1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Norway, such as N-1390 Vollen, Norway.
2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Regular Issues.
3: abbreviation for normal (price).
4: with eagle and United States of America: New Hampshire Custom House revenue seal.
5: Naira; currency unit in Nigeria; Ngultrum, (Bhutan).
6: pre-adhesive postmark for Nantes (France), Newport (England), Norfolk (England).

NAAFI: 1: Navy, Army and Air Forces Institutes, British equivalent of the American post exchange stores. 2: British forces in the Canal Zone used NAAFI (Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes) seals to send mail at reduced rates, 1932-36.
NA&NE: North American and North Europe (Sp.) 1830-63.
Nabha: India Convention State, southeastern Punjab; 1885: Nabha State overprint on stamps of India valid throughout Indian Empire, 1885: No.1, ½ anna green, first official stamp, 1950, Apr.1: Republic of India stamps used, 1950, Dec. 31: convention states stamps no longer valid, 1951, Jan. 1: overprint on stamps of British India for use to any point in British India.
Nacervenaly: (Czech.) reddish (color).
Nach Abgang der Post: (Ger.) after postal departure.
Nachart-Ghedid: city in Egypt, 1880, See Interpostal Seals.
Nachdruck: (Ger.) reprint.
Nachfrankatur: (Ger.) postage stamps added to cover postage due.
Nachgebühr: (Ger.) postage due handstamp, usually in red ink.
Nachgravierung: (Ger.) re-entry.
Nachgummiert: (Ger.) regummed.
Nachicevan: labels from part of Azerbaijan, political statement by then president Alier Chaw.
Nachläufer: (Ger.) stamp postally used after it ceased to be valid.
Nachmarke: (Ger.) with value, postage due overprint on stamps of Austria.
Nachnahme: (Ger.) cash on delivery, C.O.D.
Nach Porto:
 “After postage” inscription on postage due stamps of Liechtenstein.
Nachportomarke: (Ger.) postage due stamp.
Nachträglich entwertet: (Ger.) stamped letter not cancelled at post office of origin, but canceled at a postal facility afterwards.
Nachträglich zur beförderung freigegeben: (Ger.) released for delayed delivery.
Nachzahlungsgebühr: (Ger.) postage due.
Naciones Unidas: (Sp.) United Nations.
Nadelstich: (Ger.) pin hole.
Nådendal: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890-1900.
Nadorp: Donald Evans issue, Holland; See Evans, Donald.
Nádrazí: (Czech.) railroad station, railway station, train station.
Nadruck: “reprint” Netherlands, 1852. Nagaland: India propaganda label prepared for a seceding state that was unable to secede
Nagorno-Karabakh: cinderella local post for disputed enclave in Azerbaijan that declared independence in 1992.
Några: (Swed.) few.
Nagybritannia: (Hung.) Great Britain. Nagybritannia Gyarmatai: (Hung.) British Colonies.
Nagybritannia Terúletei: (Hung.) Great Britain post offices abroad.
Nai-Kiang: Southwest China local post, 1950.
Naira: currency unit in Nigeria.
Nakada: city in Egypt, 1884, See Interpostal Seals.
Nakfa: currency unit in Eritrea.
Nakhichevan: autonomous enclave in Azerbaijan.
Náklad: (Czech.) printing.
Nálepkou: (Czech.) stamp hinge
Nálepky: (Czech.) stamp hinges.
Nålestik: (Dan.) pin hole.
Nålestikk: (Nor.) pin hole.
Nålstick: (Swed.) pin hole.
Name block: U.S. Overrun Countries issues have names of each country in the selvage, blocks of stamps bearing those country names are known as name blocks.
Name Sale: auction catalog that features a person’s name or the topic of the sale.
Name tablet: part of the plate that prints the country name.
Namibia: southwestern Africa on Atlantic Ocean, formerly South West Africa; official name of postal administration: Namibia Post currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 rand (1961), 100 cents = 1 dollar (1993) 1923:, Jan. 2: “Zuid-West Afrika” overprint on stamps of South Africa, 1926: “South West Africa” and “Suidwes-Afrika” overprint on stamps of South Africa, 1990, Mar.21: first stamp issue for Namiba, 1992, April 30: joined the UPU, see South West Africa.
Namibie: (Fr.) Namibia. Namsos Bypost: city in Norway, local post, 1888-89.
Namodraly: (Czech.) bluish (color).
Namsos: Seaport in Nord-Trøndelag county, N central Norway, on the N shore at head of the Namsen Fjord ca.330 miles N of Oslo. Local Post established by W. B. Bogh, with set-of-4 2, 4, 8, and 10 øre “Namsos / Bypost” lithographed local stamps depicting a fish issued 5 July 1888, and with the 8 and 10 øre values of the set being surcharged with new values issued in March 1889. The stamps are cancelled with a double-ring violet “Namsos-Bypost” circular datestamps having a date. The local post ceased operations effective 30 June 1889.
N & C. (Newbauer & Co.): See Private die match proprietary stamps.
Nandgaon (Nandgam): India Feudatory State; 1892, Feb.: first local stamps, 1893: first official stamps, 1895, July: stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India.
Nanking: city on south bank of Yangtze River, about 200 miles above Shanghai; 1858: treaty port, 1896-97: local stamp, 1912: stamps of China overprinted “Republic of China” for Nanking, 1941, Dec. 23-1945: special stamps issued under Japanese occupation, 1944: stamps issued for government of Nanking, 1994: stamps surcharged for North China.
Nanumaga: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nanumaga.
Nanumea: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nanumea.
Na Oswiate: “For Public Instruction” inscription on stamps of Poland semi-postal.
Naoua: city in Egypt, 1879-80, See Interpostal Seals.
Nap, Napli: Naples (Italy) pre-adhesive postmark.
Naphthadag: a trade name for a composition of Naphtha and Deflocculated Acheson’s Graphite, used for graphite lines printed on the back of some British stamps used in connection with automatic sorting experiments, 1957.
Naples: coastal city in lower portion of Italy; currency: 200 tornesi = 100 grana = 1 ducat 1816: part of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, Italian States, 1858, Jan. 1: both parts, Naples and Sicily, issued their own stamps, 1860, Nov. 6: stamps issued for Naples and Sicily under control of Gen. Garibaldi, 1861, Feb. 15: stamps issued by the provinces of Naples and Sicily, 1862: stamps of Italy used, annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia. see Sicily
Napoli: (It.) Naples.
NAPT: National Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis of Great Britain, semi-postal.
Nära klippt: (Swed.) cut close, cut to design.
Narancs: (Hung.) orange (color).
Narancssárga: (Hung.) orange-yellow (color).
Narcotic tax stamps: “Narcotics” overprint on conventional U. S. revenue stamps used on shipments of opium, coca leaves, etc., denominated in currency, 1919-71.
Narod sobé: (Czech.) “Nation for Itself” label for Czech national theater, 1860s.
Narrow stamp: slightly small size perforated stamp caused by the action of multiple comb perforating machinery; found at intervals of eleven rows in the Union of South Africa rotogravure stamps.
Naruzovely: (Czech.) pinkish (color).
Nashville, Tenn.: See Confederate States of America, 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Nashville, T, Tenn. Paid 5: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Na Skarb Narodowy: (Pol.) “For National Funds” Poland semi-postal.
Na Slask: “For Silesia” surcharge/overprint on semi-postal stamps of Central Lithuania to finance plebiscite in Upper Silesia after WW I.
Natal: former British Crown Colony on southern coast of Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1844: annexed to the Cape Colony, private posts by the American Missionary Service, 1846: ship Natal Witness carried mail to Durban and Pietermaritzburg, 1849: overland post operated every two week to Colesburg and the Cape, 1850, Feb.1: inland horse post began, 1856: became a separate colony, 1857, May 26: No.1, 3 pence rose, first stamps, 1860s: regular monthly sailings to the Cape and England, 1864-68: route to Mauritius established, 1870s: link to Zanzibar and Aden, 1872: regular packet services began from the Cape to Durban, 1879: Zulu War, Zululand annexed to colony, 1880s: inland railways carried mail, 1881: Boer invasion, 1900: Boers expelled from colony, 1903: areas of Transvaal added to territory, 1904: first official stamp, 1910: united with Cape of Good Hope, Orange Free State and the Transvaal to form the Union of South Africa.
Natalizia: (It.) Christmas, used on semi-postals with Beneficenza.
National Air Mail Week: US Post Office campaign to promote use of air mail, May 15-21, 1938.
National Association of Letter Carriers: U.S. letter carriers union.
National Bank Note Company: U.S. security printers produced U.S. stamps from April 1870 to May 1, 1873, when Continental Bank Note Co. took it over.
National Cash Register Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1930-83, discontinued postage meters for commercial use in 1960.
National Circular Delivery Co.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
National Dog Week: cinderella showing dog with Red Cross pack, made during Korean conflict.
Nationaler Verwaltungs Ausschuss 10.XI.1943: {Ger.) “National Administration Committee”; overprint on stamps of Montenegro, German occupation of Montenegro, 1943.
National Express Company: private mail and parcel firm serviced northeastern states on the Canadian border and Montreal and Quebec, Canada; used corner cards, complimentary franks, passes, labels and stamps; 1854-1918.
National Firearms Act: overprint on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1917.
National Foreign Trade Council’s Convention: poster stamp, San Francisco, 1920 convention.
National Forest Recreation Fees: inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, 1985-88.
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam: South Vietnam fighters supporting North Vietnam; stamps inscribed Mat Tran Dan Toc Giai, 1963, Oct. 5: first stamps see Viet Nam, South.
National Government of Azerbaijan, 11th May 1945: overprint for Province of Iran, occupied by Russia May 1945 to March 1946.
National issue: stamps printed by the National Bank Note Co., 1870-71.
Nationalist: government of Spain during the Spanish civil war.
Nationalist China: See China, Republic of.
Nationalize Your Mail: postal slogan of the National Postal Meter Co.
National Label Co.: subcontractor to 3M for printing the 1994 Eagle stamp.
National Match Co.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
National One Cent Letter Postage Association: group that wanted the U.S. First Class letter rate lowered from 2¢ to 1¢, founded by Charles W. Burrows in 1912, closed in 1925.
National Overseas Bank: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1964.
National Postage Meter Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1932-44, changed name to Commercial Controls Corp. in 1944.
National Postal Museum: part of the Smithsonian Institutions, First Street and Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Washington, D. C.
National release: term for USPS new issue available throughout nation.
National Return-Letter Ass’n.: group issued serially numbered labels, sold to the public; labels placed on letters prior to mailing; when undeliverable mail was returned to the Association these letters were forwarded to the sender under separate cover.
Nationalozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Parte (NSDAP): {Ger.) “Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party”, inscription on stamps of Germany as a franchise issue, 1938.
National Stamp Collecting Month: (NSCM) U.S.P.S. activity program to promote stamp collecting in schools celebrated every October.
National Telephone Co.: stamp of British private telegraph company.
National Versammlung: {Ger.) “National Assembly” inscription on stamps of Germany 1919, to honor the Weimar Assembly.
National Wholesale Liquor Dealers Association of America: cinderella stamp used as dues payment receipt by the association.
Nation of Celestial Space (Celestia): outer space fantasy from Illinois, 1970s.
Nations Cup: a philatelic tournament between teams of different countries.
Nations Unies: (Fr.) United Nations, Offices in Geneva.
Nations Unies Helvetia: (Fr.) Switzerland, United Nations Offices, 1955 to Oct. 4, 1969; replaced by the U.N. Geneva Office issues.
Nations Unies Office Européen: (Fr.) “United Nations European Office”, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for United Nations officials, 1950.
Native paper: handmade paper produced locally, usually tough and fibrous, but naturally varies in texture and thickness.
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Naufragiat: (Rom.) shipwreck.
Naumberg/Saale: city in Germany, local post, 1945-48.
Naumburg (Saale): city in Germany, Courier local post, 1893.
Nauru: island in the west central Pacific Ocean, between Midway and Solomon Islands; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar (1966) 1905: first post office for stamps of Marshall Islands, 1915, Nov: occupied by Allied Forces, administrated by Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand, stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands,” 1916, Sep. 2: No.1, ½ penny green, mandated to the British, with British, Australian and New Zealand administration, British stamps overprinted “NAURU,” 1924: first stamps issued; Australia assumed mandate of island, 1942: occupied by Japan, 1947: placed under United Nations Trusteeship, administered by Australia, 1968, Jan. 31: became a republic within British Commonwealth, 1969, April 17: joined the UPU, 1995, Sept. 1: first semipostal; see North West Pacific Islands.
Nauru: Disappearing Island inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Navanagar: See Nowanugger.
Navarcles: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican,1937.
Navarre: 1: Spanish Basque province issued Carlist stamps, with Don Carlos’ portrait, 1873. 2: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Navas: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Navas de la Concepcion: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Navas de San Juan: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican,1937.
Nave: (It.) ship.
Navire: (Fr.) ship; used as a cancel for paquebot mail.
Navmis: handstamp; See U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil.
Návrh: (Czech.) design.
Návrh Známky: (Czech.) stamp design.
Navy Club: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1967.
Navy Dep’t.: U.S. Officials, specimen overprints from the Centennial exposition in Philadelphia.
Nawab: Indian States term for the Moslem ruler of an Indian State.
Nawabshah Jahanbecam: India, Bhopal State.
Nawanagar: India Feudatory State; 1877: first local stamps, 1895: stamps discontinued, now uses stamps of Republic of India.
Naxcivan: inscription on illegal issue of Azerbaijan, reported to the UPU July 26, 1999; not valid for postage.
Naya Paisa: currency unit in Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Bahrain, India.
Nazali-Ganoub: city in Egypt, 1879-80, See Interpostal Seals.
Název Vydání: (Czech.) name of a stamp issue.
Nazioni Unite: (It.) United Nations.
Nazloutly: (Czech.) yellowish (color).
NB: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Semi-postal.
N.B.: 1794-96; New Brunswick (Canada) pre-adhesive postmark.
NC: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Airmail. 2: USPS abbreviation for North Carolina. 3: no cachet on cover.
NCB: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Airmail (Montenegro).
N.C.E.: 1: (Fr.) Nouvelle-Caledonie surcharge on stamps of French Colonies for New Caledonia, 1881-93. 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Airmail Special Delivery (Yugoslavia).
NCLWM: National Card and Letter Writing Month, USPS promotion for greeting cards, takes place every April, started in 1941.
ND: 1: USPS abbreviation for North Dakota. 2: (Fr.) non dentale; imperforate.
N.D. Hrvatska: Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska, inscription on private triangular labels often mistaken for a Croatian Government in Exile, 1952.
N.D. Hrvatska Ratni Doprinos: Nezavisna Drzava, inscription on postal tax stamps issued by Croatia, 1944.
NDL: See Norddeutscher Lloyd.
NE: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Special Delivery. 2: USPS abbreviation for Nebraska.
Neale, Thomas: appointed first American colonial Deputy Postmaster General in charge of all mails arriving from overseas, 1691.
Neapel: (Dan., Ger.) Naples.
Neapolitan Provinces: part of attempt to create a unified Italy; 19th century: formed from the Kingdom of Naples and parts of southern Italy, 1861, Feb.: stamps featured King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia, 1862: Mar.: stamps replaced by those of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Neath & Brecon Railway: Wales railway local post.
Neb.: abbreviation for Nebraska prior to Zip Code usage.
Neba, Nebb: (Resembles these letters) currency in Bulgaria.
Nebenstempel: (Ger.) auxiliary, secondary postmark.
Nebr.: United States protective overprint for use in Nebraska.
Nebraska: U.S. territory May 30, 1854, state Feb. 9, 1867 made from Pubic Domain territory.
Nedanför: (Swed.) below.
Ned. Antillen: (Dut.) Netherlands Antilles.
Nedantelat: (Rom.) imperforated.
Nedantelat pe o parte: (Rom.) imperforated on one side.
Nedele: (Czech.) Sunday.
Nederland: (Dut.) Netherlands.
Nederlända Antiller: (Swed.) the Netherlands Antilles.
Nederlända Ny Guinea: (Swed.) Dutch New Guinea.
Nederlandene: (Dan.) Netherlands, Holland
Nederlanderne: (Nor.) Netherlands, Holland.
Nederländerna: (Swed.) Netherlands, Holland.
Nederland Post Zegel: (Dut.) essay, or cinderella, produced by Francois Georges Oscar Berger-Levrault in the1864 of stamps of Holland.
Nederlandsch Indie: full name for Japanese occupation of Lesser Sunda Islands.
Nederlandsch Indie, Neder.Indie., Indie: inscription on stamps of Dutch East Indies for use outside of the islands of Java and Madura.
Nederländska Ostindien: (Swed.) Netherlands East Indies, Dutch East Indies.
Nederlandske Antiller: (Dan.) Netherlands Antilles, see Hollandske Antiller.
Nederlandske skeppspost: (Swed.) Netherlands (Dutch) ship mail (ship post).
Nederlandske skibspost: (Dan.) Netherlands (Dutch) ship mail (ship post).
Nederlandske skipspost: (Nor.) Netherlands (Dutch) ship mail (ship post).
Nederlandsk Indien: (Dan., Nor.) Dutch (East) Indies, see Hollandsk Indien.
Nederlandsk Ny Guinea: (Dan., Nor.) Dutch New Guinea, see Hollandsk Ny Guinea.
Ned(erlands) Nieuw Guinea: (Dut.) Netherlands New Guinea.
Nederlandse (Ned.) Antillen: (Dut.) Netherlands Antilles inscription replacing Curaçao after 1949.
Nederl-Indie: Netherlands Indies, 1864-1949.
Ned-Indie: overprint/surcharge, Netherlands Indies, July 1, 1900.
Nedre: (Dan.) bottom, lower (side).
Negara Repoeblik Indonesia: Sumatra local post, Indonesia.
Negative postmark: where the text is formed by the uninked portion of the postal marking.
Negerkysten: (Dan., Nor.) Niger Coast.
Négociant: (Fr.) dealer.
Neg(e)ri Sembilan: on west coast of Malay Peninsula; (located in Scott Catalogue after Malaya); 1874: under British protection, 1891: No.1, 2¢ rose, first issue; Negri Sembilan and N. Sembilan inscription on stamps of Straits Settlements; 1895: joined the Federated Malay States, 1900-35: used stamps of the Federated Malay states, 1935, Dec. 2-1936: name Malaya used on stamps; 1942: issued under Japanese occupation, Japanese characters and “Dai Nippon 2602 Malaya” (Japanese Postal Service 1942 Malaya), 1948, Dec. 1: first stamp, 1957: stamps of Malayan Federation used along with those of Negri Sembilan,, 1963, Sept.: became state of the Federation of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: used designs of Johore, inscribed Negri Sembilan, 1968, Apr. 8: stamps of Malaysia inscribed Negeri Sembilan..
Negerkysten: (Dan., Nor.) Niger Coast.
Negricios: (Rom.) blackish (color).
Negro: (Sp.) black (color).
Negru: (Rom.) black (color).
Negru de fum: (Rom.) smokey-black (color).
Negru-oliv: (Rom.) olive-black (color).
Negru-violet: (Rom.) violet-black (color).
Négy: (Hung.) four (number).
Negyven: (Hung.) forty (number).
N.E.I.: Netherlands East Indies.
Nejd: “high land” located in the central part of Asia; WW I-pre: kingdom under Turkish control, 1916: stamps issued, 1925, Mar. 23: No.1, 5 paras ocher, overprint on stamps of Turkey and Hejaz, 1925, Dec. 23: conquered Hejaz, 1926: stamps of the Kingdom of Hejaz-Nejd used, 1932: name changed to Saudi Arabia; see Hejaz-Nejd.
Nekleh: city in Egypt, 1880, See Interpostal Seals.
Nelson’s College: Cincinnati, Ohio; used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter.
Nemecko: (Czech.) Germany.
Nemecky: (Czech.) German.
Német: (Hung.) German.
Németország: (Hung.) Germany.
Nem Fogazott (also Vágott): (Hung.) imperforate.
Nem Fordul Elo: (Hung.) does not exist, non-existent.
Nemzeti Repulöalap: (Hung.) label for National Air Foundation fund raising.
Nene Valley Railway: British railway that printed stamps for mail carried on their trains to post offices.
Nennwert: (Ger.) denomination, face value.
Neobliterat: (Rom.) unused, mint.
Neostyle Patent: bogus label, unknown origin.
Néo-Zélandais: (Fr.) New Zealander.
Nepal: in Himalaya Mountains; currency: 4 pice = 1 anna, 16 annas = 1 rupee, 100 paisa = 1 rupee (1958) 1816: British post office opened, 1854: used stamps of India, overseas mail sent via British legation or Indian embassy, 1878: runners carried mail from 40 post offices, 1881, May: No.1, 1 anna ultramarine, issued first stamps which were only valid for delivery within the country, 1889: postal cards issued, 1948: motor transport carried mail 1956, Oct. 11: joined the UPU, 1958, Oct. 16: first air mail stamp, 1959, Apr.: Nepal stamps valid to all parts of the world, Indian stamps no longer required, 1959, Nov. 1: first official stamp, put up exchange offices on the Indian border, 1966: British post office that opened in 1816, closed in 1966.
Ne Pas Affranchir: (Fr.) no stamp necessary; prepaid.
Ne Pas Livrer le Dimanche: “Do not deliver on Sunday” tab on Belgium stamps.
Nepouzitá s Nálepkou Nebo Stopou: (Czech.) mint, hinged.
Nepouzitá Svezí Bez Nálepky: (Czech.) mint, never hinged.
Nepouzitá Známka s Puvodním Lepem Bez Nálepky Nebo Stopy po Nálepce: (Czech.) mint, never hinged; stamp with original gum having no trace of hinging.
Nepriklausoma Lietuva 1941 VI 23: overprint on stamps of Russia, Lithuania, under German occupation.
Népszavazási: (Hung.) plebiscite territories.
Népszavazási Területek: (Hung.) plebiscite.
Neptune Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nerazítkovany: (Czech.) unused.
Nerja: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937-38.
Nero: (It.) black (color).
Nerva: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Nesbitt envelopes: made by the George F. Nesbitt Co., New York, produced U.S. envelopes from 1853 to 1870.
Nesvos: See Lesbos.
Net: term used when buying stamps; no deductions or discounts of any kind are allowed when this word appears.
Netherlands: country on the North Sea on north-west Europe; official name of postal administration: PTT Post currency: 100 cents = 1 guilden (florin), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1852, Jan.1: No.1, 5¢ light blue, issued first stamps, without name of country, 1867: name (Nederland) first appeared, 1870, May 15: first postage due stamp, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, includes Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, 1906, Dec. 21: first semipostal stamp, 1913: first official stamp, 1919: Royal Dutch Airline (KLM) established with direct routes, 1921, May 1: first air mail stamp, 1934: overprinted stamps for International Court of Justice at the Hague released, withdrawn during WW II, re-released in 1947, 1940, May: Germany invaded; stamps inscribed “Nederland” issued without the Queen’s head, 1944: printed on back “Priss 15 cent Toeslag ten Bate Ned. Roode Kruis” sold at exhibition with surtax going to the Red Cross, 1944, June 15: Dutch government in exile issued stamp for use by Dutch nationals serving on Dutch ships, released May 1945 for homeland, not valid for postage until April 1, 1946. Netherlands Antilles: (Curaçao) two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea; consists of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and ½ of St. Martin; currency: 100 cents = 1 guilder 1807: British post office, 1825: first official Dutch government post office opened at Willemstad, 1825-34: Netherlands Royal packet operated between Hellevoetsluis and Willemstad, 1842-54: mail sent into the British packet system, 1854-85: Royal Mail Steam Packet Company operated a regular postal service, routed via Southampton, 1873, May 28: No.1, 2 ½¢ green, first stamps inscribed “Curacao” 1877: Curaçao joined the UPU, 1889: first postage due stamp, 1929, July 1: first air mail stamp, 1940s: stamps inscribed “Ned Antillen” or “Nederlandse Antillen,” 1947, Dec.1: first semipostal stamp, 1948: Ned(erlandse) Antillen appeared on all stamps, 1954: Constitution declared territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1986, Jan. 1: Aruba had separate status within Kingdom and issued own stamps.
Netherlands Antilles: (Curaçao) two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea; consists of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and ½ of St. Martin; 1807: British post office, 1825: first official Dutch government post office opened at Willemstad, 1825-34: Netherlands Royal packet operated between Hellevoetsluis and Willemstad, 1842-54: mail sent into the British packet system, 1854-85: Royal Mail Steam Packet Company operated a regular postal service, routed via Southampton, 1873, May 28: first stamps inscribed “Curacao” 1877: Curaçao joined the UPU, 1889: first postage due stamp, 1929, July 1: first air mail stamp, 1940s: stamps inscribed “Ned Antillen” or “Nederlandse Antillen,” 1947, Dec.1: first semi-postal stamp, 1948: Ned(erlandse) Antillen appeared on all stamps, 1954: Constitution declared it part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1986, Jan. 1: Aruba had separate status within Kingdom and issued own stamps.
Netherlands Colonies: 1877, May 1: became affiliated with the UPU, 1922, Jan. 1: added Curaçao, Surinam and Netherlands Indies to UPU affiliation.
Netherlands Indies: former Dutch colonial possessions in the East Indies; currency: 100 cents = 1 gulden, 100 sen = 1 rupiah (1949) 1786: Steam packets traveled between Amsterdam and Batavia via the Cape, 1811: handstamps known during British period, 1845: first postage due stamp issued, 1864, Apr. 1: No.1, 10¢ lake, first stamps issued, 1911, Oct. 1: first official stamp issued, 1915, June10: first semipostal stamp issued, 1921, Nov. 1: Marine Insurance stamps issued, 1928, Sept. 20.: first air mail stamp issued, KLM service started, 1941-45: Japanese occupation, 1943, Mar. 9 – 44: Japanese occupation stamps issued for Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaya, Malucca Archipelago, South Borneo, and Sumatra, 1945, Aug: Nationalists (Indonesian Republic) stamp issued, not recognized by the Dutch, 1945, Sept.: British troops accepted surrender from local republic, 1946: Dutch troops took over, 1947, March 27: Indonesian Republic established, 1948-49: changed name to Indonesia; inscription used on stamps, 1949, Dec. 28: became Republic of the United States of Indonesia, 1950, Jan. 17: first stamp as Republik Indonesia Serikat, (overprint RIS-United States of Indonesia), 1950, Aug. 15: became Republic of Indonesia, 1950, Aug. 17: first stamps as Republic of Indonesia, 1954, Aug. 10: dissolved as part of Netherlands-Indonesia Union; see Indonesia, Republic.
Netherland East Indies: also known as East Indies.
Netherlands Indies: See Japanese Naval Control Area.
Netherlands New Guinea: western half of New Guinea; currency: 100 cents = 1 gulden 1828: became Dutch possession, administered from the Moluccas, 1950-pre: stamps of Netherlands Indies used, 1950, Jan. 1: No.1, 1¢ slate-blue, stamps issued, 1953, Feb. 9: first semipostal stamp, 1957: first postage due stamp, 1962, Oct. 1: United Nations administration as West Irian, stamps overprinted “UNTEA,” 1963, May 1: became part of the Republic of Indonesia, see West Irian, West New Guinea.Net Price: used in sales book and literature by sellers when pricing stamps.
Net price: used in sales book and literature by sellers when pricing stamps.
NetStamps: Internet postage that permits customers to print sheets of individual “stamps” for use like regular postage.
Netteté: (Fr.) clearness (impression).
Netto: 1: specialized catalogue of Austria. 2: (Ger.) net (price).
Netto fouri e sporco dentro: {It.) “Clean outside and dirty inside,” Italian marking on disinfected mail.
Nettokatalog: (Ger.) stamp catalog at net prices.
Network Overprint / Underprint: design made up of wavy lines produced by a machine and printed on blank paper to produce “safety paper” as an additional measure to prevent counterfeiting; when printed on an already existing stamp it was called an “overprint.”
Netzschkau: city in Germany, Express-Packet-Verkehr, local post, 1891.
Netzschkau-Reichenbach: city in Germany, local post, 1945-48.
Netzunterdruck: (Ger.) burelage, a fine overall network of dots or lines printed on the surface of stamps in addition to the stamps design. This is usually done to discourage counterfeiting.
Neuauflage: (Ger.) new printing, reissue.
Neubrandenburg: city in Germany, Polish officers camp local post, 1944.
Neudorf: (Ger.) Wiener Neudorf, pre-adhesive postmark.
Neudruck (ND): (Ger.) reprint.
Neue Republik in Sudafrika: South African fantasy.
Neuf: (timbre) (Fr.) mint (stamp).
Neuf sans charnière: (Fr.) never hinged.
Neuf sans gomme: (Fr.) no gum, the stamp has no sign of gum.
Neu-Groschen: (Ger.) currency unit in Saxony.
Neuheiten: (Ger.) new issues
Neu-Kreuzer: currency unit in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Neupotrebeny: (Czech.) unobliterated.
NeuSchottland: (Ger.) Nova Scotia.
Neu Seeland: (Ger.) New Zealand.
Neutral: having a pH of 7.0, neither acidic or alkaline.
Neu Ulm: city in Germany, displaced person camp local post, 1949.
Nev.: abbreviation for Nevada prior to Zip Code usage.
Nevada: U.S. territory March 2, 1861, state Oct. 31, 1864; taken from Utah Territory.
Never hinged (NH): 1: term meaning that the stamp has never been hinged and has the original gum in post office condition. 2: Postfrisch (Ger.), Neuf sans Charnière (Fr.), Illinguellato (It.), Nuevo con Goma sin Señal de Charnela (Sp.).
Névérték: (Hung.) face value (of stamps).
Nevis: part of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla in the Leeward Islands, Caribbean; currency: 12 pence -= 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 euro dollar (2002) 1852: handstamp “Paid at Nevis” used, 1858: British stamps with cancel A 09, 1861: No.1, 1 penny lake rose, first stamps as Nevis, 1882: united to St. Kitts as one presidency of the Leeward Islands colony, 1890, Oct. 31: Nevis stamps discontinued, replaced by general issue of Leeward Islands, 1903: merged with St. Kitts, stamps of Leeward Islands also valid in Nevis, 1952: first stamps inscribed “St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla,” 1956: Leeward Islands issues discontinued, St. Kitts-Nevis stamps used, 1967: became federation with Anguilla, 1980, Mar.1: first stamps solely for Nevis, official stamps, 1980, June: Nevis, as a dependency of St. Christopher issued its own stamps, 1980, July 30: first official stamp, 1983: St. Kitts-Nevis became an independent state.
Nevydany: (Czech.) unissued.
Nevydaná Známka: (Czech.) unissued stamp.
Newark: New Jersey; See City Letter Express Mail, Mustang Express, Rogers’ Penny Post.
New Atlantis: bogus label for floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean, 1965.
New Britain: south Pacific Ocean, 1884: island of Neu-Pommern, part of former German New Guinea; WWI: captured by Australian troops and named New Britain; 1914, Oct. 17: No.1, 1 penny on 3 pfennings brown, G.R.I. surcharge on stamps of Deutsche Neu Guinea (German New Guinea), 1915: first official stamps with surcharge G.R.I. and O.S., 1920: mandated to Australia as part of the Mandated Territory of New Guinea, WW II: occupied by Japan, now part of Papua New Guinea, 1947: U.N. Trust territory under Australian administration; see New Guinea, German, New Guinea and North West Pacific Islands.
New Brooklyn Express Co.: private mail firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y.; used a label, 1889?
New Brunswick: Canadian province, Eastern Canada; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1860) 1784: formerly part of Nova Scotia, became separate province, 1785-1851: under control of London GPO, 39 numerals assigned, 1851, Sep.5: No.1, 3 pence red, first stamps issued, diamond shaped designs, 1851-67: used oval grid of lines as postmark, 1867, July 1: joined the Canadian Confederation, see Canada.
New Caledonia: island group located about 900 miles east of Australia; south Pacific Ocean; currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFP franc 1859: No.1, 10 centimes black, first local stamps, not valid for postage outside the island, 1862: followed by overprints on general issues for French colonies, 1876: stamp supply ran out and special cachets were applied to outgoing mail, 1882-83: regular mail service began when Messageries Maritimes extended to Noumea, 1892: Commerce and Navigation key type issues, used in the Loyalty Islands, Isle of Pines and Wallis and Futuna until 1920, 1903: first postage due stamp, 1915: first semipostal stamp, country had 54 post offices, 1942: Free French overprints, Allied forces post offices, 1938: first air mail stamp, 1959: first official stamp.
New Carlisle, Town of: located in the province of Quebec; 1851, Apr.7: postmaster’s provisional envelope considered first item of Canada.
New Cedi: currency unit in Ghana.
New Earth (Island): bogus Russian republic, not valid for postage.
New England Despatch Co.: parcel firm serviced New England and Canada; used a label; year unknown.
Newfoundland: island in Atlantic Ocean, off coast of Canada; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1866) 1840: regular packets to Halifax established for mail from Britain, 1855-1933: self-governing Dominion of British Empire, 1857, Jan. 1: No.1, 1 penny brown-violet, first stamps issued, 1919, April 12: first air mail stamp, many attempts to cross Atlantic by air, 1933: became a Crown Colony, 1939: first postage due stamp, 1949, April 1: Newfoundland joined Canada, used Canadian stamps, see Canada.
Newfoundland: Princess Elizabeth with a fez, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Newfoundland: Seal Cull inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Newfoundland Aerial Service: bogus; inscription on an unissued airmail stamp essay produced by A. C. Roessler in 1931.
New Granada: name of Colombia before 1862.
New Greece: name given to areas of Turkey occupied by Greece; included Macedonia, Epirus and some Aegean islands; 1912: “Greek Administration” overprint on stamps of Greece in Greek
New Guinea: located in the South Pacific Ocean, north of Australia; 1925: first stamps, first official stamps, inscribed “Territory of New Guinea,” 1931, June: first air mail stamp; See New Guinea, British; New Guinea, German; New Guinea, West; Netherlands New Guinea, North West Pacific Islands, and Papua and New Guinea.
New Guinea: Aerobatic Squadron inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
New Guinea, British: eastern half of island of New Guinea, former name for Papua; 1883, Apr. 4: annexed by Queensland, 1886: monthly steamer service carried mail and supplies to and from the protectorate, 1888, Sep. 4: made protectorate of British New Guinea, post offices opened at Port Moresby and Samarai, 1888: cancels were barred ovals with letters NG or BNG, along with a dated stamp, 1892: joined UPU, 1901, July 1: first stamps issued, 1902: Australia assumed responsibility of area, 1906, Sep. 1: name changed to Territory of Papua; see New Guinea, German; New Guinea, West; and Papua New Guinea.
New Guinea, German: eastern portion of the island of New Guinea; former German protectorate made up of part of New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago, 1884: Germany annexed northern area of island of New Guinea, used German stamps, 1885: German colonial stamps used, boundaries of Dutch, German and British spheres settled, 1897-1919: German colonial stamps used, overprinted or inscribed “Deutsch Neu-Guinea,” 1900: first stamps issued, 1906, Nov. 8: British New Guinea stamps overprinted, 1914: occupied by Allied Forces, placed under Australian administration, renamed New Britain 1914, Oct: overprint “GRI” with value, on German colonial stamps, 1914, Dec.: overprinted stamps of Marshall Islands used, 1915: first official stamps with surcharge G.R.I. and O.S., 1915, Mar.: stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands” for use in Nauru and German New Guinea, 1920: mandated to Australia by League of Nations, issued stamps as territory of New Guinea, currently part of Papua New Guinea. 1925: first stamps, first official stamps, inscribed “Territory of New Guinea,” 1931, June: first air mail stamp, 1942: Japanese invasion, Australia and New Zealand forces post offices used in New Guinea, 1945, Oct. 30: civil administration restored; trust territory combined Papua and New Guinea; See New Guinea, British; New Guinea, West; and Papua and New Guinea.
New Guinea, West: formerly Netherlands New Guinea 1962, Oct.1-May 1, 1963: under United Nations administration, first stamps.
New Hampshire: 1: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 2: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
New Haven & N.Y. Exp. Post: S. Allan Taylor label.
New Haven (Conn.) postmasters’ provisional: envelope issued by postmaster E. A. Mitchell to prepay postage, 1845.
New Hebrides: 1: Australasian New Hebrides Co., local post, 1897-99. 2: Syndicat Français, local post, may be bogus, 1903.
New Hebrides, British and French: group of islands in the South Pacific; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 centimes = 1 Hebrides franc (1971) 1888: first stamps of New South Wales, 1888: a feeder contact was established between the group and Sydney which connected to French and British services to Europe, stamps of New South Wales or France used, postmarked Sydney or Noumea, 1892: Australian New Hebrides Company and French firm took over postal deliveries, 1903-05: firms went bankrupt and New Caledonia postal administration took over, 1908, Oct.: British; first stamps, stamps of Fiji overprinted New Hebrides Condominium, issued by Great Britain, overprint “New Hebrides Condominium” in English, 1908, Oct.: French; first stamps, stamps of Nouvellees Caledonie overprinted New Hebrides Condominium, issued by France, overprint “Nouvelles Hebrides,” and “Nouvelles Hebrides Condominium” in French, 1908: French: No.1, 5 centimes green, 1909: British: No.1, ½ penny gray-green, 1911, July 25: joint issue had coats of arms of both countries, British stamps had value in British currency on the right, and the French currency value on the left; positions reversed on the French stamps, French issue watermarked R F in sheet, 1925, June: British; first postage due stamp, British issue with “Postage Due” overprint, 1925: French; first postage due stamp, “Chiffre Taxe” overprint, “Timbre-Taxe” used after 1953, 1941: “France Libre” overprint on Nouvelles Hebrides stamps, 1953, Apr. 30: British; inscription “Condominium New Hebrides,” 1953: French; inscription “Condominium des Nouvelles Hebrides,” 1980, June 30: became independent as the Republic of Vanuatu; see Vanuatu.
New Hebrides Condominum: See New Hebrides, British and French.
New Iceland: name given to Icelandic community in Canada, 1875-87.
New issue: the latest issue of stamps to come from a country.
New issue dealer: sells the newest stamps of one or more countries.
New issue poster: Post Office Department poster, started in 1959, where collector affixed new issue stamps to the poster and had them canceled on first day of issue.
New issue service: a dealer service to supply collectors with certain new issues with a standing order that defines quantity, and types of issues.
New Jersey: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801.
New Jersey Express Co.: 1854-56; operated between Newark, Philadelphia, Washington and New York.
New Jersey State Stamp Show, 1934: triangular label to promote their local show.
New Land: Antarctic fantasy.
New Land Island: bogus Russian Federation area; local overprint and stamps.
Newman Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
New Mexico: U.S. territory Dec. 13, 1850, state Jan. 6, 1912; area ceded by Mexico Feb. 2, 1848.
New Nausea: country created by an Oregon stamp club.
New Orleans: city in Louisianaa., U.S.; 1: City Dispatch Post Office, local post, 1847. 2: Mason’s New Orleans City Express, local post, 1850-57. 3: Menant & Co.s Express Post,, local post, 1853-55.
New Orleans, N O.P.O La. Paid 2, 5 Cents: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
New Orleans Stamp Money: 1861; postmaster Riddell issued Post Office money in twelve values.
New Pesewa: currency unit in Ghana.
Newport, Rhode Island: occupied by British Dec. 1776, held until end of American revolution.
New Republic: South Africa, Boer seceding state; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1884, Aug.16: created by adventurers from the Transvaal, former area of Zululand, 1886-pre: used stamps of Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) 1886, Jan.: first local stamps with handstamped value and date; manufactured by Pietermaritzburg (Natal) printers and P Davis & Son as local printer inscribed “Nieuwe Republiek Zuid-Afrika.” c1888: British stamps overprinted Zululand, c1888: Nepal revenue stamps overprinted Zululand, 1888, July 21: became part of the Transvaal, South African Republic, 1891, June 27: Nepal revenue issue proclaimed a postage stamp, c1894: first, and only, stamps issued inscribed Zululand, 1898, June 30: Zululand stamps discontinued, 1903, Jan.: transferred to Natal, part of the Union of South Africa; see Zululand.
New Smyrna, Fla. 10 c on 5c: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
New South Wales: British Crown Colony; southwest coast of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1803: postal service operated between Sydney and Parramatta, 1809: postal “collecting office” set up to receive and distribute mail from ships, 1825: an Act passed to expand the postal service, 1830: mail-coach started from Sydney; local twopenny post initiated, 1835: new Postage Act which set rates based on weight and distance traveled, 1838: issued prepaid embossed stamp on envelopes, public could also supply their own paper which could be stamped per 25 impressions, 1842: steamer service between Melbourne and Sydney, 1844: first contract mail packet arrived from Britain, 1850, Jan. 1: No.1, 1 penny red, first stamps, 1879: first official stamp, 1897: first semipostal stamp, 1891: first postage due, became member of the UPU, stamps of New South Wales also used in New Hebrides and New Caledonia, 1901: united with five other British colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913: stamps discontinued, stamps of Australia used; see Commonwealth of Australia.
New South Wales Government Railways: local post, Australia, 1891.
New South Zurk: spoof stamps created for the 1936 stamp exhibition.
Newspapers & Periodicals: 1: (Scott PR) used as evidence of prepayment of postage on bulk shipments of periodicals, first issued in 1865, used until July 1898. 2: Zeitung (Ger.), Journal (Fr.), Giornale (It.), Periódico (Sp.).
Newspaper stamp: 1: issued to prepay postage on printed matter, periodicals and newspapers; Austria issued the world’s first in 1851. 2: highest value US was the $100 newspapers stamp of 1896, smallest Australian states. 3: may be used to combine tax and postage.
Newspaper and Wrapper Stamps: issued for payment of postage, 1865-1869, affixed to wrappers on bundles, placed in a receipt book starting in 1869, discontinued in 1898.
Newspaper tax stamps: impressed or adhesive stamp for the payment of taxes on newspapers and periodicals to raise revenues.
Newton, F.P.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
Newton’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass to Bolton Centre, Quebec, Canada; used a label; year unknown.
New value: 1: a new and different denomination printed on a stamp. 2: a new stamp that bears a different denomination from all other stamps in that certain series.
New Yersey Express Co.: phantom local express label.
New York: 1: colonial embossed revenue tax stamp; 1757-60. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 3: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
New York, City, N.Y.: See Adams’ City Express Post, Bentley’s Dispatch, Blizzard Mail, Bouton’s Manhattan Express, Bouton’s City Dispatch Post, Boyd’s City Express, Brady & Co., Broadway Post Office, Brown’s City Post, Bury’s City Post, City Despatch Post, City Dispatch, City Mail Co., Clark & Co., Cornwall/P O Madison Square, Crosby’s City Post, Cumming’s City Post, Douglas’ City Despatch, Dupuy & Schenk Penny Post, East River Post Office(s), Eight Avenue Post office, Empire City Dispatch,, Essex Letter Express, Franklin City Despatch Post, Freeman & Co.’s Express, Gordon’s City Express, Hinkley’s Express Co., Homan’s Empire Express, Hussey’s Post, Jefferson Market Post Office(s), Kurtz Union Despatch Post, McIntire’s City Express Post, Mercantile Library Association, Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office(s), Metropolitan Errand & Carrier Express Company, Metropolitan Post Office(s), Mills’ Free Despatch post, New York City Express Post, Park Avenue Local Post, Pinkney’s Express Post, Price’s 8th Ave. Post Office, Price’s City Express Post, Russell 8th Ave. Post Office, Swart’s City Dispatch Post, Third Avenue Post, Union Post, Union Square P.O.
New York & Boston Despatch Express Company: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass to New York City; used complimentary franks, booklets, labels; 1873-1918.
New York & Boston Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass to New York City; used labels; 1870-72.
New York & Erie R.R. Company: parcel firm operated by the New York and Erie Railroad; used a label; 1857.
New York Central and Hudson River R.R. Express Company: parcel firm operated by the New York Central and Hudson River R.R.; used a label; years of use unknown.
New York City Express Post: U. S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1847.
New York Consolidated Card Co.: U.S. private die playing card stamp.
New York foreign mail cancellations: markings applied on outgoing, incoming and transit foreign mail in New York, there were many different fancy cancels applied in this period, about 1871-77.
New York Match Co.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
New York Penny Post: U.S. local post handstamp, New York, N.Y., 1840-41.
New York Pharmacal Association: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
New York Postmasters’ Provisional: stamp issued by postmaster Robert H. Morris, 1845.
New York World’s Fair: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1939.
New Zealand: British dominion located 1,600 miles east and south of Australia, official name of postal administration: New Zealand Post. currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1967) 1831: no official post office, but regular mail communication with Sydney, acted as forwarding office for mail to and from New Zealand, 1840: first post office opened in Kororarika, 1840s: overland routes established, but three month sea route from Auckland to Wellington to Sydney was more reliable, 1855, July 18: No.1, 1 penny dull carmine, first stamps, 1878: first railway link between Wellington and Auckland, 1892: first official stamps, 1899, Dec. 1: first postage due stamp, 1899-1902: New Zealand military served in the South African War, but used British Forces Postal Services, 1907, Oct. 1: joined the UPU; includes Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, 1919: first attempt to connect towns by air, 1929, Dec. 11: first semipostal stamp, famous for their annual Health Stamp series, 1931: first air mail stamp, 1934: Trans-Tasman service began. 1957, Jan. 11: first stamps for Ross Dependency, base in Antarctic, 1987, Apr. 1: New Zealand Post Ltd. too over operations of New Zealand postal service, ceasing operations as a government department.
New Zealand: Kiwi Fruit inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
New Zealand bus stamps: letters and packages carried by bus have stamps applied to cover costs; owned by New Zealand railways, who promised faster delivery than the railroad or plane transportation.
New Zealand Document Exchange: private postal service that specializes in business mail; see DX Mail.
New Zealand dollar: currency unit of Cook Islands.
New Zealand Express Company: local post, 1895-1932.
New Zealand Railways: local post, 1890-1920s.
Nez(avisna) Drz(ava) Hrvatska: 1: “Independent State of Croatia”, WW II, inscription on all stamps issued in Croatia since 1941 until Serbia occupation in 1945 2: inscription on stamps issued by the Governmnet in Exile, 1952-1972.
Nezoubkovaná: (Czech.) imperforate.
N.F.: “Nyasaland Force”, overprint on stamps of Nyasaland Protectorate, for British occupation of German East Africa, 1916.
NFF: Natal Field Force, on stamps of Great Britain, 1899-1902.
NFLSV: National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam; 1963-76.
N G: no gum (on stamp).
NGA-Huwabon Pahatanan: Philippine islands bogus issue.
N G A I: auction abbreviation term for No Gum As Issued.
N G C: auction abbreviation term for Natural Gum Crease.
NGR: Natal Government Railways, punch-perforated on stamps of Natal.
N G S: auction abbreviation term for Natural Gum Skip.
Ngultrum: currency unit in Bhutan.
Ngwee: currency unit in Zambia.
NH: 1: USPS abbreviation for New Hamshire. 2: abbreviation; See Never hinged.
Ni: (Dan., Nor.) nine (number).
Nibbed perforation: a short tooth or teeth, which came from uneven separation of perforated stamps, considered a minor fault.
Nibs: perforation teeth.
Nicaragua: Central America between Honduras and Costa Rica; official name of postal administration: Correos de Nicaragua currency: 100 centavos = 1 peso, 100 centavos = 1 cordoba (1913) 1838: became an independent republic, 1857: British post offices opened at Bluefields and Greytown, 1862, Dec. 2: No.1, 2 centavos dark-blue, first stamp, 1865: first stamps from Britain used, 1882: first postage stamp issued, 1882, May 1: joined the UPU, 1890: first official stamp, 1890-99: arrangement with Nicholas Seebeck permitted him to obtain remainders of old issues in exchange for supplying new stamps free of charge, 1896: first postage due stamp, 1904-12: separate stamps overprinted locally for Bluefields (Zelaya) and Cabo Gracias provinces; currency was on a silver basis, 1912, 1925-27, 1933: U.S. Marines land 1928: first semipostal stamp, 1929, May 15: first air mail stamp, 1935: “Valido 1935” overprint on air mail stamps not recognized as having postal validity, 1990, Mar. 4-Apr. 25, 1991: handstamp used on mail due to currency reform; stamp issued July 15,1990, but not valid for postage; see Zelaya, Cabo Gracias.
Nicaragua Line: See Accessory Transit Co. of Nicaragua.
Nicaragua Route: 1850, Dec. 26; ocean steamer, Prometheus, left New York for Havana, Nicaragua, and later, San Francisco in 1851.
Nice: (France) city in France, local provisional, 1944.
Nicht abgefordert: (Ger.) not claimed.
Nicht amtlich: (Ger.) unofficial.
Nicht ausgegeben: (Ger.) not issued.
Nicht numeriert: (Ger.) not numbered.
Nicht Vergiss unsere Kolonien: (Ger.) “Never Forget our Colonies” label
Nicolsk: city in Russia, local post, 1884-1915, See Zemstvo.
Nidaros: see Trondhjeim.
Niebla: city in Spain, civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Niederlände: (Ger.) Netherlands.
Niederlandisch Indien: (Ger.) Netherlands Indies.
Niedrigstgebot: (Ger.) minimum bid.
Nie gefalzt: (Ger.) never hinged.
Niesky: city in Germany, local post, 1945.
Niet Bestellen op Zondag: (Flemish) “Do Not Deliver on Sunday, label on stamps of Belgium, 1893-1915.
Niet Opgeuraase: (Dut.) not claimed.
Nieuw Guinea: Netherlands New Guinea.
Nieuwe Republiek: (Afrikanese) See New Republic.
Niger: located in northern Africa; currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc 1894, Aug. 3-1921: used stamps of French Sudan, Senegambia and Niger, and Upper Senegal and Niger, 1900: France and Britain divided territory with military rule, 1904: was part of French West Africa, 1911: military territory of Niger, 1920, Dec. 4: became a separate territory, 1921, Dec.: No.1, 1 centime brown violet, first stamps were of Upper Senegal and Niger overprinted “Territoire du Niger,” 1921: first postage due stamp, 1922, Oct. 13: became a colony, 1926: first stamps inscribed Niger, 1938: first semipostal stamp, 1940: first air mail stamp, 1944-59: used stamps of French West Africa, 1955, Dec. 19: Republic of Niger proclaimed, 1958, Dec. 18: became an autonomous republic within the French community, 1959: became republic, stamps inscribed Republique du Niger, first postage due stamp, 1960, Aug. 3: became an independent republic, British area eventually became Nigeria, 1961, June 12: joined the UPU. 1962: first official stamp; see Senegal and Niger. Note: many stamps inscribed “Republique du Niger” were not authorized by Niger postal authorities, reported to the UPU, June 5, 2000.
Niger Coast Protectorate: located in West Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling 1892-98: controlled by the British Royal Niger Company; aka “Oil Rivers Protectorate,” 1892: No.1, ½ penny vermilion, 1892, Nov.: stamps of Great Britain overprinted “British Protectorate Oil River,” 1899: firm surrendered its charter to the Crown, 1900: formed the protectorates Northern and Southern Nigeria, 1914: Northern and Southern Nigeria formed the Crown Colony of Nigeria; see Lagos, Nigeria.
Nigeria: located in West coast of Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 kobo = 1 naira (1973) 1914, June 1: No.1, ½ penny green, first stamps, made up of Northern and Southern Nigeria plus the mandated territory of Cameroons (British) attached for administrative purposes, 1959, Jan. 4: first postage due stamp, 1960, Oct. 1: became independent as the Federation of Nigeria, 1961: Northern Cameroons joined Nigeria, 1961, July 10: joined the UPU, 1963, Oct. 1: became Republic of Nigeria, 1966, Dec.1: first semipostal, 1966: Eastern region seceded and became Republic of Biafra, 1970, Jan. 15: Biafra reunited with Nigeria; see Biafra, Lagos, Niger Coast Protectorate, Nigeria, Northern and Southern, Oil Rivers Protectorate.
Nigeria, Northern: western Africa; currency: 12 penec = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1900, Mar.: No.1, ½ penny lilac and green, first stamps issued, 1900-1914: British protectorate used British colonial key type issues, 1914: merged with Southern Nigeria to form Nigeria, later the Federal Republic of Nigeria, used stamps of Nigeria.
Nigeria, Southern: previously known as the Niger Coast Protectorate; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1900: Protectorate of Southern Nigeria formed from Niger Coast, absorbed Niger Coast Protectorate, 1901, Mar.: No.1, ½ penny yellow-green and black, first stamps issued, 1902: used stamps of Niger Coast Protectorate when stamp shortage occurred, 1906: united with Lagos to form Southern Nigeria, 1914: merged with Northern Nigeria to form Nigeria, later the Federal Republic of Nigeria, used stamps of Nigeria.
Nigerias, The: 1851 occupied by treaty, 1861: became a British Crown Colony, used stamps of Lagos, 1874, June 10: first stamps, 1906, Feb. 16: amalgamated with the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria.
Nigerie: (Fr.) Nigeria.
Niger Territories: area between the Forcados and Brass Rivers, administered by the Royal Niger Company; 1890-1900: used stamps of Britain, cancellations of company handstamps, 1900, Jan. 1: transferred to the British government.
Nightrider: inscription on label used on overnight parcel delivery service, London Postal Region of the British Post Office.
Nikolaevsk: on the Amur river in Siberia; 1921: stamps issued during post-Russian revolutionary period.
Nikolayev: city in the Ukraine, local provisional, dubious status, aka Mikolayv, 1993.
Niles & Co’s Express: parcel firm serviced Boston, Mass., and Dover, N.H.; used labels, year unknown.
NIMH: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Great Britain and Northern Ireland Machins.
Ninas: secret mark on US 1991 comedian set of stamps; Nina is the daughter of Al Hirschfeld, designer of the stamps
Nine-Digit Zip Code: numerical sequence sorted to the individual route or carrier.
Nineria: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Ninetieth Birthday: overprint on stamps of Aitutaki, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday, 1990.
Ningsia, Ning-Hsia: city in Northwest China; 1945-49: local post as part of the Northwest China Liberation Area, 1954: merged with Kansu, 1956: placed within inner Mongolia.
Niort: city in France, local provisional, 1944.
Nipped perf.: a perforation tooth that is slightly shorter than the remaining teeth on a normal stamp.
Nippon: (Jap.) Japan; a 3-character overprint (land of the rising sun) may indicate stamps are “mihon” or specimen.
Nisiro(s): Dodecanese Island, Aegean Sea, aka Nisyros; 1912-pre: used stamps of Turkey, 1912: No.1, 2 centesimi orange-brown, overprint “Egeo” on stamps of Italy, followed by name of island, 1916: first stamps without overprints, 1920: Turkey ceded group to Italy, 1943, Sept.: became part of Greece, 1943: reoccupied by German forces, 1945: liberated by allied forces, 1945-47: stamps of Britain overprinted MEF (Middle East Forces), when islands transferred to Greece, 1947: stamps of Greece overprinted SDD (Dodecanese Military Occupation), 1947, summer: stamps of Greece used.
Nitten: (Dan., Nor.) nineteen (number).
Nitti: (Nor.) ninety (number).
Niuafo’ou: Tin Can Island, island that is part of Tonga; 1930s-40s: mail to island was picked up and delivered in sealed cans; at first swimmers used, but when one was killed by a shark, they switched to canoes, while ships parked offshore, 1983: own stamps.
Niue: island in the South Pacific Ocean, aka Savage Island; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 NZ dollar (1967) 1892: used stamps of the Cook Islands 1901: annexed to New Zealand with the Cook Islands, 1902: Jan. 4: No.1, 1 penny carmine, issued its first stamps, stamps of New Zealand or Cook Islands handstamped “Niue,” 1974, Oct. 19: first stamps as self-governing in association with New Zealand, 1978, Mar. 15:: first semipostal stamp, 1979: first air mail stamp, 1985: first official stamp.
Niutao: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Niutao.
Niviny: overprint of special delivery stamps of Czechoslovakia for newspapers.
N.I.W.I.N.: Indonesia relief society, overprint on stamps of Curaçao for semi-postal usage.
Nixie: piece of mail that is undeliverable due to incorrect, illegible or insufficient delivery address.
Nixie office: postal facility where undeliverable mail is verified for correct postage and address.
Nizozemsko: (Czech.) the Netherlands.
NJ: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Postage Due. 2: USPS abbreviation for New Jersey.
N’Jork: New York, pre-adhesive postmark.
Nkr: New Kroner; currency unit in Norway.
NL: 1: Nederland (Netherlands). 2: Scott Catalog Number prefix Occupation Rural Delivery (Poland). 3: precedes the European postal code on addresses the Netherlands, such as NL-3502 Netherlands.
NL: 1953 overprint on stamps of Denmark with surcharge.
Nlle. Caledonie: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of French Colonies, inscription for New Caledonia.
Nlle. Caledonie -Correspondce Mre: (Fr.) 1885 label for French troops at Noumea, for free postage.
NM: USPS abbreviation for New Mexico.
N.M.P.: (Transdinestra) bogus Russian issue.
N.M.S.: Norwegian Missionary Society; Madagascar local post, 1894-99.
NNM: auction abbreviation term for Normal Narrow Margin
NO: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Official. 2: abbreviation for number.
NOBATA: North Borneo Anti-Tuberculosis Association.
Nobody’s Land: North Pole Post fantasy issue.
No circulado: (Sp.) not put into circulation.
Nodfrimaerke Indenlandsk Brevporto: (Dan.) Denmark emergency postal stamps; are in red, text in white.
Nødpenge: (Dan.) emergency currency (Ger., Notgeld).
Noel 1941 / France Libre / F.N.F.L.: overprint on stamps of St. Pierre & Miquelon, 1941.
Noelandia: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate.
No emitido: (Sp.) not issued.
No entregable: (Sp.) undeliverable.
No gum (NG): term meaning that the stamp has no sign of gum.
No Hay Estampillas (Sellos): (Sp.) “There are no stamps,” used for various departments of Colombia receipt labels, during stamp shortage.
Noiembrie: (Rom.) November.
Noir: (Fr.) black (color).
Noisy Carriers: U.S. local post handstamp, San Francisco, Calif., 1853-56.
Noisy Carriers Publishing Hall “Express”: private mail delivery firm serviced San Francisco, Calif.; used a label; year unknown.
Nolinsk: city in Russia, local post, 1871-1917, See Zemstvo.
Nombre d’Catalogue: (Fr.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Nom de pays: (Fr.) name of country.
Nominale: (Ger.) denomination.
Nominalwet: (Ger.) face value.
Nominica: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Nona: (Rom.) nine (number).
Non affranchi: (Fr.) unpaid, not stamped
Non-cacheté (e): (Fr.) not sealed.
Non catalogato: (It.) not listed.
(Non) coté: (Fr.) not priced.
(Non) coupé: (Fr.) not cut.
Nondenominated stamp: stamp without a face value or denomination, may be issued during period of a rate change, and marked with a designated letter or service inscription.
Non dentelé: (Fr.) imperforate.
Non-dentellato: (It.) imperforate.
Non-emesso: (It.) not issued.
Non-émis: (Fr.) not issued.
Non-flown: 1: not carried on any aerial flight yet directly related to an aero or astro event or anniversary. 2: cover from a planned or projected flight that never took place. 3: cover planned to be flown but not flown due to various reasons.
Non-gommato: (It.) not gummed.
Non-linguellato: (It.) never hinged.
Non-livrable: (Fr.) non-deliverable.
Nonmachinable: USPS term for mail pieces that won’t go through its high speed facing and canceling devices.
Non numéroté: (Fr.) not numbered.
Non-pictorial permit stamps: state of Kansas and Indian reservation stamps issues for various game licenses; 1941 to date.
Nonpostal stamp: stamp that is sold by the USPS as an agent of other federal agencies; such as the conservation stamp.
Nonprofit mail: reduced-rate, third class bulk mail for specially qualified groups.
Nonprofit org: forest design, U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 5¢, June 5, 1998.
Nonprofit org: butte design, U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 5¢, Mar. 10, 1995.
Nonprofit org: mountain design, U. S. non-denominated stamp, value 5¢, Mar. 16, 1996.
Non-publié: (Fr.) not listed.
Nonreadable mail: mail whose address cannot be deciphered by an optical character reader.
Non-Réclamé: (Fr.) not claimed.
Nonstandard size: USPS handstamp for letters that are larger than permitted for first class mail and require additional postage.
Non-stated reserve: the minimum price the seller of the lot will accept, with bids received below this figure being deemed as unacceptable; aka Hidden reserve.
Non-Transmissible: postal marking on covers usually addressed to sellers of Irish sweepstake lottery tickets; mail is returned to sender with marking.
Non-UPU mail: mail originating in a country that doesn’t belong to the UPU.
No-Opinion: certificate in which experts that examined the philatelic item are unable to render an opinion.
Nopto Mapka: “Postage Due”, on stamps of Serbia.
Nopto Porto: “Postage Due”, on stamps of Yugoslavia.
No publicado: (Sp.) not listed.
NOR: Norwich; first postal code in Britain, 1959.
Norbair: no information available as to source or purpose.
Norbatt: Norwegian Battalion serving in Lebanon.
Nord: (Dan., Fr., Nor., Rom., Swed.) North.
Nordamerika: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) North America.
Nordborneo: (Swed.) North Borneo.
Norddeutsche(r): (Ger.) North German.
Norddeutscher Lloyd (NDL): North German Lloyd liners carried mail on trans-Atlantic voyages.
Norddeutscher Postbezirk: (Ger.) North German Postal District; cities for German unity with own stamps and postal stationary, Jan. 1, 1852 to Dec. 31, 1867.
Nordensamlingar: (Swed.) Nordic countries collections.
Nordingermanland: (Ger.) North Ingermanland.
Nordirland: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Ulster, Northern Ireland.
Nordiska Länder: (Swed.) Nordic countries.
Nordlignigeria: (Swed.) Northern Nigeria.
Nordligrhodesia: (Swed.) Northern Rhodesia.
Nordsjøen: (Nor.) North Sea.
Nordsjön: (Swed.) North Sea.
Nordtyskland: (Swed.) North Germany.
Nordtysk postområde: (Dan.) North German Confederation.
Noreg: ancient form of Norway, used on Garborg issue, 1951.
Norfolk Island: South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar (1966) 1840: first handstamps used, “Free/Norfolk Island” for official mail; Paid at/Norfolk Island” for general mail, 1853: first stamps as Van Diemens Land, New South Wales, 1896: stamps of New South Wales used, 1914, July 1: transferred to the Commonwealth of Australia; overprint on stamps of Australia; 1947, June 10: No.1, ½ penny deep orange, first stamps.
Norfolk’s, Robert: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Norfolk, Va. Paid 5: See Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Norfolk, Virginia: held by British until Dec. 1775.
Norge: 1: specialized Norway postage stamp catalog. 2: (Dan. Nor., Swed.) Norway.
Norges Rode Kors: (Nor.) Norway Red Cross label.
Norilsk: Russian area in Arctic, local overprint, 1994.
N.Orl.: New Orleans, Louisiana, pre-adhesive postmark.
Norma: (Sp.) regulation; method of procedure.
Norshuss & F. Schroeter Local Post: see Bergen – Norshuss & F. Schroeter Local Post.
Norsk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Norwegian.
Norske Øerne 1896: postmark for mail on Vesteraalen Dampskibsselskap tourist ship, Norway.
Norske skeppspost: (Swed.) Norwegian ship mail (ship post).
Norske skibspost: (Dan.) Norwegian ship mail (ship post).
Norske skipspost: (Nor.) Norwegian ship mail (ship post).
Norske Statsbaner(Nor.) (abbr. NSB) Norwegian State Railways.
Norsko: (Czech.) Norway.
Norsky: (Czech.) Norwegian.
Norte de Sander: city in Colombia, “Correo Rapido de Norte Sander”, local post, 1926-32.
North American Telegraph Company: U. S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1899-1907.
North Anoc: 1924 European cinderella used on private postcards that did not go through the mail; part of Cooland and West Refaim.
North Atlantic Express Company: parcel firm serviced Northeastern U.S.; used a stamp; year unknown.
North Borneo: located on the northern end of the island of Borneo, Malay Archipelago; currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar 1881: administered by the British North Borneo Company, used stamps of Straits Settlements with local stamps, 1883, June: No.1, 2¢ brown, first stamps issued, 1888: made a British protectorate, 1890-1906: Labuan attached to North Borneo, 1891: joined the UPU, 1892: sold C-T-Os in large quantities, 1895, Aug. 1: first postage due stamp, 1916: first semipostal stamp, 1942, Jan.- June10,1945: Japanese occupation, stamps of North Borneo,1942-44, stamps of Japan, 1944; Japanese overprint reads “North Borneo.” 1945, May: Australian forces retook island, 1945, Dec. 17: first stamps issued under British Military Administration, stamps of North Borneo and Sarawak overprinted “BMA,” sold in Brunei, Labuan, North Borneo and Sarawak, 1946, July 15: became a Crown Colony, Labuan became part of colony.
North Borneo: Wild Man inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
North Borneo Company, British: See North Borneo.
North British and Edinburgh & Glasgow Railways: British railways local post.
North British Railway: British railways local post.
North Carolina: 1: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 2: supervisors seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
North Carolina Laundry: inscription on a state revenue stamps; officially known as North Carolina Cleaning (Laundering) and Pressing Stamp.
North Celebes: area of Japanese Naval Control, overprint, local post, 1942-45.
North China: 1: area under Japanese occupation, June 5, 1941-1945. 2: North China People’s Post, China People’s Republic 3L24-31, 37-99, 3LQ,1949. 3: North China Post & Telegraph Administration, China People’s Republic, 3L32-36, 1949
North Dakota: U.S. state Nov. 2, 1889; part of Dakota Territory; See Dakota.
North Devon Emergency: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North Devon Inter-Off: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North Eastern Provinces: (Nationalist Forces) Manchukuo (changed from Manchuria by Japanese forces; 1946, Feb.-Oct. 1948: stamps issued.
North Eastern Provinces: (Communist Forces) Manchukuo (changed from Manchuria by Japanese forces; 1946, Feb.-May,1951: stamps issued.
North Eastern railway: British railways local post.
North East People’s Post: area in Northeast China, China 1L, 1946-51.
Northerly Letter Carrier: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Northern Air Service: local post, Canada, 1925.
Northern Cyprus: Turkish Republic of Cyprus, 1983-,
Northern Desdesia: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Northern District, Germany: 1852-66: issued own stamps, replacing those of Thurn & Taxis.
Northern Express and Parcel Delivery: parcel firm serviced New York City and surroundings; used a label; year unknown.
Northern Express Company: parcel firm serviced northern states west of Chicago to Vancouver, Canada; used labels; year unknown.
Northern France: German occupation, 1940.
Northern Ireland: See Ireland, Northern.
Northern Liberties News Rooms: U.S. local post handstamp, Philadelphia, Pa., 1835-36.
Northern Mutual Telegraph Company: U.S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1883.
Northern New York Telegraph Company: U. S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1876.
Northern Nigeria: See Nigeria, Northern.
Northern Pacific Express Co.: parcel firm serviced northern U.S., west of Chicago to Washington and Oregon; used complimentary pass, labels and a stamp; 1895?
Northern Rhodesia: See Rhodesia, Northern.
Northern R.R. Express: parcel firm operated y the Northern Railroad in New York State; used labels; year unknown.
Northern Survey P.D.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Northern Syria: Turkish-style postmark adhered to glued paper; provisional stamp issued about Nov. 1918; used for about one month.
Northern Territory: See Australia, Northern Territory.
Northern Zone, Morocco: See Morocco, Northern Zone.
North Epirus: overprint on stamps of Greece, occupation of area of Albania, see Albania.
North German Confederation: comprised of Northern and Southern Districts; states included: Bergdorf, Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg, Hanover, Lubeck, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holsten. currency: 30 groschen = 1 thaler, 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden, 16 schillings = 1 mark, 100 pennia = 1 markka 1867: created by Bismarck, the Prussian chancellor, 1868, Jan 1: No.1, 1/4 groschen red-lilac, first stamps issued for member nations, 1870: issued first official stamp, also used in Constantinople, 1871, May 4:stamps merged into the Imperial German service, 1872, Jan. 1: stamps replaced by those of German Empire, consisted of four kingdoms, five grand duchies, 13 duchies and principalities, and three free cities.
Northhampton & Banbury Junction Railway: British railway local post.
North Hurts Stamp Club: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North Ingermanland: located north of Leningrad; 1919-20: Volunteers for the Liberation of North Ingermanland took control and organized its own postal service; mail received and sent from Rautu, on the Finnish side of the border, stamps inscribed “Pohjois Inkeri,” and overprinted “Malli” (Specimen), 1920, Mar. 21: first stamps, 1920, Nov. 5: peace treaty returned area to Soviet control, 1921: second issue of stamps overprinted “For the Charity of Ingermanland” and sold to collectors.
North Korea: See Korea, North.
North London Railway: British railways local post.
North Pembrokeshire & Fishguard Railway: Wales railway local post.
North Staffordshire Railway: British railway local post.
North Ossetia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
North Pole: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate.
North Pole Post: labels inscribed “Peary Land,” “Cook Island,” and “Nobody’s Land.”
North Vietnam: See Vietnam, North.
Northwestern Express Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Northern Iowa and Minnesota; used a corner card, and labels; 1861?
North Wales & Liverpool Railway Committee: Wales railway local post.
North Wales & Liverpool Railway Committee (MS&LRy): British railway local post.
North West London E.P.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North West London P.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
North West Pacific Islands: occupied German territories; part of New Guinea, islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, Admiralty Group, Bougainville, Buka and Nauru; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1915, Mar. 15: No.1, 2 pence gray, stamps of Australia overprinted “N.W. Pacific Islands” for use in Nauru, New Britain and German New Guinea, 1920: mandated to Australia by League of Nations, issued stamps as territory of New Guinea, currently part of Papua New Guinea, except for Nauru, which became an independent republic, 1922: stamps of the Australian mandate replaced individual stamps; see New Guinea, German.
North West People’s Post: See China People’s Republic.
North West Russia: 1919, May: Northern Army captured cities of Pskov, Gdov and Yaurburg, 1919, Aug. 1-Nov. 1919: overprint on stamps of Russia, 1919, Sept.: stamps issued for North West Army, which included all forces in Baltic area, 1919, Oct.: overprint on stamps of Latvia, 1919, Nov. overprint on stamps of Russia; see Russia.
Northwest Territory: U.S. territory July 13, 1787; ceased to exist March 1, 1803.
North Yorkshire Moors Railway: British railway that printed stamps for mail carried on their trains to post offices.
Norton Villiers: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Noruega: (Sp., Port.) Norway.
Norvège: (Fr.) Norway.
Norvég: (Hung.) Norway.
Norvegia: (It.) Norway.
Norvégia: (Hung.) Norwegian.
Norway: northern Europe; official name of postal administration: Posten currency: 120 skillings = 1 specie daler, 100 ore = 1 krone (1877) 1814: postal service reorganized so that it was independent of Denmark and Sweden with Christiana (Oslo) as the hub, 1845: postal markings introduced, about 383 numeral cancellations are recorded, 1855, Jan. 1: No.1, 4 skilling blue, first issue, when country was still united with Sweden, 1856-68: used three concentric circles as postmark, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1889: first postage due stamp, 1905, Oct.: Norway became independent from Sweden, c1905: prepayment of letters began by placing coins in a slot at Christiana, start of meter mail, 1926: first official stamp, 1927: first air mail stamp, 1930, June 28: first semipostal stamp, 1940, June: British and French force sent to Northern Norway, used Field PO, 1940, Oct. 4: first stamps issued during German occupation, 1942-45: government in exile issued stamps for use on Norwegian ships, 1945, Feb. government in exile stamps used at the Norwegian post office in Stockholm, 1945, May: German occupation issues demonetized, 1945, June: government in exile stamps released in Norway; see A Betaleportomaerke at Betale.
Norway: 1: Larvik, city, “Kingdom L” local post, 1904. 2: Norges Statsbaner; railway parcel local post. 3: Tyrvifjord Steam Ship Co., local post, 1887.
Norway – 1911 Dropped Mail Over Trondheim Flight: During a pioneer flight meet taking place at Trondheim, Baron Cederstrom, piloting a flight originating in Hoiskden, dropped copies of the Tidens Teg newspaper over the airfield. The newspapers were contained in addressed wrappers bearing notations designating them to be the first air mail postings in Norway, and requesting that those finding the items should deposit them in the nearest mail box. The flight is credited as being the first postal flight in Norway.
Norway-London E.M.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Norwegen: (Ger.) Norway.
Norwegian: (Rom) Norwegian (adj.).
Norwegian Missionary Service: See Madagascar, French.
Norwich A.M.S. Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Norwich Local Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nossi-Be: island in the Indian Ocean, off Madagascar; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1841: French colony, dependency of Mayotte, c1864: used French Colonies General issues, 1881: dependency of Diego Suarez, 1889, June: No.1, 25 centimes on 40¢ red, overprint/surcharge (locally done) on stamps of French Colonies; 1891: first postage due stamp, 1894: Navigation and Commerce stamps of French Colonies used, 1896: used stamps of Madagascar; 1901: part of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar.
Notaire: (Fr.) notary public; French Colonies revenue inscription.
Notausgabe: (Ger.) emergency issue.
Not Called For: postal marking used prior to residential delivery when a mailing piece was not picked up at the post office.
Nothilfe: (Ger.) “Help for the Needy” German semi-postal stamps and cards, 1924-1936.
Not For Use: overprint applied in 1910 to 1d booklet stamps of Natal; booklet contained thirty 1d stamps, but were sold for 2s5d, but the postal customer was charged 1d for the entire booklet; one of the booklet stamps has this overprint to make it invalid for postal use.
Not in Special Delivery Mail: US handstamp to indicate special delivery mail not paid for, handle as regular mail.
Not Opened by Censor: cover marking distinctive of Hong Kong air mail transit.
Notopfer/2 Berlin/Steuermarke: compulsory tax labels, Germany.
Notopfer Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society group focuses on the tax stamp issued Dec. 1, 1948.
Not Paid rate: General Postal Union regulations state that the postage due is “double the rate levied in the country of destination on prepaid letters”; See : G.P.U..”
Not regularly issued: stamps, intentionally allowed to leave the government, such as the 1869 pictorial inverts.
Not suitable for photographing: handstamp on V-Mail envelopes to indicate letter was written in pencil and could not be photographed.
Nottingham C. of Comm.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nottingham Letter Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nottingham Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nottingham Strike Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nouasprezece: (Rom) nineteen (number).
Nouazeci: (Rom) ninety (number).
Noufous: (Fr.) registration of identity card; French Colonies revenue inscription.
Nouveau Brunswick: (Fr.) New Brunswick.
Nouveauté: (Fr.) new issue.
Nouvelle Amsterdam and St. Paul: See French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Nouvelle Caledonie: (Fr.) New Caledonia.
Nouvelle Ecosse: (Fr.) Nova Scotia.
Nouvelle Galles du Sud: (Fr.) New South Wales.
Nouvelle Guinée Hollandaise: (Fr.) Netherlands New Guinea.
Nouvelle (Noulle.) Caledonie: (Fr.) New Caledonia.
Nouvelles Hebrides: 1: inscription for French administration of New Hebrides Islands. 2: overprint on stamps of New Caledonia for New Hebrides. 3: with “Syndicat Francais”; local post.
Nouvelle-Zélande: (Fr.) New Zealand.
Nouvelle Wazoo: Artistamp Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
Nouzové novinové nálepky a razitka: (Czech.) emergency newspaper stickers and cancellations.
Nová Kaledonie: (Czech.) New Caledonia.
Nova Laurania: fantasies created by John de Treville with countries taken from Winston Churchill’s book, Savrola.
Nova Potuca: supposedly new African republic in 1893.
Nova Scotia: (New Scotland), Canadian province, eastern coast; 1754-1851: post office under control of London GPO, 1784: made a separate colony, 1820: reunited with other provinces, 1851, Sep.1.: first stamps issued, 1867, July 1 Canadian Confederation, See Canada.
Novava Ladoga: city in Russia, local post, 1867-1883, See Zemstvo.
Novaya Zemia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Novcic(a): currency unit in Bosnia and Montenegro.
Novedades: (Sp.) new issues.
Novelda: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Novelty: name given to a postcard that is made of unusual materials or a different shape than the standard rectangle.
November 21-24 1986 First Visit to South Pacific: 1986 Aitutaki surcharge for visit of Pope John Paul.
Novgorod: city in Russia, local post, 1868-1889, See Zemstvo.
Novice award: an award to the best exhibit by a first time exhibitor.
Novinové znamky: (Czech.) newspaper stamps.
Novinová Známká: (Czech.) newspaper stamp.
Noviny: (Czech.) newspaper.
Novisibirsk: city in Russia, cinderella local, c1998.
Novomoskofsk: city in Russia, local post, 1886-1898, See Zemstvo.
Novorzhef: city in Russia, local post, 1890-1893, See Zemstvo.
Novosibirsk Islands: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Novotisk: (Czech.) reimpression.
Novouzensk: city in Russia, local post, 1897, See Zemstvo.
Novy Brunsvil: (Czech.) New Brunswick.
Novy Foundland: (Czech.) Newfoundland.
Novy Guinea: (Czech.) New Guinea.
Novy Jizní Wales: (Czech.) New South Wales.
Novy Zéland: (Czech.) New Zealand.
Nowanagar: India Feudatory State; 1877: first stamp, only valid within the state, 1895, Dec. 31: stamps obsolete, stamps of India used.
nOWTA nAPA, nAPE: (Resembles these letters) Serbia money unit.
nOYnA, NOYTA: (Resembles these letters) Russia.
nOYTA: (Resembles these letters) Russia (means Postage).
nOYTA PYCCHON APMIN: (Resembles these letters) Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
nOYT MAPKA: (Resembles these letters) Azerbaijan.
n.P.: Naya Paise, overprint and surcharge for British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia,1957.
N P: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Occupation Newspaper. 2: Newport, Rhode Island, pre-adhesive postmark. 3: currency surcharge of stamps of Great Britain for Oman.
N.P.B.: News Paper Branch, cancel on early British stamps.
N P M: 1: National Philatelic Museum, USA. 2: National Postal Museum, London.
N P O: Navy Post Office. N P S: National Philatelic Society, Great Britain.
N.R.: marking for Northern Railway; North Western Railway.
N R A: 1: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Postal Tax (Greece, Romania). 2: National Recovery Administration bill passed by Congress in 1933, voluntary usage on labels to indicate industrial self-regulation, codes of fair competition and consumer protection.
N R A J: Scott Catalog Number prefix for Occupation Postal Tax Due (Romania).
N R I: See not regularly issued. N.R. Indonesia: Indonesia, Sumatra local post.
N.S.B.: overprint on stamps of French Colonies for Nossi Be, 1890-93.
NSB: (Nor.) see Norske Statsbaner.
N S D A: National Stamp Dealers Association, founded 1995 by Edward G. Rosen.
N.S.D.A.P.: National Socialist Workers’ Party, German stamps issued in 1938 and 1942 for Nazi Party official use.
N.Sembilan: overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements, 1891.
N.S.W.: New South Wales.
N.T.: can refer to Nebraska or Nevada Territories in postmark.
N. T.: Northern Territory, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
$NT: dollar, currency unit in Republic of China.
N.W. Pacific Islands: overprint on stamps of Australia for North West Pacific Islands; 1914-25: used instead on German New Guinea during occupation by Australia, 1915-16: used for Nauru.
$NZ: dollar, currency unit in New Zealand.
N T A: National Tuberculosis Association, organized the Christmas seal program in the USA from 1919 to 1967.
N T R D A: National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, ran the Christmas seal program in the USA from 1968 to 1972.
N U: Scott Catalog Number prefix for U.S. Occupation Envelopes.
Nueva Gales del Sur: (Sp.) New South Wales.
Nueva Granada: (Sp.) Colombia.
Nueva Mensagerias Nacionales – Merlino y Comparella: mail coach, or diligence mail marking from Buenos Aires, 1857.
Neuva Orleans: (Sp.) now New Orleans, LA.
Nueva España: (Sp.) colonial name for present-day Mexico.
Nueva Zelanda: (Sp.) New Zealand.
Nuevo: (Sp.) unused, mint.
Nuevo con Goma sin Senal de Charnela: (Sp.) never hinged.
Nuevo sin goma: (Sp.) unused, but without gum.
Nugget Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Seattle, Wash. and the Yukon Territory; used a label; 1899.
Nui: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nui.
Nukufetau: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nukufetau.
Nukulaelae: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Nukulaelae.
Nules: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Nulles: city in Spain, civil war local post, Republican, 1937.
Numbered: philatelic items with unique numbering system or scheme, such as a serial number.
Numbered stamps: stamps with serial numbers as part of their design or printed on the back of the stamp.
Numbering of homes: first numbering for postal purposes was in Paris in 1463-64.
Number in pane: the actual count of the number of stamps in a pane of stamps.
Number ones: refers to the very first stamp issued by an entity; the Number One Number One is considered the Penny Black of 1840 of Great Britain.
Number on number: USPS term for coils, when the back numbered stamp falls on the same stamp as the plate number.
Numerado reverso: (Sp.) numbered on the back.
Numeral cancellations: obliterations which use a number to identify the mailing office.
Numeral marking: cancels that use numbers to identify office of mailing, also known as rate marking.
Numerical Oblit.: obliterator cancel with number inserted.
Numeriert: (Ger.) numbered.
Numero Catalogo: (It.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Numero de Catálogo: (Sp.) catalog number; a designated number or set of numbers from a postage stamp or postal history reference universally identifying a philatelic item.
Numero de plancha: (Sp.) plate number.
Numéroté: (Fr.) numbered.
Numerotarea: (Rom.) numbering system.
Nummerstempel: (Dan., Nor.) numerical oblit cancellation.
Nunhead Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Nuovo: (It.) new (mint).
Nuovo senza gomma: (It.) no gum, the stamp has no sign of gum.
Nuova Zelanda: (It.) New Zealand.
Nürnberg: city in Germany, local post; 1: Nürnberg-Fürther-Packetfahrt-Ges. 1896-99. 2: Private Stadtpost Courier, 1895-1900. 3: also known as Nuremberg.
N U X: Scott Catalog number prefix for Occupation Postal Card.
N U Z: Scott Catalog number prefix for Occupation Official Card.
N V: USPS abbreviation for Nevada.
NVI: No Value Indicated stamps; British term for stamps used as a make-up rate during postage rate increases.
N V P H: Netherlands Stamp Dealers Association.
NWPI: North West Pacific Islands.
N.W.T.: Northwest Territories, when used in a postmark.
NY: 1: USPS abbreviation for New York. 2: New York, pre-adhesive postmark.
Nya Caledonien: (Swed.) New Caledonia.
Nya Guinea: (Swed.) New Guinea.
Nya Hebriderna: (Swed.) the New Hebrides Islands..
Ny Ålesund: mining town in mainland Norway contains the world’s most northerly permanent post office.
Nyanse(r): (Nor.) shade(s) (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Nyansere(r): (Nor.) shade variance(s) (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
Nyanza: African stamp issue used for “Hart to Hart” TV program.
Nya Republiken: (Swed.) the New Republic (South Africa).
Nyasaland: 8th June 1946 inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Nyasa(land) Force: British overprint, 1915
Nyasaland Protectorate: southern Africa; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1891: British South Africa Company (overprint B.C.A.); also used in North East Rhodesia, mail went by runner to Lake Nyasa, steam launch, runner to Shire River, boat to Quelimane or Chinde on the Indian Ocean, 1908-pre: known as British Central Africa, 1908, July 22: No.1, 1 shilling black, first stamps inscribed Nyasaland, 1950, July 1: first postage due stamp, 1953:part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1954: used stamps of Federation, 1963: Federation of Rhodesia dissolved, 1963, Nov. 1: own Nyasaland issues, 1964, July 6: became State of Malawi; see British Central Africa.
Nyassa: overprint on stamps of Mozambique, 1898.
Nyassa (Company): located in the northern part of Mozambique, southeast Africa; currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis, 100 centavos = 1 escudo (1919) 1894: Nyassa Company (Companhia do Nyassa) received charter to administer area, 1898: No.1, 5 reis yellow, first stamps, overprint “Nyassa” on stamps of Mozambique, 1924: first postage due stamp, 1925: first semipostal stamp, 1929: became part of People’s Republic of Mozambique.
Nyassaland: (Port.) bogus label, 1894.
Nya Sydwales: (Swed.) New South Wales.
Nya Zeeland: (Swed.) New Zealand.
Nyzeeländsk: (Swed.) New Zealandic.
Ny Caledonien: (Dan.,) New Caledonia.
N Y City Post: S. Allan Taylor label, 1865.
N Y F M: New York Foreign Mail.
Ny Foundland: (Dan., Nor.) Newfoundland.
Ny Foundlande skeppspost: (Swed.) Newfoundland ship mail (ship post).
Ny Foundlande skibspost: (Dan.,) Newfoundland ship mail (ship post).
Ny Foundlande skipspost: (Nor.) Newfoundland ship mail (ship post).
Ny Hebriderne: (Dan., Nor.) New Hebrides.
Ny Kaledonien: (Dan.,) New Caledonia.
Nyländska Skärgårds A.B.: (Fin.) used on steamships, carrying mail, serving Finland cities, late 1800s-early 1900s.
N.Y. Match Co.: See Private die match proprietary stamps.
Nyolc: (Hung.) eight (number).
Nyolcvan: (Hung.) eighty (number).
Nyomtatv: (Hung.) printed matter overprint on hyper-inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment.
Nyomtatvány: (Hung.) printed matter.
N Y R B A: New York, Rio & Buenos Aires, Airlines, USA.
Ny Skotland: (Dan.,) Nova Scotia.
Ny Skotlande skibspost: (Dan.) Nova Scotian ship mail (ship post).
Ny Skottland: (Nor., Swed.) Nova Scotia.
Ny Skottlande skeppspost: (Swed.) Nova Scotian ship mail (ship post).
Ny Skottlande skipspost: (Nor.) Nova Scotian ship mail (ship post).
Ny Syd Wales: (Dan.,) New South Wales.
Nytryck: (Swed.) reprint.
Nytryk:(Dan., Nor.) reprint, see Eftertryk (Dan.).
Nytryk, privat: (Dan.,) private reprint.
Nyugat: (Hung.) West.
Nyugat-Magyarorszag Orszve: overprint on stamps of Hungary, Western Hungary.
Ny Zealand: (Dan., Nor.) New Zealand.
Ny Zealande skibspost: (Dan.,)) New Zealand ship mail (ship post).
Ny Zealande skipspost: (Nor.) New Zealand ship mail (ship post).
Nyzeeländske skeppspost: (Swed ) New Zealand ship mail (ship post). N.Z.: New Zealand.
N Z$: currency unit in Aitutaki.
NZ and Star: watermark seen on New Zealand wove paper made by Basted Paper Co.
N Z S D A: New Zealand Stamp Dealers Association

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