13 Zone Partigiana Piacenza: town and province in Northern Italy; stamps of Italy overprint for local use, 1944.
3¢ Hawaiian Blue: cinderella used in movie The Truth About Charlie, a remake of the movie Charade.
3M Corp.: contractor for stamp printing to National Label Co., 1994 Eagle self-adhesive.
3PF: German bisect provisional made 1901, at New Orleans, La. by German Cruiser Vineta to meet need for printed matter rate by ship’s crew.
3-Rings Nummerstempler: (Nor.) 3-concentric rings numerical oblit cancellations.
3-Sidig perforeing: (Nor.) perforations on 3 sides, with straight edge on fourth side.
2 x 4: at one time it was popular to cut the corner, two inches by four inches, containing the stamp and postmark off envelopes and mount them in an album.
20/IX 1908: label from Bosnia Herzegovina honoring Franz Joseph, 1908.
30 Koruna 1914: (Hung.) documentary revenue stamp.
1: abbreviation for the French word “Taxe.” When applied on a stamp, the stamp is used for payment of Postage Due; when stamped on an envelope, it signifies that Postage Due has been charged.
2: Scott Catalog number prefix for U.S. Telegraph.
3: Timbre Taxe (Fr.) stamp tax, to pay, postage due
4: (in circle) Huacho provisional local (Peru), 1884.
5: (in four corners with value in center of stamp) Dominican Republic Postage Due, 1901-42.
6: Tala, currency unit in Western Samoa.
7: incorrect currency symbol on stamps of Papua New Guinea; small “t” for reprinted stamps as correct symbol.
8: territory, when used in a postmark.
9: Transito (Spain) transit.
10: (with lion, F and numeral) Belgium, 1966-70.
11: Tarde (Sp.) afternoon.
12: Tausend (Ger.) thousand.
13: perforated on Tasmania for official.
14: auction abbreviation for top.
15: Treasurer, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
16: Ethiopia overprint on Postage Due stamps.
17: overprint on Belgian postage due stamp used from Oct. to Dec. 1919; used when post office ran out of postage due stamps.
18. international postal code for Thailand.
$T: dollar, currency unit in Republic of China
$T: pa’anga, currency unit in Tonga.
$T&T;: dollar, currency unit in Trinidad and Tobago.
TA: (It.) Transito Austriaco (Austrian transit) pre-adhesive postmark.
T.A.A.F.: (Fr.) Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises; (French Southern and Antarctic Territories).
Tab: an inscription printed in the margin of a stamp sheet; tabs are collected attached to the postage stamp; see tablet.
Tabacs-Vignette de Controle: (Fr.) taxpaid labels for tobacco.
Tabac: (Fr.) tobacco products; French colony revenue inscription.
Tabara: (Rom.) camp.
Tabasco: overprint on stamps of Mexico for Tabasco district, 1856-1883.
Tabellarii: (It.) messengers, mailmen, Roman imperial postal system, about 250 BC.
Tabernacle Fair Post Office: S. Allan Taylor label.
Tabernes de Valldigna: city in Spain, Spanish civil war local post, Republic, 1937.
Tablet: 1: nickname given to French stamps for Peace and Commerce; due to a large tablet in the design. 2: extra piece attached to each postage stamp bearing an inscription or other design, aka tab.
Tabora: unauthorized overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo for German East Africa.
Tabori Fopostahivatal: (Hun.) Hungarian head field post office.
Tabori Postahivatal: (Hun.) Hungarian field post office.
Tábori Postá(k): (Hung.) fieldpost(s).
T.A.B.R.O.M.I.K.: TAdeusy BROnislaw MIKolajczyk society; Poland semiofficial air mail stamp, Poznan Trade Fair, May 29-June 16, 1921; dropped by a Junkers F-3 aircraft.
TACA: Transportes Aereos Centro Americanos; Air line carrying mail between the U.S. and Central America, started Nov.1943.
Tachado: (Sp.) obliterated, blotted out.
Tache: (Fr.) spot, stain.
Tacna y Arica: (Sp.) Peru postal tax stamps for plebiscite, 1925-28.
Tadzikistan: inscription for Tajikistan.
Tael: unit of currency used in China until 1897.
Tæt klippet:(Dan.) cut close (to design).
Tafalla: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937-38.
T.A.G.:1: Transport Air Group, U.S. Marine Corps operation after WW 11. 2: see Transports Aeriens Guyanais.
Tåg 1 (2): (Swed.) train, first or second of day from Eslof, Sweden.
Tag der Briefmarke: (Ger.) Day of the Postage Stamp.
Tagesstempel: (Ger.) canceler with date.
Taggant: phosphorescent added to a stamp to aid mechanical canceling, only visible under ultra-violet light; may be applied in a strip, a block or over the entire stamp.
Tagged: philatelic item that has had the postage area treated with material sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light, so that the item can be mechanically for cancelling.
Tagged block: tagging applied on a stamp in a rectangle that does not touch the perforations.
Tagging: phosphor coating either on a stamp or paper, that is invisible in normal light; used to activate automated mail handling equipment; first applied in Great Britain in 1959.
Tagging breaks: regularly recurring interruptions in their overall tagging; found in some stamps of the U.S. Transportation Series.
Tagging ghost: the ghost of a stamp image picked up from freshly printed stamps by the tagging roller and placed on the next impression.
Tagliato corot: (It.) bisected
Tagliato in due: (It.) bisect, stamp cut in half which has been used to pay the postage at half the face value of the original stamp; the bisect is collected on the original cover with the postmark or cancellation covering the cut.
Tah-Cheng: city in northwest China, local post, 1945.
Tahiti: island in the South Pacific Ocean, former Oceanic Settlements; Currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1870-75: Regular monthly service to send mail from Tahiti via San Francisco to France, 1882: No.1, 25 centimes on 35¢ dark violet and orange, local surcharge “Tahiti” on French Colonial keytype, 1893: first postage due stamp, stamps of French Colonies, 1903: “Tahiti” overprint on stamps of French Polynesia; 1915: Last Tahiti stamps were semipostal overprint on Red Cross issue, 1958: name and stamps changed to French Polynesia; see French Polynesia.
Tahta: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1879-84, see Interpostal Seals.
Tai-Han: Empire of Korea, Korea, 1897-1910.
Tai-hu: city in East China, local post, 1949.
Tai-Kiang: city in southwest China, local post, 1949 as Kwei-chow.
Taille douce: (Fr.) copper plate used for line engraving.
Tai-ping: city in east China, local post, 1949.
Taiwan: island, 100 miles off coast of China, aka Republic of China, Nationalist China, Portuguese Formosa (Port.: beautiful), Formosa, formerly part of Chinese Empire; Currency: 100 sen = 1 yen, 100 cents = 1 new Taiwan dollar 1886: first stamps issued as part of China, 1887: local stamp issued, 1894: ceded to Japan after Sino-Japanese War,1895: “Black Flag Republic” stamps, 1904: first postage due stamp, 1920, Dec.1: first semipostal,1921, July 1: first air mail stamp, 1931-1945: Sino-Japanese War; stamps of Japan used during Japanese occupation, 1941: first registration stamp, 1942: overprint on stamps of China for Japanese occupation, 1943: first military stamp, 1945, Oct.: used locally printed separate stamps, returned to China as a province,1945, Nov.4: No. 1, 3 sen carmine, first stamps as Taiwan (Formosa), 1945: “For Use in Taiwan, Chinese Republic” in Chinese, overprint on stamps of China and Japan, first parcel post stamp, 1946, May: restored to China, overprints on stamps of China used, 1948, Feb. 10: first postage due stamp as Taiwan, 1949: Chiang Kai-Shek Nationalist Army took control of island, first air mail, parcel post stamps,1950, Jan.1: No.1, $1 green, first stamp as Republic of China, first registration, special delivery stamps, 1951, Mar. 20: Japan renounced all claims, became a self-government; see China.
Tajikistan: central Asia, bounded by China, Afghanistan, formerly Tadzhikistan; currency: 100 kopecks =1 ruble, 100 tanga = 1 ruble, 100 dinars = 1 somoni (2000) 1991, Dec. 26: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1992, May 20: No.1, 50 kopecks multicolor, first stamp, 1994, June 9: joined the UPU; Note: many illegal stamps exist.
Tajikistan: bogus Russian issues copied from original stamps.
Taka: currency unit in Bangladesh.
Takava’u: South Pacific fantasy.
Takca: (Bul.) (Tax) inscription (Cyrillic) on stamps of Bulgaria postage due, 1884-89.
Taker-offer: worker at Bureau of Engraving and Printing, in the 1930s, who took off a single sheet of dampened paper from the top of the inked press plate, stacked them up and put another sheet of tissue paper between them; see putter-oner.
Takkemåler: (Nor.) perforation gauge.
Takking: (Nor.) perforation.
Takning: (Dan.) perforation.
Takning, Ark: (Dan.) harrow perforation, see Perforering, Ark.
Takning, Kam: (Dan.) comb perforation, see Perforering, Kam.
Takning, Linie: (Dan.) line perforation, see Perforering Linie.
Takning, Slange: (Dan.) serpentine perforation.
Takning, Slangelinieret: (Dan.) serpentine roulette perforation.
Taksë: (Alb.) (Tax) overprint/inscription on stamps of Albania postage due.
Takse Pulu: inscription on postage due labels of Turkey.
Tala: currency unit in Samoa (Western).
Taladrito: (Sp.) pin hole, perfin.
Taladro: (Sp.) punch-hole, used for cancellation of telegraph stamps.
Talavera de la Reina: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1936.
Talbana: (Ind.) in India, stamp affixed to a summons that required a witness to appear in a court of law.
Talbotton, Ga. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Talca: Chile postal tax stamps, inscribed Bicentenario de Talca, for bicentennial, 1942.
Talcher: supposed official surcharge on stamps of India, 1878.
Taler: (Ger.) unit of currency.
Ta-lien: China, formerly Dairen; see China, Regional Issues.
Talismanic inscription: term for a manuscript endorsement on early ship letters; implying a prayer by the sender for the protection of the ship and her master, usually abbreviated to Q. D. C. Quam or Quem Deus conservet (which or whom) God preserve; used about middle of 17th century, stopped being used about 1815.
Talking books by mail: American Foundation for the Blind program to distribute books through the mail free of charge.
Talking stamps: stamps in the form of a miniature record as issued by Bhutan, April 15, 1973.
Talladega, Ala. paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Talla dulce: (Sp.) copper plate engraving.
Tallcot, George: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Talon: (Sp.) small stamp attached to the bottom of revenue stamps of Mexico.
Talloncino: (It.) tab (attached).
Talt: (Dan.) counted..
Talyllyn Railway: British railway local post.
Tamaño: (Sp.) format, size.
Tambala: currency unit in Malawi since 1970.
Tambof: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1870-76, see Zemstvo.
Tamburi: first posting boxes, Florence, Italy, 16th century.
TAMcG: Thomas A. McGaffin, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Tammerfors: Finland local post, July 1866-81.
Tampereen: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890s.
Tampico: overprint on stamps of Mexico for Tampico district, 1856-1883.
Tampon: (Fr.) handstamped marking.
Tampon a mano: (Sp.) handstamp.
Tampon dateur: (Fr.) dating stamp.
Tampon en caoutchouc: (Fr.) rubber stamp.
Tamponné à la main: (Fr.) handstruck, rubber-stamped.
Tananarive, Madagascar: formerly Antananrivo.
Tandler forgeries: Tandler & Co., San Francisco; reported to made and used false markings after legitimate postal service, 1895.
Tandjong Enim (Radja): local post, overprint for Palembang district, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
T & P.: Trésor et Postes (Fr.) Paymaster Postal Services.
T & T: town and type, precancelcollecting.
Tandning: (Swed.) perforation.
Tändsticksetiketter: (Swed.) matchbox labels.
Tanera More: Summer Islands, Scotland, 1970.
Tanga: (Port.) currency unit in Portuguese India.
Tanganyika: southeastern Africa on the Indian Ocean; Currency: 100 cents = 1 rupee, 100 cents = 1 shilling (1922), 20 shillings = 1 pound 1915-pre: was part of German East Africa, 1915: British mandate, first British issues were those of Mafia island, off coast of East Africa, 1916: stamps of Nyasaland overprinted “N.F.” (Nyasa-Rhodesian Force), used in area taken from the Germans, 1918: stamps of France overprinted “Tanger,” 1921: No.1, 12 cents gray, first stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika overprinted “G.E.A.” (German East Africa), 1927: stamps of Great Britain overprinted “Tangier,” 1933, July 1: used postage due stamps of Kenya and Uganda, 1935, May: used stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika under the East African Postal and Telecommunications Administration, 1935-59: TPO mail carried on main railways and on Lake Tanganyika, see T.P.O., 1946: named a United Nations Trust Territory, 1959: stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika overprinted “Official” for use in Tanganyika, 1961, Dec. 9: No.1, 5 cents sepia and yellow green, became independent, own stamps, first official stamps, 1962, Dec.9: became a republic, 1964, Apr. 26: merged with Zanzibar, to form United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar 1965: Tanzania added making it Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, 1968, Jan. 1: Zanzibar withdrew its stamps, leaving it as Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania in various arrangement in the order of the names, 1976: independent issues of each of the three republics no longer valid in the Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
Tanganyika: giraffe head; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001
Tanganyika & Zanzibar: see Tanzania, 1964.
Tanger: (Fr., Ger., Sp.) overprint on stamps of France and French Morocco for Tangier, 1918-24.
Tanger (Correo(s) Espanol): (Sp.) Spanish Morocco-Tangier post.
Tanger Elksar: Morocco local post.
Tanger-Fez: Sultanate of Morocco, Morocco local post, 1895.
Tangier: city on the coast of Morocco; located on the north coast of Africa;19th century: Sultanate of Morocco divided between French and Spanish protectorates,1897, June: first French stamps issued, 1912: international zone governed by foreign representatives, Britain, France, Spain and Germany (until 1914) all operated post offices using same stamps as the nation’s post offices in Morocco, ended in Oct. 1956, 1914, Nov. 27-1921: used stamps of ex-Spanish post offices in Morocco, 1918: stamps of French Morocco overprinted “Tangier,” includes a postage due issue, 1923: Tangier international zone declared, 1926: stamps of Spanish Morocco overprinted “Tangier,” 1926: semipostal stamps of Spain overprinted “Correo Español Tanger”(Spanish Tangier Post) for use as a semipostal, 1927: No.1, ½ penny green; stamps of British Morocco overprinted “Tangier” and British stamps without overprints values of 2 ½ d and above, 1928: first French air mail stamp issued, 1929: Seville-Barcelona issue of Spain overprinted “Tanger,” 1936-40: rival post offices of Spanish Nationalists and Republicans operated, 1938: first Spanish air mail stamp, 1940, June 14-Oct. 11, 1945: used stamps of Spanish Morocco, 1942, March: French post office amalgamated with Spanish post office, 1948: Spanish used definitives for use in Tangier, 1945-56: international status, 1949: first air mail, special delivery stamps issued, 1956: French and Spanish offices closed, 1956: became part of the Kingdom of Morocco, 1957, April 30: British office closed; issued series of commemorative overprints, “1857-1957 Tangier.”
Tangier: 1: overprint on stamps of Morocco for international zone of Tangier. 2: overprint on stamps of France for Offices in Morocco, postage due. 3: overprint on stamps of Spain for Spanish Morocco for Tangier. 4: see French Morocco. 5: overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Offices in Tangier, Morocco; 1927-57.
Tangier/Arzila: local post, Morocco, 1895-98.
Tangier/El-Ksar: local post, Morocco, 1898.
Tangier/Fez: local post, Morocco, 1892-93. 1928: first airmail stamp issued.
Tangier/Laraiche: local post, Morocco, 1897.
Tangier-Morocco-Laraiche: Morocco local post.
Tangier/Tetuan: local post, Morocco, 1897.
Tanner’s Express: local parcel firm serviced Albany, N.Y., used a label.
Tannhjulstempel: (Dan., Nor.) cogwheel-design cancellation.
Tannu Tuva: northwest Outer Mongolia, on the border of Siberia, aka Tuva; currency: 100 mungos = 1 tugrik, 100 kopecks = 1 ruble, 100 kopecks – 1 tugrik, 100 kopecks = 1 aksa 1911-14: nominally independent, 1914: made a protectorate of Russia, Russian post office at Belotsarsk, 1917: proclaimed independence using the name of Tanna Tuva, came under Chinese rule, 1921-24: independent, inscriptions Posta Touva and Tuba, 1926, Oct.: No.1, 1 kopeck red, first stamps depicted the Buddhist Wheel of Life, as independent Tuva under Soviet protection, stamps printed in Russia, 1932: surcharged for provisional issues, 1943: last stamps, 1944: incorporated into the Soviet Union, became part of Russia as the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 1994: Tuva produced its own stamps but they were never postally issued, uses stamps of the Russian Federation.
Tanta: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1864-84, see Interpostal Seals.
Tanzania: southeastern Africa on the Indian Ocean, aka Tanganyika and Zanzibar; currency: 100 cents = 1 shilling 1891: Germany declared protectorate as German East Africa, 1893: first stamps were stamps of Germany surcharged for use in colony, 1900: stamps of Germany inscribed “Deutsch Ostafrika,” 1916: stamps of Nyasaland issued overprinted “N.F.,” (Nyasa-Rhodesia Force), 1917: stamps of Kenya overprinted “G.E.A.” (German East Africa), German East Africa stamps overprinted “”Mafia Island,” and Indian Expeditionary Force stamps overprinted “I.E.F.” Belgian Congo stamps overprinted for use in area of Belgian occupation, 1918: Treaty of Versailles gave Britain mandate over area except for Ruanda-Urundi, 1919, Sept.: Kionga area became a Portuguese mandate, administered by Mozambique, renamed Tanganyika Territory, 1922: stamps under the British mandate inscribed “Tanganyika,” 1927: British mandate stamps changed to “Mandated Territory of Tanganyika,” 1935: became part of a postal union, used stamps inscribed “Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika,” 1961, Dec.: became independent, stamps of Tanganyika, 1962, Dec. 9: became a republic within the British Commonwealth, 1963, March 29: Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda joined the UPU, 1964, April 26: merged with People’s Republic of Zanzibar to become United Republic of Tanzania and Zanzibar, used stamps of the East Africa Postal and Telecommunications Union until 1977, 1964, July 7: No.1, 20¢ blue and emerald, stamps inscribed Tanganyika & Zanzibar; not sold or valid in Zanzibar, 1965, Oct.: changed name to United Republic of Tanzania, 1965, Dec. 9: first official stamp, not valid in Zanzibar until 1968, 1966: one issue with the name of Tanzania was valid only in Zanzibar, 1967: stamps inscribed “Tanganyika and Zanzibar,” and “Tanzania,” first postage due stamp, 1968, July 1: Zanzibar joined the country, 1978, July 31: first postage due stamp, 1988, July 1: first semi-postal stamp.
Tanzania Muungano: Zanzibar.
TAP: Transportes Aeros Portugueses; common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1963.
Tapa: (Sp.) binder.
Tapanoeli: overprint for local post, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
Tape: meter stamp on an adhesive paper strip that is affixed to an oversized item that can not be run through a postage meter.
Tapin: one of the Sicmon Islands in the South Pacific created by Nick Bantock for his book, Grifin & Sabine.
TAPO: Temporary Army Post Office.
Tarde: (Sp.) late fee.
Target cancel: a cancel or postmark, usually in concentric circles shaped like a target; used in Austria, 1850, complicated four ring pattern to prevent washing of stamp for reuse.
Target mail: 1: USPS term for mail that weighs over one pound; it must be brought to the post office for mailing, can not be dropped into a letter box. 2: mail that is found in a mailbox or is handed over a U.S. Post office counter by an unknown individual that weighs more than 16 ounces and has postage stamps affixed, regulation went into effect during Unibomber scare whose mailings fitted this description..
Tarifas aereas: (Sp.) list of air mail rates.
Tarifas de superficie: (Sp.) list of surface mail rates.
Tarifs postaux: (Fr.) postage rates.
Tarjeta de campaña: (Sp.) armed forces field postcard.
Tarjetas de identidad: (Sp.) identity cards; Spanish Morocco revenue inscription.
Tarjeta ilustrada: (Sp.) picture postcard.
Tarjeta maximum: (Sp.) maximum card.
Tarjeta postal: (Sp.) postcard.
Tarnów: city in former Austrian-occupied Poland, local post overprint, 1918-20.
Tarragona: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tarrant & Company: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Tarrassa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tartari: bogus Russian local overprint.
Tartu: formerly Dorpat, Estonia; see Dorpat.
Tasa: (Sp.) postage due, used on postage due labels of Uruguay.
Tasa por Cobra: (Sp.) (Tax to Collect) inscription on stamps of Cuba for postage due.
Tasar en destino: (Sp.) postage due at destination.
Tasman, Albert: discoverer of Van Diemen’s Land, later part of Tasmania, then Australia..
Tasmania: island off southeastern coast of Australia, British Crown Colony; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1803: taken by Great Britain, used as a penal colony, 1853, Nov.1: No.1, 1 pence blue, stamps issued with original name of Van Diemen’s Land; 1853-61: used bar oval as postmark, 1858, Jan.: No.1, 6 pence gray lilac, Tasmania name first used on stamps, 1863: first postal fiscal stamp, 1891: joined the UPU, 1901: one of the six British Colonies to form the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913: Tasmania replaced by stamps of Australia; see Australia.
Tasmanian Government Railways: Australian local post for Railway, 1901-50s
Tasmanien: (Swed..) Tasmania.
Tassa: (It.) tax.
Tassa di bollo: (It.) stamp duty
Tassa di Trasporto: (It.) Italian transport tax revenue.
Tassels: flag type cancellations with seven wavy horizontal lines
Tassa Gazzette: (It.) 1859 inscription on stamps of Modena, Italian States, for newspaper tax.
Tasso, Amadeo: started a guild of couriers in the 13th century, established a network of postal routes linking the main population centers of Italy; by the 16th century The Thurn and Taxis system covered all of Europe.
Tatarstan: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Tati: district of East Bechuanaland Protectorate, South Africa, 1895: fiscal stamps issued, not valid for postage.
Tati Concessions: South Africa local post, 1895.
Tatsäche gelaufen: (Ger.) postally used.
Tätt bottentryck: (Swed.) dense background.
Tauchbrief: (Ger.) letter carried by U-boat during World War I.
Tausch: (Ger.) exchange.
Tautine Skautu Stovykla: (Lith.) 1938 overprint on semi-postal of Lithuania for National Scout Jamboree.
Távirat: (Hung.) telegram.
Tavola: (It.) plate.
Távolsági levél: (Hun.) overprint on Hungarian inflation issues for inland letter, 1946.
Ta-Wen-Chen: local post, southwest China, 1949.
Tax: 1: a compulsory payment, such as a postage due tax 2: Gebühr (Ger.); Taxe (Fr.); Tassa, Imposta (It.); Impuesto (Sp.)
Taxa: (Sp.) Uruguay, postage due.
Taxa da plata: (Rom.) inscription of postage due of Romania.
Taxa de Factagiu: (Rom.) (tax for Porterage) Romania, parcel post.
Taxa de Guerra: (Port.) war tax, 1919; 1: (values in Avos), overprint for Macao. 2: (values in $) Portuguese Africa. 3: (values in Reis) Portuguese Guinea. 4: (values in RP) Portuguese India.
Taxa de Plata: (Rom.) inscription on stamps of Romania for a money fine.
Taxa Devida: (Port.) postage due inscription on stamps of Brazil, 1889-1949.
Taxa Postala: (Rom.) postage.
Taxa Recebida: postage paid, airmail of Mozambique.
Tax d’Engagement: (Fr.) enlistment duty; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxe: 1: with post horn, overprint on stamps of Albania for postage due. 2: Taxe (timbres) (Fr.) stamps used when insufficient postage was applied. 3: overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo, Ruandi Urundi postage due. 4: (on 6 rappen stamp) Zurich, Switzerland.
Taxe a Percevoir: inscription on stamps of France and colonies, etc. for postage due to be collected.
Taxe a Percevoir T: overprint on stamps of Ethiopia for postage due to be collected.
Taxe Auto: (Fr.) automobile license tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxe d’Embarquement: (Fr.) loading/boarding tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxed photographs: Civil War period with revenue stamps on back of photograph; used for two categories; artwork, engravings and all types of photographs; 1864-66.
Taxe fixe: (Fr.) fixed tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxe Paiments: (Fr.) sales tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxe Paiments Luxe: (Fr.) luxury tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxe perçue: (Fr.) postage prepaid. 1: UPU regulations state that this inscription must be placed on prepaid mail without stamps. 2: inscription on stamps of Mozambique for air mail.
Taxe Piscicole: (Fr.) tax on fishing licences; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxes, Acts & Conventions: various taxable documents; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxes Communales: (Fr.) municipal taxes; French colony revenue inscription.
Taxi Post: taxi drivers in Israel can carry mail, and have postage stamps to sell to charge for this service.
Taxis: (It.) Italian, Tacius, who memory is commemorated in the Monte degli Tassi: see Thurn, Thurn & Taxis.
Tax label, compulsory: adhesives that must be applied to mail in addition to normal postage; used to raise money for specific purposes, most famous was the Notopfer label used to help pay the cost of mail-handling during the Berlin blockade in 1948; considered a cinderella.
Tax paid (revenue) stamps: stamps indicating that a specific or general tax has been paid, denominated by product count, weight or other measure, and not dollars and cents.
Tax pengo: (Hun.) currency unit(s) in Hungary, 1946 hyper inflation period.
Taxpost: British post office label to expedite mail of Inland Revenue offices.
Tax recebida: (Port.) tax received; inscription on air mail issue of Mozambique, 1946.
Tax stamp: 1: stamp to indicate an extra charge on mail. 2: any type of fiscal stamp.
Taylor, Samuel Allan: publisher of Stamp Collector’s Record, New England, Feb. 1864, made many phantom stamps for collectors.
Taylor’s Emerg.L.S.: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
TbBA: (Cyrillic) Tuva for Tannu Tuva.
TBJ: Thomas B. Jones, Sr., BEP employees initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
T.B. Morton Co.: local post, Levant, 1869-71.
TC: 1: trial color proof; Scott Catalogue suffix to identify stamps other than standard postage. 2: The Chronicle (Journal of the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society).
TC: India overprint on stamps of Cochin for Travancore Cochin.
T.C.E.K.: Turkey Postal Tax stamps, 1946.
Tchad: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of Middle Congo for Chad; see Chad.
Tchecoslovaquie: (Fr.) Czechoslovakia.
Tchèque: (Fr.) Czech.
Tchongking (Chung-King): see China, Indo-Chinese Post Offices, 1903-22: overprint on stamps of Indo-China for use at French post offices in China.
T.C. ijhak tarihi 30-6-1939: overprint on stamps of Hatay; for date of annexation to Turkish Republic, June 30, 1939.
T-Comb Perforator: perforates the stamps in the form of an upside down T with every move of the perforator.
T C P: Trial Color Proof.
T.C. Postalari: (Turk.) inscription on stamps of Turkey, 1931, for the Second Balkan Conference.
Te: 1: Tennessee, pre-adhesive postmark. 2: Tenga, currency unit in Kazakhstan.
Tear: fente (Fr.); strappe (It.); corte (Sp.).
Teba: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Te Betaal: (Afrikaans) inscription on postage due labels of South Africa and South West Africa.
Te Betalen: (Dut.) inscription on stamps of Belgium, Curacao, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies for postage due.
Te Betalen Port: (Dut.) inscription for postage due (when stamps are printed in green ink) Curacao; (blue ink) Netherlands; (lilac ink) Surinam; (red ink) Dutch East Indies; (lilac ink) Surinam.
Technische Nothilfe (TN): (Ger.) Technical Emergency Corps; cancel, established in Sept. 1919, kept essential services operating during emergencies.
T.E.C.R.: T.E.C. Remington, manuscript surcharge on British East Africa Protectorate issues, 1891-95.
Teese & Co. Penny Post: U. S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa. 1852.
Teeside Pony Express: United kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Teeth: 1: projections that are left when a stamp is separated from other perforated stamps. 2: the projections between perforation holes.
Tegelröd: (Swed.) brick-red (color); seeOrangeaktig röd.
Tegetthoff, S.S.: steamship marking of the Danube Steam Navigation Company built around 1860s, for Middle Danube lines.
Téglavörös: (Hung.) brick-red (color).
Tegning: (Nor.) design.
Tegucigalpa: city in Honduras; an 1877 stamp is called the Tegucigalpa issue.
Teh-el-Baroud: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1865-84, see Interpostal Seals.
Teh-el-Kibir: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1868-84, see Interpostal Seals.
Teheran, P.L.: local post overprint on stamps of Persia for city of Teheran, 1902.
Teia: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Teilbare marke: (Ger.) stamp issued by post office which is perforated.
Teinte: (Fr.) color, shade.
Teinture: (Fr.) dye.
Tela: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1874-80, see Interpostal Seals.
Telegrafmærke: (Dan.) telegraph stamp.
Telegrafstempel: (Dan.) telegraph office cancellation.
Telegrafos: (Sp.) telegraphs.
Telegrafos del Estado: (Sp.) (State Telegraphs) Chile.
Telegrafos Habititado: (Sp.) telegraph stamps valid for postage, Philippines.
Telegrafos particulares: (Sp.) stamps issued by privately owned telegraph companies.
Telegrammkartenbrief: (Ger.) telegram letter card.
Telegrampostanvisningar: (Swed.) telegram postal money orders.
Telegram s Poseckanym Vyúctováním: (Czech.) telegram(me) form credit accounting.
Telegraph & Telephone stamps: 1: stamps used to indicate that a fee has been paid for transmission or transport of a telegram, or to prepay telephone service time, may be considered a cinderella. 2: 1851; earliest known telegraph stamps, a 1-shilling inscription on the message form, issued in Great Britain by the Electric Telegraph Co.
Telegraph cancel: cancellation indicating that a postage stamp was used on a telegraph dispatch form.
Telegraph Despatch Post: U. S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa., 1848.
Telegraph handstamp: with name of sending office, used on plain covers.
Telegraph stamp: 1: stamp either adhesive or impressed upon forms or cards; used solely for telegraph purposes. 2: Switzerland, 1868-69: Cross of Confederation with inscription “Telegraphie” and value.
Telegraph stationery: used when printed envelopes were in short supply, Civil War period.
Telephone stamp: prior to the installation of telephone boxes, special stamps were used on the forms to account for calls by the casual customer who was not a regular subscriber; used in Great Britain and other countries between Dec. 1884 and 1891.
Tellico Plains, Tenn Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Telstar: common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1962-63.
T.E. Ltd. Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Tema: 1: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1884, see Interpostal Seals. 2: (It.) theme (topic).
Temascaltepec: overprint on stamps of Mexico for Temascaltepec district, 1856-1883.
Tematica: (Rom.) thematic, topical.
Tematico: (It., Sp.) topical, thematic.
Temesvar: 1. overprint on stamps of Hungary by Serbians and Romanians, 1919. 2. (now Timisoara) city (and cap.) in Timis county, Romania; returned by Austria after the 1920 signing of the Treaty of Trianon. Issued postage stamps in 1919 under the Romanian occupation authorities by overprinting Hungarian stamps with various numerals indicating the new values.
Temphat: (Viet.) Vietnam postage due stamps.
Tempo: unit of currency in Korea.
Tenebrescent: chemical agent when added to printers ink causes them to appear darker when seen under UV light, used on the 34¢ Flag over Farm issue.
Tenedos: Aegean Islands, Interpostal Seals for overseas offices used 1868, see Interpostal Seals.
Tenge: currency unit in Kazakhstan.
Tengerkék: (Hung.) sea-blue (color).
Tengerzöld: (Hung.) sea-green (color).
Tenn.: abbreviation for Tennessee prior to Zip Code usage.
Tennessee: 1: became a U.S. state June 1, 1796, formerly Southwest Territory. 2: first federal issue revenue of US, July 1, 1798 – Feb. 28, 1801.
Tenth anniversary-cessation of nuclear testing treaty: 1973 Cook Island overprint for Aitutaki as a protest against French nuclear testing.
Ten voordeele van het Roode Kruis: (Dut.) Belgian Congo (Sc.193, 198, 216, 220) and Belgian East Africa (Sc. 74, 78, 79, 82) surcharge on Ruanda Urundi for the Red Cross.
Ten year rule: Citizen’s Stamp Advisory Committee guideline states that no person shall be honored on a stamp unless they have been deceased for at least ten years; an exception is made for presidents, who may be honored on the first birthday after death.
T.E.O.: (Fr.) Territories Ennemis Occupés (Occupied Enemy Territories) 1: overprint on stamps of France for Syria, 1919. 2: overprint on stamps of France for Offices in Turkey, Cilicia, 1919. 3: overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey, Cilicia, Syria, 1919
T.E.O. Cilicie: (Syr.) Territories Ennemis Occupés overprint on stamps of Turkey for Cicilia, 1919.
T.E.O. Milliemes: (Fr.) Syria overprint on stamps of France.
Tepic: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Tercio: (Sp.) military regiment of the Spanish Foreign Legion.
Teresa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Terezín: see Celistvosti – Koncentracní Tabory v Terezín.
Teresîn: see Celistvosti – Koncentracní Tabory v Terezín.
Tercentennary: 300th anniversary.
Tereul: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1936.
Teria: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1879-84, see Interpostal Seals.
Terminal dues: based on Article 49 of the UPU Convention, charge levied by the destination country to cover the costs incurred for delivering international mail received.
Termine inteiro: (Port.) complete set.
Ter. Mo.: Missouri Territory.
Terms of Sale: see Conditions of Sale.
Terra Candella: cinderella, product of Artistamps.
Terranova: (Sp.) Newfoundland.
Terre Adelie-Dumont Durville 1840: overprint on stamps of Madagascar, Oct. 26, 1948, for Adelie Land; French possession in Antarctica, Dumont Durville discovered territory in1840.
Terre-Neuve: (Fr.) Newfoundland.
Terres Australes et Antartiques Français: (Fr.) see French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Territoire de L’Inini: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of French Guiana for Inini, 1932-41.
Territoire du Fezzan: (Fr.) inscription on stamps of France for, Fezzan, French occupation of Southern Libya.
Territoire du Niger: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger, Niger 1921-26.
Territoire Francaise des Afars et des Issas: (Fr.) Afars and Issas.
Territoire Militaire du Niger: (Fr.) postmark on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger for Niger, 1906-14.
Territoire Militaire Fezzan: (Fr.) French Occupation of Libya.
Territorial cover, mail or postmark: territories in the U.S. that have not been as yet, admitted to the union as states, more desirable when “Ter.” Or “T” appears in the postmark.
Territori Britannici dell Oceano Indiano: (It.) British Indian Ocean Territory.
Territorie Libre du Mali Faud: (Fr.) personal labels of Mssr. Mali Faud.
Territories: overprint on stamps of Madagascar.
Territoires Britanniques de l’Ocean Indien: (Fr.) British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T.).
Territoires du Nord-Ouest (Canada): (Fr.) North West Territories (N.W.T.).
Territorio de Ifni: (Sp.) overprint on stamps of Spain for Ifni, 1941-50.
Territorios del Africa Occidental Española: (Sp.) Spanish West Africa.
Territorios Españoles del Golfo de Guinea: (Sp.) inscription on stamps of Spanish Guinea, 1909-49.
Territory of East Florida: a group of “patriots” attempted to overthrow the Spanish administration, elected a Director of the Territory, adventure collapsed in 1813, when U.S. Senate refused aid.
Territory of New Guinea: formerly German New Guinea; 1885: used German issues, 1925: first stamps issued, League of Nations mandated territory administered by Australia, 1942, Jan.: invaded by Japan, 1945, Oct. 30: civil administration by the Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit (ANGAU), used stamps of Australia 1945-1952, thereafter only defintive issues used, 1972: name changed to Papua New Guinea, 1973, Dec. 5: became self-governing, 1975, Sept. 10: became independent.
Territory of Papua: formerly British New Guinea; Queensland and overprint on British New Guinea stamps used, 1906, Nov. 8: British New Guinea stamps overprinted, 1928: flights from Port Moresby initiated, 1942, Jan.1: Japanese invasion, 1945, Oct. territory administered as Papua New Guinea.
Terrs. Españoles del Golfo de Guinea: (Sp.) Spanish Guinea.
Teruel Province: provisional government in Spanish province, handstamped “HPN,” 1868-70.
Területei: (Hung.) territories.
Területek: (Hung.) territory.
Tervezo: (Hung.) designer.
T.E.S. Ltd. Post: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Tesserakonta lepta: (Greek) correspondence label used in Greece, 1831.
Test coil: see test label.
Test cover: cover mailed to evaluate efficiency of airmail delivery system.
Test label: test labels used by government agencies and vending machine manufacturers. 1: dummy stamps in coil format to test vending machine operation. 2: used by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, in 1909 to check internal printing and equipment. 3: exists from private printers. 4: sometimes called testing stamps.
Tete: southeastern Africa between Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia; currency: 100 centavos = 1 escudo 1894: used stamps of Mozambique; Portuguese Colonies stamps issued as Zambezia, 1898: King Carlos key type stamps issued, 1902: overprint “Provisoria,” Provisional, 1913: No.1, 1/4 centavo on ½ avo blue-green, “Republica Tete” overprint on stamps of Portuguese Africa, Macao and Timor, 1914: Tete inscription on Portuguese Ceres key type, 1920: stamps of Mozambique; now part of the People’s Republic of Mozambique; see Mozambique, Quelimane.
Tête-Bêche: (Fr., It., Sp.) a pair of stamps connected together with one stamp right side up, the other upside down.
Tête de série: (Fr.) incomplete set with high values missing.
Tetloe’s Perfumery: inscription on Perfumery stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Tetouan Maroc Chechouan: local post, Morocco.
Tetuan: capital of Spanish Morocco, on African peninsula that juts up towards Spain at Strait of Gibraltar; 1890: British postal agency opened, closed Dec. 31, 1956. 1896, Nov.: local post between Tutuan and Sheshuan (Chechouan), Morocco, 1908: “Tetuan” overprint on stamps of Spain for Spanish Offices in Morocco, 1956, Dec. 31: British postal agency closed; see Morocco, Spanish Offices in.
Tetuan El-Ksar: local post, Morocco, 1897-98.
Tetuan-Sheshuan: local post, Morocco.
Tetyushy: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1911, see Zemstvo.
Teuer: (Ger.) very expensive.
Teulada: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Texas: became a U.S. state Dec. 29, 1845, but independent republic since 1835.
TF: 1. (Afrikaans) Telegraaf; overprint on stamps of Orange Free State for Telegraph Office revenue stamps. 2. Transit Français (Fr.), French transit. 3. Tassa Franca (It.), post paid.
Tg: Tugrik, currency unit in Mongolia.
TGP Post: name change from PTT, May 2002, Netherlands postal service.
TGS: Tropical Gum Stain(s).
T.H.: 1: Territory of Hawaii, when used in a postmark. 2: perforated on stamps of Hawaii for official use.
Th.: auction abbreviation for thin.
Thai: Thailand.
Thaiföld: (Hung.) Thailand
Thailand: western portion of the Malay peninsula in southeastern Asia, aka Siam; official name of postal administration: The Communications Authority of Thailand currency: 32 solot = 16 atts = 8 sio = 4 sik = 2 fuang = 1 salung, 4 salungs = 1 tical, 100 satangs = 1 tical (1909) = 1 baht (1912) 1882-85: stamps of Straits Settlements overprinted “B” used in British post office in Bangkok, 1883, Aug. 4: No.1, 1 solot blue, first stamp, 1885, July 1: Siam joined the UPU, 1909: unfederated Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, and Trengganu ceded to Britain, 1918, Jan.11: first semipostal stamp, 1925: first air mail stamp, 1939: name officially changed to Thailand, 1940-pre: English inscriptions used “Siam,” 1943: Malayan states of Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, and Trengganu ceded to Thailand by Japan; occupation stamps issued, 1945, Sept.: four Malayan states reverted to British rule, name reverted to Siam 1963, Oct. 1: first official stamp.
Thailand: (denominated in cents) Malaya, Siamese Occupation, 1943-45.
Thajsko: (Czech.) Thailand.
Thajsky: (Czech.) Thai.
Thaler: currency unit in Brunswick, Hanover, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, North German Federation, Oldenberg, Saxony, Thurn and Taxis.
Thames Postal Service: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Thames Weald Tunnel: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Thanet, Isle of: bogus local post.
Thatcher Ferry Bridge error: Canal Zone issue of Oct. 12, 1962, famous because of missing silver impression of the bridge.
Thebe: currency unit in Botswana.
The Bluff Charta: forgery printed by Germany on British stamp, WW II.
The District Mail Outwith: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
The Gambia: see Gambia.
The Gilbert Islands: Gilbert islands 1979 overprint for independence on stamps of Gilbert & Ellice Islands.
Thematic: collecting of stamps telling a story relating to a certain theme or topic.
Thematic collection: a collection of stamps, covers, cancellations and other items related to one specific topic that relates a story as pictured in the designs of these stamps.
Thematic Division: APS term for exhibition classification to include thematic or topical exhibits.
Thématique: (Fr.) thematic
Thematisch: (Ger.) topical or thematic.
Thene Budcentralens Expresspost: see Hälsingborg – A. Thene Budcentralens Expresspost
Theresienstadt: Concentration Camp Post, July 10, 1943, aka Terezin, Czechoslovakia. see Celistvosti – Koncentracní Tabory v Terezín.
Therison revolution: Crete, never issued, 1905 Therison.
Thermograph cachet: cover design made by applying a rubber stamp impression, then powdered and heated; gives a raised and glossyimpression.
Thermographic paper: a paper type where the image is produced by heat, laser beam, or pressure.
Thermography: printing process in which a powder of ink and resins is deposited on paper and then fused with heat into a raised, usually glossy, enamel-like design, can change color when heat applies, used on stamps of Great Britain.
Thessaloniki: formerly Salonica, Greece.
Thessaly: district in northern Greece; 1898, April 21: eight-sided stamps of Turkey, for use in Turkish occupation in Thessaly during the Greco-Turkish War.
Thibet: (Fr.) Tibet.
Thildonck: Belgian church fair label.
Thimble cancelers: Norwegian term for small postal cancellers, with a diameter of 14-19 mm, used mostly in the period of 1914-1950’s.
Thin: removal of paper fibers from the back of a stamp, usually done by careless removal of a stamp from a cover or a hinge from a stamp.
Thin bar grid cancel: thin bars arranged in a circular or ovate (horizontal bars tapered at each end) pattern.
Thinned: loss of original paper thickness due to careless removal from envelope, or stamp mount.
Third Avenue Post Office: U. S. local post, New York, N. Y., 1855.
Third Class Mail: former USPS term, includes circulars and printed matter, booklets, catalogs with each piece weighing less than 16 ounces. Now broken into many rate structures.
Third federal issue: revenue stamp with no state name, Jan. 1, 1814-Dec. 31, 1817.
Third International Philatelic Exhibition: held in New York City, 1936.
Third Reich Study Group: Germany Philatelic Society focuses on postal history from 1933-1945.
Thirty Two Cents: with picture of ship, Liberia.
This article originally mailed in country indicated by postage: handstamp applied to mail that was sent from a foreign country to the U.S. via diplomatic pouch, outside the normal mailstream, to indicate origin of mail.
This is a Jewsh War: inscription, forgery by Germany, with picture of Stalin replacing King George on British stamp, on 1/2d British stamp.
Thomasville, Ga. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Thomes & Skaden’s Express: local mail delivery firm operated between Susanville, Calif. and Reno, Nevada, used a label, 1870-73.
Thomond, Principality of: Ireland phantom country, part of Shannon Airport, c1961.
Thompson & Co.s American Express: local mail and parcel delivery firm operated between Albany, N.Y. and Boston, Mass., used labels, corner cards.
Thompson, John L.: inscription on Medicine stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Thom, Reuben T.: postmaster, Fredericksburg, Va., issued Confederate Postmaster’s Provisionals.
Thonons-les-Bains: city in France, local provisional,1944.
Thorens: city in France, local provisional,1944.
Thor S.S.: (Fin.) steamship, carrying mail, serving Finland cities, local, 1870-80s.
Thousand Islands: islands in Canada, local post, 1981-88.
Thrace: southeastern Europe between Black and Aegean Seas; currency: 100 lepta = 1 drachma, 40 paras = 1 piaster, 100 stotinki = 1 leva (1919) 1913, July: autonomous government of Western Thrace, stamps of Turkey overprinted in Greek for use in Giumulzina district, withdrawn Sept. 1913, 1913, Oct.: No.1, 10 lepta on 20 paras rose, surcharge on stamps of Turkey, Muslims formed an autonomous republic, issued own stamps, but area was awarded to Bulgaria; Bulgarian and French stamps used until 1918, 1915-18: military posts of France and Britain operated in Salonica, 1919-20: “Thrace Interalliee” overprint on stamps of Bulgaria for Thrace, Allied and Greek Occupation, stamps of Greece overprinted in Greek “Administration Western Thrace,” Turkish stamps overprinted “High Commission of Thrace,” 1919: postage due stamps, 1920, July: Eastern Thrace occupied by Greece, “Thrace Occidentale” overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, then stamps of Greece overprinted in Greek “Administration of Western Thrace,” Turkish stamps overprinted “High Commission of Thrace,” 1940, Dec. 10: Greece invaded southern Albania and issued stamps, 1941, Feb.- May 1941: British troops arrived with field post offices, 1944, Oct.: territory regained by Greece, stamps of Greece used.
Thrace Interalliee: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, during Allied occupation; 1915-19.
Thrace Occidentale: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, during Allied occupation; 1920.
Thrakien: (Ger.) Thrace.
Three-Dimensional stamp (3D): a ridged plastic used to reproduce images that made them appear three dimensional.
Three Skilling Banco: Sweden’s 1855 stamp; one example known of the yellow error of color.
Thulamela: labels by Sue Dickinson for name of reconstructed city in South Africa.
Thule: Greenland local post, 1935.
Thunderbolts and Mercury: indicating special handling on stamps of Austria.
Thuringen: city in Germany;1945-46.
Thuringia: issued stamps under Russian occupation, 1945-46.
Thurn: Italian count who won the surname of della Torre (of the tower) for defense of a tower during siege of Milan in 4th century, French: de la Tour, German von Thurn, <
Thurn and Taxis: private postal monopoly for 420 years; currency: Northern District: 30 silbergroschen = 1 thaler Southern District: 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden 1450: knighted for link of postal relays in northern Italy, 1501: appointed by Austria as “Captain and Master of our Posts,” 1505: postal treaty signed establishing a courier service between Italy, Spain, France and Germany, 1506: Link between Belgium and Austria established, 1574: service could be used by the public, operated from Poland to Straits of Gibraltar with 20,000 employees, 1846: postal stationery issued, 1850: operation reduced to various German principalities, postal union of Prussia and Austria formed, 1851, Jan. 29: issued stamps in two currencies for use throughout its postal system, 1852: No.1, 1 kreuzer black, light green, used in Southern District of Germany, 1852-67: used four circles as postmark, 1852: No.1, ½ silbergroschen black, green, used in Northern District of Germany, 1867, Jan. 28: forced to sell postal monopoly to Prussia, used stamps of Prussia, the Counts kept a franking privilege until 1918 with a special handstamp “Franco Taxis,” 1867, July 1: stamps of Northern and Southern District superceded by stamps of Prussia, 1868, Jan.1: stamps of Prussia superceded by stamps of the North German Postal District, 1872, Jan. 1: stamps of the German Empire used.
Thurn and Taxis Northern District: 1852-67; consisted of Bremen, Camburg, Gotha, Hamburg, Hesse-Kassel, Lippe-Detmond, Lippe-Schaumburg, Lübeck, Reuss-Gera, Reuss-Greiz, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. currency: 30 silbergroschen = 1 thaler 1852: No. 1 silvergroschen black, red; stamps of Northern District, 1867, July 1: stamps of Prussia.
Thurn and Taxis Southern District: 1852-67; consisted of Coburg, Frankfurt-am-Main, Hesse-Darmstadt, Hesse-Homburg, Hohenzollern-Heckingen, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Liechtenstein, Nassau, Saxe-Meiningen and Schwarz-Rudolstadt, currency: 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden 1852: No. 1 1 kreuzer black on light green.
Thusis: Switzerland hotel post, 1897-99, Hotel Rhätia.
Thyra S.S. Co.: (Fin.) Finnish steamship cancel, local, 1870-80s.
Ti: (Dan., Nor.) ten (number).
Tiacotalpan: village in Vera Cruz, Mexico, issued one stamp in Oct. 1856.
Tibet: central Asian state between India and China; currency: 6 2/3 tranga = 1 sang Note: stamps of Tibet valid only within its borders, 1903: an unofficial overprint applied to stamps of British India by Indian postal officials at temporary post offices, 1911, March: No.1, 3 pies on 1 cent ocher, overprinted stamps of China used in towns of Gyangtse, Lhasa, Phari-Jong, Shigatse and Yatung, 1911: stamps of China surcharged for Offices in Tibet, 1912, Dec.: No.1, 1/6 trangka green, local stamps of Tibet, mail outside country used stamps of India, spelling error exists, “Potsage,” 1945: official stamp, 1949, Dec.: Southwest China Liberation Area included Tibet, stamps issued without gum, 1951: used stamps of China, 1954, June 23: China took over the country, 1965: China created the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China.
Tibet Chinese Offices: surcharge on stamps of China, 1911.
Tibet, Chinese Province: part of Southwest China Liberation Area, Dec. 1949.
Tibet, Free: label for the Tibetian freedom movement in the 1950s.
Tibet Government in Exile: label for the Tibetian freedom movement, 1950s.
Tical: unit of currency used in Siam (Thailand).
Tidig: (Swed.) early.
Tidlig: (Dan.) early.
Tidnigns stamplarna: (Swed.) stamped stationery, as newspaper wrappers, a tax on newspapers themselves, not for postal payment, 1824.
Tidningsmärken: (Swed.) newspaper stamps.
Tidningsöverflyttningar: (Swed.) address changes for newspapers.
Tie bid: one or more identical high bids received for the same lot at auction.
Tied: a stamp is considered “tied” when the cancellation proves the stamp originated on that cover.
Tiefdruck: (Ger.) intaglio printing, engraving.
Tientsin: Treaty Port city in China; 1800s: Chinese local post, 1900s: “China” overprint on stamps of Germany, 1917-21: “Tientsin” overprint on stamps of Italy, Offices in China, see China, Italian Offices. 1918: French post office.
Tientsin: bogus set of stamps for treaty port local post.
Tientsin Treaty: origin of postal service agreed to be Great Britain and China, 1858, became effective March 20, 1896.
Tierra del Fuego: (Sp.) Land of Fire; island off the tip of South America; 1891, Jan.: stamp issued by a mine owner to establish his authority over the inhabitants.
Tiffany die: rejected and unissued 1 cent die of the 1887 envelope issue.
Tiflis: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1857, formerly Tbilisi; see Zemstvo.
Tiger Head: 1: Afghanistan stamp design symbolizing the Amir Sher (Tiger) ali; 1871-73. 2: with Siamese inscription, overprint on stamps of Siam for semi-postal.
Tijola: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tiket Waraq Dak: (Afghan.) Afghanistan inscription for postal card stamps.
Tikhvin: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1871-1903, see Zemstvo.
Tilintetgjort: (Nor.) destroyed.
Tilleggsverdi: (Nor.) surtax.
Tillfälligt inlandspostmärke: (Swed.) temporary inland postagr stamp.
Tillory, State of: cinderella.
Timaru Bicycle Post: local post, New Zealand town, Dec. 1968- April 12, 1969, run by Moulins Services.
Timbrato: (It.) postmarked.
Timbre: (Fr., Sp.) postage stamp.
Timbre a vignette: (Fr.) stamp with label attached.
Timbre Colis Postaux: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of Indo-China for parcel post usage.
Timbre commémoratif: (Fr.) commemorative stamp.
Timbre complementario: (Sp.) complementary stamp; on postage due labels of Mexico.
Timbre coupe: (Fr.) bisect, stamp cut in half which has been used to pay the postage at half the face value of the original stamp; the bisect is collected on the original cover with the postmark or cancellation covering the cut.
Timbre d’accuser d’ reception: (Fr.) stamp issued as a prepayment fee as an acknowledgment of receipt of a registered package.
Timbre de Autorise Deliverance pour Colis Posteaux: (Fr.) authorized delivery stamp, parcel post.
Timbre de Autorise Deliverance pour Lettre: (Fr.) authorized delivery stamp, correspondence.
Timbre de bienfaisance: (Fr.) charity or semipostal stamp.
Timbre d’Carlistes: (Fr.) Carlist stamps of Spain.
Timbre de chemin de fer: (Fr.) railway letter fee stamp.
Timbre de l’poste aérienne: (Fr.) air mail stamp.
Timbre d’Entrée: (Fr.) admission stamp
Timbre de franchaise: (Fr.) frank stamp.
Timbre de franchaise militaire: (Fr.) military stamp.
Timbre de guerre: (Fr.) war stamp, stamp issued during war conditions.
Timbre de poste locale: (Fr.) city post stamp.
Timbre de reconstruccion: (Fr.) (Reconstruction stamps) postal tax stamp of Guatemala.
Timbre de service: (Fr.) official stamp.
(Timbre d’usage) courant: (Fr.) definitive.
Timbre du Souvenir: (Fr.) semipostal of Luxembourg.
Timbre embouté: (Fr.) tagged stamp.
Timbre Fictifs: (Fr.) dummy training stamps; French colony revenue inscription.
Timbre Fiscal: (Fr.) revenue stamp.
Timbre Fiscal Republique Syrienne: (Fr.) overprint for postal tax, Syria.
Timbre Imperial Journaux:(Fr.) 1868 France newspaper semipostal stamp.
Timbre Mobile: (Fr.) adhesive training stamp; French colony revenue inscription
Timbre Movil: (Sp.) (Movable stamp) revenue stamp authorized for postal use, Spain.
Timbre Muti: (It.) mute handstamp
Timbre Olympique: (Fr.) Olympic games.
Timbre par le gouvernment en exil: (Fr.) stamp for the government in exile.
Timbre Patriotico: (Sp.) national defense overprint on stamps of Ecuador for postal tax.
Timbre Personnalisé: (Fr.) personalized stamp.
Timbre post: (Fr.) postage stamp.
Timbre Poste: (Fr.) 1: postage stamp. 2: overprint on stamps of France, postage due stamps, Offices in Morocco, 1893.
Timbre Poste Colis Postaux: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of Martinique for postage due.
Timbre poste enchassé: (Fr.) encased postage stamp.
Timbre pour avion: (Fr.) airmail stamp.
Timbre pour colis: (Fr.) parcel stamp.
Timbre pour colis postal: (Fr.) parcel post stamp.
Timbre pour exprés: (Fr.) special delivery stamp.
Timbre pour journaux: (Fr.) newspaper stamp.
Timbre pour la Poste Aerienne: (Fr.) stamp issued primarily for airmail use.
Timbre pour l’étranger: (Fr.) foreign mail stamp.
Timbre pour lettres en retard: (Fr.) too late stamp.
Timbre pour l’intérieur: (Fr.) inland mail stamp.
Timbre Proporcional: (Sp.) (proportion stamp) Costa Rica, revenue stamps valid for regular postage.
Timbre proportional: (Fr.) tax based on the amount of the transaction; French colony revenue inscription.
Timbres de Mandat: (Fr.) money order stamps, the Netherlands.
Timbre souvenir: (Fr.) commemorative stamp.
Timbre sur timbre: (Fr.) stamps on stamps (thematic).
Timbre Taxe: (Fr.) (With numeral and no country name) inscription on stamps of French Colonies for postage due, 1945.
Timbre Unique: (Fr.) general revenue tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Timbro di gomma: (It.) rubber hand stamp.
Timbro: (It.) postmark.
Timbro a mano: (It.) handstamp.
Timbro di legno: (It.) wooden hand stamp.
Timbrologia: (Sp.) stamp collecting.
Timbrologie: (Fr., Ger.) stamp collecting.
Timbromania: description of stamp collecting in France and Belgium, 1863.
Timbru: (Rom.) inscription/overprint on postal tax stamps of Romania.
Timbru de Ajutor: (Rom.) (Eng: “Assistance Stamp”) overprint on the 1915 regular issues of Romania, creating a stamp representing a tax on mailed materials, the funds being used for the assistance on soldier’s families. Through 1923, the 5 and 10 Bani values were for postal purposes, the 25 Bani being added in 1923 to conform to the increased rates; higher value stamps were used to pay the tax on railroad and theater tickets, and various other revenue taxations.
Timbru de Binefacere: (Rom.) Stamp of Benefaction, postal tax stamp of Romania, 1906.
Timbrul Aviatiei: (Rom.) inscription on semipostals of Romania, 1936.
Timbru Official: (Rom.) officials of Romania.
Timbuctoo (Timbuctoola): Stamps Magazine fantasy.
Timisoara: see Temesvár.
Timor: Portuguese colony on eastern half of Timor island in Malay archipelago; currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis, 78 avos = 1 rupee (1895), 100 avos = 1 pataca, 100 centavos = 1 escudo (1960), 100 cents = 1 US dollar 1885: No.1, 5 reis black, stamps of Macau overprinted “Timor,” 1887: keytype stamps of Portugal, 1892: first newspaper stamp surcharged “Jornaes Timor,” Timor Journals, 1904: first postage due stamp, 1919: first war tax stamp overprinted “Taxa de Guerra,” 1925: first postal tax stamp, stamps of Portuguese India overprinted “Instruçao,” 1938: first air mail stamp, 1976, May 3: Indonesia annexed Timor, 2000: Timor became independent.
Timor: overprint on stamps of Mozambique for Timor, 1946.
Timor Lorosae: see East Timor.
Timor Portugues: Timor.
Timpuriu: (Rom.) early.
Tin Can island: Niuafou island-Tonga.
Tin can mail: mail from Niuafo’ou, Tonga would be sealed in an oil drum and “pushed” out to a passing ship of the New Zealand Steamship Co., by native swimmers, 1921-32, after a swimmer was killed by a shark, mail was brought to ships by canoe in a 50-pound biscuit tin the ship would then pull the drum on board and take the letters inside to the next port for delivery, stopped in1946.
Tin foil revenues: tax-paid revenue stamps printed on tobacco foil.
Tin hat: nickname for King Albert portrait on stamps of Belgium issued in 1919.
Tint: used in stamp collecting to denote a lighter shade than normal.
Tinted paper: paper that has received a background tint on one side beforethe stamp is printed to help printer avoid printing the stamps on the gummed side..
Tintenentwertung: (Ger.) pen cancellation.
TION (ST.): Tidnings Stämplar (Swed.) newspaper stamp.
TIPEX: Third International Philatelic Exhibition, held in New York City in 1936.
Tipo: (It., Sp.) type.
Tipo de cambio: (Sp.) exchange rate.
Tipografi: (Rom.) typography.
Tipografia: (It., Sp.) typography, letterpress.
Tira: (Sp.) strip of (stamps).
Tirada: (Sp.) printing.
Tirage: (Fr.) quantity printed.
Tiraj: (Rom.) number (of stamps) issued.
Tirane/Kallnuer/1924: (Alb.) Tirana, overprint on stamps of Albania for the opening of the National Assembly.
Tiraspol: 1: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1873-79, see Zemstvo. 2: unofficial, Prednestrova, issued when seceding from Moldava, 1992
Tiras protectoras: (Sp.) mounting strips.
Tiratura: (It.) quantity printed.
Tire track cancel: term applied to roller cancellations that resemble the tread of a tire.
Tirol: (Ger.) Tyrol.
Tirol den Tirolern: (Ger.) label for Tyrol for Tyrolese.
Tirsdag: (Dan., Nor.) Tuesday. Tisdag: (Swed.) Tuesday.
Tisk: (Czech.) printing.
Tisková Deska: (Czech.) printing plate.
Tisková Forma: (Czech.) printing form.
Tisková Technika: (Czech.) printing technique, printing method, printing type.
Tisková Vada: (Czech.) misprint, error.
Tiskovy List: (Czech.) sheet of stamps.
TiTa, C: Turkish Aviation Society, inscription on postal tax air mail stamps of Turkey, 1931.
Titisee: local post, Germany, 1945-47.
Title Page: exhibit page that serves as an introduction of the exhibit to the viewer.
Titres de Properties: (Fr.) transfer of real estate; French colony revenue inscription
Titres, Objets, Values: (Fr.) share certificates; French colony revenue inscription.
Titulaire du prix Nobel: (Fr.) Nobel prize (thematic).
Titulos: (Sp.) used on fiscal stamps in connection with university degrees.
Tl Távolsági lev-lap, Tl: (Hun.) domestic postage overprint on hyper inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment.
Tiverton Hospital: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Tivissa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tixtla Guerro: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Tíz: (Hung.) ten (number).
Tizenegy: (Hung.) eleven (number).
Tizenketto: (Hung.) twelve (number).
Tizian-vörös: (Hung.) Titian red (color).
Tjänste: (Swed.) official.
Tjänsteförsändelser: (Swed.) official mail.
Tjanste-Frimaerke: (Nor.) (Service Stamp) Norway official use stamps, 1881-1919.
Tjänstefrimärken: (Swed.) official stamps.
Tjeckoslovakien: (Swed.) Czechoslovakia.
Tjekkoslovakiet: (Dan.) Czechoslovakia.
Tjeneste: (Dan.) official.
Tjenestefrimaerke: (Nor.) (Service Stamp) inscription on stamps of Norway for official use, 1926-32.
Tjeneste Frimaerke: (Dan.) (Service Stamp) inscription on stamps of Denmark for official use, 1871-1924.
Tjenste-Frimarke: (Swed.) (Service Stamp) Swedish official use stamps, 1874-80.
Tjenestekort: (Dan.) official postal card.
Tjenestemærke: (Dan.) official stamp.
Tjenestemerke(r): (Nor.) official stamp(s).
Tjenestepakkemærke: (Dan.) official parcel post stamp.
Tjenestepakkemerke(s): (Nor.) official parcel post stamp(s).
Tjenestepost: (Dan., Nor.) official mail.
Tjue: (Nor.) twenty (number), introduced in the spelling reform of 1938, see Tjve.
TL: overprint on stamps of Tonga for royal wedding of King George Taufa’ ahau II to Lavinia, 1899.
Tl: (Magyar) Távolsági levél (inland letter) overprint on inflation stamps of Hungary for franking.
Tlacotalpan: 1. one-stamp provisional issue, Mexico,1856. 2. port in Mexico; local ‘Postmasters’ stamp, 1856.
Tmave: (Czech.) dark (color).
Tmave Fialová: (Czech.) dark violet, dark purple.
TN: 1. USPS abbreviation for Tennessee. 2. international postal code for Tunisia.
TNT: Thomas Nationwide Transport, owned by some European postal administrations; collects mail at customer’s location with no stamps or franking. The mail is then prepared for delivery in one of their 80 international mailing centers for final delivery. The postage label usually carries the TNT logo and name of country where the TNT mailing center is located.
To: 1: Tolar, currency unit it Slovenia. 2: Scott Catalog number prefix for Official Telegraph. 3. (Dan., Nor.) two (number).
T/O & E: Table of Organization and Equipment, military post office term.
Tobacco tax stamps: 1917 documentary revenue stamps overprinted with “Tobacco / Sales Tax” for tobacco produced in excess of stated allotments; 1934-35.
Tobago: West Indies island off coast of Venezuela; currency:12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1879: No.1, 1 penny rose, first stamp, 1889: united with Trinidad as Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, 1899, Jan. 1: became ward of that colony, stamps of Trinidad and Tobago used; see Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago.
Tobarilla: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tobarra: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tobruch: unofficial overprints on Italian East Africa issues, 1942.
Tocado: (Sp.) touched, adjoined, border on.
Toccato: (Fr.) touched, adjoined, border on.
Toddy, Isle of: bogus Scotland island stamp.
Toe: unit of currency in Papua New Guinea.
Toeslag: (Dut.) surcharge.
Tog: (Dan., Nor.) (railroad) train, (railway train); see Bane, Jernbane; Jernbanelinie.
Toga: see Tonga; 1: inscription on early stamps of Tonga, late 1800s to 1950. 2: bogus issue
Togfærge: (Dan.) railroad train ferry, railway train ferry.
Togferje: (Nor.) railroad train ferry, railway train ferry.
Togo: west coast of Africa on Gulf of Guinea; aka Togoland, Republique du Togo; currency: 100 pfennig = 1 mark, 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 centimes = 1 Franc 1886: joined the UPU with other German colonies, 1888, Mar.1: first post office opened under German control, 1897, June: No.1, 3 pfennings dark brown, diagonal Togo overprint on German occupation stamps plus German stamps valid, 1900, Nov.: Togo inscription on German colonial keytypes, demonetized in Sept. 1901, 1914, Sep.: overprint on stamps of German Togo “Togo / Anglo-French / Occupation” for British occupation, overprint “Togo / Occupation / Franco-Anglaise” for French occupation areas, 1914-15: during shortage of stamps, stamps of Gold Coast used, 1915, May: stamps of Gold Coast overprint “Togo / Anglo-French / Occupation,” 1916: overprint on stamps of Dahomey “Togo / Occupation / Franco / Anglaise” for use in French occupation area, 1919, July 10: Britain and France divided country after mandate, 1920, Oct.: stamps of Gold Coast used in British area of occupation, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig for loss of territory, 1921, July 15: under French mandate; Dahomey stamps overprinted “Togo,” 1921: first postage due stamp of Dahomey overprinted “Togo,” 1922, July 20: United Nations awarded the British Zone to the Gold Coast, 1938: first semi postal stamp, 1940: first air mail stamp, French-mandated Togo declared for the Vichy government, 1942: air mail semi postal stamps issued and only sold by Vichy government in France, 1944-47: stamps of French West Africa used, 1947, Oct. 6: stamps as a Trust Territory, 1955, May 2: stamps issued as an Autonomous Republic, 1956: French area granted internal autonomy, 1957: British zone united with Ghana (former Gold Coast), 1957: French zone became a republic; “Republique Autonome de Togo” inscription, 1958: French area became independent, 1960, April 27: became an independent republic, “Republique du Togo” inscription, 1962, Mar. 21: joined the UPU, 1962: “Republique Togolese” inscription, 1991: first official stamp.
Togo/Anglo-French/Occupation: overprint on stamps of German Togo for British occupation area.
Togolaise: (Fr.) Togo.
Togo Occupation Franco-Anglaise: (Fr.) overprint on stamps of German Togo and Dahomey for French occupation of Togo.
To Hundre: (Nor.) two-hundred (number).
To Hundrede: (Dan.) two-hundred (number).
Tokelau Islands: Pacific Ocean, 300 miles north of Western Samoa; three atolls: Atafu, Nukunono and Fakaofo, one of world’s smallest and most isolated nations; aka Union Islands, currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 NZ dollar (1967) 1900: US accepted control over the eastern islands, used US stamps without overprint, 1916: stamps from Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 1925: stamps of Western Samoa, 1925, Nov. 4: transferred from the Gilbert & Ellice group to New Zealand, renamed Union Islands, took over administrative duties from Great Britain, 1946, May 7: took name of Tokelau, 1948, June 22: No.1, ½ penny red-brown and rose-lilac, 1949, Jan. 1: incorporated as part of New Zealand, but issues own stamps.
Tokyoint: cancel for Tokyo International Post Office, opened Oct. 28, 1968, to handle processing of international mail originating in Tokyo and Yokohama.
Tolar: currency unit in Slovenia.
Toledo: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican and Nationalist forces, 1937.
Tolima: one of the United States of Colombia, 1870-1904, now uses stamps ofColombia.
Tollur: (Ice.) cancel used on revenue stamps.
Tolosa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1931.
Tolox: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Toluca: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Tolv: (Dan., Nor.) twelve (number).
Toman: currency unit of Persia (Iran).
Tombstone: term used to describe a handstamp that looks like a tombstone, vertical format with a rounded top and a square bottom.
Tomeloso: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tommy Gun stamp: name given to a $200 stamp used for a permit to own a Thompson submachine gun; 1934.
Toned paper: name given to off-white paper, usually with a brownish shade; see Cook Islands issue of 1892.
Tonet: (Nor.) tinted.
Tong: tool shaped like a tweezer with rounded tips used to handle stamps.
Tonga:180 miles southeast of Fiji; aka the Friendly Islands; Toga is native name for island, currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 seniti = 1 pa’ anga (1967) 1886: first stamps from Fiji, 1887: No.1, 1 penny carmine-rose, first own stamp, 1893, Feb. 13: first official stamp, adopted the UPU rates, 1900: became British protectorate, 1942, Oct.: New Zealand troops landed, closed post office in Jan. 1944, 1950-pre: stamps inscribed Toga, 1950, Nov. 1: stamps inscribed “Tonga,” 1962, Feb. 7: first air mail official stamps, 1963, July 15: stamps in shape and style of a coin, first air mail stamp, 1970, June 4: Britain ceased to have responsibility for external relations of Tonga, 1972, Jan. 26: joined the UPU, 1982, Apr.14: first semi-postal stamp, 1990, Feb.1: first air mail special delivery stamps; see Niuafo’ou (Tin Can Island).
Tongan pa’anga: currency unit in Niuaf’ou.
Tongareva: native name for Penrhyn Island.
Tonga Tin-Can Mail: started in 1921 at Niuafo’ou when a native was killed by a shark while pushing a can of mail through the water to a ship.
Tongking: Viet Minh government, North Vietnam, 1946-54.
Tongs: an indispensable instrument used to handle stamps that looks like a tweezer but has a round or spade tip which can be inserted under the stamps without hurting the perforations or borders.
Toning: discoloration on envelopes or stamps caused by exposure to light, heat, humidity, air or a combination of factors.
Tonkin: see Annam and Tonkin.
Tono: (Sp.) shade (color).
Tonquin: aka Tongking, Tonking; see Annam and Tonkin.
Tonsberg: Seaport and seat of Vestfold county, SE Norway, located on N end of Nøtterøy Island ca. 45 miles SSW of Oslo. Local post established, with set-of-4 “Tonsberg” lithographed on colored papers local stamps depicting an edifice issued 29 August 1884, and with further local stamps issued through 1887. The local post ceased operations effective 1 July 1890..
Tønsberg og Omegns Automobilkompani: (Nor.) city in Norway, local post labels used for freight of packages on the buses in the Tønsberg area 1884-90.
Tönung: (Ger.) shade (color).
Tony’s Taxis, Bedford: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Too Late: special stamp for payment when a letter is mailed after the normal hour of posting has passed.
Tools: see accessories.
Tooth: projection of paper that are part of a perforation.
Top: The Bureau of Engraving and Printing added the word TOP to the blue plate (the vignette) and to the carmine plate (the frame) to help prevent the printing of inverted blue airplane designs.
To Pay: inscription on stamps of Great Britain for postage due.
To Pay labels: British label for charges related to customs and special handling fees rather than postage due.
Topeji: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Topical collection: a collection of stamps, covers, cancellations and other items related to one specific topic, aka thematic or subject collecting.
Topical: stamps by the topic on the stamps, such as space, animals, sports, etc.
Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co.: bank note engraving firm that printed the 1851-60 U.S. stamp issue.
Torajam: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Torbay Taxi Services: United Kingdom postal strike; local post 1971.
Torch Stamp: meter stamps made by Friden Neopost illustrating a flaming torch.
Torello: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Tornese: currency unit in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Tornese Naple: re-engraved issues of Naples, 1860; name came from currency of period.
Torn stamp: stamp condition not acceptable for a collection; the exception are used stamps of Afghanistan, where postal clerks tore stamps as a form of cancellation.
Toro: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1936.
Török: (Hung.) Turkish (adj.).
Törökország: (Hung.) Turkey.
Toronto Delivery Co.: parcel delivery firm that serviced Toronto, used a label, year unknown.
Toronto Estonian Philatelic Society: local, Canada postal strike, 1975-78.
Torralba de Calatrava: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torredonjimeno: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torremanzanas: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torrente: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torreperogil: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torres: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torres Strait Settlement: bogus Australian local post, c1879.
Torrevieja: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Torr färg: (Swed.) dry color.
Torrox: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Torsdag: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Thursday.
Tortosa: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Toscana: (Dan., It., Sp.) Tuscany.
Toscano: (It.) Italian State of Tuscany.
Toskana: (Dan.) Tuscany.
Totalan: city in Spain, Spanish civil war local post, Nationalist, 1937.
Totma: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1894-1904, see Zemstvo.
Totogi G Tohi: (Good for Postage) Tonga.
Totopetz: town in Russia, local post; aka Pskoff .
Tou: inscription on Iranian revenue stamps for airmail usage, 1928
Touché: (Fr.) touched, adjoined, border on.
Touched: adjoined, border on.
Toughre: triple sign-manual, signature of the former Sultan of Turkey; on 1863, 1897-1908 Turkish issues, also as an overprint, aka tougra.
Toukh: city in Egypt, Interpostal Seals used 1865-84, see Interpostal Seals.
Tour et Taxis: (Fr.) Thurn and Taxis.
Tours: city in France, local provisional, 1944.
Toutes Taxes: (Fr.) all taxes; inscription on stamps of French colony revenues.
Touva: see Tannu-Tuva; 1: inscription on stamps of Tannu Tuva, 1927-35 2: bogus Russian Federation Republic; overprint and stamps, not valid for postage.
Tovva: overprint/inscription on stamps of Mongolia for Tannu Touva.
Towle & Co. Letter Delivery: U.S. local post handstamp, Boston, Mass., 1847.
Towle City Post: U.S. local post handstamp, Boston, Mass., 1849-50.
Towle ‘s City Dispatch Post: U.S. local post handstamp, Boston, Mass., 1849.
Town marks: name of a town, often used as cancellations, when killer bars or cancels were not available.
Town postmark: British cancelers used 1842-44 to distinguish them from the Maltese Cross and 1844 numbered types.
Town stamp: handstamp usually containing only the name of the town.
Toy boat mail: see St. Kilda toy boat mail.
Toyland: Christmas fantasy labels created by Maggie Kate.
Toypkia: Greek post offices in Turkish Empire used stamps of Greece with name of town and Toypkia in brackets, Oct. 13, 1861-April 25, 1881.
Toy stamps: produced for children as part of a game in which children could establish a make- believe post office, may be considered a cinderella.
Toytown Post: children’s stamps; see Toy stamps.
T.P. (Timbre Poste): (Fr.) postage stamp.
TPE: Tiny Paper Enclosure(s)
TPG Post: name of the Dutch postal service effective May 29, 2002; formerly PTT Post
TPO: T.P.O. Magazine (publication of the T.P.O. and Seapost Society), Great Britain; see Traveling Post Office.
T.P.O.M.: (Fr.) Territoires et Possessions d’Outre-Mer overseas territories.
TPOS: The Postal Order Society.
T.Q.: Timbre de Quittance; receipt; French colony revenue inscription.
TR: 1: auction abbreviation for territorial use. 2: precedes the postal code on addresses in Turkey. 3: Titles Registry, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. 4: auction abbreviation for tear.
Trachten: (Ger.) costume, topic or theme.
Tracia: (Sp.) Thrace.
Trade press: publications dealing solely with news for stamp dealers and professional stamp traders.
Trade Sample Proof (TSP): stamp printing firm sheet to illustrate the quality of their work.
Trader’s Express: local parcel delivery firm operated between Boston, Mass. and Providence, R.I. used a label.
Trader’s Express: local parcel delivery firm operated between Biddeford, Portland and Saco, Maine. used a corner card.
Trader’s Express Company: local parcel delivery firm operated around Newark, N.J. used a label.
Traditional screening: printing method based on a fixed number of dots per square centimeter.
Traffic lights: color dots, one for each color used in printing, applied in sheet margins of British stamps.
Traffic light block: block with attached margin showing color checks.
Traiguera: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces,1937.
Trailer Permit: inscription on U. S. Internal Revenue Service tax stamps, issued by National Park Service and sold by park rangers; 1939 to 1952.
Training stamps: date back to business schools, but used today for training postal clerks; France issued 32 different; see college stamps.
Traite de Versailles: (Fr.) Allenstein overprint on stamps of Germany, plebiscite issue, 1920.
Traje: (Sp.) costume, topic or theme.
Trakback: British post office label with serial number and barcode for tracing parcel.
Tranebærrød: (Dan., Nor.) cranberry-red (color).
Trangka: unit of currency in Tibet.
Transacciones: (Transactions) revenue stamps used as postage, Bolivia, 1893.
Trans-Antarctic Expedition: overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands Dependencies for use by the Hillary-Fuchs Trans-Antarctic expedition in 1955-58.
Trans-Baikal Province: 1920, Jan. 20-Oct. 21: White Russian regime established at Chita, Siberia, surcharge on four stamps of Russia; see Siberia.
Transcarpathian Oblast: see Celistvosti – Podkarpatská Rus.
Trans-Carpathian Ukraine: are in Russia, local post, 1944.
Trans-Caucasian Federated Republics: formed from Armenia, Russian Azerbaijan, and Georgia; currency: 100 kopecks = 1 ruble 1923, July 6: Caucasian states formed an independent Soviet republic, 1923, Sept.15: No.1, 10 kopecks dark blue, first stamp, overprint ‘arms’ type of royalist Russia, 1924: all stamps withdrawn, used stamps of USSR.
Trans-Djuba-Gebiet: (Ger.) Jubaland.
Transfer: an impression made on the printing plate by the transfer roll, the medium used to transfer the subject from the die to the plate.
Transferencia: (Sp.) transfer.
Transfer roller: cylinder of soft steel used to take up the design engraved on a die, design on the roll appears in “relief” and in reverse, when hardened, the transfer roll can make multiple impressions of the design.
Transfer, short: happens when a transfer roller does not roll in a subject to its full length causing part of the design to be omitted.
Transient second-class: former U.S. Post Office Department term for publications that did not meet the requirements for the special postal rates granted to most publishers.
Transit charge: a fee levied by one country for transporting, through its system, mail destined for and belonging to another country.
Transitional perforation: a change in the perforation gauge in the middle of a stamp.
Transitional stamp: a strip of stamps that show a change from one form to another.
Transition Multiple: a pair, strip or block of stamps with one or more error stamps.
Transit mark: handstruck mark on a letter besides those of the origin and destination, usually post offices located at intersection of mail routes and designated as “distribution centers,” may contain the word “transit” in the device.
Transition stamp: a stamp multiple that shows a change from one form to another.
Transit mark: postal marking applied between the sending and receiving post offices.
Transitorio: (Sp.) (Transitory) provisionals of Mexico, 1913.
Transito Territorio: (Sp.) (Territorial Transit) transcontinental route, El Salvador, 1899.
Transit postmark: the postal marking applied between the sending and receiving post offices.
Transitstempel: (Dan.) cancellation applied to mail in transit to destination.
Transittkontorer i Tyskland: (Nor.) postal transit office in Germany.
Trans-Jordan: see Jordan.
Transkaukasien republik: (Swed.) Transcausasian Federated Republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia).
Transkaukasischer Bund: (Ger.) Transcaucasian Federated Republics.
Transkei: East Cape Province, South Africa Homeland State, currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents + 1 rand (1961) 1858-65: protection of Cape Colony, 1879-94: annexed to the Cape Colony, 1913: received internal self-government from South Africa, 1976, Oct. 26: No.1, 4¢ multicolor, issued its first stamps as independent republic for local use, 1994, April 27: ceased to exist; see South Africa.
Trans-Mississippi Issue: commemorative U.S. stamps issued for the Omaha Exposition, 1898.
Trans-Mississippi mail: postal route across the Mississippi River that connected the eastern and western Confederate states during the Civil War, 1861-65.
Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (PMR): Russian part of Moldavia issues own stamps valid for domestic mail only.
Transports a l’Interior: (Fr.) internal freight tax; French colony revenue inscription.
Transportation Coils: series of U.S. definitive stamps, 1981.
Trans-Oceanic First Flight: new air mail route across either the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.
Transorma: machine for sorting mail arranged by street delivery, name came from Transportation and Sorting by Marchand and Andriessen, demonstrated in 1927 and used until July 1968.
Transpacific mail: 1866: Pacific Mail Steam Navigation Co. received a contract from the U.S. for a regular service from San Francisco to Hong Kong via Hawaii and Yokohama, 1868: Hong Kong and U.S. established rates of postage (10¢ U.S.), feeder service to Japan established, 1877: Oriental and Oceanic Steamship Co. began an alternative service, 1892: Canadian Pacific Railway started from Vancouver to Hong Kong.
Transporto Pacchi in Concessione: (It.) parcel post authorized delivery, Italy.
Transportadora Colombia: (Sp.) local post, Colombia Express Companies.
Transportes Ecomicas: (Sp.) local post, Colombia Express Companies.
Transporto Pacchi in Concessione: (It.) Italy Parcel Post stamps.
Transports: 1:U.S. Post Office series of air mail stamps issued in 1941; they all depicted a transport-type aircraft. 2: freight tax; French colony revenue inscription
Transports Aeriens Guyanais (TAG): air local, French Guiana, 1921.
Transvaal: a Boer republic of South Africa; aka South African Republic; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound 1869, Aug.: No.1, 1 penny brown lake, coat of arms design, stamps issued as the First South African Republic, Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (Afrikaan), 1877-78: British control of area, stamps overprinted “V.R. Transvaal,” 1878-1909: stamps depicting head of Queen Victoria, 1880, Dec.: first Boer War, Britain defeated in battle, ZAR aka “Second Republic,” 1882: stamps of the Second Republic issued, 1883: republican stamps used, 1887: Bakker Express, local post serving Nylstroom-Pretoria-Marabstad, 1893: joined the UPU, 1884: republic restored, 1899, Oct. 12: second Boer War, censorship of mail widespread for first time, local stamps produced during the many sieges, 1900: annexed to Great Britain and named the Transvaal, 1902-06: self-government, used British colonial type issues overprinted “V.R.I.” (Victoria Regina Imperatrix), 1907: first postage due stamp, 1910: became one of the four colonies forming the Union of South Africa.
Transvaal: overprint for Central South African Railway.
Transylvania: eastern part of Hungary; 1919: Romanian occupying troops issued “Regatul Romanaiei” (Kingdom of Romania) overprint on stamps of Hungary.
Trapiche: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Trask’s Express: local mail and parcel delivery firm operated between Boston and Gloucester, Mass., used labels.
Trasporto Pacchi in Concessione:(It.) concessionary parcel stamps used by private firms at rates lower than government services, 1953.
Trauerblock: (Ger.) memorial stamp.
Travailleurs Étrangers: (Fr.) foreign workers; French colony revenue inscription
Travancore: India Feudatory State, southwest coast of India; currency: 16 cash = 1 chuckram, 2 chuckrams = 1 anna 1888: No.1, 1 chuckram ultramarine, first stamps for native state in Madras States Agency, 1949, July 1: United States of Travancore – Cochin established; stamps were overprinted / surcharged, 1949: first official stamps, 1950: inscription for “State of Travancore – Cochin” 1951, June 30: stamps discontinued, uses stamps of Republic of India.
Travancor-Anchal (Anchel): India, Travancore, Cochin.
Travancore-Cochin: India, Travancore, Cochin established as a United State; 1949, July 1: No.1, 2 pies on 6 cash violet black, 1949: stamps of Travancore overprinted “Service” for official use; see Travancore.
Traveling post office: several railways, world-wide, including the Grand Junction Railway, traveling between London and Birmingham, England, carried mail, Jan. 6, 1838.
TRD: temporary rubber date stamp issued while regular marking is being replaced or not available.
Tre: (Dan., Nor.) three (number).
Treasure Island: George Fabian fantasy of Robert Louis Stevenson’s island.
Treasury Dep’t.: U.S. Officials.
Treasury Essay Competition: a stamp design contest by the British Treasury, held in 1839, 2,600 entries received, none were used.
Treasury Roulette: form of roulette machine devised by Henry Archer and tested in G. B., 1853-54; see Gladstone.
Treasury Savings Stamp: issued by the Treasury Department.
Treatment: term used in judging an exhibit to determine development, completeness and correctness of the exhibit.
Treaty acceptance: foreign origin mail accepted for airmail service based on an international treaty or agreement providing for rates and compensation.
Treaty of Nanking: 1842: at the end of the Opium Wars Great Britain was permitted to trade at Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai. Due to the lack of a national postal service in China, postal agencies were opened in these cities, as well as Chefoo, Hankow, Kiungchow, Swatow, and Tientsin. 1859: postal agencies were also opened in Japan at Nagasaki and Yokohama, Kobe (1868),. Later, the governments of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the U.S. operated consular post offices in Chinese treaty ports. There were 11 Chinese cities in which local posts were operated by foreign businessmen. 1894: France used French and Indo-China stamps at post offices operated at Canton, Chungking, Hoi How, Kungming, Kwangchowan, Mongtseu, and Pakhoi. 1899: Russia overprinted stamps of Russia for use in Russian Post offices in China. 1917: stamps of Hong Kong were overprinted “China” for use at British treaty port post offices; stamps of Germany were overprinted “China;” stamps of Italy were overprinted “Pechino” (Peking) and Tientsin;” stamps of Japan were also overprinted using Japanese characters. 1919, July 1: U.S. operated a post office at Shanghai with US stamps overprinted and surcharged “Shanghai/denomination/China.” 1922, Dec.: U.S. ceased use of U.S. stamps.
Treaty Ports: cities in China and Japan where foreign nations were permitted trading facilities; stamps were issued for use in their postal services.
Treaty rate: permitted U.S. domestic rates to carry a letter or card to another country without paying the international rate
Trebizonde: aka Trebisonde, Trabzon, town on coast of Anatolia, Ottoman Empire; 1857, Nov.: French post office opened; closed Aug. 1914. 1909-14; overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in Turkish Empire; used in Turkish cities with Russian post offices, Beyrouth, Constantinople, Dardanelles, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Kerassunde, Metelin, Mont Athos, Salonique, Smyrne, Rizeh, and Trebisonde; issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Russian post offices in the Turkish Empire.
Tredie rige: (Dan.) 3rd Reich.
Tredive: (Dan.) thirty (number).
Tredve: (Nor.) thirty (number).
Trefärgstryck: (Swed.) see Tryck – Trefärgs.
Tre hundre: (Nor.) three-hundred (number).
Tre Hundrede: (Dan.) three-hundred (number).
Trei: (Rom.) three (number).
Treisprezece: (Rom) thirteen (number).
Treizeci: (Rom) thirty (number).
Tren: (Rom.) train.
Trengganu: on eastern coast of the Malay Peninsula; Malaysia, overprint on stamps of Straits; 1909: became a British protectorate after being under Thailand rule, 1910: No.1, 1¢ gray green, first stamps from Straits Settlements inscribed Trengganu, 1917, Oct.: first semipostal stamp, 1937, Aug. 10: first postage due stamp, 1942: Japanese occupation, Japanese characters, “Dai Nippon 2602 Malaya” Japanese Postal Service 1942 Malaya; overprint, 1942: postage due occupation stamp with handstamp “Seal of the Post Office of the Malayan Military Department,” 1943, Oct. 19: ceded to Thailand by Japan, 1944: Japanese occupation stamps overprinted for use in Trengganu, 1945, Sept.: returned to British protection, 1948: joined the Federation of Malaysia, 1949, Dec. 27: definitives issued, 1957: used stamps of the Federation of Malaysia along with those of Trengganu, 1963: joined the Federation of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: used designs of Johore, inscribed “Trengganu,” 1999, Mar. 4: stamps of Malaysia.
Trengganu, 1963: joined the Federation of Malaysia, 1965, Nov. 15: used designs of Johore, inscribed “Trengganu,” stamps of Malaysia.
Trennung: (Ger.) separation.
Tren postal:(Sp.) mail train made up of coaches and wagons.
Trentino: “Regno d’ Italia / Venezia Tridentina / 3.XI.18” (It.) aka Venezia Tridentina, overprint on stamps of Austria for Italian Occupation, 1918.
Trenton Match Co.: inscription on Match stamp; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Trenton, New Jersey: occupied by British until Dec. 29, 1776.
Trepado: (Sp.) stamp perforation.
Treringsnummerstemple(r): (Dan., Nor.) 3-concentric rings numeral oblit cancellation(s).
Tres: (Dan.) sixty (number).
Tresidet utakket: (Dan.) three sides imperforate.
Tresillo: (Sp.) triptych, strip of three stamps.
Tre Skilling Banco: Swedish philatelic rarity, orange color error, supposed to be blue.
Tresor et Postes: (Fr.) Czechoslovak legions in France, 1914.
Tresse: decorative design found on the back flap of some envelopes.
Trestribe: (Dan.) strip-of-3.
Trestripe: (Dan., Nor.) strip-of-3.
Tretio: (Swed.) (thirty) error on Swedish 20 öre stamp, 1879, which should have read “tjugo” (twenty).
Tréves (Fr.), Treviri (Lat.): aka Trier, Germany.
Tretten: (Dan., Nor.) thirteen (number).
Trial color proofs: 1: prints made from dies or plates in order to evaluate the final color of a stamp. 2: reprint proofs. 3: used as presentation material for officials in French area countries.
Trial flight: flight made to evaluate aircraft or system, some have covers aboard commemorating flight.
Triangular frank: (Chinese) star with Chinese characters; military free frank, effective Oct. 1, 1984.
Triangular perforation: perforation set up so that the rows of holes form triangles.
Tribunales Españoles: (Sp.) Spanish courts of law used on revenues
Tribunaux: (Fr.) courts for the Annamites (Annam); religious tribunals; French colony revenue inscription.
Trident: Ukraine’s national emblem, appears on a number of their stamps.
Tridentina: Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation, 1918.
Tridimensional: stamp printing that looks like a three-dimensional view.
Trier: local post, Germany, Privatpost Merkur, 1897-1900.
Triest: (Ger.) Trieste.
Trieste: city on Adriatic Sea between Italy and Yugoslavia, administrative center of Italian province of Venezia Giulia; Currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira, 100 paras = 1 dinar (1949), 1918: “Regno d’Italia / Venezia Giulia / 3.XI.18” Kingdom of Italy / Venezia Giulia / 3.XI.18; overprint on stamps of Austria for Italian occupation, 1919-pre: stamps of Austria used, 1943: stamps of Italy and RSI (Repubblica Sociale Italiana) (It.) Italian Social Republic used, 1945, May 1 – June 15,1946: Yugoslav occupation, stamps of RSI overprinted “Trieste – TRST 1.V.45” used, 1945 – June 15, 1947: Allied occupation, stamps of (Kingdom of ) Italy used overprinted A.M.G. – V.G. Allied Military Government – Venezia Giulia, zone A, 1947: No.1, 25¢ bright blue-green, A.M.G. postage due, 1947, Oct. 1: Free Territory of Trieste Zone A established; Allied occupation, stamps of (republic of) Italy overprinted “A.M.G..F.T.T.,” (American Military Government, Free Territory of Trieste) used, withdrawn in Nov. 1948-54: No.1, 100 liras, Free Territory of Trieste Zone B, 1948, Oct. 17: Zone B issued by the Yugoslav military administration (V.U.J./N.A,), Yugoslav occupation, stamps of Yugoslavia overprinted “VUJA – STT” Military Administration of Yugoslav Army, Free Territory of Trieste, first air mail, postage due, postal tax due stamps,1949, Aug. 15: Yugoslav stamps issued, ceased Oct. 25, 1954 1950-51, 53: overprint “Fiera di Trieste” (Trieste Fair), 1954; first air mail, postage due issues, 1954, Oct. 30: Zone A incorporated into Italy, Zone B into Yugoslavia.
Trieuse automatique: (Fr.) letter-facing machine.
Trigueros: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1937.
Trimmed Coils: trimming perforated stamps to make them appear to be an expensive coil stamp.
Trimmed perforations: a stamp with perforations cut away after issuance.
Trimmed stamps: term used when part of stamp cut away after issue; revenue inscription cut off stamps of India in 1866 to be re-issued for postage use, postage overprint applied.
Trinacria: ancient name of Sicily, “triangle,” referring toshape ofisland; sometimes used for the 1860 stamps of Naples which show the three-legged symbol of Sicily.
Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago: West Indies, off the coast of Venezuela; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 dollar (1935) 1847: Sir Henry McLeod, governor of Trinidad, created local postal system, named steam ship company ship The Lady McLeod, and designed a stamp to be used on mail they carried. Usually, a portion of the stamp was ripped off as proof of cancellation, 1851, April 4: post office established at Port of Spain, capital, 1851, Aug.14: No.1,1 pence purple brown, depicts “Britannia” first stamps inscribed Trinidad, had no face value until 1859, 1858-60: British stamps used on overseas mail, ‘A-14′ marking at Scarborough, 1860: handstamp “Paid at Tobago,” 1879, Aug.1: use of postage ordered on letters and newspapers, first stamps for Tobago, 1885, Jan. 1: first postage due stamp for Trinidad, 1889: Trinidad and Tobago united, became part of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, stamps of Trinidad used until 1913, 1892, Jan. 4: an inland postal service began, 1893: first official stamp for Trinidad, 1896: stamps of Tobogo superceded by those of Trinidad, 1909: last stamp issued for Trinidad, 1913: No.1, ½ penny green, stamps inscribed Trinidad & Tobago, 1913: first official stamp for Trinidad and Tobago, 1914, Sept. 18: first semipostal stamp for Trinidad, 1917: first war tax stamp for Trinidad and Tobago, 1923: first postage due stamp for Trinidad, 1962, Aug. 31: became an independent member of the British Commonwealth, 1963, June 15: joined the UPU, 1970: first postage due for Trinidad and Tobago, 1976, Aug. 1: became Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Trinidad & Tobago: 1: Town Hall San Fernando (with construction), inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. 2: San Fernando Diesel inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Trinidad Red Cross Society: inscription on label or sealing stamp authorized for use as a 1/2d stamp on one day only, Sept. 18, 1914.
Trinidade: South Atlantic island, off the coast of Brazil; 1894, Oct.: James Harden-Hickey, owner of the island, issued 7 stamps, 1895: Brazil claimed the island.
Trinité et Tobago: (Fr.) Trinidad and Tobago. 1963, June 15: joined the UPU.
Tripartite stamps and labels: three part stamp or label used by bus and freight firms divided by perforations; left portion kept by clerk as record of the transaction, center portion is affixed to the parcel, and right hand part is kept by the sender as a receipt.
Trípáska: (Czech.) strip-of-3.
Tripoli: Tripolitania.
Tripoli: capital of Libya; 1874, Jan. 1: used general issues for Italian post offices abroad, 1869, Jan.: Italian post office opened, 1908, June 1: used stamps of Italian post offices in the Turkish Empire, 1909-15: “Tripoli di Barberia” overprint on stamps of Italy for use in its Turkish territory, 1911-12: stamps of Libya used after Italian occupation, 1912, Oct.: ceded by Turkey to Italy, became colony of Libia, 1918: occupied by British troops, 1927, 1930: special exhibition stamps, “XII Campionaria,” see Libya.
Tripoli di Barberia: overprint on stamps of Italy; offices in Tripoli, 1909, see Italian Offices in Africa, Turkish Empire, 1905-15.
Tripoli, Fiera Campionaria: inscription on stamps of Libya while under Italian control, 1930s.
Tripoli Maggio: overprint on stamps of Libya for Tripolitania air mail, 1934.
Trst 25 VII 1920 TPCT: inscription on label that claims Trieste belongs to Yugoslavia.
Turkish territory, 1908, June 1: used stamps of Italian post offices in the Turkish Empire, 1911-12: stamps of Libya used after Italian occupation, 1918: occupied by British troops, 1927, 1930: special exhibition stamps, “XII Campionaria,”
Tripoli: city in Lebanon, 1: 1852, Sept.-Aug. 1914: French offices in Ottoman Empire, 2: Interpostal Seals used 1871, see Interpostal Seals.
Tripolitania: northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira 1901: Italian offices, overprints on stamps of Italy, 1911-12: Italy took area from Turkey, 1923, Oct. 24: No.1, 20 centesimi olive-green and brown-orange, “Tripolitania” overprint on stamps of Italy, 1925: first semipostal stamp, “Tripolitania” overprint on stamps of Italy, 1930, July 26: first air mail stamp, “Tripolitania” overprint on stamps of Italy, 1931, March: authorized delivery stamp, stamp of Italy overprinted, 1931: Dec. 7: air mail stamp inscribed Tripolitania, 1934, May 1: air mail special delivery, stamp type of Libya overprinted, 1934, Oct. 16: first stamp inscribed Tripolitania, 1934, Nov. 5: air mail semipostal stamp inscribed Tripolitania, 1934: air mail semipostal official stamp, overprinted “Servizio di Stato” (Service of the State), 1935: used stamps of Libya, 1948, July 1:-51: No.1, 1 lira on ½ pence green; British offices, stamps of Britain overprinted “B.M.A. Tripolitania” (British Military Administration), surcharged with values in “M.A.L.” (Military Administration Lira); 1950, Feb. 6: British stamps overprinted “B.A.” (British Administration), surcharged with values in “M.A.L.” (Military Administration Lira); first postage due stamp. 1951, Dec. 24: became part of Libya.
Tripolitanien: (Ger.) Tripolitania.
Triptico: (Sp.) triptych.
Triptych: three stamps in a row with an interconnected and related design.
Triptychon: (Ger.) triptych.
Triptyque: (Fr.) triptych.
Triquera: first stamps issued by the French island colony of New Caledonia in 1860, created by a French marine sergeant named Triquera.
Tristam’s Express: local baggage delivery firm operated in New York City, used a label.
Tristan da Cunha: islands in the South Atlantic, between Cape of Good Hope and South America; Currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 100 cents = 1 rand (1961), 12 pence= 1 shilling (1963), 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 pence = 1 pound sterling (1971) c1918: used stamps of Britain, 1935: “Tristan da Cunha” overprint privately applied by Rev. Wilde, postmaster, 1946: eight essays prepared by Mr. A.B. Crawford, a meteorologist stationed on the island, in the hope that they be adopted, but none were, 1947: the 1d essay (of the eight stamps) was privately printed and shipped to the island, 1952, Jan. 1: No.1, ½ penny purple, first stamps were overprints “Tristan / da Cunha” on stamps of St. Helena, used for Shackleton expedition, 1957, Feb.1: first postage due stamp, 1961, Oct.: volcanic activity; all islanders evacuated to England, stamps overprinted “Tristan Relief” but withdrawn after one week as unauthorized, 1963, April 12: islanders returned, and stamps of St. Helena overprinted “Tristan da Cunha Resettlement 1963.”
Trittico: (It.) triptych.
Trockengummi: (Ger.) special gum which is almost invisible.
Trollope, Anthony: novelist and British Post Office surveyor, 1851, proposed “letter boxes should be erected…”
Trompe de maile-poste: (Fr.) posthorn.
Trompe l’oeil: (Fr.) fooling or cheating the eye; sometimes used for very good forgeries.
Tromsø: (also Tromsö) seaport and seat of Troms county, N Norway, located on a small island between Kvaløy Island and the mainland ca. 735 miles NNE of Oslo. Site of 19th century local posts established by Johan Lund and M. Urdal (q.v. individual local post entries).
Tromso Bypost: city in Norway, local post, 1881-96.
Tromsø – Johan Lund Local Post: Local post established by Johan Lund, a bank clerk, who appointed P. L. Wilhelmsen as manager; M. Urdal, a bookseller succeeded as manager in 1882. Lund disposed the post to Urdal in 1889. Set-of-3 “Tromsö Bypost” lithographed local stamps depicting a reindeer issued 24 February 1881, with further similar local stamps issued through 1887.
Tromsø – M. Urdal Local Post: Local post acquired by M. Urdal from Johan Lund, with a redrawn version of the previous “Tromsö Bypost” reindeer pictorial local stamp issured in 1895-1896.
Trondheim: (formerly Trondhjem, also Nidaros) seaport and seat of Sør-Trøndelag county in central Norway ca. 280 miles N of Oslo. Site of first Norwegian air mail flight, see Norway – 1911 Dropped Mail Over Trondheim Flight.
Trondhjem: city in Norway, local bypost, 1865-1913.
Tropical gum: gum discolored from its original issue by conditions that allowed for fungal growth.
Tropical Medicine Congress: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1958; on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1950.
Tropides Islands: a Donald Evans country in the Caribbean islands, see Evans, Donald.
Trop tard: (Fr.) too late.
Troquelado: (Sp.) rouletted.
Trou: (Fr.) hole.
Trou d’épingle: (Fr.) pinhole.
Troublé gomme: (Fr.) disturbed gum.
Troy Business College and School of Stenography and Telegraphy: Troy, N.Y.; used training stamps for practice instruction on how to properly address, frank and post a letter.
Trucial States: Persian Gulf, seven Arab sheikdoms; Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah & Kalba, and Umm Al Qiwain; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee 1961, Jan.7: No.1, 5 naye paise emerald, stamps inscribed “Trucial States” but used only at the British postal agency in Dubai; only post office in the seven sheikdoms, 1963, June: Trucial States stamps withdrawn, individual states issued own stamps, 1971, Dec.2: seven sheikdoms formed the United Arab Emirates; see United Arab Emirates.
True franking: an item that has been mailed and accurately reflects the postage as shown on the stamp.
Truppe(n): (Ger.) troops in the armed forces.
Tryck: (Swed.) printing.
Tryck – Femfärgs: (Swed.) 5-color printing.
Tryck – Flerfärgs: (Swed.) multicolor printing.
Tryck – Fyrfärgs: (Swed.) 4-color printing.
Trycksaker: (Swed.) printed matter.
Tryck – Sexfärgs: (Swed.) 6-color printing.
Tryck – Trefärgs: (Swed.) 3-color printing.
Tryk: (Dan., Nor.) printing.
Trykafart: (Dan., Nor.) printing variety.
Tryk – Bog: (Dan.) typograph printing, surface printing.
Tryk – Ensfarvet: (Dan.) 1-color printing, unicolor printing.
Trykfarve: (Dan.) printing ink.
Tryk – Farvefejl: (Dan.) ink error printing.
Trykfejl: (Dan.) printing misprint, printing imperfection, printing error.
Tryk – Femfarvet: (Dan.) 5-color printing..
Tryk – Firefarvet: (Dan.) 4-color printing.
Tryk – Flad: (Dan.) lithography printing.
Trykform: (Dan.) printing cliché.
Tryk – Første: (Dan.) 1st printing.
Tryk – Fotogravure: (Dan.) photogravure printing.
Tryk – Gravørdyb: (Dan.) recess printing.
Tryk – Heliogravør: (Dan.) heliogravure printing.
Trykk – Dyp: (Nor.) photogravure printing.
Trykker: (also Boktrykker) (Nor.) printer.
Trykkeri: (Dan., Nor.) printers plant, printery.
Trykkfeil: (Nor.) printing misprint, printing imperfection, printing error.
Trykking: (also Boktrykk) (Nor.) printing.
Trykkmangel: (Nor.) printing defect.
Trykkmetode: (Nor.) printing method.
Trykksaker: (Nor.) printed matter.
Trykk – Stål: (Nor.) recess printing.
Trykk – Stein: (Nor.) lithography printing.
Trykk – Valse: (Nor.) rotary printing.
Trykmangel: (Dan.) printing defect.
Trykmetode: (Dan.) printing method.
Tryk – Offset: (Dan.) offset printing.
Trykoplag: (Dan.) printing.
Trykpressar: (Swed.) printing presses.
Trykprøve: (Dan.) printing proof.
Tryksag: (Dan.) printed matter.
Tryk – Seksfarvet: (Dan.) 6-color printing.
Tryk – Tofarvet: (Dan.) 2-color printing, bicolor printing..
Tryk – Trefarvet: (Dan.) 3-color printing, tricolor printing.
Tryk – Valse: (Dan.) rotary printing.
TS: 1: Scott Catalog number prefix for Treasury Savings. 2: Tropical stain(ing).
Tscheche: (Ger.) Czech.
Tschechoslowakei: (Ger.) Czechoslovakia.
Tsjekkia: (Nor.) Czech Republic.
Tsjekkisk: (Nor.) Czech.
Tsjekkoslovakia: (Nor.) Czechoslovakia.
Tsjekkoslovakisk: (Nor.) Czechoslovakian.
Tse-Liu-Tsing: local post, southwest China, 1949-50.
Tsinghai: northwest China local post, 1949; see Kiautschou.
Tsingtau Province: China local post, 1949.
Trst: (Slov.) Trieste.
T-Stempel: (Ger.) postmark indicating insufficient postage.
TT: 1: Trust Territory, when used in a postmark. 2: Topical Time, publication of the American Topical Association. 3: Thurn und Taxis
T.Ta.C.: Turkey postal tax air mail stamps, 1931-Aug. 21, 1934, for Turkish Aviation Society.
T.Tard: (Fr.) trop tard (too late) pre-adhesive postmark.
Tuareg State: Burmese bogus fantasy.
Tuba: inscription on stamps of Tannu Tuva.
Tube coils: Canadian term for coil stamps printed at high speed and ending up as wrapped tubes.
Tube service: see pneumatic mail.
Tudela: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Nationalist forces, 1936.
Tughra: royal cypher of the former sultans of Turkey, the sultan, unable to write, dipped his finger in ink and “made his mark,” on stamps of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Hejaz-Nejd.
Tugrik: currency unit in Mongolian People’s Republic.
Tuke, Sir Brian: organized messengers and number of horses in the City of London, 1526, to carry messages.
Tula: 1: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1888, see Zemstvo. 2: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Tulancin(c)go: overprint on stamps of Mexico for this district, 1856-1883.
Tulcmha: city at head of Danube delta, Romania; French post office opened Nov. 1857, closed April 1879.
Tullahoma, Ten. Paid 10: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Tullfrit: (Swed.) Customs Free, Swedish postal marking.
Tull Taxeringsexp För Brevförs.: (Swed.) Customs Taxation Office for Letter Mail; Swedish postal marking.
Tu Maco: Cauca postmaster provisional labels, province of Colombia, 1901-12.
Tumbes: 1895 issue used only by revolutionaries in Tumbes, Peru.
Tunez: (Sp.) Tunisia.
Tunézia: (Hung.) Tunisia.
Tunéziai: (Hung.) Tunisia.
Tung-cheng: east China local post, 1949.
Tunisia: Northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea; official name of postal administration: La Poste currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc, 100 millimes = 1 dinar (1959) 1862: used stamps of France, 1881, May: French protectorate established, 1888, July 1: No.1, 1 centime black, blue, first issues under the French protectorate, joined the UPU, 1901: first postage due stamp, 1906: first parcel post stamp, 1915, Feb.: first semipostal stamp, 1919, April: first air mail stamp, 1940, July-May 1943: administered by Vichy, 1943: Afrika Corps, German fieldpost, 1943, May: overrun by Allies, 1952, May 5:first air mail semipostal stamp, 1955, Sept. 1: self-government, 1956, March 20: independent monarchy, became a sovereign state, 1957, Aug. 8: declared a republic, stamps inscribed République Tunisienne; see Aff O, Aidez les Tuberculeux, Anciens Combattants.
Tunisie: (Fr.) Tunisia under French administration.
Tunisien: (Swed.) Tunisia.
Tunisienne, Republique: (Fr.) Tunisia.
Tunisk: (Swed.) Tunisian.
Tunisko: (Czech.) Tunisian.
Tunisky: (Czech.) Tunisian.
Tunis, Regence de: Tunisia.
Tunn: (Swed.) thin.
Tunn fläck: (Swed.) thin spot.
Turchese: (It.) turquoise blue (color).
Turchia: (It.) Turkey.
Turcia, turcesc: (Rom.) Turkey, Turkish (adj.).
Turcodocus: bogus, Swiss origin.
Turecko: (Czech.) Turkey.
Turecky: (Czech.) Turkish (adj.).
Turis: city in Spain, Spanish Civil War local post, Republican forces, 1937.
Turistmärken: (Swed.) tourist stamps.
Turk (and Caicos) Islands: 1917: first semi-postal stamp,
Turkei: (Ger.) Turkey.
Turkestan, Russian: 1917-18: Russian stamps surcharged; probably bogus.
Turkey: Asia and Europe; between the Mediterranean and Black Seas, currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster, 40 paras = 1 ghurush (1926), 40 paras = 1 kurush (1926), 100 kurush = 1 lira 1863, May: No.1, 20 paras black on yellow, first postage due stamp, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1879: first newspaper stamp, 1898, Apr. 21: first military stamp, for use by Turkish occupation forces in Thessaly, 1897-98, 1912: “Greek Administration” overprint on stamps of Greece for use in parts of Greece called “New Greece,” 1915: first semipostal stamp, 1920: Nationalist Government at Angora (Ankara) overprinted revenue and postage stamps of the Ottoman Empire, known as “Turkey in Asia,” 1922: Ottoman Empire ceased to exist, 1923: “Turkey in Asia” ceased to exist; became Republic of Turkey, 1926: first postal tax air mail stamp, 1928: first postal tax stamps, 1934, July 15: first air mail stamp, 1948: first official stamp; see AN, Anatolia, Angora, Ankara, Austrian Offices in Turkish Empire.
Turkey: see AN, Anatolia, Angora, Ankhara, Ankara, Austrian, Russian post offices in Turkish Empire.
Turkiet: (Swed.) Turkey.
Türkischblau: (Ger.) turquoise blue (color).
Turkish Empire, Italian Offices: General Issues for Albania, Constantinople, Durazzo, Janina, Jerusalem, Salonika, Scutari, Smyrna, Valona, Currency: 40 paras = 1 piaster 1908: post offices maintained in Turkish Empire by various treaties, stamps of Italy surcharged, 1923: Treaty of Lausanne ended post offices regime, 1923, Oct. 27: foreign post offices closed.
Turkish lira: currency unit in Cyprus (Turkish).
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: formerly part of Cyprus; stamps illegal based on UPU regulations, currency: 1000 Milliemes = 1 Pound 100 Kurus = 1 Turkish Lira (1978) 1974: Turkey invaded Cyprus, 1974, July 27: first stamp, 1983, Nov. 15: Turkey declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus independence, 1995, July 24: first postal tax stamp.
Turkisk: (Swed.) Turkish.
Turk Islands: see Turks and Caicos Islands.
Turkiye: (Turk.) Turkey.
Turkiye Cocuk Esirgeme Korumu: (Turk.) postal tax stamps, Turkey.
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Postalari: (Turk.) inscription on stamps of Turkey for
Turkish Republic.
Turkiye Postalari: (Turk.) Turkey Post.
Türkizkék: (Hung.) turquoise, Turkish blue (color).
Turkmenistan: southern Asia; currency: 100 Kopecks = 1 Ruble 1991, Dec.26: joined with other former Soviet states to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1992: first stamps, 1993, Jan. 26: joined the UPU, 2000, May 23: many bogus issues reported to the UPU.
Turk Postalari: (Turkish Postal Services) inscription of first issue of Turkey with Latinized spelling.
Turkos: (Swed.) turquoise, greenish – light grey- blue (color). Turks and Caicos Islands: 3islands in the West Indiesm south end of the Bahamas, currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 US dollar (1969) 1867, April 4-1900: had own stamps as Turks Islands, 1900: No.1, ½ penny green, first stamp, 1917: overprint for war tax stamps, 1962: islands became a Crown Colony, 1981, July 24: first overprints for the British Crown Colony of the Caicos Islands; see Caicos Islands, Turks Islands.
Turks & Caicos Islands: Metal Detecting inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Turks & Caicosöarna: (Swed.) the Turks & Caicos Islands.
Turks Islands: West Indies, southern part of Bahamas; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling 1848: made a British Colony, 1867: No.1, 1 penny rose, first stamp, 1873: became a dependency of Jamaica with separate stamp issues, 1894: last stamp issued, 1900: stamps inscribed Turks and Caicos Islands used; see Turks and Caicos Islands.
Turned cover: letter sheets or envelopes reversed to be used a second time.
Turquesa: (Sp.) turquoise blue (color).
Turques et Caiques: (Fr.) Turks and Caicos.
Turquia: (Sp.) Turkey.
Turquie: (Fr.) Turkey.
Tuscaloosa, Ala. Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Tuscany: Italian State.
Tuscany: north central portion of Italy, part of Italian States; currency: 60 quattrini = 20 soldi = 12 crazie = 1 lira, 100 centesimi = 1 lira (1860) 1851: letter known from Corsini merchants association from Italy to London, 1851, Apr. 1: No.1, 1 soldi, grayish, Grand-Duchy of Tuscany issued first stamps, 1854: newspaper tax stamp issued for use on foreign newspapers, 1860: annexed to Sardinia, stamps showed arms of Savoy, 1861, Feb. 18: stamps of Sardinia replaced those of Tuscany, 1862: replaced by stamps of Italy.
Tuscumbia, Ala.: see Confederate States of America, 3¢ 1861 Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Tuscumbia, Ala., Paid 5: see Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Tusen, ett tusen: (Nor.) one-thousand (number).
Tusind: (Dan.) one-thousand (number).
Tuva: 1: 2002, Jan. 14: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage. 2: see Tanna Tuva. 3: Mongolia, bogus.
Tuvalu: islands in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia, formerly the British Crown Colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands; currency: 1 Australian dollar = 100 cents 1976, Jan. 1: No.1, 1¢ multicolor, overprint “Tuvalu” on stamps of Gilbert and Ellice Islands, issued own stamps, included in Tuvalu are the islands of Christmas, Fanning, Ocean and Washington, 1976, Jan. 1: No.1, 4 cent multicolor, issued on same day as Tuvalu overprint, 1978, Oct.1: fully independent, 1981, Feb. 3: joined the UPU, 1981: first official stamp issued, 1981, May 13: first postage due stamp issued, 1982, May 20: first semipostal stamp issued; see Funafuti, Nanumaga, Nanumea, Niutao, Nui, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae, Vaitupu.
Tuvalu-Funafuti: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Nanumea: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Niutao: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Nui: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Nukufetau: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Nukulaelae: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Vaitupu: 1984: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
Tuvalu-Nanumaga: first stamps inscription on stamps of Tuvalu.
T.V.A.: Taxe à la Valeur Ajoutée (Fr.) V.A.T. value added tax.
Tvåfärgad: (Swed.) bicolored.
TV Tax Stamp: a license fee for the ownership and use of a television; inscription reads TV license fee paid; started 1972 in many countries.
T. Walter City Despatch Post: S. Allan Taylor label.
Twee Penny Z.A.R.: (Afr.) two penny surcharge on stamps of South Africa.
Tweezers: also known as stamp tongs, see tongs.
Twer: city in Russia, Zemstvo local post; 1869-89, see Zemstvo.
Twigg-Smith, Thursten: collector who built and sold (1995) Honolulu Advertiser Hawaii collection.
Twin Delivery Ltd., Courier Division: local, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Twin Lakes: Brewster, N.Y, bogus local post.
Two-cents reds: term used to describe US commemoratives issued between 1927 and 1932.
Two Kingdoms of Sicily: see Kingdoms of Two Sicily.
Two-Ocean: cover flown trans-ocean twice en route to its original destination
Two pence: with Queen on a throne, above inscription; Victoria, 1852-54.
Two Reigns: considered the British commonwealth issues of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II only.
Two Sicilies: island of Sicily and lower half of the Apennine Peninsula; currency: 200 tornesi = 100 grana = 1 ducat. 1858: No. 1 ½ grana pale lake, first stamp, 1859: stamps for Sicily issued, 1860: annexed to Sardinia; provisional government issue, 1861: stamps for Neapolitan provinces issued; see Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Two Star: printed on certain mailboxes, 1970s, to indicate contents would be collected in early evening and immediately processed.
TX: USPS abbreviation for Texas.
Tyk: (Dan.) thick.
Tykk: (Nor.) thick.
Tynd: (Dan.) thin.
Tynn: (Nor.) thin.
Tynn flekk: (Nor.) thin spot.
Tyosen: name once used for Korea.
Typ: one of the Sicmon Islands in the South Pacific created by Nick Bantock for his book, Griffin & Sabine. Type: 1: letters used by printers; are in many shapes and sizes on stamps, used also in overprints and surcharges. 2: stamps of the same basic design.
Typo: abbreviation for typographed.
Typographié: (Fr.) typography, letterpress or surface printing from relief prints.
Typography: letterpress or surface printing from relief prints.
Typeset: stamps printed from movable type designs used by printers.
Typewritten stamps: two issues are known; Uganda 1895 and Long Island 1916, but overprints and surcharges are recorded.
Typo: see Typography.
TYR: bogus, no information available.
Tyrkia: (Nor.) Turkey.
Tyrkiet: (Dan.) Turkey.
Tyrkisk: (Dan., Nor.) Turkish.
Tyrkiske skeppspost: (Swed.) Turkish ship mail (ship post).
Tyrkiske skibspost: (Dan.) Turkish ship mail (ship post).
Tyrkiske skipspost: (Nor.) Turkish ship mail (ship post).
Tyrol: local post for parcels, Austria, 1919-23.
Tysiac Szkol na Tysiaclecie: (Pol.) fund raising label to build schools.
Tysk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) German.
Tyska Nya Guinea: (Swed.) German New Guinea..
Tyska Östafrika: (Swed.) German South-West Africa..
Tyska Sydvästafrika: (Swed.) German South-West Africa..
Tyske Demokratiske Republik: (Dan.) German Democratic Republic (DDR), East Germany Tyske Kolonier: (Dan.) German Colonies. Tyske skeppspost: (Swed.) German ship mail (ship post).
Tyske skibspost:: (Dan.) German ship mail (ship post).
Tyske skipspost: (Nor.) German ship mail (ship post).
Tyske Stater: (Dan.) German States. Tyskland: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Germany.
Tysk Ny Guinea: (Dan.) German New Guinea.
Tysk Østafrika: (Dan.) German East Africa.
Tysk Post i Kina: (Dan.) German Post Offices in the China.
Tysk Post i Marokko: (Dan.) German Post Offices in Morocco.
Tysk Post i Tyrkiet: (Dan.) German Post Offices in the Turkish Empire (Levant).
Tysk Post i Udlandet: (Dan.) German Post Offices Abroad.
Tysk skibspost: (Dan.) German ship mail (ship post).
Tysk Sydvestafrika: (Dan., Nor.) German Southwest Africa.
Tyve: (Dan., Nor.) twenty (number), see Tjue.
Tze-Chung: local post, southwest China, 1949.