Mummies – Life after death

Uruguay 2015 Diplomatic Relations with Egypt – Eso Eris Mummy

Mummies would go through an elaborate preservation process before being entombed. The ancient egyptians, for example, believed that the soul (ba) and life force (ka) needed to return to the body or it would perish so they would put the body through an elaborate process.

First they would purify the body by washing it with water from the Nile then bathe it in palm wine. Next, a thin slit was cut into the left side of the body and the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines removed. These were packed in natron which is a type of mineral salt and placed into jars. The heart, which was believed to be the center of the thought, was left in the body to be used in the afterlife.

A stick was inserted through the nostril to pulverize and liquify the brain. It was drain through the nose and discarded. It was then covered, stuffed with natron and left to dry for 40 days to dry everything out.

The body was then washed in water, inside and out, oils applied to the skin and the body cavity stuffed with sawdust. Linen was wrapped around the entire body and a resin covering it to hold it all together. Amulets were placed between the folds to protect the body.

The process was expensive and only the wealthy could afford it. It was effective, though, as many mummies are found well preerved.

Worked for him:

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