1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Wrapper.
2: auction abbreviation for with.
3. Waterworks, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.

WA: USPS abbreviation for Washington.
Waagerechte paar: (Ger.) horizontal pair.
W.A.B.: Wien abzugs brief (Ger.) additional fee to be paid on delivery in Vienna.
Wachau, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1890s, for upper Danube lines.
W.A.D.E.S. Clayton’s: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
Wadhwan: India Feudatory State; 1888, July 1: first local typeset stamps, 1894: stamps discontinued, now in Saurashtra State, Republic of India.
Wadi-Halfa: city in the Sudan, Interpostal Seals used 1872-82, see Interpostal Seals.
WADP: World Association for the Development of Philately, formed by the UPU, FIP, AIJP, and ASCAT.
Wafer seal: see seal, wafer.
WAG: water activated gum.
Waghorn, Thomas: forwarding agent in Egypt, 1845.
Wagon lit: (Fr.) inscription for sleeping cars used on revenue stamps.
Wagon-post: (Fr.) mail van.
Wagon Service: pick-up and delivery mail service inaugurated in Washington, D.C. and New York, N.Y. on Oct. 1, 1896.
Wagshal shift: collector Jerome Wagshal discovered a plate variety on the 5¢ 1847 stamp.
Wahlkarte: (Ger.) election postal card.
Wahlspruch: (Ger.) slogan.
Währung: (Ger.) currency, money.
Waikoa Island: bogus, Polynesia-type fantasy,1965, 1970.
Wainwright Associates: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
Wales & Monmouthshire: stamps sold only at Wales & Monmouthshire post offices but valid for postage throughout Great Britain, except for Machin issues, 1958-69, inscribed “Postage Revenue.” 1958: No.1, 3 pence dark purple, 1971: Machin issue without “Postage Revenue,” 1999: stamps available in booklets.
Wales’ Express: private mail delivery service that operated between Boston and Beverly, Mass, used a label.
Walfisch Bay: part of Colony of Cape of Good Hope.
Walker & Co.s Express: private package delivery firm serviced Mass and Rhode Island, used a label.
Walker, Dr. J.: U.S. inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Walker’s Penny Post: S. Allan Taylor label, 1865.
Wallachia: see Danubian principalities.
Wallasey Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
Walli & Futunaöarna: (Swed.) the Wallice & Futuna Islands..
Wallis and Futuna: islands in the south Pacific Ocean, French colony; Official name of postal administration: Service des Postes et Telecommunications. Currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1888: became a French Protectorate, used stamps of New Caledonia, 1917: became a French colony, 1920: No.1, 1 centime black on green, first stamps were overprint “Iles Wallis et Futuna” on stamps of New Caledonia, first postage due stamp, 1939, July 5: first semipostal stamp, 1941: stamps of New Caledonia overprinted “France Libre” Free France, 1946, May 6: first air mail stamp, 1961, July 29: became an overseas territory of the French Republic, 1962, July 19: first issue as an overseas territory.
Wallis & Futunaöarna: (Swed.) the Wallice & Futuna Islands..
Wallisisk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Welsh.
Wallpaper: unnecessary postal issues from countries which are considered to have little or no philatelic or monetary value.
Wallpaper covers: envelopes were made of wallpaper when paper shortage took place during the American Civil War.
Walsall Security Printers: printer of stamps for postal administrations located in Walsall, England.
Walterborough, S. C. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Walton & Co.’s City Express: U. S. local post, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1846.
Walton-Knost Express Company: private package delivery firm serviced St. Louis, Mo. area, used a circular label.
Waltzen, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for upper Danube lines.
Walzendruck: (Ger.) rotary press-printed.
Wampun money: New Netherlands director-general, 1657, ordered that all letters received at New Netherlands (New York) had to pay a fee of “three stivers of wampum,” equal to about three cents.
WAN: international postal code for Nigeria.
Wanajaavesi S.S. Co.: (Fin.) steamship; local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, late 1800s.
Wan-An: Central Chinese local post (Kiangsi), 1949.
Wanderssstempel: (Ger.) type of hand cancellation used in German Southwest Africa.
Wanghia, Treaty of: U.S. 1844 treaty with China, opened five ports to American trade, consul stations and most-favored nation status.
Wan Kiang Area: (Anking) East China local post, 1945.
Wanman’s Caribooo Express: bogus label.
Wan-nan: East China local post, Wan-nan Post, 1949.
Want list: a listing, given to a stamp dealer or a collector, of stamps that are needed or wanted by the collector.
Wapen: (Ger.) Walloon Legion Waffen S.S. feldpost propaganda label.
Wapparn: (Fin.) Steamship; local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890s.
Wappen: (Ger.) coat of arms.
War: overprint on semipostal stamps of British Honduras, war tax stamps 1916-18.
Warawak: British Colonial Royal Wedding frames from book Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
War Between the States: American Civil War, name used for conflict in the Southern States.
War Board of Trade: 1918: stamps of Switzerland overprinted in German “Industrielle Kriegswirtschaft.”
War charity: 1: semipostal with a surcharge to raise funds for war. 2: overprint with “3.6.18” on stamps of Bahama semipostals, 1917-19.
Wardak: cinderella, liberated area during Afghanistan war.
Wardan: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1879-80, see Interpostal Seals.
Wärde: (Swed.) registration and insured mail handstamp for inland destinations, started 1873.
War Dep’t.: U.S. officials, used 1873-84 for departmental mail inWashington, D.C. and in Army posts throughout the country.
War Emergency Rate: World War I tax in form on increased postage rates to help pay for World War I, Nov. 2, 1917 to July 1, 1919.
Warmouth, A. Packet-Verkehr: Berlin, local post, Germany 1888-1900.
Warner’s Safe Cure Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
War of the Rebellion: American Civil War, name used in Northern States.
Warren Ave. Church Fair P.O.: S. Allan Taylor label, similar to Tabernacle Fair Post Office label.
Warrenton, Ga. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
War Savings Stamps: issued by the Treasury Department.
Warsaw: city in Poland; 1915-16: Polish local post, 1918, Nov. 17: stamps of Warsaw local post surcharged, called “Warsaw Issues,” 1918: occupation stamps of Germany overprinted / surcharged “Poctzta Polska” Poland Post.
Warschau, Gen.-Gouv.: Warsaw, German occupation of Poland, 1916.
War Stamp: 1: overprint on stamps of British Commonwealth and Dominions. 2: the 1917 1¢ green stamp overprinted in two lines, unofficial, printed by Roessler. 3: stamp issued during war conditions.
Warszawa: (Pol.) Warsaw, Poland, 1918.
War tax: 1: stamp issued to help defray war costs; may be a surcharge and include normal value in addition to the tax. 2: Impuesto de Guerra (Sp.) Spain 1898.
War Tax: 1: overprint on Antigua, 1916-18. 2: overprint on stamps of Bahamas, British Guiana, 1918-19. 3: overprint on Barbados, 1917. 4: overprint on Bermuda, 1918 (Sc.42), 1920 (42a).
War tax stamps: stamps used on mail during periods of conflict to raise funds; the stamp was applied in addition to the regular postage.
Warwick’s City Dispatch Post: 1: local post, origin unknown. 2: S. Allan Taylor label, 1864.
Warwiszki: (Pol.) “Samorzad Warwiszki” Polish occupation, Mar. 23-27, 1923.
Wasa Rediviva: overprint for welfare group to raise money for Swedish museum honoring sunken ship Wasa.
Wash.: abbreviation for Washington prior to Zip Code usage.
Washed: used stamps that have had their cancels chemically removed to be illegally reused.
Was-Hee: American Journal of Philately fantasy.
Washington: became a U.S. territory March 2, 1853, state Nov. 11, 1889; cut from Oregon Territory.
Washington 2006: an international stamp show to be held in Washington, DC. in 2006.
Washington-Franklins: a series of approximately 350 stamps issued between 1908 and 1922, also known as the Third Bureau Issue.
Washington, Ga. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Washington Match Co.: inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Washline: design of 1939 U.S. commemorative showing states hanging from Canadian border like wash on a line.
Was K: Washington, Kentucky, pre-adhesive postmark.
Wasserzeichen: (Ger.) watermark; a design, letter or word impressed in the paper during the manufacture of the paper; when found on a stamp is very helpful for identification purposes.
Water activated adhesive: the gum that requires moisture to perform on stamps.
Waterbury cancels: unusual postmarks used by postmaster, Waterbury, Conn., 1865-70.
Waterford, Dungarvan & Lismore Railway: Ireland railway local post.
Waterford, Limerick & Western Railway: Ireland railway local post.
Waterford, Limerick Railway: Ireland railway local post.
Waterlow & Sons, Limited London: 1951 printer’s imprint on Afghanistan stamps.
Waterlow paper: thick, soft paper made by Waterlow for New Zealand issues, 1900, came with and without watermark.
Watermark (Wmk.): a design, letter or word impressed in the paper during the manufacture of the paper; when found on a stamp is very helpful for identification purposes; note the watermark should read correctly when viewed from the front of the stamp
Watermark detector: a black tray of glass or enameled metal in which a special fluid is placed on top of the stamp to reveal the watermark.
Watermark tray: black plastic tray used in detection of watermarks on stamps; black is used so that the watermark will appear darker than surrounding paper.
WATERSNOOD: overprint on stamps of the Netherlands for flood relief, 1953.
WATERSNOODNEDERLAND”: overprint on stamps of Netherlands Antilles (Curacao) for flood relief.
Water soluble gum: natural gums usage on postage stamps until 1960; used in commerce in Biblical era.
Water soluble ink: ink on a stamp that dissolves when immersed in water.
W Australia: Western Australia.
Wavy-Line roulette: a shallow-toothed serpentine roulette, such as on Victoria 1854-57, 6d.
Wavy-Line stamps: Danish issues picturing wavy lines in the design.
Way mail/letter: letters to be delivered to a post office between the terminals of the route.
Way marking: mail picked up by carriers on their way between two post offices, carrier indicates coach, rider, steamboat or other contract agency carrying mail between post offices, way markings are usually collect, applied at the receiving post office, when the cover entered the U.S. Post Office Department mail system.
Way pouch: a pouch containing mail for post offices along a certain route; it is opened at each post office to remove local mail and add mail from that office to other destinations on the route.
Wayzata: Aerial World Airways persuaded the Newfoundland government to issue a stamp in 1932 to finance purchase of a plane for a route from Wayzata, Minnesota via several cities to England; sales were poor and the scheme fell through.
Wax seal: see Seal, wax.
Wazan: local post between Wazan and Alcazar, Morocco, Nov. 1896.
W / C: auction abbreviation for well centered.
WD: Walter H. Doxen, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Weak: term applied to stamps that are not bad enough to be called damaged, usually a slightly thin or shortened corner.
Weatherford, Tex. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Weather forecasts: on U.S. Mail, U.S. Post Office Dep’t. project for distributing local weather forecast information; c1895.
Web: a continuous roll of rotary press printing paper used for printing stamps.
Webb’s Express: private package delivery firm serviced Boston andsalem, Mass., used a label.
Web presses: webfed presses use a continuous roll of paper fed into the press.
Web sites: locations on the Worldwide Web portion of the Inernet where both commercial and non-commercial philatelic information is presented. Each web site has its own address, i.e., URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
Wedding band: term used for the US 5c air mail issued in 1948 with a band around the five New York boroughs.
Wedding Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations stamps, 1999.
Weed’s Express: private package delivery firm serviced New York City, N.Y.area, used a label.
Weekend warrior: a dealer who only sells stamps on weekends at stamp shows.
Weeks & Potter: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Weens Rublis: surcharge, stamps of Latvia, 1920-21.
Weeping Princess: Canadian stamp showing Princess Elizabeth with a teardrop under her right eye, 1935.
WEF: William E. Franke, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Wei-Hai-Wei: 1: Liu King Tao/Chefoo Courier Post, China local post, late 1890s. 2: Dragonboat Regatta, unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001
Weihnachten: “Christmas,” unofficial German overprint on stamps of Italy for Rhodes, Aegean Slands, 1944.
Weihnachtsmarke: (Ger.) Christmas seal.
Weimar: Courier local post, 1893-94.
Weimar issue: see Deutsche National Versammlung.
Weimar Republic: mythical stamp entity in the movie, Nine Queens, filmed in Argentina.
Weihnachten: unofficial German overprint on stamps of Italy for Rhodes, Aegean Islands, 1944.
Wei Nan: Northwest China local post (Shensi) 1949.
Weinrot: (Ger.) claret (color).
Weisbecker: Donald Evans issue, New York, see Evans, Donald.
Weise Karte: (Ger.) white card, United Nations.
Weisenfels: (Ger.) Courier local post, Germany, 1893-96.
Weissrussland: (Ger.) White Russia.
Welch’s Express: private package delivery firm serviced New York City, and Greenport, N.Y., used labels.
Well centered: stamp having an even margin on all four sides.
Wells & Co. Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Buffalo, N.Y., Cleveland, Detroit.and Chicago, Ill. used labels.
Wells & Co’s. Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Buffalo, N.Y, to New York City, used labels.
Wells & Co’s. Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass. area, used labels.
Wells Fargo and Co.: U. S. local post, 1861-88; operated stage routes carrying mail, freight and passengers to and from the West from 1849; firm issued stamps and applied cancels to envelopes which are considered very desirable; used corner cards, labels and stamps.
Wells Letter Express: first commemorative stamp issued in the U.S., for Perry’s war of 1812 depicting victory on Lake Erie.
Wells, Richardson & Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Welthungerhilfe: (Ger.) World Hunger Relief
Weltpostverein: (Ger.) world post, UPU.
Weltraum: (Ger.) world of space.
Wenden: town in former Russian province of Livonia, then in Latvia as Vidzeme; 1863-1901: issued own Zemstvo stamps; see Russia.
Wenden(schen): Russia-Wenden, former Province, 1862-64.
Wenden Kries: Russia, Livonia; District of Wenden.
Werbemarke: (Ger.) propaganda stamp.
Werbestempel: (Ger.) propaganda slogan / cancel.
Werdau: city in Germany, Courier local post, 1893-95.
“Wer ein Volk retten will kann nur heroisch denken”: (He who wants to save his people must think heroically) on four stamp souvenir sheet depicting Hitler for first time, April 5, 1937; also issued in Hitler skull parody produced by the U. S. Office of Strategic Services.
Wert: (Ger.) value, denomination.
Wertangabe: (Ger.) face value.
Wertaufdruck: (Ger.) surcharge
Wertangabe: (Ger.) inscription on insured parcel post label of Germany.
Wertbriefe: (Ger.) insured mail.
Wervtoll: (Ger.) valuable..
WES: Walter E. Spring, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
West African Monetary Union: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1972.
Westar: U.S. satellite used for transmission of Mailgrams, launched April 13, 1974, first transmission made Sept. 6, 1974, delivered by the USPS.
W(est) Australia: Western Australia.
West Berlin: western part of former German capital, had its own stamps since Sept. 1948.
West Clare Railway Company: Irish railway that printed stamps for mail carried on their trains then taken to post offices for delivery.
West Coast: local post overprint on stamps of Sumatra for Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
Westcott Express Co.: parcel delivery firm serviced Brooklyn, N.Y. and New York City.; used stamps, booklets.
Westcott, J. W.: mailboat based at port of Detroit, Michigan.
West End London L.P.S.: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
Wester Local Post: see Hälsingborg – E. S. Wester Local Post.
Western Army; North-Western Army: 1918-20: overprint of stamps of Russia; see Northern Army, and Western Army.
Western Australia: western part of Australia, former British Crown Colony, currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1854, Aug. 1: No. 1, 1 pence black, 1859: used oval with bars as cancel, 1882: first postal fiscal stamp issued, 1891: joined the UPU, 1901, Jan. 1: one of six British colonies that formed the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913: stamps of Australia used; see Commonwealth of Australia.
Western Australian Government Railways: local post, Australia, early 1900s.
Western Canada: bogus, 1981.
Western Canada Airways: local post, Canada, 1927.
Western Chyan: bogus Burma issue related to Dam Batai.
Western Express Mail: private mail served the mining regions of California and Nevada where government postal service was inadequate.
Western Front: France, German occupation, 1914-18.
Western Isles: rocket post labels, United Kingdom local post, 1934.
Western Laurania: fantasies created by John de Treville with countries taken from Winston Churchill’s book, Savrola.
Western Sahara: Saharan republic, illegal issues, not issued by Morocco, based on UPU circular of Nov. 18, 2002.
Western Samoa: inscription/overprint on stamps of New Zealand, 1935, for Samoa under British dominion; see Samoa.
Western Thrace: located between Greece and Bulgaria; 1919: postage due stamps of Bulgaria overprinted for postage due. 1920: stamps of Greece overprinted, stamps of Turkey surcharged, see Thrace.
Western Turkey: 1912-13: Balkan Wars; Greece occupied part of Western Turkey, area became known as the New Greece.
Western Ukraine: eastern Central Europe; formerly known as Galicia, once part of Austria; currency: 100 shahiv (sotykiv) = 1 hryvnia, 100 heller = 1 krone 1918: No. 1, 5 shahiv on 15 hryvnia dull red, overprint on stamps of Austria, 1918: registration stamp known as the Kolomya Issue, 1918, Dec.12: provisional government, independent as Western Ukraine, used overprinted “Ykp. H.P.” stamps of Austria, 1919: stamps of Austria surcharged for Romanian occupation of Pokutia, Ukraine, 1919: stamps of Austria surcharged for postage due, 1919: absorbed by Poland.
Western Union Telegraph Company: U. S. telegraph stamps issued for use on firm’s telegrams, 1871-1946.
Western United Powers: Donald Evans issue; see Evans, Donald.
Westerstede: city in Germany, local post, Germany, 1945-48.
Westervelt’s Post: U. S. local post, Chester, N. Y., about 1863-65.
West Florida: see Republic of West Florida.
West Fukien: Chinese Red Post, local post, 1930-31.
West Furland: fantasy, no information available.
West India Manufacturing Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
West Indies: consists of Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, St. Christopher-Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Virgin Islands.
West Indies Associated States: formed in1967, consisted of Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent.
West Indies Federation: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, April 1958.
West Irian: western half of New Guinea, aka Irian Barat, West New Guinea; currency: 100 cents = 1 gulden, 100 sen = 1 rupiah, 1 rupiah = 1 gulden 1962: No.1, 1 cent vermilion and yellow, stamps of Netherlands New Guinea overprinted “UNTEA” United Nations Temporary Executive Authority, 1963, May 1: freed from West New Guinea rule, Indonesian administration; first postage due, 1973: used stamps of Indonesia; see Irian Barat, Netherlands New Guinea, United Nations West New Guinea.
West Lancashire Railway: British railway local post.
Westland: bogus stamp created by Mr. West.
West Liao-ning Area: Northeast China local post, 1945.
West Middlesex Courier: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
West New Guinea: see Netherlands New Guinea.
Westonbirt School Mail: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
Weston’s Express: parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Plymouth, Mass., used labels.
Westphalia: fantasies created by John de Treville with countries taken from Winston Churchill’s book, Savrola.
Westpoint Falkland Islands: labels that resemble postage stamps; not valid for postage.
West Refaim: cinderellas produced in Europe about 1924 as stamps, picture postcards and cancellations.
West Riding & Grimsby Railway: British railway local post.
West Riding Strike Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
West Russian Army: 1919: occupation of Kurland by Co. Bermondt-Avalov using stamps of Latvia handstamped or overprinted with a symbol meaning “Z.A.” Zapadnaya Armiya, Western Army, 1940: another set of stamps was issued during Russian occupation of the area.
West-Sachsen: Germany, Soviet occupation of West Saxony, 1945-46.
West Srem (Vukovar): bogus overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Bosnian Republic.
West Szechuen: People’s Post, Southwest China, China People’s Republic, 1950.
Westtown: U. S. local post, Westtown, Pa., 1853-67, used by The Westtown School as training usage of stamps for franking letters.
Westubgarn-Orgland: (Hung.) Western Hungary, local post, 1921.
Westvaco: printers of U.S. postal stationery.
West Vinland: supposedly a colony of Occussi Ambeno.
West Virginia: became a U.S. state June 20, 1863; taken from Virginia in American Civil War.
Wet paper: paper that has been dampened before printing.
Wet printing: has a moisture content of 15-35% compared to 5-10% for “dry” printing; also has a duller look than “dry” printing.
Weybridge Emergency Post: United Kingdom postal strike, local post 1971.
WF: auction abbreviation for waterfalls, topical.
W.f.: abbreviation for wrong font, when a wrong letter or another style appears.
WFB: William F. Blue, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
WF Heads: the heads of Washington and Franklin on the third Bureau issues from1908 to 1922.
W.FR.: Weiter Franco (Ger.) paid to part destination, figure indicates balance due on delivery.
WFUNA: World Federation of United Nations Association, produces its own cacheted covers to benefit the UN.
Whall’s Express: private parcel delivery firm serviced Mass., used a label.
Wharton’s U. S. P. O. Despatch: 1857, Louisville, Ky; see Carriers’.
Wheat Sheaf: as overprint on stamps of Republic of Hungary when kingdom was restored.
Wheel of fortune cancel: resembles a roulette wheel.
Whitby & Port Perry Express Company: private parcel delivery firm that serviced Whitby and Port Perry, Ontario, area, used a label.
White back: surface-coated paper, with the base white; used in British Colonial stamps during 1914-19 as substitute for colored pulp papers.
White border period: postal stationery from 1915-1930 with a white border surrounding the illustration.
White Plains: U.S. stamp or souvenir sheet honoring the Battle of White Plains.
White Poppy: U.S. Navy postal code name during WW II for Noumea, New Caledonia.
White Queen: Canada’s 14¢ Queen Elizabeth II stamp, Scott 716, with red background color and tagging omitted.
White Russia: aka Belorussia, Russia, adjoining Poland; 1920: stamps for Ruthenian Army Corps, postal use in doubt, see Belarus.
White’s Branch Express: private mail delivery firm serviced northern New Jersey, used a label.
Whitesides, B.: firm carried mail “across the lines” during the American Civil War.
White’s Railroad Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Mass., used a label.
Whiting & Co. Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Plumas and Butte Counties, Calif., used a label.
Whitlock Metered Mail Co.: U.S. postage meter firm, 1929-33, acquired by National Postal Meter Co.
Whitney Transfer Company: private parcel delivery firm serviced an unknown area, used stamps.
Whittelsey’s Express: 1: US local post, Chicago, Ill. 1857. 2: bogus U. S. local post, S. Allan Taylor.
Whitten’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston and Newburyport, Mass., used a label.
W.H.L.: W. H. Lortimer, postal official of Colonial post office at Georgetown, British Guinea, 1850-51 issue.
WHO: World Health Organization: 1: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1968. 2: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1966.
Whole sheet: sheet is absolutely unbroken with sheet margin intact.
“Who-lidays”: USPS pictorial cancel used in 1999-2000 as a joint promotion with movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
W.H.W.: see Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes.
WI: 1: USPS abbreviation for Wisconsin.2: West Indies
WIAE: West Indian Aerial Express (USA).
Wide space overprints: usually found on Bureau precancels due to misapplication of the overprinting plate.
Widin, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for various Danube lines.
Widows’ franks: widows of deceased presidents free frank, Act of Congress, 1940.
Wien: (Ger.) Vienna.
Wiener Messe: label with flying rocket and overprint issued for Vienna Fair.
Wiener Privat-Telegrafen Gesellschaft: (WR.PR.TEL.GES.) (Ger.) Vienna Private Telegraph Co., 1870.
Wiesbaden: city in Germany, local post, Transport-Anstalt und Privat-Post, 1886-1900.
Wigan Junction Railway: British railway local post.
Wiggins, Teape paper: firm supplied paper for New Zealand stamps in1872 (watermarked WT & Co.), 1925-26 (thin, hard and surfaced) and 1935-40 (unsurfaced rag).
Wikingland: cinderella for artificial island in North Sea.
Wilayah Persekutuan: Malayasia-Kuala Lumpur; 1986, Oct. 25: used Agriculture and State Arms designs of Johore, stamps of Malaysia.
Wilder, Edward: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Wilding stamps: nickname for British 1952 stamps with portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Dorothy Wilding.
Wildlife Courier Post: private fantasy label made by Gale J. Raymond, international courier.
Wilkinsburg Stamp Club: produced spoof souvenir sheets for their annual exhibition since 1961.
Willard Delivery Company: private parcel delivery firm serviced an unknown area, labels exist.
Will Call: printed on postcard; used by salesmen to advise their customers date of arrival in their vicinity.
Willett’s Express: private parcel delivery firm serviced Boston and Ipswich, Mass., used a label, 1847.
Williams, Dr., Medicine Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
William’s City Post: 1854, Cincinnati, Ohio.; see Carriers” Stamps.
Williamson, J. J.: patented a money order postal card, liberty head design of 1875.
Willpost, Liverpool: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Wilmington: city in the US; Roche’s City Dispatch, local post, 1850.
Wilmington Parlor Match Co.: inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Wilson, Rev. E. A.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Wilson, Thos. E., M.D.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Wimborne Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Wimer, John M.: postmaster, St. Louis, Mo., 1845, issued Postmaster’s Provisional stamps.
Wimponia: cinderella for Kingdom of Popeye’s friend, Wimpy.
Winan’s City Post: bogus, U.S. local post featuring a flying bomb, late 1800s or early 1900s; label was so successful, that several imitations also sold very well.
Winchester & Co.’s Express: private mail delivery firm serviced Boston and Gloucester, Mass., used labels.
Winchester and District: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Winchester paper: security paper using a heavy cross section of thick bluish semi-circles; found on stamps of Venezuela, 1932-38.
Winchester Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Window booklets: British term for red-covered retail stamp booklets which are sold by private retailers.
Window envelopes: envelopes with a transparent panel in the front through which the address of the enclosure is visible.
Windward Islands: British West Indies island group made up of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada and Dominica; Scuba Diving, Sea Garden Nassau, The Pitons of St. Lucia inscriptions, unissued Great Britain cinderellas by David Horry, 2001.
Wine stamps: conventional revenue stamps denominated in currency, used to pay taxes on cases of wine and cordials;1914-54.
Winged propeller: design as overprint on stamps of Switzerland for air mail.
Winged wheel: design as overprint for Belgium, officials for National Railways.
Wing margin: the extra unprinted margin left as part of a stamp by the perforating machine.
Wings for Norway: a commemorative issued in Norway and “Little Norway” Canada in 1946
Winnipeg Messenger Co.: parcel delivery firm that used a stamp; serviced Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; year unknown.
Winnipeg Pembina: local post, Winnipeg, Canada, late 1970s.
Winnsborough, S.C. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Winslow & Co.’s Express: bogus local post, Canada, A. Allan Taylor, 1864..
Winslow’s Express: private mail and parcel delivery firm serviced Boston, Mass and Portland, Maine, 1841-47; bogus S. Allan Taylor labels exist..
Winter gum: U.S. stamps prepared with “soft” gum intended for use when weather is cold and dry to protect stamps from curling, cracking and breaking; 1904-06.
Winterhilfe: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Austria and Germany, semipostal to help the poor in winter. .
Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW): (Ger.)“Winter Relief of the German People,” inscription, largest charity of the Third Reich, used for a range of stamps, booklet covers, etc.
Winterhulp: (Dut.) overprint on stamps of the Netherlands, semipostal.
Winter relief: charity or semipostal stamps to aid the poor in winter.
WIPA: Wiener Internationale Postwertzeichen-Ausstellung (Ger.) Vienna International Postal Exhibition, 1881, 1890, 1933, 1965, 1981, and 2000.
Wiping creases: marks caused by damaged cleaning blades left on the surface of the plate before printing.
Wiremark: original term for a watermark.
Wirral & W. Lancashire: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Wirral Junction Railway: British railway local post.
Wirrzähnungen: inconsistant or irregular perforations
Wir Sind Frei: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia, German Occupation, unofficial stamp, 1938.
Wis: 1. Wisconsin, pre-adhesive postmark. 2. abbreviation for Wisconsin prior to Zip Code usage.
Wisconsin: became a U.S. territory July 4, 1836, state May 29, 1848; area cut from Michigan Territory.
Wiscowsin, State of: fantasy issue created by a stamp dealer in Wisconsin.
Wise & Co.: inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Wisen Local Post: see Malmö – G. Wisen Local Post.
Withdrawn lot: an auction lot removed from sale for any one of various reasons; misdescription, misidentification, lot lost or misplaced, or lot not having reached the reserve price.
Without gum: stamp issued with gum but lost the gum somewhere, somehow.
Wittenberg: city in Germany, local post; 1: Wittenberg, Lutherstadt, 1945-48. 2: Courier, 1896-99.
Wituland: German East Africa speculative stamps manufactured by Denhardt Bros. in 1889, listed in Michel catalogue; see Suaheliland.
Witwen und Waisen-Woche: overprint on stamps of Bosnia, semipostal for “Widows and Orphans Week.”
WJ: Walter Jahnke, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
WK: William R. Kern, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Wloclawek: city in German-occupied Russian Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Wmk: see Watermark.
WMMH: Scott Catalog number prefix for Machins (Great Britain Wales & Monmouthshire).
Wn: currency in Korea.
WNS (WAPD Numbering System): assigns numbers to stamps issued by participating postal administrations; see World Association for the Development of Philately.
WO: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Official Wrapper. 2: Way Office.
W/O: without.
W/OG: Without Original Gum
Wohltätigkeits Ausgabe: (Ger..) charity stamps: stamps sold at more than the inscribed face value, with the difference between the face value and the selling price used for charity work; these are often called semipostal stamps.
Woldenberg: Polish officers camp, local post, 1942-44.
Wolmaransstd: town in the Transvaaal, South Africa; 1900, June 23: local stamps overprinted “Cancelled V.R.I.” during South-African war.
Wolmar-Ronnenberg: bogus, Latvia, Wolmar District, 1918.
Wolverhampton-Birmingham: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Won, Wn, Wun: currency unit in North Korea and South Korea.
Wonderland: cinderella based on Lewis Carroll’s famous country.
Wood & Co. City Despatch: U.S. local post, Baltimore, Md., 1856.
Woodblocks: Cape of Good Hope 1861 issues that were printed from stereotypes mounted on small wooden blocks.
Woodley Island: bogus, no information available.
Woodworth, C. B. & Son: inscription on Perfumery stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Woody Wagon: term used for U.S. stamp, issued Aug. 3, 2001 showing a wood-paneled station wagon automobile.
Woon, won: South Korean currency converted to hwan.
Working die: an intermediate die created through a transfer process from the original engraved die to creat a printing base.
Working model: when referred to a stamp design, is the ink-and-paper design, prepared by a designer for use of the engraver.
World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP): A department of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which includes International Federation of Philately (FIP) and other international organizations.
World-Capitalism: forgery printed by Germany on British stamp, WW II.
World Government: cinderella, no information available.
World Health Organisation: 1948: founded with overprint Organization Mondiale de la Sante (Fr.) on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations, 1962: first commemorative stamp.
World Intellectual Property Organization: 1970: founded, took over duties of the United International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property, 1974: became a United Nations agency, 1982, May 27: first official stamps issued inscribed Organisation de la Propriete Intellectuelle (Fr.).
World Meteorological Organisation: 1956: overprint on stamps of Switzerland for United Nations, 1973: first commemorative stamp, 1973, Dec. 15: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies. World Scout Jamboree: overprint on stamps of Aitutaki, 1987.
World Nations League: pseudo United Nations; a Henry Stull fantasy, once listed in Ohio telephone book under “Stamps for Collectors.
World’s Dispensary Medical Assocn.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
World-Slavery: forgery printed by Germany on British stamp, WW II.
World Stamp Championship (WSC): an International Federation of Philately (FIP) competition among traditional exhibits which received 90 or more points in a FIP world exhibtion.
World Telecommunications Conferences: U.S. booklets communication stamps, 1947.
World War II: common design of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1995.
Worldwide Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Worms: city in Germany, local post, Privat-Stadt-Post Wormatia, 1895-1900.
Worn impression: stamp printed where the printing surface shows signs of deterioration.
Worn plate: a plate where parts of the design are worn so that they fail to print properly.
Worthing Alpha Mail: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Worthing Private P.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Wove paper: smooth, even finished paper without watermarks that is suitable for all types of stamp printing.
w/PR: auction term for “with prices realized.”
WR: auction abbreviation for topical military.
Wrangel issues: Nov.1920; stamps of Russia surcharged for the mail of internees of Gen.Peter Wrangel’s army and civilian refugees from South Russia, stamps suppressed May 31, 1921, see Russia, South.
Wrap: a protective paper covering, applied by a postal employee, placed over a postmarked stamp on a cover, to protect it during its postal journey to the addressee.
Wrapper: a postal stationery item with an imprinted stamp design used in the mailing of newspapers; usually wrapped around a newspaper or periodical.
WRB: William R. Brown, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Wreck cover: item of mail that has been salvaged from a train, plane or ship wreck.
Wrexham, Mold & Connah’s Quay Railway: British railway local post.
Wright, R. & G.A.: inscription on Perfumery stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Writing U.D.N.Y.: writing Undercover Division, New York; marking indicates that contents of envelope was checked for fraudulent use of discount classes of mail.
Wroclaw: formerly Breslau, Poland.
WS: Scott Catalog number prefix for War Savings.
W.T.: 1: can refer to Washington or Wisconsin Territories in a postmark. 2: (Ire.) Wet Time overprint on Irish unemployment labels.
WTP (WP): William T. Powers, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Wugu: emergency issue of three stamps prepared for use in German East Africa, but never issued.
Wuhan: formerly Hankow, China.
Wuhu: city in China, local post, 1894-97.
Wuppertal: city in Germany, 1: Courier local post. 1894-1900. 2: Express-Packet-Verkehr, 1886. 3: Privat-Brief-Verkehr, 1886-87.
Württemberg: German State in southern Germany; currency: 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden (1851), 100 pfenning = 1 mark (1875) 1775: Thurn and Taxis had a 30 year agreement to run the posts, 1805: Thurn and Taxis agreement expired, not renewed, 1819: Thurn and Taxis ran the posts until 1851, paid a fee for this privilege, 1851, April 1: joined the German-Austrian Postal Union, 1851. Oct. 15: No.1, 1 kreuzer black, buff, 1870: became part of the German Empire, but kept issuing its own stamps, 1875: first official stamp, 1902, March 31: relinquished its postal authority, could issue official stamps only, 1919, April 26: joined the German Republic, 1920, March 31: stamps no longer valid, sold postal rights to Germany, 1923: official stamps discontinued, used stamps of Germany, French Occupation, German State. 1947: French occupation with denominations in PF (Pfenning) or M (Mark), 1949, Feb. 25: first semipostal occupation stamp, French occupation.
Würzburg: city in Germany, Private-Stadebriefverkehr local post, 1896-97.
Wurzen: city in Germany, 1. Courier local post, 1893. 2. local post, 1945-48.
Wu-Shan: city in southwest China, local post West Szechuen, 1949.
Wu-Tu: city in northwest China, local post Kansu, 1949.
WV: 1: U.S. Sanitary Fair. Scott catalog number prefix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: USPS abbreviation for West Virginia.
W.Va.: abbreviation for West Virginia prior to Zip Code usage.
WW: 1. abbreviation for worldwide. 2. William Wapple, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
WWF: World Wildlife Fund.
WW I: abbreviation for World War I.
WW II: abbreviation for World War II.
WW II Eastern Occupations Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society section studying countries under German occupation after World War II.
WWM: William W. Malone, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
WX: Scott Catalog number prefix for U.S. Christmas Seals.
WY: USPS abbreviation for Wyoming.
Wyman, W.: U. S. local post, Boston and New York, 1844.
Wymiana: (Pol.) exchange label used by the Polish Union of Philatelists when collectors in Poland want to send philatelic material out of the country.
Wyo.: abbreviation for Wyoming prior to Zip Code usage.
Wyoming: became a U.S. territory July 29, 1868, state July 10, 1890, cut from Dakota, Idaho and Utah territories.
Wyst. Filat 1934 Katowice: (Pol.) Poland overprint for 1934 philatelic exhibition in Katowice..
Wytheville, Va..Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
WZ: (Ger.) Wasserzeichen, watermark.

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