Aleksandr Rodchenko – Pioneer Girl

Aleksandr Rodchenko was a prominent Russian artist, sculptor, photographer, and graphic designer who played a crucial role in the Russian avant-garde movement during the early 20th century. Born in 1891 in St. Petersburg, Russia, Rodchenko initially studied drawing and painting before becoming involved in the avant-garde scene.

Rodchenko is perhaps best known for his innovative contributions to photography and photomontage. He embraced the principles of Constructivism, an artistic movement that sought to merge art with modern industrial materials and technology while emphasizing geometric forms and dynamic compositions. Rodchenko’s photography often featured unconventional angles, close-ups, and experimental techniques, reflecting his interest in capturing the essence of modernity and urban life.

In addition to his photography, Rodchenko also made significant contributions to graphic design and poster art. He believed in the power of art as a tool for social and political change, and his graphic designs often conveyed bold messages in support of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet regime.

Throughout his career, Rodchenko remained committed to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression and challenging traditional artistic norms. His work continues to be celebrated for its creativity, innovation, and lasting impact on modern art and design.

Adolphe Terris – Marseille

Adolphe Terris, a French photographer, was tasked with documenting the evolving landscape of Marseille, France, amidst its construction projects and urban transformations. A native of Aix-en-Provence, Terris initially relocated to Marseille with intentions of establishing a bookstore. However, his passion for photography led him to embark on a career in the field, commencing at a local photo studio in 1856.

In 1861, Terris secured his inaugural commission from the municipal authorities to chronicle the city’s modernization efforts. Over the course of nearly two decades, he diligently captured the progression of rehabilitation and construction initiatives across various urban facets, encompassing buildings, thoroughfares, waterways, railways, and the waterfront.

His comprehensive photographic documentation stands as a vital testament to the extensive changes and revitalization initiatives undertaken within one of France’s largest urban centers. These images, recognized for their historical significance, were subsequently incorporated into a publication by the French Ministry of Public Works. Additionally, Adolphe Terris played a pivotal role as one of the founding members of the Société Marseillaise de Photographie.

Personal Update on My Collection

I have not uploaded many products to the online store portion of this website as of late. I am “downgrading” my collection, so to speak. I was collecting world of all dates. Now I am limiting it to 1960. So I am gathering together all post-1960 material to put up online to sell.

I am also going through other material to sell. It is taking awhile.

There has been no traffic on the website. I thought the blog posts would help drive traffic to the website and there would be “like minded” collectors who would be interested in starting a store to sell their inherited collections or duplicates but so far there have been no traffic on the site or registrations. The forum is also empty and there are no comments on the blog posts

I haven’t promoted it in any way either. I was waiting until I had more content and more items to sell (including non-stamp related material) before doing so.

It will be much cheaper than ebay or Hipstamp (10% of sales) to sell on here with no sign up fee. The first people to register to sell will have to be patient and trust me while I work out the logistics and inevitable kinks in the process. All that is down the road, however. I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I am still missing pages from Scott International for the 1950’s up to and including 1960 so those parts of my collection are scattered for now. I will look for a Part IV (?) in the future.

I am noticing that many stamps are left out of the Scott International albums. I am debating if I should add missing stamps to the margins of pages or save seperately in vario pages. I could also use Steiner pages but I don’t want to remove them again if I get a new album.

The Stamp of Legacy: Amelia Earhart’s Unforgettable Journey

The 8 cent red “Amelia Earhart” postage stamp was issued in 1963 by the United States Postal Service to commerate Amelia Earhart, the “First Woman in Flight.”

Read more: The Stamp of Legacy: Amelia Earhart’s Unforgettable Journey

n the vast tapestry of history, certain figures stand out as beacons of courage and inspiration. Among them is the legendary aviator Amelia Earhart, whose indomitable spirit and groundbreaking achievements left an enduring mark on the world. Her story, like many other remarkable tales, has been immortalized on a postage stamp, serving as a tangible reminder of her trailblazing legacy.

Amelia Earhart, born in 1897, soared into the annals of history as the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Her daring feats and relentless pursuit of gender equality in aviation captured the world’s imagination during a time when such endeavors were predominantly male-dominated.

The stamp that pays homage to Earhart features a striking portrait of the aviator, capturing the essence of her adventurous spirit. The stamp encapsulates not only the achievements of a pioneering aviator but also the societal shift she embodied.

Amelia’s journey began as a passion for aviation, fueled by an unyielding desire to defy societal norms. As she conquered the skies, her impact reached far beyond the cockpit. The stamp becomes a portal to her story, inviting collectors and enthusiasts to delve into the history of a woman who dared to dream differently.

The release of the stamp coincided with renewed interest in Earhart’s mysterious disappearance during her attempt to circumnavigate the globe in 1937. This enigma added an air of mystery to the stamp, making it not only a commemoration of her accomplishments but also a symbol of the unresolved questions surrounding her final flight.

Recently in January. 2024, news that the plane may have been located was released:

Through the lens of this postage stamp, collectors can connect with the indelible spirit of Amelia Earhart, embracing the stories of courage, perseverance, and the uncharted paths she explored. It serves as a tribute to her legacy, reminding us that, just like the stamps we collect, the imprints of remarkable individuals continue to echo through time, leaving an everlasting impression on the pages of history.

Austria (1850-) Country Guide

Nestled in the heart of Central Europe, Austria boasts a rich and intricate history that has shaped its identity over the centuries. With roots tracing back to the Roman Empire, this enchanting land has been a crossroads of cultures, empires, and civilizations. The history of Austria is a tapestry woven with the threads of medieval dynasties, the grandeur of the Habsburg Empire, and the turbulent times of the 20th century. From the splendors of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the challenges of post-World War I independence, Austria’s narrative reflects the resilience and cultural diversity that define this picturesque country. This introductory glimpse into Austria’s past invites exploration into a fascinating journey through time, where the echoes of imperial grandeur and the struggles for self-determination have left an indelible mark on its captivating landscape.

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Reviving the Passion: A New Dawn for Stamp Collecting in the Digital Age

Once considered a fading hobby, stamp collecting is experiencing a vibrant renaissance in the digital age. While some may have speculated about the death of stamp collecting, the reality is quite the opposite. The convergence of technology, online platforms, and a renewed interest in tangible artifacts has breathed new life into this timeless pastime. In this article, we explore the positive trends and SEO-friendly aspects that are steering stamp collecting toward a dynamic and promising future.

  1. Digital Connectivity Boosts Engagement: Stamp collectors are embracing digital platforms to connect, share, and engage with a global community of enthusiasts. Online forums, social media groups, and virtual exhibitions have become the focal points for discussions, knowledge exchange, and showcasing impressive collections. This digital connectivity has given rise to a sense of camaraderie, breathing fresh energy into the hobby.
  2. E-commerce Fuels Market Accessibility: The rise of e-commerce has made stamp acquisition more accessible than ever before. Online marketplaces cater to collectors of all levels, offering a vast array of stamps, supplies, and specialized materials. This increased accessibility has democratized the hobby, attracting new enthusiasts who can now easily explore and expand their collections.
  3. Educational Initiatives Spark Curiosity: Educational content surrounding philately has become more accessible through blogs, videos, and online courses. These resources cater to beginners and seasoned collectors alike, fostering a deeper understanding of the historical, cultural, and artistic aspects of stamp collecting. Search engine optimization has played a pivotal role in making these educational materials easily discoverable.
  4. Virtual Exhibitions Garner Global Attention: Digital exhibitions have emerged as a powerful tool for showcasing exquisite collections to a global audience. Philatelic organizations and museums now curate virtual exhibits, allowing collectors to present their stamps in a visually appealing and interactive format. This trend not only preserves the essence of traditional exhibitions but also opens the door for greater participation and recognition.
  5. NFTs and Digital Collectibles Create Buzz: The advent of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has introduced a digital dimension to stamp collecting. Philatelists are exploring opportunities to tokenize unique stamps, creating digital collectibles that can be owned and traded on blockchain platforms. This innovative intersection of tradition and technology has generated buzz, attracting a tech-savvy audience.

Contrary to the notion of its demise, stamp collecting is experiencing a resurgence, fueled by digital connectivity, e-commerce accessibility, educational initiatives, virtual exhibitions, and innovative ventures like NFTs. The death knell for stamp collecting has been replaced by an optimistic narrative of adaptation and evolution. As philatelists continue to embrace the digital age, the timeless charm of collecting stamps finds itself seamlessly woven into the fabric of contemporary hobbies, promising a bright and enduring future.

Some YouTube Channels devoted to Stamp Collecting:

Exploring Stamps

Royal Mail

The Postal Map


Mark Bloxham Stamps

Stamp & Coin Mart Magazine

American Philatelic Society

Kyle Stamps

CatStamps Stamps


Parcel Post – a service provided by the Post Office Department which accommodated packages weighing over four pounds. Parcel Post service, finally made available to U.S. citizens on January 1, 1913, was received with enormous enthusiasm. Farm families used it to convey produce at standardized, understandable, and lower rates than they had received from express companies. Marketers were thrilled with the promise of this new sales frontier. The growth of Parcel Post service was phenomenal. During the first six months of operation approximately 300 million parcels were handled. When Collect on Delivery (COD) Service was introduced seven months later (July 1, 1913), the popularity of Parcel Post service went through the roof as mail order companies’ profits exploded. COD and Parcel Post service pushed the development of industry tied to the creation and development of unique parcel mailing containers, including those built to hold eggs by the dozens.
Part-perforated – a stamp perforated in one direction only, either horizontally or vertically, and cut apart in the other direction.
Patronage – the distribution of appointments to people based on their political or financial support. Patronage reforms began in 1883 with the Pendleton Act, but postmaster and rural letter carrier positions remained essentially political appointments until the reorganization of the postal system in 1970.
Perforation – a process involving the removal of small bits of paper in various shapes to allow for easy tearing. The number of perforations (each consisting of a depression and a projection) in two centimeters is called the ‘gauge’ of that perforation.
Personal delivery stamp – a triangular stamp inscribed with a D representing fee paid by addressee for mail to be delivered to him/her personally. Stamps inscribed with a V insured personal delivery to the addressee and were affixed by the sender.
Photogravure – a printing process in which a design is photographed on the printing plate through a fine screen. The process breaks the copy into very fine, square dots, and the depressions formed around the squares hold the ink, also known as ‘gravure’.
Pillars – repetitive decorations or lines printed in the pane margins of watermarked paper to prohibit its being counterfeited.
Pin roulette – tiny punctures that do not actually poke through the paper.
Plate number – the serial number engraved on a plate which usually appears in a corner of a sheet of stamps. Single digit suffix numbers instead of the whole serial number are printed on coils.
Plate Proof – Certified plate proofs are the last printed proof of the plate before printing the stamps at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. These plate proofs are each unique, with the approval signatures and date. For postal scholars these plates provide important production information in the plate margin inscriptions, including guidelines, plate numbers, and initials of the siderographer, or person who created the plate from a transfer roll.
Playing card stamp – a revenue stamp paying a tax on packs of playing cards. The revenue paid depended upon the value of the pack. Opening the pack usually destroyed the stamp.
Plebescite stamp – a stamp issued by a temporarily independent postal administration intended to influence a popular vote.
Pneumatic tubes – a transport system that carried mail under city streets. The service, which began in 1893 in Philadelphia, used canisters that could carry up to six hundred letters each and travel at an average of thirty-five miles per hour.
POD – abbreviation of the term used by Postmaster General John McLean (1823-1829) for the administrative entity of the U.S. Postal Department. The title was used for the postal system until the postal reorganization act of 1970. The Post Office Department became the U.S. Postal Service on July 1, 1971.
Porte de mar stamp – a stamp used to indicate the amount to be paid to the captains of the mail steamers taking outgoing foreign mail. The phrase means ‘Carried by Sea’, and is associated with Mexican labels.
Post Card – a card used to send a message via the mail. The Post Office Department authorized the use of privately-created postcards in 1898. These cards usually included an image on one side and space for a message and an address on the other. Postcards were popular collecting items in the early twentieth century.
Post Office – the location at which mail is received, sorted, and delivered, and where stamps and other postal materials are sold.
Post Office Department – term used by Postmaster General John McLean (1823-1829) for the administrative entity of the U.S. postal system. The title was used for the postal system until the postal reorganization act of 1970. The Post Office Department became the U.S. Postal Service on July 1, 1971.
Post Roads – any transportation network designated to carry mail. The Post Office Department designated waterways as post roads in 1823 and railways during the late 1830s.
Post-A-Book stamp – a self-adhesive stamp specifically issued for the mailing of books from retail bookshops.
Postage currency – postage stamps used as small bills during a shortage of metal coins.
Postage due stamp – a fee paid by the recipient of mail for underpaid postal charges.
Postal Card – a card which is similar in look and function to post cards but which is produced by the postal service. Postal cards include pre-printed postage on the card.
Postal fiscal issue – revenue stamp later authorized to be used postally.
Postal Inspection Service – In 1772, postal inspectors (or ‘surveyors’) were first contracted by Deputy Postmaster General Benjamin Franklin to conduct audits on various postmasters and their accounts. As the Post Office Department matured, the postal inspector’s responsibilities greatly increased. Some of the duties they have performed over the years include: establishing new mail routes and post offices; appointing postmasters; hiring contractors to carry the mails; assisting in setting-up and establishing efficient military postal systems; protecting the mails in times of natural disasters and transportation-related accidents; and investigating mail fraud, mail thefts, and lost letters. Inspectors from this service were among the first on the scene after the 2001 9/11 attacks. In New York City, they secured the mail at the Church Street post office, located just across the street from the World Trade Center. Others were present at the crash scene of United flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to recover mail if possible. The service also has a strong program that helps people fight identity theft.
Postal Note Stamps – Unlike regular postage stamps, which are used to pay the rate for mail delivery, postal note stamps together with the postal note cards, were created to send small amounts of money up to ten dollars to anyone on the mainland of the United States. Similar in use to money orders, the stamps were created to send small amounts at a lower cost per transaction than money orders which were cost prohibitive for small values. The stamps were issued from February 1, 1945 until March 31, 1951. Not only did postal notes prove to be more affordable than money orders for small value transactions, they resulted in less paperwork for postal clerks, as demanded by the Post Office. With postal notes the clerk had only to affix the stamps and cancel them, a normal postal handling. The paperwork was completed by the customer who filled out the form himself. Each postal note contained three parts. On the left was the payee’s coupon. The middle contained the paying office coupon upon which postal note stamps were affixed. This portion was left at the post office when the money was paid. On the right was the purchaser’s receipt. The stamps came in eighteen denominations and the postal notes were printed in eleven denominations. Up to two stamps per note could be combined to reach values between 1-cent and 10-dollars. Patrons could insure the note for a fee of 5-cents. At the top of each stamp are the words “United States of America” in white against a black background. The words “Postal Note” are printed in the novel font against a grey background. The value is also in white against a black background. Curled laurel branches are engraved around the value on both sides. The word “cent(s)” has been printed below. The stamps were designed by William K. Schrage and engraved by C.A. Brooks. The words were engraved by Axel W. Christensen. The numbers were engraved by John S. Edmondson (1,3,4,10,30,50,70,80 and 90 cents), Edward H. Helmuth (7 and 20 cents) and Axel W. Christensen (2,5,6,8,9,40 and 60 cents). Printed by the American Banknote Company on a rotary press printer, the stamps have no watermarks and are perforated 11 x 10.5. The stamps were printed on two types of paper. The oldest paper was thick and gray in color and the newer paper was thin and white, the so-called melamine paper. The number of stamps actually printed is unknown. The amount is estimated around 660 million stamps total, resulting in approximately 40 million of each value. The stamps were destroyed after use but a limited number were offered for sale to collectors in 1951.
Postal reorganization – the transformation of the Post Office Department into the United States Postal Service. In 1970, President Nixon signed the Postal Reorganization Act, which went into effect on July 1, 1971.
Postal savings stamp – a savings stamp redeemable as a credit to postal savings accounts. The purchaser filled a book with the savings stamps, which could be redeemed for a certificate. The Postal Stamp Savings program spanned 1911 to 1970.
Postal Savings System – a system for saving money which the Post Office Department operated from 1911 to 1967. Begun as a way to encourage individuals to create financial savings accounts, immigrants found it particularly useful since it resembled similar systems in their native countries. The system reached its peak in 1947. In 1967, unclaimed deposits were turned over to the U.S. Treasury Department. Some money was kept for future claims, but legislation ended all claims after July 13, 1985.
Postal Service – a national, usually governmental, system of transmitting written communications. The U.S. postal system was reorganized in 1971. As a part of the transformation the Post Office Department, it was renamed the U.S. Postal Service in that year.\
Postal tax stamp – a stamp used to raise funds for a specific purpose. Though not valid for postage, it has been required on mail at certain times.
Postal telegraph stamp – a stamp issued for use on telegrams but subsequently permitted to be used as a postage stamp.
Postcard stamp – an adhesive postage stamp affixed to a postcard and then overprinted. Such a stamp was used in the Orange Free State, 1889-1897.
Postcard tax stamp – a stamp issued as a tax on picture postcards sent through the mail. The postcards must also carry normal postage. Used in Russia ca. 1922.
Postmark – an authorized mark printed over a postage stamp that makes reuse virtually impossible while recording the date and place of mailing.
Postmarking device – a tool for marking the origin, date, and transit of mail. Another use was to deface stamps, making them impossible to reuse. Such devices first appeared in Italy about 1454, but two centuries elapsed before they were widely used. Mechanical cancellers were developed in 1876 to speedily process the growing volume of mail. By 1880, power-driven units could postmark 15,000 cards or letters per hour.
Postmaster – the individual in charge of the operations of a local post office. A little-used nineteenth-century variation of the term to address women functioning in this position was ‘postmistress’.
Postmaster General – the executive head of the U.S. Postal Service.
Postmasters’ provisional stamp – a postmaster-issued stamp used before the introduction of government issues, especially during an interregnum.
Potato tax stamp – a revenue stamp issued in 1935 which was mandated by the Potato Act. The Supreme Court declared the stamp unconstitutional, and it was consequently never used.
Precancel – a stamp cancelled prior to affixing on mail matter or before being deposited at the post office which allows the item to bypass the usual canceling process.
Printing plate – any printing base used to print a sheet of stamps. The term ‘subject’ designates a complete stamp design on a plate. Plates of four hundred subjects have been used for printing most of the U.S. stamps since 1890. Before that, smaller plates were generally used.
Private die – the engraving of a stamp design by a manufacturer for exclusive use by that manufacturer. This was allowed under the Revenue Act of 1862. Stamps printed from such dies are known as ‘private die proprietary stamps’.
Private die proprietary stamp – a revenue stamp used to seal a container of, for instance, matches and playing cards. The stamp pays the tax on the item and often advertised the company’s name. They were widely used between 1862 and 1883.
Private perforation – a perforation applied by individuals or companies instead of being officially perforated by the issuing authority. Some companies use special perforations to operate more efficiently in their vending and mailing machines.
Provisional stamp – a stamp produced, often issued during an emergency to meet an immediate need, whose value or purpose has been altered after printing by means of a surcharge or overprint.
Publicity envelope stamp – a stamp sold to veteran’s organizations at reduced rates for use to raise funds for disabled veterans.


Obligatory tax stamp – a revenue stamp issued to collect funds for national or philanthropic purpose.
Occupation stamp – a stamp overprinted or specially printed for use in a conquered territory occupied by the victorious military forces.
OCR – an acronym for ‘Optical Character Reader’. In the Postal Service, Optical Character Readers are used to read mail addresses and spray corresponding bar codes onto the envelopes for processing. The first postal OCR was used in the Detroit post office in 1965.
Official issue – a stamp issued for use on official correspondence. When inscribed or overprinted for use by specific government departments, the stamp is referred to as ‘Departmental’.
Official seals – a seal used to close mail opened or damaged by the postal service or accidentally left unsealed by the sender.
Offset printing – a printing process often used with lithography in which an inked image is transferred from the plate to a roller. In an intermediate step, the roller applies ink to the paper. The design is transferred from the plate to a rubber blanket, and then re-transferred to the stamp paper.
On-the-Fly – an exchange of mail between Railway Post Office cars and post offices without stopping the train. Mail was exchanged via cranes on which postmasters hooked a mail pouch. As the RPO car passed by, the mail was snagged by a hook attached to the side of the train car. Mail bound for the post office was placed in a pouch that was then tossed off the train and retrieved by the postmaster.
Overprints – words or devices printed on a stamp after it was completed. Overprints are used to provide stamps for countries which have none of their own; to define or alter the use of a stamp; to show changes in form of government; to mark a change in the name of a country; to denote occupation by a foreign force; to mark an anniversary; or to identify valid issues when identical stamps are in alien hands.
