Drink Like an Egyptian

REA3 – 1866 25c Beer Tax Stamp

The drink of choice for the majority of ancient Egyptians? Beer of course.

Beer was popular and frequently drunk throughout the day since local waters, including the Nile River were polluted with refuse and waste. While beer was the commoners drink, those upper ranking Egyptians made wine their drink of choice.

Getting intoxicated at public events was not only welcome, it was expected.

In the US taxation on beer began in September of 1862. Many other items were taxed at this point so it was inevitable that beer would join their ranks.Beer taxation began as a way to fund the Union Army during the Civil War. The taxes were collected in cash. As the war ground to a halt, the discussion of cancelling the tax was heatedly debated. At the end it was decided to keep it but to use tax stamps instead of cash. Stamps began to be used in 1866.

Early beer stamps were frequently destroyed since they were placed where containers were opened.

January 17, 1920, when prohibition went into effect. saw a pause in beer stamp usage but it kicked off again in 1933 when prohibition was repealed and would end usage completely in 1951.

Beer, of course, is celebrated on stamps all over the world.

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