It’s All in the Laptop

United States #B2 First responders raising flag at World Trade Center – 2001

No, I am not talking about the infamous Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI is not investigating. I am talking about another famous laptop that, if searched, may have averted the tragedies of 9/11.

Given a tip by a suspicious flight school instructor, the FBI and INS detain a Moroccan French student in Minnesota. On his possession are two knives, flight manuals for 747s, information about crop dusting and, of course, a laptop.

Following his chain of command, FBI Agent Harry Samit requests permission to search the laptop. His request is denied citing “privacy issues”. The FBI’s Minnesota Bureau sens additional requests in and those are also denied. FBI Agent Colleen Rowley also sends in a request to search the suspects apartment…. you guessed it. Denied. In a last ditch attempt Agen Samit requests the laptop be turned over to the Secret Service. Denied.

At the end of his options Agent Samit sends this email out:

Last Memo (9-10-2001): The Day Before the September 11 Attacks
(FBI Agent Harry Samit to Catherine Kisar)

>>>HARRY SAMIT 09/10/01 03:38 PM>>>

ITOS/RFU SSA Maltbie has determined that we do not have enough for either a criminal search warrant or a FISA search warrant of Moussaoui’s computer. We did not pursue this further because they have directed that this is an INS matter and that the “FBI does not have a dog in this fight.” Of course, I strongly disagree.

The current plan is to deport Moussaoui to France. [Blacked out] has advised that they have the legal authority to hold Moussaoui and search his effects. This search was a distant third in my list of desired outcomes, but at this point I am desperate to get into his computer. I’ll take anything.

My big fear is that the French will determine that most, if not all of Moussaoui’s criminal activity occurred outside France and they have no ability to convict (he’s lived in the UK since 1995). In that case, he walks. I don’t know if they’ll have to return his property in this case (including the 747 flight manuals), but it seems possible.

The current wrangle with ITOS/RFU is over whether John W. (our INS co-case agent) and I can go to France to be present for the search. LEGAT Paris relayed [blacked out] request for FBI personnel to do just that, but RFU is opposed.

I’ll keep you posted, but I am not optimistic. Thanks for your help and assistance.

Take care,

The next day terrorists fly planes into both towers of the World Trade Center in NY as well and mounting other attacks at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people are killed.

After the attacks the FBI allows the laptop to be searched and finds the names and phone numbers of the entire al-Qaeda chain of command, details of the September 11th plot and the names of the other hijackers. The french student, Zacarias Moussaoui, is arrested and sentenced to life in prison.

Since then, in October 2001, the Patriot Act is passed which is supposed to allow law enforcement easier access to personal information of suspected foreign operatives.

Three weeks passed between Moussaoui’s arrest and the search of his laptop. The entire 9/11 tragedy might have been averted.

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