1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Austria.
2: anotacion, Colombia registration inscription, 1865-70.
3: architect, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
4: Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia S.A. Avianca airlines, overprint on Colombian air mail stamps of the 1950s.
5: a marginal marking used on flat plates indicating uniform vertical spacing between columns of stamps. This marking was intended to assist operators of perforating equipment.
6: air mail overprint on SCADTA air mail issues of Colombia, indicating a consular overprint sold in Germany, 1920.
7: Scott Catalogue prefixes for forerunners, such as India, used abroad.
8: watermark, with Imperial Crown, used in Australian stamps, 1913-26.
9: Amic, papermaker initial as a watermark, in the one lira issue of Modena.
10: in front of plate numbers, “A” indicates issues produced by American Bank Note Co. on rotary plates from Scott 1789 onward.
11: “A” inscription, U.S. non-denominated stamp, valued 15-cents, placed on sale May 22, 1978.
12: (Ger.) Auslandsbriefpriifstelle; Foreign Letter Censor Office, WW II, followed by letter indicating city.
13: auction abbreviation for autograph.
14. Anvers (Belg.) Antwerp.
15. architect, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
16: Armée (Fr.) army.
17: Auslandsstelle, Auslandsbriefprüfstelle (Ger.) Foreign Letter Censor Office, WW II, followed by letter indicating city.
18: Australian stamps watermark, with Imperial Crown, 1913-26.
19: Ante Meridiem, morning, coded time handstamps of 1890s.
20: Gibraltar, Imperial Censorship Code, WW II. 21: time of departure for Zeppelin flights.
a: (Fr.) of, to, by, at
Å: one-letter post office name, Norway.
A$: Australian dollars.
A. 23: underlined watermark of Orange River Colony 2/6d King Edward V11 Revenue stamp.
A25: British Colonial Office cancel for Malta.
A thru X: Scott Catalogue suffix for Revenue Stamped Paper.
AA: 1: USPS abbreviation for Armed Forces Americas, except Canada, see: AE. 2: (Fr.) Armée Autrichienne” (Austrian Army) 1748 British Army handstamp, for Austrian Army, usually on mail from Germany; carried by Thurn and Taxis to Belgium; see: Thurn and Taxis.
A.A.A.: Australian Air Mail Association.
AAB: Aloysius A. Baldus, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Aachen: 1: formerly Aix-la-Chapelle,, also transit marking; see: Aix-la-Chapelle. 2: Aachener Stadbriefbeförderung Merkur, German local, 1894-97.
AACMO: Army Sir Corps Mail Operation, 1934-35.
AADC: automated area distribution center, USPS term.
AAFPO: Australian Air Force Post Offices
AAI: Allied Armies, Italy.
A.A.L.: Adria Aero Lloyd, Italy
Aalborg Bypost: (Dan.) Denmark local post, 1884-89.
Aalborg Privatbaner: local, Denmark railway parcel.
Aalesund Bypost: (Nor.) Norway local post, 1880-84.
AAMC: 1: American Air Mail Catalog, USA. 2: Australian Air Mail Catalogue, Nelson Eustis.
AAMS: see: American Air Mail Society.
A&ESC: Aberdeen and Elgin Sorting Carriage, British.
A and T, A&T: Annam and Tonkin overprint, French Protectorate in Indo-China; Jan. 21, 1888-1892: stamps of French Colonies surcharged A & T, see: Annam and Tonkin.
Aanesneden: (Neth.) cut into.
Aangebragt: (Dutch) Netherlands Dutch East Indies labels; 1845-46: postage due inscription.
Aangetekend: (Neth.) registered.
Aantal: (Dutch) number.
AAPE: American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, USA.
Aarau: Switzerland local airmail, 1913.
Aarhus Bypost: (Dan.) Denmark local post, 1884-1900.AAT: Australia Antarctic Territory.
A.A.Vantine: US cancel or revenue stamp overprint for face powder product, 1914.
Aayman Islands: bogus labels for Dayman, Layman, Nayman, Sayman, Yayman, etc.; British colonial royal wedding frames from book, Surreal Stamps and Unreal Stickers.
A.B.: 1: Archibald Brown manuscript surcharge, 1891-95 on British East Africa Protectorate issues. 2; (Fr.) “assez beau”; fair to good condition, or appearance. 3: (Fr.) “abonnement”; subscription (to catalogs). 4: (Fr.) “Armeé Britannique” 1748 British Army handstamp, for Austrian army, usually on mail from Germany; carried by Thurn and Taxis to Belgium; see: Thurn and Taxis. 4: Russia surcharge, Cyrillic for Vladivostok Issue, Far Eastern Republic, 1923.
AB: Andrew Black, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Ab: standard Berlin censorship office mark, WW II.
A.B.A.: A.B. Aerotransport, Swedish airline.
Abaco and Cays: group of the Bahamas Islands.
Aba-el-Wakf: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-84.
Abajo: (Sp.) bottom.
A.B. & S. (A. Beecher & Son): U.S. match stamp inscription; see Private Die Proprietary Stamps.
 (Ger.) variety.
Abattoirs: (Fr.) slaughter houses; French Colonies revenue inscription.
ABB: marking on British postage-paid envelope; “A” indicates mail originates in Britain and was shipped to the U.S. as freight; first “B” indicates entry into the U.S. postal system, second “B” indicates delivery in the U.S.
Abbey Post: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Abbildung: (Ger.) illustration.
Abbonamento: (It.) subscription.
Abbott’s Express: U.S. private local post serviced Boston, Lawrence and North Andover, Mass., label; 1850.
Abbozzo: (It.) specimen.
Abbreviato: (It.) abbreviated.
ABC Warehouse: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
ABCF: Associação Brasileira dos Comerciante Filatélicos; Brazilian Stamp Dealers Association.
ABDA: American, British and Dutch Administration, censor handstamp, WW II.
Abd al Kuri: bogus; island in Indian Ocean between Socotra and Horn of Africa.
Abdruck: (Ger.) print or impression.
Abeilles: (Fr.) bees, bee-like spots of French stamps issued 1863-71.
Abercorn: now Mbala, Zambia; see: Zambia.
Aberdeen: Aberdeen Circular Delivery Company, local, 1867.
Aberdeen 5 Mi (Miss.): see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
A. Bergqvist Lokala Expressposten: see Hälsingborg – A. Bergqvist Lokala Expressposten.
Abessinien: (Ger.) Abyssinia, Ethiopia.
A Betale-Portomerke: (Nor.) Norway postage due inscription, 1922-23.
Abganagsstempel: (Ger.) postmark of office or origin.
Abgeblasst: (Ger.) faded, discolored, rubbed-off color.
Abgefärbt: (Ger.) stained.
Abgenutzt: (Ger.) worn.
Abgerissen: (Ger.) torn off.
Abgeschliffen: (Ger.) ground off, such as German South West Africa altered cancelers.
Abgestempelt, Abgest.: (Ger.) cancelled.
Abgetrennt: (Ger.) separated.
Abhängige: (Ger.) dependency (in the geopolitical sense).
Abidjan: French West Africa; 1959: March 21: stamp issue when colony became independent.
Abidjan Games: common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1962.
Abierta por la censura militar: (Sp.) opened by the military censor.
Abime: (Fr.) damaged.
Abingdon, Va. Paid 2 cents: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
ABK: Andrew B. Kennedy, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Abkari: India States term for excise duties on liquors and drugs.
Abkhazia: part of the Republic of Georgia, formerly Russia; 1993-post: bogus, “stamps and souvenir sheets” printed by private individuals.
Abklatsch: (Ger.) offset, mirror image.
Abkommen: (Ger.) agreement, convention.
Abkürzn:(Ger.) abbreviated.
Abkürzungen:(Ger.) abbreviations.
Ablieferungbescheinigung: (Ger.) receipt for delivery.
Ablösen im wasser: (Ger.) soak off in water.
Ablösung: (Ger.) franking privilege for Prussian local officials.
ABNC, ABNCo.: American Bank Note Company.
Abnormal: nickname for stamps produced by De La Rue for Great Britain; 1862-80: one sheet for the archives, selected from sheets printed from a new plate, balance of sheets put into circulation.
Abnormal perforations: may be caused by a bent pin in the perforating machine.
Abnützung: (Ger.) wear.
Abo: now Turku, Finland.
Abominable Snowmania: bogus, Punch magazine cover parody.
Abonné: (Fr.) subscriber.
Abonnement: (Fr., Ger.) subscription
 (Fr.) subscriptions for newspaper do not require postage stamps; Universal Postal Union regulation.
Abono(s): (Sp.) marking on early covers indicating that postage was prepaid to destination.
Abo Lans Kustångbåts: (Fin.) local post via steamship, Finland late 1890s.
Abou-Choukouk: Egypt, 1879-82, see: Interpostal seals.
Abou-el-Scekuk: Egypt, 1874-76, see: Interpostal seals.
Abou-Hamade: Egypt, 1879-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Abou-Homos: Egypt, 1865-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Abou-Kerkas: Egypt, 1879-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Abou-Kibir: Egypt, 1879-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Aboukir: Egypt, 1880, see: Interpostal seals.
Aboutigh: Egypt, 1879-82, see: Interpostal seals.
Above privilege number: handstamp applied to a letter disallowed under the franking system.
ABPO: Australian Base Post Office. 2: Advanced Base Post Office
Abrechnung: (Ger.) settling of account.
Abrége: (Fr.) abbreviated.
Abreviaçãos: (Port.) abbreviations.
Abreviado: (Port., Sp.) abbreviated.
Abreviaturas: (Sp.) abbreviations.
Abreviere: (Rom.) abbreviation.
Abroad: U.S. postal agencies in another country.
Abrücken: (Ger.) departure.
Abruka: bogus issue, not valid for postage.
Absatz: (Ger.) sale, paragraph.
Abschiedsserie: (Ger.) farewell series of a stamp issue, sentimental tribute; 1920: for example: Bavaria stamps overprinted “Deutsches Reich.”
Absender, Abs.: (Ger.) sender.
Absenderfreistempel: (Ger.) meters used by private firms.
Absendermarke: (Ger.) return address label.
Absendervermerk: (Ger.) return address.
Absentee ballot materials: postcard applications, ballots, voting instructions, and envelopes sent through the mail without postage prepayment; permits U.S. citizens, and their spouses and dependents to apply for registration and to vote when absent from the place of voting residence.
Absentee bidder: bidder participating in a public auction, but personally not present at the auction; see: auction agent, book bid.
ABSN: Al Burn Stamp News, USA
Abstand, Abst.: (Ger.) spacing.
Abstempeln: (Ger.) to cancel.
Abstempelung: (Ger.) cancellation, a mark placed on a stamp by a postal authority to deface the stamp and prevent its misuse.
Abstimmung: (Ger.) plebiscite.
Abstimmung in Salzburg / 29 Mai 1921: (Ger.) bogus overprint on stamps of Austria.
ABSV: Arbeiter-Briefmarken-Sammler-Verein.
Abteilung: (Ger.) battalion, detachment, unit.
Abtönen: (Ger.) color shading.
Abu Dhabi: sheikdom in the Persian Gulf; part of United Arab Emirates; currency: 100 naye paise = 1 rupee (1964), 100 fils = 1 dinar (1966) 1833: Dubai sheik renounced allegiance to Abu Dhabi, 1862-1971: under British protection, 1892: became British protectorate, 1948, Apr.1-April 26, 1966: Muscat; stamps of British Postal Administration surcharged in Indian currency, 1948, Apr.1-Jan. 6, 1961: Dubai; stamps of British Postal Administration surcharged in Indian currency, 1950-1957: Qatar; stamps of British Postal Administration surcharged in Indian currency, 1951: 1951, 1953: BPA stamps used in Kuwait and Bahrain during stamp shortages, 1956-1963: Das Island oil workers mail sent through British Postal Superintendent at Bahrain, 1960, Dec.-Mar. 29, 1964: stamps of British Postal Administration in Eastern Arabia used, 1963, Mar. 30: used stamps of British Postal Administration, opened office in Eastern Arabia, 1964, Mar. 30: No. 1, 5 naye paise bright yellow-green, 1966, Jan. 6: Das Island post office remained in Bahrain, 1967, Jan. 1: post office taken over by Abu Dhabi, 1971, Dec. 2: joined the United Arab Emirates, 1972, Aug.: Abu Dhabi stamps overprinted United Arab Emirates, 1973, Jan. 1: UAE joint issues with Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah, Umm al Qiwain.
Abu Dhabi: stamps overprinted United Arab Emirates, 1972.
A buon mercato: (It.) a good buy, cheapest.
Abusive Issue: if a stamp is not issued in a transparent or open manner and is not sold by the issuing postal administration.
Abutshi: city in Southern Nigeria; 1895-Oct.1899: Royal Niger Company handstamp used on stamps of Great Britain.
Abwehr: (Ger.) defense, military security.
Abweichung: (Ger.) variety, error.
Abwertung: (Ger.) devaluation.
Abwicklung: (Ger.) settlement or liquidation.
Abwicklungsgebühr: (Ger.) official fee.
Abyssinia: Ethiopia, former name; see: Ethiopia.
Abyssinien: (Ger.) Abyssinia.
Abzug: (Ger.) copy, proof.
AC: actual count, USPS term.
Acacia gum: gum from the acacia plant, shrub or tree, named after the places or countries (arabic, senegal and syriac) in which the gum is collected.
Acambaro: bogus; Mexican District revolutionary provisional; 1914: simulating 1867 issue.
Acanalado: (Sp.) ribbed.
Acaponeta: (Sp.) Mexican District; 1914: revolutionary provisional issue.
Acapulco: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district during 1856-1883.
Accent: mark placed over a letter that modifies its pronunciation, appears on stamps.
Accept par la censure: (Fr.) passed by censor.
Accepted design: final stage in the stamp design being made ready
Accepté projet: (Fr.) adopted design.
Accessories: products used by the stamp collector in the aid of stamp identification and handling; also known as tools.
Accessory Transit Co. of Nicaragua: local handstamp; 1836-1860: mail of private firm.
Accidenté: (Fr.) salvaged, damaged.
Accountable mail: mail that requires the signature of the addressee upon receipt to provide proof of delivery.
Accountable materials: includes U.S. postal items such as aerogrammes, International Reply Coupons, postage stamps, philatelic products, postal cards, stamped envelopes and postal cards, blank postal money order forms, migratory-bird hunting and conservation stamps, or any unsold item, USPS term.
Account letter: letter forming part of a letter and number combination; 1887-1947: printed on British stamps.
A.C.C.P.: Azerbaijan, Cyrillic for Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic.
ACCR: bogus, Antarctic Confederation of City Republics.
Accumulation: large collection of stamps that has not been arranged in any particular order.
Accumulator: one who collects stamps in show boxes, etc., not in any order or category.
Accurate: exact or correct; Sorgfaltig (Ger.), Soigne (Fr.), Acurata (It.), Esmerado (Sp.)
Acechador: (Sp.) scout topic, theme.
Aceituna: (Sp.) olive (color).
Acélmetszet: (Hung.) steel plate engraving.
A censurar en destino: (It.) to be censored at destination.
ACEP: (Fr.) Association du Collectionneurs des Entiers Postaux; (Postal Stationery Collectors Association).
A Certo: (Sp.) Ancachs, 1884 Peru manuscript overprint, provisional issue; term is former canceling device used for another purpose.
ACFT: bogus, Antarctic Confederation of Federal Territories.
Achalpur: formerly Ellichhput, India.
Achat: (Ger.) buy.
Acheminé: (Fr.) forwarded (letter).
Acheson’s graphite: graphite lines, manufactured by Acheson Colloids, Ltd., Great Britain, used to activate an automatic letter facing machine, 1950s.
Achéte: (Fr.) bought.
Acheter: (Fr.) to buy.
Acheteur: (Fr.) buyer.
A cheval: (Fr.) offset, straddling.
Achin: Sumatra local overprint, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
Achmant: Egypt, 1879-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Achrovure Division of Union Camp, Inc.: private printer of the 1968 U.S. Walt Disney stamp.
Achteckstempel: (Ger.) octagonal cancel.
Achterbock: (Ger.) block of eight.
Achterdijk: bogus, Donald Evans issue, Holland.
Achterkant: (Dut.) back.
Acid: chemical compound having a pH below 7.0. Paper with a pH below 7.0 is considered acidic and can, in time, affect stamps and covers attached to the acidic page.
Acid free paper: paper manufactured under neutral conditions with a pH greater than 7.0 containing no acidic additives.
Acinzentado: (Port.) greyish (color); see Cinza.
Acinzentado-amarello: (Port.) greyish-black (color).
Acinzentado-ardósua: (Port.) greyish-slate (color).
Acinzentado-azul: (Port.) greyish-blue (color).
Acinzentado-lilás: (Port.) greyish-lilac (color).
Acinzentado-oliva: (Port.) greyish-olive green (color).
Acinzentado-pardo: (Port.) greyish-brown (color).
Acinzentado-preto: (Port.) greyish-black (color).
Acinzentado-púpura: (Port.) greyish-purple (color).
Acinzentado-verde: (Port.) greyish-green (color).
Acinzentado-violeta: (Port.) greyish-violet (color).
Acker Company: private advertisements mailed to customers; labels, 1882-1912.
Acknowledgement of Receipt (A.R.): notification by the post office that the mail piece has been delivered to the addressee; Ruckschein (Ger.), Accuser Reception (Fr.), Aviso di Ricevuta (It.), Aviso de Recibo (Sp.).
Acknowledgement of Receipt stamp: required to pay the additional fee for return-receipt service; paid with regular stamps in the United States; Ruckscheinmarke (Ger.), Timbre d’accuser de Reception (Fr.), Avviso di Ricevuta (It.), Sello de Aviso de Recibo (Sp.).
Acme City Parcel Delivery: private local post servicing Providence, R.I.; label, year unknown.
ACN: Arthur C. Noble, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
ACOFIL: Associaçâo de Comerciantes Filatelicos de Portugal; Portuguese Stamp Dealers Association.
A Combination Press: BEP webfed, BEP eight color press, 1973-93, created floating plate numbers.
A condition: (Fr.) on approval.
Acorazado: (Sp.) battleship marking on 1936-37 Spanish civil war covers.
Acostado: (Sp.) horizontal.
ACP: Advanced Coated Paper; a new phosphor coated paper with a brighter glow than the earlier paper, 1983.
ACPS: see: American Ceremony Program Society.
Acre: now Akko, Israel.
Acre, Territory of: bogus, Brazil rebellious state that was purchased from Bolivia in 1902, Donald Evans issue.
Across-the-lines mails: U.S. Civil War term for mail carried by private express firms between the North and South.
ACRSN: A.C. Roessler’s Stamp News.
ACSC: Australia Commonwealth Specialist Catalogue.
ACT: air contract transportation tag, USPS term.
AC Tagging: Added to color; phosphored ink.
Actes de Naissance: (Fr.) birth certificates; French Colony revenue inscription.
Action Staff Agency: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Acuartelamiento: (Sp.) barracks, Spanish civil war Foreign Legion cover marking.
AD: 1: auction abbreviation for topical advertising. 2: Andorra, country code as used by UPU.
A. D.: 1: Anno Domini, proceeds year date. 2: Andrew Dick, manuscript surcharge; 1891-95: British East Africa Protectorate issues. 3: abbreviation for Andrew Doherty, on Playing Card stamps..
Adadi: India States term for land settlement.
Adaluncatiff: bogus, no information available as to where distributed.
Adams & Co. Express: U.S. local post; Calif.; 1849, Sept.-54: operating in California and the Pacific Coast.
Adams & Co’s Express: private local post servicing east coast, stamps, corner cards; 1841-55.
Adams & Co.’s Poker Chip Stamps: stamps printed in thin pink cardboard and sued as poker chips or currency, 1854.
Adams & Mason’s Express: private local post serviced Boston, Medfield and Medway, Mass., labels; 1850.
Adams City Express Post: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., 1850-51.
Adams Express Company: private local post; nationwide; stamps, corner cards, labels, year unknown.
Adams Express Company Knoxville, Tenn: carried mail “across the lines” during the American Civil War.
Adams Expres – Kjøbenhavn: see Copenhagen – Adam’s Expres Local Post.
Adam’s Expres Local Post (Denmark): see Copenhagen – Adam’s Expres Local Post.
Adana: formerly Seyham, Turkey.
ADAPS: Assistant Director Army Postal Service.
Ad arco: (It.) “arch” or “leaf” issue, 1930-31 King George V, Canada; name given to differentiate set from previous series.
Adaref: Egypt, 1879-80, see: Interpostal seals.
Ad collar: printed advertising surrounding the stamp area.
Add., Addr.: auction term, indicates cover is addressed.
Ad Dawhah: formerly Doha, Qatar.
Added Art: addition of original art to the margins of a stamp, aka remarque.
Addendum: appendix or supplement to a book; some stamp catalogs have an addendum listing stamps after the catalog had been prepared but prior to printing.
Addicional: (Sp.) overprint on federal tax stamps of Mexico; to indicate an additional fee to be added to any other taxable transaction.
Additional: increased in any manner.
Additional halfpenny: hand-struck marking; 1813-1839: mail from England to or from Scotland indicating that an extra 1/2d postage was chargeable as a levy paid to the Scottish Turnpike Trusts.
Additional Medicine Duty Not Available for Postage: overprint on British postage stamps for revenue use in 1915, when rate of duty was increased and revenue stamps were not available.
Additional Printing: another printing of an already issued stamp that may be different or exactly the same ar the original issue. Afterprint: term for samples of every stamp issued in Finland as requested by the Russian postal authorities in 1891.
Additionnel: (Fr.) increased in any manner.
Additive stamp: non-denominated issue U.S. stamp, used for additional postage during rate changes.
Addizionale: (It.) increased in any manner.
Add-on cachet: design added to a cover which did not originally have a cachet.
Addr.: addressed.
Address: place to which mail can be sent; Addressieren (Ger.), Adresse (Fr.), Dirigere (It.), Direccion (Sp.).
Address. & Office Supply: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Addressee: one to whom anything is addressed; Empfanger (Ger.), Destinaire (Fr.), Destinatario (It., Sp.).
Addressieren: (Ger.) to write an address.
A découvert (Fr.): Universal Postal Union term for transit mail (mail that crosses borders while en route from one country to another) that is in sealed containers.
Adelaide: city in South Australia; 1836: handstamps introduced; Thomas Gilbert named first postmaster of colony, 1839: service expanded to Port Adelaide.
Adelgazado: (Sp.) thinned.
Adélie (Coast) Land: French possession in Antarctica; includes Iles Amsterdam, Crozet, Kerguelan and Saint Paul; 1840: Jules S.C. Dumont d’Urville discovered territory, 1948: “Terre Adélie-Dumont Durville 1840” overprint on airmail stamp of Malagasy Republic, 1955: French claim section of Antarctic Adélie Land, but US does not recognize claim; stamps issued as French Southern and Antarctic Territories, 1998: administered from Paris, see French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
Adelie Land; 1840: Jules S.C. Dumont d’Urville discovered territory, 1948: “Terre Adélie-Dumont Durville 1840” overprint on stamp of Malagasy Republic.
Aden: now Yemen, South Arabia; currency:12 pies = 1 anna (1937); 16 annas = 1 rupee; 100 cents = 1 shilling (1951) 1839, June 5,-1937: used stamps of India, when annexed as a British colony and protectorate to British India; original post offices at Crater called Aden Cantonment (Camp), 1854: stamps of India on sale in Aden when office was place under the Bombay administration, 1858: main post office moved to Steamer Point, 1935: formerly made a Crown Colony, 1937, April 1: No. 1, ½ anna light green; Aden (British) Protectorate, 1963, Jan.: became part of Federation of South Arabia, 1965, April 1: first Federation of South Arabia stamps issued; see Yemen, Kingdom of.
Aden: Kalashnikov AK47; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Aden States: two sultanates of the Aden protectorate issued their own stamps in 1942 see: Kathiri State of Seiyun (Kathiri), Qu’Aiti State of Shihr and Mukalia (Qu’Aiti). Adhésif: (Fr.) adhesive.
ADH: Andrew D. Headley, employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Adhesion Victimas San Juan y Pueblo Argentino: inscription on stamps of Paraguay semipostal for victims of an Argentine earthquake.
Adhesive: 1: paper postage stamp with gum on the back intended to be glued on letters, packages, etc. 2: the gum used to affix a postage stamp.
Adhesive collar: advertising collar that is affixed to an envelope over which the stamp is placed.
Adhesivo: (Sp.) adhesive (stamp).
Adicional: (Sp.) increased in any manner.
Adigey: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local post overprint and stamps, not valid for postage.
Adirondack Express Co.: private local parcel delivery; serviced New York, Vermont and Canada; labels, year unknown.
Adjaria: bogus Russian issue, 1996?.
Adjudani: bogus, Donald Evans issue; Persia.
Adjudication: (Fr.) sale (to a bidder).
Adlercreutz: (Fin.) local post, ship cancel Finland, 1880s.
Administrador de Correos: (Sp.) postmaster.
Administradorra de Correos: (Sp.) postmistress.
Administration of Western Thrace: in Greek, 1920 overprint on stamps of Greece, as a stopgap measure until the unoverprinted Greek postage is authorized.
Administracion de Cambio: (Sp.) Foreign Section Administrative department, exchange rate.
Administracion de Correos: (Sp.) administrative department, post office.
Administration des Postes: (Fr.) postal authorities.
Administration Reform: common design on stamps of Portugal and Colonies, 1969.
Administrative Cancel: applied by the postal administration to change value of postal item.
Admiralty Islands: see: New Guinea, Mandated Territory.
Admirals: 1: 1912-25 series of Canadian stamps showing King George V in the full dress uniform of an admiral of the Royal Navy. 2: 1926 New Zealand issue. 3: 1913-19, Rhodesia. 4: 1924-30, Southern Rhodesia.
Admiralty Official: Admiralty Dept., Great Britain 1903 overprint for official use.
Admon: (Sp.) administration.
Admon. Pral. De Correos en Campeche: (Sp.) “Principal Administration of Posts in Campeche” inscription on provisional stamps of Campeche, Mexico, 1876.
Admon. Pral. De Correos del Depto. De Apurímac Abancay: (Sp.) overprint on Arequipa provisional stamp in Abancay, Peru, a town on the Apurímac River area west of Cuzco: “Principal Administration of Posts of the Department of Apurímac-Abancay.” 1885.
Ados: one half of Barbados bisected stampsee Barb.
A. D. P. O.: (Fr.) “Administration Dette Publique Ottomane,” inscription; Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt, 1917, French military occupation, revenue stamps.
A. D. P. O./Z. O.: (Fr.) Zone Ouest (Western Zone for Lebanon), inscription; see: A.D.P.O.
Adresní Záznamní Lístek: (Czech.) address registration card (coupon).
Adressaten Okänd: (Swed.) addressee unknown.
Adressbrev: (Swed.) address letters, introduced in 1873 by noting on letters or postcards “Härmed ett pakete” (“Herewith a parcel”); they were stamped with the fee for the parcel postage.
Adresse: (Fr., Ger.) address; place to which mail can be sent.
Adresse Insuffisante: (Fr.) insufficient address, return to sender.
Adressförändring eller återtagande: (Swed.) change of address or withdrawal.
Adresskort: (Swed.) address cards.
Adria-Alpenvorland: bogus, never issued 1945 German occupation locals printed in Vienna.
Adrianople: now Edirne, Turkey.
ADS/Postalia Corp./Tele-Norm Corp./Francotyp-Postalia: U.S. postage meter firm, started about 1960, now a division of ADS-Anker Data Systems of Germany.
Adsons: term used for New Zealand stamps with commercial advertising on the back, 1893.
Adstamps: US stamps affixed to an advertising collar to affix to an envelope, 1980s.
Adsubia: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
A due colori: (It.) bicolored.
Aduna: (Sp.) revenue stamp for custom duties on imported goods.css; first issued in 1885s.
Advance deposit account: debit account into which a mailer deposits funds that are maintained by the postal administration and from which postage is later deducted at the time of mailing; also called trust account in some nations.
Advent Bay: rubber stamp cancel for Spitsbergen.
Advertised covers: an undelivered cover advertised by post office to locate recipient.
Advertised letter: letters marked with a special marking “Advertised” or “ADV” by U.S. postmasters during the 19th century connoting an ad was placed in the newspaper that the letter was not collected after a certain period of time; 1¢ could be charged by the paper, which was passed on to the customer; some postmasters charged more than the 1¢ fee they paid.
Advertisement: first ad from a collector looking to buy and exchange stamps published in London’s Family Herald, 1851.
Advertisement pane: booklet or sheet of stamps with one or more stamp spaces used for an advertisement.
Advertisements on postmarks: first used by Great Britain during WW1; 1963: Great Britain offered pictorial or slogan cancels for a fee.
Advertisements on stamps: Great Britain ads; 1881: first ad for “Pear’s Soap” imprinted on the back over the gum, several nations currently issue stamps depicting a commercial product.
Advertising collar: ads, printed on the envelope, shaped like a horseshoe to fit around the stamp.
Advertising cover: cover front that has advertising of a commercial product, hotel, etc.
Advertising label: label used to make up a full booklet pane advertising a commodity or service.
Advertising mail: USPS term, called Standard Mail as of Jan. 7, 2001.
Advertising postmarks: started during World War I as a propaganda tool.
Advice of delivery: international postal term allowing the sender, on payment of a fee, to be notified of the delivery of the item.
Adviesprijs: (Dutch) suggested bid.
ADW: Alven D. Whittington, employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Adygeia: bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps.
Adygea, Republic of: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, as per Jan. 14, 2002, Russian Federation report to the UPU; not valid for postage.
Adzaneta de Albaida: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937
AE: 1: United Arab Emirates, country code as used by UPU. 2: USPS abbreviation for Armed Forces Africa, Canada, Europe, Middle East. 3: affairs étrangPres (Fr.) foreign affairs, French Colony revenue inscription. 4: aerophilately, a philatelic discipline recognized for FIP exhibitions.
A. E.: (Fr.) “affairs étrangcres” foreign affairs, French Colony Revenue inscription. 1912-1944: Italian issues overprinted “Egeo,” “Isole Italiane Dell’Egeo” from various islands: Calchi, Calino, Caso, Coo, Fero, Nisiro, Patmo, Piscopi, Rhodes (Rodi), Scarpanto, Simi, and Stampalia, 1916: stamps of Italy without overprints used, 1920: Greece recognized Italian control of the islands, 1923: formerly ceded to Italy, 1944-45: German occupation issues, 1945-47: British Middle East Forces occupation overprint MEF (Middle East Forces), 1947: stamps of Greece overprinted SDD (Dodecanese Military Occupation), 1947: stamps of Greece.Egte: (Dan.) authentic.
A. E. A.: Atomic Energy Agency.
Æægiske øer: (Dan.) Aegean Islands.
Æblegrøn: (Dan.) apple-green (color).
Ægte: (Dan.) genuine.
Ægypten: (Dan.) Egypt, Egyptian (adj.).
Ægyptensk: (Dan.) Egypt, Egyptian (adj.).
Ælder: (Dan.) older.
A. E. D.: “affranchie a l’etranger jusqu’a destination”; 1827: usage for mail from Sardinia to France where postage had been prepaid.
AEF: Albert E. Fischer, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
A. E. F.: 1: French Equatorial Africa (Afrique Equatoriale Francaise). 2: American Expeditionary Forces established in World War I; AEF Mail, AEF post offices and AEF booklets.
A.E.F. booklets: books of 1¢ and 2¢ denomination made for the A.E.F. in France in panes of thirty stamps, 1918.
A.E.F. post offices: handled A.E.F. mail, July 1, 1918.
Aegaische Inseln: (Ger.) Aegean Islands.
Aegean Islands: odecanese island group in the Aegean, off the coast of Turkey; currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira (plural lire) (1861), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 16th century-post: under Turkish rule, 1912-1932: Italian issues overprinted “Egeo”, “Isole Italiane Dell’Egeo” from various islands; includes: Calchi, Calino, Caso, Coo, Lero, Lisso, Nisiro, Patmo, Piscopi, Rhodes (Rodi), Scarpanto, Simi, and Stampalia, 1912: stamps of Greece used in parts of Turkey occupied by Greece (New Greece), Macedonia, Epirus, some of the Aegean islands, 1912, Oct. 8: Icaria (Nicaria) stamps issued after independence from Turkey, overprinted “Greek Administration” stamps issued June 1913, 1912-13: Limnos (Lemnos) overprint on stamps of Greece during occupation, 1912: Nov: Mytilene (Lesbos) overprint on stamps of Greece and Turkey during occupation, 1912, Nov. 14: Samos Provisional Government issued own stamps, 1913, May 13: Samos, Provisional Government, stamps overprinted “Greece” in Greek letters, 1913, May: Khios (Chios) overprint on stamps of Greece during occupation, 1916: stamps of Italy without overprints used, 1920, June 19-Aug. 21, 1920: stamps overprinted by French administration, 1920: Greece recognized Italian control of the islands, 1922, July 11: Castelrosso, stamps of Italy overprinted for use; 1924: formerly ceded to Italy, 1930: first air mail stamp, 1934: first postage due stamp issued, 1944-45: German occupation issues, 1945-47: British Middle East Forces occupation overprint “MEF” (Middle East Forces), 1947, Sept.: stamps of Greece overprinted “SDD” (Dodecanese Military Occupation).
Aegna: bogus issue, not valid for postage.
Ægypten: (Dan.) Egypt
Ægyptensk: (Dan.) Egyptian
A. E. J. F.: (Fr.) “affranchie a l’étranger jusqu’a la frontiere”; prepaid to the border only, used in France during the 1830s.
Aeores: (Fr.) Azores overprint and inscription on stamps of Portugal.
A.E.P.: Académie Européenne de Philatélie; European Academy of Philately; founded in France in 1977, to develop the friendship of European prestigious philatelists and to publicize their work.
Aerea: (It.) airmail overprint.
Aereo: (Sp.) airmail overprint or inscription.
Aereo exterior: (Sp.) Guatemala overprint for airmail.
Aereo interior: (Sp.) Honduras overprint for official interior airmail.
Aereo Sedta: (Sp.) “Sociedad Ecuatoriano de Transportes Aereos” Ecuador airmail overprint, 1938-40.
Aero oy: Finland inscription for 20th anniversary of Finnair, 1944.
Aerial Post: early British term for air mail.
Aereotarg Poznan: (Pol.) Poland semi-official airmail stamps for Poznan, 1921.
Aérien (ne): (Fr.) air (mail).
Aero Club of Canada/Grand Army of Canada: semi-official airmail, Canada, 1918-20.
Aero correo: (Sp.) Honduras airmail overprint.
Aerofilatelia: (Sp.) aerophilately.
Aéroglisseur courrier part: (Fr.) hovercraft mail.
Aerogram: see: Aérogramme.
Aerograma: (Sp.) airmail postal stationery, air letter sheet.
Aerogramm: (Ger.) airmail postal stationery, air letter sheet.
Aérogramme: (Fr.) official U.P.U. name for air letter sheet; lightweight paper with gummed flaps, usually with an imprinted stamp indicium, transported by air to other countries, no enclosures are permitted.Aerogramme, inland: used for domestic service with no guarantee of air service.
Aerogramme, military: mostly used by British Forces during World War II.
Aerogramme, official: used by government officials and departments.
Aerogramme, regular issue: with imprinted postage or airmail stamps.
Aerogramme, reverse die cutting: printed sheet of an aerogram placed in an inverted position when sheets are being cut.
Aerogramme, semi-official: inscriptions added with implied or tacit approval of the government.
Aerogramme, tablet: inscription on the front panel, usually reading “Via Airmail” etc.
Aerogramme, unwatermarked sheets: majority of aerograms are printed on unwatermarked sheets, while others do not show the watermark due to mark’s wide spacing.
Aerogrammo: (It.) airmail postal stationery, air letter sheet.
Aerogramy: (Czech.) airmail postal stationery, air letter sheet.
Aéronaute: (Fr.) balloon post crew members during the Siege of Paris, 1870-71.
Aérophilatélie: (Fr.,Ger.) aerophilately.
Aerophilately: branch of collecting that deals with airmail stamps and covers and their usage.
Aeroplane mail, first: the first flight took place from the United Provinces Exhibition Grounds at Allahabad, India to Naini Junction, five lies away on Feb. 18, 1911.
Aeroplane mail, first U.S.: mail was flown from Garden City, N. Y. to Mineola during the International Aviation Tournament, Sept. 23-30, 1911.
Aero Plane Special Safety Match: Swedish firm’s label used on mail as sticker, year unknown.
Aeroplane Station: circular date stamp for the Third Annual Aviation Meet, Oakland, Ca. sponsored by the Pacific Aero Club.
Aeroport: (Rom.) Airport.
Aeroport International de Kandahar: Kandahar international airport, Afghanistan postmark.
Aeroporto: (It.) Airport.
Aeropuerto: (Sp.) airport, used on postmarks.
Aerostato: (It.) balloon mail.
Aerotarg Poznan 1921: Poznan, Poland semi-official airmail stamps.
Aerovias Nacionales: Puerto Rico semi-official airmail stamps.
Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia: (Sp.) airline in Colombia; 1950-51: airmail stamps overprinted “A” for mail carried by AVIANCA.
Aer-phost: (Ire.) air post.
AF: 1. Afghanistan, country code as used by UPU. 2. currency abbreviation for afghan (Afghanistan).
Afars and Issas: Eastern Africa, formerly French colony of Somali Coast; now Djibouti Republic; stamps of this country can be found in these catalogs: Albany Stamp Company, Michel, Scott, Stanley Gibbons, Yvert & Tellier;currency:100 centimes = 1 Djiboutian franc (1967); 1896: organized as a colony, names of two tribes that inhabited the area, 1944: peace accord ended Afars rebellion, 1946: became territory within the French Union, 1958: member in the French Community, 1967-pre: French Somali Coast, stamps of Obock and Djibouti, 1967-77, Aug. 21: stamps inscribed French Territory of Afars and Issas, 1967, Aug. 21: first stamps issued, 1969, Aug. 21: first airmail, 1969, Dec. 15: postage due stamps issued, 1977, June 27: renamed the Republic of Djibouti, see Benadir, Djibouti, Obock, Oltre Giuba, Italian East Africa, Italian Somaliland, Somalia, Somalia Coast, Somalia Coast-French, and Somalia Coast Protectorate.
Afars and Issas: two tribes that inhabited the area.
AFC: Advanced facer-canceler, USPS term.
AFDCS: American First Day Cover Society.
A Felkelo Makyarok Altal Megszallot Nyugat Magyarzag 1921 Aug.-Sept.: (Hung.) overprint on stamps of Hungary produced by armed forces ousting Austrian troops occupying portion of Western Hungary per terms of the Versailles Treay: “Western Hungary Occupied by Insurgent Hungarians 1921 Aug.-Sept.”
Aff. Excep Faute Timb: (Fr.) abbreviation on handstamp used provisionally in Ethiopia in 1911 during shortage of postage stamps
Affiches: (Fr.) public signs and posters; French Colony revenue inscription.
Affiliates, APS: organized for the study of specific area of philately.
Affix: fasten, such as affix a postage stamp to an envelope.
Affixing machines: mechanical devices used to fasten stamps to correspondence.
Aff O: (Fr.) with Foreign Legion cross, overprint for Tunisia, may be private issue.
AFFP: Abyssinian Field Force Post Office; used 1869 on fieldpost envelopes
Affrancatura mista: (It.) mixed franking.
Affranch: official mail overprint used as precancellation in Andorra, France, Monaco, and Morocco; also overprint on some French stamps issued to officials for government mail.
Affranchi: (Fr.) stamped, prepaid.
Affranchi ainsi faute figurine: handstamp overprint on Madagascar and Diego Suarez during shortage of low values, may be private issue.
Affranchi a l’avance: (Fr.) pre-stamped.
Affranchi mécaniquement: (Fr.) metered (mail).
Affranchir: (Fr.) to stamp, to frank.
Affranchissemente: (Fr.) franking, postage.
Affranchissemente de fortune: (Fr.) make-shift franking.
Affranchissemente insuffusant: (Fr.) underfranked, insufficiently prepaid.
Affranchissemente mécanique: (Fr.) meter mark, meter postage.
Affranchissemente mixte: (Fr.) mixed franking.
Affranchts: (Fr.) affranchissements, exempted from payment, pre-cancel marking on French stamps used for official or bulk mailings of business mail.
Affreville: now Khemis Mil, Algeria; see: Algeria.
Afganistan: (Swed.) Afghanistan.
Afghan, Afghanes: Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: central Asia, north and west of Pakistan; currency:12 shahi = 6 sanar; 3 abasi = 1 rupee (1871); 60 paisa = 2 kran = 1 rupee (1920); 100 puls = 1 afghani (rupee) (1926) post-18th century: unified state, 1871: issued first stamps as Kingdom of Kabul, 1881-1919: British domination, 1891-pre: no cancellations were available and issuing clerk tore or cut out a piece of the stamp to prevent reuse, 1891: first registration stamps, 1891-July 1973: stamps for the Kingdom of Afghanistan, 1907: regained its autonomy, 1909: first official, parcel post stamp issued, 1919: became independent, 1927: used inscription Afghan Postage, 1928, April 1: joined Universal Postal Union, used inscription Afghanes Postes, 1938, Dec. 22: first postal tax stamp issued, 1939, Oct.: first air mail stamp issued, 1952, July 12: first semipostal stamp issued, 1973, July 29: first issue as republic, used inscription, Afghan Post, 1978: Soviet coup overthrew government, 1979, Dec.: Soviet Union invaded nation, 1989: government stopped issuing stamps, 1989-92: Russian troops withdrew and rebels fought among themselves, 1997: Taliban, Islamic regime, occupied most of nation, 2002: Taliban driven out of power by U.S., other nations.
Afgooye: inscription showing location of area depicted on 1980 stamp of Somalia.
A. F. I. S.: (It.) Amministrazione Fiduciaria Italiana della Somalia (Italian Trusteeship of Somalia); Italian Somaliland.
A.F.R.: see Asociatia Filatelistilor din Romania (A.F.R).
A Free Montenegro: 1920; label for Government in Exile issue prepared for King Nicholas return from exile, never issued since he died before taking office.
Africa: inscription on Portuguese territories 1898 issue.
Africa correios: Portuguese territories overprint on the 1898 issue.
Africa del Sur: (Sp.) South Africa.
African and Malagasy Union: common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1962.
Africa Occidental Espanola: (Sp.) Spanish West Africa inscription.
Africa Orientale Italiana: (It.) Italian East Africa inscription.
Africa, Portuguese: 1898: first commemorative stamp, 1919: first semi-postal stamp, 1945: first postage due stamp.
African Postal Union: common theme on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1973.
Afrika: (Ger.) Africa.
Afrika Corps label: used to control number of packages mailed to Germany by members of the Africa Corps forces in World War II; each individual was allowed two labels a month.
Afrique: (Fr.) Africa.
Afrique Central Anglaise: (Fr.) British Central Africa.
Afrique del(du) Sud: (It., Fr.) South Africa.
Afrique Equatoriale Franeaise: (Fr.) inscription on French Equatorial Africa.
Afrique Equatoriale Franeaise: (Fr.) French Equatorial Africa overprint on stamps of Gabon, Middle Congo.
Afrique Equatoriale Gabon: (Fr.) Gabon Equatorial Africa.
Afrique Franeaise Combattante: (Fr.) French Equatorial Africa soldier surcharge; 1943: Red Cross semi-postals.
Afrique Franeais Libre: (Fr.) Free French Equatorial Africa overprint and inscription.
Afrique Occidental: (Fr.) Portuguese province, joined the UPU Jan. 1, 1922, left Nov. 11, 1975.
Afrique Occidental Espagnole: (Fr.) Spanish West Africa.
Afrique Occidental Espanola: (Sp.) Spanish West Africa.
Afrique Occidental Franeaise: (Fr.) French West Africa; overprint: see: A.O.F.
Afrique Occid le Française: (Fr.) inscription on postage due stamps of Senegal.
Afrique Orientale: 1. (Fr.) German East Africa overprint; 1918: Belgian Congo Charity issue stamps. 2. (Fr.) Portuguese province joined the UPU Jan.1, 1922, left Oct., 11, 1978.
Afrique Orientale Allemande: (Fr.) German East Africa.
Afrique Orientale Anglaise: (Fr.) British East Africa.
Afrique Orientale Italienne: (Fr.) Italian East Africa.
Afrique Sud-Ouest Allemande: (Fr.) German South-West Africa.
Afstempeling: (Dutch) canceled.
Afwijking(en): (Neth.) variet(ies).
AG: Antigua and Barbuda, country code as used by UPU.
A. G.: Attorney General, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
Agäische Inseln: (Ger.) Aegean Islands.
Agata: (It., Sp.) type size in printing, agate (color).
Agate: printing size of a type, 5 ½ point, called ruby in England.
AGD: Accountant General’s Department; registry marking.
AGDP: (It.) General Administration of the Posts; pre-stamp cancel, Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Agence postale: (Fr.) postal agency.
Agencia filatelica oficial (AFO): (Sp.) Barcelona (Spain) Republican Government official philatelic agency.
Agencia postal (AG.P.): (Sp.) sub-post office, postal agency.
Agencia postal auxiliar (Ag.p.aux.): (Sp.) auxiliary postal agency, usually found on monastery cancels.
Agencies consulaires: (Fr.) consular agencies; French Colony revenue inscription.
Agentes de Corona: (Sp.) Crown Agents (Great Britain).
Agenti della Corona:
 (It.) Crown Agents (Great Britain).
Agency: 1: a commercial firm that promotes and sells the postal products of the country or countries it represents, 2: a post office maintained in one country’s territory by another country.
Agents: individuals, acting on behalf of a post office, collected incoming mail and departure mail, or en route of a boat or train; may have used postal markings and entered items into the mail stream.
Agentur: (Ger.) agency.
Agenzia dei piroscafi Ottomania: (It.) Ottoman Steamship agency, Turkish Steamship Company, 1840-62.
Agenzia dei vapori Ottomania: (It.) Ottoman Steamship agency, Turkish Steamship Company, 1840-62.
Agets de la Couronne: (Fr.) Crown Agents ( Great Britain).
Aggstein, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1890s: built for the upper Danube lines.
Aging: an artificial test to determine the relative permanence of paper or other materials.
AGO: Adjutant General’s Office, Canada.
Agosto: (Port., Sp.) August (month).
Agotado: (Sp.) sold out.
Agram: now Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
Agramunt: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Agrandi: (Fr.) enlarged.
Agricoltura: (It., Sp..) agriculture, theme or topic.
Agriculture, Dept. of: US inscription, official use.
Agricultural: (Sp.) triangular stamps issued by Uruguay for farmers’ parcels, 1929
“A” Grill: one of several types of grills used in the 19th century, which covers the entire stamp.  Example: Scott 79.
Agrisado: (Sp.) grey (color).
Aguacaltes: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district during 1856-1883.
Aguascalientes: District of Mexico; 1914: issued revolutionary provisional overprint “Gobierno Constitucionalista.”
Aguascaltes:used as a district overprint in Aguascalientes, 1856.
Agüera, La: part of Spanish Sahara, Africa; 1920-1923: used Spanish Rio de Oro stamps overprinted “La Agüera,” 1924 stamps of Spanish Sahara.
Águila: (Sp.) eagle.
Aguilas: local Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Aguinaldo: Philippines, local revolutionary issue of 1898.
Aguja: (Sp.) pin hole.
Agujeritos: (Sp.) perfins.
Ägypten: (Ger.) Egypt.Ah.-ausg. (Ger.) provisional issue.
Ahmnos: Greece, Lemnos Islands.
Ahnangsel: (Ger.) tab, attached.
Ähnlich: (Ger.) similar, catalog usage.
AHO: (Fr.) Armée Hollondaise for Austrian army; 1748: British Army handstamp, usually on mail from Belgium or Germany; carried by Thurn and Taxis to Belgium; see: Thurn and Taxis.
A. H. PD: Angra, Horta, Ponta Delgado overprint on stamps of Azores, 1906.
Ahu’a: bogus, fantasy stamp from Burma.
Ahnängsel: (Ger.) tab (attached to a postage stamp).
Ahuesado: (Sp.) off-white (color).
AI: Anguilla, country code as used by UPU.
Aidez les Tuberculeux: (Fr.) Tunisia surtax overprint semi-postal for tuberculosis.
AIEP: “Association Internationale des Experts Philateliques” (International Association of Philatelic Experts).
A. I. F.: Australian Imperial Forces overprint.
A.I.F. Australia, locals: 1: Beaudesert Tramway, 1906-42. 2: Brisbane Parcel Delivery, 1900s 3: Burdell & Co’s. Express, 1854. 4: Coolgardie Cycle Express,1894-96. 5: Herald & Weekly Times, 1920. 6: Murray Steam Navigation Co., 1872. 7: Pichi Richi railway, late 1980s. 8: Silverton Tramways, 1887-1960s. 9: Sydney Tramways. 10: Boxing Kangaroo, with boxing gloves; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Aigle: (Fr.) eagle..
Aigurande: local, provisional, French, 1944.
Aiguafreda: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, Republican, 1937
Aihefilatelisti: Finnish language philatelic periodical from Finland.
AIJP: Association Internationale des Journalistes Philateliques, International Association of Philatelic Journalists.
Air: Canada, inscription for airmail.
Air 6¢ Mail: overprint on the 2¢ regular and 2¢ Bi-Centennial envelopes of 1932 were revalued, in 1945 as a provisional air mail envelope due to shortage of embossed air mail envelopes.
Air accident cover: British term for crash cover.
Air card: card, of regulation size for postal use, carried by air.
Air cover: an envelope which has been carried by air; known as a flown cover.
Air Afrique: common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1961-62, 1963, 1966.
Aims of Industry: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Air Charters G.I.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Air envelope: an envelope with a blue and red series of markings printed around the edges.
Air Express: flown by the Air Express service operated by the Railway Express Agency (U.S. or Great Britain) for expedited delivery by air.
Air express stamp: stamp, issued especially for prepayment of air delivery.
Airgraph: microfilmed letter form used by British forces during WWII; established April 22, 1941 as a military service and later extended to civilian mail, discontinued in July 1945. Microfilm of original letter was flown, then enlarged and printed on a special form at its destination.
Air hole flaw: flaw caused by an air hole in cooling metal stamp plates.
Air label: labels inscribed “Par Avion” or equivalent that means by air; 1918, Aug. 17: France had the first example in black on red paper, 1922: U.P.U. adopted a standard blue color for these “etiquettes” for affixing to material carried by air.
Air leaflets: propaganda leaflets dropped from balloons or airplanes.
Air letter: see: Aerogramme.
Air letter form: special letter sheet with, or without, impressed stamp, to facilitate the handling of airmail letters.
Airlift: movement of mail by air taxi operators and air carriers.
Airlift flight: flight carrying mail and supplies to inaccessible location due to blockade or enemy occupation of normal routes.
Airlift for our Servicemen: inscription, see Airlift stamp.
Air Lift stamp: $1.00 U.S.1868 issue for shipping packages to service personnel overseas.
Airmail: 1: official: first official airmail flew on Feb. 11, 1911 between Allahabad and Naini, India. 2: inscription on stamps of many nations for mail carried by air. 3: any form of mail transported by air.
Air Mail Beacon: series of lights placed along air mail routes for safety and success of night flights; 1924.
Airmail border: colored bands on cover border indicating airmail service.
Air Mail covers: envelopes with imprinted or other postage stamps used for air mail service.
Air Mail/De Pinedo/1927: overprint on stamp of Newfoundland to frank letters carried by Francesco De Pinedo on May 23 transatlantic flight.
Air Mail Field: postal facility at an air mail field.
Airmail flight: first U.S. private contract with mail flew from Detroit, Mich. to Cleveland, Ohio and Chicago, Ill. in 1926.
Airmail flight cover: cover carried by air and postmarked at point of origin, departure or intermediate points on the route.
Air Mail Indicator: British stamps with red and blue diagonal stripe to indicate air mail.
Airmail labels: 1: Mozambique’s label had space for insertion of air mail fee, 1932. 2: labels used to mark letters or packages for shipment by air; also known as etiquettes.
Air Mail Postal Card: a postal card intended for air mail usage.
Air Mail rotary set: refers to the 1995 series from Panama issued to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of Rotary international.
Air Mail Semi-Official Stamp: privately printed stamps used for private flights in balloons or planes.
Air mail semi-postal stamps: air mail stamps used to raise money for charity.
Airmail stamp: stamp intended to prepay airmail postage; the first recorded is the 25c rose Italian express stamp, 200,000 of which were overprinted in 1917; Flugpostmarke (Ger.), Timbre pour la Poste Aerienne (Fr.), Francobollo di Posta Aerea (It.), Sello de Correo Aereo (Sp.).
Air Mail Stamped Envelope: a stamped envelope intended to be used for air mail service.
Air mail stamp, earliest U.S.: the 1918 Jenny series of three stamps.
Airmail stamp, first: Italy issued an adhesive air mail stamp for the Turin-Rome flight on May 19, 1917.
Airmail stamp, semi-official: issued privately, but accepted by the postal agency; the Canada Jack V. Elliot Air Services and others are examples.
Air parcel post: started in 1948, lower rates made it a less extensive alternative for sending packages by air.
Airplane: symbol overprint indicating airmail issues.
Airport dedication cover: cover commemorating the opening of an airport.
Airport International de Kabul: inscription on airmail stamp of Afghanistan.
Airpost: Newfoundland inscription for airmail.
Air Post: in Russian, used as an overprint for Imperial Russian consular tax stamps in 1922 applied to mail sentfrom Russia to Germany; see: Deruluft.
Airship mail: 1: lighter-than-air (LTA) craft characterized by a rigid, covered framework, interior of which holds containment cells for the lifting gas, such as a Zeppelin. 2: non-rigid LTA craft, the form of which holds the lifting gas, such as a blimp.
Airstream: British Post Office term for bulk mailings by air.
Airway letter: flown by a private air letter service operated by an air-line.
Airway Letter stamps: issued by British Airways for transporting letters between airports.
Aitutaki: one of the Cook Islands, South Pacific; currency:12 pence = 1 shilling; 100 cents = 1 dollar (1972) dollar 1888: British protectorate, 1892-1903: used Cook Islands stamps, 1903, Jan.20: No. 1,1/2 penny green; Aitutaki overprint on stamps of New Zealand, used until 1932, 1920: distinct Aitutaki inscribed stamp issued, 1927, Aug.: last stamps issued inscribed Aitutaki, 1932-72: used Cook Island stamps, 1972, Apr.1: Cook Islands stamps withdrawn, 1972, Aug.7: Aitutaki overprint on stamps of Cook Islands, 1973: Aitutaki inscription on stamps,1974, Sept.9: first air mail stamp issued, 1974, Dec. 2: first semipostal stamp issued,1978: first official stamp issued, O.H.M.S. overprint.
Aix-la-Chapelle: now Aachen, Germany; 1748: treaty ending the War of the Austrian Succession, signed giving Austria control of Belgium, Prince Anselme Franeois de Taxis made “General des Postes.”
Ajakiri: (Est.) Newspaper.
Ajanlos, Ajl.1, Ajl.2, Alahlas: Hungary inscription for registered letters, 1946.
Ajánlott levél: (Hung.)registered mail, certified mail.
Ajans-Turk: printer of stamps of Turkey.
Ajaria: province of Georgia, borders on Turkey; aka Adscharia and Adjarija.
Ajedrez: (Sp.) chess thematic.
Ajman: Ajman: one of the United Arab Emirates, Oman Peninsula on the Persian Gulf; currency:100 naye paise = 1 rupee (1964); 100 dirhams = 1 riyal (1967) 1892-1971: sheikdom under British protection, 1964, June 20: No. 1, 1 naye paise multi; first stamp issued, 1964-71: proliferation of more than 6,000 stamps issued, 1965: first air mail, official stamps issued, 1971, Dec. 2: joined the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 1971-post: Ajman stamps, overprinted “Manama” are not recognized by the government, 1972: UAE issues; Ajman issues post 1972 are not recognized.
Ajman State: bogus issues for Ajman.
Ajore: Albania airmail stamps.
Ajouté: (Fr.) added.
AJP: American Journal of Philately, USA.
AK: 1: (Pol.) Armia Krajowa” 1944 Warsaw uprising set, local issue. 2: USPS abbreviation for Alaska.
Akassa: city in Southern Nigeria; 1888 to 1899: handstamp on stamps of Great Britain by the Royal Niger Company.
Akata: bogus, fantasy from the Philippines.
Akd-hrvatski Tiskarski Zavod: printer of stamps of Croatia.
Akhal: bogus issue, not valid for postage.
Akhmin: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1884.
Akhtyirka: Russian town in Kharkov Oblast (now Ukraine) ca. 65 miles WNW of Kharkiv. Issued local Rural Post stamps (1872), see Zemstvo Issues.
Akko: formerly Acre, Israel.
AKNA Barykadach: (Pol.) home army on the barricades, 1944, local issue.
Akron Match Co.: private die match proprietary stamps.
Aktiebolaget Produktion Service (APS): Swedish perforating machine that made pimples, which were then cut away in a lawn mower type action leaving perforated holes.
Aktiebolaget Stadsposten: see Stockholm – Aktiebolaget Stadsposten.
Akyab: now Sittwe, formerly Burma, now Myanmar; see: Myanmar.
AL: 1: Albania, country code as used by UPU. 2: USPS state abbreviation for Alabama.
ALA: American Lung Association, appears on some Christmas seals.
Ala.: abbreviation for Alabama prior to Zip Code usage.
ALALC: on air mail stamp of Uruguay for the Asocoacion Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio (Sp.) Latin American Association for Free Trade.
A la derecha: (Sp.) to the right.
Alameda: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist,1937.
Aland Islands: province of Finland; Gulf of Bothnia, between Finland and Sweden; official name of postal administration: Posten på Åland currency: 100 pennia = 1 Finnish marka (mk); 100 cents = 1 euro (2002) 1538: mail between Sweden and Finland went through Aland, 1901: Nicholas II of Russia decreed that all mail sent out of, including Alands, had to bear Russian stamps, 1918, Feb. 12: joined the UPU as part of Finland, 1921: awarded to Finland by the League of Nations, 1982, Feb. 5: nation had right to propose stamps to Finnish postal authorities, 1984, Mar.1: No.1, 10 pennia magenta; Aland stamps are not valid for postage in Finland. 1992: Aland assumed control of its own postage, 2001: stamps in Finnish markka valid through June 30, 2002, then changes to euros.
Alan George and Co.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Alanis: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Alaouites, Alaquites: area part of Syria, Western Asia; currency:100 centimes = 1 piastre (1925) 1918-pre: Turkish territory, then occupied by French in 1918, 1920, Sept. 1: autonomous government, 1920-30: under French Mandate, 1925, Jan.1: No.1, 10 centimes violet-brown; air mail, postage due stamps; stamps of France surcharged Alaquites, 1925, Mar. 1: stamps of Syria overprinted Alaquites, 1925: first air mail and postage due stamps issued, 1930: renamed Latakia, 1931, July: first stamps as Latakia with “Lattaquie” overprint on stamps of Syria, 1936, Sept. 1: alloted to Syria, : 1937: stamps of Syria used, 1941: Latakia annexed by Syria; see Latakia, Syria.
Al Arabiyah as-Saudiyah: now Saudi Arabia; see: Saudi Arabia.
Al-Araish: City in Morocco decreed a Cherifien Post town (1892), see Larache.
Alaska: no postal service while in Russian hands; 1867: US bought territory from Russia; first P.O. in Sitka, 1884: district of Oregon, 1897: Dyea, Alaska and Dawson City, Canada established international exchange, 1900s: dog sleds carried mail on inland routes.
Alaska Carrier Pigeon Mail Service Company: pigeon service between the gold fields of Alaska, $1 and $2 values, 1896.
Alaska Pacific Express Co.: used imprinted 2¢ envelope, to forward mail to Alaska.
Alatyir: Russian town in Simbirsk Oblast (now Chuvash Rep., Russian Fed.) ca. 120 miles SW of Kazan. Issued local Rural Post stamps (1867, stamp usage discontinued in 1875), see Zemstvo Issues.
Alava: Basque province in Spain; issued its own stamps bearing the portrait of Don Carlos.
Alavit: (Dan.) Alaouites.
Alawiten: (Ger.) Alaquites.
Alayor: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alb: 1. catalog abbreviation for album. 2. (Rom.) White (color).
Albacete: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Al Bahrayn: now Bahrain; see: Bahrain.
Albán: (Hung.) Albanian.
Albán: (Hung.)Albanian.
Albanez: (Rom.) Albanian (adj.).
Albania: southeastern Europe, bordering on Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea; currency: 40 paras = 1 piastre = grosch (1913); 100 qintar = 1 franc (1913); 100 centimes = 1 franc (1917), 100 qintar = 1 lek )19470, 100 old lek = 1 new lek (1965) 1861-81: under control of Turkey, Greece, 1870: Turkish stamps used; seven post offices, each with own handstamp, 1902-16: Italian stamps, Offices in Turkey, overprinted “Albania” with Turkish currency, 1909: each town, Durazzo, Scutari and Valona, received its own overprint, 1912, Nov. 28: declared its independence, 1913, Oct.-Nov: overprints on Turkey issues, 1913, June: No.1, 1 penny multi; first permanent stamp series, provisional government, 1914: Greece issued stamps for Epirus and Northern Epirus; overrun by various countries’ troops during WW I, Netherlands used stamps at Koritza (Korce, Korytsa) headquarters, Montenegro and Albania stamps postmarked for Scutari-Skador, Italy declared Albania an independent country, 1914, Feb. 23: first postage due stamp issued, 1914-18: Albania stamps used, 1915, Feb. 10: overprint in Arabic commemorating the day of capture of Dutch officers and cannons, 1919-28: became a republic, 1920: Albanian state established, 1922, March 1: joined the UPU, 1924, Nov.1: first semipostal stamp issued, 1925, Jan. 25: republic established by Ahmed Zogu, 1925, May 30: first air mail stamp issued, 1928, Sep.1: became a monarchy, 1939, March-1943: Italian occupation with stamps overprinted; “Constituent Assembly 12 IV 1939 XVII” for Albanian crown being offered to Italy, XVII is the 17th year of Fascist rule in Italy, 1940: special delivery stamp issued, 1940-42: Greece overprint for southern Albania (North Epirus), 1943-44: Italian stamps overprinted for German occupation, with some cities issuing their own stamps, 1944: provisional government established, 1945: Italian occupation stamps overprinted for new republic: see Qeverija Demokrat (ike) E Shqiperise 22-X-1944, 1946, Jan.: stamps issued as a People’s Socialist Republic of Albania, 1991, April: Albanian People’s Republic; see Mbledhja Kushtetuëse, Shtator.
Albania: “Komitetit te Qindreses” series of cinderellas usually with political leaders.
Albánia: (Hung.) Albania.
Albania centrale: Essad Pasha local stamps issued in central Albania, 1915.
Albania, Free: bogus, government in exile, 1945-60s.
Albania government in exile: bogus, freedom movement in exile, 1945-60s.
Albanie: (Fr.) Albania.
Albánie: (Czech.) Albanian.
Albanien: (Cech., Dan., Ger., Nor., Swed.) Albania.
Albany, Ga. 5 Paid: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Albany Letter Express: fantasy label by S. Allan Taylor, 1865.
Albansk: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Albanian.
Albanske skeppspost: (Swed.) Albanian ship mail (ship post).
Albanske skibspost: (Dan.) Albanian ship mail (ship post).
Albanske skipspost: (Nor.) Albanian ship mail (ship post).
Albánsky: (Czech.) Albania.
Albastra: (Rom.) Blue (color).
Albastru: (Rom.) blue (color).
Albastru-cobalt: (Rom.) cobalt blue (color).
Albastru-gri: (Rom.) blue-grey (color).
Albastrui: (Rom.) bluish (color), see Azurat.
Albastru-metalic: (Rom.) steel blue (color).
Albastru-negricios: (Rom.) blackish-blue (color).
Albastru-verzui: (Rom.) greenish-blue (color).
Albastru-violet: (Rom.) violet-blue, lilac-blue (color).
Albert Meyer Express Packet: (Ger.) private parcel carrier, Leipzig and 69 other cities, Germany, 1880s.
Albicios: (Rom.) Whitish.
Albino: without color, die impression on a stamp or stamped envelope where the ink has not been transferred to the paper.
Albino impression: occurs when two sheets of paper are fed into the printing press at the same time; the top sheet receives the full imprint and the lower sheet shows evidence of the indented impression, or when paper passes through while press is not inked or there is an obstruction.
Albo: (Sp.) album.
Ålborg: (or Aalborg, anc. Alburgum), commercial seaport and capital of Nordjylland county ca. 135 miles NW of Copenhagen, Denmark. Local post established by C. J. Als, with first “Aalborg Bypost” lithographed local stamps issued 23 February 1884, and with numerous others issued through 1889.
Albox: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Albrecht, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1850s: built for the lower Danube lines.
Album: book designed to hold stamps or covers.
Albumblatt: (Ger.) album page.
Album de Timbres-Poste: (Fr.) stamp album.
Albumen: (Ger.) light-sensitizing process of plate in printing process.
Album para Sellos: (Sp.) stamp album.
Album per Francobolli: (It.) stamp album.
Album Weeds: title of series of pamphlets on forged stamps, written in the 19th century, by Rev. R. Brisco Earee; name came from a weed that appears in the midst of a green lawn.
ALC: Adam L. Chapman, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Alcala la Real: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Al Canaveral: (Sp.) (place of canes) inscription on postal stationery envelopes provided by the Cuban government for use by urban residents transported each year to work in the sugarcane harvest.
Alcance Y. U. H.: Uruguay inscription for late fee, 1936.
Alcaniz: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alcantarilla: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alcaucin: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Alcazar:(or Alcazarquiver, now Ksar el Kebir) City in Morocco on the Mekinez-Tangier railroad line ca. 105 miles NE of Rabat. Cherifien post town by Sultan’s 1892 decree. Used distinctive octagonal handstamp for mails carried by runners, see Cherifien Posts.
Alcazar de Cervantes: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alcazar-Ouzzan: French local post in Morocco, 1896-97.
Alcazar-Wazan: Spanish local post in Morocco, 1897.
Alcira: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alcoholes: (Sp.) liquors; Spanish Morocco revenue inscription.
Alcools: (Fr.) alcohol, liquors; French Colony revenue inscription.
Alcover: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alcoy: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alcudia de Carlet: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
ALC: topical association abbreviation for air letter card.
Aldabra, Kingdom of: bogus, atoll north of Assumption Island.
Aldea de Ascaso: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alderney: English Channel Island, Guernsey Dependency; 1958: Guernsey regional issues for franking of packages carried between the island and Guernsey, 1969: issued stamps for Alderney, 1983: first stamps; usually at the rate of one set per year, many local post items exist.
Al dorso: (Sp.) back, as opposed to the front of a philatelic object.
Aledschen, Alsedziai: Lithuanian city; 1941: German military overprint on Russian stamps “Laisa/Alsedziai/24-VI-41.”
Aleksandrów: (Pol.) City ca. 4 miles NE of Lodz. Produced 29 mm diameter postpaid “10 fen” local City Post (violet) handstamp inscribed “Poczta Miejska w Aleksandrowie” (1915/1918).
Alemania: (Sp.) Germany.
Alemania Oriental: (Sp.) East Germany.
Alende: Mexican district provisional, 1914.
Aleppo: also known as Haleb, Syria.
Alerta: Peruvan district with hand written surcharge, 1884.
Alessandria: Syria, Egypt, 1864-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Ålesund: (or Aalesund) seaport city in Møre og Romsdal county, W Norway, on an island between Bergen and Trodheim ca. 245 mile NNW of Oslo. Local post established by H. S. Oyen, with first “Bypost-Friemærke / Aalesund” lithographed on colored papers local stamps issued 6 December 1880, and with various others issued through 15 December 1884. Used examples are found with the cancellations of the Norwegian post Office Dept.
Alexander’s Matches: private die match proprietary stamps.
Alexanderstadt: Ukranian city; 1941-42: Russian stamps overprinted/surcharged by the Germans “16.8.41/B.ALEX.”
Alexander, W. and Sons: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Alexandretta: Northern Syria, bordering on Turkey; 1918-38: Versailles treaty mandates territory to France, 1938: stamps of Syria overprinted “Sandjak d’Alexandrette,” 1938: name changed to Hatay, 1939: stamps of Turkey surcharged for Hatay, see: Hatay, 1939: territory returned to Turkey.
Alexadretta: now known as Skenderum, Turkey.
Alexandrette: city in the Province of Syria; French post office in Ottoman Empire opened October 1852, closed 1889; reopened 1893, closed Aug. 1914.
Alexandria: 1: Virginia, USA, local Postmaster Provisional used in 1846. 2: also known as El Skandariya, Egypt. 3: (now Alexandriya) Russian town in Kherson Oblast (now Ukraine) ca. 45 miles ENE of Kirovohrad. Issued numerous local Rural Post stamps (1872-1888, the local post being suppressed in 1906), see Zemstvo Issues. 4: bogus issue from 1860s featuring an elephant. 5: Egypt, local, 1888? 6: city in Egypt; 1830-1931, Mar. 31: French Post Office handled mail brought in by mail boats, 1899-pre: regular French issues used, 1899-1930: French stamps with “Alexandrie” overprint used.
Alexandria Blue Boy: Postmaster’s Provisional, Scott 1X2, 5¢ black on blue paper, Alexandria, Va. Postmaster issue.
Alexandria Steamship Agency: local, Levant, 1886.
Alexandrie: (Fr.) 1899-1900 overprint used in French Offices in Egypt; see: Alexandria.
Alexandrien: (Ger.) Alexandria.
Alexandroupolis: city in Greece used French stamps; 1893-1903: Turkey named city Dedeagh, issued occupation stamps, 1913: Greece changed name to Dedeagatch, issued occupation stamps; see: Dedeagh.
ALF: see: Automatic letter facing machine.
Alfabetizacion: Ecuador overprint for Adult Education.
Alfarnate: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Alfarnatejo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
ALFSEA: Allied Land Forces South East Asia.
Alforja: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Algarinejo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Algarismo: (Port.) figure, numeral.
Algarrobo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Algatocin: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Algeciras: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Algerian red: cinderella used in movie “The Truth About Charlie” a remake of “Charade.”
Algeriet: (Swed.) Algeria.
Algerisk: (Swed.) Algerian.
Alldex Agencies E.P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Allen National P.S.: Alan George and Co.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Al-Saudia: overprint on stamps of Hejaz, territory located today in Saudi Arabia.
Argelia: (Sp.) Algeria.
Algemesi: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alger: also known as Algiers or El Djezair, Algeria.
Alger’s Express: private local parcel, serviced Mass.; label, 1875.
Algeria: French colony in North Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc (1924-64); 100 centimes = 1 Algerian dinar (1964) 1749: postal mark used in Spanish-occupied Oran, 1830: military post offices opened, used military handstamps, 1835: post offices opened to public, 1839: town names and dates issued to post offices, 1849: stamps of France used, 1907, Oct. 1: joined the UPU, 1924: No.1, 1 centime dark grey; stamps of France overprinted Algérie, 1924: first newspaper stamp issued, 1926: Republique Francaise Algerie (RF) replaced Algerian stamps, 1926: first postage due stamp issued, 1927: first semipostal stamp issued, 1946: first air mail stamp issued, 1958, Sept.1: became part of France, 1958-62: stamps of France used, 1962, July 3: Algeria became independent as Democratic/Popular Republic of Algeria.
Algérie: (Fr.) overprint and inscription on stamps of France for Algeria.
Algérienne: (Fr.) Algerian.
Algeriet: (Swed.) Algeria
Algerisk: (Swed.) Algerian.
Algier: (Ger.) Algeria.
Algiers: also known as Alger or El Djezair, Algeria.
Algimia de Alfara: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Alguna: (Sp.) couple (a pair).
Alhama: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist,1937.
Alhama de Murcia: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Alhaurin de la Torre: local, Spanish Nationalist, , 1937.
Alhaurin el Grande: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Alhucema: (Sp.) lavender (color).
Alicante: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Alice in Wonderland: labels made by Gerald M. King, 1965, 34 values and two varieties.
Alina: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Al-Jadida: (or El Jadida) City in Morocco decreed a Cherifien Post town (1892), see Mazagan
Å.L.K.: Åbo Läns Kustångbåts Ab: (Fin.) local post for use on steamships carrying mail, Finland, 1890s.
Alkaline reserve: the presence of calcium carbonate or other alkaline material in paper capable of neutralizing acids as they are formed.
Alkalmi Bélyegzéssel: (Hung.) special cancellation.
Alkazar kebir: (Sp.) municipal tax stamps, revenue issue.
Al Khums: also known as Homs, Libya.
Al Kuwayt: also known as Kuwait.
Allan Line: had contract to carry mail between Canada and England, 1855, operated as Montreal Steamship Co.
Allao: caused by overinking of “Callao” on stamps of Peru.
Alleinflug: (Ger.) solo flight.
Allemagne: (Fr.) Germany.
Allemagne de l’Est: (Fr.) East Germany.
Allemagne de l’Ouest: (Fr.) West Germany.
Allemagne Duitschland: (Dut.) Germany occupation overprint on stamps of Belgium, 1919-21.
Allemagne Rep. Fed. de: (Fr.) Germany, Federal Republic of.
Allemand: (Fr.) German.
Allende: bogus, Mexican district issued a provisional in 1941 on the 50¢ 1910 issue.
Allen & Co.’s Express: local post, serviced Boston, Bradford and Haverhill, Mass., used a label, year unknown.
Allen’s City Dispatch: U.S. local post, Chicago, Ill., 1882.
Allen’s, J. J. Sons: private die match proprietary stamps.
Allen, Ralph: (1694-1794) received a G. B. contract in 1720 to carry all By Post and Cross Post letters with a regular service of three times a week at a speed of not less than five miles per hour; see: By Post, Cross Post.
Allenstein: area in East Prussia; currency: 100 pfennig = 1 mark post-WW II: administered by the Allies, 1920, April 3: Germany district used stamps of Germany overprinted “Plebiscite Olsztyn/Allenstein,” 1920, July 11: No.1, 5 pfennigs green; became part of the German Republic, 1920, Aug. 20: stamps of Germany used, 1945: occupied by Soviet Union, then transferred to Poland, known as Olsztyn.
Allen, Thos.: private die match proprietary stamps.
Allewelt: (Ger.) whole world.
Allgemein-sammler: (Ger.) general collector.
Allied Military Government (AMG): system of civil administration established by Allies towards the end of WW II as enemy-occupied territory was occupied; various stamps and overprints in different languages indicate the occupation.
Allied Military Government Stamps: AMG stamps for use in Austria, France, Germany and Italy after WW II.
Allied Military Post: stamps used by British and American zones; 1946: three general issues, same design; America (Bureau of Engraving and Printing); Britain (Harrison & Sons Ltd.) and Germany (G. Westermann).
Allied Military Postage: inscription for Allied Military Government, 1945-46.
Alliert: (Ger.) allied.
Alliert Besetzung: (Ger.) allied occupation.
Alligator Match Company: private die match proprietary stamps.
Allonge: (Ger.) blank perforated area, attached to a stamp.
All-over cachet: design that covers the envelope face.
All-over watermark: one pattern that covers the entire sheet of stamps.
All purpose cachet: general design that is applicable to various events.
All-purpose dating stamp: red ink handstamping device for imprinting the date, name of city, and the post office branch or station on registered mail and nonmail items such as receipts, USPS term.
All Russian Disabled Soldiers Relief Committee: charity label to raise money for former Red Army soldiers, 1921-1930, inscription in English for stamps sold in America.
Allseitig: (Ger.) on all sides, catalog description.
All Souls College: Great Britain local post,1884.
Allumettes: (Fr.) matches; French Colony revenue inscription.
All-up service: 1937 British Empire plan to transport all first-class mail via air at no extra charge; discontinued due to World War II, blue airmail label was not required; South Africa pioneered the concept and sold special post cards at the Empire Exhibition in 1936 which could be flown to any part of the world for 1/2d.
Almachar: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Almaden de la Plata: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Al Madinah: also known as Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Almaguer: bogus, Colombia, fake Postmaster Provisional.
Almanac: British revenue stamps for use in America, 1765-66.
Al Manamah: also known as Manama, Bahrain.
Almansa: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Almargen: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Almazora: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Almeria: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Almindelig post: (Dan.) surface mail.
Al Mittente: (It.) (return) to sender.
Almond Private P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Alternative Del.-Birm.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Alternative Del.-Kent: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Al mittenti: (It.) (return) “to sender.”
Almogia: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist,1937.
Almohadilla de Entintar: (Sp.) ink pad.
Almoradi: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Al Mukha: also known as Mocha, Yemen Arab Republic.
Almunecar: local, Spanish Nationalist,, 1937.
Alofi Island: see: New Caledonia.
Alora: local, Spanish Nationalist,, 1937.
Alozaina: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Alpandeire: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Alpha: name given to flaws in the bicolored stamps of Denmark, 1870-85.
Alphabet letters: letters on issues of Great Britain starting in1858; letters were placed in all four corners, those in the upper portion of the stamp being the same as those in the upper corners, but in reverse order.
Alphabetizacion/Alphabetisation: (Sp., Fr.) Mexico and Haiti inscription to raise funds for the campaign against illiteracy.
Alsace: French province; 1940: stamps of Germany overprinted “Elsass” (German occupation for Alsace), 1941-44: German stamps used, 1944-45: French (Allied Military Government) stamps used.
Alsace and Lorraine: French border provinces; 1870-71: annexed by North Germany after Franco-Prussian War, 1870-72: provisional issue by Prussian army,1872-1918: regular German stamps used, 1918-39: French stamps reissued, 1920s: mourning label issued by German stamp dealer Sigmund Hartig, 1940-41: occupied by Germany, stamps of Germany overprinted “Lothringen” (German Occupation of Lorraine), 1942, Jan. 1: regular German stamps used, 1944-45, Jan.: reoccupied by France.
Alsacia-Lorena: (Sp.) Alsace-Lorraine.
Als Postsendung Nicht Befördert: (Ger.) “Not to be carried as mail” handstamps for handback service only.
Als Voren: (Neth.) similar lot.
Alt: (Ger.) old.
Alta Express Co.: private local post serviced west coast; used a label, 1857.
Alta Italia: local, Italian liberation, 1944.
Altai, Altaj, Altay: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, as per Jan. 14, 2002 Russian Federation report to the UPU; local post overprint and stamps, 1993, not valid for postage.
Altar: city in Mexico, name used in oval marking indicates postage due.
Altbrief: (Ger.) pre-philatelic letter, stampless cover.
Altea: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Altenburg: local, courier, German, 1893-1900.
Alterar: (Sp.) to alter or change.
Alterare: (It.) to alter or change.
Alteration: an attempt to change the identifying characteristics of a stamp by the addition or removal of design or perforation or by changing the characteristics of the paper.
Altération: (Fr.) fading (color); falsification (stamp).
Altére: (Fr.) faded, dimmed (color).
Altered relief: repair of design damage.
Alternate cancel: any First Day cancellation from the official First Day city, other than the official First Day USPS postmarks.
Alternate delivery services: deliveries that do not require a letter carrier, such as post office box service, general delivery, carrier service and firm holdout, USPS term.
Alternative addressing format: includes congressional franked mail, occupant address, simplified addresses and exceptional addresses, USPS term.
Alternative fuel vehicles (AFV): USPS term for vehicles that run on natural gas, electricity and grain-based fuels.
Alternative Perforating System (APS): perforating machine made by Swedish firm that caused pimples, which were then cut away in a lawnmower type action leaving perforated holes.
Alternative Philately: collateral material other than regular postage stamps; such as cinderellas, fantasies, etc.
Alerta: see: Ancachs.
Altai: bogus issue, not valid for postage.
Alto: (Sp., It.) high as in high values, top.
Alto: copper shell, when removed in the printing process, leaves a relief copy of the design.
Alto commissariato: (It.) top, head commission; 1940: Italian overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Lubiana.
Aluiten: (Ger.) Alaouites.
Altona: local, German, 1865, 1888-89, 1892, 1898-1900.
Alum: aluminum sulfate, an acid salt used to retain rosin sizing in paper. Alum is acidic when dissolved in water and is a primary source of acid in paper.
Aluminum foil: bonded to paper to form a laminate that bears the stamp design.
Aluminum plates: thin metal plates used for offset printing.
Alum solution: used as a wash in printing plate manufacture.
Al verse: (Fr.) back, as opposed to the front of a philatelic object.
Alvey, John Durham: postmaster to the Revolutionary Army, 1775-83; heirs had to sue for back salary.
Alwar: India (Native) Feudatory State; also known as Rajasthan or Rajputana; 1877: No.1, 1/4 anna ultra; issued its own local post stamps, now part of India, 1902: separate stamps discontinued, 1950, Apr. 1: replaced by stamps of the Republic of India.
AM: : 1: Axia Metallikior, value in coin Greece overprint 1900, inscription in 1902. 2: auction abbreviation for aviation topical. 3: Armenia, country code as used by UPU.
Amani: India States term for collection of revenue by government servants.
Amarelo: (Port.) yellow (color).
Amarillo: (Sp.) yellow (color).
Amarillo cromo: (Sp.) chrome yellow (color).
Amatongaland: see: Union of South Africa.
Amazonia: bogus, Brazil, connected with the bogus state of Counani, 1901.
Amb Asc.: (Sp.) “ambulante ascendente” postmark for trains going up the line.
Amb Desc.: (Sp.) “ambulante descendente” postmark for trains going down the line.
Ambon: local overprint, Japan Naval Control, 1942-45.
Ambulance bag: general term to describe a range of bags used to enclose damaged mail by the postal service.
Ambulance cover: envelope used to carry and deliver a severely damaged piece of mail such as a crash cover.
Ambulante: (Fr., Bel.) poste ambulante overprint on stamps of Belgium and France used for a mobile post office.
Ambulance laquintinie: surtax overprint for Free French Army ambulances; 1941: with value in francs, for Cameroun.
AMC: The Air Mail Collector.
AMC/F: airport mail center/facility, USPS term.
AMDO: Army Mail Distribution Office.
Ameca: local provisional, Mexico, 1870.
Ameixa: (Port.) plum (color)
Americana: theme collectors topic for American subjects commemorated on postal items.
American Air Mail Society (AAMS): formed in 1926 from the Aero Philatelic Society of America, USA.
American Bank Note Company: New York printers of postage stamps incorporated on May 1, 1858 by Mssrs. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson.
American Bank Note Holographics: produced hologram patches for US postage stamps.
American Ceremony Program Society (ACPS): members collect USPS first day, supplemental (second day or later), invitations, official souvenirs and presentation albums.
American Colonial post offices: established in Boston, Mass., 1639.
American Commemorative Cancellations: as of May 2002, USPS name for first-day souvenir page programs.
American Commemorative Collections: as of May 2002, USPS name for first-day ceremony programs.
American Delivery Co.: local post serviced Boston, Mass., used a label, 1910.
American Design Series: USPS definitive stamp series started in 2002 with the Toleware coil.
American District Package & Baggage Express: local post; used a label, year unknown.
American District Telegraph Co.: local post serviced New York City, used stamps; 1880s-1900s.
American European Express Co.: private parcel delivery firm that serviced eastern U.S. and European cities; used a label, year unknown.
American Expeditionary Forces:World War I American European forces had two different stamp booklets, each containing panes of 30 stamps.
American Express Company: U.S. local post, New York, N.Y., used stamps, corner cards and labels, 1850-1918.
American Express Co., Louisville, Ky: carried mail “across the lines” during the American Civil War.
American Fusee Company: private die match proprietary stamps.
American Guideline Society: forerunner of the United States Stamp Society.
American Letter Express Co.: carried mails from the North addressed to the South during the Civil War.
American Letter Mail Co.: U.S. local post, 1844, N.Y., Philadelphia and Boston, earliest adhesive stamp to pay postage between cities; earliest use of “fancy” cancels.
American Match Company: private die match proprietary stamps.
American Merchants Union Express Company: local post, used stamps and labels, 1868-73.
American Military Government Stamps: stamps issued by Allied Military Government after WW II for use in Austria, France, Germany and Italy.
American National Retail Jewelers Association: poster stamp promoting a convention in Providence, R.I.
American Packaging Corp.: subcontractor to Sennett Security Products for gravure printing.
American Philatelic Association: former name of the American Philatelic Society.
American Philatelic Center: new home in Bellefonte, PA, of the American Philatelic Society and the American Philatelic Research Library.
American Philatelic Expertizing Service: APS service that gives opinions on the genuineness of stamps and covers.
American Philatelic Research Library: library of the American Philatelic Society, APS, located in State College, Pa.
American Philatelic Society: largest stamp organization in the U.S.
American Pneumatic Service Co.: local post, serviced Boston, Mass., used labels; 1902-07.
American Postal Machine Co.: manufacturer of cancelling machines used from the 1880s to the 1940s.
American Postal Workers Union: union represents clerks and similar employees who work inside U.S. post offices; with headquarters in Washington, D. C.
American Red Cross: inscription on Christmas labels.
American Samoa: part of Gilbert and Ellice islands; 1900: America accepted control over the eastern islands, British and Germans over Western Samoa; mail from the islands can be recognized from the postmark.
American Shippers, Inc.: private parcel delivery firm, used stamps, area and years unknown.
American Treasures: series of U.S. stamps, stared in 2001 with the Amish Quilt series to illustrate existing art masterpieces.
American Zone: British, Russian and American occupying powers; 1946-48: one issue, overprinted with pattern of posthorns, for occupation of Germany, 1948-49: “Deutsche Post” inscription used.
Americká Samoa: (Czech.) American Samoa.
Americky: (Czech.) American.
Amerika: (Czech., Dan, Nor., Swed.) America.
Amerikai: (Hung.) American.
Amerikai Egyesült Államok: (Hung.) United States of America.
Amerikanischer druck: (Ger.) American printing, refers to the Allied Military Government stamps for Germany printed in Washington, D.C. by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Amerikansk (Dan., Nor., Swed.) American
Amerikansk militärpost: (Swed.) United States field post office.
Amerikanske skeppspost: (Swed.) United States ship mail (ship post).
Amerikanske skibspost: (Dan.) United States ship mail (ship post).
Amerikanske skipspost: (Nor.) United States ship mail (ship post).
Amerikanske Sone: (Nor.) American Zone.
Amerikanske Zon: (Swed.) American Zone.
Amerikanske Zone: (Dan.) American Zone.
Amerikánsk Jomfruøerne: (Dan.) U. S. Virgin Islands (USVI).
Amerikansk Militärpost: em>(Swed.) United States field post office.
Amerika-Suomalainen Legiona (ASL): American-Finns Legion; inscription for free mail for American troops fighting with the Finnish forces.
Ameripex ’86: once-per-decade stamp exhibition held in Chicago in 1986.
Amérique: (Fr.) America.
AMERN: American, used on South American packet boats.
AMET: The Air Mail Entire Truth.
Ametralladora: (Sp.) Spanish civil war machine gun military company.
A M F: Air Mail Field, used in airport postal facilities.
AMG: Allied Military Government,1945-46, for civilian use in areas under Allied occupation, first issues Mar. 19, 1945, used only in American and British zones, French and Russian issued their own occupation stamps.
A. M. G. F.T.T.: Allied Military Government Free Territory of Trieste; 1947-54:Zone A, Italy, Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy.
A.M.G. V.G.: Allied Military Government Venezia Guilia; (Trieste), 1945-47: overprint on stamps of Italy, Allied Occupation of Venezia Guilia, replaced only for Trieste after Paris Peace Treaty in 1947 by A.M.G. F.T.T., see A.M.G. F.T.T.
 Allied military Government Occupied Territories.
Amgraph Inc.: subcontractor to Westvaco Envelope Division for offset patches.
Amgraph Packaging Inc.: offset lithography printer for USPS.
AMG travel permit stamps: used as fee receipts on post-World War II documents for persons entering and leaving Allied-occupied Germany, 1945.
Amiel Sima: automatic stamp vending machine initiated by Finland in 2001, uses a M over K for mark.
Amiens: French city; 1909, May 13-19: issued local provisionals issued by the Chamber of Commerce during a strike by postal employees.
Amil: India States term for contract revenue collector.
Aminci: (Fr.) thinned.
Amincissement: (Fr.) thinning, thin spots.
Amir-i-sadak: India States term for officer with jurisdiction over a hundred revenue officials.
Amiraute: (Fr.) admiralty.
Amis and Amants: bogus, Donald Evans issue, South Pacific Islands about friendship and love.
AMM-M from FC: boxed marking on diplomatic pouch mail indicating Division of Administrative Services-Mail- from Foreign Country.
AMO: Admiralty Mail Office.
Amora: bogus, advertisement created to sell chocolates on Valentines Day.
Amorcé: (Fr.) encased (stamps).
Amoy:(now Xiamen or Hsia-men) Seaport in Fujian province in SE China on two islands in Taiwan Strait ca. 140 miles W of Taiwan. One of the five original Chinese Treaty Ports granted to Great Britain (1842). Hong Kong stamps used in Amoy are identified by the vertical “A1” (1859-1867) and horizontal “D.27” (1876-1884) numerical obliterator cacellations, or by the two different single-ring or one double-ring “ AMOY” circular datestamps (1867-1922), see Chinese Treaty Ports.
Amplio: (Sp.) ample or full, as in full margins.
AM POST, M in oval: Allied Military Post inscription; 1945-46: first issue of stamps after World War II in Germany.
Amposta: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
AM Post/Deutschland: Allied military government issue, Germany 1945-46.
Am. (American) Rapid Tel. Co.: U.S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams,1881.
AMSD: Air Mail Special Delivery.
Amstar Co. Inc.: stamp printer for Philippines.
Amsterdao: (Port.) Portugal overprint to raise funds for Olympic team to go to Amsterdam.
A M T: (Ger.) office.
Amtlich: (Ger.) official (post).
Amtliche ausgaben: (Ger.) official issues.
Amtlich eroffnet durch die k.w. postdirection: (Ger.) German States official stamps for returned letters; Württemberg inscription.
Amtlicher verkehr: (Ger.) inscription of the official (dienst) stamps; 1881-1919: Württemberg.
Amtlich geöffnet bei der Devisenkontrolle: (Ger.) opened by the office for the control of currency, label used to reseal mail after being opened to check enclosure for currency, 1939.
Amtlicher neudruck: (Ger.) official reprint.
Amtschreiben: (Ger.) official letter.
Amundsen Harbor: bogus, Antarctic fantasy.
Amure: Russian inscription; 1929, Feb.: for autonomous administration at Blagovestchansk, Amur province.
Amur, Amur Province: Siberia USSR province; 1921: People’s Revolutionary Committee stamps; also bogus issues exist; ended when Far Eastern Republic founded in same year.
Amurskaya: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, as per Jan. 14, 2002 Russian Federation report to the UPU; local post overprint and stamps, not valid for postage.
AN: 1: 1900: duplex canceller inscription used at St. Kitts sub-post office in Anguilla. 2: auction abbreviation for topical animals. 3: Netherlands Antilles, country code as used by UPU. 4. Turkey overprint; Annas, currency unit.
Anachron, State of: bogus, Artistamps, dinosaur hunting stamps.
Anaglyptography: a process that produces an illusory 3-D effect such as hologram stamps.
Analogo: (It.) similar.
Analogue: (Fr.) similar.
Ananief: Russian town in Kherson Oblast (now Ukraine). Issued local Rural Post stamps (1875-1896), see Zemstvo Issues.
Anaranjado: (Sp.) orange (color).
ANARE: Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions; 1947-65: mail antarctic expedition.
Anatolia: Turkey in Asia; 1920: Turkish revenue stamps overprinted by Nationalist Government revolutionaries, 1923: Turkish republic formed and stamps of Turkey used.
Anbefale, anbefalet: (Dan.) register, registered.
Anbefalelsesmærke: (Dan.) registration stamp.
Anbefalelsesseddel: (Dan.) registration label, registration etiquette.
Anbefalet brev, anbefalede breve: (Dan.) registered letter, registered letters.
Anbefalingsbebyr: (Dan.) registration.
Anbetalet Brev: (Den.) Registered Letter.
Anbieten: (Ger.) to offer.
Ancachs: Hairez, Peru postal district; overprint “Franca” used in 1884; see: A Certo.
Anchal: “Postage” used on Travancore-Cochin, Indian Feudatory State.
Ancho: (Sp.) broad, as in wide margins.
Anchor: watermark used in issues of Great Britain and Colonies.
Anchor: 1: rivets, nails and screws used to secure the subject of a stamp to its wooden or metal mount; usually at non-printing height. 2: colored flaw caused by the inking and printing of an anchor rivet, nail or screw.
Ancien: (Fr.) old, early, former.
Anciens Combattants:
 War Veterans, Tunisia overprint.
Ancillary label:
 labels attached for commemorative purposes, not valid for postage.
Anciliary service endorsement: marking used by a mailer to request the new address of an addressee and to provide USPS with instructions on how to handle mail that is undeliverable as addressed, USPS term.
Ancillary marking: marking applied to a cover to indicate additional assistance to allow its delivery.
Ancla: (Sp.) anchor, watermark used in issues of Great Britain and Colonies.
Ancora: (It.) anchor, watermark used in issues of Great Britain and Colonies.
Ancre: (Fr.) anchor, watermark and cancel used in issues of Great Britain and Colonies.
And.a alta: (Sp.) nineteenth century Spanish postmark.
Andalusia: eight provinces of Spain, issued stamp in 1868-70 by a provisional government.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands: part of India, twin island groups; when occupied by Japan in World War II, 1942-45, Indian stamps were overprinted by occupiers.
Andenkelblock: (Ger.) souvenir sheet.
Ändern: (Ger.) to change, alter.
Anders: (Ger.) otherwise.
Anderson C.(Court) H.(House) S.C. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Anderung: (Ger.) alteration.
Andorra: independent state between France and Spain, no postage charge for internal mail; currency: 100 centimos = 1 peseta, 100 centimes = 1 French franc = 1 Spanish peseta, 100 cents = 1 euro, 1928-pre: stamps of Spain or France used, 1928: No.1, 2 centimos olive-green; Spanish post service established, overprint “Correos Andorra,”1929, Nov. 25: first stamps issued, 1931, June 16: French post service established, postage due French stamps overprint “Andorre,” both nations’ stamps accepted as postage; see Affranch. 1931 June 16: No.1, 1 centime gray: first postage due stamp (French) issued, 1932-42: used inscription Andorra, Vallees d’, 1950, Feb. 20: first air mail stamp (French) issued, 1951, June 27: first air mail stamp (Spanish) issued, 1964, July 25: first semipostal stamp (French) issued.
Andorra Francese: (It.) French Andorra.
Andorra Spagnola: (It.) Spanish Andorra.
Andorra, Spanish rule, forged issue: 1928 overprint on King Alfonso XIII, Sc. 2-12.
Andorre: (Fr.) 1931 overprint on postage due stamps of France for Andorra.
Andreotti Press: seven-color gravure press acquired by U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1970.
Andresen Local Post: see Christianssund – M. Andresen Local Post.
Andrews’ Express: local post, serviced Boston, Mass to Portland, Maine, used a label, 1843-45.
Andruck: (Ger.) proof, trial printing.
Andujar: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Aneinanderhängend: (Ger.) joined together.
A nemzeti hadsereg bevonulása 1919 XI/16: (Hung.) “Liberation of Budapest, Nov. 16, 1919” overprint on stamps of Hungary.
Anfänger: (Ger.) beginner.
Anfeuchten: (Ger.) to moisten.
Ångare: (Swed.) see Ocean-ångare.
Ångbåten: (Swed.) steamboat, steamer, steamship.
Ångbåts-Post: (Fin.) stamps used on mail carried on steamships, Helsingfors, Finland, 1870s.
Angebot: (Ger.) an offer.
Angebote: (Ger.) bid sheet.
Angefertigt: (Ger.) made to order.
Angeklebt, Angekl: (Ger.) pasted on, affixed.
Angesschitten, Angeschn: (Ger.) close borders, no margins, cut into.
ANGL. EST: postmark used on mail from Paris to London, 1815-49.
Angle: (Fr.) corner.
Anglet: bogus, France-supposed republic for dogs.
Angleterre: (Fr.) England.
Anglie: (Czech.) England.
Anglo American Drug Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Anglo-Girl E.P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Angola: former Portuguese territory in southwest Africa; official name of postal administration: Empresa Nacional de Correios Telégrafos de Angola currency:100 reis = 1 milreis,100 centavos = 1 escudo (1913), 100 lweys = 1 kwanza (1977), 1870: No.1, 5 reis black, 1893: first newspaper stamp, 1904: first postage due stamp issued, 1925, May 8: first semipostal stamp issued, 1938, July 26: first air mail stamp issued, 1975, Nov. 11: became independent from Portugal, as People’s Republic of Angola, 1977, March 3: joined the UPU, 1986: during a civil war, labels titled UNITA for rebel faction issued, 1991, Sept. 19: first semi-postal; see Cabinda.
Angola: many bogus topical issues exist; animals, flowers, millennium, trains, Papal visit, 2000, Sept. 25: reported to the UPU.
Angola government in exile: bogus, supposed freedom issues for Angola; a Henry Stull fantasy; once listed in Ohio telephone book under “Stamps for Collectors.”
Angolo: (It.) corner.
Angolo di foglio: (It.) sheet corner.
Angora, Ankhara, Ankara: city in Turkey; 1921: Turkey overprint for city in 1921, 1922: special issues, 1923: Republic of Turkey established; used general issues for Turkey, 1930: named changed to Ankara.
Angra: Portuguese island group; 1892-1905: used colonial types, 1906-31: stamps of the Azores, 1931: stamps of Portugal; see: A. H. PD.
Angram: now known as Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
Anguilla: island in the Caribbean Sea, east of Puerto Rico, British territory; currency: 100 cents = 1 East Caribbean dollar 1904-1956: used stamps of St. Kitts-Nevis issue of the Leeward Islands Federation also valid in addition to stamps of St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla, 1967, Sept. 4.: No.1, 1/4 cent brown; independent Anguilla overprint on stamps of St.Kitts-Nevis, 1969: Anguilla stamps issued.
Angulo: (Sp.) corner, as in corner of a stamp.
Angweela, free: bogus, parody of Anguilla overprints.
Anhangsel: (Ger.) attached label.
Anhaufung: (Ger.) accumulation.
Anhwei: China province provisional stamps, 1949.
Anhyphenate: without hyphen, applied to early issues of the Union of South Africa.
Anil: (Sp.) indigo (color).
Anilinerood: (Neth.) aniline red (color).
Anilin: (Ger.) aniline.
Anilina: (Sp.) aniline.
Aniline ink: a water-soluble ink which fluoresces under ultraviolet light; such as used on Roosevelt Small Die Proofs.
Animaux prehistorique: (Fr.) prehistoric animals (topic).
Anirtida: (Sp.) antarctic.
Anjouan: one of the Comoro Islands, Mozambique Channel, French territory; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc 1892: No.1, 1 centime blue; French colonial stamps inscribed Sultanat d’Anjouan, 1912-1950: stamps of Madagascar and Dependencies, 1950: stamps of Comoro Islands, 1958-74: stamps of Malagasy Republic, 1974: became part of the Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros, 1997, Aug. 3: became independent; see Comoro Islands.
ANK: Austria-Netto-Katalog
Ankara: formerly Angora, Turkey, see: Angora.
Ankara: bogus, Turkish capital with stamps issued after World War II by nationalist Revolutionists.
Ankauf: (Ger.) purchase.
Ankaufreis: (Ger.) purchase price.
Anker: (Ger.) anchor, watermark used in issues of Great Britain and Colonies.
Ankerstempel: (Ger.) French cancel showing anchor instead of numeral.
Anklben: (Ger.) to adhere.
Ankomststempel: (Dan.) arrival cancellation, receiving datestamp, receiving postmark.
Ankunft, Ank: (Ger.) arrival.
Ankunftsort: (Ger.) place of destination.
Ankunftspostamt: (Ger.) post office of arrival.
Ankunftsstempel: (Ger.) postmark of arrival, backstamp, distribution cancel.
Anlass: (Ger.) reason for holding (show).
Anmeldt: (Dan.) marking that recipient was notified that letter was being held at post office.
Annaba: formerly Bone, Algeria.
Annabon: see: Assobla.
Annahmestelle: (Ger.) receiving office.
Annam and Tonkin (Tongking): area in French Indo-China, China Sea, French Colonies; currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc1888, Jan. 21: French Colonies stamps handstamped / surcharged A & T, 1887: Annam became part of the Union of Indo-China, 1888, Jan. 21: No.1, 1 centime brown; first stamps issued, 1892: stamps of French Indo-China, 1936: Indo-China had one issue for Annam, WW II: occupied by Japan, 1945: north (Tonkin) used People’s Republic of Vietnam, 1954-75: south (Annam) used Republic of Vietnam, now part of Viet Nam; see A and T, A&T.
Annan und Tongkong: (Ger.) Annam and Tonkin.
Annapolis: Maryland, U.S., Postmasters Provisionals envelope issued in 1846.
Annas: currency unit in Mesopotamia.
An, Année: (Fr.) year.
Annecy: local provisional, France,1944.
Anné d’emission: (Fr.) year of issue.
Année Mondiale du Réfugié: (Fr.) Year of the Refugee, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for United Nations.
Annemasse: local provisional, France, 1944.
Annexe: (Fr.) sub-office (bureau, post).
Anniversaire: (Fr.) anniversary.
Anniversary stamp or cachet: postage stamp or design on cover that commemorates an anniversary.
Annobon: Equatorial Guinea, formerly Spanish territory; 1903: joint issue for the islands of Annobon, Elobey and Corisco, 1909: replaced by stamps of Spanish Guinea.
Annonce: (Fr.) advertisement.
Annual: yearly.
Annual folder: formerly produced by non-US postal administrations for the press and other interested parties with details of stamps issued during course of one year.
Annulamento manuale: (It.) canceled, handstamp.
Annulare: (It.) to cancel.
Annulé: (Fr.) cancelled.
Annuel: (Fr.) yearly.
Annuler: (Fr.) to cancel.
Annullamento: (It.) term used to denote a cancellation marking.
Annullamento de compiacenza: (It.) canceled to order, stamps cancelled by postal authorities without having been used for postage.
Annullato: (It.) cancelled.
Annullato sbarrato: (It.) barred cancel with stripes.
Annullato verso: (It.) backstamp marking on the back of a philatelic object.
Annulleret: (Dan.) postmarked, cancelled.
Annullering: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) postmark, cancellation.
Annullierung: (Ger.) cancellation.
Annullo (dubbio): (It.) cancellation (suspicious)
Annullo a Mezzaluna: (It.) crescent cancel.
Annullo a Numero: (It.) numerical cancel.
Annullo a penna: (It.) pen cancellation.
Annullo Contraffato: (It.) forged cancel.
Annullo di Primo Giorno: (It.) first day cancel.
Annullo Fiscale: (It.) fiscal, revenue cancel.
Ano: (Sp.) year.
Anomalie: (Fr.) abnormality.
Anormal: (Fr.) abnormal.
Anotacion: (Sp.) Colombia registration issue design.
Anotado:handstamped overprint used on Mexico 1868 issue, (privately printed from government plates on government presses) of the 1868 issue. This handstamp legitimized these issues into valid stamps. They are scarce and forgeries abound.
Anping: Seaport ca. 180 miles SSW of Taipei (formerly Taihoku or Daihoku), close to Tainan. Chinese Treaty Port granted to Great Britain (1860). Transferred to Japanese control (1895), at which time the Treaty Port rights were cancelled. Hong Kong stamps used in Anping are identified by the single-ring “ANPING” circular datestamp (1889-1895), see Chinese Treaty Ports.
Anschlussbahnhof: (Ger.) connecting railway station.
Anschrift: (Ger.) address.
An-shun: local, Southwest China (Kwei-Yang), 1949.
Ansichtskarte: (Ger.) picture postcard.
Ansichtskarte, amtliche: (Ger.) official picture postcard.
Ansichtssendung: (Ger.) approval.
Anstreicher: (Ger.) painter, as a theme or topic.
Anstrich: (Ger.) serife, a fine line of a letter such as cross lines at top or bottom of I.
ANT: Assistencia Nacional Aos Tuberculosos, Portuguese Anti-Tuberculosis Society.
Antakya: formerly Antioch or Hatay, Turkey.
Antananarivo: British Madagascar hand stamp for mail inscribed “British Consular Mail Anatananarivo” now known as Tananarive, Madagascar.
Antarctica: philatelic material issued in connection with South Polar regions.
Antarctica 1954 Expedition: bogus Australia souvenir labels.
Antarctica, Russian, Ukranian: illegal labels, purporting to be stamps, as per Jan. 14, 2002 Russian Federation report to the UPU; local post overprint and stamps, c1998, not valid for postage.
Antarctic Expedition stamp: special stamp issued in connection with an expedition to the South Pole regions.
Antarctique Britannique: (Fr.) British Antarctic Territories (B.A.T.).
Antarktis: (Dan., Ger., Nor.) Antarctic. see Sydpolen (Nor.)
Antarktisz: (Hung.) Antarctic.
Ante (de): (Sp.) before.
Anteado: (Sp.) buff, brownish-yellow (color).
Antequera: local, Spanish Nationalist and Republican,1937.
Anthrax: contagious deadly powder found in U.S. mail during 2001.
Anticuado: (Sp.) obsolete.
Antidaté: (Fr.) predated, antedated.
Antigoa: (Fr.) Antigua.
Anti-Graham Wafers: small circular paper wafers used to seal envelopes, Great Britain, 1844.
Antikamnia Chemical Co.: inscription on Medicine stamps; see Private die proprietary stamps.
Antigua: island in the West Indies; currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 West Indian dollar (1951), 1858-60: British stamps used, 1862: No.1, 6 pence blue-green; issued own stamps, 1890-1903: Leeward Islands stamps, 1903-56: Leeward Islands and Antigua stamps, 1916: first semipostal (War Tax) stamp issued, 1956: became a Crown Colony, 1967: became self-governing as an Associated State of the U.K., 1981, Nov. 1: became independent as Antigua and Barbuda, which includes islands of Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda; see Antigua and Barbuda.
Antigua: Pig Farming; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Antigua and Barbuda: islands between Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean; currency: 100 cents = 1 EC dollar 1981, Nov. 1: became independent as Antigua and Barbuda, which includes islands of Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda; 1994, Jan. 20: joined the UPU; see Antigua.
Antillas: (Sp.) Antilles, 1855-71, such as Puerto Rico and Cuba.
Antilles Danoises: (Fr.) Danish West Indies.
Antilles Neerlandaise: (Fr.) Netherlands Antilles.
Anti-malaria: slogan used in 1962 to commemorate the United Nations “World Against Malaria” campaign.
Antioch: now known as Antakya, formerly, Hatay, Turkey.
Antioquia: originally a state, now a department in Colombia; 1868-1904: issued a large range of its own stamps.
Antiqua: bogus Donald Evans issue, Maine.
Antique Dealer: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Antique type: a printer’s type with short serifs of the same thickness as the body of the letter.
Anti-tuberculosis seal: a charity label sold to raise funds to combat T.B., resembles a stamp but is not valid for postage.
Anti-tuberculosis stamp: postage stamp with a surtax for fighting T.B.; earliest issued by New South Wales in 1897, inscribed “Consumptive Home” sold at twelve times face value.
Antwerp: also known as Anvers, Belgium.
Antwort, Antw: (Ger.) reply.
Antwortpostkarte: (Ger.) paid reply postal card.
Antwortpostkartenbrief: (Ger.) paid reply letter card.
Anulación: (Sp.) cancellation.
Anulado: (Sp.) cancelled.
Anulado con arana: (Sp.) cancelled with “spider” type canceller, 1850s.
Anulado con barras: (Sp.) cancelled with bars.
Anular: (Sp.) to cancel.
Anus: Finnish name for Olonets, town in Russia, 1917-18: overprint on stamps of Finland for Finnish occupation.
Anvers: also known as Antwerp, Belgium.
Anverso: (Sp.) obverse, front or face of a stamp.
Any: printed matter overprint on hyper inflated issues of Hungary in 1946 for use of postage prepayment.
Anzac commemoration: overprint for Australian-New Zealand Army Corps.
Anzahl: (Ger.) number.
Anzeigebrief: (Ger.) advertising letter.
ANZ UK FPO: Australia & New Zealand United Kingdom Forces Post Office.
AO: 1: associate (post) office, USPS term. 2: other articles, printed matter, newspapers, parcels. 3: Afrique Orientale; German East Africa, Belgium occupation. 4: Angola, country code as used by UPU. 5. 1918:overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo charity issue semi-postal. 6. Audit Office, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
AOD: Allen O. Dickey, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
A. O. F.: “Afrique Occidentale Franeaise” French West Africa overprint, 1945: on stamps of semi-postal issue of France.
A. O. I.: Italian East Africa Postage Due overprint, 1941: on stamps of Italy.
AOP: abbreviation indicating that the paper has a coating of phosphorescent material covering the entire surface.
AOPU: Asian-Oceanic Postal Union, on stamps of China for Formosa, 1963.
Août: (Fr.) august.
AP: 1: American Philatelist, publication of the American Philatelic Society, 2: Australia Post. 3: USPS abbreviation for Armed Forces Pacific.
Ap, Apax, Apaxmai: postal tax surcharge on stamps of Greece, 1942-56.
Apagado: (Sp.) dull or faded (color).
Apaisado: (Sp.) horizontal shaped.
APAL Travel: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Apam: overprint used on stamps of Mexico for this district during 1856-1883.
Apa Offset: printer of stamps of Turkey.
Aparecido en buzon: (Sp.) marking applied to items that should have been handed into the post office but were found in the mail box; such as a registered item.
Apartado de correos: (Sp.) post office box.
Apartado postal: (Sp.) post office box.
Apartados particulares: (Sp.) private post office box.
A payer: (Fr.) Luxembourg postage due.
A payer: (Fr.) Belgium, to pay, on postage due stamps.
A payer te betalen: (Dut.) Belgium, Belgium Colonies and Ruanda-Urundi Postage Due inscription.
APC: American Philatelic Congress book.
A. P. C.: Anglo-Palestine Co. perfin that has been reported being privately reproduced.
APDC: Army Postal Distribution Center.
Apeadero, A P: (Sp.) postmark indicating small railway station.
A percevoir: (Fr.) “to collect” inscription/overprint on postage dues of Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Haiti and Monaco.
“A” perforating machine: single-line perforation guillotine used by Perkins, Bacon & Co., for Trinidad, 1860, and on British stamps.
APEX: American Philatelic Society Expertising Service.
Apfelgrün: (Ger.) apple green (color).
APHV: (Ger.) “Allgemeiner Postwertzeichen-Händler-Verband” Association of German Professional Dealers.
APJ: The Airpost Journal.
A plat: (Fr.) flat plate (printing).
APO: Army Post Office; postal system used by U.S. military personnel stationed overseas.
Apolda: local, “Apolda, Stadtpost” German 1945, Courier 1893-95, Express 1886-96.
Apollo Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Aportacion voluntaria: (Sp.) Spain charity labels.
A-Post: (Swed.) Priority Mail label.
Apparié: (Fr.) matched.
Appendice: (It.) label.
Appendice di propaganda bellica: (It.) war propaganda labels attached to Italian stamps.
Apple green: yellowish green (color).
Äpplegrön: (Swed.) apple-green (color).
Appleton, D. and Company: New York City, produced the first printed stamp album in 1863.
Appraisal: an estimate of value or price.
Approval proof: proof of a finished master engraving may be noted by inspectors giving approval to proceed in the printing process.
Approvals: selection of stamps or covers sent to a collector for examination; usually must be bought or returned to the sender within a specified period of time.
APPS: Automated Package Processing System; a USPS package sorting program replaces Small Parcel and Bundle Sorting machines, 2002.
APRA: Alianza Popular Revolucionara Americana (Sp.) political movement in Peru founded in the 1920s, fund raising local label.
Apres le depart: (Fr.) after departure, too late.
A Press: five-color gravure and three-color intaglio combination press used by the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, purchased 1973.
April: (Dan., Ger., Neth., Nor.) April.
Aprile: (It., Rom.) April.
Aprilis: (Latv., Hung.) April.
Április: (Hung.) April.
Aprill: (Est.) April.
Aprins: (Rom.) bright (as referencing the color of a postage stamp).
A: Prioritare: label applied to mail originating in Europe meaning next day domestic delivery.
Approved Capt. & Provost Marshal: censor marking on prisoners mail from Southern prison camps addressed to the North during the American Civil War.
APRL: American Philatelic Research Library, part of the American Philatelic Society.
APS: 1: American Philatelic Society, founded as American Philatelic Association,1886, New York. 2: Army Postal Service, postal system used by U.S. military personnel.
APSHD: Army Postal Service Home Defence.
APT: USPS abbreviation for apartment.
APTS: Army Postal Training School.
APU: Army Postal Unit.
Apuntes Filatelicos: Spanish language philatelic periodical from Argentina.
A Punti: (It.) dotted.
Apurimac: Arequipa, Peru provisional overprint, 1885; Chilean occupation of Peru.
AQ: abbreviation for Aqua used on prestamped taxed letter sheets during the 17th and 18th century to raise money to control Venice’s floods.
Äquatorial Afrika: (Ger.) Equatorial Africa.
Äquatorial Guinea: (Ger.) Equatorial Guinea.
AR: 1: Scott Catalogue prefix for Postal Fiscal. 2: “Aviso de Recepcion” acknowledgment of receipt. 3: Acknowledgment of Receipt, Chile, Colombia, Montenegro and Panama. 4: Argentina, country code as used by UPU. 5: USPS abbreviation for Arkansas
ARA: American Revenue Association.
Arabesque: stamp design formed of inter woven plants, flowers or foliage.
Arab Government of the East: Arabic inscription, Jordan issues, 1920-25.
Arabia: 1: bogus, triangular stamp issue of Arabia from the 1920s. 2: also known as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Arabian (Persian) Gulf: see: Muscat and Oman.
Arabic gum: gum from the acacia plant, shrub or tree, collected in the arabic district.
Arabien: (Dan., Ger., Swed.) Arabia.
Arabia Saudita: (Sp.) Saudi Arabia.
Arabie Soudité: (Fr.) Saudi Arabia.
Arabie Soudité, Royaume de l’: (Fr.) inscription used on stamps of Saudi Arabia,1934-66.
Arabien: (Dan., Swed..) Arabia.
Arabisk: (Nor., Dan., Swed.) Arabian.
Arab Union: political linking of Iraq and Jordan; issued stamp in 1958.
Aracena: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Arad: 1: county and city in W Romania on the Mures River ca. 245 mi WNW of Bucharest. A Turkish fortress outpost in the 1600s, belonging to Austria after 1685, and ceded by Austria to Romania in 1919 after WWII. Administered by French; issued postage stamps in 1919 by overprinting Hungarian stamps with “Occupation française”. 2: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company;1860s: for the middle Danube lines.
Aragon: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Aramoana: bogus, independent state in New Zealand,1981?
Arana: (Sp.) first Spanish cancels which looked like a spider, started using March 1850..
Arancio: (It.) Orange (color).
Arancione: (It.) orange (color).
Arancione-Bruno: (It.) orange-brown (color).
Arancione-Bruno Oscuro: (It.) dull orange-brown (color).
Arancione-Bruno Scuro: (It.) dark orange-brown (color).
Arancione Chiarro: (It.) light orange (color).
Arancione di Cadmio: (It.) cadmium orange (color).
Arancione-Giallo: (It.) orange-yellow (color).
Arancione Lucente: (It.) bright orange (color).
Arancione Oscuro: (It.) dull orange (color).
Arancione Palido: (It.) pale orange (color).
Arancione Rossa: (It.) orange-red (color).
Arancione Rossa-Brillante: (It.) bright orange-red (color).
Arancione Scuro: (It.) dark orange (color).
Arancio: (It.) orange (color).
Aran, Republic of, Aran Islands: bogus, Ireland overprint made in 1967.
Aranybarna: (Hung.) auburn-brown (color).
Aranypart: (Hung.) the Gold Coast.
Arbah: bogus, one of the Sicmon Islands in the South Pacific created by Nick Bantock for his book, Griffin & Sabine.
Arbe: 1920, Nov.- Dec. 1920: Fiume overprint.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Arge: (Ger.) philatelic study group for a particular area of collecting.
Arbeitslager: (Ger.) labor camp.
Arbitrios: (Sp.) duties or taxes.
Arbrite Deliv. E.P.S.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Arc: 1: (Fr.) Canadian set of King George V of 1930-31 to differentiate them from previous series. 2: form of rouletting where the slit is formed in a semi-circle; paper is cut, not removed in making an arc roulette.
Arch: (Czech.) Sheet of stamps.
Archäologie: (Ger.) archaelogy, theme or topic.
Archena: local, Spanish civil war, Republican,, 1937.
Archeologia: (It..) archaelogy, theme or topic.
Archeologie: (Fr.) archaelogy, theme or topic.
Archer and Daly: printer in Richmond, Va.; printed stamps for the Confederate government.
Archer perforation/roulette: method of separating stamps, devised by Henry Archer, by punching tiny circles of paper.
Arches: watermark seen on French-Area artist’s die proofs.
Archez: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Archidona: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Archipel des Comores: (Sp.) see: Comores.
Archipielago de Colon: bogus, Ecuador.
Arch issue: The King George V Canadian stamp featuring an arch.
Architektur: (Ger.) architecture, theme or topic.
Architettura: (It.) architecture, theme or topic.
Archival: properties of any material in contact with covers or stamps that will not degrade with time.
Archival paper: paper manufactured to provide resistance to the effects of natural aging.
Arco: (Sp.) arc, as in arc perforated or rouletted.
A. R. Colón Colombia: Panama overprint on stamps of Colombia indicating acknowledgment of receipt.
Arcoudi: bogus, Greek island stamps repudiated by government in 1963.
Arc roulette: separation in which curved cuts appear as a semi-circle.
Arctic Air Emergency Flight: bogus, Alaska, local.
Arctische post: arctic post; 1897: Spitzbergen local post by Captain W. Bade.
Ardales: local, Spanish Nationalist, 1937.
Ardatof: Russian town in Nizhni-Novgorod Oblast (now Nizhegorod Oblast). Issued 40 different local Rural Post stamps (1878-1914), see Zemstvo Issues.
Ardatov: local, Russian Zemstvo, 1878-1814.
Ardesia: (It.) slate grey (color).
Ardesia-Azzurro: (It.) slate-blue (color).
Ardesia-Bruno: (It.) slate-brown (color).
Ardesia-Giallo: (It.) slate-yellow (color).
Ardesia-Lilla: (It.) slate-violet (color).
Ardesia-Oliva: (It.) slate olive-green (color).
Ardesia-Porpora: (It.) slate-purple (color).
Ardesia-Verde: (It.) slate-green (color).
Ardesia-Violetto: (It.) slate-violet (color).
Ardoise: (Fr.) slate-blue (color).
Ardoise-Bleu: (Fr.) slate-blue (color).
Ardoise-Brun: (Fr.) slate-brown (color).
Ardoise-Jaune: (Fr.) slate-yellow (color).
Ardoise-Lilas: (Fr.) slate-lilac (color).
Ardoise-Mauve: (Fr.) slate-blue (color).
Ardoise-Oliv: (Fr.) slate olive-green (color).
Ardoise-Vert: (Fr.) slate-green (color).
Ardoise-violet: (Fr.) slate-violet (color).
Ardósia: (Port.) slate grey (color).
Ardósia-Amarelo: (Port.) slate-yellow (color).
Ardósia-Azul: (Port.) slate-blue (color).
Ardósia-Lilás: (Port.) slate-lilac (color).
Ardósia-Oliva: (Port.) slate-olive green (color).
Ardósia-Pardo: (Port.) slate-brown (color).
Ardósia-Púpura: (Port.) slate-purple (color).
Ardósia-Verde: (Port.) slate-green (color).
Ardósia-Violeta: (Port.) slate-violet (color).
Ardezie: (Rom.) slate grey (color).
Ardoyne Relief Comm.: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Area Distribution Center (ADC): mail processing facility that receives, processes and distributes mail destined for specific ZIP Code area, USPS term.
A Receber: Postage Due, Portugal, Portuguese Colonies inscription.
Arenas: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Arenas de San Pedro: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Arendal: Norwegian seaport on the Skagerrak (also Skagerak) arm of the E central North Sea and seat of Aust-Agder county ca. 125 miles SSW of Oslo. Local post established by G. O. Ulleberg, with first “Arendals-Bypost” bicolored lithographed local stamps issued 9 November 1885, and with others issued through 1888. An “Arendals / Bypost / Aviser” handstamped “GOU” newspaper local stamp was issued on 1 January 1886. The local post was continued by N. Herlofsen, who in 1890 reissued the original “Arendals-Bypost” local stamps, but with recognizable plate retouches.
Arendal Bypost: Arendal Bypost: Norway local post, 1885-91.
Arenys de Mar: local, Spanish civil war Republican, 1937.
Arequipa: city in Peru; 1881: overprint on stamps of Peru for Chilean occupation, 1884-85: issued stamps by forces opposing the government.
Arevalo: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Arf: (Fr.) marking applied to Austrian border mail before stamps.
ARG: Alfred R. Gould, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
Ar gaisa pastu: (Latv.) Airmail.
Argelia: (Sp.) Algeria.
Argent: (Fr.) silver, money, cash.
Argentin: (Hung.) Argentinian.
Argentina: southern South America; official name of postal administration: Correo Argentino; currency:100 centavos = 1 peso (1858), 100 old peso = 1 new Argentine peso (1970), 1,000 pesos = 1 austral (1985); stamps of this country can be found in these catalogs: Cat. De Sellos Postales Argentinos, Filatelia Argentina, Kneitschel, Michel, Scott, Stanley Gibbons, Yvert et Tellier; 1856, Aug. 21: stamp released by Corrientes Province, 1858-80: separate issues by several Argentine provinces, 1858, May 1: No.1, 5 centavos red; first stamps of Argentine Confederation; see A-U, 1862, Jan. 11: stamps of Argentine Republic, 1878, April 1: joined the UPU, 1884: first official stamp, 1928, March 1: first airmail stamp issued, 1944, Jan.5: first semipostal issued.
Argentina: (Hung.) Argentina.
Argentina, occupation of Falkland Islands: 1982: issued commemorative stamp.
Argentine: 1. (Fr.) Argentina. 2. Argentine: (Nor.) Argentinian
Argentine State Mint: printer of stamps of Argentina.
Argentinec: (Czech.) Argentinian.
Argentinien: (Dan., Ger., Swed.) Argentina.
Argentino: (It.) Silvery (color).
Argentinsk: (Dan, Nor., Swed..) Argentinian
Argentinsky: (Czech.) Argentina.
Argintiu: (Rom.) silver (metallic color).
Århus: (or Aarhus), seaport city and capital of Århus county located on Århus Bay ca. 95 miles NW of Copenhagen, Denmark. Local post established by a Mr. Paulsen, with first “Aarhus Telefon og Bypost” lithographed local stamps issued 1 November 1884, and with numerous others issued through 1900.
Argo, S.S.: steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1834: for the lower Danube lines.
Argyrokastron: now Gjirokaster, Albania; had Turkish stamps surcharged when city was occupied by Greece, 1914.
Arino Polesine: local, Italian liberation, 1944.
Ariary: 1976 currency unit in Madagascar.
Ariche: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1884.
A Ride Along Enclosed: USPS term for enclosures included with magazines.
Ariz.: abbreviation for Arizona prior to Zip Code usage.
Arizona mail:
 regular mail service through Arizona to the Pacific Coast, August 1856-61
Arjona: local, Spanish Republican, 1937.
Ark: 1, (Dan., Nor.) sheet (of stamps). 2. abbreviation for Arkansas prior to Zip Code usage.
Arkrand: (Nor.) sheet margin.
Arktakning: (Dan.) harrow perforation, see Perforering – Ark
Arktandning: (Swed.) harrow perforation.
Arktisk: (Nor., Swed.) Arctic.
Arkusik(i): (Pol.) sheetlet.
Arkusz(e): (Pol.) sheets.
ARM: 1. accelerated reply mail, USPS term. 2. Armée; d’Angleterre; Napoleon’s French Army ready to attack Great Britain, 1790s.
Arma: (It., Sp.) arms, weapons, as a theme or topic.
Armath: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals, 1879-80.
Armavir: Russian city had two stamps surcharged by local authorities in 1920.
Arme; 1: (It.) coat of arms. 2: arms, weapons as a theme or topic.
Armed Guard: marking on mail from group of enlisted Navy men assigned to protect merchant and cargo vessels.
Armee: (Ger.) army.
Armée d’Orient: handstamp for mail in war against Russia in 1854.
Armeebriefstelle (ABSt.): (Ger.) army postal station.
Armeefeldpostmeister: (Ger.) army field postmaster.
Armeegruppe (Agr): (Ger.) army group (post).
Armeekorps, A.K.: (Ger.) army corps.
Armeepostamt: (Ger.) army post office.
Armenia: southwestern Asia, east of Turkey; currency: 100 kopecks = 1 rouble (1923), 100 lumas = 1 dram (1993) 1828: incorporated into Russia, 1918: Russian Armenia proclaimed Soviet Republic, 1918, May 26: independence proclaimed, 1919: No.1, 60 kopecks orange, stamps of Russia handstamp 1920: incorporated into the USSR, former member of Trans-Caucasian Federation of Soviet Republics with Azerbaijan and Georgia, 1921, Feb-Apr.: issued own stamps, 1920, Mar 12: joins Transcaucasion Federation, 1923, Oct.1: superceded by stamps of Soviet Union, 1991, Dec.26: Soviet Union breakup, joined the former Soviet Republics to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1992, Sept.14: joined the UPU.
Armenia, forged issues: 1: 1920 Chassepot, unissued. 2: 1922 Erevan, unissued without surcharge, Sc. 300. 3: 1922 Mount Ararat, unissued without surcharge, Sc. 301.
Armenie: (Fr.) Armenia.
Armenien: (Ger., Swed.) Armenia.
Armenisk: (Swed.) Armenian.
Armensteuermarke: (Ger.) fiscal stamp for the poor.
Armenwet: overprint of stamps of The Netherlands; 1913: for official use for Poor Law Administration.
Armistice cover: covers postmarked on Nov. 11, 1918, marking the end of World War I.
Armia Polska we Wloszech: (Pol.) Polish Army in Italy handstamp, 1943-1946.
Armoiries: (Fr.) coat of arms.
Armstrong’s Express: local post connected with the Boston & Albany Railroad; used a label, 1867-1900.
Arms types: stamps bearing coats of arms or heraldic devices for a topical or thematic collection.
Army flights: 1: air mail flights flown by U.S. Army pilots from May 15 – August 11, 1918 when civilian pilots took over. 2: “emergency” period in 1934 when President F.D. Roosevelt cancelled CAM contracts and army air corps pilots carried the mail.
Army frank: U.S. privately produced label by an army officer during Spanish-American War, purported to be “official” 1898.
Army official: 1: Sudan overprint, officials, 1905. 2: Great Britain Foreign Offices overprint; 1896-1904: Paymasters and War Office.
Army of the North: became part of Army of the Northwest; 1919: fought against Soviet forces in Petrograd (St. Petersburg).
Army of the Northwest: 1919, June-Nov.: fought against Soviet forces in Petrograd (St. Petersburg).
Army of the West: formed by Germany to restore German landowners 1919, Nov.: attacked Riga, was defeated and dissolved.
Army post: British forces overprint used in Egypt in 1936.
Army post office: military postal facilities for serving men and women in the armed forces, staffed by military personnel.
Army service: Sudan overprint.
Armze de Grisons: French military post handstamp used in Switzerland, 1798-1806.
Armze de Suisse: French military post handstamp used in Switzerland, 1798-1806.
Armze d’Italie: French military post handstamp used in Switzerland, 1798-1806.
Arnold & Co.: private die match proprietary stamps.
Arnsberg: local, Germany, 1945-48.
Aroche: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Arohez: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Aromatherapy: collection of medicinal plants on stamps.
Aromatic stamp: stamp that gives off an aroma, most famous is the Switzerland chocolate issue of 2001, which, when scratched, had an aroma of chocolate.
Arona Libera: local, Italian liberation, Allied occupation, 1944.
Arosa: Switzerland hotel post, 1897-1993, Hotel Victoria.
Arpa: Romania Postal Tax stamps.
Arqueologia: (Sp..) archaelogy, as a theme or topic.
Arquitectura: (Sp.) architecture, as a theme or topic.
Arriate: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Arriba: (Sp.) top.
Arriba Espana: “Spain Above All” overprint in Guipuzcoa Province.
Arrival postmark: impression placed on mail by receiving office to show name of office and arrival date, usually applied on back of correspondence.
Arrivc: (Fr.) arrived.
Arrondi: (Fr) rounded.
Arrossire: (It.) redden (color).
Arrow: marking in a margin, as a guide for cutting sheets into smaller units for perforations.
Arrow block: block of four or more stamps with a printed thin arrow in the margin used as a guide for registering colors or perforating.
Arrow Marker: another term for Registry Markings; different shaped marks used to help in correctly registering the frame and vignette of bi-colored stamps.
Arrow messages: used during Siege of Potidaea in the 5th century BC.
Arrows: arrow-shaped markings used in margins of stamp sheets as guide to color registration or perforating.
Arruga: (Sp.) crease, fold.
Arsík: (Czech.) 1. Miniature sheet. 2. Souvenir sheet.
Årssatser: (Swed.) year sets.
Årssett: (Nor.) year set.
ART: article, Anglo-French Postal Convention, 1843.
Arte: (Sp., It.) art, as a theme or topic.
Arthur’s City Post: fantasy label by S. Allan Taylor, 1865.
Article: (Fr.) item (of a listing).
Articles database: research citations are from 125,000 articles; available from APRL; see: American Philatelic Research Library.
Articles s’argent: (Fr.) money orders; French Colony revenue inscription.
Artigas: Uruguay overprint honoring Gen. Artigas.
Artistamps: labels designed by artists to simulate stamps.
Artist die proof: die proof signed by the artist.
Art Litho Co.: offset lithography printer for picture postal cards.
Art paper: superfine calendered paper with a china clay surface, or kaolin, giving it a enameled finish for the printing of half-tone blocks.
Artsaki: part of Azerbaijan, various local issues of dubious status, distributed.
Arsik: (Czech.) small sheet (of stamps).
Arts Festival of St. Kitts: St. Kitts-Nevis overprint, 1964.
Aruba: formerly part of Netherlands Antilles; 1986, Jan.1: started issuing own stamps.
Arviskarosultaknak Kulon: Hungary semi-postal inscription, food sufferers, 1913.
Arwad: Syrian island, also called Rouad; 1916: occupying French forces issued stamps.
Arzamas:: Russian town in Nizhni-Novgorod Oblast (now Nizhegorod Oblast) ca. 60 miles S of the city of Nizhniy-Novgorod. Issued numerous local Rural Post stamps (1874-1908), see Zemstvo Issues.
Arzte: (Fr.) ridge.
A. S.: Army Service, Sudan perforations in 1913.
AS: 1: Samoa, country code as used by UPU. 2: USPS abbreviation for American Samoa.
As always: auction catalog term used to denote a fault common to most or all known copies of a certain philatelic item.
ASBA: Australian Specialist Booklet Album.
ASC: Australian Stamp Catalogue; Seven Seas Stamps.
ASCAT: (Fr.) Association Internationale Éditors de Catalogues de Timbres-Poste; International Association of Stamp Catalogue Publishers.Ascedente: (Sp.) ascending, applied to homeward bound ships.
Ascension: island in the South Atlantic Ocean; official name of postal administration: Ascension Island Post Office currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 pence = 1 pound (1971) 1815: occupied by British and used as a naval station, 1856: first issue, 1867-1922: stamps of Great Britain used, 1916: first semipostal stamp, 1922: No.1, ½ penny green/black; annexed to British Crown Colony of St. Helena, overprint on stamps St. Helena, 1924: issued own stamps. 1986: issued postage due stamps.
Ascension: overprint on stamps St. Helena, starting in 1922.
Ascension: Modernisation; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Aschaffenburg: local, Germany, 1945-48.
Asch: local, Sudeten district in Czechoslovakia, had overprinted issues in 1938.
ASDA: American Stamp Dealers Association.
ASECNA: Agency for Security of Aerial Navigation; common design on stamps of the French Community of Nations, 1969-70.
Asegurada: (Sp.) inscription on insured mail labels used in Spanish speaking nations.
Asemanator: (Rom.) similar.
Aserbeidschan: (Ger.) Azerbaijan.
Aschgrau: (Ger.) ash gray (color).
Ashanti: a Gold Coast colony.
Ashbrook, Stanley B.: (1882-1958) philatelic scholar, wrote handbook on 1¢ U.S. stamp of 1851-57.
Ashton Potter: major printer of US postage stamps, plants in US and Canada.
Asia Minor Steamship Company: Asia Minor Screw Steamship Company, two local post stamps were issued in 1868-84 to carry mail from Smyrna to Cyprus and Constantinople.
Asian subcontinent: popular usage applies to Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sikkim and Sri Lanka.
Asie: (Dan.) Asia.
Asien: (Dan.) Asia
Asien: (Dan., Ger.) Asian.
As is: term meaning that the material is sold without a guarantee of any kind.
Asitencia: (Sp.) assistance or help.
Asistencia social: 1. (Sp.) social welfare; Spanish Morocco revenue. 2. (Rom.) Romania charity stamp inscription.
Askegrå: (Dan.) ash grey (color).
Askgrå: (Swed.) ash-grey (color).
ASM: Automatic Sorting Machine.
Asmara: now known as Asmera, Ethiopia/Eritrea.
Asmera: formerly Asmara, Ethiopia/Eritrea.
Asociacion Benefica de Correos: “Association to Benefit the Post” bogus local issue, Spain.
Asociatia Filatelistilor din Romania (A.F.R): (Rom.) Philatelic Association of Romania.
Aspe: local, Spanish civil war Republican, 1937.
Aspect: (Fr.) appearance.
Aspecto: (Sp.) appearance.
Aspect ratio: dimension of a mailpiece expressed as a ratio of length divided by height; a postcard 5 ½ inches long by 3 ½ inches high has an aspect ratio of 1.57, USPS term.
Asphaltum: asphalt, tarlike substance, used to spread over stone in the printing process.
Aspio-Elka Graphic Arts: printer of stamps for Greece and Cyprus.
ASPP: American Society of Polar Philatelists.
ASSA: Territory of Assiniboia, Alberta, Canada, when used in a postmark.
Assab: bogus overprint on Italian stamps 1880, possible Ethiopian city on the Red Sea.
ASSA East (West): Territory of Assiniboia, Alberta, Canada, when used in a postmark.
Assassination cover: the cachet and date in the cancel relates to an assassination.
Assbrev: (Swed.) insured letter., see Assurerade brev.
Assbrev med Uppräkning: (Swed.) insured letter with listed contents.
Assegno: (It.) check.
Assellijn: bogus, Donald Evans issue taken from name of an Amsterdam gallery.
Assicurato: (It.) Italian inscription on insured mail labels.
Assistencia: (Sp.) charity or assistance inscription for colonial stamps for funds to fight tuberculosis; Azores, Macao, Portugal.
Assistencia Nacional aos Tuberculoses-Porte Franco: (Port.) Portugal National Aid Society for Consumptives, inscription.
Assistencia-D.L. no. 72: (Sp.) Timor overprint for social welfare.
Assistencia Publica: Portuguese India and Mozambique inscription on postal tax stamps.
Assiout: Egypt, 1874-84, see: Interpostal seals.
Assobla: (Sp.) Spanish Guinea overprint for Elobey, Annabon and Corisco.
Association of British Philatelic Societies: established 1993, succeeded British Philatelic Federation as the umbrella philatelic organization of Great Britain and British member of FIP and FEPA.
Association for Stamp Exhibitions: organized 1913 for international exhibitions in New York, 1926, 1936 and 1947.
Assortiment: (Fr.) mixed bag, choice range.
Assottigliato: (It.) thin.
Assouan: Egypt, 1879-84, see: Interpostal seals.
ASSR: Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Assurances sociales: (Fr.) social security; French Colony revenue inscription.
Assurerade Brev: (Swed.) insured letter, see Assbrev.
Assurerat: (Swed.) label for insured mail.
Assyria: ancient empire of West Asia; postal service organized about 3000 BC.
Asta: (It.) auction; a method of selling or buying stamps to the highest bidder.
A Stamp: US non-denominated stamp, valued 15¢, placed on sale May 22, 1978.
Astipalaia: Greek island, also known as Stampalia; 1912: occupied by Italy, 1920: ceded to Turkey, 1947: became part of Greece.
Astrofilatelia: (Sp.) study and collection of stamps and documents related to space exploration.Astronautica: (Sp.) space thematic.
Astronomia: (Sp., It.) astronomy, as a theme or topic.
Astronomie: (Fr., Ger.) astronomy, as a theme or topic.
Astropogiaph: (It.) space philately, as a theme or topic.
Astrophilatelie: (Ger.) space philately, as a theme or topic.
Astrophilately: space philately.
Asturias: Spanish province; 1868-70: used handstamp “Habilitado por la Junta Revolucionaria,” 1937: local Spanish civil war, Republican.
Asturias y Leon: local, Spanish Republican and Nationalist, 1937.
Astypalaia: see: Greece.
Asuncion: Paraguay 1886 official overprint for founding of city, Aug. 15, 1536.
AT: 1: (Fr.) Austria cancel for in transit. 2: Austria, country code as used by UPU.
A. T: Army Telegraph; Orange Free State overprint.
AT, A&T;: French Colonies, Annam and Tonkin overprint.
ATA: American Topical Association.
Atafu: see: Western Samoa (British).
Atajate: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Atalaya: an international magazine devoted to cinderella, “dead” country stamps and other philatelic oddities; published by the Halmstad Philatelic Society, Halmstad, Sweden.
Ataman Semyonov regime: Transbaikal province, Siberia; 1918 Nov.: Ataman Semyonov became ruler of area, issued surcharges on stamps of Russia.
AT&Co Ltd: Alexander Thorn & Co. Ltd., printers of British post office stationery, late 1880s.
At betale-Portomerke: Norway postage due inscription, 1889-1914.
A T Co. (Atlantic Telegraph Company): U.S. telegraph stamps issued for use on own firm’s telegrams, 1888.
ATF: Angleterre Transit Français, Aachen transit mark, mid 1800s.
Atfe: Egypt, see: Interpostal seals.
ATHA: territory of Athabaska, Alberta, Canada, when used in a postmark.
A. Thene Budcentralens Expresspost: see Hälsingborg – A. Thene Budcentralens Expresspost.
Athens: U.S. Georgia Confederate Postmasters stamp of 1861.
Athens: also know as Athinaii, Greece.
Athens, Ga. Paid 5 T.Crawford, P.M.: see: ConfederatePostmasters’ Provisionals.
Athens prints: Greece first issues were printed in Paris and the later printings from Nov. 1861 were made in Athens; they vary in color and line shading differences.
Atherton shift: a double transfer on the U. S. 1861 2¢ Andrew Jackson stamp.
Äthiopien: (Ger.) Ethiopia.
Atjeh: bogus, Sumatra: supposed vassal state issued in early 1880s, possibly 1892.
Atkarsk:: Russian town in Saratof (now Saratov) Oblast. Issued numerous local Rural Post stamps (1869-1885), see Zemstvo Issues.
Atlanta, Geo. Paid 5: I Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Atlanta trial color proofs: stamps, printed as proof sheets of all prior U.S. stamps, on a thin white card stock for the 1881 Atlanta Cotton Exposition in five colors; black, blue, brown, green and scarlet.
Atlantic/Air Mail/August/1932: private overprint on stamp of Ireland by James A. Mollison, who was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean from west to east, August. 18, 1932.
Atlantic Base: local ?, Italian submarine crews, Bordeaux, 1943-44.
Atlantic City: 1: local, U.S., Faunce’s Penny Post, 1884-87. 2: local, U. S., Hackney & Bolte, 1886.
Atlantic Express Co.: local post serviced between Maine, Boston and New York City; used a circular label, 1913-20.
Atlantic Front: local, “Front Atlantique” German occupation, 1945.
Atlantic Oils: ship via Atlantic Oil Company for Italian branch.
Atlantis: bogus, U.S. Virgin Islands, anti-U.S., 1917.
Atlantis, Kingdom of: bogus, a Henry Stull fantasy.
Atlantis, new: bogus, raft moored off Jamaica, 1960s, made by Leicester Hemingway, brother of Ernest Hemingway.
Atlantis y Lemuria: bogus, overprints on Atlantis stamps.
Atlantis y Mu: bogus, Pacific equivalent of Atlantis stamps.
Atlantium, Empire of: bogus, unrecognized secessionist “state” in Australia.
Atlas: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
ATLC: Air Transport Label Catalog.
ATM: Automatic Teller Machine, when used in philately, one that also dispenses stamps.
Ätollpost: (Ger.) Marshall Islands mail.
Atome: (Fr.) astronomy, as a theme or topic.
Atomo: (It., Sp.) astronomy, as a theme or topic.
ATPOM: (Fr.) “Agence des Timbres-Poste d’Outre-Mer” overseas stamp agency.
Atrament: (Pol.) ink.
Atribución: (Sp.) identification of a philatelic item.
Åtskilliga: (Swed.) several.
Attached cachet: a separate piece that is attached to the cover in some fashion as a cachet.
At Tawal: bogus, disputed neutral zone in Arabia; overprint on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Åtte: (Nor.) eight (number).
Attempted flight: flight which failed to achieve its goal, altitude, distance or destination.
Atten: (Dan., Nor.) eighteen (number).
Attenuc: (Fr.) thinned (of gum).
Attest: (Den., Ger., Nor.) certificate.
Åtti: (Nor.) eighty (number).
Attleboro Stamp Company: Attleborobr, Mass. firm used an affixing machine to stamp its newsletters during 1909.
Atviruka: (Lith.) Postcard..
Ätztiefdruck: (Ger.) recess print, photogravure.
Ätzung: (Ger.) etching.
AU: Australia, country code as used by UPU.
A-U: Colombia, Argentina, and Uruguay SCADTA consular overprint.
Auckland Islands: uninhabited islands 300 miles south of New Zealand; 1915: General Grant Expedition, two stamp issued, no postal validity.
Auction: a method of buying and selling stamps or covers to the highest bidder; first recorded stamp auction held in Paris, Dec. 29, 1865, first in U.S. held in New York in May 1870.
Auction abbreviations: terms frequently used in auctions: star/mint; circle with dot/used; box with X/cover: square/piece or part of cover; four small squares/block.
Auction agent: a representative designated by an absentee bidder or a bidder requesting anonymity during the auction, and authorized to represent the client during the bidding process.
Auctioneer: the person who conducts an auction sale and regulates the bidding
Au-dessous: (Fr.) below.
Au-dessus: (Fr.) above.
Audierne: local provisional, France, 1944.
Auditoria de Guerra: (Sp.) war tribunal.
Auerbach i. Vogtland: local, Germany, 1886-1907.
Auf, A: (Ger.) on.
Aufbrauchausgabe, Ab.A: (Ger.) issue to use up supply on hand.
Auf brief:: (Ger.) on cover.
Auf briefstück: (Ger.) on piece (of a cover).
Aufdruck, Aufdr., A.: (Ger.) surcharge, overprint.
Aufdruckfalschung: (Ger.) overprint forgery.
Aufdruckfarbe: (Ger.) surcharge or overprint color.
Aufdruckfelhldruck: (Ger.) surcharge or overprint error.
Aufdruckmarke: (Ger.) overprinted stamp.
Aufdruckstellung:: (Ger.) overprint position.
Aufdruckunregelmässigkeit: (Ger.) overprint irregularity.
Auffindung: (Ger.) discovery.
Auffuhrung: (Ger.) listing.
Aufgabe Postamt: (Ger.) post office where mail is posted / mailed.
Aufgabeschein: (Ger.) posting receipt.
Aufgabestempel: (Ger.) postmark of office of origin.
Aufgabezettel: (Ger.) tags attached to letters confirming registration, special delivery, airmail.
Aufgaklebt: (Ger.) affixed.
Aufganzem brief:
 (Ger.) entire (cover).
Aufgegeben: (Ger.) to have mailed, sent telegram.
Aufgeklebt: (Ger.) affixed.
Aufgeld: (Ger.) percentage of bid price, auction house commission; in addition to bid price.
Aufgestellt: (Ger.) mounted.
Aufheben postamt: (Ger.) to close a post office.
Aufklebaar: (Ger.) adhesive.
Auflage: (Ger.) printing, edition, quantity issued.
Auflieferungsstempel: (Ger.) post office of origin cancel.
Aufrechnungzahlen: (Ger.) accounting numbers in margin of German stamps.
Auf see eingeliefert: (Ger.) mailed at sea.
Aufständischpost: (Ger.) insurgent post.
Auf Umschlag: (Ger.) on cover.
Auggabejahr: (Ger.) year of issue.
Augosto: (It.) August.
Augsburg: 1: local, displaced persons camp, 1946. 2: local, Germany, 1865-84, 1896-1900.
Augsburg-Hochfeld: local, displaced persons camp, 1948.
August: (Den., Est., Ger. Nor.) August.
Augusta, Ga. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Augusti: (Swed.) August.
August Issues: nickname used for group of proposed stamps submitted about August 1861 to replace pre-Civil War issues that were to be demonitized; also known as “Premier Grauvres.”
Augusts: (Latv.) August.
Augustus: (Neth.) August.
Augusztus: (Hung.) August.
Aukció: (Hung.) auction.
Auktion: (Ger.) auction; a method of selling or buying stamps to the highest bidder.
Auktionator: (Ger.) auctioneer.
Auktion per postweg: (Ger.) mail bid sale.
Auktionsbedingung: (Ger.) auction conditions of sale.
Aultionskatalog: (Ger.) auction catalog.
Auktionsverkauf: (Ger.) auction sale.
Auner’s, A.W., Despatch Post: U.S. local post, Philadelphia, Pa., 1851.
Aunus: Russia overprint on stamps of Finland; 1919: Finnish occupation; Russian town of Olonetz.
Au plus haut cours: (Fr.) at highest market price.
Au plus offrant: (Fr.) to the highest offer.
Au profit de la croix rouge: Belgian East Africa Red Cross overprint for Ruanda Urundi.
Aurigny: (Fr.) Alderney.
Auriu: (Rom.) gold (metallic color).
Ausbleichen: (Ger.) fade.
AUS: international postal code for Australia.
Aus dem briefkasten: (Ger.) handstamp confirming letter retrieved from mail box instead of post office counter, sender to receive a receipt via mail to limit liability.
Ausgabe: (Ger.) issue, set or single.
Ausgabe ohne gummi: (Ger.) no gum as issued.
Ausgabejahr: (Ger.) year of issue.
Ausgabestelle: (Ger.) place of issue.
Ausgabetag: (Ger.) day of issue.
Ausgebessert: (Ger.) repaired and improved.
Ausgebot: (Ger.) first, or opening bid at an auction.
Ausgediente platte: (Ger.) worn out printing plate.
Ausgefallener druck: (Ger.) missing color, or embossing.
Ausgesschieden: (Ger.) discarded.
Ausgezeichnet: (Ger.) excellent.
Aushilfsausgaben: (Ger.) provisional issue.
Aushilfsmarke: (Ger.) provisional stamp postmark.
Aushilfsstempel: (Ger.) provisional cancel
Auslage: (Ger.) collect on delivery forerunners.
Ausland: (Ger.) foreign countries.
Ausländisch: (Ger.) foreign.
Auslandspostanstalten: (Ger.) post offices of one nation in another nation.
Auslandspostelle: (Ger.) post office foreign mail section.
Auslandsstelle: (Ger.) cancel inscription for examination of correct foreign postage.
Ausrufpreis: (Ger.) auction starting price.
Ausschnitt: (Ger.) cut square.
Ausserkurs: (Ger.) demonetized, period of validity expired and withdrawn from sale.
Ausserkurssetzung: (Ger.) invalidate; Switzerland overprint demonetisation on remaindered stamps.
Aussig: local, Sudentenland, German occupation, 1938.
Aussig Wir Sind Frei: “Aussif is free-Liberation demonstration,” unauthorized overprint on stamps of Germany for use in German takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
Ausstellungsmedaille: (Ger.) exhibition medal.
Austellen: (Ger.) to exhibit.
Austellung: (Ger.) exhibition.
Austellung Lokale: (Ger.) local exhibition, Range 3; see: Range.
Austellungkarte: (Ger.) exhibition souvenir card.
Austellung Nationale: (Ger.) national exhibition, Range 1; see: Range.
Austellung Regionale: (Ger.) regional exhibition, Range 2; see: Range.
Austellungskarte: (Ger.) card for exhibitors in German exhibitions.
Austellungsreif: (Ger.) collection ready for exhibition.
Austernengrau: (Ger.) oyster gray (color).
Austin, Miss Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Austin, Tex Paid 10: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Australasia: term used to describe islands of Southwest Pacific Ocean including Australia, New Zealand, etc.
Australasian New Hebrides Company: local post for mail between New Hebrides and New South Wales, 1897.
Australia: Oceania, between Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean; official name of postal administration: Australia Post currency: 12 pence = 1 shilling; 20 shillings = 1 pound, 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar (1966) 1901, Jan. 1: colonies formed Commonwealth of Australia, part of the British Empire, 1850-60: each colony, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, issued its own stamps, 1902: first postage due stamp issued, 1907, Oct. 1: joined the UPU, includes Norfolk Island, 1913: No.1, ½ penny yellow-green; first issue of Australia appeared; see A$, A.I.F. 1929, May 20: first air mail stamp issued, 1931, May 4: first official stamp issued, 1946: military stamps for “British Commonwealth Occupation Force,” 1999: referendum to change status from a commonwealth to an independent republic was defeated.
Australian Antarctic Territory, A A T: Australian section of Antarctica; 1957, Mar. 27: issued its first stamps, also valid for use in Australia.
Australian customs duty: 1913, stamps used for prepayment of advertising material sent to Australia in bulk shipments.
Australian States: six colonies formed the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901; New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia.
Australia Occupation of Japan: “B.C.O.F. Japan 1946″ overprint on stamps of Australia for British Commonwealth Occupation Force.
Australia Post Sprintpak: stamp printer for Australia and many other nations.
Australie: (Fr., Czech.) Australia.
Australie du Sud: (Fr.) South Australia.
Australien: (Dan., Ger., Swed.) Australia.
Australien Stater: (Dan.) Australian States.
Australisk: (Den., Nor., Swed.) Australian.
Australiske skeppspost: (Swed.) Australian ship mail (ship post).
Australiske skibspost: (Dan.) Australian ship mail (ship post).
Australiske skipspost: (Nor.) Australian ship mail (ship post).
Australiske Stater: (Dan., Nor., Swed.) Australian States.
Australsk: (Dan.) Australian
Australsky: (Czech.) Australia.
Austria: central Europe, north of Italy and Slovenia; official name of postal administration: Post & Telecom Austria AG currency: 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden, 100 new kreuzer =1 gulden (1858), 100 heller = 1 krone (1899), 100 groschen = 1 schilling (1945), 100 cents = 1 euro (2002); stamps of this country can be found in these
catalogs: Aelou, Austria Post, Borek, Ferchenbauer, Michel, Netto,
Philex, Scott, Stanley Gibbons, Yvert et Tellier; 1850: stamps of Austrian monarchy, includes Hungary, 1851: first newspaper stamp, 1867: No.1, 1 kreuzer yellow; stamps first issued as part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1867: stamps issued for use in the Austrian post offices in the Turkish Empire, 1875, July 1: joined the UPU, 1894: first postage due stamp issued, 1914, Oct. 4: first semipostal stamp issued, 1915: first military stamp, 1918: stamp under Italian occupation issued in Trieste, 1918, Dec.: Austrian Republic overprint “German Austria” (Deutschösterreich), 1919, July: first unoverprinted stamps issued, 1920: name changed to “Austria,” 1918, March 30: first airmail stamp issued, 1938, Mar.-1945: occupied and annexed by Germany, German stamps were used, 1945: occupied by American and Soviet troops, 1945, Nov.: first stamps as independent republic, 1955, May 15: treaty recognized Austria’s independence.
Austria, Allied Military Government: joint issue by U.S. and Britain for use in civilian areas under American, British and French occupation; Carinthia, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vorarlberg.
Austriac: (Rom) Austria (adj.).
Austria, locals: 1: Katschberghohe, hotel 1933-38. 2: Kessel-Alpenhaus and Moserboden, 1927-38.
Austria, Lombardy-Venetia: currency: 100 centesimi = 1 lira, 100 soldi – 1 florin (1858) 1850, June 1: Austrian kingdom, first stamps for Lombardy-Venetia, required different stamps than Austria because their currency was based on silver while Austria based on paper currency. 1858: first newspaper tax stamp, 1859: Lombardy annexed to Sardinia, 1866: Venetia annexed to Kingdom of Italy,
Austria, S.S.: Steamship of the Danube Steam Navigation Company; 1840s: for the Express Mail of the lower Danube lines.
Austrian Government Printing Office: Vienna, printer of stamps for Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, etc.
Austrian Italy: provinces of Lombardy and Venice administered by Austria; 1850: stamps first issued, 1859: Lombardy ceded to Sardinia, 1866: Venetia annexed to Italy.
Austrian Levant: Austrian post offices in the Ottoman Empire; 1867: stamps first issued, 1914-15: stamps withdrawn.
Austrian military post: Bosnia stamps with “K.U.K. Feldpost”; 1912-14: stamps inscribed or overprinted used by Austrian forces in occupation of parts of Italy, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia, 1912-18: issues for Bosnia and Herzegovina had inscription “K.U.K. Militarpost,” see: K.U.K. Feldpost, K.U.K. Militarpost.
Austrian Offices in Crete: Austrian post offices in Crete and Turkish Empire; 1903-14: Austrian stamps valued in French currency, available throughout the Turkish Empire, 1913: island given to Greece and post offices closed.
Austrian Offices in Turkish Empire: Austrian post offices in the Turkish Empire; 1867-pre: used its issues for Lombardy-Venetia, 1867: used special stamps for its Turkish Empire Offices, 1903-14: Austrian stamps valued in French currency, available throughout the Turkish Empire, 1914, Dec. 15: offices closed.
Austrian State Printing Works: Vienna, printer of stamps of Austria.
Austro-Americana: operated ships from Trieste to New York and South America; Marianne and Martha Washington known to carry mail.
Austro-Hungarian Empire (Monarchy): located in central and eastern Europe, 1867-1918; 1850, June 1: stamps for use in Austrian Empire issued, 1867-1871: Austria and Hungary used the same stamps, 1871: Hungary had its own issues.
Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I: 1914: Brief invasions of Serbia and Russian Poland in October and November – no new stamps issued but postmarks for a few occupied towns can be found used on Austrian and Bosnian stamps. 1915-1918: Stamps overprinted or inscribed “K.u.K. (Imperial & Royal) Feldpost” were issued to pay postage on military mail when required, i.e. for registration, special delivery, parcel post, etc. and on civilian mail in the occupied territories, 1916, Mar. 6: Bosnian stamps issued overprinted “Serbien” for occupation of Serbia, 1916: Occupation of Northern and Central Albania, no new stamps issued but cancels of Albanian towns used on Austrian fieldpost stamps, 1917, Mar.1: Fieldpost stamps overprinted “Montenegro” for occupation of Montenegro, 1917, Nov. 1: Fieldpost stamps surcharged “centesimi” and “lire” for occupation of (Northeast) Italy, 1918: Occupation of Ukraine, no new stamps issued but Austrian fieldpost stamps used.
Austrumi: (Latv.) East.
Auswahlheft: (Ger.) approval book.
Auswahlsendung: (Ger.) selection of stamps or covers sent on approval.
Auswärtiges Amt (AA): (Ger.) foreign office (post).
Ausztrália: (Hung.) Australia.
Ausztráliai: (Hung.) Australian.
Ausztria: (Hung.) Austria, see Osztrák.
Autaugaville, Ala. Paid 5: see: Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals.
Autentica: (Rom.) authentic, genuine.
Auténtico: (It., Sp., Port.) genuine.
Autentisk: (Nor.) genuine.
AuthentiDate: software developed to digitally sign documents and seal them with an official U.S. electronic postmark.
Authorized delivery stamps: denotes the tax on mail permitted to be delivered by private services; see: Recapito autorizzato.
Authorized Service: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Authorized Service WC: United Kingdom strike local post, 1971.
Authentication mark: mark placed on the back of a stamp to indicate that it has been examined by an expert.
Authenticity: expertising, genuineness.
Authentique: (Fr.) genuine.
Authentisch: (Ger.) genuine.
Auto-adesiva: (Port.) self-adhesive.
Autoadesivi: (It.) self-adhesive.
Autobuspaketmarke(n): (Ger.) mail bus parcel post stamp(s).
Autobuses de Boyaca: local post, Colombia, 1927.
Autobus postal: (Fr.) postbus.
Autocar Service Co.: local post, Philadelphia, Penn; used stamps.
Auto Delivery Co.: local post, used labels, year unknown.
Autógrafo: (Sp.) anything written by one’s own hand, such as signatures.
Autogramm: (Ger.) autograph.
Autograph: anything written by one’s own hand, such as signatures.
Autographe: (Fr.) anything written by one’s own hand, such as signatures.
Autographed cover: cover personally signed by someone connected to the event commemorated by the cover; does not include the Free Franking signature.
Autogiro mail: 1930s experimental aircraft that carried mail over short, but congested routes.
Automated Postal Center: USPS vending machine that permits customers to use a debit or credit card to buy computer-generated stamps and mail them, 2002.
Automatenmarke: (Ger.) vending machine stamps, variable rate stamp (Frama labels).
Automathæfte(r): (Dan.) automatic telling machine (ATM) booklet(s).
Automathäfte: (Swed.) automatic telling machine (ATM) booklet(s).
Automathefter: (Nor.) automatic telling machine (ATM) booklet(s).
Automatic Canceling Machines: replaced manual canceling machines in 1963 when phosphor tagging was used.
Automatic letter facing machine (ALF): rearranges letter in a stack with stamps facing the same way, and cancels the stamps.
Automatic Shipping Machines: a self-service, variable-denomination, credit card only operated postage franking machine tested in Winn-Dixie Supermarkets; withdrawn from use, Dec. 1992.
Automatic stamps: value applied directly to a mail piece or gummed label for affixing to the mail and dispensed by a coin-operated vending machine.
Automation discount: postage reduction offered to mailers who pre-barcode their mail pieces and meet addressing, readability, and other requirements for processing on automated equipment; discount relative to the single piece rate for the mail class, USPS term.
Automatmærke(r): (Dan.) automatic telling machine (ATM) stamp(s), meter stamps.
Automatmärke(r): (Swed.) automatic telling machine (ATM) stamp(s), meter stamps.
Automatmærker: (Nor.) booklets for use in vending machines.
Automatmerker: 1. (Nor.) meter postage. 2. (Dan.) Automatic telling machine (ATM) stamp(s).
Automatmærke: (Dan.) Automatic telling machine (ATM) stamp(s).
Automibile: (It.) automobile, as a theme or topic.
Automobilpostbüro: (Ger.) mobile post office.
Automóvil: (Sp.) automobile, as a theme or topic.
Autopaketti: Finland parcel post inscription.
Auto Parcel Delivery Co.: local post; used a label, year unknown.
Autopen: mechanical machine reproduction of an autograph.
Auto-PKW-LKW: (Ger.) automobile, as a theme or topic.
Autopost: experimental stamp vending machines used 1989-90 in Washington, DC area.
Autopost stamps: computer printed and sold via Autopost machines; stamps contain computer- generated USA, and a vertical orange bar at the left edge.
Auto Special Delivery: local post, used a stamp, year unknown.
Auto-Wound: term printed on the coil leader produced by a BEP machine, 1910.
Autrement: (Fr.) otherwise.
Autres objets: (Fr.) other articles; a category of international mail that is made up of various classes of printed matter, matter for the blind and small packets.
Autriche: (Fr.) Austria.
Au verso: (Fr.) back, as opposed to the front of a philatelic object.
Auxiliary markings: broad range of markings that require action on the part of the mailer, addressee or both; for example, a letter that must be forwarded to a new address or a notice on a cover asking for postage due; USPS term.
Auxilio: (Sp.) assistance, relief aid.
Auxilio de Invierno: (Sp.) winter relief.
AV2: cover marking distinctive of Hong Kong transit airmail.
Avalov-Bermondt: Latvia, area in West Russia, Western Army, 1918.
Avant: (Fr.) before.
Avarua: see: New Zealand.
AVE: (Fr.) Victims of Philatelic Investment Fraud, a group of accumulators who bought imperforate and non-denominated Monaco stamps as an investment.
Ave.: USPS address abbreviation for Avenue.
Avec: (Fr.) with.
Avec charnicre: (Fr.) hinged.
Avec Charnière: (Fr.) hinge remnant.
Avec Olusier Charnière: (Fr.) heavy hinge remnant.
Average: a stamp with poor margins or perforations cutting into design, not good; if used, may be heavily postmarked; Unterschiedliche Erhaltung (Ger.), (Condition) Moyenne (Fr.), Stato di Conservazione Vario (It.), Calidades Diversas (Sp.).
Avermelhado: (Port.) reddish color.
Avers: (Fr.) obverse.
Avers, Aversum: (Ger.) postage free based on contract between German States and administration.
Avery Dennison: Avery International, printer of U.S. postage stamps, became Avery Dennison in 1992 and produces mainly self-adhesive stamps.
Avery Int’l: produced the plastic self-adhesive for vending machine use, became Avery- Dennison in 1992.
Avery, Sir William B.: 1854-1908, collector who at one time owned the 1d and 2d “Post Office” Mauritius stamps.
Avg.: average, abbreviation, term used to denote condition of a stamp, generally the lowest collectible grade.
Avgående: (Swed.) outgoing.
Avgifts Merke: (Nor.) fee stamp for annual tax for use of a motorcycle.
Aviacon: (Sp.) Uruguay airmail inscription.
Avianca Airlines: Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia S.A.; private air firms under government contract had their owns stamps to show airmail fees, 1950-52: “A” overprint used on Spanish stamps.
Avico: Macao surcharge for airmail.
Avila: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist and Republican, 1936-37.
Aviles: local, Spanish Republican, 1937.
Avinyo: local, Spanish civil war, Republican, 1937.
Avion: (Fr., Sp.) inscription for airmail, airplane, aviation, Alaouites, vertical overprint.
Avion Messre Tafari: “Royal Airmail” overprint on Ethiopia air stamps.
Avionska Posta: Jugoslavia airmail overprint.
Avis: (Fr.) notice.
Avis(er): (Dan., Nor.) newspapaper(s).
Avis de Recepcion: (Sp.) El Salvador, acknowledgment of receipt.
Avis de Reception: (Fr.) permits the sender, upon payment of a fee, to be notified of confirmation of delivery.
Avis de Recibo: (Sp.) advice of receipt.
Aviser: (Den.) Newspaper.
Avisporto: (Den.) Denmark newspaper issue.
Avisporto maerke: Denmark, prepaid information stamp, inscription on printed paper stamp.
Avorio: (It.) ivory (color).
Avos: Monetary unit of Macao and Timor.
AVR: see Avery Dennison.
Avril: (Fr.) April.
Avrupa Konseyi: (Turk.) overprint for Council of Europe, 10th anniversary.
AVSEC: USPS marking for Aviation Security, indicating the parcel has been screened for security purposes.
AW: Aruba, country code as used by UPU.
A. W. Auner’s Despatch Post: United States local post, Philadelphia, Pa. 1851.
AWL: Albert W. Leger, BEP employee initials, 1906-1928; see Plate Finisher, Siderographer.
AX: Scott Catalogue prefix for forerunners, such as CSA-Postmasters’ Provisional.
Ayachucho: overprint on stamps of Peru, 1881, for one of the Arequipa issues.
Ayamn: Ajman.
Ayamonte: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1936-38.
Ayer, J.C. & Co.: U.S. private die medicine proprietary stamp.
Ayer & Co.s Express: local freight express; serviced Boston and Haverhill, Mass., used a label, 1887.
Ayer’s Express: local parcel company that serviced Boston, Haverhill and Bradford, Mass.; used labels; 1850-72.
Ayesbury & Buckingham Railway: local post, United Kingdom.
Ayshire & Wigtownshire Railway: local post, United Kingdom.
Ayuda: (Sp.) help.
Ayuda el Ecuador: Paraguay semi-postal overprint (earthquake victims).
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona: (Sp.) local tax stamp for the Corporation of Barcelona.
AZ: 1: Azerbaijan, country code as used by UPU. 2: USPS abbreviation for Arizona.
A. Z.: Albania 1927 overprint for President Ahmed Zogu.
Azad hind: bogus, “Free India” inscription printed in Germany in 1942.
Azemar machine: a cancelling machine named after J.G. Azemar for trials in Great Britain in 1869; discarded as unsatisfactory in 1873.
Azemour: local post handstamp frank used by Sultan of Morocco. 1892.
Azerbaidjan: (Fr.) Azerbaijan.
Azerbadjan: (Swed.) Azerbaijan.
Azserbadjisk: (Swed.) Azerbaijanian.
Azerbaijan: Southwestern Asia, on Caspian Sea, between Iran and Russia; currency: 100 kopecs = 1 ruble, 100 giapiki = 1 manat (1992) 1917: became independent after Russian Revolution, 1917: Russian stamps overprinted “Occupation Azirbaydejan” during Russian occupation; found to be bogus, 1918, May 26: independence proclaimed, 1919: No.1, 10 kopecks multi; first stamps issued, until replaced by the Federation issues, 1920, Apr. 20: Soviet Republic established, 1922: first semipostal stamp issued, 1922, Mar. 12: joins Transcaucasian Federated Republic, 1923: own stamps as part of the Transcaucasian Federated Republic, with Armenia and Georgia, 1924-91: Soviet stamps used, 1945, May-Mar.1946: occupied by Russia, set of 15 Iranian stamps overprinted “National Government of Azerbaijan, 11th May 1945,” 1946, Mar.: became an autonomous government, 1945-46: Persian stamps overprinted “Occupation Azirbaydejan” during Russian occupation; found to be bogus, 1946, Dec.: Iranian administration restored in their part of nation, 1991, Dec. 26: became an independent nation, 1993: part of the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1993, April 1: joined the UPU, 1995, Oct. 26: first airmail.
Azerbaidschan: (Ger.) Azerbaidjan.
Azermarka: 2002, overprint for the trading name of the stamp division of the Ministry of Communications of Azerbaijan.
Azimur: (also Azemmour or Azamor) Atlantic coast seaport in NW Morocco, Cherifien post town by Sultan’s 1892 decree. Used distinctive octagonal handstamp for mails carried by runners, see Cherifien Posts.
Azirbayedjan: Azerbaijan, 1919-22.
Azoren: (Ger.) Azores.
Azorerna: (Swed.) the Azores.
Azorerne: (Dan., Nor.) the Azores.
Azores: North Atlantic Ocean, Portuguese Atlantic islands; Scott Catalog, after Portugal currency: 1,000 reis = 1 milreis, 100 centavos = 1 escudo (1912), 100 cents = 1 euro 1868-pre: Portuguese stamps used, 1868: No.1, 5 reise black; first overprinted issues, 1876: first newspaper stamp, 1904: first postage due stamp issued, 1911: first semipostal stamp issued, 1931: stamps of Portugal used, 1976: self-governing region of Portugal, 1980, Jan.2: Azores stamps issued, used concurrently with stamps of Portugal, see Açores, A.H.PD, Angra.
Azores, forged issue: 1912-31 overprint Ceres, Sc. 155-237.
Azserbadjisj: (Swed.) Azerbaijanian.
Azuaga: local, Spanish civil war, Nationalist, 1937.
Azul: (Sp., Port.) having the color of a clear sky, or the deep sea.
Azulado: (Sp.) bluish (color).
Azulado-gris: (Sp.) bluish-grey (color).
Azulado-negro: (Sp.) bluish-black (color).
Azulado-verde: (Sp.) bluish-green (color).
Azul-ardósia: (Sp.) blue-slate (color).
Azul Celeste: (Port., Sp.) sky blue (color).
Azul-cinza: (Port.) blue-gray (color).
Azul-cinza Escuro: (Port.) light blue-gray (color).
Azul Claro: (Sp.) dull blue (color).
Azul Cobalto: (Port., Sp.) cobalt blue (color).
Azul Cobalto Palido: (Port., Sp.) pale cobalt blue (color).
Azul de Aco; Azul de Acero: (Port., Sp.) steel blue (color).
Azul de Cerúleo: (Sp.) cerulean blue (color).
Azul de Cretoso: (Sp.) chalky blue (color).
Azul de Oriental: (Sp.) oriental blue (color).
Azul de Prusia, Azul Prusiano: (Sp.) Prussian blue (color).
Azul de Prussia: (Port.) Prussian bue (color).
Azul de Turquesa: (Port.) turquoise blue (color).
Azul espliego: (Sp.) lavender (color).
Azul-gris: (Sp.) blue-grey (color).
Azul-gris Oscuro: (Sp.) dark blue-grey (color).
Azul indigo: (Sp.) indigo (color).
Azul Lechoso: (Sp.) milky blue (color).
Azul Ligeruosa: (Sp.) slightly blue (color).
Azul Manganês: (Port.) Manganese blue (color).
Azul Manganeso: (Sp.) Manganese blue (color).
Azul Mar: (Sp.) sea blue (color).
Azul Marinho: (Port.) navy blue (color).
Azul Marino: (Sp.) navy blue (color).
Azul Mate: (Sp.) dull blue (color).
Azul-negro: (Sp.) blue-black (color).
Azul Oscuro: (Sp.) dark, deep blue (color).
Azul Pálido: (Sp.) pale blue (color).
Azul Pizzara: (Sp.) slate blue (color).
Azul-purpúreo: (Sp.) blue-slate (color).
Azul-preto: (Port.) blue-black (color).
Azul-púrpura: (Port.) blue-purple (color).
Azul-purpúreo: (Sp.) blue-purple (color).
Azul-purpúreo Brillante: (Sp.) brilliant blue-purple (color).
Azul-púrpura vivo: (Port.) bright blue-purple (color).
Azul Real: (Sp.) royal blue (color)
Azul Subido: (Sp.) bright blue (color).
Azul Turbio: (Sp.) chalky blue (color).
Azul turquesa: (Sp.) turquoise (color).
Azul Ultramarino: (Sp.) ultramarine (color).
Azul-verde: (Port., Sp.) blue-green (color).
Azul-verde Oscuro: (Sp.) dark blue-green (color).
Azul-verde Escuro: (Port.) dark blue-green (color).
Azul-verdoso: (Sp.) greenish-blue (color).
Azul-violeta: (Sp.) blue-violet (color).
Azul-vivo: (Sp.) bright blue (color).
Azulado: (Port., Sp.) bluish (color).
Azulado-cinza: (Port.) bluish-grey (color).
Azulado-preto: (Port.) bluish-black (color).
Azulado-verde: (Port.) bluish-green (color).
Azulado-verde (cian): (Port.) bluish-green (cyan).
Azulado-verde escuro: (Port.) dark bluish-green (color).
Azulado-verde Pálido: (Port.) pale bluish-green (color).
Azulado-verde Violeta: (Port.) bluish-violet (color).
Azur: (Fr.) pale bluish (color).
Azurat: (Rom.) bluish (color), see Albastrui.
Azuriu: (Rom.) sky blue (color).
Azzurrato: (It.) blueness (color).
Azzurro: (It.) blue.
Azzurro Acciaio: (It.) steel blue (color).
Azzurro Ardesia: (It.) slate blue (color).
Azzurro Brillante: (It.) brilliant blue (color).
Azzurro Carico: (It.) dark blue (color).
Azzurro Celeste: (It.) sky blue (color).
Azzurro Ceruleo: (It.) cerilean blue (color).
Azzurro Chiaro: (It.) cobalt blue (color).
Azzurro Cobalto: (It.) cobalt blue (color).
Azzurro Cobalto Pallido: (It.) cobalt blue (color).
Azzurro di Prussia: (It.) Prussian blue (color).
Azzurro Gessoso: (It.) chalky blue (color).
Azzurro-grigio: (It.) blue-grey (color).
Azzurro-grigio Scurro: (It.) dark blue-grey (color).
Azzurro Indaco: (It.) indigo blue (color).
Azzurro Latteo: (It.) milky grey (color).
Azzurro Leggermente: (It.) slightly blue (color).
Azzurro Lucente: (It.) bright blue (color).
Azzurro Maganese: (It.) manganese blue (color).
Azzurro Mare: (It.) sea blue (color).
Azzurro Marino: (It.) marine blue (color).
Azzurro-nero: (It.) blue-black (color).
Azzurro Oltremar: (It.) ultramarine (color).
Azzurro Orientale: (It.) oriental blue (color).
Azzurro Palido: (It.) pale blue (color).
Azzurro-porpora: (It.) blue-purple (color).
Azzurro-porpora Brillante: (It.) brilliant blue-purple (color).
Azzurro Reale: (It.) royal blue (color).
Azzurro Scuro: (It.) deep blue (color).
Azzurro Smorto: (It.) bright blue (color).
Azzurro Turchese: (It.) turquoise (color).
Azzurro Verdastro: (It.) greenish-blue (color).
Azzurro Verde: (It.) blue-green (color).
Azzurro-verde scuro: (It.) dark blue-green (color).
Azzurro-violetto: (It.) blue-violet (color).
Azzurro Vivo: (It.) bright blue (color).
Azzurrognolo: (It.) bluish (color).
Azzurrognolo-grigio: (It.) bluish-grey (color).
Azzurrognolo-nero: (It.) bluish-black (color).
Azzurrognolo-verde: (It.) bluish-green (color).

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