U: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Envelope or Letter Sheet. 2: auction abbreviation term for Used. 3: Udine (It.) pre-adhesive postmark 4: Ungarn (Ger.) Hungary. 5. prefix letter by the U.S. Bank Note Company in front of the plate number.
UA: 1: Unaddressed. 2: auction abbreviation for used abroad.
U.A.E.: see United Arab Emirates.
U.A.E.: overprint on stamps of Abu Dhabi.
Syria. 3: (with value in “m”and “f”) Egypt. 4: with Official; United Arab Republic, Egypt.
Uægte: (Dan.) false, forgery, counterfeit, see Forfalskning.
U.A.R.: 1: see United Arab Republic, 2: (with value in “p”) Uasta: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1868, see Interpostal Seals.
Ubangi-Shari (Chad): Western Africa, north of the Equator; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1910: French Congo divided into the three colonies of Gabon, Middle Congo and Ubango-Shari, and named “French Equatorial Africa,” 1915: No.1, 1 centime olive-gray and brown, stamps of Middle Congo overprinted “Oubangui-Chari-Tchad,” 1916: first semipostal stamp issued, 1922: stamps of Middle Congo overprinted “Oubangui-Chari,” 1924: stamps of Middle Congo overprinted “Oubangui-Chari” and “Afrique Equatoriale Française,” 1928: postage due stamps of France overprinted, “Oubangui-Chari /A.E.F” 1934: became a single administrative unit including Chad, see Central African Republic.
Ubeda: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Überbreite marken: (Ger.) oversize stamps; unusually wide margins.
Uber Christkindl: label sold in Austria for mail from the town of Christkindl at Christmas.
Überdrucken: (Ger.) surcharge.
Überdruck: (Ger.) overprint.
Übergehender stempel: (Ger.) cancel tying stamp to cover.
Überrandug: (Ger.) very large margins.
Überroller (oberroller): (Ger.) an item of mail caught in transit during a military campaign and subsequently delivered, usually with censor markings of the occupying power.
Übersenden: (Ger.) forward.
Überzogenes Papier: (Ger.) coated paper.
U-Boot marke: (Ger.) U-boat stamps.
Ubrugt: (Dan.) mint, hinged.
Ubrugt uden gummi: (Dan.) unused, no gum.
Ubrugt uden hængsel: (Dan.) mint, never hinged.
Ubrukt: (Nor.) mint, hinged.
UBSV- Ukrainscher-Briefmarken-Sammler-Verein: (Ger.) Ukraine Stamp Collector Group; located in Austria.
UC: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Airmail Envelope or Letter Sheet. 2: Upper Canada, pre-adhesive postmark.
UCAK ILT: inscription on etiquette, by air, Turkey.
UCAK Postalari: (Turk.) inscription on Turkey, air mail.
Ucceilo: (It.) birds (thematic).
U.C.Co.: local post, Upper Columbia Tramway. and Navigation Co., Canada, carried mail by steamboat, 1898.
UCIA: (on vertically cut half stamp) St. Lucia.
Uckfield Post: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
UCM: Scott Catalog number prefix for Military Airmail Envelopes (U.S. RF overprints).
Ucrain: (Rom) Ukraine.
Ucraina: (It.) Ukraine.
Ucrania: (Sp.) Ukraine.
Ucrainian: (Rom) Ukraine, Ukrainian (adj.).
UCS, UT: Unitrade Specialized Canada Catalog
Udbedret: (Dan.) repaired.
UDC: Undated Circular Cancel
Uden: (Dan.) without.
Udgave: (Dan.) stamp issue.
Udgavedata: (Dan.) issue date.
Udine: city in Italy, local post, 1918.
Udland: (Dan.) overseas areas, foreign countries.
Udmurtia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
U.D.P.: (It.) Ufficio della Posta (Post Office Official) pre-adhesive postmark.
Udstilling: (Dan.) exhibition.
Udvalg: (Nor.) selection.
UE: Scott Catalog number prefix for Special delivery Envelope (Hawaii).
UEPT: European Union of Posts and Telecommunications; started by Germany on Oct. 19, 1942 for the European countries it occupied during WW II.
UF: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Registration Envelope (Canal Zone). 2: Ufficio Francese (It.) French Post Office. 3: Union Française (Fr.) French Union.
Ufficiale: (It.) official.
Ufficiale postale: (It.) post office.
Ufficioso: (It.) unofficial.
Ufrankeret: (Dan.) not franked (with stamps), unfranked, without stamps, stampless.
Ufulu: (Independence) with “Malawi”, issued July 1964.
U.G.: (with value) Uganda Protectorate, 1895.
U.G.A.I.: Ungummed as Issued.
Uganda: : in East Africa at the Equator; currency: 50 cowries = 4 pence, 16 annas = 1 rupee = 200 cowries (1896), 100 cents = 1 Ugandan schilling (1962) 1890, May: Imperial British East Africa Company administered the area, 1895, July 1: declared a British Protectorate, 1895-96: No.1, 10 cowries black, first issues were typewritten produced by a missionary, Rev. E. Millar, 1898: stamps pictured Queen Victoria inscribed Uganda Protectorate, 1901, April: joined the UPU, 1902: postal services of British East Africa and Uganda were merged, stamps of “British East Africa” overprinted “Uganda,” 1903: stamps inscribed “East Africa and Uganda Protectorates,” 1922: stamps inscribed “Kenya and Uganda,” 1935: inscribed “Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika,” 1962, Oct. 9: stamps inscribed “Uganda” as independent member of the British Commonwealth, 1964, Feb. 13: joined the UPU, 1967, Jan. 3: first postage due stamp, 1998, Jan. 18: first semipostal stamp; see Kenya, Kenya-Uganda, Tanganyika and Tanzania.
Uganda, East Africa, Kenya: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Uganda, Kenya: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Ugummieret: (Dan.) (unused stamp) without gum, no gum.
Ugyldig: (Nor.) invalid
U.H.: overprint on stamps of Ecuador, late fee tax.
Uhersko: (Czech.) Hungary.
Uhersky: (Czech.) Hungarian.
Uhisabi: Charity on Estonian Christmas seals.
Uhuru 1963: Zanzibar.
Uhuru 9th Dec. 1961: overprint on stamps of Tanganyika.
Uitgave: (Dut.) issue.
Új Guinea: (Hung.) New Guinea.
Új Hebridák: (Hung.) New Hebrides.
Új Kaledonia: (Hung.) New Caledonia.
Újság: (Hung.) newspaper.
Újságposta: (Hung.) newspaper stamp.
Új Zéland: (Hung.) New Zealand.
UK: 1. United Kingdom, includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. 2. international postal code for Ukraine.
Ukendt: (Dan.) unknown.
Ukjent: (Nor.) unknown.
Ukraina: 1. inscription on stamps of Ukraine. 2. (Swed.) the Ukraine.
Ukraine: southeastern Europe, region of southwest Russia; official name of postal administration: Ukrposhta currency: 200 shahiv = 100 koplyok (kopecks) = 1 karbovanets (ruble), 100 shahiv = 1 hryvnia, 100 kopecks = 1 ruble (1992), 100 kopiyka = 1 karbovanets (1992), 100 kopiyka = 1 hryvnia (1996) 1864: Zemstvos issued as a local stamp; 790 stamps in 39 Ukrainian towns, 1917: Russian Revolution, Ukraine used Russian stamps, 1918, Jan. 22: Ukrainian National Republic declared, 1918, July: No. 1 10 shahiv buff, first stamp, 1918, Aug. 20, republic, first overprinted stamps denominated in Ukrainian currency, 1919, Apr.: 35K and 70K surcharge issued by the Soviets in the Ukraine, 1919: Polish eagle and diagonal overprints may be of private origin, 1920: printer’s waste and unissued sets exist, 1920, Aug. 26: military stamps for communications between government in exile while in Poland and military units in field, 1920, Nov.: formed into a Soviet Republic, stamps overprinted for the Ukrainian National Army, 1921: handstamp “Vilna Ukraina / 1921″ and “Doplata” are of private origin, 1921: Trident stamps of Ukraine & Russia, Russia Offices in Turkey, South Russia surcharged as “Deniken Issue;” Trident overprints exist as local issues, 1923, June 25: issued semipostals for Famine Relief, 1923: overprint “UPP” by Ukrainian government-in-exile for Field Post never officially issued, 1923: absorbed into the USSR, 1941-43: “Ukraine” overprint on stamps of Germany for occupation of Ukraine. 1947, May 13: joined the UPU, 1991, Dec. 8: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1991, Dec. 26: Ukraine declared independent, 2001, Apr.1: registration stamp issued.
Ukraine Antarctic Post: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps.
Ukraine, German Occupation: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ostland” for use in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 1941. Ukraine, Western: Post WW II, eastern Galicia, a portion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was independent, 1918: stamps of Austria overprinted Ykp.H.P. and surcharged, 1919, May: stamps of Austria ovrprinted 3.Y.H.P. symbols of the Cryllic alphabet and initials of Western Ukrainian National Republic, became part of Poland. Ukrainian Arctic Post: bogus Russian issue.
Ukrainian easter eggs: label design issued by the scouting organization.
Ukrainian Post: Cyrillic framed inside a stamp outline on postal meter paper, applied in Kiev post offices, for use of exiles in captivity in Regensburg waiting for repatriation, 1945.
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic: area part of Poland and Lithuania; 1918: proclaimed a republic, stamps were overprint of the trident emblem on stamps of Russia, 1922: joined with other Soviet republics to form the USSR, 1923: used stamps of the USSR, 1941: stamps of Germany overprinted “Ukraine” during occupation, WWII-post: Ukraine acquired Bessarabla and North Bucovina.
Ukrainien Forces in Bosien: bogus overprint on Russian stamps.
Ukrainien / Military / Contingent in Structure: bogus overprint on pairs of Ukrainian stamps.
Ukrainsk: (Swed.) tUkrainian.
Ukrainska Narodna Republica: (Ukraine) Ukraine People’s Republic.
Ukrajina: (Czech.) the Ukraine.
Ukrajinsky: (Czech.) Ukrainian.
Ukrajna: (Hung.) Ukraine.
Ukrán: (Hung.) Ukrainian.
Ukrbat on Un Bosnia: bogus overprint on stamps of Ukraine.
U.K. Special Delivery Service: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
U.K.T.T.: overprint on stamps of Nigeria, Southern Cameroons for Cameroons.
Uku Leta: (Haw.) paid letter, Hawaii.
UL: abbreviation for upper left.
Ulithi Atoll: bogus overprint on U.S. stamps for coral island in the Caroline Islands, 1954.
Ulldecona: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Ulleberg Local Post: see Drammen – G. O. Ulleberg Local Post
Ulm: city in Germany, local post, Privat-Stadt-Brief-Verkehr, 1896-97.
Ulm-Donau: German displaced person camp, local post, 1950.
Ulster: see Northern Ireland.
Ultramar: 1: (Port.) specimen, overprint on examples of stamps sent to the UPU. 2: (Sp.) overseas, inscription found on stamps of Cuba; see Specimen. 3: (Sp.) Beyond the Sea; (with year) (Sp.) Cuba, Puerto Rico. 4: (Sp.) Beyond the Sea;(with value in avos) (Sp.) Macao, war tax stamps. 5: (Sp.) Beyond the Sea; (with value in reis) (Sp.) Portuguese Guinea war tax stamps. 6: (Sp.) untramarine (color).
Ultramarin: (Dan., Nor., Swed., Rom.) ultramarine (color).
Ultramarinakt blå: (Swed.) ultramarinish-blue (color).
Ultramarin-cenusiu: (Rom.) grey-ultramarine (color).
Ultramarinakt djupblå: (Swed.) ultramarinish-deep blue (color).
Ultramarinakt grå: (Swed.) ultramarinish-grey (color).
Ultramarinakt violett: (Swed.) ultramarinish-violet (color).
Ultramarinblå: (Swed.) ultramarine-blue (color).
Ultramaringrå: (Dan., Swed.) ultramarine-grey (color).
Ultramarínová: (Czech.) ultramarine (color).
Ultramarinviolett: (Swed.) ultramarine-violet (color).
Ultra min: (Ger.) ultramarine (color).
Ultranarine(kék): (Hung.) ultramarine (color).
Ultraviolet (UV): lamp that gives off two different wave lengths-Shortwave and Longwave. Shortwave UV light will highlight phosphor tagging, either in the printing ink or the coating on a stamp. Longwave UV light will spot fluorescence in the paper of a stamp or cover.
U/M: 1: unidad militar (Sp.) military unit, used by Cuban personnel in Angola, 1985. 2: abbreviation for unmounted mint, never hinged.
Umändern: (Ger.) to alter.
Umbrabarna: (Hung.) umber-brown (color).
Umbuggianistan: hand drawn fantasy for bogus nation.
Umdruck: (Ger.) offset.
Umm al Quwain: Oman Peninsula on the Arabian Gulf; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee, 100 dirham = 1 riyal (1967) 1964, June 29: No. 1 1 naye paise multicolor, 1965: first air mail stamp, 1965, Dec. 22: first air mail official, first official, 1971, Dec. 2: as part of the United Arab Emirates, six sheikdoms proclaimed independence, 1973, Jan. 1: used stamps of United Arab Emirates; see Trucual States, United Arab Emirates.
Umm Said: Qatar, 1956, Feb.-March 31, 1957: British operated a postal service using the stamps of the British Postal Agencies of Eastern Arabia, Scott listed under Muscat and Oman.
Umrandung: (Ger.) frame, border.
Umschlag: (Ger.) cover, envelope.
UN: 1: United Nations. 2: abbreviation for unused
Unaddr: unaddressed.
Unaddressed: cover which has no address.
Unappropiated dies: British term for fiscal stamp with space provided in their design for their purpose to be filled in.
UNAVEM I, II and III: United Nations Angola Verification Missions for withdrawal of Cuban troops, Norway and Sweden forces, Jan.1989 – March 1996.
Unbekannt: (Ger.) unknown.
Unbenutzt: (Ger.) unused.
Unc.: auction abbreviation term for uncirculated.
Uncat: abbreviation for uncatalogued.
Uncatalogued: known to exist, but not listed in the catalog,
UNCHE: United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
UNCRO: United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, May 1995-Jan. 1996.
Uncut press sheets: large sheets of two or more panes of stamps that represent one turn, or half turn of the printing press.
Undantag: (Swed.) exception.
Undeliverable as addressed: mail that cannot be delivered s addressed and must either forward to the addressee, return to sender, or send to a mail recovery center.
Undeliverable mail: mail that cannot be delivered to as addressed.
Undenominated stamp: postage stamp with no indication of value,printed in anticipation of a postage rate increase.
Undercover addresses: see drop addresses.
Underfranked: a cover with an insufficient amount of postage to prepay the service requested.
Underfrankerat: (Swed.) insufficiently franked.
Underinked stamps: cased by too little ink being applied to the plate during printing; sometimes known as dry prints.
Underkant: (Nor.) lower edge.
Underpaid Mail: term used for US 5¢ fee charged from July 1, 1958 to July 31, 1958 for short paid postage; used postage due stamps.
Underprint: 1: a security device where a color, design or pattern is printed on the paper before the stamp design is applied. 2: words or figures printed on the back of a stamp; sometimes used to describe a design printed on the front of the stamp.
Underwater Mail: first underwater post office was established in Vanuatu, May 2003, open limited hours, with waterproof synthetic material postcards.
Underwood, Alex. & Co.: inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Undeutsche Undemokratische Republik: (Ger.) “Ungerman Undemocratic Republic” inscription on forged stamps of East Germany by West Germany.
Undivided Back: postcard without the dividing line to separate the message section from the address.
UNDOF: United Nations Disengagement Force in the Golan Heights, March 1979 – Dec.1993.
Undtagelse: (Dan.) exception.
UNEF: 1: United Nations Emergency Forces 1 started in1956 in Egypt after Egypt’s nationalisation of the Suez Canal; consisted of DA(nmark) and NOR(way) (DANOR) troops; Denmark 1956-67, Norway March 1959 – June 1967, Finland Dec. 1956 – Dec.1957, and Sweden March 1959 – June 1967. 2: United Nations Emergency Forces 2 back in Suez Canal area to supervise the cease-fire after the Yom Kippur was in 1973; Finland Oct. 1973 – Aug. 1979, Sweden Oct. 1973 – April 1980.
UNEF: 1965; Children’s Day stamp of the Republic of India overprint for use by Indian forces with the United Nations Emergency Forces in Gaza.
Unemployed intellectuals stamps: French stamps issued 1935-1940 with a premium for unemployed intellectuals; Hungary issued similar stamps in 1940 for unemployed artists.
UNESCO: 1: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 2: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1966-67.
UNESCO: inscription/surcharge on Afghanistan and France issues.
Unexploded: a booklet in the state in which it was sold by the post office.
UNFICYP: United Nations Forces in Cyprus, Danish May 1964 – Dec. 1992, Finnish March 1964 – Oct. 1977, and Swedish forces March 1964 – Oct. 1993.
U.N. Force (India) Congo: 1962, Jan. 15: stamps of India overprinted “UNEF” U.N. Emergency Force in the Congo and Gaza, for use of Indian troops making up the United Nations forces.
U.N. Force W. Irian: Feb. 15, 1963: overprint on stamps of Pakistan to be used as military stamps.
Ung.: (Ger.) Ungarn (Hungary). pre-adhesive postmark.
Ungaresc: Hungarian (adj.).
Ungarn: (Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Hungary.
Ungarnshjaelpen: Denmark overprint on stamps for Hungarian Refugees.
Ungarnsk: (Dan.) Hungarian.
Ungarnhilfe: Austria overprint on stamps for Hungarian Refugees.
Ungebraucht: (Ger.) mint, unused.
Ungebraucht ohne gummi: (Ger.) no gum, the stamp has no sign of gum.
Ungefalzt: (Ger.) unhinged.
Ungeria: (It.) Hungary.
Ungeripptes papier: (Ger.) wove paper.
Ungern: (Swed.) Hungary.
Ungersk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Hungarian.
Ungestempeit: (Ger.) unused.
Ungezähnt: (Ger.) imperforate.
UNGOMAP: United Nations Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Denmark and Sweden, May 1998-March 1999.
Un-gültig: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Germany, not valid of postage.
Ungummed: stamps issued without any gum usually due to climatic conditions.
Ungummiert: (Ger.) ungummed.
Unhcr/UNRWA/1971: Bhutan air mail overprint for World Refugee Year.
Unhinged: stamps without any traces of hinge marks.
Uniao dos Atiradores Civis Porto Franco: Union of Civilian Riflemen club inscription on stamps of Portugal, franchise issue.
UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund
Unico: (It., Sp.) unique.
Unido: (Sp.) a connected pair of strip of stamps.
Unie van Zuid Afrika: (Afrikaan) Union of South Africa.
Unificato: specialized catalogue of Italian area, including colonies, Trieste, etc.
UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, Finland 1982, Norway, 1978 and Sweden 1978.
Uniform Fourpenny Post: from Dec. 5, 1839 to Jan. 9, 1840, letters posted in Britain were charged a uniform rate of 4d, instead of the postage calculated by distance.
Uniform Penny Post: started in Great Britain in Jan. 1840, with a basic rate of 1d per half ounce regardless of distance carried, and discontinued in 1918.
UNIIMOG: United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group, Finland, Norway and Sweden, Aug. 1988-Feb. 1991.
U.N. Interim Administration in Kosovo: issued March 14, 2000, service local for first two months, then international usage.
UNIKOM: United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden; April 1991- Jan. 196.
Union: 1: island in Grenadines of St. Vincent, stamps first issued in 1976. 2: French produced bogus issue for Philippine islands.
Union City, Tennessee Paid 5: questionable; see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche: (It.) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).
Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas: (Sp.) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).
Union de Republiques Socialistes Sovietiques: (Fr.) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)
Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche: (It.) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).
Union Express: private mail delivery serviced Ohio and Pennsylvania, used labels, c1879.
Union Française Royaume du Laos: (Fr.) Laos.
Union Internationale des Telecommunications: Switzerland Official stamps for International Telecommunications Union.
Union Island: part of the St. Vincent Grenadines; Do NOT confuse with Union Islands. 1976, Sep. 23 and July 19, 1982: St. Vincent Grenadines issued stamps inscribed Union Island, 1984, Mar. 29: No. 1 1 cent pair.
Union Jack: term for the flag of the United Kingdom, England.
Union Jack re-entry: on stamp L-K, plate no. 75 of the 1841 British penny red, Die 1, doubling of the top corner “stars,” making a ‘Union Jack’ effect.
Union Match Co.: inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Union of Myanmar: 2001 sheets that are illegal and not issued by postal administration, UPU circular no. 428,, issued Nov. 25, 2002.
Union of P.O. Workers: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Union of South Africa: South Africa, 1910-26. 1910, May 31: Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal incorporated in Union of South Africa, 1910, May 31: each territory used its own stamps, 1910, Aug. 18: government authorized use of valid postage and revenue stamps of each territory throughout the Union, 1913, Sept. 1: first definitive issue, 1938, Jan. 1: pre-Union stamps demonetized; see South Africa. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: (Soviet Union) existed from 1922 to 1991 and comprised 15 Soviet republics and hundreds of ethnic groups; see Russia.
Union of South Africa: see South Africa.
Union Panamericano 1890-1926 Correo Aereo: (Sp.) PanAmerican Union, Guatemala air mail.
Union Post: U. S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1846.
Union Postale Arabe: Libya, Arab Postal Union.
Union Postale del Salvador: (Sp.) El Salvador.
Union Postale Universelle – Helvetia: 1957; inscription for Switzerland official stamps of the Universal Postal Union International Bureau.
Union Square Post Office: U. S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1852; see Dunhams Post Office.
Union stamp: propaganda labels issued by the Irish nationalist groups, sold to raise money for their cause.
Union Town, Ala. CSA Postage 2, 5, 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Unionville, S. C. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
UNIPOM: United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission; Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, Sept. 1965-March 1966.
Unique: no other stamp like it.
Unissued stamp: a stamp that has been prepared for use but not issued.
Unita – Angola: National Union for the Total Independence of Angola; stamps supposedly issued by rebel movement in Angola but produced by a stamp dealer.
United Arab Emirates: federation of six sheikdoms in Arabia, on the border of the southern coast of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf, aka Trucial States; currency: 1,000 fils = 1 dinar, 100 fils = 1 dirham (1973) 1971, Dec. 2: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah and Umm al-Qiwain formed the UAE with Ras al Khaima joining in Feb.1972, used own stamps, 1972, Aug.: No.1, 5 fils multicolor, stamps of Abu Dhabi overprinted “UAE,” used in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, 1973, Jan. 1: first UAE stamp, 1973, March 30: joined the UPU.
United Arab Republic: 1958, Feb.: union formed by Egypt and Syria, 1958, Mar. 22: stamps issued by Egypt for UAR, 1958, Oct. 6: stamps of Syria overprinted “RAU,” 1958: No.1 12 ½ pence yellow and green, Egypt and Syria linked design, 1961: Syria withdrew; Egypt still uses the name, see Syria.
United Automobile Service: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
United Carriage Co. Express: private parcel delivery serviced Ohio and Pennsylvania, used a stamp.
United China Relief: labels, issued to raise funds, 1940s.
United Europe stamp: issued Sept. 15, 1956 in Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany to mark the European Coal and Steel Community Conference held in Messina in June1955.
United Horan State: 1924 European cinderella used on private postcards that did not go through the mail, part of Cooland and West Refaim.
United Ireland: fantasy from American Journal of Philately.
United Kingdom: consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; see Great Britain.
United Kingdom, Regional Issues: see Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
United Nations (UN): stamps are sold in the UN Building in New York, Geneva and Vienna and have postal validity throughout the world, currency: United States in New York, Swiss in Switzerland, and Austrian in Vienna 1945, Oct. 24: charter signed by 50 nations, 1950-69: used stamps of Switzerland overprinted for Palais des Nations, 1951, Oct. 24: first US stamp, No.1, 1¢ magenta, from New York City, 1969, Oct. 4: first Swiss stamp, No. 1, 5 centimes purple and multi; from Geneva, 1979, Aug. 24: first Austrian No. 1, 50 groschen multicolored; from Vienna.
United Nations European Offices:1950: “Nations Unies Office Europeen” overprint on stamps of Switzerland.
United Nations, Kosovo: currency: 100 pfennings = 1 mark 2000, Mar. 14: No.1, 20 pfennings multicolored issued by U.N. Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, 2002, May 2: denominations in Euros only.
United Nations, Offices in New York, Geneva, Kosovo, West New Guinea, Vienna: 1951-current; found in the Scott Catalogue Volume 1 immediately after United States-Ryukyu Islands.
United Nations, West New Guinea: southwest Pacific Ocean, western half of New Guinea; currency: 100 cents = 1 gulden 1962, Oct.1: former Netherlands New Guinea became territory under the administration of U.N. Temporary Executive Authority, 1963, May 1: Indonesian Administration took over, 1962: stamps of Netherlands New Guinea overprinted “UNTEA.”
United Republic of Tanganyika & Zanzibar: Tanzania. 1875, July 1: joined the UPU.
United Russia: inscription on stamps of South Russian Government of General Denikin; 1918-19; see Russia, South.
United State of Saurashtra: near Bombay, India; 1948: formed by 217 states of Kathiawar Peninsula, 1949: No. 1, 1 anna deep claret, “Service” manuscript for offiicial use, 1956: became part oft heBombay State.
United State of Travancore-Cochin, India: 1949, July 1: stamps of Travancore and Cochin surcharged “Service” for official use.
United States Administration of Cuba: see Cuba.
United States Administration of Guam: see Guam.
United States Administration of Korea: 1946, February 1: stamps of Japan surcharged; see Korea.
United States Administration of the Canal Zone: 1904-79; see Canal Zone.
United States Administration of the Philippines: 1899: Philippines overprint on stamps of the United States, 1906, September 8: “Philippine Islands / United States of America” inscription on stamps of the Philippines; see Philippines.
United States Administration of Puerto Rico: 1898: handstamped square, aka The “Ponce” Issue and circle, aka the “Coamo” Issue; 1899: “Porto Rico” overprint on stamps of the United States; see Puerto Rico.
United States and Canada Express: private mail and parcel delivery serviced New England and eastern Canada provinces, used labels, c1850s.
United States City Despatch Post: 1842-46, New York, NY; see Carriers’ Stamps.
United States Code (USC): the official restatement of the general and permanent laws of the United States; title 39 USC contains laws relating to the USPS.
United States Envelope Company: manufacturer of stamped envelopes.
United States Express Company: private parcel delivery serviced northern states New England to Denver, used corner cards, labels, stamps, 1854-1914.
United States Military Rule of Korea: 1946, Jan. 1: stamps of Japan surcharged, 1948, May 10: stamps for Republic of Korea issued; see Korea, South
United States of America: North America, between Canada and Mexico; Stamps of this country can be found in these catalogs: Brookman, Michel, Sassone, Scott, Stanley Gibbons, Yvert et Tellier; Currency: 100 cents = 1 dollar. 1639: Mass. General Court appointed Richard Fairbanks in charge of letters entering and leaving the colony by sea, 1660: New Amsterdam, (re-named New York in 1664) erects mail box for outgoing mails, 1661: Virginia had a route where mail was carried from plantation to plantation, 1673, 1 January: mail service established between New York and Boston, 1683: William Penn (1644-1718), the founder of Pennsylvania, establishes weekly mail services to Newcastle, Delaware, the only post office in the colony until 1755, 1692: by acts of several Colonial Legislatures, various postal rates dependent on distances for single sheet letters established, 1693, 1 May: Andrew Hamilton, based in New York, was appointed Deputy Postmaster General of the colonies serving under the Master of the Royal Mint in London, who was given the right to operate a postal system in North America, 1710: by Act of Parliament, various postal rates dependent on distances established for the American colonies, 1753: Benjamin Franklin, Postmaster of Philadelphia, was appointed U.S. Deputy Postmaster General, was able to demonstrate a profit for the first time by establishing a penny post in the larger cities, had a mail wagon service, and delivered all newspapers for a fee, 1756, 15 March: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial United States during the British period (pre-1776): unframed two-line “NEW / YORK”, 1764: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Philadelphia during the British period (pre-1776): unframed two line “PHILA / DELPHIA”, 1765: by an Act of Parliament, revised postal rates dependent on distances established for the American colonies, 1765, 25 April: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Georgia during the British period (pre-1776): unframed straight line “SAVANNA”, 1766, 23 January: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Connecticut during the British period (pre-1776): unframed two-line “HART / FORD”, 1776, 4 July: independence from Great Britain declared, 1776, 31 July: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Maryland during the British period (pre-1776): unframed two-line “ANNA / POLIS”, 1769, 19 February: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Massachusetts during the British period (pre-1776): unframed straight-line “BOSTON”, 1769, 19 June: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial South Carolina during the British period (pre-1776): unframed two-line “CHARLES / TOWN”, 1770, 25 January: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Virginia during the British period (pre-1776): unframed straight-line “WMS.BURG”, 1770, 2 July: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial North Carolina during the British period (pre-1776): oval-framed “NEW- / BERN”, 1771, 1 July: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Rhode Island during the British period (pre-1776): unframed straight-line “NEWPORT”, 1772, 24 January: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial South Carolina during the British period (pre-1776): unframed straight-line “George*Town*S (space) JAN:24″, 1772, 1 July: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial Florida during the British period (pre-1776): unframed straight-line “PENSACOLA”, 1775, 24 February: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial New Hampshire during the British period (pre-1776): unframed two-line “PORTSMOUTH / FEB: 24″, 1775, 26 July: Postal Act passed by the Second Continental Congress appoints Benjamin Franklin as Postmaster General, and began operations of the Post Office under the Articles of Confederation, 1781: first organization of the United States as an independent nation through the Articles of Confederation, 1782: new U.S. Post Office Dept. designated a government monopoly by federal legislation, 1782, 15 August: earliest recorded postal handstamp including year, month and day dates; unframed two-line “BALTIMORE / August 10, 1782″, 1784, 2 June: North Carolina offered portions of its Western regions to the Federal Government because it was unable to administer or protect the territories. Although the offer was withdrawn on 20 November, the counties of Washington, Sullivan and Green independently organized the unofficial State of Franklin, which included the cities of Greenville (the appointed capital) and Jonesboro, and numerous smaller towns, in what now is the northeastern corner of Tennessee. The State of Franklin was created in August 1784, and ceased to exist on the last day of February 1788. The counties became part of Tennessee, when the former Governor of Franklin, John Sevier, became the first Governor of Tennessee. Postal history from the State of Franklin is documented, 1787: final organization of the United States as an independent nation being a Federal Republic by ratification of the Constitution, 1789: Samuel Osgood appointed first Postmaster General of the independent United States of America, 1790, 19 April: earliest recorded postal handstamp for colonial New Orleans during the Spanish period (1783-1803): single-ring, two line NEUVA / ORLEANS”, 1799; Postmaser General Joseph Habersham initiates first attempt by U.S. Post Office to standardize cancellation devices by issuing brass 26 mm diameter circular date stamps to the postmasters of twelve post offices: Georgetown Potomac (D.C.); Newark, Trenton (New Jersey); Augusta (Georgia); Newburyport (Massachusetts); Newport, Providence (Rhode Island); Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania); Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Petersburg, Washington City (Virginia); 1800, 3 June: earliest recorded postal handstamp for the territory of New Mexico during the Spanish period (1517-1821): unframed straight-line “NUEVO MEXICO”. 1804, 19 February: earliest recorded postal handstamp for the Orleans territory during the pre-territorial period (20 December 1803-30 September 1804): single ring, two line “NUEVA / ORLEANS”. 1807, 13 September: earliest recorded postal handstamp for Louisiana during the territorial period (1 October 1894-30 April 1812): unframed straight-line “BALIZE”. 1834, 17 June: Earliest recorded postal handstamp for territory of California during the Mexican period (1822-8 September 1848): unframed straight-line “FRANCO ALTA / CALIFORNIA”, 1837, 7 November: earliest recorded use of the word “Railroad” included in a postmark; the word is in Old-English-type fonts, and is on a letter carried on the Albany (New York)-based Mohawk & Hudson Railroad, 1838, 7 July: Act of Congress legislates that all railroads within the current limits and future expansion of the nation will be “postal routes” (at the time, the total railroad track mileage was 1,913), 1841, 29 August: earliest recorded postal handstamp for the territory of New Mexico during the Mexican period (1821-1846): unframed single-line “N*Orleans*”. 1845, 3 March: Act of Congress effective 1 July 1845 established revised domestic postal rates, 5¢ for any distance under 300 miles, 10¢ for any distance over 300 miles, 2¢ for drop letters and circulars, and 2-1/2¢ for pamphlets and magazines. 1845, July: New York City Postmaster Robert H. Morris issued the first of the local Postmaster Provisional postage stamps; earliest recorded usage 15 July 1845. 1847, 3 March: Act of Congress effective 1 July 1847 authorized the production of 5¢ and 10¢ federal postage stamps, and declared illegal the use of the Postmaster Provisional postage stamps, or any other postage stamp not authorized by the Postmaster General. 1847, 1 July: printed by the Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson Co., the first United States 5¢ and 10¢ postage stamps were officially issued. The earliest recorded usage date for the 5¢ value is 7 July 1847, and the earliest recorded usage date for the 10¢ value is 2 July 1847. 1848, 14 August: U.S.Post Office Dept. Act. legislates that letters conveyed to or from points on the Pacific Coast will be charge 40¢ postage, and letters carried from one to any other place in California will be charged 12-1/2¢. 1849, 5 March: unofficial Territory of Deseret established in the Utah Territory by Brigham Young, existed until 1862. Correspondence from the area, as well as from other Utah areas settled by the religious group, is referred to as “Mormon” postal history. 1849-58: fastest mail route between New York and California was by packet boat via overland carriage in Central America, 1851, 3 March: Act of Congress legislates revised postal rates effective 30 June 1851, 1851: contract awarded to Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co. for production of the 1851 series of postage stamps; contract valid for six years; but extended for additional four years to 10 June 1861, 1851, 1 July: 1847 5¢ and 10¢ issued declared invalid for postage effective this date, being the only U.S. postage stamps declared invalid after issuance, 1853, 1 July: first stamped envelope issued, printed by George F. Nesbitt & Co., (New York) under contract, and sold to the public at the postage value plus the cost of manufacture, 1855, 3 March: U.S.Post Office Dept. Act legislates that effective 1 April 1855 prepayment on domestic letters is compulsory, that prepayment on letters to or from a foreign country is not compulsory, and that Express Companies and others are prohibited from carrying mails unless the standard postage rate was affixed with United States postage stamps. 1855, 18 May: during the Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co., contract life, Jessey Johnson was appointed the first U.S. Stamp Agent, with offices on Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Previous to Feb. 1855, printed stamps were delivered directly to Washington; afterwards, and until 1 Feruary 1869, the stamps were delivered to the Stamp Agent, and delivered by him to Washington, 1861, 1 June-18 October: Civil War period, some Confederate towns and cities introduced provisional stamps, 1861, August: due to the Civil War conflict, postage stamps and postal stationery currently available was demonitized, the post office orders extending to January 1862. The P.O. Dept. issued an order as early as 1863 to no longer redeem the demonitized postage, which consisted of the 1851-1856 issues, 1863: mailmen started delivering mail to the door in the 49 largest cities, 1863, 3 March: U.S. Post Office Dept. Act defines that effective 30 June 1863 letter mail is designated First Class Mail, reconfirming that prepayment is compulsory for domestic mails. 1863, July 1: the Free City Delivery of mail authorized by the 3 March 1863 Act of Congress goes into effect in 49 cities using 449 carriers, 1863, July: 2¢ “Black Jack” issued because 3 March 1863 Act of Congress eliminated carrier’s fees, and created a prepaid 2¢ rate for drop letters, 1864: USPOD equipped railroad cars with equipment necessary to distribute mails between Chicago and Clinton, Iowa, 1865, September: first Newspaper and Periodical postage stamps issued. 1867, 8 August: accepted date for the embossing of various size grills on U.S. postage stamps, the reason being to break the paper fibers allowing the cancellation ink to fully penetrate, and making stamp washing and re-use impossible, 1873, 3 March: Act of Congress authorized Official postage stamps, to be used because of the abolishment of franking privileges. 1873, May: first 1¢ Postal Card issued; earliest recorded usage date 10 May 1873. 1873, 1 July: Official postage stamps issued for each government department: Agriculture, Executive, Interior, Justice, Navy, Post Office, State, Treasury, and War, 1875, 1 July: U.S. joined the UPU as charter member country, 1877, 18 June: Semi-Official Air Post postage stamp issued for use on covers carried on the flight of the Buffalo Balloon ascending from Nashville and landing at Gallatin, Tennessee. 1879, March 3: Act of Congress effective 1 July 1879 authorized the usage of Postage Due stamps. 1880: U.S. Post Office Dep’t. awards first Star Route contracts for delivery of mails in rural or lightly populated areas by private carriers transporting mails from one post office to another, or from a railroad station to a post office, and usually delivering the mail to individual mail boxes located along the route. Named “Star Routes” because of the asterisks used to designate such routes in the contemporary / U.S. Post Office Department Postal Bulletins. Renamed Contract Highway Routes in 1971, 1885, 5 March: Act of Congress effective 1 October 1885 legislates that a Special Delivery service be created, limiting the services to free delivery offices and others serving populations of 4,000 or more customers. 1885, September: first Special Delivery postage stamp issued; earliest recorded usage 29 September 1885 (with 1 October delivery). 1889, 2 November: the Dakota Territory esablished 2 March 1861 became the States of North Dakota and South Dakota. 1893: Columbus Exposition set-of-16 stamps, represents the first U.S. commemorative issues. 1895, 31 March: ad in the Chicago Tribune offering two cent U.S. stamps for sale, first attempt to defrau. 1908: counterfeits of the 2¢ Washington Franklin stamp exist. 1911, 23 September: first official U.S. airmail flown at the International Aviation Tournament from Garden City Estates to Mineola, New York. Pioneer aviator Earle L. Ovington sworn in as the first official U. S. Airmail pilot, 1911, 19 October: Semi-Official Air Post postage stamp issued for postcards carried on a cross-country flight which was in competition for $50,000 for the first flight completing the trip within 30 days. The “Rodgers Aerial Post” stamp depicts the Vin Fiz Flyer, and is the first postage stamp to picture an airplane. 1911, 1 December: first United States registration postage stamp issued. 1912, 24 August: Act of Congress legislated Parcel Post postal rates for 4 th Class mail weighing 4 ounces or less. 1913, January: first parcel post Postage Due stamps issued. Earliest recorded usages include 15 January 1913 (5¢), 26 February 1913 (1¢), 7 July 1913 (2¢), 19 July 1913 (10¢) and 30 August 1913 (25¢. 1913, 1 July: first Parcel Post postage stamps issued. 1917, 6 April: U.S. declared war with Germany, 1917, 10 July: first U.S. Amy Post Office (A.P.O.) organized at St. Nazaire, France. 1917, 3 October: U.S. Congress established the War Revenue Act, which provided for free postage for all military personnel serving in overseas areas. 1917, 7 December: U.S. declared war with Austria-Hungary, 1918, 13 May: first United States Air Mail postage stamp issued, a 24¢ bicolor depicting a Curtiss Corp. Jenny. Completing the set, a 16¢ value was issued on 11 July 1918, and a 6¢ value was issued on 10 December 1918. 1918, May: Military Express Service created, with the U.S. Army assuming responsibility for the military postal services, which previously were handled by the U.S. Post Office Dept. 1919, 24 May: United States Postal Agency in China “ Shanghai” postage stamps issued; placed on sale in Shanghai on 1 July 1919; earliest recorded usage 2 July 1919. 1920, 8 September: first New York-San Francisco trans-continental airmail route inaugurated, 1920, 15 October: first Seattle-Victoria, British Columbia, regular airmail on contracted route inaugurated, U.S. Foreign Air Mail (F.A.M.) Route No. 2 by Hubbard Air Transport. The service expedited the Far East mails, routed via ships docking at Victoria. 1920, 1 November: first Key West, Florida- Havana, Cuba regular airmail routed on contracted route inaugurated on U. S. Foreign Air Mail (F.A.M.) Route No. 4 by Florida West Indies Airways. 1922: counterfeits of the 2¢ Fourth Bureau stamp issue exist, perf. 12 or 14, genuine is perf. 11. 1923, 9 April: first New Orleans-Pilottown, Louisiana, regular airmail route on contract route inaugurated on U.S. Foreign Air Mail (F.A.M.) Route No. 3 by Gulf Coast Airline, Inc. The service expedited the Central and South America mails, routed via ships docking at Pilottown. 1923, 2 May: Bureau of Engraving and Printing begins the production of the “Bureau” precancels. The first issue precanceled was the 1923 perf. 10 1¢ green Franklin issue, the precancellation being “ New York / N.Y.” betweenntwo bars. 1924, 1 July: first New York-San Francisco night-flying trans-continental airmail route inaugurated, 1925, 1 August: first Rural Free Delivery (R.F.D.) Airmail Star Route services completed by aviator Lt. Robert S. Fogg flying along the shoreline of Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire, 1928, 25 June: first Special Handling postage stamps issued. 1929, 1 May: due to a series of post office robberies in Kansas and Nebraska, stamps from the 1922-1925 issue were overprinted with “ Kans.” or “ Nebr.” for identification purposes, and as a deterrent for further thefts, 1934, 30 August: first Air Post Special Delivery postage stamp issued. 1935, 22 November: first trans-Pacific San Francisco-Manila, Philippines, regular airmail on contracted route inaugurated on U.S. Foreign Air Mail (F.A.M.) Route No. 14 by Pan American Airways Inc., special 25¢ airmail stamp depicting the “China Clipper” issued to pay the postage for this airmail service. 1938: counterfeits of the 3¢ Jefferson stamp exist, perf. 12 or imperforate; genuine is perf. 11 x 10 1/2. 1939, 20 May: first trans-Atlantic New York-Marseilles, France, and Southhampton, England regular airmail on contracted route inaugurated on U.S. Foreign Air Mail (F.A.M.) Route No. 18 by Pan American Airways Inc., special 30¢ airmail stamp depicting a “Winged Globe” issued to pay postage for this airmail service, 1941, 8 December: U.S. declared war with Japan, 1941, 11 December: U.S. declared war with Germany and Italy, 1942, 5 June: U.S. declared war with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania, 1945, 1 February: first Postal Note stamps issued. 1949, 1 November: Railroad Mail Service merged with other similar services; the service was discontinued 30 June 1977. 1950: U.S. forces sent to Korea. 1955, 6 June: U.S. Certified Mail postage stamp issued. 1956: counterfeits of the 4¢ Lincoln stamp exist, missing hair lines in the berad and head. 1964: Vietnam War. 1967: counterfeits of the 13¢ Kennedy exist, half-tone screening, rather then engraved as on the genuine stamp. 1970: counterfeits of the 6¢ Eisenhower stamp exist, lithographed, whiter paper with perforations of 10 1/2. 1970: the annual volume of mail grew to seven billion items. 1971, 1 July: United States Postal Service formed as a government-owned corporation. 1971: counterfeits of the 8¢ Eisenhower stamp exist, names on stamp misaligned. 1973: counterfeits of the 10¢ Crossed Flags stamp exist, misaligned horizontal perforations. 1973: counterfeits of the 10¢ Jefferson Memorial stamp exist, smudged appearance. 1975: counterfeits of the 13¢ Liberty Bell stamp exist, perforations on all four sides; genuine were coils. 1984: counterfeits of the 20¢ Truman stamp exist, crudely lithographed and perforated. 1991: counterfeits of the 29¢ Flags on Parade stamp exist, fakes are rouletted, genuine perforated on four sides. 1991, 18 January: military forces in Iraq and Kuwait, 2001, 9 October: military action in Afghanistan leading to Iraq, 2003: committee named to make suggestions re possible reorganization of the USPS, 2005: USPS makes deliveries of 206 billion letters, advertisements, periodicals and packages to 142 million addresses every day to every address in the nation, serves seven million customers each day at its 37,000 retail locations, has annual revenues of more than $69 billion, and delivers more than 46 percent of the world’s mail volume.
United States of Colombia: federation of nine sovereign states in Colombia; 1861-1904: each state could issue its own stamps, 1886: lost their sovereignty but continued to issue stamps until 1904.
United States Offices in China: see China, United States Offices.
United States of Indonesia: see Indonesia.
United States naval covers: cards or envelopes that have been postmarked or mailed from a U.S. Navy ship.
United States Postal Service (USPS): an independent agency of the executive branch, established on July 1, 1971, by the Postal Reorganization Act, when it became successor to the Post Office Department.
United States Proprietary Medicine Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
United States Postal Meter Co.: U.S. postage meter firm in 1931-44; acquired by Commercial Controls Corp. in 1944.
United States Postal Service: Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 created the United States Postal Service from the Post Office Department, with a board of governors that selected a postmaster general; started July 1, 1971.
United States Specialist: journal of the United States Stamp Society.
United States Stamp Society: formerly known as the Bureau Issues Association.
United States Virgin Islands: see Virgin Islands.
United States Zone (Germany): 1948: stamps of Germany overprinted with posthorn design, 1949, Sep. 7: stamps of the Federal Republic issued.
Unitrade: Canadian based stamp catalog of Canada and Provinces.
Unit watermark: an arrangement so that a complete design appears on every sheet of paper.
Uniunea Postala Universala: (Rom.) Universal postal Union, U.P.U.
Universal Expres – Pakke Frimk: see Copenhagen – Expres-Compagni Local Post
Universal Mail (UM): New Zealand local post with 170 stamps and 250 different postcards for sale.
Universal Penny Postage: William Hastings 1866 suggestion in a British pamphlet for low postage rates throughout the world.
Universal Postage: inscription on stamps of New Zealand to commemorate for a uniform postal rate for Britain’s empire.
Universal Postal Union (UPU): organization to regulate and standardize international postal usages and rates; 1850: Austro-German Postal union formed for German-speaking postal administrations, 1862, Aug.: US PMG Montgomery Blair suggested an “international concert of action” regarding the international postal scene, 1863, May 11: conference held in Paris, no binding treaties signed, 1868: Heinrich von Stephan, director posts, North German Confederation, wrote “Note on the Universal Postal Congress” to form a postal treaty, 1874, Oct. 9: representatives of 21 countries signed Treaty of the General Postal Union, 1878: formally adopted Universal Postal Union name, 1898: recommended that stamps be blue for letters, red for postcards, and green for printed matter, 1927, Sept.: uniform rates established for mail carried by air, 1947, Nov: became specialized agency of the United Nations, 1952: formally abolished requirement that stamps be blue for letters, red for postcards, and green for printed matter, 1957: issued own stamps courtesy of the Swiss post, “Universal Postal Union” inscription 2003: 190 member countries.
Universal Postal Union: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations.
Universal Postal Union 1874-1949: (With King George VI and Crown) Great Britain.
Universal Service: USPS term for delivery and pick up from everywhere in the U. S.
Universal Stamping Machine Company: manufacturer of canceling machines in the 1900s.
University College: issues to commemorate the opening of the University College of the West Indies, 1951.
Unlisted, Unl: unlisted, not in a philatelic catalog..
Unmailable: US marking to indicate seals not permitted on front ofenvelopes, PMG Order 5620; July 1, 1911.
UNMIBH: United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Finland and Sweden, Dec. 1995 – March 1996.
UNMIK: United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo issued stamps for Kosovo March 14, 2001 for internal use only.
UNMOGIP: United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan; Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden; Jan. 24, 1949 to date
UNMOP: United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka, Denmark, Finland and Norway forces, 1996.
UNMOT: United nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan, Denmark, Dec. 1994.
Unmounted mint: stamps which have never been hinged or mounted.
Unna: city in Germany, local post, 1945-48
Uno: (Rom.) one (number).
UNOC: United Nations Operations in the Congo; Denmark Aug. 1960 – June 1964, Norway July 1960 – March 1964, and Swedish forces, July 1960 – May 1964.
Unofficial: 1: varieties not authorized by the postal authorities. 2: nicht amtlich (Ger.); non officiel (Fr.), non ufficiale (It.), no official (Sp.).
Unofficial cachet: cachet applied by an agency other than the Post Office.
Unofficial cancel: cancel at a different location for the designated new issue site.
Unofficial first day cancel (UO): cancels applied on the first day of issue but not in the first day of issue city.
Unofficial First Day Cover: cover with a stamp affixed canceled on the first day of issue, but not from the city where the stamp was officially released.
Unofficial flight cover: flown without postal authorization
Unofficial perforations: perforations done after issuance of a stamp by a private party, to help separate the stamps such as the Confederate issues and private vending machine coils.
Unofficial reprints: stamps reprinted at a later date from the original plates but not by the original issuing entity.
Unofficial stamps: stamps issued by bus, airline, shipping firms, carriers and freights companies to prepay the charges on their services; may be considered as local or cinderella stamps.
UNOGIL: United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon, Denmark, Finland and Norway forces, June – Dec.1958.
UNOMIG: United nations Observer Mission in Georgia, Denmark and Sweden, Sept. 1993.
UNOMIL: United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia, Swedish forces, Sept. – Nov. 1993.
Únor: (Czech.) February.
UNOSOM I: United Nations Operations in Somalia, Finland Aug. 1992 – March 1993 and Norway forces, Dec.1992 – March 1993.
UNOSOM II: United Nations Operations in Somalia, Norway and Sweden forces, 1993-1995.
UNPA: United Nations Postal Administration.
Unpaid letter stamps: original name for postage due stamps.
Unperforated: term used for a stamp that did not receive perforations, a production error.
UNPF: United Nations Peace Forces, in Zagreb, March 1995 – Jan.1996.
UNPO: Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization; based in the Netherlands.
UNPREDEP: United Nations Preventive Deployment Force, Macedonia, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden supplied forces from April 1995-Oct. 1995.
Unprinted areas in stamp design: caused by inadequate ink on the plate, cleaning solvent dissipating the ink, foreign matter on the plate, weak spot on the impression roller, etc.
UNPROFOR: United Nations Protection Forces in Yugoslavia Denmark, Norway, and Swedish forces 1992-1995; in Bosnia dn Herzegovina March – Dec. 1995.
Unreserved auction: no hidden reserves or stated reserves selling lots for whatever is offered by the bidders.
Unrestricted: “unrestricted” air mail stamps are valid for any purpose for which a stamp can beused; see Restricted.
Unsevered: a connected pair of strip of stamps.
Unsorted: a mixture or accumulation that has not been inspected to see if anything of value was present.
Unsprezece: (Rom.) eleven (number).
UNTAC: United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia; Norway and Sweden, Feb. 1992-Sept. 1993.
UNTAES: United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium; Denmark, Finland and Norway forces, Jan. 1996.
UNTAG: United Nations Transition Assistance Group, in Namibia (South West Africa),Denmark, Norway and Sweden, April 1989 – March 1990.
Untagged: a stamp printed without tagging.
UNTAET: United Nations Transitional Administration, East Timor, 2000.
UNTEA: West Irian overprint on stamps of Netherlands New Guinea for United Nations Temporary Executive Authority for West New Guinea,1962.
Unten: (Ger.) bottom, lowest side of anything.
Unterbrochen: (Ger.) broken.
Untergebot: (Ger.) bid under limit.
Unterlegt: (Ger.) repaired.
Unternehmenslogo: (Ger.) (stamp) organizing group logo.
Unterrand: (Ger.) bottom, lowest side.
Unterscheidungszeichen: (Ger.) a good, sound copy.
Unterscheidliche: (Ger.) a sound copy, not good, if used, not too heavily postmarked.
Unterschrift: (Ger.) signature.
Unterseeboot Post: (Ger.) U-Boat Post, March 1945, stamp issued on Hela Peninsula, Danzig, for mail sent via submarine to the unoccupied German ports.
UNTSO: United Nations Truce Supervision Organization for Palestine; the Arab-Israeli conflict, consisting of troops from Denmark 1954, Norway 1956, Finland 1967 and Sweden 1948, all to date.
UNOMOZ: United Nations Operation in Mozambique, Finland May – Nov. 1994, Norway March – Nov. 1994, and Sweden forces Jan. – Dec. 1994.
Unu Safaro unu pastoro: (Esperanto) one flock and one shepherd, motto on labels.
Unused: 1: a stamp in mint condition as purchased from the post office. 2: a stamp that has no gum or is regummed.
Unvollständig: (Ger.) incomplete.
Unwatermarked: stamps printed on paper that has no watermark.
UNYOM: United Nations Yemen Observation Mission, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, July 1963 – Sept. 1964.
UO: Official Envelope; Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
Uofficiel: (Dan.) unofficial, not official.
Uoffisielle: (Dan., Nor.) official.
UOPTO CKPNCOPN: (resembles these letters) Romania-Moldavia.
UP: auction abbreviation for Universal Postal Union.
U.P.A.E.: Union Postal de las Americas y España (Sp.) Postal Union of the Americas and Spain.
Up-charged: UPU term for reclassification of a postal item to a higher cost of service; used with split-back postcards when they first came out; see split-back.
Upchuk, AK: joke precancel on U.S. stamps.
UPHA rOPA: (looks like these letters) Montenegro, Italian Occupation.
UPO: Underwater Post office, opened in Vanuatu, May 2004.
Upotrebená: (Czech.) used (stamp[s]), see Známka postovním razítkem.
Upper Austria: Lower Austria and Germany; 1945: Britain and the U.S. issued Allied Military Government stamps.
Upper Darqali: 1: printed in 1960s by a philatelist who invented country so stamps could be used to illustrate his work on stamp terms. 2: Lazy Natives, Old Leper Colony, Forcados Falls, inscriptions, unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001.
Upper Laurania: fantasies created by John de Treville with countries taken from Winston Churchill’s book, Savrola.
Upper Senegal and Niger: see Senegal, Upper.
Upper Silesia: see Silesia, Upper.
Upper Slobovia: Wilkinsburg Stamp Club joke souvenir sheets.
Upper Volta: northwestern Africa, north of Ghana, aka Burkino Faso; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1894-1902: used stamps of French Sudan, 1902-04: used stamps of Senegambia and Niger, 1904-20: used stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger, 1919, March 1: French territory of Upper Volta formed from Upper Senegal and Niger, 1920, Dec: No.1, 1 centime brown violet and violet; first stamps were “Haute-Volta” (Upper Volta) overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger, first postage due stamp, 1933, Jan.1: Upper Volta divided between French Sudan, Ivory Coast, and Niger Territory, 1947: named as an overseas territory of France, used stamps of French West Africa, 1958, Dec. 11: autonomous state as Republic of Upper Volta within the French community, 1959: stamps inscribed “Republique de Haute Volta,” 1960, Aug. 5: became fully independent, 1960, Aug. 11: first issue as autonomous republic, 1961, Mar. 4: first air mail stamp, 1962, Apr. 7: first semipostal stamp, 1963, Feb. 1: first official stamp, 1984, Aug. 4: name changed to Burkino Faso, 1984, Nov. 21: first stamps as Burkino Faso; see Burkino Faso.
Upper Yafa State: Yafa State: Sultanate of South Arabia; 1967: issued own stamps; part of Federation of South Arabia, not listed in Scott; 1967, Dec.: became part of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen.
Upside down Jenny: nickname for the 1918 24¢ inverted U. S. airmail.
UPSS: United Postal Stationery Society.
U.P.U.: 1: see Universal Postal Union. 2: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1949, 1970; British Commonwealth of Nations, 1949.
UR: abbreviation for upper right.
Ural: bogus Russian local overprint.
Urbanos Medellin: inscription of locals of Medellin, Colombia.
Urchin Post: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Urdal Local Post: see Tromso – M. Urdal Local Post.
Urdruck: (Ger.) initial printing.
Úredne otevreno devisovou kontrolou: (Czech.) opened by the office for the control of currency, label used to reseal mail after being opened to check enclosure for currency, 1939.
Urgencia: (Sp.) inscription on special delivery stamps of Spain.
Urgente: (Sp.) special delivery.
Urho: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890s.
U.R.I.: Uprave Ratnih Invalida (Society for Wounded Invalids) overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia, semipostal without official postal value, 1923.
Urplatte: (Ger.) original or first plate.
U.R.S.S.: Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (Sp.) U.S.S.R. Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.
Urstempel: (Ger.) die; a block of metal that has been hand or machine engraved from which plates are prepared to print stamps.
URU: international postal code for Uruguay.
Uruguay: South America between Brazil and Argentina; official name of postal administration: El Correo currency: 120 centavos = 1 real, 8 reales = 1 peso, 100 centesimos = 1 peso (1859), 1000 milesimos = 1 peso uruguayo (1898) 1830: became independent, 1856, Oct.1: No.1, 60 centavos blue; known as the “Diligencia” issue; carried by diligence or speed via private mail coach, 1859, June 26: general government issue inscribed Montevideo, 1862-72: stamps of Great Britain used at Montevideo, 1864, Apr. 13: inscribed Republica Oriental, 1880, July 1: joined the UPU, 1880: first official stamp issued, 1902: first postage due stamp issued, 1921, Aug.: first special delivery stamp issued, 1921: first air mail stamp issued, overprint “Correo Aereo,” 1922, Jan. 15: first parcel post stamp issued, 1922, June 1: first newspaper stamp issued, 1930, Nov. 13: first semipostal stamp issued, 1936, May 18: set of six late fee stamps issued, 1959, Dec. 29: first air mail semipostal stamps issued, see Alcance y.U.H., Artigas.
Urval: (Swed.) selection.
Urzhum: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1895-1901, see Zemstvo.
US$: dollar, currency unit in USA, British Virgin Islands, Ecuador, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Timor-Leste, Turks & Caicos Islands, United Nations (N.Y.).
U.S.: abbreviation for United States.
USA: 1. United States of America inscription. 2. international postal code for the United States of America.
U.S.A. Airmail to: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
USA Armee Czechy: private overprint on stamps of Germany.
Usado: (Sp.) used, a stamp that has been employed for the postal or revenue service for which it was issued.
Usado a Pluma: (Sp.) pen canceled.
Usædvanlig: (Dan.) uncommon, scarce.
USA First Class: 1: love; U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 34¢, issued Jan. 19, 2001. 2: Statue of Liberty; U. S. non-denominated postage stamp, value 34¢, issued Dec. 15, 2000.
Usagé: (Fr.) used, a stamp that has been employed for the postal or revenue service for which it was issued.
Usages: ways in which stamps are used; such as first class, air mail, insured, etc.
USA Philatelic: the mail-order stamp catalog of the USPS, free by writing to Fulfillment Services, P.O. Box 219424, Kansas City, MO 64121-9424.
USAPS: U. S. Army Postal Service.
Usato: (It.) used, a stamp that has been employed for the postal or revenue service for which it was issued.
U.S. Automatic Vending Machine Co.: New York, N.Y. manufacturer of stamp vending machines, 1906-12, distinctive perforation.
U.S. Bank Note Co.: contractor for printing U.S. postage stamps, 1989.
U.S.C.E.: Universal Stamp and Cover Exchange.
U.S. Charge to Collect (amount) Cents: marking on mail arriving in the United States from overseas to indicate amount of postage due.
U.S. Christian Commission: established Nov. 1861; volunteers donated stationery and wrote more than 90,000 letters for soldiers, on both sides of the Civil War, who were unable to write for themselves.
U. S. civil censorship: cancel from Munich, Germany used post World War II from displaced persons camps and other facilities.
U.S. Clipper: refers to U. S. airmail flying boat stamps issued in 1935 and 1937.
USCS: Universal Ship Cancellation Society.
Usé: (Fr.) postally used stamp.
Used: 1: a stamp that has been employed for the postal or revenue service for which it was issued. 2: gebraucht (Ger.); oblitéré (Fr.); usato (It.); usado (Sp.).
Used abroad: stamps used outside the issuing country; usually means a stamp posted and cancelled at an office established by a postal administration in a foreign country.
Used on cover: stamps postmarked and saved on the original envelope.
Used on piece: stamp saved on a portion of the original cover to preserve the entire postmark.
Used proofs: proofs which have performed postal duty such as Lithuania’s National Assembly stamps of 1920 used for postage.
Usedvanlig: (Nor.) uncommon, scarce.
U S entires: the complete prestamped envelope.
U.S. Express Mail: circular handstamp applied at steamboat terminals, 1842.
U.S. Express Post: S. Allan Taylor label, 1865.
U.S. French Sea P.O.: marking on U.S.- French service, New York to Le Havre, 1912-17, with one French and one U.S. postal clerk aboard each ship.
U.S. government flight: airmail services conducted under authority of a federal agency in pioneering future commercial airmail route within the U.S.
USGPO: U. S. Government Printing Office.
U.S.I.R.: U.S. Internal Revenue; without periods makes up the watermark used for revenue stamps.
Uskub: (Skopje) overprint on stamps of Turkey for Sultan’s visit to Macedonia.
U.S. Mail: 1: any mailable matter that is accepted for mail processing and delivery by the USPS. 2: 1849-50; see Carriers” Stamps.
US Mail Agency: handstamp used in Vera Cruz, Mexico during occupation, see : Vera Cruz.
US Mail Coach: waybill for stage route with listing of fares, passengers, names and destinations.
U.S. Mail Pre-Paid: New York, N.Y.; see Carriers’.
U.S.M. Co. (Universal Safety Match Co.): inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil: postal marking started Dec. 21, 1922 when 35 U.S. naval personnel were sent to Brazil, stamps of Brazil used, 1922-31, 1936-77.
U.S. Overseas Steam mail Packet Service, 1847-1939: The U.S. Congress, 1845, authorized building a mail packet service exclusively with steam ships.
USPCS: United States Philatelic Classics Society.
U.S. Penny Mail: postmark, 1861-63, used by Philadelphia mail carriers for local mail.
U.S. Penny Post: 1849-57, St. Louis; see Carriers” Stamps.
U.S. Pkt: U.S. Packets passing through London to the Continent.
USPMSC: United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog.
U.S.P.O.: United States Post Office, mid-1800s, New York, N.Y.; see Carriers’.
USPOD: 1: United States Post Office Department, official branch of the government for delivering the mail until 1971, when it became the USPS. 2: watermark on paper used for U.S. Postal Cards, 1873-75.
USPO Despatch: 1851, Nov. 17, several cities, see Carriers’ Stamps.
U.S. Postal Agency, Barranquilla, Col. S.A.: handstamp for agency established 1936 for mail addressed to the West Coast of South America, where mail was then assorted for northern and southern plane service.
U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai: authorized by Act of Congress, July 27, 1868, abolished Dec. 31, 1922; prior to July 1, 1919, U.S. stamps were used; after that date, the overprint “Shanghai China” was used.
U.S. Postal Agency Tientsen: handstamp used at U.S. Consulate in 1883.
U.S. Postal Savings Certificate of Deposit: receipt for the U.S. Postal Savings program, which ran from 1911 to 1970; depositor would complete a card or booklet of postal savings stamps and receive the certificate. CHECK! U. S. Postal Savings Stamps: issued by the Post Office Department, 1911-61, 10¢ and 25¢ stamps showing Minute Man design to support national effort for World War II.
U.S. Postmasters’ Provisionals: issued in a number of U.S. cities between 1845, when uniform postal rates were established by Congress, and 1847, when U.S. postage stamps were used.
U.S. Proprietary Medicine Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
USPS: 1: United States Postal Service, established by the Postal Reorganization Act of July 1, 1971 as an independent, self-supporting federal agency within the Executive Branch. 2: United States Postage Stamp, applied as a watermark on U.S. stamps of 1895-1917. 3: Union of Swiss Philatelic Societies.
USS: 1: The U. S. Specialist. 2: United States Ship, Steamer or Steamship.
USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
U.S.S. Revenue & Postage Saurashtra: overprint on stamps of Soruth for United State of Saurashtra, see Soruth.
USSS: United States Stamp Society, formerly the Bureau Issues Association.
U. States Letter Express: local post, unknown origin.
U.S.T.C.: United State of Travancore-Cochin, India 1949.
Ustiuzhna: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1889-97, see Zemstvo.
Ústrizek Pruvodky: (Czech.) parcel clipping.
Ustsysolsk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1872-1916, see Zemstvo.
U. S. War Savings Certificate Stamp: issued by the Treasury Department, 1917-20.
U.S. Zone (Germany): 1948: stamps of Germany overprinted with posthorn design for use in U.S. and British zones.
UT: USPS abbreviation for Utah.
Utah: 1: became a U.S. territory Sept. 9, 1850, state Jan. 4, 1896; ceded from Mexico Feb. 2, 1848. 2: also known as Mormon Stamps, supposedly issued by Brigham Young in 1853, but printed in 1864.
Utah postage: bogus Mormon label, 1852, pictured Brigham Young.
Utakket: (Dan., Nor.) imperforated.
Utan: (Swed.) without.
Utan gummering: (Swed.) unused, without gum, see Ostämplat utan gummering.
Utca: (Hung.) street.
Uten gummi: (Nor.) unused, no gum.
Utenlandsk: (Nor.) foreign.
Uten punkt: (Nor.) without period, without stop.
Útery: (Czech.) Tuesday.
Utflutet tryck: (Swed.) blurred print.
Utgåva: (Swed.) issue.
Utgave: (Nor.) issue.
Utica Express Co.: fake local label from the 1870s.
Utiel: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Utilisé pour la poste: (Fr.) postally used.
Utrera: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Utropstecknet: (Swed.) exclamation mark.
Utstilling: (Nor.) exhibition.
UV: Ultraviolet light; see Ultraviolet.
Uvea: see Wallis and Futuna Islands.
Uw.: abbreviation for unwatermarked.
UX: Postal Card. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage.
UXC: Scott Catalog number prefix for Air Post Postal Card.
UY: Scott Catalog number prefix for Reply Postal Card.
UZ: Scott Catalog number prefix for Official Postal Card.
Uzbekistan: Central Asia, north of Afghanistan; Official name of postal administration: Post of Uzbekisan. currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 tiyin = 1 sum. 1924: Socialist republic established, 1991, Dec. 26: joined with ten other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1992, May 7: No.1, 20 kopecks multicolor, first stamp issued, 1994, Feb. 24: joined the UPU.
Území: (Czech.) territory.
Uzhgorod: city in Ukraine, local overprint,1993.