1: label used in Iceland to indicate letter or parcels with a declared value.
2: Flat plate imperf. coil; Scott Catalogue suffix to identify stamps other than standard postage; also called “H.”
3: registration label.
4: in corners of triangular Czechoslovakia personal delivery stamp.
5: Valencia (Spain), Venezia (Venice, Italy); Vicenza (Italy) pre-adhesive postmark.
6: Vatu; currency unit in Vanuatu.
7: V, VV, VVV: symbols used in indicate degree of value.
8: Victory in WW II on stamps of Belgium.
9: Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Venezuela.
10:. Volunteers, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
11: overprint on stamps of Norway for successful invasion of country by the Germans, 1941.
12: prefix letter used by Avery Dennison in front of plate number.

VA: USPS abbreviation for Virginia, also pre-adhesive postmark.
V.A.: Valuator and Auctioneer, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Vaba Esti: “Free Estonia” overprint made by postmaster when Germany defeated Russia and invaded Moisakulla, Aug. 4-12, 1941.
Våben: (Dan.) coat-of-arms.
Vacation stamps: postpaid tourist labels for use of Swedish nationals to be applied to postcards at vacation locals for delivery anywhere in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, a cooperative effort of tour operators and the Swedish post office; used from Dec. 13, 1994 to late 1998.
Vacker: (Swed.) beautiful.
Vada: (Czech.) defect, fault.
Vada Lepu: (Czech.) gum fault.
Vadsø: city in Norway local bypost, 1893-95.
Vaduz-Sevelen: city in Liechtenstein, local issue, 1918; see Schweizer Post.
Værdi: (Dan.) value.
Værdibrev: (Dan.) insured cover.
Vaglia: (It.) postal money order.
Vágott (also nem fogazott): (Hung.) imperforate.
Vågrätt: (Swed.) horizontal, see Horisontal.
Vågrätt veck: (Swed.) horizontal crease.
Vaike-Pakri: bogus Russian issue, not valid for postage.
Vaikus: bogus issue.
Vaitupu: one of the Tuvalu islands, issued stamps starting in 1984; see Tuvalu-Vaitupu.
Valdai: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1871-88, see Zemstvo.
Valdepenas: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937
Valdosta, Ga. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Vale: (Sp.) is valid, is worth. costs; overprint on railway stamps of Nicaragua to change them to postal use, 1911.
Valencia: 1: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937. 2: inscribed “Plan Sur de Valencia” Spanish obligatory tax stamps forrebuilding, 1963. 3: province in Spain, “Carlist” stamps issued in Sept. 1874.
Valenciennes: French local post, German occupation, 1914.
Valentine Mark & Moody: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Valentine Stourbridge: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Valenzuela: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vale of Rheidol: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Vales de Respuesta: (Sp.) international reply-paid coupons.
Vale Un Centavo R.de C.: overprint , postal tax stamps of Nicaragua.
Valeur: (Fr.) value, denomination.
Valeur declare(e): (Fr.) value declared, insured red color parcel label, UPU introduced them.
Valeur d’Exchange: (Fr.) postal currency used as a revenue inscription.
Valeur exprimée: (sans) (Fr.) no value mentioned.
Valeur faciale: (Fr.) face value.
Valevolo / per le Stampe: overprint on parcel post or newspaper stamps of Italy, but also used for ordinary postage, 1890.
Val Gesso: Co. Nazional di Liberazione; (It.) liberation local post, Italy, 1944.
Välgörenhet: (Swed.) charity.
Välgörenhetfrimärke: (Swed.) charity stamp.
Validité: (Fr.) period in which a stamps is valid for postal use.
Valido: (Sp.) valid.
Valija: (Sp.) postman’s mail bag.
Válka: (Czech.) war.
Valki: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1893-1914, see Zemstvo.
Valladolid: 1: provisional government local post, stamps of Spain handstamped “Habilitado / por la / Nacion; 1868-70, Spain Scott 116c-128c. 2: province in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1936.
Vall de Abdalajis: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Vall de Uxo: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Valle Bormida: Italian local post, Allied occupation, 1944.
Vallees d’Andorre: (Fr.) Andorra, 1932-43.
Vallées d’Andorre: (Fr.) Andorra.
Valley: see Peak.
Vallfogona de Riucorp: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Valls: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Valona: city in Albania; “Albania” overprint on stamps of Italy, 1909-16, see Italian Offices in Turkish Empire.
Valor: (It.) denomination, value.
Valor declarado: (Sp.) insured parcel post label.
Valore Globale: overprint on stamps of Fiume, making stamp valid for regular use, 1919-20.
Valore nominale: (It.) nominal, face value.
Valores declarados: (Sp.) postal insurance service where the insured value is declared by the sender.
Valor Estimación: (Sp.) the valuation of a lot based on the auctioneer’s or consignor’s experiences, and not taken form any catalog or other pricing reference; may also indicate a suggested bid.
Valor nominal: (Sp.) face value.
Valparaiso Multada: (Sp.) Chile postage due.
Valsch: form of term “Falsch” or false or fake, that can be found on back of fake stamps.
Valsetryk: (Dan.) see Tryk – Valse .
Valsetrykk: (Nor.) see Trykk – Valse.
Valuazione: (It.) the valuation of a lot based on the auctioneer’s or consignor’s experiences, and not taken form any catalog or other pricing reference; may also indicate a suggested bid.
Value: 1: the part of the inscription or surcharge that has the monetary charge for the stamp. 2: market value to a collector
Value added refund: the postage returned by the USPS to an authorized mailer who prepares First Class Mail or bulk rate mail for customers and adds value to the mail by sorting it to a finer level.
Value converted: Mexican paper money depreciated in value, 1916-18, stamps were overprinted raising the face value to correspond with the new paper money.
Value Decrease of a Stamp: due to these factors: no original gum, regumming, hinge remnant, straight edges, markings or notes applied by collectors or dealers.
Value erased: denomination erased from a printing plate so new values couldbe inserted in different colors, Corrientes 1860-80.
Value Field: the numbers and/or symbols in a meter impression that show the postage amount.
Value Increase of a Stamp: due to these factors: very wide margins, extremely fresh color, selvage presence, plate or die varieties, and scarcity.
Value inserted: stamps printed with space for denomination to be inserted with a handstamp or by manuscript prior to issue.
Value Only: British postal agency value surcharge for Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Muscat, Qatar; Persian Gulf states, instead of expense of overprinting individual states.
Valuer faciale: (Fr.) face value.
Value tablet: the portion of the design containing the denomination.
Valverde del Camino: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937-38.
VAMP: Vending and Affixing Machine Perforations.
Van Ackers: nickname for 1946 Belgian stamps sold at a discount from face value by order of postmaster, Van Ackers.
Vancouver Canphil: local, Canada Philatelic?, Canada postal strike, 1978-81.
Vancouver Island: west coast of Canada, province of Canada as part of British Columbia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1865) 1849: made a British crown colony, 1860: British colony, stamp inscribed British Columbia and Vancouvers Island, then name shortened to Vancouver Island, 1860: No. 1, 2 ½ pence dull rose, first stamp as British Columbia, 1865, Sept. 19: first separate stamps, 1866, Nov. 19: united with British Columbia as British Columbia, stamps of Vancouver and British Columbia used in both areas, 1871: became a province of the Canadian Dominion; see Canada.
V & Crown: watermark seen on Victoria two pence.
Van Demons Land: bogus issue; parody of Van Dieman’s Land stamps.
Van Diemen’s Land: : original name: Tasmania, currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1853, Nov.1: No. 1, 1 pence blue, 1858: Tasmania used on stamps, 1901: joined Commonwealth of Australia, see Tasmania.
Vandret fold: (Dan.) horizontal crease.
Van Duzer, S. R.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Vannmerke: (Nor.) watermark.
Vannmerkestilling: (Nor.) watermark position.
Vannrett: (Nor.) horizontal (position).
Vannrett par: (Nor.) horizontal pair.
Van Renthuysen’s News Office: unofficial forwarder of mail, 1845, Lansingburgh, N. Y.
Van Riper’s Express: local parcel delivery firm operated in Nothern New Jersey and New York City, used a label.
Vänster hörn: (Swed.) left corner.
Vanuatu: group of islands in the south Pacific Ocean, formerly New Hebrides; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, vatu (1980), 64 vatus = 1 US dollar 1906: administered by France and Great Britain as a “condominium,” stamps of New Caledonia and New South Wales used, 1908: had separate but equal stamp issues, French used an overprint on stamps of New Caledonia, Britain used an overprint on stamps of Fiji, 1980, July 30: No.1, 5 vatu franc multicolor, first stamp as independent nation, 1982, July 16: joined the UPU, 1987, May 12: first semi-postal stamp for “Hurricane Relief Fund.”
Vapen: (Swed.) coat-of-arms.
Våpen: (Nor.) coat-of-arms.
Vapen lejon: (Swed.) lion coat-of-arms.
Våpenutgaven 1863: (Nor.) refers to the 1863 Coat-of-Arms definitive issues.
Våpenutgaven 1867: (Nor.) refers to the 1867-1868 Coat-of-Arms definitive issues.
Vapor: 1. (Sp.) steamship, as por vapor, by boat or sea mail. 2. (Rom.) ship, steamship, steamer.
Var(s).: auction abbreviation term for variety.
Värde: (Swed.) value.
Vardø ByPost: Norway local post, 1893-95.
Va Real: (Port.) Vila Real (Royal Villa) pre-adhesive postmark of Portugal.
Variable denomination coil (VDC): denomination of the stamp printed by a vending machine at the time of sale; also known as Variable Rate Coil.
Variant: (Dan., Swed) variety.
Variante de coloare: (Rom.) color variety.
Variante de hîrtie: (Rom.) paper variety.
Variation: A different version or format in which the stamp was issued (usually compared with the original single gummed sheet stamp). Variations are produced on purpose.
Variedad: (Sp.) variety.
Variedad de composicion: (Sp.) variety in the setting of the printer’s type, the make-up of the stamp design or in the positioning of a cliché on the printing plate.
Variedad de dentado: (Sp.) perforation variety.
Variedad de impresion: (Sp.) variety due to faulty printing.
Variedad en capicua: (Sp.) tête-bêche variety.
Variedad por empalme: (Sp.) variety caused by the stamp being printed over a paper joint.
Varied perfs: horizontal perforations of Australia coil stamps with larger holes in center than at ends for easier separation.
Varietà: (It.) variety.
Varietate: (Rom.) variety.
Variété: (Fr.) variety.
Varietati de dantelura: (Rom.) perforation varieties.
Variétiste: (Fr.) one who collects varieties.
Variety: 1: A stamp containing an error, flaw or mistake.  This can be due to a retouch, misprint, reprint, ink fault, process error, etc.  These are unintentional; 2: bart (Ger.), variété (Fr.), varietá (It.), variedad (Sp.).
Varig Condor Eta: air mail stamps of Brazil authorized for use by private airline firms to prepay extra postage in addition to ordinary stamp issues.
Varldspost Kongress: (Swed.) VIII Universal Postal Union Congress, July 4, 1924.
Världspostkongressen: (Swed.) World Postal Congress.
Varna: French post office in Ottoman Empire opened Nov. 1857, closed Aug. 1876.
Varnish lines: bars of diagonal lines of varnish applied on the face of Austrian stamps to hinder cleaning and reuse,1901-07.
Vasa Issue: city in Finland, set of Finnish stamps printed there in 1918.
Vasárnap: (Hung.) Sunday.
Vasco da Gama: eight stamps issued in 1898, for Portugal and Colonies.
Vascongadas: Basque provinces of Alava, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya.
Vasil: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1871-81, see Zemstvo.
Väster: (Swed.) West.
Västligaustralien: (Swed.) Western Australia.
Västligukraina: (Swed.) Western Ukraine.
Västligukrainsk: (Swed.) Western Ukrainian.
VAT: Value Added Tax; tax payable on hammer price and the Buyer’s Premium for auction lots bought from auctioneers living within the countries being members of the European Union (EU); VAT is not payable for lots delivered to addresses outside the EU community.
Vathy (Samos): overprint on stamps of France, offices in Vathy, Turkish Empire, 1893-1914.
Vaticana: Vatican City.
Vatican City: western Italy, located with the city of Rome on bank of the Tiber River; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira, 100 cents = 1 Euro (2002) 1870-1929: used stamps of Italy, 1929, June 1: created by Lateran Treaty with Italy, 1929, Aug.1: No.1, 5 centesimi dark brown and pink, first special delivery stamps; joined UPU, 1931: first postage due stamp, first parcel post stamp, 1933: first semipostal stamp, Holy Year issue, 1938, June 22: first air mail stamp.
Vaticane: Vatican City
Vaticano, Cittá del: (It.) Vatican City.
Vatikanet: (Dan.) Vatican City.
Vatikanstaat: (Ger.) Vatican City.
Vatikanstaten: (Swed.) the Vatican.
Vattenmärke(n): (Swed.) watermark(s).
Vattenmärke, Ark: (Swed.) sheet watermark.
Vattenmärke, Kontinuerligt: (Swed.) continuous watermark.
Vattenmärke, Krona: (Swed.) crown watermark.
Vattenmärke, Marginal: (Swed.) marginal watermark.
Vattenmärke, Positions: (Swed.) position watermark.
Vatu: currency unit in Vanuatu.
Vaxa: (Sp.) lower, usually found on pre-stamp covers.
VC: 1: auction abbreviation for viewcard with stamp affixed to picture side. 2: country coed for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as used by the UPU. 3: Victor Castaigne, postmaster of Meshad province, Persia 1902.
VDK: (Ger.) “Verband der Kriegsgeschadigten,”inscription for Association of Disabled War Victims.
V.D.L.: Van Dieman’s Land (Aust.) former name of Tasmania.
V.D.M.P. Toulon: Voie de mer par Toulon (Fr.) sea route via Toulon, 1797.
Veck: (Swed.) crease.
Vectis Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Veddenese Sultanate: supposed Arabian country.
Vedette: (Fr.) rarity.
Veglia: now Krk, island in Adriatic Sea off coast of Yugoslavia; 1918-pre: Austrian territory, 1918: overprint on stamps of Fiume, Italian occupation; see Fiume, 1920: became part of Yugoslavia, name changed to Krk.
Veile: (or Vejle) seaport and capital of Vejle county in SE Jutland, Denmark, at the head of the Vejle Fjord ca. 135 miles W of Copenhagen. Local post established 5 November 1887, with first “Veile Bypost / Pakke-Expedition” lithographed stamps issued on the same day, and with several others issued through 1912.
Veile bypost: city in Denmark, local post.
Veile-Vandel Jernbane: local, Denmark railway parcel, 1887-89.
Velez-Blanco: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Velez-Malaga: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Velgørenhed: (Dan.) charity.
Velgørenhedmærke: (Dan.) charity stamps.
Veliki Ustyug: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1901-08, see Zemstvo.
Vélin: (Fr.) wove paper.
Velinpapier: (Ger.) wove paper.
Velká Británie: (Czech.) Great Britain.
Velsk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1886-1915, see Zemstvo.
VEN: international postal code for Venezuela.
Venda: South Africa Homeland State; currency: as South Africa 1969: Venda Territory Authority established, 1979, Sept. 13: No.1, 4¢ multicolor, first stamp as independent, 1994, April 27: ceased to exist, postal service operated until 1996; see South Africa.
Ven da Mar: (It.) arrival by sea handstamp applied to incoming ship mail, Venice,1716.
Venden: Wenden.
Vending and Affixing Machines: perforations applied privately to imperforate stamps by machine manufactured by The Attleboro Stamp Company, The Brinkerhoff Company, The Farwell Company, International Vending Machine Company, The Mailometer Co., The Shermack Co. and the U.S. Automatic Vending Co.
Vending Booklet: booklet of stamps prepared to be sold by a vending machine.
Vending machine franking label: in the late 1970s, vending machines offered gummed labels imprinted with amount of postage paid.
Vending machine stamps: stamps designed or printed specifically for use in coin-operated stamp machines.
Vendre: (Fr.) to sell.
Venetia Giulia: Italian, 1918-19, see Austria N1-N32
Venetia Giulia and Istria: Allied occupation, “AMG VG” 1945-47, Italy, 1LN…
Veneza: Venezuela, 1865-76.
Venezia: (It.) Venice, Italy
Venezia Giulia: Julian Venetia, Italian name for Slovene Coast, Trieste, Istria and Dalmatia, 1918 – 19.
Venezia Giulia: north east Italy, Julian Venetia; Currency: 100 centesimi = 1 corona (post 1925) Fiume and part of Dalmatia 1858-59: overprint on stamps of Austria for newspapers, 1918 – 45: Kingdom of Italy, includes Trieste, Istria, Slovene Coast (Istra Slovensko Primorje), 1918: “Regno d’Italia / Venezia Giulia / 3. X1.18′” overprint on stamps of Austria during occupation, overprint of stamps of Italy, Italian occupation of Trieste, 1919: “Venezia Giulia” overprint on stamps of Italy for postage, special delivery, postage due, 1919 – 43: acquired from Austria, stamps of Italy used, 1943 – 45: stamps of (Kingdom of) Italy and RSI used, 1945-47: stamps of Italy overprinted “A.M.G.-V.G.” (Allied Military Government-Venezia Giulia), Zone A, 1945 – 47: stamps of Yugoslavia inscribed “Istria Lit(t)orale Sloveno – Istra Slovensko Primorje,” Istria Slovene Coast, used for Zone B, 1946: overprinted “A.M.G.-V.G.” for air mail, special delivery, 1947: FTT, Free Territory of Trieste created, A under AMG, B under VUJA; balance of area going to Yugoslavia, 1948: first postage due stamp, see Trieste.
Venezia, Poste di: labels issued at fair for use at Venice Pavillion.
Venezia Tridentia: (Trentino) “Regno d’Italia / Venezia Tridentina / 3.XI.18″overprint on stamps of Austria, for Italian Occupation of Austria, 1918.
Venezolana: Venezuela currency unit, 1863-65.
Venezuela: northern coast of South America, on the Caribbean Sea; official name of postal administration: lpostel currency: 100 centavos = 8 reales = 1 peso (1859), 100 centimos = 1 venezolana (1879), 100 centimos = 1 bolivar (1880) 1859, Jan. 1: No.1, ½ real yellow, 1879-80: revenue stamps inscribed “Escuelas” and “Instruccion” also valid for postage, 1880, Jan. 1: joined the UPU, 1898, May 1: first official stamp, 1899, May: first registration stamp, 1902: provisional issues for Port of Carupano due to blockade by Great Britain, Germany and Italy, 1903: local stamps for state of Guayana, 1930: first air mail stamp, 1937: first semi-postal stamp, overprinted “EE.UU. de Venezuela Correos,” 1942, Dec. 17: first air mail semi-postal stamp, 1949, Mar. 9: first special delivery stamp.
Venizelist Goverment: 1917, Feb. 5: stamps of Greece issued by the Venizelist Provisional Government.Mar. 9: first special elivery stamps,
Venstre: (Dan., Nor.) left (side).
Venta: (Sp.) sale.
Venta del Moro: city in Spain, Spanish civil war local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Ventas por mayor: (Sp.) wholesale sale.
Ventas por menor: (Sp.) retail sale.
Vente à prix nets: (Fr.) French mail sale with fixed prices.
Venus, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for upper or middle Danube lines.
Vera: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vera Cruz, Mexico: handstamp and machine cancels used when US forces conquered the city and established a post office on April 21, 1914 until Nov. 23, 1914.
Veraderos: (Sp.) private mail carriers of the 17th-19th centuries.
Veranstalter: (Ger.) organizers (of a stamp show).
Verband Berliner Philatelisten-Vereine: (Ger.) Association of Berlin Philatelic Organizations.
Verbandsprüfer: (Ger.) formerly known as Bundesprüfer, one who examines philatelic objects for certification.
Veräussern: (Ger.) to sell.
Verde: (It., Sp., Rom.) green.
Verde-albastrui: (Rom.) bluish-green (color).
Verde aprins: (Rom.) bright green (color).
Verde-bronz: (Rom.) bronze-green (color).
Verde de mar: (Rom.) sea-green (color).
Verde-galbui: (Rom.) yellowish-green (color).
Verde-gri: (Rom.) grey-green, Russian green (color).
Verde-iarba: (Rom.) grass-green (color).
Verdensomfattende: (Nor.) worldwide.
Verde-oliv: (Rom.) oliv-green (color).
Verdipost: (Nor.) insured mail.
Verde-smarald: (Rom.) emerald-green (color).
Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie: (Dut.) United East Indies Company.
Verein: (Ger.) association.
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: (Ger.) United Arab Emirates.
Vereinigte Königreich: (Ger.) United Kingdom, Great Britain.
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika: (Ger.) United States of America.
Vereinte Nationen: (Ger.) United Nations.
Verfalschung: (Ger.) fake.
Vergata (carta): (It.) laid paper.
Vergé bâtonné: (Fr.) laid batonne paper.
Vergel: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vergiss Nicht unsere Kolonien: (Ger.) “Never Forget our Colonies” label.
Vergriffen: (Ger.) out of print, sold out.
Verificato per Censura: (It.) censor marking from Italian language countries.
Véritable: (Fr.) genuine.
Verkauf: (Ger.) sale.
Verkehrs-Anstalt Merkur: local, Duren, Germany, 1895-97.
Verkehrt: (Ger.) inverted
Verkhnednieprovsk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1866-77, see Zemstvo.
Verkhotur: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1889-1902, see Zemstvo.
Vermeil: gold-plated silver, an exhibit medal level between gold and silver.
Vermont: 1: became a U.S. state March 4, 1791. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801.
Verona: fantasy from Shakespeare’s island.
Verpätungsmarke: (Ger.) late fee, postal marking or stamp indicating payment of a special fee for forwarding a mail piece after the regular mail has been closed; also known as supplementary mail.
Verrechungsmarke für Zeitungsporto: (Ger.) newspaper stamp.
Verschlussmarke: (Ger.) vignette.
Verschossen: (Ger.) faded (color).
Verso: (Fr.) back, as opposed to front of a philatelic object
Verso (tamponné au): (Fr.) backstamped.
Verspätungsmarke: (Ger.) too late stamp.see Trieste,
Versteigerung: (Ger.) auction.
Vert: (Fr.) 1: green. 2: auction abbreviation for vertical.
Verticala: (Rom.) vertical.
Verticalmente: (Sp.) vertically.
Vertical pair, imperforate horizontally: a pair of stamps that is fully perforated horizontally, but has no vertical perforations.
Vertical pair, imperforate inbetween: a pair of stamps that is fully perforated at the top, sides and bottom, but has no perforations between the stamps.
Vertragsstaaten (Indien) Besetzung (Japan): (Ger.) Japanese occupation of the Indian States.
Vervalsing: (Dut.) forgery.
Vervelle: a distinctive shade of France ungummed 1 franc stamp of 1851.
Verviers: (Fr.) local tax stamp in Belgium.
Very fine: Value Increase of a Stamp: due to these factors: very wide margins, extremely fresh color, selvage presence, plate or die varieties, and scarcity.
Very lightly hinged (VLH).
Verzelchnis: (Ger.) checklist.
Verzui: (Rom.) greenish (color).
Vessiegonsk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1871-1913, see Zemstvo.
Vest: (Dan., Nor.) west.
Vestafrika: (Dan., Nor.) West Africa.
Vesta, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1850s, for middle or upper Danube lines.
Vestaustralia: (Nor.) Western Australia.
Vestaustralien: (Dan.) Western Australia.
Vesteraalen Dampskibsselskap: issued own stamps for route between Advent Bay, Spitsbergen and Norway, 1896, valid for postage within Norway.
Vester-Norre-Osterbroes Pakvogn: local, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1880-85.
Vest Pocket Dealer (VPD): a dealer who brings his stamp stock to stamp shows and goes from dealer to dealer offering his material, as opposed to those dealers who have sales booths.
Vestukraine: (Dan.) Western Ukraine.
Vestungarn: (Dan., Nor.) Western Hungary.
Vetekeverria: Albania.
Vetluga: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1905-13, see Zemstvo.
Vettore: (It.) “Carrier” inscription on Italian tax revenue stamps.
V.E.U.: voie des Etats Unis (Fr.) via U.S.A.
VIII Varlospost Kongress Stockholm: Sweden.
VF: see Very fine.
VFU: very fine used
VG: 1: Venezia Giulia. 2: Victoria Government
V.H.M.: (Victor H. Mackenzie) manuscript surcharge on British East Africa Protectorate issues, 1891-95.
V I: 1: USPS abbreviation for Virgin Islands. 2: British abbreviation for Vancouver Island.
Via Aerea: (It.) by air.
Viandes: (Fr.) meat revenue stamp inscription
Via Nicaragua: see Accessory Transit Co. of Nicaragua.
Viatka: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1896-1905, see Zemstvo.
Viborg: City and capital of Viborg county, N central Jutland, Denmark, ca.130 miles NW of Copengahen. Local post established 6 September 1886, with first “Viborg Bypost” lithographed local stamps issued on the same day, and with numerous others issued through 1888. The local post ceased operations on 6 June 1891.
Viborg Bypost: city in Denmark, local post, 1886-91.
Vic: 1.(It.) Vicenza (Italy) pre-adhesive postmark. 2: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vicebarevná: (Czech.) multicolored.
Vícenásobná Frankatura: (Czech.) multiple franking.
Vichy issues: nickname for stamps issued by France and colonies during World War II.
Vict de Tampas: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Vickers’ Express: parcel delivery firm that serviced the Northern Railway and the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway, used labels, 1888.
Victims of Philatelic Investment Fraud: see AVE.
Victoria: southeastern part of Australia; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1849-51: used butterfly design as cancel, 1850, Jan. 3: No.1, one pence dull red, first issue designed and printed locally, 1850-1912; stamps issued, 1851: received colony status, 1851-56: used oval with bars as cancel, 1854, Dec.1: first registration stamp, 1855, Jan. 1: first late fee stamp, 1870: “Stamp Statute” inscription for postal / fiscal use, 1879: stamps, inscribed “Stamp Duty” valid for postal use, 1890: first postage due stamp, 1891: joined the UPU, 1897, Oct.: first semi-postal stamp, 1901, Jan. 1: one of six British colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913: used stamps of Australia; see Australia.
Victoria: Postmasters stamp issued during the Civil War.
Victoria: 1: inscription on stamps of Cuba, postage due, post WW II. 2: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Victoria 1837-1897: cancel to celebrate Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
Victoria and V: Cuba, postal tax stamps.
Victoria de Torreon Abril 2 1914: overprint on stamps of Mexico for Victory of Torreon, 1914.
Victoria Land: “Victoria / Land” overprint on stamps of New Zealand for use by Captain Scott’s South Pole expedition, 1911-13.
Victorian Railway: local post, Australia, 1835-1930s.
Victoria Regina (VR): British inscription VR used on the Penny Black, 1840, for official use, printed April 1840, but never put into use.
Victoria, Texas Postage 5, 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Victory: World War II; common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1946.
Victory Issue 8th June 1946: overprint on stamps of Aden for Allied nations’ victory.
Vic Walter’s P.S.: United Kingdom postal strike: local post 1971.
Vidimationer: (Swed.) certified copies of (a package’s) content.
Vielfalt: (Ger.) numerous.
Vienna: 1: German stamps overprinted diagonally in1945 “Österrich” for use in Vienna. 2: United Nations post office, 1979.
Vierblatter Klee 1916: (Ger.) “Four-leafed clover; label depicting four leaders that killed the entante.
Viereck: (Ger.) square.
Viererblock: (Ger.) an unseparated group of four stamps.
Vierkantaussschnitt: (Ger.) cut square.
Viet Nam: eastern Indo-China; currency: 100 cents (xu) = 1 piastre (dong) (1945), 100 xu = 10 hao = 1 dong (1945), Viet Ming = 30 xu = 10 hao = 1 dong included former French territories of Tonkin, Annam and Cochin China, 1889: stamps of French Colonies surcharged “Indo-Chine 89″ (1889), 1945, Aug 19: declared independence from France; Viet Minh took control of Hanoi and Saigon, 1949: Indo-China divided into Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam, each issuing its own stamps, 1951, June 6: No.1, 10 cents olive green, 1951, Oct. 20: joined the UPU, 1954, July 21: French forces withdrew from northern part of country, partitioned at the 17th parallel, 1954, Dec.1: stamps of India overprinted in Hindi characters for use in Viet Nam, communist Viet Minh in control of country, 1955: Viet Nam became Republic of North Viet Nam, 1965: ICC (International Control Commission) overprint on stamps of India for Viet Nam; see Annam and Tonkin, Indo-China, French, Viet Nam, North, and Viet Nam, South.
Viet Nam, Buu Chinnh, Conghoa: Viet Nam, South Viet Nam.
Viet-Nam Cong-Hoa: South Vietnam, 1956-75.
Viet Nam Dan Chu Cong Hoa: North Viet Nam
Viet Nam, North: Viet Nam north of the 17th parallel; Socialist Republic of Viet Nam; currency: 100 cents = 1 dong (1946), 100 xu = 1 dong (1959) 1945, Sep. 2: No.1, 1 piastre yellow green, first stamps as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, overprinted “Viet-Nam Dan-Chu Cong-Hoa” on stamps of French Indo-China, 1946: No.1, 1 hao green, first stamps as Viet Nam, 1955: first postage due stamp, 1958, May 1: first military stamp, 1959, Nov. 20: first air mail stamp, 1976, July 2: official reunification of country under Communist control, 1976, July 23: first stamps as Socialist Republic of Viet nam, 1983, Nov. 1: first semi-postal stamp.
Viet Nam, South: Viet Nam south of the 17th parallel, Republic of South Viet Nam; currency: 100 cents = 1 piastre (1959) 1952, Nov. 10: first semi-postal, air mail stamps, 1952, June 16: first postage due stamp, 1955, July 20: No. 1, 30 cents claret, first stamps as South Viet Nam, 1955, Oct.: republic of South Viet Nam officially established, 1956, Jan. 10: stamps inscribed Viet Nam Cong Hoa, (Republic of Viet Nam), 1961, June: first military stamp.
View Card: a postcard that depicts cities, landscapes or landmarks.
Viewing: ability to see auction lots prior to date or time of sale
VIF: (Fr.) lively, bright (color).
Vifieta: (Sp.) vignette.
Vig, Vign: auction abbreviation for vignette.
Vignetta: (It.) vignette.
Vignette: (Fr.) 1: term for the picture or other main design area of a stamp. 2: the blue air mail labels.
Vignetten: (Ger.) vignettes.
Vignette pour l’expérimentation des machines distributrices de timbres: (Fr.) testing label for automatic vending machines.
Vignette stamps: (Fr.) a non-denominated stamp created to advertise or commemorate a product or event. see Poster stamps.
VII Congresso UPU: 7th UPU Congress, Spain.
VIII Varldspost: Congress, Stockholm, Sweden 1924.
Vikingland: bogus issue.
Viladrau: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vilafranca del Cid: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Világos: (Hung.) pale, light (color).
Világoskék: (Hung.) pale blue, light blue, cambridge blue (color).
Világospiros: (Hung.) pale red, light red (color).
Vilassar de Mar: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vilatorta: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vilavert: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villacarlos: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villacarrillo: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villada: (Sp.) mark applied to a private telegraph stamp issued by Villada’s town council, 1901.
Villa del Rio: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villafranca del Penedes: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villagarcia de Arosa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Villajoyosa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villanueva: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villaneuva de Algaida: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937-38.
Villanueva de Cordoba: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villanueva de la Serena: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villanueva del Rosario: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937-38.
Villanueva del Trabuco: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937-38.
Villanueva de Tapia: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1938.
Villar de la Libertad: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villarreal: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villarrobledo: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Villayer, Renuard de: organized a “Petite Post” in Paris, 1653, with a special prepayment wrapper “billet” dropped into eleven mail boxes placed at various locations in Paris with three daily collections and deliveries.
Ville: (Fr.) city.
Villena: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vilnius: Lithuania overprint on 1929 stamps of Russia for German occupation, 1941.
Vimbodi: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vinaccia: (It.) claret (color).
Vinaroz: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vincado: (Port.) creased.
Vinebre: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Vineri: (Rom.) Friday.
Viñeta: (Sp.) vignette.
Viñeta bisect: (Sp.) half of German 5 pf stamp (hand stamped “3 PF”) officially used in April 1901 on the cruiser Vineta as a provisional to mail newspapers.
Viñetofilia: (Sp.) collecting charity stamps, labels or stickers.
Vin Fiz: (Scott CL2) A 25¢ U.S. stamp lithographed in black taken from the name of a grape soda whose sponsor promoted a coast-to-coast flight in 1911. The bottom wings of the biplane were inscribed “Vin Fiz.”
Vinnitse: city in the Ukraine, local provisionals, aka Vinnitcha, 1990s.
Vinrød: (Nor.) wine-red, claret (color).
Vins: (Fr.) wines revenue stamp inscription.
Vintage: a figure featuring the year of issue or print, some may be on the sheet margin.
Vinuela: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Viola: (It.) purple (color).
Violaceo: (It.) violet.
Violet: (Dan.) violet (color).
Violet-albastrui: (Rom.) bluish-violet (color).
Violet aprins: (Rom.) bright violet, fire-violet (color).
Violetblå: (Dan.) violet-blue (color).
Violetbrun: (Dan., Rom.) violet-brun (color).
Violetgrå: (Dan.) violet-grey (color).
Violet-negricios: (Rom.) blackish-violet (color).
Violet-roscat: (Rom.) reddish-violet (color).
Violet-roz: (Rom.) rose-violet, claret (color).
Violett: (Swed.) violet (color).
Violettakt: (Swed.) violet-tinged (color).
Violettakt karmin: (Swed.) violet-tinged carmine (color).
Violettakt mörk karmin: (Swed.) violet-tinged dark carmine (color).
Violettakt rosa: (Swed.) violet-tinged rose (color).
Violettblå: (Swed.) violet-blue (color).
Violetbrun: (Swed.) violet-brown (color).
Violettgrå: (Swed.) violet-grey (color).
Violettrosa: (Swed.) violet-rose (color).
VIP: very important person.
Virgil & Co’s Express: local parcel firm that serviced Vermont, used a label, 1844
Virginia: 1: became a U.S. state June 25, 1788. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798-Feb. 28, 1801. 3: second federal revenue issue, May 1, 1813-Feb. 27, 1816. 4: supervisors’ seal revenue, March 2, 1799.
Virginia City Pony Express: private mail firm that operated between Virginia City, Nevada and Sacramento, Calif. By Wells Fargo & Co., used stamps, 1862-64.
Virgin Islands: 1: see British Virgin Islands. 2: Sombrero Lighthouse (upside down) inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Virgin Islands: West Indies, southeast of Puerto Rico, formerly Danish West Indies; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1951), 100 cents = 1 US dollar (1962) 1866: No.1, 1 penny green, 1916: war tax stamp issued, 1917, Jan. 17: sold to the US by Denmark, 1917, Mar. 31: formal transfer to the US, see British Virgin Islands, Danish West Indies.
Virtual Philately: genuine postage stamps, which are scanned and transferred between collectors electronically.
Virumaa: region in Estonia, bogus issues.
Visado por la Censura Militar: (Sp.) examined by the military censor.
Viscaya: now Bixcaia, one of the Basque Provinces.
Visiniu-putred: (Rom.) lilac-red (color), see Rosu-lila.
Vistoso: (Sp.) fine appearance.
Vitoria: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Viva España: surcharge by Nationalist forces in Cadiz, Spain, as a semipostal, 1936-37.
Viva España / 18 Julio / 1936: overprint on stamps of Spain, by Nationalist forces, for revenue issue of Tenerife; Canary Islands.
Viva España Correo Aereo: overprint on stamps of Spain by the Nationalist forces, 1936-37 for use in Burgeos, Spain.
Viva España Sevilla Julio 1936: overprint on stamps of Spain by revolutionary forces, 1936.
Vivero: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Vivo: (Sp., It.) bright color.
Vizcayan Republic: U.S. seceding state in the Philippines, Spain, 1898.
Vízjel(ek): (Hung.) watermark(s).
Vjetori i Mbretnis: Albania.
V-Label: labels used on insured mail, with letter V (French valeur = value) usually on red tinted paper.
Vláda: (Czech.) government, administration.
Vladivostok: city in Russia, 1: 1922 overprint “1917 / 7-XI /1922” for use in Far Eastern Republic. 2: 1923 overprint in Cyrillic on Russian stamps for use in Far Eastern Republic. 3: local overprint, 1994.
Vlak: (Czech.) railroad train.
Vlastos, VL, Vl: specialized catalogue of Greece.
V L H: see very lightly hinged.
Vlore: (It.) city in Abania, in Italian called Valona.
V-Mail: special forms and envelopes used by US military forces during WW II to reduce the weight of mail; started June 15, 1942; called Airgraphs by British..
V.N.: Vaccination, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Voamena: Madagascar local issue.
VÖB Verband Österreichischer Briefmarkenprüfer: (Ger.) stamp expert of Austria.
Vodorovne Rastrovany Lep: (Czech.) horizontal gum ripple. Vögel: (Ger.) birds (thematic).
Vogeler, A. & Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Vogeler, Meyer & Co.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Vogn: (Dan.) railroad car, railway car.
Voice of America Stamp Club: an international stamp club promoted via radio by the Voice of America after WW II.
Void, Voided: 1: handstamp applied on postage due stamps in order for a carrier to receive credit for the stamps when the carrier was unable to deliver a mailpiece to which postage due stamps had already been affixed. 2: void marking used on stamps that are not considered valid U.S. postagte; such as non-postal seals, labels or foreign stamps used on U.S. origin mail.
Voie de mer: (Fr.) by sea.
Vojenska Posta: inscription for Czechoslovakian Army post stationed in Siberia, 1919-20.
Vojna Upraya Jugoslavenske Armije: Military Administration of Yugoslav Army, overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Zone B, Istria and Slovene Coast, 1947.
Vojsko na Rusi: inscription for Czechoslovakian army on Siberia.
Vojvodina: (Republic) local overprint, Yugoslavia, 1999s.
Volchansk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1872-83, see Zemstvo.
Volgograd: formerly Stalingrad, USSR.
Volkerbund: (Ger.) League of Nations.
Volksabstimmung: (Ger.) overprint on stamps of Saar for 1935 plebiscite.
Volksdienst: semipostals, Netherlands.
Volkshilfe: (Ger.) People’s Help, charity issue.
Volksrepublik China: (Ger.) People’s Republic of China.
Volksrust: township in the Transvaaal; 1900, June 23: fiscal stamps overprinted ‘V.R.I.’ during British occupation.
Volksstaat Bayern: (Ger.) People’s State, 1919-20 overprint on stamps of Bavaria.
Volksstaat Würtemberg: (Ger.) People’s State, overprint on official stamps of Wurtemberg.
Vollandig: (Ger.) full margins.
Vollständiger Satz: (Ger.) complete set.
Vollständig: (Ger.) complete.
Volo: 1: French post office in Ottoman Empire opened 1857, closed 1861, reopened 1879, closed 1881. 2: city in Greece, Interpostal Seals used 1868, see Interpostal Seals. 3. (It.) flight
Volo di Ritorno, New York-Roma: (It.) “return flight, New York-Rome; overprint on General Balbo stamps of Italy, Sc. C48.
Volo orbitale: (It.) space (thematic).
Volo Transatlantico con Aereo da Turimo: (It.) 100 sheets printed by the Italian Ministry of Posts to commemorate Jan. 6, 1949 flight Milan to Buenos Aires.
Volsk: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1885-98, see Zemstvo.
Vom empfanger einzuziehen: (Ger.) “from receiver to be collected” inscription on stamps of Bavaria and Danzig, postage due.
Vom empfänger zahlbar: (Ger.) “from receiver to be paid” (Payable by addressee) inscription on stamps of Bavaria, postage due, 1862-76, and Danzig 1921-39.
Von: (Ger.) from.
Von Angeli: painted the 1887 Jubilee portrait of Queen Victoria used on colonial British stamps.
Vonat: (Hung.) railroad train.
Von Meister numbers: numbers in lower left corner of Zeppelin covers applied by U.S. F. von Meister to keep track of covers flown on the various flights, first used on the1930 European-Pan-American flight of the Graf Zeppelin.
Voor Het Kind: (Dut,) “For the children,” inscription on stamps of Netherlands, semipostal.
Voor Het National Steunfunds: Surinam, semipostals for the National Welfare Fund..
Voor Krijgsgevanfenen.: air mail special delivery semipostal, overprint on stamps of Netherlands Antilles, for prisoners of war..
Vorausentweetung: (Ger.) precancel.
Vorausfrankierung: (Ger.) prepayment of postage, as in postage meters.
Vorderseite: (Ger.) front side (of a cover).
Vorläufer: (Ger.) forerunner.
Vorms: bogus Russian issue, not valid for postage.
Vörös (also piros): (Hung.) red (color).
Vörösbor: (Hung.) claret, burgundy (color).
Vörösesbarna: (Hung.) red(dish)-brown, sienna (color).
Vörösesibolya: (Hung.) red(dish)-violet (color).
Vöröseskék: (Hung.) red(dish)-blue, Turkish blue (color).
Vörös Kereszt: (Hung.) (the) Red Cross.
Vörösréz: (Hung.)copper-red (color) (also rézvörös).
Vorphilatelistisch: (Ger.) pre-philatelic.
Vostochiya Siberia: local, cinderella, 1990s.
V.P.M.: Voie Paquebots de la Méditerranée (Fr.) via Mediterranean paqueboat.
V.R.: “Victoria Regina” overprint on stamps of Fiji to mark change by King Cakobau to Britain, 1874-77.
VR – Valtion Rautatiet: (Fin.) [Finland] State Railways.
V.R. Essay: the 1840 British penny black with “V” and “R” in top corner was originally intended as an essay, but now called “Prepared for use but not issued.”
V.R.I.: Victoria Regina Imperatriz, overprint on stamps of areas occupied by British in South Africa; when Lord Roberts entered Pretoria on June 5, 1900, as head of the British occupation Forces; Orange Free State.
V.R. Special Post: overprint on stamps of Transvaal, for Cape of Good Hope British Occupation of Vryburg, 1900.
Vrt: (abbr.) vertical.
V.R. Transvaal: overprint on stamps of South African Republic for Transvaal, 1878-79; see Transvaal.
Vryburg: town in British Bechuanaland, 1899, Nov.: occupied by the Boers, overprinted stamps of the Cape of Good Hope “Z.A.R.” (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek), 1900, May: British forces retook town, overprinted stamps of the Transvaal “V.R./Special Post.”
VT: USPS abbreviation for Vermont.
Vuelo: (Sp.) flight.
V.U.J.A., S.T.T.: Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije Slobodna Teritorija Trsta (Serbo-Croatian) Military Administration Yugoslav Army, (Free Territory of Trieste), 1949.overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Free Territory of Trieste, Zone B, 1948 – 54.
V.U.J.N.A., S.T.T.: Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Narodne Armije, Slobodni Terorij Trsta – (Serbian) Military Administration of Yugoslav National Army, Free Territory of Trieste,, Zone B, 1948 – 54.
Vurthem: South Africa issue named after the stamp designer.
Vychod: (Czech.) East.
Vychodni Nemecko: (Czech.) East Germany (DDR).
Vychodni Timor: (Czech.) East Timor.
Vychodoafricka: (Czech.) East Africa
Vychodoafricky: (Czech.) East African.
Vychodocinské More: (Czech.) East China Sea.
Výplatni známky: (Czech.) definitive stamps.
Vykort: (Swed.) picture postcard.
Vykortssamlingar: (Swed.) picture postcard collections.
Vystava: (Czech.) exhibition.
Vystrizek: (Czech.) postage stamp(s) on piece of paper or envelope.
Vzducholodni posta: (Czech.) airship mail, zeppelin.
Vzorec: (Czech.) specimen overprint.

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