1: Yorkshire, England, pre-adhesive postmark.
2: Renminbi Yuan, currency in Peoples Republic of China.
3: Scott Catalog number prefix for Revolutionary Government Postage (Philippines).
4: used instead of “i” in many words, such as “Yndies” West Indies, “Ysla” for island.

Y 1/4: overprint on stamps of the Spanish Antilles (Cuba and Puerto Rico) “Ynterior” for change in value as local post,1857.
Yacht keytype: colonial stamps of Germany picturing the Hohenzollern, yachet of Kaiser Wilhelm.
Y & T: Yvert et Tellier Catalogue, France.
Yafo: formerly Jaffa, contained Russian post office while in the Turkish Empire.
Yakutia: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Yamskoi Prikaz: (Russ.) postcoachmen’s office, recruited postmen for the mail-coaches.
Yang: specialized Hong Kong catalog.
Y.A.R.: Yemen Arab Republic.
Yarensk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1911-12, see Zemstvo.
Yassy: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1879, see Zemstvo.
Yawaton Atoll: bogus issue for supposed Pacific island.
YCA: department of Peru, overprint on stamps of Arequipa, for provisional issue during occupation by Chile,1879-84, now known as Ica.
Y.C.C.P.: overprint on stamps of Ukraine semipostals, 1923.
Y compris: (Fr.) including.
YCTAB 1905: Montenegro, constitution.
YD: Year Date
Year of the Rose: term used in 1976 when Great Britain stamps bearing roses were issued for the Royal National Rose Society.
Year pack: sold by postal administrations and usually contain every stamp issued for the year being offered.
Yecla: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Yegoryevsk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1868-98, see Zemstvo.
Yeh-Hien: East Chinese local post.
Yekaterinburg: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1895-1912, see Zemstvo.
Yekaterinoslav: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1872-76, see Zemstvo.
Yelets: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1873-1899, see Zemstvo.
Yelisavetgrad: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1870-1902, see Zemstvo.
Yellowhead Courier Express: local, Canada postal strike, 1980-81.
Yemen, Kingdom of: Arabian Peninsula on the Red Sea; currency: 40 bogaches = 1 imadi, 40 bogaches = 1 riyal (1962), 100 fils = 1 riyal (1978) 1918-pre: first postal service by Turks during Ottoman Empire, Turkish stamps with Arabic cancels, then a monarchy, 1926: No.1, 2 ½ bogaches black, local issue, Arabic inscription reads, “Sana. Government of Yemen by the Will of God. Yahya. May God Grant Him Success,” valid for domestic postage only as Yemen Arab Republic, 1930, Jan. 1: first foreign and domestic issue; joined the UPU, 1934: Saudi Arabia issued occupation stamps from Hodeida, 1942: first postage due stamp but were also used for regular postage, 1947: first air mail stamp, 1963: republic established after revolution stamps overprinted, “Free Yemen Fights for God, Imam and Country,” 1990: Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) planned to merge to form the Republic of Yemen, government ministries merged but civil war delayed completion.
Yemen, Mutawakelite Kingdom of: Royalist issues, not listed in Scott.
Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic of: southern Arabia, aka People’s Republic of Southern Yemen, currency: 1,000 fils = 1 dinar 1967, Nov.30: proclaimed People’s Republic of Southern Yemen when Federation of South Arabia became independent, 1968, April 1: No.1, 5 fils blue as People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, overprint on stamps of Saudi Arabia, 1970, Nov. 30: became People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, 1971, Feb. 1: first stamps as People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, 1990: Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) planned to merge to form the Republic of Yemen, government ministries merged but civil war delayed completion.
Yemen, Southern: see Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic.
Yen, Yn: currency unit in Japan, Manchukuo, Ryukyu Islands.
Yen-Fu area: “Jan Fu” East China local post, 1943-44.
Yen-Ki Border sub-district: Yen Pien Post, Northeast China local post, 1946
Yerro: (Sp.) error.
Yeste: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
YF: Scott Catalog number prefix for Revolutionary Government Registration (Philippines).
Yil Donumu: postal tax, Turkey.
Yin-Cheng: Kiangsi, Central China local post, 1949.
Ying Yang: Chinese symbol of everything created and appears in watermark in stamps of China and Korea.
YKPAIHCbKA: (Resembles these letters) Ukraine.
Ykp. H.P.: overprint on stamps of Austria, 1918, for short-lived independent state; see Galicia, Eastern.
YKSI MARKKA: (Finn.) one mark; inscription on stamps of Finland, 1866-74.
Y.M.C.A. Dover: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
YMOS: Your Most Obedient Servants (Brit.)
YN: Japan, Manchukuo currency unit.
Yndias: (Sp.) Indies marking to be applied to mail from the Americas addressed to Spain or the Caribbean islands, 18th century.
Ynterior: (Sp.) misspelling of Interior; overprint of Spanish stamps for use in Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1857.
York EPS (Speed Post): United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Yougoslavie: (Fr.) Yugoslavia.
Young, Ladd & Coffin: inscription on Perfumery stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps. Indo-Chinese Post Offices.
Young’s City Parcel Delivery: private parcel delivery firm serviced Providence, R.I., 1890 used stamps.
YP: Scott Catalog number prefix for Revolutionary Government Newspaper (Philippines).
Y-roulette: Y shape of each cut, as found on New Zealand issues, 1859-62, 1d and 1s.
YT: Yukon Territory.
Yteke: Donald Evans issue, see Evans, Donald.
YU: international postal code for Serbia & Montenegro.
Yuan: currency unit in China, Manchukuo.
Yucatan: state in Mexico, No.1, 5 centavos violet, issue during Mexican revolution, 1924.
Yugoslavia: southern Europe on the Adriatic Sea, aka Jugoslavia; south-eastern Europe, currency: 100 heller = 1 krone (Bosnia-Herzegovina), 100 filler = 1 krone (Croatia-Slavonia) 100 paras = 1 dinar 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1918: formed as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; 1918, Nov.: Bosnia-Herzegovina had individual provincial stamps, 1918: Bosnia-Herzegovina issued semipostals, special delivery, 1918, Nov. 18: Croatia-Slavonia had individual provincial stamps which were stamps of Hungary overprinted “Hrvatska SHS” (Croatia Serbia, Hrvata, Slovenia), 1918: Croatia-Slavonia issued semipostal, special delivery, postage due, newspaper stamps, 1918, Dec.1: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Dalmatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia united as a kingdom to what became known as Yugoslavia, 1919, Jan. 3: Slovenia had individual provincial stamps, 1919: Slovenia issued postage due, newspaper stamps, 1920: Carinthia plebiscite semipostal stamp issued, 1921, Jan.16: No.1, 2 paras olive-brown, first definitives for entire country, 1921, Jan. 30: first semipostal, postage due stamps, 1921, Dec. 24: continued membership in the UPU as, 1929, Oct.: name changed to Kingdom of Yugoslavia (land of the Southern Slavs), 1931: first stamp inscribed as Jugoslavia, 1933, Sept. 17: first postal tax, postal tax due stamps, 1934, June 15: first air mail stamp, 1941: occupied by Germany, established separate governments for Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, each of which issued their own stamps, 1941-42: overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for the Italian occupation of Fiume-Kupa Zone, 1941: province of Ljubljana (It.), Laibach (Ger.) occupied by Italy, issued “Co.Ci.” “Commissariato Civile” overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia, issued semipostals, air mails, postage dues, 1941, April 10: Croatia became an autonomous state, 1943: Yugoslav issued government-in-exile stamps from London for use of merchant navy, 1943: issued first Offices Abroad stamps, Offices Abroad semipostals, 1944: Laibach occupied by Germany used stamps of Italy overprinted / surcharged “Provinz Laibach,” regular postage, semipostal air mail, air mail special delivery, special delivery and postage due, 1944-post: Germans driven out and provisional government issued stamps for all of Yugoslavia, 1945, Nov. 29: republic replaced the monarchy, 1945: issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast (Zone B), first postage due, 1946, Nov.1: first official stamp, 1991: Macedonia declared its independence, 1992, Oct. 26: stamps of Yugoslavia surcharged for Bosnian Serb Administration 1993, June 28: first registered letter stamp, 1993-95: Republic of Serb Krajina, 2001, June 18: continued membership in the UPU as Serbia and Montenegro, 2003, Feb. 4: name changed to The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, see Trieste.
Yugoslavia, German Occupation: 1944: stamps of Italy overprinted / surcharged.
Yugoslavia, Italian Occupation: 1944: stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted / surcharged.
Yugoslavia, Trieste: 1948: stamps issued by Yugoslav military government, 1954: Italy acquired northern section, Yugoslavia acquired southern section (Zone B).
Yu I: (Chinese) postal service.
Yu-Kiang: local post, Kiangsi area, Central China, 1949.
Yunnan Fou: overprint on stamps of French Indo-China, French Offices in China, 1906-19.
Yunnansen: overprint on stamps of French Indo-China, French Offices in China, 1903-05.
Yukon Airways & Exploration Co: local, Canada, 1927.
Yukon Territorial Court Law Stamp: tax stamp issued in 1902 as part of the Yukon Territorial Courts.
Yung-hsien: local post for West Szechuen, southwest China, 1949.
Yun-Meng: local post, Kiangso area, central China, 1949.
Yunnan: (Kunming) province of southwest China, 1926, Aug. 15: stamps of China overprinted in Chinese, overprint reads that stamps are only valid in Yunnan, 1935, July 31: stamps withdrawn due to local currency devaluation, French Post Offices, 1942: regional surcharge on stamps of China; see China, Indo-Chinese Offices. 1949, Dec.: Southwest China Liberation Area issued stamps for Yunnan Province.
Yunnansen, 1935, July 31: stamps withdrawn due to local currency devaluation, French Post Offices, see China,
Yunquera: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
YV: Yvert et Tellier catalog
Yvert & Tellier: stamp catalog for French speaking nations and the entire Mediterranean area.

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