinted “Guy. Franc” and surcharged 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1921: local stamps of Compagnie des Transports Aeriens Guyanais used to prepay internal airmail fee, 1925: first postage due stamp issued, 1940: first airmail stamp issued, 1946: became an overseas Department of France, stamps of France.
French Guinea: coast of west Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1881: French Colonies general issues used, 1887-92: stamps of Senegal used, 1892: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, own stamps issued, 1905: first postage due stamp, 1915: first semipostal stamps, 1940: first air mail stamp, 1944-59: Guinea incorporated into French West Africa, stamps of French West Africa used, 1958, Oct. 2: became Republic of Guinea, 1959: issued own stamps.
French India: five former French settlements on coast of India; Karikal, Mahé, Pondichéry, Chandernagor and Yanaon; currency: 100 centimes =1 franc, 24 caches = 1 fanon (1923), 8 fanons = 1 rupie 1849: possibly used stamps of France, 1854-1947: stamps of India used in some settlements, 1859-92: used French Colonies general issues, 1892, Nov.: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, own stamps issued, 1916: first semipostal issued, 1923: first postage due stamp issued, 1942: first airmail stamp issued, 1949-54: absorbed into Republic of India.
French Levant: 1857-85: used stamps of France, 1885, Aug. 5: first stamps issued, 1812: French post office opened in Constantinople, suspended 1827-35, 1914, Oct. 13: post offices closed, 1921, Aug. – July 1923: Constantinople reopened, 1942: overprint of stamps of Syria for Free French Administration in Syria.
French Mailboats: see Mailboats.
French Mandate in Lebanon: stamps of France overprinted “Grand Liban” for use in Lebanon, 1924.
French Mandate of Alaouites: see Alaouties.
French Morocco: northwest coast of Africa; currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta, 100 centimes = 1 franc (1917) 1862, Nov.: used stamps of France, 1863: first French post office opened, 1891: offices opened in Arzila, Casablanca, El Ksar el Kebir, Fez, Larache, Mazagan, Mogador, Rabat and Safi. 1891, Jan. 1: No.1, 5 centimes red, first stamps, 1896: first semipostal stamp issued, 1912: French protectorate established, 1915: first postage due stamp issued, 1922: first airmail stamp issued, 1942, March: amalgamated with Spanish post office, 1956, Mar. 2: Morocco became an independent kingdom with Spanish and Tangier Zones of Morocco, French Morocco stamps withdrawn, 1956-58: used French denominated stamps in the former French Protectorate, 1956-58: used Spanish denominated stamps in the former Spanish Protectorate, 1958: Spanish language stamps discontinued; see Morocco.
French Occupation of Germany: stamps inscribed “Zone Français” 1945.
French Occupation of Hungary: stamps of Hungary overprinted “Occupation Français” 1919.
French Occupation of Libya: stamps of Italy and Libya overprinted “Fezzan Occupation” and “R.F. Fezzan Français.’
French Oceania: see French Polynesia.
French Offices in Beirut: see Beirut.
French Offices in Cavalle: see Cavalla(e).
French Offices in China: see China, French offices.
French Offices in Crete: see Crete, French offices.
French Offices in Dedeagh: see Dedeagh, French offices.
French Offices in Egypt: see Egypt, French offices.
French Offices in Ethiopia: see Ethiopia, French offices.
French Offices in Japan: see Japan, French offices.
French Offices in Levant: see Levant.
French Offices in Madagascar: see Madagascar, French offices.
French Offices in Morocco: see French Morocco; Morocco.
French Offices in Port Lagos: see Turkey, French offices.
French Offices in Port Said: see Egypt, French offices.
French Offices in Saar: see Saar, French offices.
French Offices in Tangier: see Tangier, French offices.
French Offices in Turkey: see Ethiopia, French offices.
French Offices in Vathy (Samos): see Vathy, offices in Turkish Empire.
French Offices in Zanzibar: see Zanzibar, French offices.
French overseas departments: uses the stamps of France; includes former colonies of French Guiana, Guadaloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion and St.Pierre and Miquelon.
French Polynesia: French islands in the South Pacific Ocean; aka French Oceania; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc previously known as French Oceanic Settlements and Oceanic Settlements, includes Tahiti; 1880: French Colonial general issues, 1882: locally overprinted, 1892: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, first stamps issued, 1903: formed as French colony, including Tahiti, 1915: first semipostal issue, 1926: first postage due issue, 1934, Nov. 5: first airmail stamp issued, 1956: became French Polynesia, 1958: stamps inscribed Polynésie Française issued, 1977, June 10: first official stamp issued.
French Revolution: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1939-45.
French School of Philately: French philatelists were the first to try to classify stamps by the number of teeth or indentations that appeared along the length and width of individual stamps.
French Somali Coast: see Dijibouti Republic.
French Southern and Antarctic Territories: “Terres Australes et Antarctiques Française” currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1906-26: Kerguelen used stamps of France, 1928: used stamps of Madagascar, 1955, Oct. 28: No.1, 15 francs green/ultramarine, first stamps issued includes Adelie Land in Antarctica, islands of Nouvelle Amsterdam and St. Paul, and Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos, 1956, Apr. 25: first air mail stamp issued, see Adelie Land.
French Sudan: northwest Africa, currently Mali Republic; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1890: French Colonies general issues,1894, April 12: No.1, 15 carmine/rose, issued its own stamps, 1899: broken into Dahomey, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Senegambia and Niger (Upper Senegal and Niger), 1921-45: Upper Senegal and Niger named French Sudan, stamps inscribed Soudan Français, 1921: French Sudan issues resumed; first postage due stamp issued, 1938, Oct.24: first semipostal stamp issued, 1940, Feb. 8: first air mail stamp issued, 1945: French Sudan incorporated into French West Africa, 1959: autonomous republic within French community, French Sudan joined Senegal to form Mali Federation, 1960: Senegal seceded from the Federation and former French Soudan had its own stamps as Mali Republic.
French Voluntary Legion: French volunteers who fought with German Army in the Soviet Union, 1941-45.
French West Africa: northwestern Africa; joint administration of former Dahomey, French Guinea, French Soudan, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Upper Volta; 1943: No.1, 1 1/2 francs dark violet, surcharges on stamps of Senegal and Mauritania, 1944, Dec: first semipostal stamp issued as Federation of French colonies in West Africa, 1945: first definitive superceded separate issues, first airmail stamps issued, stamps inscribed “Afrique Occidentale Francaise” issued, 1947: first postage due stamp issued, 1958, June 2: official stamps issued, 1958: Guinea became a separate republic, others stayed within French community with their own stamps, 1959, March 21: inscribed Dakar-Abidjan, 1962: last usage of French West Africa issues; see Abidjan, A.O.F., French Guinea.
French West Africa: label used as promotion for Tarzan movie (in English).
French Zone of Germany: part of post-WW II occupation of Germany by Allies; includes Baden, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saar and Württemberg; 1945-46: general issue for the whole zone, 1947-49: separate issues for three areas without Saar who issued its own stamps, 1949: became part of West Germany.
Frentes y hospitales: (Sp.) charity stamps issued by Nationalists during the Spanish civil war to raise funds for hospitals.
Fresh: postal item in fine, original color.
Fresh entry: new entry on an engraved printing plate for one that was erased.
Freshwater Yarmouth, Newport Railway: British local post.
Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Mail Route: United States local post.
Frestonia: area in London that seceded for publicity purposes.
Freudenstadt: German local post, World War II.
Frey’s Valentine Express: serviced San Francisco, Calif, possibly used a corner card; year unknown.
Friden Inc./Singer Business Machines/FME Inc./Friden Alcatel Corp./Friden Neopost: U.S. Postage meter machines from 1963 to current; acquired by Singer Co. in 1963, became Singer Business Machines Division in 1972.
Friederich, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for lower Danube lines.
Friedrich Wilhelmshafen: now known as Madang, Papua New Guinea.
Friendly Islands: see Tonga. Friend’s Boarding School: U.S. local post, Barnesville, Ohio 1877.
Frigiliana: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Frimærke(r): (Dan.) postage stamp(s).
Frimärke: (Swed.) postage stamp.
Frimærkealbum: (Dan.) postage stamp album.
Frimærkeudstilling: (Dan.) stamp exhibition, stamp show, philatelic exhibition.
Frimærkeekspert: (Dan.) stamp expertizer.
Fri marke Kgl.Post: Denmark, 1851.
Frimarke lokalbref: (Swed.) “Free Stamp for Local Letters” Stockholm, Sweden free city postage, 1856.
Frimärken på försändelser: (Swed.) stamps on covers.
Frimärksdosor: (Swed.) stamp boxes.
Frimerke: (Nor.) postage stamp.
Frimerkehefte(r): (Nor.) unexploded stamp booklet(s).
Frimerkesamler: (Nor.) philatelist, stamp collector.
Frimerkeutstilling: (Nor.) philatelic exhibition.
Frímerki: (Ice.) stamp exhibition, Iceland.
Fr. Josip Earth: bogus label for Franz Joseph Land.
F R P S L: Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society, London.
Frnt: USPS abbreviation in address for front.
Froissé (e): (Fr.) crease, creased.
Fromage Colonaise Francaise: bogus French cheese colony stamps.
From the Franklin D. Roosevelt Collection Authenticated by H. R. Harmer Inc.: handstamp applied to back of tens of thousands of philatelic items from the president’s collection, 1946.
Front: the address side of a cover completely detached from the rest of the envelope; much less desirable than the entire cover; the exception being Mexico, South and Central America where the front of registered letters were returned to the sender as proof of delivery; entire registered letters from these countries are not found, only fronts which are highly sought after.
Frontales: (Sp.) see Front.
Front Atlantique: Atlantic Front, local post, German occupation, 1945.
Frontier letters: mail within 30 km of an European border country received special concessionary rates; 1880s.
Frontowa Poczta Polowa No 15: (Pol.) front field post office handstamp, 1919, Polish-Ukrainian War.
Frühststempel: (Ger.) earliest postmark or marking of a given type.
FRY: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Frye & Co.s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass. to Portsmouth, N.H.; used labels; 1876-82.
F S A T: auction abbreviation for French and Southern Antarctica Territories
F. Schroeter Local Post: see Bergen – F. Schroeter Local Post.
F Stamp Rate: United States non-denominated postage stamps, value 4¢, 1991.
F T B: Forced to Buy, as when a dealer prices covers at 3 for $10 and you can not purchase only one.
F.T.T. Trieste, Zone A: overprint on stamps of Italy.
F U: auction abbreviation for Fine Used.
Fu-chou: formerly Foochow, People’s Republic of China.
Fuengirola: (Sp.) local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Fuente del Maestre: (Sp.) local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Fuente de Piedra: (Sp.) local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Fuente Obejuna: (Sp.) local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Fuentes de Andalucia: (Sp.) local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936.
Fuera de curso: (Sp.) obsolete, no longer available.
Fuerstentum Liechtenstein: Principality of Liechtenstein.
Fuerzas de bloqueo del Mediterraneo: (Sp.) Mediterranean Blockade Forces, used during the Spanish civil war.
Fu-Feng: Shensi, Northwest China local post, 1949.
Fugitive color: color that is liable to fade, wash out or change, used to prevent tampering with the stamp.
Fugitive inks: an ink that dissolves or disintegrates in water; used in the production of some stamps to prevent forgery and make it impossible for re-use; some stamps or Netherlands Indies are printed entirely with water soluble fugitive inks.
Fujeira: Oman Peninsula, Persian Gulf Sheikdom, part of United Arab Emirates; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee 1952: became independent from Trucial States, 1964, Sept. 22: No.1, 1 naye paise multicolor, first stamps issued, 1965, Aug. 16: first airmail stamps issued, 1965, Oct. 14: first official stamps issued, 1971, Dec. 2: voted to join the United Arab Emirates.
Fukien-Chekiang-Kiangsi: 1931: Chinese Red Post, 1948: East China Liberation area, 1949: parcel post stamp issued.
Fulcrum: U.S. Navy code name during WW II for Auckland, New Zealand.
Full face McKinley card: widow of President McKinley did not like the portrait, cards ordered destroyed except for one box of 500.
Full Face Queens: nickname for full face portrait on stamps of Queen Victoria
Fulling effect: a light print of the stamp design seen on the back of the stamp, usually on letterpress printed stamps.
Full Length Victorias: nickname for stamps of Victoria, Australia, depicting Queen Victoria in a full-length pose, 1852-56.
Fully Imperforate: a stamp without perforations on all sides. See Imperforate, Semi-imperforate.
Fülöp Szigetek: (Hung.) the Philippine Islands, Philippines.
Fumigated mail: see disinfected mail.
Funafuti: One of the Tuvalu islands.
Funchal: capital of Madeira; Portuguese island off west coast of Africa; currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis 1868-80; Madeira had its own stamps, 1892-pre: used stamps of Portugal, 1892: No.1, 5 reis yellow, had its own stamps, 1905-31: stamps of Azores used, 1931: stamps of Portugal used. 1980, Jan. 2: stamps for Madeira reintroduced.
Fun Collectibles: nickname given to stamps issued by Third World countries that have no perceived financial growth potential
Functional watermark: parallel lines to act as a guide for the writer.
Fundo: (Port.) bottom margin.
Funfkirchen: now known as Pecs, Hungary.
Fungo: (It.) mushrooms (thematic).
Für die soldaten im felde: (Ger.) label from Austrian war welfare office, 1914-16.
Für Kriegs-beschädigte: overprint on stamps of Germany for semi-postal.
Furnace Cover: nickname for a 2¢ Hawaiian Missionary cover found in a furnace in a abandoned building in the early 1900s.
Furness Railway, The: British local post.
Fur’s fliegerheim: inscription for the airmen’s home; on German air labels, pre-WW I, portraits of early German airmen and the royal family; privately printed for forces personnel to apply to their mail, which was post free.
Furstentum: Principality of Liechtenstein.
Furusato: (Perfectural): stamps of Japan.
Fusée: (Fr.) rocket.
F US Postage: United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 29¢ cents, 1990.
Fussball: (Ger.) football (thematic).
Fussbotenpost: (Ger.) Berliner messengers established by Berlin merchants 1800-06.
Futbol: (Sp.) football (thematic).
Futschau: (Ger.) China diagonally overprinted on a stamp of Germany, surcharged “5 pf” for use in the German post office at Foochow, June 1, 1900.
Futsches Reich: Germany colloquialism for Ruined Empire from a British WWII propaganda forgery of a standard Hitler-head stamp.
Futuna: see Wallis and Futuna Islands.
Future delivery: overprint on U.S. revenue stamps for tax collection with goods to be delivered at a later date.
F/W: Franked With.
F V: Face Value.
Fyrblock: (Swed.) block-of-4.
Fyrfärgtryck: (Swed.) see Tryck – Fyrfärgs.
Fyrre: (Dan.) forty (number).
Fyrst: (Dan.) prince.
Fyrstedømme: (Dan.) principality.
FYRUM: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.



1: Special Delivery; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
2: (Sp.) abbreviation of “Entrada” in censor marks.
3: auction abbreviation for essay.
4: uction abbreviation for Euro; European Economic Community/EEC.
5: abbreviation for escudo, currency unit of Portugal, etc.
6. Europe: British stamp introduced in 1999, as a non-value-indicated stamp to prepay the letter rate to any of the European countries.
7: Engineer, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
8: Bavaria overprint (Eisenbahn railroad), 1908.
9: Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Spain.
10: “E” inscription, US nondenominated stamp, valued 25¢, placed on sale Mar.22, 1988. 11. international postal code for Spain.

e: (It.) and
£E: auction abbreviation for pound (Egypt).
EA: 1: overprint on stamps of France for Algeria. 2: Greece overprint for Chios; Aegean Islands.
E.A.F.: East Africa Forces; overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Italian Somaliland, 1943-48.
Eagle: originated as a post office symbol in 1970, also used for name change for Post Office Department to United States Postal Service; see: Mercury, Post rider.
Eagle Card Co.: U.S. private die playing card stamp.
Eagle City Post: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa., 1848-50.
EAK: international postal code for Kenya.
Eamoy: (Resembles these letters) Provisional government of Samos-Greece.
Earee, Rev. Robert: (1846-1928) author of the two-volume work Album Weeds, which described every known forged stamp of that period.
Earle & Prew’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, and towns in Mass., R.I., and Conn. issued labels; 1872-1909.
Earle Express Co.: private mail and parcel firm serviced Boston, and towns in Mass., R.I., and Conn. issued labels; 1839-73.
Earliest documented use (EDU): the date when the stamp was first used in the U.S. mails.
Earliest known use (EKU): term applied to earliest date on which a stamp is recorded to have been used.
Earliest surviving letters: clay tablets in a cuneiform script, that was baked and hardened, then placed in clay envelope type containers.
Earl of Crawford: James Lindsey, 1847-1914, enthusiastic stamp collector, The Catalogue of the Philatelic Library of the Earl of Crawford was 923 pages.
Early Empire Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society section that studies the postal history of the first 30 years of the German Empire: 19870-1899.
Early impression: a stamp that has been printed from a plate which has just begun to run on the press; distinguished from later printings taken from the same plate that will not be as sharp as the “early impressions.”
Earth stamp: undenominated U. S. stamp of 1988 showing the planet Earth.
EAS: Eugene A. Smith, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Eas, Easa: overprint variety in British East Africa overprints.
Easdale Island: local Scottish island, 1996.
East Africa and Uganda: central East Africa, on the Indian Ocean; 1903: first stamps replaced separate issues for British East Africa and for Uganda, 1922: inscription Kenya and Uganda, 1933, July 1: East African Posts and Telecommunications Union formed, 1935: first commemorative, air mail and postage due stamps, 1959: stamps overprinted “Official” used in Tanganyika at first, then permitted in all areas, 1959: first official stamp, 1964: issued stamps inscribed Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar for the East Africa Common Service Organization (Community), 1964: first commemorative stamp, 1976: stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania bear only one country name, stamps only valid to prepay postage in the specific country, 1977, June 30: individual country’s postal services took over that function.
East Africa & Uganda Protectorates: central East Africa; currency: 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 cents = 1 shilling (1922), 20 shillings = 1 pound 1894: Uganda Protectorate declared British Protectorate, 1903: No.1, 1/2 anna gray-green, first stamps replaced separate issues for British East Africa and for Uganda, 1906: first stamps as East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, 1922: inscription Kenya and Uganda, 1933, July 1: East African Posts and Telecommunications Union formed, 1935: first air mail and postage due stamps, 1959: stamps overprinted “Official” used in Tanganyika at first, then permitted in all areas, 1962: Uganda became independent, 1963: colony became independent as Kenya, 1964: issued stamps inscribed Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar for the East Africa Common Service Organization (Community), 1976: stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania bear only one country name, stamps only valid to prepay postage in the specific country, 1977, June 30: individual countries postal services took over that function.
East Africa, British: see: British East Africa.
East Africa Forces: see: E.A.F.
East Africa, German: see: German East Africa.
East Africa, Italian: 1936, June 1: Italy declared its East African possessions to be an “Empire,” consisting of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Italian Somaliland, 1941: Italy occupied British Somaliland Protectorate, Italian forces driven from East Africa, Ethiopia liberated, 1938: Italy issued stamps for this territory inscribed “Africa Orientale Italiana.”
East & West Junction Railway: British local post.
East Anglian Valentine: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
East Boston Express Co.: local parcel firm serviced Boston and East Boston, Mass.; issued a label, year unknown.
East China People’s Post: regional issue; includes Anhwei, Chekiang, Fukien, Kiangsu and Shantung provinces; 1941: postal services started in Shantung, 1948, Mar.: first issue of stamps, 1948, July: became East China Posts and Telegraph General Office, 1949, May 30: became East China Liberation Area; see China, People’s Republic, 1949.
East Coast: local overprint on Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
East Elloe Post Lutton: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
East End Package Delivery and Express: local package firm serviced the Pittsburgh, Pa., area; issued a label, year unknown.
Easter Island: inscription on stamps of Chile, 1992, Sc. 1010-11.
Easter Island: bogus with frame used on St. Vincent stamps.
Eastern & Midlands Railway: British local post.
Eastern Arabia, British Offices: 1948, Apr.1-Jan. 6, 1961: Dubai open, 1948, Apr.1-April 29, 1966: Muscat open, 1950-57: Qatar open, 1960, Dec.-March 29, 1964: Abu Dhabi open, 1951, 1953: Kuwait, Bahrain open, 1963, Mar.30: first British agency post office opened, 1963, Mar.30-March 29, 1964: used stamps of British postal administration in Eastern Arabia, 1967, Jan.1: local post service starts; replaced by stamps of the Trucial States or nation’s own stamps.
Eastern Express Co.: parcel firm serviced Boston, towns in Maine and the British Provinces; issued labels, 1857-79.
Eastern Karelia: “Ita-Karjala/sot hallinto” East Karelia Military Occupation, overprint on stamps of Finland, Karelia, 1941-43, see Karelia
Eastern postal areas: “Postgebiet Ober-Ost ,” Lithuania, German occupation, 1916-18.
Eastern Rumelia (Roumelia): in southern Bulgaria; currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster 1880: No.1, 1/2 paras yellow-green, “R.O.” (Roumelie Orientale) overprint on stamps of Turkey, 1881: vertical overprint “Roumelie Orientale” on stamps of Turkey, 1885: broke Turkish rule, replaced by stamps of South Bulgaria; “Roumelie Orientale” inscription on stamps of Turkey, 1886: replaced by stamps of Bulgaria after Serbia-Bulgaria war.
Eastern Samoa: also known as American Samoa, 1900: U.S. issues without overprint used, can only be recognized by cancel.
Eastern Saxony: “Bundesland Sachsen” on stamps of Germany, Russian occupation, 1945-46.
Eastern Scottish Bus: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Eastern Siberia: 1: bogus Russian local overprint. 2: surcharged stamps used, Jan. 1923.
Eastern Silesia: former duchy in northern Austro-Hungarian Empire between Prussian Silesia and Moravia. After the Polish-Czech 1920 military confrontation, the western two-thirds became the Czech province of Silesia (Czech., Slezsko), and the eastern portion was given to Poland. see Ceskoslovenska polní posta – Tesínko , Celistvosti – SO 1920.
Eastern Szechwan: stamps of China overprinted for use in the 1940s.
East Germany: common name for German Democratic Republic, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR and GDR.
East India: 1855: inscription for use throughout India; called that because territory was administered by the Honourable East India Company up to 1858, 1882: name stopped being used when Queen Victoria took the title of Empress of India in 1877.
East India Postage: 1: overprint with a crown and new values, Straits Settlement. 2: inscription, see: Bangkok. 3: Inscription East India Company, Sc. 19-35, Government issue, 1860-77.
East Indies: see: Netherland East Indies.
East Kent Circular Deliv.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
East Liao-ning area: regional issue, Northeast China, 1945-48.
East London Railway: British local post.
Eastman College: Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; 1859 used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter.
Eastman’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Lynn and Salem, Mass.; issued a label, year unknown.
East of Jordan: Jordan issues, 1920-25; see: Arab Government of the East.
East River Post Office: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1852-55.
East Silesia: former Austrian crownland, 1920: League of Nations plebiscite, issues of Czechoslovakia and of Poland overprinted “S.O. 1920” during this period.
East Sussex County: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
East Szechuen People’s Post: Southwest China, regional issue; see: China, People’s Republic, 1949.
East Timor: territory seeking independence from Indonesia; United Nations Transitional Administration (UNTAET), 2000; 1973, Dec.16: last stamps issued under a Portuguese administration, 1975, Dec.: Indonesian forces invaded East Timor, 2000, April 29: issued two nondenominated stamps, one for internal mail, one for international mail under the auspices of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET); 2002, May 20: issued first stamps as new country; also known as Timor Lorosae.
Eaton, Jas.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps. Eatonton, Geo. 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
E.B.: 1. semipostal Special Delivery, Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2. Education Board, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
E.B.C. Postage: see Eastman College.
Eboue, Felix: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1945.
EC: 1: European Community, now known as European Union, EC. 2: Ecuador; country code as used by UPU. 3. “Ejercito Constitucional” local overprint on stamps of Mexico, 1914 for Constitutionalist forces.
£EC: auction abbreviation for dollar, Eastern Caribbean Community.
E.C.A.F.E.: Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East.
Eca-Gard Postage and Mailing Center: manufacturer of vending machine that prints computer vended postage.
Écarlate: (Fr.) scarlet (color).
E.C. de M.: “Ejercito Constitucional of Mexico” local overprint on stamps of Mexico, 1914 for Constitutionalist forces.
E.C.D.S. Strike Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Echar al correo: (Sp.) to mail.
Echecs: (Fr.) chess (topical).
Echo cards: Japanese postal stationery, with an imprinted stamp, and paid ads on front.
Echt: (Ger.) genuine.
Echt gelaufen: (Ger.) postally used.
Ecija: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-37.
Eckartsberga: local, Germany, 1945-48.
Eckholdt Local Post: see Drammen – Eckholdt Local Post.
Eckrand: (Ger.) sheet corner.
Eckrandstück: (Ger.) corner stamp with sheet margins attached.
E-COM: Electronic Computer Originated Mail, began in Jan., 1982 by the USPS for large mailers to transmit computer-generated messages to 25 post offices throughout the nation.
Economat: inscription on Interpostal Seals for the post office bursary or office; used 1871-74, see: Interpostal seals, 1871-84.
Economy gum: gum applied in patterns or blocks immediately after WWII.
Economy label: used throughout British Empire during war period, to be applied to covers that were refolded and reused.
Ecosse: (Fr.) Scotland.
ECU: 1. European Community Currency unit. 2. international postal code for Ecuador.
Ecuador: South America, on the Pacific Ocean; currency: 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centavos = 1 sucre (1881) 1779: handstamps used, beaded oval type (1819-30), 1830, May 11: Republic of Ecuador formed, 1849-80: British Post Office at Guayaquil for external mail using handstamps, 1865, Jan. 1: stamps first issued, 1865-80: stamps of Great Britain used on overseas mail, with C 41 cancel, 1868-75: stamps of France used at Guayaquil, in connection with Pacific Ligne, 1872: No.1, 1 reales yellow, 1880, July 1: joined the UPU, 1886: first official stamp 1896: first postage due stamps, 1928, Aug. 28: first air mail stamp, 1929: first postage due stamp. 1944, May 9: first semipostal stamp.
Ecuador: overprint on stamps of Colombia air mails, 1928-29.
ECV: auction abbreviation for estimated cash value.
ECW: Edward C. Wildt, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
ED: 1. auction abbreviation for edition. 2. Edward Doe, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
EDC: Earliest documented cover or the earliest known cover for a stamp when verified.
EDD: Greece overprint for Dodecanese Islands.
Eddy, E. B.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Edelweiss, Kingdom of: label, imperial residence in Winston-Salem, NC, Artistamp.
Eden Island: parady of possible Swiss origin.
Edey “Express”: private mail firm serviced area east of the Mississippi River; used labels affixed to envelopes, 1862.
Edfou: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
EDG: Everett D. Green, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Edge stamp: stamp not perforated on one side and end; 1887 definition.
Edgware post: Great Britain, local strike post, 1971.
Edicto: (Sp.) official notice with details of various matters including the mail arrival.
Edificios postales: overprint on stamps of El Salvador, postal tax.
Edifil: Spain and Spanish Offices & Colonies Specialized Postage Stamp Catalog.
Edinburgh and Leith Circular Delivery Company: Great Britain local, 1865-66.
Edinburgh Strike Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Edirne: formerly Adrianople, Turkey.
Edizione principe: (It.) first printing.
Edkou: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880-84.
Edona: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880.
E. D. Prince Letter Despatch: S. Allan Taylor label.
E.D.U.: earliest documented use.
Educacion Nacional: (Sp.) inscription for postal tax, El Salvador.
E.D.W.: (E.D. Wight) Initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, 1850-51 issue, British Guina.
Edwa: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880-84.
Edwardian: refers to stamps of Great Britain’s King Edward VII.
Edwards & Co.’s Express: private mail firm serviced Boston, and Bangor and Portland, Maine; issued a label, 1855?
Edwards, Sanford & Co. Transatlantic Express: letter delivery firm that forwarded letters into the U.S. mails, used a corner card, c1849.
EE: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Estonia, such as EE 2000 Narva. 2: Estonia; country code as used by UPU.
EE Bars: electric eye bars.
EEC: European Economic Community.
E.E.F.: 1: Egyptian Expeditionary Forces; Palestine Inscription, British Occupation, 1918-27. 2: (with Arabic overprint) Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cilicia.
EEN 1 GLD: Netherlands overprint.
Een Penny: currency surcharge, Transvaal, 1882.
Eendragt maakt Magt.: “Union makes strength” South African Republic.
Eesti: stamps of Estonia inscription 1928-35, 1991-current.
Eesti post: overprint on stamps of Russia, Estonia, 1918-40.
Eesti Post Virumma: bogus, Estonia inscription, Bolshevist occupation, Virumma, 1918-19.
Eesti Vabriil: Estonian Republic, stamps of Estonia inscription, 1918-1940.
Eesti Varbarik: Inscription, Estonia, 1919-25.
EE.UU.: (Sp.) Estados Unidos, abbreviation for United States.
EE.UU. de C.: (Sp.) Colombia, Department Tolma, 1870.
EE.UU. de Colombia: (Sp.) inscription, Colombia, 1886.
EE.UU. de Venezuela: (Sp.) inscription, Venezuela, special delivery.
EF: international postal code for Estonia.
E.F.: auction term for extremely fine, exceptionally large margins with near perfect centering; usually command premium of catalog value.
E.F.: with year 1899 overprint on stamps of Bolivia.
Efectos de Comercio: (Sp.) commercial drafts; bills of exchange; found on fiscal stamps for duty payable on such items.
Effets de Commerce: commercial bills of lading; French Colony Revenue inscription
Effets Negociables: negotiable bills of exchange; French Colony Revenue inscription
Efigie: (Sp.) portrait, likeness.
EFO: errors, freaks and oddities.
EFO: “Etablissments de l’Oceanie” (French Oceanic Settlements) overprint on stamps of French Polynesia, 1915.
EFOCC: Errors, Freaks and Oddities Collectors Club.
Eftergravering: (Dan.) re-engraved.
Eftergummiering: (Dan.) regummed.
Eftertakning: (Dan.) reperforated.
Eftertryck(Swed.) reprint.
Eftertryk: (Dan.) reprint, see Nytryk .
Efterporto: (Dan.) “postage to pay” Danish West Indies, postage due inscription.
Eftertaxering: (Swed.) card mailed to sender advising of postage due; postage could be affixed to the card and mailed back to the sending office.
EG: Egypt; country code as used by UPU.
Egée iles de la mer: (Fr.) Aegean islands.
Égei-Tengeri: (Hung.) Aegean Sea.
Égei-Tengeri Szigetek: (Hung.) Aegean (Sea) Islands.
Egeo: Aegean. 1: overprint on stamps of Italy for use in Aegean Islands occupied by Italy in 1912. 2: Aegean Islands, General Issue; see Calino.
Egipto: (Sp.) Egypt.
Egitto: (It.) Egypt.
EGK: (Ger.) Michel catalog; Europa-Ganzachen-Katalog.
Eglise: (Fr.) church (thematic).
E Grill: grill used on US stamps during the 19th century.
Égszinkék: (Hung.) cerulean-blue, sky-blue (color).
Egy: (Hung.) one (number).
Egyenlitói Guinea: (Hung.) Equatorial Guinea.
Égyiptom: (Hung.) Egypt.
Egykrajczar: one Kruezer, inscription, Hungary.
Egypt: Northern Africa, on the Mediterranean and Red Seas; currency:40 paras = 1 piaster, 1,00 milliemes = 100 piasters = 1 pound (1888) 3000 BC: postal service started, used papyrus; see Papyrus, 1146: pigeon posts used, 1821: “Posta Europea”, (It.) private posts to Europe by an Italian firm, 1835: “Overland Route” of Lt. Waghorn delivered mail between Britain and India through Egypt, 1843: inland posts operated by a private firm, 1857: Posta Europa operated inland mail, 1860-85: stamps of Great Britain used at British post office in Alexandria (B 01 cancel) and Suez (B 02 cancel), and by the British Army Post office in Egypt, French stamps overprinted for use at French post offices in Alexandria and Port Said, Suez Canal Company also issued its own stamps, 1865: private Italian firm bought by Egyptian government used Italian cancellers “Poste Vice-Realiegiziane,” 1866, Jan. 1: No.1, 5 paras slate-green, stamps first issued, Egyptian stamps with values in paras used in Northern Sudan, 1869-85: Egyptian stamps with values in paras used in Eritrea (Massawa), 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1881-84: Egyptian stamps with values in paras used in Ethiopia (Harar), 1881-84: Egyptian stamps with values in paras used on the Somali coast, stamps also used Italian, Poste Khedivie Egiziane for territories occupied by Italy, 1884, Jan.1: first postage due stamp, 1893, Jan.1: first official stamp, 1914-pre: considered part of Turkey, 1914, Dec.18 – Feb. 28, 1922: British protectorate declared, 1922-53: kingdom after British protectorate ended, 1926, Mar.10: first air mail stamp, 1932, Nov. 1: “British Forces in Egypt” military stamp, 1940, May 17: first semipostal stamp, 1953, June 18: republic established, 1958: joined with Syria to form United Arab Republic (U.A.R.), 1961: Syria left U.A.R., 1971: Egypt named Arab Republic of Egypt.
Egypt, British Forces in: 1932, Nov.1-Feb. 29, 1936: seals issued to British forces and their families with a special postage rate for mail to Great Britain, applied to the back of mail, 1936-Apr.1943: Army Post inscription used; also used by British forces in Sudan.
Egypt, British offices: Alexandria, 1839; Suez 1847; Cairo 1859, 1860-79 stamps of Britain used at Alexandria, cancel B 01, Suez cancel B 02.
Egypte: (Fr.) Egypt, 1926-56.
Egypten: (Dan., Swed.) Egypt.
Egypt, French Offices: Alexandria, Port Said; 1857-59: stamps of France, 1830-1931, Mar 1: stamps of France, 1857-76 issues, cancel 3704, 5080, 1830-March 31, 1931: Alexandria, used stamps of France 1857-76, 1867, June-March 31, 1931: Port Said, used stamps of France, 1867-99 issues, 1899: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, 1899-1928: “Alexandria” (Alexandrie) overprint/surcharge stamps of France, 1899-1928: “Port Said” overprint/surcharge on stamps of France, 1922: postage due stamp issued, 1928-30: Alexandria and Post Said, joint issue of postage due.
Egyptian occupation of Palestine: 1948-67: stamps issued for use in Gaza area; see Palestine.
Egyptisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Egyptian.
Egypt, Italian Post Offices: 1863-84: used cancel 234.
Egypt Postage Prepaid: handstamp applied to front of envelope bearing special rate stamps,
Egyptiennes postes: Egypt, 1879-1906.
Egypt postage: Egypt, 1914-22. stamps of Egypt, established at Constantinople in(1866, other cities in 1870.
EH: Edward Hein, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
E.H. (Edward Heston): U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
EHH: Edward H. Helmuth, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
E.H.Lake: bogus Confederate provisional stamp.
E.I.: (Heb.) Eretz Israel (Land of Israel).
Eichele & Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Eichele, Aug.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Eichele, P. & Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Eighth Avenue Post Office: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1852.
Eilauftrag: (Ger.) rapid inquiry hand stamp, German post office card to verify address.
Eilbert & Celice islands: British colonial royal wedding frames from book, “Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.”
Eilbot: (Ger.) express.
Eilmarke: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Eilpost: (Ger.) express mail, expedited delivery.
Einband: (Ger.) binder.
Einfaches papier: (Ger.) wove paper.
Einfarbig: (Ger.) monochrome color.
Einfassung: (Ger.) frame.
Eingepresst: (Ger.) embossed.
Einkauf: (Ger.) purchase.
Einlieferungsschein: (Ger.) receipt for registered letter.
Einringstempel: (Ger.) single circle cancel.
Einschreibebrief: (Ger.) registered letter.
Einseltig: (Ger.) imperf on one side.
Einsteckbuch: (Ger.) stock book.
Einwandfrei: (Ger.) perfect, faultless.
Einzig dastehend: (Ger.) unique.
Einzelmarke: (Ger.) single (stamp).
Einzuziehen: Danzig, postage due.
Eire: see: Ireland.
Eireann: overprint on stamps of Great Britain for Ireland, 1922-23.
Eisenbahn: (Ger.) train (thematic).
Eisenbahnmarke: (Ger.) railway postage stamp.
Eisenhart’s J.W., Matches: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Ejdern: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1915.
Ejemplar: (Sp.) example, specimen (of a stamp).
Ejercito: (Sp.) army.
Ejercito constitucionalista: (Sp.) “Constitutional Army” inscription, Mexico, Sonora revenues provisionally used as postage, 1923.
Ejercito Español en Africa: (Sp.) 1860 postmarks from Morocco for Spanish army in Africa.
Ejercito renovador: (Sp.) inscription on Mexico-Sinaloa revenue, 1923, may not have been placed on sale.
EK: (Ger.) Michel catalogs; Europe-katalog.
Ekaterinodar: now Krasnodar, USSR.
Ekko: private cinderellas produced by Ekko Co. of Chicago in 1924 to verify reception by various radio stations.
Ekoecic: (resembles these letters) Greece-Salonika, postal tax stamps.
Ekspresmærke: (Dan.) special delivery stamp, express mail stamp.
Ekspresporto: (Dan.) special delivery postage, express mail postage.
Ekspress: (Dan.) express.
Ekte: (Nor.) genuine.
Ekvador: (Hung.) Ecuador.
EKU: see: Earliest known use.
EL: 1: auction abbreviation for envelope letter (folded letter). 2: entire letter.
El-Abiad: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Elass-Lotherin: (Ger.) revenue stamp for German occupation of Alsace-Lorraine.
El-Ayat: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880-82.
Elbow and eyeball: USPS informal term to open and examine supposedly empty mail sacks to make certain that it does not contain any mail.
El-Boulak-Dakcrour: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-84.
El Burgo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1938.
El Campillo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937-38.
El Cerro de Andevalo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936.
Elche: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
El Che de la Sierra: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Elda: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
El Djezair, Algeria: also known as Algiers.
El Dorado, federated state of: fantasy from the American Philatelist.
Eldridge Brothers’ Express: private mail firm serviced Kansas; issued a label, year unknown.
Electric Express & Storage Company: parcel firm operated via electric trolleys, issued a stamp, area unrecorded, year unknown.
Electric Express Company: parcel firm operated via electric trolleys, Portland, Ore. area; issued a stamp, year unknown.
Electric Eye Dashes: vertical dashes in the vertical gutter used by the electric eye during the perforating process, 1933.
Electric Eye Frame Bars: horizontal lines in the left sheet margin used by the electric eye during the perforating process, 1939.
Electric eye mark: mark, or bars used in positioning stamp sheets during printing process.
Electric eye perforating: machines that are equipped with electric eyes that guide the perforating pins up the center of the stamp margin with the aid of distinctive marks, thus creating well-centered stamps.
Electric Telegraph: inscription on Indian telegraph stamps, issued 1860.
Electric Telegraph Co.: stamp of British private telegraph company.
Electronic Commerce Services (ECS): includes a time and date stamp, return receipt, registered, certified, verification of sender and recipient and archival services, all via electronic means.
Electronic Communications: developed computerized post office meters in 1974.
Electronic mail: method of sending written material from one location to another without physically carrying the material from point of mailing to point of delivery.
Electronic option: an electronic file that includes details about the pieces in the mailing, delivery information is retrieved electronically, ether by electronic file transfer of Internet inquiry; USPS term
Electronic postage: a postage imprint that features a two-dimensional bar code containing data necessary for revenue protection.
Electronic postmark: an electronic time and date stamp on electronic mail that will authenticate a document’s existence at a particular point in time.
Electronic return: U.S. Postal Service term for return of undeliverable mail by electronic means with incorrect address, rather than physical return of the mailing piece, started in 2002.
Electroplate: a printing plate made by duplicating the original plate which is available for additional duplication in very large press runs.
Electrotype (Electro): an obsolete method for reproducing dies by applying a costing of copper to a mold from the original die.
Elefántcsontpart: (Hung.) Ivory Coast.
Élénk: (Hung.) bright (color).
Élénkék: (Hung.) bright blue (color).
Élénkpiros: (Hung.) bright red (color).
Élénksarga: (Hung.) bright yellow (color).
Élénkvörös: (Hung.) scarlet-red (color).
Élénkzöld: (Hung.) bright green (color).
El espacio: (Sp.) space (thematic).
Elevator stamp: inspection stamp issued by Connecticut from 1846 through 1957, nondenominated.
El-Facher: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Elfenbeinkopf: (Ger.) Ivory Head silhouette on Queen Ivory.
Elfenbeinküste: (Ger.) Ivory Coast.
Elfland: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate.
El-Gisr: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1868.
Elisabeth, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for the middle or upper Danube lines.
Elizbeth: error on 40p June 25, 2004, stamp of Jersey, should be Elizabeth.
El Iskandariya: also known as Alexandria, Egypt.
Elizabeth II Coronation: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1978.
El-Kalabat: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Ellas (Greek letters) and 2-x-43: used in Zante, Ionian Islands to Italy under German occupation.
Elleore: labels used to support children’s holiday trips.
Elfenbenskusten: (Swed.) Ivory Coast.
Elfenbenskysten: (Dan., Nor.) Ivory Coast.
Elleve: (Dan., Nor.) eleven (number).
Ellichhpur, India: now Achalpur.
Ellington-Zwisler Catalog (E-Z): rocket mail flight information, 2 volume set.
Elliot-Fairchild: local, Canada, 1925-26.
Elliptical perforations: odd-size perforation, usually two per stamp to make it difficult to counterfeit stamps.
El Masnou: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
El-Meslemieh: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Elobey, Annobon and Corisco: islands near coast of Guinea, western Africa; currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta 1868: used stamps of Fernando Poo, 1903: No.1, 1/4 centime carmine, issued their own stamps, 1909: stamps of Spanish Guinea used, Elobey and Corisco use stamps of Rio Muni, Annobon uses stamps of Fernando Poo.
El parlamento a Cervantes: (Sp.) Spain, overprint, official stamps, Cervantes death anniversary, 1916.
El Qahira: also known as Cairo, Egypt.
ELS: 1: auction abbreviation for entire letter sheet, with contents. 2: Express Letter Service. 3: Edwin L. Shankle, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
El Salvador: see: Salvador.
Elsass: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, occupation of Alsace, WWI, 1940.
Elsass-Lothringen: (Ger.) Alsace-Lorraine.
Elsie: nickname for Electronic Letter Sorter.
El Skandariya, Egypt: also known as Alexandria.
Elsonapi Boriték: (Hung.) first day cover, FDC.
ELT: Edward L. Tucker, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
El-Tarieh: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880.
Elua Keneta: Hawaii, 1861-93.
Elusive: a stamp that is hard to find, but is not rare or scarce.
Elwa: city in Estonia; 1941: stamps of Russia provisionally overprinted “Eesti post” by Germans for use in city.
El-Wastah: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1880.
E L Z N: inscription on illegal issue of Mexico, reported to the UPU March 25, 1996.
E-mail: letters sent electronically via the World Wide Web (WWW).
Embabe: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1868.
Embajadas: (Sp.) embassies.
Embarkation Army post offices: During WW II, when a wounded man was evacuated to the U.S., his name, rank, APO and serial number were sent ahead by air to this office to hold mail for arrival of the wounded serviceman.
Embedded phosphor paper (EP): stamp printing paper with taggant that penetrates the surface of the paper, applied prior to printing; has a highly mottled appearance under short wave ultraviolet light.
Embedded Silk Threads: threads embedded in stamp paper as a security measure.
Embedded taggant: a term used for taggant applied to the surface of uncoated paper, with a tendency to be absorbed unevenly into the fibers, giving a mottled appearance under shortwave UV light.
Emerson Drug Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Emblems: Great Britain watermarks, 1856 roses for England and thistle for Scotland.
Embo: label, Scotland seceded from Great Britain for one day in 1985.
Emborronado: (Sp.) blurred, smudged.
Embossed: stamps, usually envelope stamps, that are raised in low relief in relationship to the surface of the paper on which they are printed.
Embossed revenues: revenue stamps that are raised in low relief in relationship to the surface of the paper on which they are printed; applied to 18th and 19th century documents by New York and Massachusetts, to pay taxes.
Embossing: 1: the process of impressing a design in relief into the paper of an envelope or sheet of paper. 2: a form of printing in relief.
Em circulacâo: (Port.) current.
EME: Edwin M. Earle, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Emergency Air Mail Service: United Kingdom, Australia, strike local post, 1971.
Emergency flight: flight taken in response to an emergency such as floods, breakdown of rail transportation, strikes, etc.
Emergency Mail (Ajax): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Mail (AZIM): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Mail (CHF): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Mail France: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Mail Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Manx Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Post Falkiner: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency postmark: used by First Division, Railway Mail Service, St. Albans & Boston R.P.O. when the regular handstamp was misplaced.
Emergency Post Serv.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency service stamps: usually refers to stamps portraying emergency equipment, such as ambulances, fire trucks, etc.
Emergency Strike Export: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emergency Strike Grant: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Emfänger: (Ger.) addressee.
Emgültig: (Ger.) definitive.
Emiprinte: (Fr.) reprint.
Émirats Arabes Unis: (Fr.) United Arab Emirates. English and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co.: British telegraph stamp may be the world’s first, 1853.
Emirdites: Albania, unauthorized issue.
Émis: (Fr.) issued.
Émis (non): (Fr.) stamp prepared but not issued due to various reasons.
Emisión: (Sp.) issue.
Emisión cenicienta: (Sp.) cinderella issue.
Emisiunile de Eliberare: (Rom.) liberation issues.
Emissione locale: (It.) local issue, post.
Emisión falso: (Sp.) bogus: labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors.
Émission: (Fr.) issue.
Emission cendrillon: (Fr.) cinderella issue.
Emission commemorative: (Fr.) commemorative issue.
Emissione: see: Issue (stamp).
Emission falso: (It.) bogus: labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors.
Émission faux: (Fr.) bogus: labels or postal markings made to defraud collectors.
Émission premier jour d’: (Fr.) first day of issue.
Émission provisoire: (Fr.) provisional issue.
Emitido: (Sp.) issued.
Emlékiv Postai Bérmentesitésre Nem Alkalmas: (Hung.) a commemorative sheet having no postal validity.
Emory, Va. Paid 5, Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Empalne: (Sp.) 1: coil joint. 2: postmark for railway junction.
Empastado: (Sp.) blurred, blotchy.
Emp. Cubat: (Sp.) Empresa Cubatéchica, part of a canceling device used by Cuban technical troops in Angola starting in Jan. 1985.
Emperor of the world: label, India produced in 1892.
Empfänger verstarben: (Ger.) “recipient deceased” hand stamp, WW II.
Empire: France, 1853-70 issues, released during reign of Emperor Napoleon III.
Empire Air Mail Scheme: see: All-up service.
Empire Centrafricain: Central Africa.
Empire City Dispatch: U.S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1881.
Empire d’Ethiopie: Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia.
Empire Express and Parcel Delivery: parcel delivery firm service New York State?; issued a label; 1906.
Empire Franc, Francais: inscription 1853, August-1872, France, French Colonies in 1871-72.
Emp. Ottoman: 1: with R.O. or Roumelie Orientale overprint, Turkey. 2: with crescent and Turkish inscription on stamps of Turkey, Eastern Rumelia, Turkish Empire 1876-92.
Empreinte: (Fr.) imprint.
EMS: U.S. Express Mail Service.
EMU: early matching usages; collection of earliest usages as documented by previous announcement of early date.
En: (Nor.) one (number).
E.N.A.: Empresa Norte America (Sp.) a shipping line mark, 1790-1856.
Enamelled paper: highly glazed paper producing a glossy, brittle surface.
Enapiomon: inscription on stamps of Greece, postage dues.
Encart: (Fr.) presentation pack.
Encased postage stamp: a stamp within a protective covering that was used as a coin, invented by John Gault, started in 1862 when there was a shortage of change due to the Civil War.
Enchasse: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-84.
Enchère: (Fr.) beginning selling price of the lot; can represent one bid over the second highest book bid, the highest book bid or the reserve price for the lot.
Enchèrisseur: (Fr.) bidder.
Encima (de): (Sp.) above, over.
Encinasola: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Encomendes postais: (Port.) parcel post for Portuguese language countries.
Encomienda: (Sp.) parcel post.
En creux: (Fr.) line engraving.
End delivery: coil in which postage stamps are arranged “one above the other” and sold through vending machines.
Endereço: (Port.) address, the place to where mail is sent.
Endgültig: (Ger.) definitive.
Endommagé: (Fr.) damaged.
Endorsement: marking on a mail piece that indicates handling instructions, a special service, or another request.
Endwise: another term for vertical coil.
Ene: (Sp.) “enero” abbreviation in postmarks for January.
E.N.E.: Empresa Norte Europa (Sp.) a shipping line mark, 1790-1856.
“Enemy Action Delayed by”: (picture of bomb) marking applied to mail during WW II by British Post Office for mail delayed by enemy bombings.
En Épargne: (Fr.) “in relief” type of printing plate used in letterpress process.
Enfant: (Fr.) children (thematic).
Enfantine: children’s stamps; see Toy stamps.
En forma de arco: (Sp.) Canadian set of King George V of 1930-31 to differentiate them from previous series Eng: 1: auction abbreviation for engraved. 2: England. 3: German for narrow.
En franchaise: (Fr.) post free.
Engelberg: Switzerland hotel post, 1880, Hotel Pension Sonnenberg.
Engelsk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) English (adj.).
Engelska kolonier: (Swed.) British colonies.
Engelske Kolonier: (Dan.) British Colonies.
Engelt bezahlt: (Ger.) postage paid.
Engine turning: use of a geometric lathe to produce intricate engravings, also known as lathework.
England: a regional issue solely for England; not sold in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, etc.
England Winners/World War II 1939-45: inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
English School of Philately: classified stamps by the difference in design; see French School of Philately.
English’s Intern. Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Engomado: (Sp.) gummed.
Engr.: abbreviation for engraved.
Engraved cachet: a printed cachet on which the design is slightly raised above the surface of the paper or envelope.
Engraved stamps: 1: stamps printed from plates into which a design is cut or chemically etched; the plate is applied under heavy pressure to the paper being printed, leaving the ink raised above the surface of the paper. 2: implies that the stamp is printed by the recess or line-engraved process.
Engraver: the person who engraves a die.
Engraver’s initials (mark): the initials of the engraver which may appear in the sheet margin or in smaller letters below the bottom frame line of a stamp design.
Engraver’s proofs: proofs taken from an engraving to give an idea of how a stamp design will look when completed.
Engraving: 1: art of cutting (stamp) designs on metal, wood, etc. 2: Gravieren (Ger.), Gravure (Fr.), Incisione (It.), Gravadura (Sp.).
Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post: see Göteborg – Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post.
Enguera: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Enkelte: (Dan.) few.
Enniskillen Civil Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Enos: French post office in Ottoman Empire opened Jan. 1874, closed April 1875.
En. Numbre: En numéraire (Fr.) payment for mail from abroad is to be made in coin, 1796.
Enpfänger: (Ger.) addressee.
En primeur cards: postcard-style announcement of new issues from Canada Post
Enrigistrationment: (Fr.) registration fee; French Colony revenue inscription.
Ensayo: (Sp.) see: Essay.
Enroulement: (Fr.) coil (of stamps).
Enschede, Joh.: printer of stamps for postal administrations, located in Haarlem, the Netherlands, founded 1703, produced its first postage stamps in 1862.
Ensemble: (Fr.) complete set.
Ensfarget: (Nor.) single color, monocolor.
Enskilda lokalpost: (Swed.) private local post.
Ensk. Lokalpost: see Göteborg – Göteborg – Ivan R. A. Engstrom “Enskilda” Local Post.
Entero: (Sp.) see: Entire.
Entero postal: (Sp.) postal stationery.
Enteros: (Sp.) postal stationery with impressed stamps.
Entier: (Fr.) see: Entire.
Entier postal: (Fr.) postal stationery.
Entire: 1: a complete envelope or postal card with stamp, postmark, address, etc. as originally received. 2: before the advent of envelopes, refers to part bearing the address of a multi-page letter.
Entrada: (Sp.) entry, arrival; used on Spanish civil war covers to indicate arrival of letter in censorship department.
Entraga immediata: (Sp.) U.S. military occupation of Cuba, error in spelling.
Entrega: (Sp.) delivery.
Entrega especial: (Sp.) special delivery.
Entraga immediata: (Sp.) U.S. military occupation of Cuba, error in spelling.
Entraga inmediata: (Sp.) immediate delivery, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, 1910-14.
Entresuelo: (Sp.) mezzanine floor, found in addresses.
Entry: subject made by rocking a transfer roll on to a printing base, used for intaglio or relief printing.
Entwerten: see: Demonitize.
Entwertet: (Ger.) see: Canceled.
Entwertung: (Ger.) see: Cancellation.
Entwurf: (Ger.) essays of proposed design for a stamp, used by Austria.
En uso: (Sp.) see: Current.
ENV: 1: estimated net value. 2: see: Envelope.
Envasado: (Sp.) wrapped or bottled, found on Cadiz local tax stamps.
Envelope: 1: form of wrapper or cover for letters. 2: machine made envelopes first made in France about 1790, but were not popular since they added to the weight. 3: first used by Egyptians and Assyrians to enclosed clay tablets in 3000 BC.
Envelope cut square: the stamp portion of a stamped envelope that has been cut from the envelope in a square or rectangular shape.
Envelope seal: usually circular paper seal used to seal envelopes; many also announced who sent the letter.
Envelope stamp: stamp printed or embossed directly on the paper of the envelope, distinguishing it from an adhesive stamp.
Enveloppe: (Fr.) cover, an envelope or a postally used envelope or one with a postal cancellation cover.
Enveloppe premier jour(vol): (Fr.) first day cover (flight).
Envers: (Fr.) reversed, upside down.
Envio: (Sp.) consignment.
Envois Insuffisament: (Fr.) short paid or postage due handstamp.
Envio no Normalizado: (Sp.) marking for irregular cover which does not conform to postal regulations.
Envoyer: (Fr.) to send.
EO: Special Delivery Official; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
Eonikh: (Gr.) Greece postal tax stamps, 1914.
Eo. So.: “Estado Soberano” sovereign state, Colombia.
EP: see: Embedded phosphor paper.
EP: 1. characters that look like this are parcel post or revenue issue in China, Japan or Korea. 2. occurs where an extra piece of paper falls across the plate blocking the printed ink from reaching the actual stamp paper.
Épargne: term en epargne, “in relief” engraving to produce a die in relief printing where the non-printing surface is cut away.
Épargne: (Fr.) savings plan; French Colony Revenue inscription.
Epaulettes: term used for Belgium’s first issue of 1849 due to the epaulettes shown on the uniform of King Leopold. Epila: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Epire: (Fr.) Epirus.
Epirus: part of Albania and Greece; currency: 100 lepta = 1 drachma 1912-pre belonged to Turkey, 1912-13: assigned to Albania after Balkan wars, issued postage stamps, 1914, Mar.2: proclaimed independent state, 1914, Feb.: No.1, 1 lepta black/blue, provisional stamps issued for Epirus as Chimarra, Koritsa and Greek occupation issues, 1916: occupied by Italians and French, 1940-41: Greece issued occupation stamps, see Republika Korce.
Epirus- “Hneipoe”: bogus, 1914-15, supposedly occupation stamps, never issued.
EPJ: The Essay Proof Journal.
Eplegrønn: (Nor.) apple-green (color).
EPM: Electronic Postmark, proof of who signed what documents, at what time and for what reasons.
Epmakb: South Russia, Don issues.
Epmpkb: South Russia, 1919.
EPMM: auction abbreviation for erased pencil mark(s) in margin(s) on stamp sheets.
Épreuve: 1. French Colony Revenue inscription. 2. (Fr.) proof, triail, essay.
Épreuve d’artiste: (Fr.) artist’s or engraver’s proof.
Épreuve d’couleur: (Fr.) color proof or color trial.
Épreuve de luxe: (Fr.) presentation die proof
EPS: 1: encased postage stamp. 2: Emergency Postal Service, used at Shanghai, China. 3: Epsom’s Pirate P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Épuisé(e): (Fr.) out of print, out of stock, sold out.
Equateur: (Fr.) Ecuador.
Equatorial Africa, French: see: Chad, Gabon, Congo People’s Republic, Ubangi-Shari-Tchad.
Equatorial Guinea, Republic of: Gulf of Guinea, West Africa; formerly Spanish colonies of Fernando Po and Rio Muni, currency:100 centimos = 1 peseta, 100 centimes = 1 ekuele (1973),100 centimes = 1 franc (1985) 1902: first stamp as Spanish Guinea, 1941: first air mail stamp, 1951: first semipostal stamp. 1968, Oct. 12: became independent, first stamps, 1968, Oct. 12: No.1, 1 peseta multicolor, 1970, July 24: joined the UPU.
Equipaje: (Sp.) cancellation from railway baggage office.
E.R.: 1: Great Britain (Without country name), 1952-67. 2: Eritrea; country code as used by UPU. 3: Delivery Tax, Spain. 3. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
E.R.: “Edward Rex Imperator” overprint Transvaal.
Eräffnung: (Ger.) inauguration.
Erb: (Czech.) coat of arms.
Erediti Gumizással: (Hung.) mint, never hinged.
Erehwon, principality of: fantasy for Nowhere spelled backwards, by George Fabian.
Erganzungsmarke: (Ger.) makeup-rate stamp without a value indicated.
Erhalt: (Ger.) receipt.
Erhaltung: (Ger.) condition; the quality of a stamp regarding color, centering, cancellation, and gum if mint all go into making up the term “condition.” Typical condition descriptions are Superb, Very Fine, Fine, Good, Average, or Poor. “Superb” means that everything about the stamp is perfect.
E.R.I.: Edward Rex Imperator, overprint on stamps of South Africa for Transvaal.
Erie & New England Express Company: parcel delivery firm serviced New England cities and towns; issued frank labels, and labels, year unknown.
Erie Express: parcel delivery firm serviced the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad; issued frank stamps and labels; 1886-88.
Eriksen Local Post: see Drammen – J. Eriksen Local Post.
Erinnerung: (Ger.) collection of commemorative labels.
Erinnerungskarte: (Ger.) non-postal vignettes, reprints, etc.
Erinnophilie: (Fr.) collection of labels, Cinderella collection.
Erith City and Thanet: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Eritrea: former Italian colony in Northeast Africa, on Red Sea; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 liro, 100 cents = 1 birr (1991), 100 cents = 1 nakfa (1997) 1869-85: stamps of Egypt used, 1883-pre: Italian post offices used, 1885: Italian post offices, using stamps of Italian post offices abroad, 1890: united by Italy as colony called Eritrea, 1892: No. 1, 1 centesimi bronze/green, 1892-1930: stamps of Italy overprinted “Colonia Eritrea,” 1903: first postage due stamp, stamps of Italy overprinted, 1910: specially printed stamps released, 1910-30s: stamps inscribed “Eritrea Poste Italiane,” 1915: first semipostal stamp, stamps of Italy overprinted, 1934: first air mail stamp, 1934: stamps inscribed “Colonie Italiane Eritrea,” 1936, May: Italy took control of area, 1936-41: part of Italian East Africa, stamps also used in Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland, 1941, Jan.: Britain occupies area, 1941-52: British occupation, stamps of Great Britain overprinted “M.E.F,” (Middle East Force), 1948-50: No.1, 5 cent green; “B.M.A.Eritrea,” (British Military Administration Eritrea), overprint on stamps of Great Britain, offices in Eritrea, 1950, Feb. 6-Sept. 52: stamps of Britain overprinted “B.A.Eritrea” (British Administration Eritrea) when troops withdrew, 1952: annexed by Ethiopia, 1978: local provisional issues, EPLF (Eritrean people’s Liberation Front), 1991: Eritrean rebels issued own stamps, 1993, May 24: people voted for independence as Eritrea, 1993, Aug. 19: joined the UPU.
Eritrea, British Administration of: 1950-52: stamps of Great Britain overprinted/surcharged “B.A. Eritrea.”
Eritrea, British Military Administration of: 1948-50: stamps of Great Britain overprinted /surcharged “B.M. A. Eritrea.”
Eritrea, British Offices Abroad: 1948-50: stamps of Great Britain overprinted/surcharged “B.M. A. Eritrea”. 1950-52: stamps of Great Britain overprinted/surcharged “B.A. Eritrea”.
Eritrea liberta: “Free Eritrea” bogus, by anti-Ethiopian groups, 1978, mostly in Switzerland.
Erläuterungsblatt: (Ger.) black prints on publicity pages.
Eroare: (Rom.) error.
Eros Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Erreur: (Fr.) see: Error.
Erreur d’couleur: (Fr.) color error.
Error: 1: a philatelic item that has something wrong in the design or in its production that makes it different from the stated design; this can be in the perforations, color or printing, not to be confused with flaw. 2: a consistent abnormal variety created by a mistake in stamp production or in a postmark. 3: USPS term for a missorted piece of mail that must be rehandled within the post office before dispatch.
Error de color: (Sp.) color error.
Error de impresion: (Sp.) printing error.
Error de reporte: (Sp.) error in the transfer of design from the master die to the transfer roller.
Errore di colore: (It.) color error.
Error of value: two different face values printed on one stamp; Sweden 1876-78.
Errors, freaks and oddities (EFO): all postal items that are not made in the form or condition intended.
Error stamp: the 1916 2¢ carmine printed with a 5 for a 2, reported by a P.O. circular May 2, 1917.
Erseka: city in Albania, occupied by Greece in 1914, issued local stamps.
Erstdruck: (Ger.) first printing.
Erste k.k. pr. Donau Dampfschiffahrt Gesellschaft: inscription on stamps of Danube Steam Navigation Company, 1866-71.
Ersten Weltkreiges: (Ger.) first World War (WW 1) (1914 / 1918).
Erstflug: (Ger.) first flight.
Erstflugbrief: (Ger.) first flight cover.
Ersttag: (Ger.) first day.
Ersttag-Langstempel: (Ger.) first day special cancel of a non-circular date stamp.
Ersttagsblatt: (Ger.) first day stamp on a commemorative page.
Ersttagsbrief: (Ger.) first day cover.
Ersttagstempel: (Ger.) first day cancellation.
Ersttags-Zusatzstempel: (Ger.) first day supplemental postmark.
E.R.T. (E.R. Tyler): see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Érték: (Hung.) value.
Ervenyes: (Hung.) overprint for “Valid” on obsolete stamps of Hungary.
Erweiterer aufdruck: (Ger.) overprint.
Erythräa: (Ger.) Eritrea.
Erythrée: (Fr.) Eritrea.
ES: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Spain, such as ES 28013, Madrid. 2: Spain; country code as used by UPU. 3: auction abbreviation for Escudo (Portugal, Cape Verde). 4. overprint on stamps of Mexico for Sonora, 1914-15.
ESA: European Space Agency, a consortium of 14 European nations to deal with space activities.
ESC: “escudos” currency in Spain.
Escarlata: (Sp.) scarlet (color).
Eschede, Joh.: stamp printer located in the Netherlands, founded in 1793, prints stamps for more than 60 countries.
Escocia: (Sp.) Scotland.
Escompte: (Fr.) discount.
Escudo: currency unit used in Azores, Cape Verde, Madeira and Portugal.
Escudo de armas: (Sp.) coat of arms.
Escudo del Departamento de Managua: (Sp.) “Shield of the Department of Managua” Nicaragua, officials, 1905.
Escuelas: (Sp.) “schools” Venezuela revenue inscription, when overprinted, for three patriots, stamps used for postage during shortage of regular stamps, March 1871-Aug. 1873 and in 1879-80.
Escuelas de Tiro Naval: (Sp.) Naval gunnery schools, used on civil war postmarks.
E.S. de Antioquia: (Sp.) “Estado Soberano,” inscription, sovereign state, Colombia-Antioquia.
E.S.del T.: Colombia, Tolima Department.
E.S. de Panama: (Sp.) “Estado Soberano” sovereign state, Panama, when state of Colombia.
Esemplare: (It.) specimen.
Eseu: (Rom.) essay.
Esmeraldas: (Sp.) Ecuador with a control mark overprint, 1902.
Esmerado: (Sp.) exact or correct, accurate.
Esne: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1872-84.
ESOC: European Space Operation center; ESA control center for tracking satellites.
Esoterica: any item, besides a cover, postcard or envelope, that has been cancelled on the First Day and doesn’t fit any of the regular collecting categories.
Espace: (Fr.) space (topical).
Espacio: (Sp.) space, used for gutter.
Espagne: (Fr.) Spain.
España: (Sp.) inscription for Spain and Spanish, 1863 and 1929, tilde may not appear in some inscriptions.
Espana Franqueo: (Sp.) inscription for Carlist issues, Spain,1874-75, portrait of Carlos VII.
España Sahara: (Sp.) Spanish Sahara.
España Valencia: (Sp.) Spain Carlist issue of Valencia, 1874-75.
Española, Republica: (Sp.) Spain, 1931-38.
Esparraguera: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Esparto paper: made in Europe from esparto grass, smooth dense appearance similar to writing paper; used for stamps of New Zealand
Especial movil: (Sp.) adhesive fiscal stamps.
Esperanat respubliko insulo rosoj: Republic of Isle of Roses; a 400 square meter platform constructed in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Rimini, Italy.
Esperimento Posta Aerea Maggio 1917 Torino-Roma-Roma-Torino: world’s first air mail stamp overprint for experimental air mail flight between Rome and Turin, May 22, 1917.
Espinardo: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Esplorazione Polare 1928/Ricerche Dirigible Italia: (It.) unofficial overprint on the 1.20 Lire stamp of Italy supposedly to honor Nobile’s polar flight.
Espluga de Francoli: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Espluges de Llobregat: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Espot: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
ESSt., Ersttag-Langstempel: (Ger.) first day special cancel of a non-circular date stamp.
E-Stamp Corp.: commercial firm selling computer-generated postage via the Internet.
Esqiumeux postage: fantasy from the American Journal of Philately.
Essai: (Fr.) see: Essay.
Essay: 1: a trial design for a proposed postage stamp. 2: rejected and unused stamp design.
Essequibo is Ours: overprint on stamps of Guyana as propaganda for possession of Essequibo river area from Venezuela, 1896.
Essex Letter Express: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1856.
Essex, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built about 1850’s for Levant lines.
Est.: 1. auction abbreviation estimated net value of an item. 2. (Rom.) east.
Estacion: (Sp.) railway station, found in postmarks.
Estacion de Invierno: (Sp.) winter resort, used in postmarks of Málaga.
Estado(s): “state(e),” Spanish language countries.
Estado da India: (Port.) inscription, Portuguese India, 1946-62.
Estado de jipijapa: (Sp.) bogus Mexican state.
Estado de Nicaragua: (Sp.) inscription, Nicaragua.
Estado Español: (Sp.) Spanish state, used by Nationalists during the Civil War.
Estado Guyana: (Sp.) inscription on locals, ships or arms design, Venezuela-Guayana.
Estado S. del Tolima: (Sp.) inscription, Colombia-Tolima.
Estado soberano de Bolivar: (Sp.) “sovereign state of Bolivar” Colombia-Bolivar.
Estado Soberano de Santander: (Sp.) “sovereign state of Santander,” Colombia-Santander.
Estados Pontificios: (Sp.) Papal States.
Estados Unida de Nueva Granada: (Sp.) Colombia-New Granada, 1861.
Estados Unidos: (Sp.) United States.
Estados Unidos de Nueva Granada: (Sp.) Colombia (United States of New Granada).
Estados Unidos do Brasil: (Sp.) “United States of Brazil,” Brazil.
Estafeta (de correos): (Sp.) post office.
Estafeta de cambio: (Sp.) cancels refer to Foreign Section Sorting Offices.
Estafeta de campaña: (Sp.) field post office.
Estafetero: (Sp.) postmaster.
Est African Allemand Occupation Belge: (Ger.) 1: overprint on stamps of Congo, Belgian East Africa overprint with new value; Belgian occupation, 1916-22. 2: without value for German East Africa.
Estampado a mano: (Sp.) handstamped.
Estampilla(e): (Sp.) handstamp (South America).
Estampillas de Correo-Contrasena: (Sp.) overprint on Escuelas stamps of Venezuela for provisional issues.
Estampille à main: (Fr.) handstamp.
Estanco: (Sp.) store licensed to sell postage and fiscal stamps
Estensi post: Italy, Modena, 1852..
Estepona: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-38.
Estero: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices Abroad, 1874-90.
Estevan-Winnipeg: local, Canada, 1924.
Estimated value: the valuation of a lot based on the auctioneer’s or consignor’s experiences, and not taken form any catalog or other pricing reference.
Estland: 1. (Ger.) Estonia, German occupation, 1918, 1941-42. 2. (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Estonia
Estnisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Estonian.
Eston: (Rom) Estonian (adj.).
Estonia: Baltic province of Russia, 1916-18: German Eastern Military Command and Russia overprint using Eesti Post, 1917: became independent from Russia, 1918: issued its own stamps and German occupation issues as surcharge on stamps of Russia, 1919, May 7: stamps of Russia handstamped Eesti Post, 1920: first semi-postal and air mail stamps, 1928: first commemorative stamp, 1939: Soviet forces occupied country due to Russo-German non-aggression pact, 1940: admitted into USSR, 1941, Sept. 29-April 30, 1944: German occupation stamps inscribed Estland and Ostland, 1944: re-occupied by Soviet Union, Russian stamps used 1991, Aug. 20: declared independence.
Estonia: northern Europe, on the Baltic Sea; official name of postal administration: Eesti Post currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble (1918, 1991), 100 penni = 1 mark (1919), 100 sents =1 kroon (1928,1992) 1916-18: German Eastern Military Command and stamps of Russia overprint using Eesti Post, 1918: became independent from Russia, occupied by Germany, 1918, Feb. 24: issued its own stamps as well as German occupation issues as surcharge on stamps of Russia, 1918, Nov. 22: No.1, 5 kopecks pale red, Russian invasion, 1919, May 7: stamps of Russia handstamped Eesti Post, 1919, June 15: republic established, 1920, Mar. 13: first air mail stamp, 1920: first semipostal stamps, 1922, July 7: joined the UPU, 1940: Soviet forces occupied country based on Russo-German non-aggression pact, 1940: admitted into USSR, 1941, Sept. 29-April 30, 1942: German occupation stamps inscribed Estland and Ostland, 1944: re-occupied by Soviet Union, Russian stamps used 1991, Aug. 20: declared independence from USSR, 1992, April 30: rejoined the UPU.
Estonie: (Fr.) Estonia.
Estonsko: (Czech.) Estonia
Estonsky: (Czech.) Estonian.
Estopost: local strike post, Canada, 1978.
Estrella: (Sp.) star, Carlist overprint of 1872-73.
Estucado: (Sp.) chalky (paper).
E. S. Wester Local Post: see Hälsingborg – E. S. Wester Local Post.
Észak: (Hung.) north.
Észak-Borneo: (Hung.) North Borneo.
Észt: (Hung.) Estonian.
ET: 1: Ethiopia; country code as used by UPU. 2: “state,: French language countries.
Et: (Dan.) one (number).
ETA: Brazil, private airmail carrier.
Etablissements dans (de) l’Inde: (Fr.) French India, 1892-1907.
Etablissements de l’Océanie: (Fr.) French Oceania, 1892-1955.
Etablissements des Détroits: (Fr.) Straits Settlements.
Établissements Français dans l’Inde: (Fr.) “French Indian Settlements ,” French Empire in India, 1859-92: French Colonies general issues, 1892, Nov.-1907: first stamps issued.
Etappenpostamt: (Ger.) Austrian Base Post Office.
État: (Fr.) 1: state, condition (of stamps or covers). 2: “state, French language countries.”
Etat Autonome du Sud-kasai: South Kasai overprint on stamps of Congo, not recognized as a state.
État civil: local registry office; French Colony Revenue inscription.
Etat Comorien: see: Comoro Islands.
Etat domino: Donald Evans issue.
Etat du Cameroun: Cameroun.
Etats du Golfe Persique: (Fr.) Trucial States.
Etat du Inchi ya Katanga: province of Katanga.
Etat Francais: (Fr.) inscription, France, German occupation, 1940-44.
Etat Ind. du Congo: (Fr.) Congo Free State, 1886-1908.
Etats de l’Eglise: (Fr.) Roman States.
Etats Feudataires de l’Inde: (Fr.) Feudatory States of India.
Etats Indiens: (Fr.) Indian States.
Etats Malais Federes: (Fr.) Federated Malay States.
Etats Unis d’Amerique: (Fr.) United States of America.
ETB: (Ger.) abbreviation for first day.
Etching: the eating away of metal to produce a design drawn by hand.
E.T.E.D.: (E.T.E. Dalton) initials of postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guina, 1850-51 issue.
ETF: (Fr.) Espagne Transit Francaise, used as a pre-adhesive postmark on Spanish mail in transit from France.
Ethics, Philatelic Code of: American Philatelic Society, American Topical Association and Society of Philatelic Americans jointly adopted a code in 1979.
Ethiopia: formerly known as Abyssinia, Northeastern Africa; currency: 16 guerche = 1 menelik dollar = 1 maria theresa dollar, 100 centimes = 1 franc (1905), 40 paras = 1 piaster (1908), 16 mehalek = 1 thaler = 1 talari (1928), 100 centimes = 1 thaler (1936), 100 cents = 1 dollar (1946), 100 cents = 1 birr = 1 dollar (1978) 1895, Jan.: No.1, 1/4 guerche green, stamps first issued, first postage due stamp, 1908, Nov. 1: joined the UPU, 1929, Aug.7: first air mail stamp, 1935-36: occupied by Italy, 1936, May 22: Italian Colonial stamps inscribed Ethiopia, 1936, Feb. 24: first semipostal stamp, 1938: incorporated into Italian East Africa, 1941: liberated by British force, British and Kenya stamps used at Addis Ababa, 1942, March 23: first stamps on restoration of independence, 1945, Aug. 7: “V” overprint for liberation from Italy, 1952, Sep.11: Ethiopia included former Italian colony of Eritrea.
Ethiopia, free: charity labels made to look like postage stamps.
Ethiopia, French Offices: 1906-08: first stamps inscribed Levant, with values in French instead of Turkish currency, 1908: offices closed when Ethiopia joined the UPU.
Ethiopie: (Fr.) handstamp overprint, Ethiopia.1901.
Ethiopiennes: Ethiopia, 1909-17.
Ethopia: Ethiopia, 1950-, see: Abyssinia.
Ethiopie: Ethiopia, 1901-49.
Etiketter: (Nor.) see Portoetiketter.
Etiopia: (It., Sp.) inscription, Ethiopia, Italian Occupation, 1936.
Etiopien: (Swed.) Ethiopia.
Etiopisk: (Swed.) Ethiopian.
Etiqueta: (Sp.) etiquette, label, sticker.
Etiquettes: any sticker or label prepared by a government, airline and private firms to denote a type of service such as air mail, registration, certified, etc.
ETO: European Theater of Operations, also used as a military postal abbreviation.
Étoile: (Fr.) star (cancel).
Étranger: (Fr.) foreign, abroad.
Ets. Francs. de l’Oceanie: French Oceania, Polynesia.
Etsning: (Swed.) etching.
Ettlingen: local, displaced persons camp, 1946.
EU: 1: auction abbreviation for topical Europa. 2: Eustice: The Australian Air Mail Catalog Europa: stamps issued since 1956, in the PostEurop nations, with a common generic design.
EU: Colombia-Scadta consular overprints, sold in the United States.
E.U. de Colombia: (Sp.) Colombia air mail overprint.
E.U. do Brasil: (Port.) “Estados Unidos ,” United States of Brazil, inscription on newspaper stamps, 1890-93.
EUM: Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Sp.) watermark on stamps of Mexico.
Eupen, Eupen and Malmédy: eastern part of Belgium; 1850: used stamps of Prussia, 1867: stamp dealer J. B. Moens issued own cinderellas, 1868-71: used stamps of the North German Confederation, 1871: used stamps of Germany, 1920, Jan. 15: ceded by Germany to Belgium by Treaty of Versailles, 1920-21: Eupen and Malmédy overprints on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation of Germany, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1925: Belgium stamps used, 1940, May: incorporated into the Third Reich, 1940, July 25: German semipostal issued for reunion of area with Germany, 1945: now part of the eastern cantons of Belgium, includes Moresnet.
Europa: (Nor.) Europe.
Europa Courier M.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Europafrica: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1963-64.
Europa Mail Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Europarådet: (Dan.) Council of Europe.
Europarat: (Ger.) Council of Europa.
Europasamlinger: (Swed.) European collections.
European Union (EU): a union of independent states took effect Nov. 1, 1993, to enhance political, economic and social cooperation; formerly known as European Community (EC) or European Economic Community (EEC); members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
European Year of Languages: celebrated in 2001 to celebrate linguistic diversity among Europeans.
Européisk: (Nor.) European.
Euskeria: propaganda label with Basques name for their own country in Spain, 1900s.
E US postage: United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¢, 1988.
Eustis: Australia Airmail Catalogue Numbers.
Euzkadi: (Sp.) local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937, Basque republic.
Evaluation: (Fr.) see: Estimated value.
Évalué(e): (Fr.) estimated.
Evans, Donald: 1945-76, artist who painted stamp art as nations, did over 4,000 stamps, see: World of Donald Evans by Willy Eisenhart.
Evenkia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Event cover: cacheted cover made as a souvenir of an event or an anniversary of an event.
Event program: list of speakers or events in a stamp release program.
Everywhere Mail Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Evesham Stamp Club: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Evreiesc: (Rom.) Jewish.
Evreu: (Rom.) Hebrew.
Evridoor Emergency Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Evropa: (Czech.) Europe.
Evropsky: (Czech.) Europeean.
EX: 1: Personal Delivery (Czechoslovakia, Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: auction abbreviation for topical exposition.
Ex-(Ferrari): Ex- followed by name of famous collector indicates that the philatelic item was once in that philatelist’s collection.
Exaccion: (Sp.) tax, fee, levy, found on fiscal locals.
Examiner’s mark (Examined): postmark applied to denote examination by censors.
Excelsior Match: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Excelsior Match Co.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Excess ink on stamps: caused by ink splatters, smears, wiping flaws or undried ink from previous stamps.
Exchange: send mail to, or receive mail from, another country.
Exchange: on U.S. registration label; used for registered mail that originated in another country and went through the U.S. to ultimate destination.
Exchange club: stamp club where members circulate material by mail, usually individually priced.
Exchange labels: term for registered mail labels in postal facilities authorized to handle inbound and outgoing foreign registered mail.
Exchange offices: post office designated for dispatch and receipt of mails from foreign countries, can receive and send closed sacks of mail.
Exchange ship mail: WW II ships met in neutral ports to exchange civilians that were stranded overseas due to the ear’s outbreak, and also exchanged mail at the same time.
Executive: inscription on U.S. officials.
Exelgram: technique used by Australia Post to cover a printed image with embossed plastic foil to scatter the light reflecting two different colors depending on how it is viewed.
Exemplaire: (Fr.) example, unit (of a stamp, book, etc.).
Exenta de censura: (Sp.) exempt from censorship.
Exercito/en operacoes/contra/o Paraguay: (Port.) “Army on Operations against Paraguay” inscription on stamps of Brazil in war with Paraguay, 1865-70.
Exeter Emergency Delivery Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Exhibice: (Czech.) exhibition.
Exhibition cover: envelope or post card issued in connection with an exhibition, as determined by stamp, cachet or postmark; Italy may have issued the first in1894.
Exhibition labels, postmarks: poster stamps to advertise an exhibition; first commemorative labels, 1845; first commemorative cancels, 1855.
Exhibition sheets: souvenir sheets issued at an exhibition, containing a stamp(s) with postal value.
Exile stamps: issued by governments operating in exile when invaded.
Exiled government posts: postal services forces into exile and operated by governments in time of war, Belgian government exile post established at le Havre, France in 1914 due to German occupation.
EXP. I: (Ger.) first delivery of the post.
EXP. II: (Ger.) second delivery of the post, 1847.
Expatriated post: country overrun by enemy transferred their governments and continued to issue stamps; frequently issued by ships at sea.
Expédier: (Fr.) forward.
Expediteur: (Fr.) sender.
Expédition: (Fr.) dispatch fee; French Colony revenue inscription.
Expedition stamps: stamps made for use of scientific or exploratory expeditions, first Indian stamps overprinted for China Expeditionary Force in1900.
Exped. Scient: (with Oriental characters); China.
Exemplair: (Fr.) specimen.
Expendido: (Sp.) issued and placed on sale.
Experimento del Cohete Postal: (Sp.) experimental postal rocket flight; first official stamp issued.
Experimento posta aero: overprint on special delivery stamps of Italy, air mail, 1917, world’s first air mail stamp, Torino-Rome and back.
Expert committee: a recognized body who, for a fee, will examine and render an opinion relating to stamps or covers, judged by their acknowledged experts to be genuine or false.
Expertisé: (Fr.) see: Expertized.
Expertizacion: (Sp.) expertization.
Expertizado: (Sp.) see: Expertized.
Expertized: a postage stamp or postal history item which has been examined by an authority as being genuine, accompanied by the expertizer’s signature on the item, or by a signed photo certificate.
Expertizer / Expertizing committee: mutually agreed upon competent authority recognized as being qualified to certify the identification, authenticity, quality attributes and/or status of philatelic materials.
Expertizing: the process of conducting an examination of a philatelic item.
Expertizing certificate: document stating the opinions arrived at by one or more experts in the course of examining a philatelic item.
Exploded booklet: disassembled booklet including stamp panes, interleaves, covers, and staple.
Exploded cover: cover opened on three sides to display front and back.
Expo: abbreviation for exposition.
Exponat: (Ger.) stamp exhibit
Exponát: (Czech.) exhibit.
Exp on de Industrias de Madrid: (Sp.) Madrid Industrial Exhibition, 1907, although stamps marked “Correos” they were only valid for postal use within the exposition grounds; considered a cinderella or local post.
Exporta issue: Mexican definitive stamp series featuring export products.
Export Letter Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Exporters Letter Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Exposant: (Fr.) exhibitor.
Exposicion conmemorativa (centenario) del sello español: (Sp.) Stamp exhibition for centenary of first Spanish stamps, held in Madrid, Oct. 12-22, 1950.
Exposicion de Barcelona: Spain exhibition, 1929-30.
Exposicion General Espanola: Spain general exhibition.
Exposicion Gral Sevilla Barcelona: Spanish exhibition in Barcelona.
Exposition 1949: overprint Ethiopia.
Exposition Coloniale Internationale Paris 1931: (without colony name) France colonial exhibition.
Exposition Industrielle Damas 1929: Syria.
Expozitie: (Rom.) exhibition.
Expozytura Zan. Polowek w Kowel: (Pol.) field military police office in Kowel handstamp, 1919, local issue.
Expres: (Czech.) express, express mail.
Exprès: (timbres) (Fr.) express, stamps indicating that the mail piece should be delivered as soon as possible.
Expres-Compagni: local, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1880-82.
Expreso: (Sp.) 1: inscription/overprint for special delivery. 2: night express train, found in postmarks.
Expreso Caribe: local post, Colombia.
Expreso Colombiano: produced by private firm, Ribin e Hijo (Ribon and Sons) who were granted the right to carry mail in 1923; issued express stamps, including pigeon-design labels that were never used.
Expreso Tobon: local express stamp, Colombia, 1928.
Express: stamps indicating that the mail piece should be delivered as soon as possible.
Express air mail: 1: stamps expressly made for air express services. 2: priority air mail service at a higher rate than regular air mail.
Expressbrev: (Swed.) express letters
Express-Compagnie: local, Dresden, Germany 1861-67.
Express company labels: labels used for mail handled by private U.S. carriers, with a new label being added when the parcel was passed to another carrier.
Express Courier Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Express delivery: (Sp.) 1: overprint for special delivery, Mauritius. 2: inscription for special delivery, New Zealand.
Express Delivery Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Express delivery stamps: used by private firms to indicate prepayment of charges on mail transmitted by their services.
Express d’Orient: (Fr.) Orient Express, local post, Levant, 1883.
Expresses: firms that delivered mail between cities; some issued their own adhesives.
Express labels: adhesive labels made to denote express and special delivery services.
Express Mail (Perron): United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Express mail: USPS premium delivery service with guaranteed overnight delivery service Espresso: (It.) “express,” Italy, domestic express mail.
Express Shipping Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Expresso: special delivery, Spanish and Portuguese languages.
Express-Packet-Beforderung Schumann: local, Chemnitz, Germany, about 1890.
Express-Packet-Verkehr: 1: local, Cologne, Germany, about 1886-1900. 2: local, Dresden, Germany, 1885-1916.
Express Parcels Delivery Co Ltd.: London, Great Britain parcels local post, 1864-66.
Express Post One Cent: label of unknown origin.
Express stamps: postage stamps stating fee paid for accelerated mail, first government issue was the U.S. in 1885.
Extension: the time period allowed by the auctioneer for certification of lots purchased at auction by an Expertizer/Expertising Committee.
Extension perf hole: perforation pattern where row of perforations is extended by one hole into either or both margins.
Exterior: with Mercury design, inscription on stamps of Uruguay, parcel post.
Extensive cleaning: covers which have had a considerable portion cleaned by either chemical or mechanical methods.
Exterior: (with Mercury design) Uruguay, parcel post.
Extra fine (XF): stamp condition
Extraneous paper (EP): paper, that doesn’t belong in that spot, when removed, may show an unprinted portion of stamp paper with partially or totally missing colors.
Extranjero: (Sp.) foreign, from abroad.
Extraordinary surcharge: General Postal Union regulations permitted extra fee on two routes due to long distances; mail within India and mail which traveled the continental USA between San Francisco and New York; see: G.P.U.
Extremely Fine: almost perfectly centered, imperforate stamps will have margins slightly larger than normal, perforated issues will have the design clear on all sides; ref.: Scott Catalogue.
EXUP XI 1978: overprint on Canadian stamp applied privately for an exhibition in Montreal.
EY: Authorized Delivery, Italy; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
Eynhallow: Holy Island, Scotland local carriage label,1974-84.
EZ, E-Z: Ellington-Zwisler: Rocket Mail Catalog
EzGrader: computer program used to grade stamps.
Éztország: (Hung.) Estonia.
Ezer: (Hung.) one-thousand (number).



1: Pneumatic Post, (Italy) Scott catalogue prefixes to identify stamps other than standard postage.
2: (With no country name, with value and Queen’s cameo) Great Britain pence, monetary unit.
3: Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Denmark,1921-23.
4: Netherlands East Indies overprint.
5: US nondenominated stamp, valued 22¢, placed on sale Feb.1, 1985.
6: embossed with eagle and United States of America: Virginia Custom House revenue seal, 1813-16.
7: abbreviation of devuelvase (Sp.), to return, written on front of envelopes to be returned to sender.
8: overprint of a white “D” in a black circle on 19th century Netherlands stamps indicates it as an official stamp.
9: in three corners of triangular 50th personal delivery; postage due of Czechoslovakia.
10: precedes the country code in addresses.
11: décime (Fr.) 10% tax, 1830.
12: (Irish), used with “Post Paid” and “free” Dublin 1762 onwards.
13: disinfetto (It.) disinfected.
14: surmounted by crown (Pol.) Dubno, city in Belorussia (Belarus), 1788-90.
15: 1D, in circle, one décime (Fr.) additional 10% tax on rural letters, 1834.
16: prefix used by Dittler Bros. located in front of the plate number on its stamp production.
17: destinatario (It.) payed by receiver.
18: auction abbreviation for document.

D: currency abbreviation for 1: Drachma (Greece). 2: Dinar (Algeria, Bahrain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Montenegro, Sudan, Tunisia, Yugoslavia). 3: Dalasi (Gambia). 4: Denar (Macedonia). 5: Dirham (Morocco, United Arab Emirates). 6: Dong (Viet Nam). 7: Dibra (St. Thomas and Prince). 8: Dram (Armenia).
d’, dkl’: (Ger.) “dunkel” catalogue abbreviation for dark/deep.
Dabber: cloth pad, sometimes with an ink roller, which is used by the printer to apply ink to a printing surface.
Dacca: now Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dachau Allach: local post, German displaced persons camp, 1945, former concentration camp.
Daffodil Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Dag: registered trademark of Acheson Colloids Ltd. for their graphite, Naphthadag.
Dagestan: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps.
Dag Hamarsjöld: 1962 overprint on stamps of Afghanistan, in memory of U.N. Secretary General.
Dahlak Islands: labels produced for scientific expedition to explore Ethiopian coastal islands.
Dahomey: formerly part of French West Africa – New People’s Republic of Benin – located on west coast of Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1889, Aug. 1: decree created Établissements française du golfe de Benin, French area of the Gulf of Benin, 1894, June 22: kingdom, annexed by France, incorporated into colony of Dahomey; 1895: part of French West Africa, 1899: No.1, 1 centime lilac-blue, stamps replacing Benin issues, postmarked ‘Hait Dahomey,’ 1904: became part of the Federation of French West Africa, using its own stamps,1906: first postage due stamp issued, 1915: first semipostal stamp issued, 1940: first air mail stamp issued, 1945: stamps of French West Africa replaced Dahomey, 1946: made an Overseas Territory of France, 1958, Dec. 4: became Republic of Dahomey within French Community, issued own stamps, 1975, Nov. 30: name changed to People’s Republic of Benin, 1990: named changed to Republic of Benin; see Benin.
Daimiel: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Dai Nippon: (Jap.) Land of the Rising Sun.
Dai Nippon 2602: Japanese Year equivalent to 1942, overprint on Malaya and States for Japanese Occupation.
Dairen: now known as Ta-lien, China, 1946: overprinted stamps of Japan and Manchukuo; see: China, Regional Issues.
DAK: 1: Dakota Territory, when used in a postmark. 2: Indian States term for mails, post. 3: Deutsch Afrika Korps.
Dakar-Abidjan: 1959, Mar. 21, inscription for former country of French West Africa, used in Ivory Coast and Senegal.
Dakooa: Indian State term for man who attended to horses and the couriers, as well as receive and exchange mails at post stops in India.
Dakota: U.S. territory March 2, 1861; cut from Minnesota and Nebraska territories.
Daley’s Express: local baggage firm serviced Newton, N.Y. and New York City; used labels; 1850s.
Dalley’s Galvanic Horse Salve: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Dalley’s Magical Pain Extractor: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Dalmacija: bogus, Jugoslavia.
Dalmanacia: (Sp.) Dalmatia.
Dalmatia: former Italian enclave in Yugoslavia, northwestern part of Balkan Peninsula; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 corona 1919, May 1: No. 1, 1 corona brown/green, stamps of Italy surcharged, issued during occupation, 1921, Feb.: stamps of Italy overprinted in local currency for Zaro, 1922: stamps of Italy used, 1945: became part of Yugoslavia, 1991: bogus overprint from Yugoslavia, Croatia.
Dalmatia, Austrian Limited Company of Steamship Navigation: lines included Trieste-Metcovich, Trieste-Curzola, and 30 additional shuttle service lines; started in 1908.
Dalmatien: (Ger.) Dalmatia.
Dalmazia: (It.) Dalmatia.
Dalton, Ga. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Dalziel, Commonwealth of: bogus, non-existent entity.
Damaged: flaw, resulting from external factors or defect printing materials, such as where the stamp design has been cut into, rubbed or seared, or paper is creased, thinned or torn.
Damaged label: USPS “Received in Damaged Condition” self-adhesive label initiated Fall, 2000, can also be used to seal torn mail.
Damaged mail: mail damaged in transit; may have received a special marking applied by the postal administration.
Damanhour: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1864-84.
Dam Batai: bogus issue from Burma.
Damiette: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1864-84.
Dampferpost: (Ger.) mail steamer.
Damp PostSkip: (Ice.) steam postal ship or mail steamer.
Dampskib: (Dan.) steamship, steamer.
Dampskip: (Nor.) steamboat, steamer, steamship.
Damus Patimus Que Vicissim: (Latin) we give and expect in return, inscription on British Guiana one cent magenta.
Dán: (Hung.) Danish.
Dañado: (Sp.) damaged.
Da Nang: formerly Tourane, Vietnam.
Dan Chu Kong Hoa: inscription on stamps of independent republic of South Vietnam; 1955, June 6.
D & B S. L. S.: see Constantinople & Danube Line of Steamers.
DANCON: Danish Contingent; see UNTAG.
Dandy roll: wire roller which bears down on the paper pulp as it comes from the vats and gives the finished paper its watermark.
Dänemark: (Ger.) Denmark, field post of the Danish Legion, German occupation, 1944. Danimarco: (It.) Denmark.
Danez: (Rom) Danish (adj.).
Dánia: (Hung.) Denmark.
Dänisch Westindien: (Ger.) Danish West Indies.
Danish Antilles: 1887: joined the UPU, 1916, Aug. 4 -Mar. 31, 1917: changed UPU affiliation to Islands with the USA.
Danish Colonies: 1877, Sep. 1: affiliated with the UPU, Danish Antilles added later in 1887.
Danish Railway Stamps: first stamps in 1865 were issued by the Jydsk-Fysenske Railways; used for parcels.
Danish West Indies: islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. John, former Danish territories; currency: 100 bit = 1 franc (1905), 100 cents = 1 dollar (1917) 1840: Danish king issued Royal Grant to Royal Mail Steam Packet Company to provide mail service to and from St. Thomas. 1856, Nov. 1: Danish West Indies post office opened, No.1, 3¢ dark carmine, own stamps issued; 1865-79: British Post Office used British stamps on packet letters, postmarked C51, 1877, Sept. 1: joined the UPU, 1902: first postage due stamp issued, 1917, April 1: U.S. purchased the islands, now known as the U.S. Virgin Islands, 1917, Sept. 30: Danish West Indies stamps valid until this date.
Danish West Indies, forged issues: 1: 1874 crown and post horn, Sc. 5-7, 9, 12. 2: 1902 postage dues, Sc. J1-J4. 3: 1905 postage due numeral, Sc. J5.
Dankof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1873-1016.
Danmark: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Denmark.
Danmark Befriet 5 Maj 1945: overprint on stamps of Greenland for Liberation of Denmark.
Danmörku: (Ice.) arrived cancel for uncanceled mail.
Danneggiato: (It.) damaged.
DANOR: troops from Denmark and Norway serving as United Nations peacekeeping forces in Egypt area.
Dampskib: (Dan.) steamship, steamer.
Dansk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Danish.
Danska Västindien: (Swed.) Danish West Indies.
Danske skeppspost: (Swed.) Danish ship mail (ship post).
Danske skibspost: (Dan.) Danish ship mail (ship post).
Danske skipspost: (Nor.) Danish ship mail (ship post).
Danske statsbaner: (Dan.) (abbr. DSB) Danish State Railways.
Dánsko: (Czech.) Denmark.
Dansk Vestindien: 1. (Dan.) inscription on early stamps of Danish West Indies. 2. (Dan., Nor.) Danish West Indies.
Dansk Vestindiske Oer: (Dan.) inscription on stamps of Danish West Indies, 1874-1901.
Dánsky: (Czech.) Danish.
Dans l’Inde: inscription on stamps of French India; became part of India during 1949 to 1954.
Dantelat: (Rom.) perforated.
Dantelura, dantelurile: (Rom.) perforation, perforations.
Dantelura in linie: (Rom.) line perforation.
Dantelura in pieptene: (Rom.) comb perforation.
Dantelura in casete: (Rom.) box perforation.
Dantelurile mixte: (Rom.) mixed perforations, compound perforations.
Dantzig: (Fr.) Danzig. Danube Steam Navigation (Packet) Company: founded in Vienna; 1829: secured contracts to carry Austrian Consular Post to all countries on the Danube River, 1866: issued Levant local post stamps, valid until 1880.
Danube Steam Navigation Company: the “Donau-Dampfschiffahrt-Gesellschaft” (“D.D.S.G.”) was organized in Vienna in 1830, with ships sailing from Linz. Since the Vienna-Constantinople railroad was not completed until some 40 years later, the shipping line provided valuable services not only in the countries through which the Danube River flowed, but also for trade with the Turkish Empire, as well as for the Austrian public, military and consular post offices, as the Turkish authorities made no provisions for efficient communications. The D.D.S.G. was appointed an official carrier for the Austrian Post Office in 1846, but were allowed to carry private mail from the Austrian frontier eastwards from Orsova, Romania. In 1866, the Consular Post Office at Galatz (Rom. Galata) closed, becoming the D.D.S.G.’s agency. Several 10 and 17 Kreuzer local stamps were issued during 1866-1879 for use at that agency, but their use was extended to many of the D.D.S.G. offices in cities in various countries sharing the Danube River waterway. The D.D.S.G. postal services ceased in 1879 because the various countries sharing the Danube organized their own national postal services.
Danubian Principalities: Moldavia and Wallachia; 1850-post: Turkish post offices handled mail, 1859: declared independence and united, 1861: became principality of Romania.
Danville, Va. 5 cents, Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals
Danzica: (It.) Danzig.
Danzig: Baltic seaport in northern Europe; currency: 100 pfenning = 1 gulden (1923), 100 pfennig = 1 mark 1657: included in British Post Office Act of commercial important towns, 1854-55: base of British Baltic Fleet during Crimean War, operated a postal service, 1872: incorporated into the German Empire, 1920: Free City created with German stamps initially used, 1920, June 15: No. 1, 5 pfennigs green, overprints for Free City and State of Danzig used, 1920, Sep. 29: first air mail stamp issued, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1921: first official, semipostal, postage due stamps issued, 1939, Sep.18: occupied by Germany, 1945: Danzig awarded to Poland and renamed Gdansk; see Port Gdansk, Poland.
Danziger Verkehrsbureau: Danzig Travel Office.
Danzig, Exilregierunbg der Freien Stadt: bogus, Danzig for Free State, exile group.
Danzig, Polish Offices: 1938: first commemorative stamp.
Danzig Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society section dealing with stamps of Danzig.
Daphso Island: bogus issue for island in South China Sea.
Dara: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Dardanelles: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1871.
Dardanelles: overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkey, 1910.
Dar el Beida: also known as Casablanca, Morocco.
Darius-Girenas/New York-1933-Kaunas: overprint on air mail stamps of Lithuania 1932 issue.
Darmstadtbrief: (Ger.) experimental cover of the postal technical bureau of Darrmstadt.
Darmstadt label: proof of South Africa’s Riebeeck’s ship stamp made on floral design watermarked paper as a demonstration of a new process to the South African government.
Darnah: formerly Derna, Libya.
Darrah overprints: John Darrah, U.S. postmaster in Shanghai, used a rubber stamp to “Shanghai, China” overprints on U.S. stamps.
Dashes, electric-eye: marks on sheet margins that activate machines that perforates the stamps after they have been printed.
Dashkhovuz: bogus, not valid for postage.
Das Island: British post office in use Dec. 1960-Mar. 29, 1964, used stamps of the British Postal Agencies of Eastern Arabia; see: Abu Dhabi.
Data d’emissione: (It.) date of issue.
Datapost: British Post Office term for express mail service introduced in 1971 with next-day delivery in any part of the United Kingdom.
Date cut: see Date marks.
Dated precancel: a U.S. precanceled stamp that includes a date in the cancel.
Dated corners: several sheets of French area stamps have the date printed in the margin, 1922.
Dated stamps: stamps that include the date of manufacture in their design.
Date marks: cuts in the Jubilee Line of some of the King Edward VII British stamps show the year of printing; if under the last stamp in the bottom row, it indicates stamp printed in 1912.
Date stamp: postmark that shows the date and sometimes the hour of the cancellation.
Date stamp, earliest: devised by Henry Bishop, postmaster general of Great Britain, who made it in reply to criticism of letters delayed in the post. http://www.philatelicexporter.com
Datia: overprint on stamps of India for Duttia, 1897; see: Duttia.
Datum: (Ger.) date.
Datum Vydání: (Czech.) date of issue.
Dauerausgabe: (Ger.) definitive issue.
Dauermarke: (Ger.) definitive series.
D.A.V.: Disabled American Veterans, major user of U.S. coil stamps affixed to donation appeals.
Davaar: local post, Great Britain carriage label for island off coast of Scotland, 1964-1973.
Davaar Authorized M.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Davenport, Mason & Co.’s Express: local parcel firm serviced Mass. towns and New York City; used labels, year unknown.
David Maxbrayne, Ltd.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Davies, Turner & Co., Foreign Express: private delivery firm that serviced all foreign points; used a corner card and labels; 1870-1900s.
Davis & Co.’s Express: local parcel express firm serviced Boston, Providence and Pawtucket, Maine; used a label, year unknown.
Davis’ Express-MA: local parcel firm serviced Boston and Waltham, Mass.; used labels, year unknown.
Davis’ Express-NJ: local parcel firm serviced Philadelphia, Pa. and Camden, N.J., used a label, year unknown.
Davis, G.W.H.: see: U. S. Private die match proprietary stamps.
Davis’s Penny Post: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1856.
Davis, Perry & Son: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Dawk: (Hindu) post; see Scinde Hawk.
Dayan Night Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Dayan’s Delivery Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Day Dream Island: publicity label produced by Queensland hotel.
Day of the Stamp: started in 1936 by the International Federation of Philately (FIP) for nations to celebrate “The Day of the Stamp” on one Sunday each year.
Day’s folly: the intentionally produced inverted issue of the Dag Hammarskjold memorial stamp, refers to Postmaster General Day, who authorized the invert reprint.
Dayton’s Dies: envelopes manufactured by Mercantile Corp., Dayton, Ohio from dies prepared by manufacturers instead of the government.
Dazio: (It.) tax or duty on letters and packages, used by Venetian government, 1667-88.
D.B.: Destitute Board, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
D.B.L.: 1: overprint on stamps of Russia for Far Eastern Republic, 1920. 2: overprint with three additional bars on stamps of Russia for Siberia.
D B P: 1. (Ger.) abbreviation for Deutsche Bundespost, Federal post office; 2. script monogram overprint on stamps of Russia for Far Eastern Republic, 1919-20.
D.B.S.R.: Danube and Black Sea Railway, local post.
D.B.S.R. Local Railroad Post: see Romania – D.B.S.R. Local Railroad Post.
DBZ: Deutsche Briefmarken-Zeitung, German language philatelic publication.
DC: USPS abbreviation for District of Columbia.
D.C.: District of Columbia, Washington, D.C.
DCDS: Double Circular Date Stamp.
DC/M from FC: boxed handstamps for diplomatic pouch mail indicating Division of Central Services/Mail from Foreign Country.
D-Day: June 6, 1944, the day the Allies invaded Europe in World War II.
D.de A.: inscription for Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 1868-1904.
D.D.F.A.D.B.RHIN: Dusseldorf, Armée du Bas-Rhin (Fr.) 1760.
D.D.G.S.: Donau-Dampfschiff-fahrts Gesellschaft (Aust.) Danube Steam Navigation Co.
D.D.P.O.: Dum Dum Post Office, India, 1843-46.
DDR: Deutsche Demokratische Republik, German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
D.D.S.G.: Donau-Dampfschiff-fahrts Gesellschaft (Aust.) Danube Steam Navigation Co.
DE: 1: Germany, country code as used by UPU. 2: USPS abbreviation for Delaware. 3. overprint on stamps of Ecuador for Tunguraugua.
Dé: (Fr.) die.
Deacidification: a chemical treatment that neutralizes the acid in paper.
Dead: term used when the stamp paper in nonreactive to longwave Ultraviolet light.
Dead country: a country that has ceased existence as a political entity, and no longer issues stamps.
Dead horse: U.S. Trans-Mississippi issue of 1898, showing a family with wagon and a dead horse.
Dead letter: an item of mail that is undeliverable due to poor address or addressee is deceased or untraceable.
Dead Letter Clerks: postal employees in Dead Letter Office; only federal officials authorized to open and read mail without a court order.
Dead Letter Office (DLO): a post office branch that opens undeliverable mail to ascertain the name and address of the sender, if possible.
Dead mail: mail that is undeliverable as addressed and cannot be returned to sender, may be nonmailable, sender unknown, or the mail class paid for does not provide return service.
Dear Doctor: a series of postcards, sponsored by Abbott Laboratories in the 1950s, mailed to doctors in the US from various countries, touting an anesthetic.
Deasupra: (Rom.) above.
Death mask: term given to Serbian commemorative series of 1904; when stamp is inverted, the features of the previous assassinated monarch, King Alexander, is revealed.
DEBRA: (Ger.) DEutsche BRiefmarken Austellung; German stamp Exhibition.
Debrecen: city (capital) in Hajdú-Bihar county in East Hungary occupied by Romanian forces in 1919; occupation stamps issued during 1919-1920 are known as the “1st”and “2nd-Debrecen Issues.”
Debreczin, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1850s: built for Lower Danube lines, express mail service..
Deb’s Colony Postage: fantasy from American Journal of Philately.
Début: (Fr.) beginning selling price of the lot; can represent one bid over the second highest book bid, the highest book bid or the reserve price for the lot.
Decal: design or text affixed to a cover to act as a cachet.
Decalco: (It.) offset.
Décalé(e): (Fr.) shifted, displaced.
Décaler: (Fr.) offset.
Decalomania: the study of labels and posters.
Decazeville: local provisional, France, 1944.
Décédé: (Fr.) deceased, dead.
Decembrie: (Rom.) June.
Décentré(e): (Fr.) off center.
Déchirure: (Fr.) tear.
Dechna: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-82.
Dechromed: softened state of a printing sleeve, after the removal of the chrome coating, so that the surface can be repaired and then rechromed.
Decimal denomination: a stamp whose value includes hundreth’s of a pound (e.g., £1.50) vs £/shilling/pence.
Decimal provisionals: provisional surcharges on the stamps of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland for the introduction of decimal currency in 1961.
Decja Posta: children’s stamps; see Toy stamps.
Deckel: (Ger.) cover (booklet).
Deckle straps: papermaking term for straps on machine to keep the pulp from flowing over the sides to maintain width of sheet.
Decoder: a clear acrylic lens sold by the USPS, that can be used to find hidden messages as part of the design on recent U. S. stamps; see: Encoded designs, Scrambled indicia.
Decorative banner: name given to the margin on top of some commemorative panes; with no postal value.
Decorative watermark: usually a coat-of-arms or various ornaments.
Découpage: (Fr.) the cutout or built up “overlay” of the printer to produce a better impression of the printed stamps; parts of the printed sheet were “cut away” or scraped out, or pieces added to change the pressure of parts of the printing plate to give a lighter or deeper impression.
Découverte: (Fr.) discovery, find.
Decreto de 27 Juni’o 1870: decree overprint on Escuelas stamps, Venezuela, 1879.
Dedeagh: city in Greece; 1874, Jan.1: French post office opened, seaport named Dedeagatch, 1874-93: French stamps used canceled 5155, 1893: No.1, 5 centimes green, stamps of France overprinted Dedeagh, Offices in Turkey for city in Greece, 1912: overprints on stamps of Greece and Bulgaria during Balkan Wars, 1913: occupied by Greece, 1915, April 16: French Post office closed, 1919: ceded to Greece, called Alexandroupolis; see Alexandroupolis.
Dedesubt: (Rom.) below.
Deep edge: variety with excessive color along one, or more edges of the design.
Def: abbreviation for definitive; see: Definitive.
Defaced plate: printing plates after end of usage are sometimes marked or scratched as defacement to prevent misuse.
Defaced stamp: stamp marked with written, printed or stamped characters; private perforations of a company is not considered defacement.
Défaut: (Fr.) defect, fault.
Defective stamp: a stamp with one or more major faults such as a piece of the stamp is missing or a tear.
Defecto: (Sp.) defect, fault.
Défectueux: (Fr.) defective.
Defectuoso: (Sp.) defective.
Defekt: (Ger.) defect, imperfection.
Defensa Nacional: (Sp.) National Defense, postal tax stamps of Ecuador.
Deferential cancel: cancellation designed so that the effigy of the ruler is not defaced when canceled.
Deficiencia de Franqueo: overprint and inscription on postage dues of Ecuador.
Deficiency: marking that indicates shortage of postage on item and post due should be collected.
Deficiente: (Sp.) inscription on stamps of Ecuador, Nicaragua postage due.
Deficit: (Sp.) inscription and overprint on postage dues stamps of Peru, 1874.
Deficit o Franqueo: inscription of first postage dues of Peru.
Defin.: abbreviation for definitive.
Définitif: (Fr.) definitive.
Definitive: a term used to distinguish a normal, everyday issue of stamps; term developed after World War I to indicate the new stamps made to replace the many temporary issues of new countries.
Definitivo: (It., Sp.) definitive.
Deflocculated: separation of ink pigment into very fine particles; when inks dry, the particles join or flocculate.
Dega: (Sp.) Degovia, Spain, pre-adhesive postmark.
De Gaulle: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1971-72.
Degerö: (Fin.) local post, steamship carrying mail, serving Finnish cities, late 1800s.
Degrain: painting by Munoz Degrain, known as “Isabella Pledging Her Jewels: is depicted on the $1 Columbian stamps.
D Grill: grill used on US stamps in the 19th century.
Deh Sedang: cinderella for an imaginary postal state in Indo-China.
D.E.I.: abbreviation for Dutch East Indies.
Dekernes: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1884.
Del: inscription on French Colonial stamps, Latin word for “drew” followed by the name of the artist.
Del.: abbreviation for Delaware prior to Zip Code usage.
Dél: (Hung.) South.
Delacryl: secret printing process developed by de La Rue printing firm that is supposed to combine four different printing methods, such as the 1969 Great Britain post office set.
Dél-Afrika: (Hung.) South Africa.
Dél-Afrika Köztársaság, (Hung.) Republic of South Africa.
De la Rue paper: a famous British stamp printing firm; paper used by New Zealand post together with dies and plates for printing their 1874 stamps.
Délavé: (Fr.) washed out (color).
Delayed mail: mail held up in delivery and marked by means of a label or cachet applied by a postal authority.
Delaware: 1: State Revenue issue, Oct. 1, 1793-Feb. 7, 1794. 2: Federal Revenue issue, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801.
Delaware & Hudson Canal Co’s Express: regional parcel firm that serviced towns on the Delaware and Hudson Canal R.R., New York State, issued labels, year unknown.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Express: regional parcel firm serviced stations on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad; issued labels, 1876-86?
Del Canaveral: (Sp.) (place of canes) inscription on postal stationery envelopes provided by the Cuban government for use by urban residents transported each year to work in the sugarcane harvest.
Delegacoes: (Port.) Red Cross franchise stamps of Portugal, issued 1926 in Lisbon, elsewhere in 1936.
De leon: (Sp.) control overprint for Ecuador to prevent unauthorized use, 1902.
Delgado: (Sp.) thin.
Del Golfo de Guinea: (Sp.) inscription on stamps of Spanish Guinea.
Deliberate error: mistake repeated by a postal administration; such as the reprinting of the U.S. Dag Hammarskjold stamps with the background color inverted.
DeliverAbility: Pitney Bowes name for their software as a service that permits customers to purchase and print postage from their computer.
Delivery confirmation: provides date and time of delivery for Priority Mail and Standard Mail for small fee; USPS term; see: Electronic option, Retail option.
Delivery grippers: mechanism that grips the paper between descent of the perforation pins.
Delivery tax stamps: Spanish postage due labels issued in 1931, but later used as ordinary postage stamps.
Delivery zone number: two-digit number included in mail addresses immediately following the name of the city.
Delle: local provisional, France, 1944.
Deltiology: 1: study of post card collecting. 2: Ansichtskarte-sammler (Ger.), Collection de Cartes Postales Illustrée (Fr.), Collecione di Cartoline (It.), Colleción de Tarjeta Ilustrada (Sp.).
Délnyugatafrika: (Hung.) South-West Africa.
Deluxe sheets: usually ungummed and feature a single stamp; produced mainly by French-area countries as a presentation piece.
Demandé: (Fr.) wanted, required.
Demarcacion postal: (Sp.) postal district.
Démenage: (Fr.) postal term for “gone away” return to sender.
Demerara: province of Guyana, inscription on 1931 British Guiana issue.
Demiansk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1868-78.
Deming’s Penny Post: United States local post, Frankford, Pa., 1854.
Demnat Marrakech: local post, Morocco, 1906.
Demnin (Vorpommern): (Ger.) local post, Germany post WWII.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: see Korea
Democratic Republic of the Congo: see Congo
Démonétisé: (Fr.) see: demonitized.
Demonetization: the Washington Star advertisement, Sept. 12,1861, read, “Notice is hereby given that all persons having in their possession Postage Stamps of the old issue can exchange same for stamps of the new issue for six days from the date, and not after that time.” On Sept. 28, 1861, the Star carried an ad staying that the new stamps were ready.
Demonitized: term given stamps that are no longer valid for postage; usually done by a government proclamation.
Demopolis, Al. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Denaro: (It.) money.
Denia: local post, Spanish civil war, 1937.
Denikin, General, Government of: 1919, Jan.: issued imperf. stamps inscribed “United Russia,” 1919, April: stamps issued by General Denikan, 1920, April 4: General Denikan resigned his command to General Wrangel, 1921, July 1-pre: stamps of Russian and Russian Levant surcharged; inscription reads “United Russia.”
Denis Hire Cars: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Denmark: on peninsula separating North and Baltic Seas; official name of postal administration: Danmark Post currency: 96 skilling = 1 rigsbank daler, 100 ore = 1 krone (1875) 1624: royal mail service established, 1851, Apr. 1: No.1, 2 rigsbank daler blue, first stamps issued, numeral in three concentric circles used to indicate town of origin, 1871: first official stamp issued, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU; includes Faroe Islands, Greenland. 1905: wavy line and figure denomination first used, still current, 1921, May 1: postage due stamps issued, 1921, June 17: first semipostal stamps issued, 1925: first air mail stamp issued, 1940-45: Danish stamps surcharged for Faroe Islands while occupied by Germany.
Denmark – 1911 Middlefart-Fredericia Flight: On 2 September 1911, pioneer aviator Robert Svendson flew a distance of ca. 8 miles from Middlefart (q.v.) to Fredericia (q,v.) by crossing the Little Belt, a strait between Fyn Island and the Danish mainland. The mail carried incl 200 photo postcards depicting the biplane, and signed by “Rob. Svendson”, with a further hand-written “Beltflyvingen 1911” inscription. The return flight to Middelfart carried 80 of these cards. The flight is credited as being the first postal flight in Denmark, and in Northern Europe.
Denmark – 1912 Hareskov Demonstration Flight: On 29 July 1912 during the High Summer Festival in Harestov, pioneer aviator Ulrich Birch demonstrated airplane flying. Postal cards exist with the framed rectangular “Hojsomerfesten / i Hareskov 1912” handstamp and Hareskov cancel, and also with an additional oval “FLYVEPOST / No. 1 / * ULRICH BIRCH * ” cachet. Contemporary sources do not document that these items were flown, but the oval cachet indicates that an airpost transportation had been scheduled; they are considered the second Danish airpost despatches.
Denmark – 1912 German Zeppelin “Hansa” Visit: The “Hansa” 19 Setember 1912 Copenhagen-Hamburg return trip was authorized to carry the Danish mails. These mails are considered the third Danish airpost despatches.
Denmark – 1912 International Balloon Despatches: On 22 September 1912 at the Århus International Balloon Competition, three balloons (representing Denmark, Germany, and the United States) each carried souvenir cards depicting a view of Århus from the air. The cards entered the regukar mails after the balloons landed.
Denmark – 1914 Copenhagen-Roskilde Flight: On 12 May 1914, Lt. Ussing, flying a “Henry Farman” biplane, carried a special airmail from Copenhagen to Roskilde, a city ca. 27 miles W of Copenhagen. Approximately 4,500 cards were carried.
Denning’s Express: local baggage firm serviced the Erie Railway depot in New York City; issued a label, year unknown.
Denominated Postal Cards: US postal cards printed by vending machines, early 1900s.
Denomination: the face value appearing on a stamp.
Dent(s): (Fr.) perf(s).
Dentado: (Sp.) perforated.
Dentado de peine: (Sp.) see: Comb perforation.
Dentélé: (Fr.) perforated.
(non) Dentelé: (Fr.) (im)perforate
Dentellato: (It.) perforated.
Dentellatura a pettine: (It.) see: Comb perforation.
Dentelure en peigne: (Fr.) see: Comb perforation.
Denticulated, Dentilated: stamps with a series of small teeth, or commonly called, perforated.
Dents: suggested term, 1800s, for perforations.
Denver & Rio Grande Express: private mail and parcel firm serviced the Denver & Rio Grande Railway; issued free franks, labels and stamps, year unknown.
Denver Eagles: nickname for Mexico issue of 1914, printed in Denver, during Mexican civil war.
Den Waisen Sirotam: overprint on stamps of Italy, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia for German occupation, 1944.
De Oficio: (Sp.) overprint of stamps of Peru or El Salvador, inscription on El Salvador for official usage.
Deok Sensor Oopgemaak: (Afrikaan) South African censor tape.
D.E.P.: Députés (Fr.) Chamber of Deputies Post Office, 1826.
Departmentals: official stamps intended for use in certain government departments; official stamps used by all departments are known as “Service Stamps” (e.g., War Dep’t. in U.S.)
Departmento de Rezagos: (Sp.) Dead Letter Office.
Departmento del Tolima: inscription for Tolima, Colombia.
Department of Foreign Affairs: officials for Hawaii.
Department stamps: official stamps valid only on official mail of a government agency, or their agents; when inscribed or overprinted for specific departments, they are known as department stamps.
Dependency: area administered from a different location.
De Pinedo: Newfoundland’s 1927 issue honoring Marchese de Pinedo, Italian aviator.
DEP. Limit: Départements Limitrophes (Fr.) common frontier, 1845-56.
 (Sp.) sport topic or theme.
Depositado Despues de Salir el Expreso: (Sp.) Too Late marking; item received after train departure.
Dépouillé(e): (Fr.) well-contrasted engraving.
Déprécier: (Fr.) to lose value.
Depredation: USPS Inspection Service term for robbery or pilfering of funds from the mail.
Deprisa: private delivery firm labels, Colombia, S.A., started 2001, for delivery in Colombia and worldwide through FedEx.
Dept: USPS abbreviation in address for department.
Dept. of Agriculture, Interior, Justice, State: inscriptions on U.S. officials.
Dept. of Foreign Affairs: inscription on official stamps, Hawaii.
Depto Zelaya: Nicaragua, Department of Zelaya.
Dept. of Agriculture, Interior, Justice, State: inscriptions on U.S. officials.
Dept. of Foreign Affairs: inscription on official stamps, Hawaii.
Der Berliner Philharmonie: inscription, semi postal, Germany.
Derecho de Entrega: (Sp.) delivery fee in addition to normal postage, collected by postman, except for mail from abroad.
Derechos de Firma: (Sp.) documents fee, revenue issue of the Philippines, re-overprinted as provisionals, 1880-90.
Derecho Judicial: Judicatory Fee; revenue stamps of Philippines, re-overprinted as provisionals, 1880-90.
Dereham Pirate Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Derna: now known as Darnah, Libya.
Derry, Free: fantasy from National Lampoon.
Deruluft: airline formed by Lufthansa and the Russian government in 1922 to carry mail and passengers from Berlin to Moscow via Konigsberg and Smolensk.
Des.: abbreviation for ‘designed by.’
Descentrado: (Sp.) off center.
Deschis: (Rom.) light (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Descolorido: (Sp.) faded (color).
Desconocido: (Sp.) unknown at address indicated.
Descriptive filler: term for an insert placed inside the envelope that may have additional information about the event being commemorated; also known as a stuffer; may be illustrated.
Desde el Canaveral: see Del Canaveral.
Desember: (Nor.) December.
Deseret: a Mormon “state” created March 5, 1849; never recognized by the U.S.; ceased to exist when Utah Territory created on Sept. 9, 1850.
Desert Island: unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
De service: (Fr.) official (philatelic).
Design: artwork, printed portion of a stamp, that which is not blank paper.
Design and Development Inc.: U.S. postage meter machine manufacturer, 1973 to current.
Designer: the person who creates the artwork that is eventually used for a stamp.
Design error: errors in the printed design, such as wrong number of stars on a flag, or misspelling of a name.
Desinfekteradt: (Swed.) disinfected handstamps by the Infectious Disease Hospital, Stockholm, after 1900.
Desinfectado: (Sp.) disinfected (letter).
Desinfiziert: (Ger.) disinfected.
Deska: (Czech.) (printing) plate.
Desková Cislo: (Czech.) plate number.
Desková Vada: (Czech.) plate flaw, plate fault.
Desková Znacka Hvezdicka: (Czech.) “star” plate marking.
Desková Znacka Krízek: (Czech.) “cross” plate marking.
Deskovou Znackou: (Czech.) plate marking.
Desmit Rbl: desmit rubli, ten rubles overprint on stamps of Latvia.
Desmit Rub., Rubli: 1920-21; two rubles surcharge, stamps of Latvia.
Despatch Post: several U. S. locals are inscribed with this term.
Dessau: overprint on a surtax Province of Saxony stamp is a fake.
Dessouk: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1868-82.
Despacho: (Sp.) office.
Despues de la salida: (Sp.) too late markings, applied to mail which was received after mail dispatch.
Dessin: (Fr.) drawing, see: Design.
Dessinateur: (Fr.) designer.
De status: (Fr.) rule.
Destinaire: (Fr.) one to whom anything is addressed.
Destinatario: (It.) “Carrier” inscription on Italian tax revenue stamps.
Détaché(e): (Fr.) (stamp) off cover.
Detachment U.S.A.: bogus, overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo.
Détaillé(e): (Fr.) lot broken up for sale individually.
Det danske Kommando I Tyskland: (Dan.) the Danish Command in Germany, post WWII.
Detmold: local post, German displaced persons camp, 1946.
Detroit River Service: established so that crews of lake vessels could receive their mail without paying forwarding charges, Jule 17, 1895-June 30, 1948.
Dette Publique: public debt; French Colony revenue inscription.
Deuda pública: (Sp.) public debt, overprint on fiscal stamps.
Deuil: (Fr.) mourning (letter), black bordered cover.
Deutlich Schreiben: (Ger.) “Write clearly” hand stamp.
Deutsche Abstimmungsgebiet: (Ger.) plebiscite area.
Deutsche Auslandpostämter: (Ger.) German post offices abroad.
Deutsche Besetzung Zara: (Ger.) overprint for German occupation of Zara.
Deutsche Bundepost: (Ger.) postal administration of German Federal Republic, from 1951-89.
Deutsche Demokratische Republik: (Ger.) inscription German Democratic Republic (East Germany), Soviet occupation zone, 1949.
Deutsche Demokratische Republik Luftpost: (Ger.) imperforate label for German Democratic Republic essay in various colors.
Deutsche feldpost: (Ger.) military field post, Germany.
Deutsche feldpost durch U-boot: inscription to frank soldier’s mail to be sent by German submarine from base on Hela Peninsula, 1945.
Deutsche Lufthansa (DLH): (Ger.) German airline
Deutsche Militaer-Verwaltung Montenegro: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Montenegro, German Occupation, 1943.
Deutsche National Versammlung: (Ger.) National Assembly, inscription on the 1919 issue of Germany, called the Weimar Issue.
Deutsche Neu-Guinea: (Ger.) German New Guinea.
Deutsche Osterreich: (Ger.) Austria overprint for German Austria, 1918.
Deutsche Oestr. Postverein: (Ger.) German-Austrian Postal Union.
Deutsche Ostafrika: (Ger.) German East Africa.
Deutsche Post: (Ger.) inscription Allied sectors, Berlin, Germany, 1948, Sept.-Sept.1949.
Deutsche Post Berlin: (Ger.) “Berlin” overprint for use in American, British and Frenchoccupied sectors of Berlin, Sepbemter 1, 1948.
Deutsche Post Osten: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany for Poland, German Occupation, 1939.
Deutsche Privat-Post Lloyd: (Ger.) local post, Berlin, Germany, 1906.
Deutsche Reich: (Ger.) 1920 overprint on Bavaria officials and stamps of Germany.
Deurscher Raketenflug 1934: (Ger.) inscription, first German rocket flight to benefit the “Winter Relief,” January 28, 1934.
Deutscher Schulhausbar: (Ger.) series of labels to raise funds to build schools; value 2 heller.
Deutscher Schulverein: (Ger.) series of labels to raise funds for a school organization.
Deutscher Wehrschatz Sudmark: inscription on a German label, early 1900s.
Deutscher Wert gleich 140 Pfg. Wählt Deutsch!: (Ger.) “German Value equals 140 Pfennig / Vote German” overprint on Polish stamp (actually a label) printed as propaganda for plebiscite on future of Upper Silesia, 1921.
Deutsche Seepost / Linie / Hamburg / Westafrika: (Ger.) 1. German Sea Post, Hamburg West Africa Line; staring operating in early 1880s. 2. Overprint on stamps of Bavaria, 1920; see Bohemia and Moravia. 3. Overprint on stamps of Danzig for Danzig.
Deutsches Reich: (Ger.) inscription for Germany Empire; see: Bohemia and Moravia.
Deutsches Reich General Gouvernment: (Ger.) inscription on stamps of Germany for use in Poland, WW II occupation.
Deutsches Reich Post: (Ger.) 1: inscription for German Imperial Post, 1872-89.
Deutsches Reich: (Ger.) 1: inscription on stamps of Germany, 1902-44. 2: overprint on stamps of Bavaria, 1920.
Deutsches Reich General Gouvernement: (Ger.) Poland, German Occupation, 1941-44.
Deutsche Versicherungs Bank Berlin Wertbrief Beförderung Deurschland-America: (Ger.) on stamps of Germany for insured mail sent via U-Boat prior to World War II.
Deutschland: (Ger.) German World War I commercial submarine that carried mail to the U.S.
Deutschland Amerkanische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, American Zone.
Deutschland Britische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, British Zone.
Deutschland Franzosische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, French Zone.
Deutschland Sowjetische Zone: (Ger.) Germany, Soviet Zone.
Deutsche Mark: (Ger.) (DM) German currency.
Deutsch-Neu-Guinea: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, inscription for German New Guinea.
Deutsch Oestr. Postverein: (Ger.) German-Austrian Postal union inscription on Thurn and Taxis, early Baden and Württemberg.
Deutsch Ostafrika: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany and inscription for German East Africa.
Deutsch Österreich: (Ger.) overprint, German Austria on stamps of Austria, 1918-1921.
Deutsch Sudwest Afrika: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, inscription for German South West Africa, also Deutsch Südwest-Afrika.
De valor: (Sp.) valuable.
Devanagari: alphabet that appears on some stamps of India, Nepal and Bhutan as an inscription.
Devant: (Fr.) front (of a cover).
Devastacion de la Ciudad de Santo Domingo: inscription, postal tax on stamps of Dominican Republic, for destruction of city.
Development Bank: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1969.
De Villayer, Jean-Jacques: may have operated a mail service in Paris in mid-1600s, installed first mail boxes.
Devolucion: (Sp.) mail marking not accepted by addressee and returned to sender.
Dewey’s South Yuba Express: local private mail firm serviced the Omega, Nevada County, Calif. area; issued a label, 1863.
DeWitt’s Express: local baggage firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y. and New York City; issued a label, year unknown.
Dextrine gum: form of starch, when used in gum for stamps, is heated in a solution alone, or with other chemicals, gets any color from the heating temperature of the solution.
Dezentriert: (Ger.) off-center.
DF: 1. currency abbreviation for Franc (Djibouti). 2. David Finkelstein, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
DFB: “Dansk Frivillig Bataillon (Danish Volunteer Battalion) Danish armed forces serving with Finnish forces fighting Russia.
DG: 1: catalog abbreviation for disturbed gum. 2: (Latin) By the Grace of God.
DGK: (Ger.) Deutschland-Ganzachen-Katalog, Michel German Postal Stationery catalog.
D’Haiti: Republic of Haiti.
Dhaka: formerly Dacca, Bangladesh.
Dhar: India Feudatory State; 1897-1901: first local post stamps, 1901, Mar. 31: separate stamps discontinued, used stamps of British India, then stamps of India.
Dhufar: bogus, anti-Omani, Arabia; in exile, propaganda labels sold as stamps.
Dia de la Hispanidad: (Sp.) Spanish National Day, Oct. 12th.
Dia del sello: (Sp.) day of the stamp.
Diadem: circlet of gold and jewels forming Queen Victoria’s headdress on the earlier issues.
Diagonally laid paper: where wires, used in the papermaking process, are laid diagonally across the paper.
Dial: circular portion of a postmark, usually containing the city, date and time
Diamond Parcel Delivery Company: local package delivery firm; issued a label, year unknown.
Diamond roulette: cuts that are X shaped, giving appearance of diamond shaped perforations.
Diamante: (It., Sp.) diamond topical or thematic specialty.
Diamond Jubilee Label: name given to British charity labels made in 1897-98 for the 50th anniversary of Queen Victoria accession to the throne.
Dia Mundial del Sello: (Sp.) World Stamp Day, May 6th.
Diana, Princess of Wales: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1998.
Diapositive: thick photographic plate used for multiple repetitions of the design, made from the master negative; also known as multipositive.
Dicitura: (It.) inscription.
Dick: (Ger.) thick.
Dickinson paper: continuous silk thread paper containing one or more silk threads to make counterfeiting difficult.
Didactic: “educational, once used as the generic term for topicals or thematics.
Die: 1: a block of metal that has been hand or machine engraved from which plates are prepared to print stamps. 2: terms Die I, Die II, etc. denote first and later states of the same die. 3: terms Die I, Die II, etc. are also used to designate stamps printed from these dies.
Die crack: damage done to the original engraved die, before printing plates are created.
Die cut: a mechanical process that cuts through the stamp paper but not the backing paper that keeps the stamps together, is used to separate most self-adhesive stamps; accomplished by crushing the stamp paper fibers.
Die cut missing: error on self-adhesive stamps where the die cut is absent between the stamps.
Die cut size: the number of peaks of either side of a die cut stamp, usually written as L10/R10; indicates 10 peaks on both the left and right sides of the stamp.
Die Cut Gauge: tool that measures the total of peaks or valleys within 20mm on die cut stamps.
Die essay: print made from a die engraved with an incomplete or unadopted design.
Die flaw: blemish or unusual mark on a die and shows on every stamps reproduced from that die.
Diego Suarez: French naval base, northern part of Madagascar; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100centimes = 1 ariary (1976) 1885-pre: overprint on stamps of French Colonies General Issues, 1890: No.1, 15 centimes blue, first stamps issued as a naval base, 1891: first postage due stamp issued, 1892: stamps of French Colonies overprinted Diego-Suarez, 1896, May 30: replaced by issues of Madagascar.
Diehard: nickname for a stamp dealer who has the knowledge to buy and sell anything of a philatelic nature.
Die imprint: any item printed directly from a die.
Dienst: (Ger.) official.
Dienstbotenpost: (Ger.) official courier mail.
Dienstmarke: 1: inscription for officials of Bavaria, French Protectorate of the Saar, Germany. 2: overprint for official use in Saar, Danzig, Liechenstein. 3: with numeral 21, Prussia. 4: overprint on stamps of Danzig, 1924-25, for official use.
Dienstsache: Liechtenstein official overprint.
Dienstzegel: (Dut.) Netherlands official stamps.
Dientes: (Sp.) perforations.
Die plain: embossing without the use of color.
Die proof: a die made print or impression, usually in black ink on a smooth white card or fine-calendered or coated paper, inspected in great detail, to show what a stamp design will look like.
Die-Reducing machine: makes a relief steel die in a smaller size.
Die sinkage: the impression of a die block which appears as a depression in the cardboard of a die proof.
Die sinker: an engraver of dies used for stamping and embossing.
Diessbach C.G.: Diessbach Canton Glarus (Swiss).
Die stamping: raising of colored reliefs on an uncolored ground using a recessed die in the stamping press.
Dietz & Nelson’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced British Columbia, used labels, 1862-67.
Die Welt: (Ger.) The World, Germany overprint produced for “War Stamp Exhibition in London in 1915 as a jocular allusion to the much vaunted German aspirations to rule the earth.”
Die wheel: a wheel drilled with holes that accept the pins of the rotary perforator.
Die Winterhilfe O/S ruft dich! Wir wollen helfen: (Ger.) “The Winter relief calls you. We want to help.” Germany cancel, 1932-34.
Di favore: (It.) (It.) by favor (cancellation).
Difetto: (It.) defect, fault.
DIFF: auction abbreviation for different.
Digital postage: postage applied by a mechanical device such as a printer attached to a computer.
Di gran valore: (It.) valuable.
Dijbouti: formerly Afars and Issas – East Africa; see Afars and Issas.
Dilar: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Diligence d’eau: (Fr.) water coach, carried mail on canals in France; see: Canal Boat Mail.
Diligencia: (Sp.) stagecoach carrier issue of Uruguay, 1856-57.
Dimension: tax based on size of the document; French Colony revenue inscription.
Diminué(e): (Fr.) partly removed or thinned (gum), cut down, trimmed.
Din: dinar, Yugslavia currency.
Dinamarca: (It., Port.) Denmark.
Dindings: 1874-1935, Feb.: used stamps of Straits Settlements.
Diner: U.S. presorted First-Class mail with nondenominated postage, used by mass mailers, issued June 5, 1998, value 25¢.
Dinero: inscription on arms design, stamps of Peru.
Dinsin: (Ire.) Ireland postage due inscription.
Dios Patria Libertado: (Sp.) God, Fatherland, Liberty, inscription on stamps of Dominican Republic.
Dios Patria Rey: (Sp.) God, Fatherland, King, inscription on stamps of Spain, Carlist issue.
Dios, Union y Libertad: (Sp.) God, Union and Liberty, Honduras, 1865.
Diplomatic mail: correspondence transported by diplomatic pouch or indicated diplomatic mail.
Dippoldiswalde: Bavaria, Germany post office burned, emergency handwritten labels were created and used to cover the shortage of postage stamps, 1923.
Diptique: (Fr.) a pair of stamps of which the illustration covers both stamps together.
Direcció Geral dos Trabalmos Geodesicos e Topograpnicos: (Port.) advertising mapmakers of Portugal.
Dirección: (Sp.) the place to which mail can be sent.
Direct mail: 1: industry term for advertising mail sent to targeted markets. 2: mail of the pre-Universal Postal union era that went direct between countries; rate differences ceased when prepaid international rate went into effect July 1, 1875.
Directory markings: postal markings that indicate delivery attempts, stating reasons.
Direct printing: any form of printing where the printing plate is in direct contact with the paper.
Dirigere: (It.) the place to which mail can be sent.
Diriginte de posta: (Rom.) postmaster.
D’Irlande du Nord: (Fr.) Ulster, Northern Ireland.
Disaster mail: mail being transported that was damaged in transit; the post office usually puts special marking on the item to explain the damage; also known as wreck mail.
Discontinued Post Office: a post office that is no longer in operation.
Discount postage: stamps sold by stamp dealers at a discount from face value; usually denominations that are no longer current but valid for postage.
Discovery copy: first known.
Disegno: (It.) design.
Diseño: (Sp.) design.
Disinfected mail: mail that has been fumigated so that the letter will not be a carrier of disease.
Disinfection seal: see: Seal, disinfection.
Disney stamp: stamps issued by several nations with a Walt Disney movie theme.
Dispensé d’affranchissement (de timbrage): (Fr.) free of postage.
Display Division: American Philatelic Society term for exhibition classification to include display exhibits and social philately.
“Disp prohibited by Order 19687”: dispatch handstamp prohibiting certain oversize or overweight parcels addressed to overseas personnel, effective Jan. 7, 1943.
Diss Pirate Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
DIST: auction abbreviation for disturbed.
Distilled Spirits Excise Tax: inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1950-59; usually found with staple holes or punch cancels, indicating payment of excise taxes on distilled spirits.
Distinguished Americans: series of stamps issued by the U.S., renamed Great Americans on July 20, 2000.
Distretto: (It.) district.
Distributeur automatique (de timbres): (Fr.) stamp vending machine.
Districto: overprint on stamps of for Arequipaco, Peru, Cuzco provisionals, 1881-85.
District Overprints: during the classical period, stamps were sent from the main post office in Mexico City without district overprints. These stamps were not valid for postage. This was done to prevent the theft of stamps as they were shipped to the outlying districts. Once received in the districts, they were overprinted with the name of the district and thus validated into postage stamps, into as many as sixty districts.
Distriktsovertryk: (Dan.) district overprint, district surcharge, see Lokalovertryk, Lokaloverstempel.
Distrito: (Sp.) district.
Distrito sur de la Baja Cal: (Sp.) inscription on 1915 stamps of Mexico; see Baja, Calif. (State in Mexico).
Disturbed gum: original gum on an unused stamp which has been altered, usually by application of a hinge.
Dittler Bros.: private printer of U.S. postage stamps.
Divided back: postcard, allowing the message and address to appear on the same side.
Dividing marks: circular floral ornaments on plates produced by Perkins, Bacon on 1851; placed between rows J and K, helps placement to cut sheets in half, replaced by an arrow.
Divi Rub: 1920-21; surcharge, stamps of Latvia.
Diwan: Indian States term for chief revenue officer of province.
Diwi Rubli: two rubles, overprint to change value, stamps of Latvia.
DJ: overprint on stamps of Obock for Djibouti, 1894-1902.
Djambi: local post overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
DJI, DJF: Djibouti.
Djibouti (Djibuti): Eastern Africa, formerly French colony of Somali Coast and Afars and Issas; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1888: French constructed port on the Somali Coast at Djibouti, 1894-1902: French Somali Coast overprint “DJ” or “Djibouti” on stamps of Obock for Djibouti, 1902: French replaced this with stamps of Somali Coast as a Protectorate, 1940, Aug. 6: Italy invades British and French Somaliland, 1941: Italy driven out, 1967, Mar.19: name changed to the French territory of Afars and Issas, 1977: Afars and Issas stamps overprinted and surcharged “Republique de Djibouti,” 1977, June 27: Afars and Issas became the independent republic of Djibouti, Republique de Djibouti stamps, 1977: first air mail stamps issued, 1978, June 6: joined the UPU; see Afars and Issas, Benadir, Obock, Oltre Giuba, Italian East Africa, Italian Somaliland.
Djubaland, Republic of: cinderella, “Worldwide Fund for Nature” uses WWF logo illegally.
Djup: (Swed.) deep (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Djupt lila: (Swed.) deep lilac (color).
Djupt klarröd: (Swed.) deep bright red, “high red” (color).
Djupt ultramarinfärget påtryck: (Swed.) deep ultramarine surcharge.
Djupt violett: (Swed.) deep violett (color).
DK: 1: Germany volume of the Michel catalogue, Deutschland-Katalog. 2: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Denmark, such as DK-2770.
DL: auction abbreviation for double line (cancellation).
DLDC: double line, double circle postmark.
DLH: see: Deutsche Lufthansa.
D.L.H.: (Ger.) Deutsche Luft Hansa Aktiengesellschaft; renamed Lufthansa, 1933.
D.L.O.: see: Dead Letter Office.
DLR: De La Rue; stamp printers, Great Britain.
D M: 1: Dienst Marke overprint on stamps of Danzig, 1921-23, for official use. 2: Deutsche Mark, German currency June 21, 1948-Dec. 31, 2001. 3: Dominica, country code as used by UPU.
DMC: Daniel M. Clancy, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Dmitrief: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1871-74.
Dmitrof: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1874.
DMM: USPS term for domestic mail manual.
Dnieprovsk: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1866-95.
DNK: Deutschland Netto Katalog.
DNVP: letters on German stamps stands for Deutschnationale Volkspartei (German National People’s Party); looks like DNBB.
DO: Dominican Republic, country code as used by UPU.
Doane cancels: Doane cancels have a number in the killer bars to the right of the circular date stamps; introduced in 1904.
Doar Ivri: (Heb.) Hebrew Post inscription on Israel’s first stamps.
Dobbelt: (Dan., Nor.) double.
Dobbelt påtryk: (Dan.) double overprint, double surcharge.
Dobbeltsidig: (Dan.) double sided (front and back sides).
Dobbeltsidigt tryk: (Dan.) printed on both sides.
Dobbelttakning: (Dan.) double perforation.
Dobbelttryk: (Dan.) 1. double impression 2. re-entry.
Dobeln: local post, Germany, 1945.
Dobírka: (Czech.) payment upon delivery
Doble: (Sp.) double.
Doboj: local post, republic Serbska occupation issue for Bosnia, 1995.
Dobrudja: overprint in Cyrillic with dates “1916-1917” on stamps of Bulgaria for use in this occupied territory of Romania.
Doc: abbreviation for document; physician.
Docket[ing]: a brief statement of when received and maybe when answered, usually found on the outside of covers, legal or commercial documents.
Dockwra’s Post: private postal service covering London and its suburbs established by William Dockwra; introduced his own distinctive postmark in 1680; used from 1680-82.
Doctor blade: device used to wipe excess ink from a printing press cylinder.
Documentary stamps: U.S. Inter. Rev. inscription; revenue stamps that are applied to documents such as bills of lading, mortgages, wills, etc., 1871-1958.
Documents Philatelique Oficiel: (Fr.) Official Philatelic Document; issued by France, include a copy of the issued stamp cancelled on the first day, a monocolor engraving of the stamp, descriptive text and a larger topical engraving with an embossed control seal.
Dodds Express: local baggage firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City, N.Y and Long branch, N.J.; issued labels, year unknown.
Dodecanese Islands, Greece: islands in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1912-pre: used stamps of Turkey, 1912-43: stamps of Italy overprinted “Egeo,” 1924: Turkey ceded islands to Italy, stamps of Italy overprinted with name of island, 1943: stamps and postage due stamps of Great Britain overprinted “M.E.F.” (Middle East Forces), 1943, Sept.: Italy surrendered and islands proclaimed union with Greece, 1943-45: Germany reoccupied islands, 1947-summer: stamps of Greece used; see Aegean Islands, MEF, SDD.
Dodge & Co. Express: nationwide express firm that serviced California, Boston and New York City; used a label, 1849-51.
Dogra: alphabet in the Indian language that appears on some stamps of India as an inscription.
Dogs: hauled mail carts in Sussex, England, late 19th century.
Dog team mail: used to carry mail in Alaska and Quebec province, Canada.
Doha, Qatar: British postal service established in 1950 using stamps of the British Postal Agencies of Eastern Arabia; now known as Ad Dawhah.
Doi: (Rom.) two (number).
Doisprezece: (Rom) twelve (number).
Doland: Donald Evans bogus issue, 1960-70.
Dollfus Issue: Austrian Dollfuss stamp, issued on July 25, 1936.
Dollar Error: wine revenue stamp for the $1.60 4/5 cents where dollar is spelled “dolllar,” 1951-54.
Dolní: (Czech.) down (side).
Dolores: local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Domain name: a name that identifies a computer or computers on the internet. These names appear  as a component of a Web site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_site‘s URL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL, e.g. wikipedia.org.
Domestic mail: USPS term for mail transmitted, among, and between the U. S., its territories and possessions, army and fleet post offices and United Nations, N.Y.
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM): directive that contains basic USPS standards for domestic mail services.
Domestic stamp: also known as nondenominated stamp used for rate increase period, not valid for international mail.
Domestogramme: Canadian version of the aerogramme, introduced Oct. 13, 1973.
Domfil: Spanish publisher of thematic catalogues and albums.
Dominica: an island in the British Leeward islands group, became part of the Windward islands; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 Dollar (1949) 1858-60: British stamps used at Roseau, with ‘A 07’ cancel, 1860: Dominica handstamp used, 1874, May 4: No.1, 1 penny violet, own stamps with design similar to Tobago, 1890, Oct. 31-1903: stamps of Leeward Islands used, 1903-40: Dominica used own stamps again along with those of Leeward Islands, 1916: first War Tax stamp issued, 1940, Jan. 1: Dominica became separate island, no stamp issued, 1958, Apr. 22: joined the West Indies Federation,1968: became an Associated State of Great Britain, 1978, Nov. 1: became independent as the Commonwealth of Dominica with overprint “Independence / 3rd November / 1978,” 1980, Jan. 31: joined the UPU.
Dominica: essay, engraved and recess printed on white card, made public in 1870 with no information as to its origin.
Dominicaine: (Fr.) Dominican Republic.
Dominical label (tablet): a small label attached by perforation to the bottom of some Belgium stamps stating “Do not deliver on Sunday”.
Dominican Republic: part of Hispaniola island in West Indies official name of postal administration: Instituto Postal Dominicano currency: 100 centavos = 1 peso 1861-65: Spain used stamps of Cuba/Puerto Rico, 1865, Oct. 18: No. 1, 1/2 reales rose, first stamps, 1868-71: British stamps used in Puerto Plata with ‘C 86’ cancel, 1876-80: British stamps used at Santa Domingo with ‘C 87’ cancel, 1880, Oct. 1: joined the UPU, 1901: first postage due stamp issued, 1902, Feb. 25: first official stamp issued, 1916, May 5 – July 24, 1924: occupied by American forces, used Army post offices, 1925, 1927: special delivery stamps copied from those of the U.S., 1928, May 31: first air mail stamp issued, 1957, Feb. 8: first semipostal stamp issued.
Dominican Republic, forged issues: 1: 1879 coat of arms, Sc. 34, 34a, 35. 2: 1900 map, Sc. 111-19. 3: 1931-33 Solar, Sc. C10-C17.
Dominika: (Hung.) Dominica (West Indies).
Dominikai Köztársaság: (Hung.) Dominican Republic.
Dominikanska Republiken: (Swed.) Dominican Republic.
Dominikanske Republik: (Dan., Nor.) Dominican Republic.
Dominido: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from “Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers”.
Dominikanische Republik: (Ger.) Dominican Republic.
Dominion Express Co.: private parcel firm operated over Dominion Express Lines throughout Canada, used labels and stamps, 1882-1926.
Dominique: (Fr.) Dominica.
Dommagé: (Fr.) damaged.
Dom Pedros: Brazil’s 1866-79 issue featuring portraits of Emperor Dom Pedro.
Donaldson’s Despatch: S. Allan Taylor label, 1865.
Donaldson’s Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Donau: (Ger.) Danube.
Donau Dampschiffahrt Gesellschaft: Danube Steamship Co. issued stamps, 1866-74, for mail carried on the Danube River.
Don Cossack Government: republic in Southern Russia; 1917, Oct.: leader was Hetman Aleksei Kaledin; formed republic proclaimed Russia “arms” types surcharged at Novocherkask, Rostov and Taganrog, plus the “Ermak” currency stamp which was valid for postage until Soviets reclaimed area in Feb.1920.
Donegal Railway Company: Ireland local post.
Donetsk: local post provisional, USSR 1990s.
Donez: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1879-90.
Dongola: Sudan, Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1872-82.
Don River Railway Society: Tasmania fantasy sheet.
Don Territory Government: 1918-19: stamps included used surcharged Russian stamps; see Russia, South.
Doolittle, W.E.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Dopis: (Czech.) letter (mail).
Dopisnice: (Czech.) postal cards.
Doplata: (Pol.) inscription on stamps of Central Lithuania and Poland, postage due.
Doplatit, Doplatne: overprint/inscription labels on stamps of Czechoslovakia, postage due.
Dopis: (Czech.) letter (mail).
Doplatné: (Czech.) postage due.
Doplatni známky: (Czech.) postage due stamps.
Doporucené: (Czech.) registered, registered mail.
Doppeldruck: double struck.
Doppia stampa: (It.) double impression, re-entry.
Doppia Incisione: (It.) re-entry.
Doremus Machine Co.: manufacture of canceling machines used from the 1890s-1930s.
Doreset Village Mail: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Dorpat: also known as Tartu, now part of the USSR, WW I: surcharge on stamps of Russia by occupying German forces, WWII: Germans issued specially designed stamps.
Dorso: (It.) back, as opposed to the front of a philatelic object.
Dorucní Známka: (Czech.) personal delivery stamp.
Dos: (Fr.) back.
Dospisnice: (Czech.) postcard.
Dospinice: (Czech.) postal card.
Dotisk: (Czech.) reprint.
Dotted paper: paper with small dots forming a greyish-appearing pattern.
Dottergelb: (Ger.) golden yellow
Dot in S: variety in the 5-cent U.S. Franklin stamp caused by a small bit of metal adhering to the transfer roll during the “rocking in” process.
Douane(s): (Fr.) customs; French Colony revenue inscription; overprint on stamps of South Africa.
Douazeci: (Rom) twenty (number).
Double cancels: covers with two separate postmarks.
Double centre: (Fr.) having the middle part of the design printed twice on the same side of the paper.
Double comb perforator: perforates, in one operation, a single row or column of stamps on all sides and perfs (the legs) between the next row or column.
Double Deficiency: marking on mail that postage due is owed at double the amount of short postage.
Double embossing: two impressions of embossed stamps on the same piece of paper, one impression may be colorless.
Double flown: cover flown once, then readdressed and flown again.
Double frappe: (Fr.) re-entry.
Double Geneva: 1843 issue by the Swiss Canton of Geneva of a 10¢ stamp printed in a double design of two 5¢ stamps, each half being usable as a 5¢ stamp.
Double grill: stamp showing two or more separate grill impressions.
Double gum: a second layer of gum was applied to the Egyptian issue of 1887 when the Egyptian government complained that the original layer was not adhering to envelopes.
Double heads: nickname for Rhodesia commemorative issue of 1910 depicting Queen Mary and King George V.
Double impression: two impressions of the design of a stamp; see: Double print.
Double joint line: a joint line that seems to be two parallel lines on rotary press stamps; caused when the gap between two rotary plates is wider than normal.
Double line watermark: term for the USPS watermark when it is made up of double lines.
Double overprint: clear double impression of the entire overprint due to the sheet having been passed twice through the printing press.
Double paper: a stamp printed on the overlapping portion of a paper joint.
Double perforations: two sets of perforations caused by the sheet being cut off center; found on early U.S. revenue stamps.
Double plate: two printing bases that are used to print a monochrome or bi-colored stamp.
Double postal cards: postal cards with a paid reply portion.
Double print: two impressions of the same stamp done intentionally; such as the 20 öre 1876 Sweden issue.
Double ring c.d.s.: circular date stamp contained within two concentric circles.
Double roulette: rouletting applied twice to the same part or entire sheet.
Double security paper: safety paper made up of two layers bonded together to discourage stamp cleaning and reuse.
Double strike: die molds where the registration varies slightly, causing doubling of lines in the design.
Double surcharge: an error when a new denomination overprint is mistakenly applied to a stamp twice.
Double transfer: this term is used for a stamp printed from a design which in error was impressed, either wholly or partially, twice by the master die in preparing the plate; can be identified by its “out of focus” appearance.
Dougerthy & Hesperies islands: bogus Pacific island group, 1966.
Dougherty, A.: U.S. private die playing card stamp.
Douglas City Dispatch: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1879.
Douglas double paper: patented paper used 1881-82 in the U.S. to prevent cleaning and re-use of used stamps.
Douanes: (Fr.) customs.
Dounane: customs duty.
Dove: add-on rate U.S. nondenominated stamp, valued 3¢, placed on sale Dec. 13, 1994.
Down: any non-printing area within a design.
Downey heads: British stamps designed by W & D Downey showing a three-quarter view of King George V.
Down’s Dispatch: S. Allan Taylor label.
Down Under: refers to Australia, New Zealand and environs.
DO-X: international registration number of the German Dornier multi-engine plane; 1932: first to fly the Atlantic from West to East.
D.P.: 1: (Fr.) “Dette publique” public debt overprint; 1925-26: revenues of Syria and Lebanon for French occupation. 2: private overprint by Daily Press newspaper to prevent misuse in Hong Kong.
DPO: discontinued, or dead post office.
D.P.O.: (It.) “debito pubblico Ottomana” Ottoman public debt, see: A.D.P.O.D press: six-color offset and three-color intaglio Goebel combination press used by the B.E.P.DPRK: abbreviation for North Korea, 1977 to present.
D Press: a six-color offset and three-color Intaglio Goebel webfed combination press used by the BEP starting about 1984; officially called Press 902.
D.P.T.: Diligenze Postali Trasporti (It.) Diligence Postal Transport, 1794.
D.R.: Deeds and Registration, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Dragonera: Greek island “stamps” repudiated by government in 1963.
Drake & Co’s “Express”: local firm that serviced Providence, R.I, Taunton and New Bedford, Mass.; issued a label, year unknown.
Drake, P.H. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Drake’s Island: Great Britain local carriage label, off Devon coast.
Drammen: Seaport and seat of Buskerud county, S Norway, at mouth of the Dramselva River on a branch of the Oslo Fjord ca.40 miles SW of Oslo. Site of 19th century local posts established by Borresen, Eckholdt, G. O. Ulleberg, I. B. Hagen, and J. Eriksen (q.v. individual local post entries).
Drammen – Borresen Local Post: Local post established by a Mr. Borresen, with the first 5 øre “Berresens / Bypost / Drammen” typeset red on blue paper local stamp issued 15 June 1888, and with several other handstamped or typographed “Bypost Drammen” or “Drammens post” local stamps depicting a posthorn issued through 1888.
Drammen bypost: Norway local bypost, 1869-88.
Drammen – Eckholdt Local Post: Local post established by a Mr. Eckholdt, with first 2 Skilling “By / Drammen / Post” handstamped blue and dull blue local stamps issued in 1875.
Drammen – G. O. Ulleberg Local Post: Local post established by G. O. Ulleberg, with first “Bypost / Drammens / Bypost” lithographed 2 Skilling pale green local stamp issued 4 May 1869, and with two different designs 1 skilling blue stamps issued later in the month of May. The local post was taken over by I. B. Hagen (q.v.) later in 1869.
Drammen – I. B. Hagen Local Post: Local post established by I. B. Hagen, with first 1 and 2 Skilling “Brevmærke / fra / I. B. Hagen / Bybudkontor” typeset on colored papers local stamps issued in 1868, and numerous other designs typeset, handstamped, and lithographed stamps issued through 1887.
Drammen – J. Eriksen Local Post: Local post established by J. Eriksen, with the first elaborate design “Drammens / By & / Pakkepost // Joh. Eriksen” local stamps depicting a pigeon in flight with a letter issued 15 June 1887, and a later similar-design stamp set issued 1 October 1887.
Drapp: (Hung.) beige (color), see béz.
Drau, S. S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1870s; built for the middle Danube lines.
Draw out: printer’s term for a piece of type “drawn” out of the form by the printing roller, leaving a word with one letter.
Drazba: (Czech.) auction.
DR CDS: auction abbreviation for double-ring circular date stamp.
DRC: Democratic Republic of Congo.
Dr.D.J. & S.: overprint on U.S. Proprietary revenue stamps for Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, first issued July 1, 1898.
Dreierstreifen: (Ger.) auction term for strip of three (connected stamps).
Dresden: city in Germany; inscription on local post stamps, Germany post WW II.
Dresdener Transport und Lagerhaus A.G.: (Ger.) local post, Dresden, Germany 1898-1905.
Drift cards: specially printed Business Reply Card encased in plastic envelopes sent adrift by the National Institute of Oceanography in Jan. 1954 to test Indian Ocean currents.
Drijvende Brandkast: (Dut.) inscription on Marine Insurance stamps, Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies.
Drina, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1870s: built for the Middle Danube lines.
D.R.L.S.: despatch rider letter service.
DRMcL: Donald R. McLeod, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Drobná: (Czech.) minor.
Drobny: (Czech.) very small, tiny.
Drobná Vada Lepu: (Czech.) minor gum fault.
Droits de l’Homme: (Fr.) human rights.
Droits des Pauvres: (Fr.) tax for the poor; French Colony revenue inscription.
Droit fiscal: (Fr.) fiscal tax; French Colony revenue inscription
Droit judiciaires: (Fr.) judicial fees; French Colony revenue inscription.
Droit notarial: (Fr.) notary tax; French Colony revenue inscription.
Dronning: (Nor.) queen.
Dronning Elisabet den annen: (Nor.) Queen Elizabeth II (England), QEII.
Drop: USPS term for lobby slot or opening where customers deposit mail.
Drop addresses: scheme used to circumvent restrictions on mail between countries at war whereby mail from one country to another was routed through a neutral country; address was crossed out and resent to the true destination; also known as undercover addresses.
Drop letter: letter delivered from the same post office where originally posted.
Dropped letter: 1: a missing letter in typesetting caused by letter being lost of broken off during printing. 2: a letter which is out of alignment with rest of letters; usually found in typeset overprints.
Dropped mail: mail dropped from the air for forwarding to destination.
Dropped transfer: an impression on an engraved printing plate occurs when a transfer roll touches the blank plate before being positioned correctly.
Druck: (Ger.) printing.
Druckauflage: (Ger.) printing quantity.
Druckfehler: (Ger.) printing error.
Druckprobe: (Ger.) essay, proof.
Drucksache: (Ger.) printed matter.
Drucksachen & Circularbeförderung: Frankfurt, Germany local, 1886-91.
Druckvermerk: (Ger.) imprint.
Druk-Pu: bogus Bhutan overprint on stamps of India.
Drumso: (Fin.) local post, steamship mail, Finland, 1914-36.
Dryden Brothers: London manufacturer of an embossing press used for cameo stamping.
Dry dock: Bermuda 1902 stamp design given that name because design looks like a dry dock.
Dry print: stamp image or overprint deficient in ink.
Dry printing: printing method which allows the use of heavier, stiffer paper creating a whiter, high-sheen printing surface.
Drying book: after a stamp is soaked from an envelope, the stamp must be dried and pressed flat; the stamp drying book, made of blotting paper, is used for this purpose.
Drzava, Drzavna: Yugoslavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Drzava S.H.S.: Serbs, Hrvats (croats) and Slovenes; inscription on stamps of Yugoslavia for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1918.
DS: date stamp.
DSB: (Dan.) Danske Statsbaner (Danish State Railways).
Dschibuti: (Ger.) Djibouti.
D.S.I.L.: Diritto Sardo Italiane Lire, Italian accountancy mark on mail going to an Austrian territory to indicate amount owed to the Sardinian Post office, result of 1853 treaty between Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia.
DSK: (Ger.) Deutschland-Spezial-Katalog, Michel Germany Specialized catalog.
DT: abbreviation for double transfer.
DTP: Distinguished Topical Philatelist award from the American Topical Association
Dual cancel: two related or unrelated cancellations on a cover, each cancelling a stamp.
Dubai: Persian Gulf Sheikdom, member of United Arab Emirates; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee, 100 dirhams = 1 riyal (1966) 1909, Aug. 19: stamps of India used at Indian post office, 1909-47: stamps of India canceled “Dubai Persian Gulf,” 1947, Oct.-Mar.31, 1948: used stamps of Pakistan, 1948, Apr. 1-Jan. 6, 1961: used stamps of British Postal Agency, 1961, Jan. 7-71: used own stamps inscribed “Trucial States,” 1963, June: British postal agency withdrawn, 1963, June 15: No.1, 1 naye paise blue/carmine rose, first pictorial, air mail, postage due stamps 1964, March: first stamps inscribed “Abu Dhabi,” 1971, Dec. 2: became part of the United Arab Emirates.
Dubbel: (Swed.) double.
Dubbellinjer: (Swed.) double lines.
Dubbelprägling: (Swed.) re-entry.
Dubbeltryck: (Swed.) 1. double print. 2. re-entry.
Duben: (Czech.) April.
Dublin, Wicklow & Wexford Railway: Ireland local post.
Dublu: (Rom.) double.
Dubrovnik: formerly Ragusa, Yugoslavia.
Duc.di.Parma: inscription for Duchy of Parma, Italian States.
Ducie Island, Dependency of: Pitcairn Islands bogus overprint.
Due: (It.) catalogue name given by Stanley Gibbons to Portuguese keytype used for colonial postage dues.
Dues: postage due stamps.
Duckstad: bogus, Donald Duck’s own country; from the Netherlands.
Duck stamps: U.S. Bird Hunting Permit stamps.
Due Grana: (It.) Italian States, Two Sicilies.
Dues stamp: 1: adhesive label to record postage due on delivery because of insufficient payment. 2: stamp that indicates membership dues or fees; may be considered a cinderella.
Duitschoost Afrika Belgische Bezetting: (Ger.) German East Africa overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo, Belgian occupation, 1916-22.
Dukhovstschina: local post, Russian Zemstvo, 1873-82.
Dulac, Edmund: 1882-1953, designer of British stamps including the 1973 Coronation issue.
Dull gum: water activated stamp gum having no light reflective quality, incorrectly referred to as dry gum.
Dulwich mark: double arc dated postmark started in Britain in 1894, used for many years.
Dumbarton & Balloch Railway: Scotland local post.
Dumb cancellation: postmark that shows neither the date nor place of cancellation.
Dumfries Pony Express: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Duminica: (Rom.) Sunday.
Dummy: term usually used for booklets with stamp and cover layout in blank printed outline.
Dummy Stamps: stamp-like labels used for training and test purposes; have no postal validity.
Dunblane Delivery: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Dundee Circular Delivery Co.: local post, Dundee, Great Britain, 1867.
Dunaburg: now known as Daugavpils.
Dundalk, Newry & Greenore Railway: Ireland local post.
Dundee & Arbroadth Joint Railway: Scotland local post.
Dundee Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Dune countries: Trucial States or South Arabian issues, most not listed by Scott.
Dungarpur: Indian State, 1933-47.
Dunham, E. P.: see: Private die match proprietary stamps.
Dunhams Post Office: local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1850-52.
Dunkelgrau: (Ger.) dark/deep grey (color).
Dungarpur: India Feudatory State.
Dunhams Union-Square Post Office: U.S. local handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1850-52.
Dunham, E.P.: matches, private die proprietary stamps.
Dunkelblau: (Ger.) dark blue (color).
Dunlop & Co.’s Express: package delivery service; used a corner card.
Dünn: (Ger.) thin.
DUPL: auction abbreviation for duplication.
Duplex cancel: a two-part cancel, one part containing the postmark, and the other part with the cancellation, first recorded use was in the London District Post, 1853 for stamping “too late” mail.
Duplex paper: two-ply paper; see: Safety paper.
Duplicates: extra copies of stamps that are already in the collection; they should be examined carefully for varieties and variations of color, watermark and perforation.
Dupuy & Schueck: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y.,1846-48.
Durability: paper’s ability to withstand wear and tear; storage and other factors affect durability.
Durando’s Express: local baggage express firm serviced New York City, used a label, year unknown.
Durango: 1. local post, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937. 2. overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Durazzo: (It.) overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices in Turkey postage due, 1909-16, now Durres.
Durcal: local post, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-37.
Durch Eilboten: (Ger.) by means of Special Delivery.
Durch Finnische Feldpost: (Finn.) via Finnish fieldpost.
Durchschnitt: (Ger.) cut.
Durchstich: (Ger.) roulette.
Durfee’s Express: local private firm; unknown area; used a label, year unknown.
Durland Catalog: lists all known plate numbers on U.S. stamps.
Duryea’s Express: local baggage firm serviced New York City and Flushing, Long Island, used a label, year unknown.
Dutch Auction: the item being sold is called out a maximum starting price, and descends by increments until the winning buyer places his bid.
Dutch Flat Express: S. Allan Taylor local fantasy.
Duttia (Datia): India Feudatory State; 1893-21: first local post stamps, 1921: separate stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India.
Duty die: back up die made from the master die, with no country name, figures or other symbols of denomination.
Duty plate: plate used to print the value, or the name and value on stamps; used in conjunction with the head or key plate.
Dvojité, Dvojity: (Czech.) double.
Dvojity Tisk(Czech.) double print.
Dvoupáska: (Czech.) pair.
D.V.R.: Far Eastern Republic overprint on stamps of Russia.
D.W.I.: Danish West Indies.
DX Mail: division of New Zealand Document Exchange, a private postal service that produces its own stamps for various mailing services.
D.Y.: (Turk.) Demir Yol Railroad.
Dyeaskagway: U.S. local post.
Dyp: (Nor.) deep (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Dyp blågrønn: (Nor.) deep blue-green (color).
Dyp fiolett: (Nor.) deep violet (color).
Dyp crønnligblå: (Nor.) deep greenish-blue (color).
Dyp gulgrønn: (Nor.) deep yellow-green (color).
Dyp mørkeblå: (Nor.) deep dark blue (color).
Dyp olivengrønn: (Nor.) deep olive-green (color).
Dyp rosa: (Nor.) deep rose (color).
Dyptrykk: (Nor.) see Trykk – Dyp.
Dyr: (Dan., Swed) expensive.
DZ: Algeria, country code as used by UPU.
Dziedzice: city in former Austrian-occupied Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
